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S05.E20: Reunion Part 1

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I think I read somewhere that it's a cameo. As if Sharknado 3 isn't embarrassing enough - it's just a cameo! How's that pride working for ya, Kim?


 It's what's sticking in her throat.

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God, I wish someone on the reunion would just say to Brandi "You're "jokes" are not funny. That's why we dont like you and react the way we do." Delusional Brandi wants to think she can say absolutely anything and get pissed when people dont like it! Instead, the women get mad, say something else they dont like about Brandi, Brandi deflects and says more insulting things, women react to insulting things....round and round. Come on, Eileen! You're supposed to be the sharp one. Although Lisa got close with the "When you drink it's always our problem."


Or how about a list of all the things Brandi said was true and it turns out she severely twisted the story....like the amazing scene with Eileen when Brandi claims she was called an alcoholic. Then she back steps when Eileen refreshes her memory and totally changes her story. "Adrienne is suing me!" Oh the memories...

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I don't think I've said either of those words "faggot" -which I was wrong in attributing to Brandi-or "cunt") out loud.

How do I become a Depends spokesperson? I'll drive a Depends van handing out free samples and an entire outfit made of Depends. 7 figures?!


 Oh I've said the "c word". If a man can be called a prick, then a woman can be called a cunt. I have also called a man a cunt, he was speechless. It's is truly the perfect insult to both men and women when warranted. And for me to use it toward somebody, well, it takes a lot for me to get to the point of using it .

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Kim and Brandi are disgusting creatures.

Um Kim, hunny, you are not being discerning when you get no offers in the first place. STFU. Next week she trashes Alexa for Kingsley biting her. What a sick freak.

Amazing how Brandi is such a low life that getting her period is the biggest accomplishment for her.

Kim just sits silently and smugly. Ick. Get her off the show.

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How do I become a Depends spokesperson? I'll drive a Depends van handing out free samples and an entire outfit made of Depends. 7 figures?!

Eileen said she'd wear one on her head next season! That was a glimmer of hope that she might return!

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Brandi is simply a bitch who has never been trained or socialized.  This is why she cannot interact with anyone on any level without going rabid on them.


I agree.  She has zero social skills, zero self-awareness, and she is the worst ever at picking up on social cues.  How did she get to be this age and still be so much like a child?  Her attempts to be shocking, her need to be the center of attention, her juvenile level of jealousy, her selfishness, her lack of a filter, and - most of all - her immediate go-to move of having tantrums at the drop of a hat.  That's what her rantings, screaming, and screeching really are.  Tantrums.  She acts out at the smallest slight, no matter where she is or who she's with, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if she threw herself to the floor and carried out her tantrum there.  (Just for the record, my kids, my nieces & nephews & every child I've ever known has behaved better than Brandi does.)


It bothers me that she's raising children.  I've said this before, but I cannot imagine what those boys have heard and seen.  And how can her parents watch this, and not enter the Witness Protection Program?  I would be mortified.

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Amazing how Brandi is such a low life that getting her period is the biggest accomplishment for her.



It is when you can push a wire coat hanger through your ear, wrench it around for 20 minutes and not hit a thing nor do any damage.

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It takes a special kind of delusion to sit there with a straight face and tell the world you wouldn't do a Depends commercial because your standards are too high. Kim, you can't get endorsement deals of any kind because you're an unreliable addict. And let's be real, for a seven-figure paycheque, you'd pretty much endorse anything. And I don't mean to be indelicate, but according to your bestie Brandi, if anyone needs a free supply of 'Oops I Crapped My Pants', it's you.


I don't think Kim Richard's lack of work and endorsement deals stem from her addiction issues, but rather because she's a nobody in Hollywood--at least now. I was born in the 80s and had never heard of her or seen any of her work prior to this show. She's only kidding herself if she thinks her lack of work is because she's more discerning or "has more pride" than Rinna.


I think it was disgusting how she was deliberately goading Kyle into tears by claiming she was perfectly fine with the state of their relationship right now. Kyle may not see it now but she really is better off without that mess in her life.


Did anyone catch Eileen make a reference to being on the show next season? It happened rather early on and I can't remember what she said, but I was kinda happy because it means she'd be open to negotiating another stint on the show. I find her to be a breath of fresh air but Bravo may not find it justifiable to keep her around for that hefty pay check since she didn't quite fully engage in all the low down and dirty drama. Kadooz to her though, for staying above the fray.


Don't really care much for Yolanda and her subtle condescension, but I liked how poised, articulate and even tempered she was throughout.  

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I'm glad Brandi finally confirmed what many felt when she looked to Kyle during the last reunion.  The "information" about Lisa not owning her restaurants, being bankrupt, and "used to live in the valley" came directly from Kyle.  As expected.


Do it Kim.  Stay away from Kyle.  She's toxic.  You are a mess.  They only way you have a chance in hell is to stay away from her.  It will probably be best for Kyle as well.  Don't talk it out for Bravo, no matter how much Kyle wants to use you for her storyline and sainthood.  Do it with a therapist, and off the show, just as you said.  Frankly, it's the healthiest thing I think I've ever heard you say.


I'm tired of the Kyle-led gang ups.  Last year Lisa, this year Brandi.  YAWN.


I get it.  Kim is messed up on all sorts of levels.  But...I couldn't agree more with this.  Perhaps she is finally learning what it means to take care of herself (if Brandi had anything to do with that, then kudos).  Maybe with some good therapy Kim will turn other things around, too, e.g. not letting the other women get to her, etc.


IMO, Kyle is more messed up than Kim - just in a different sort of way (and a more dangerous way).   (The look on her face when Kim said she was happier without Kyle in her life was priceless).


Reg. Brandi....I was tiring of her constant whining and talk of double-standards, etc. but watching Lisa and Kyle "correct" Yolanda when explaining her approach to Brandi made me realize better what Brandi is talking about.  Brandi isn't always on point with her accusations, but she's close enough - most of the time.


It might be too soon, as we have 2 more episodes left, but for now, I'm definitely team Kim and Brandi for now.

Edited by Jextella
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Well at least LR got away without much trauma.  I felt bad that she was appearing on the reunion while her dear father was in the hospital with pneumonia.  She also blamed losing 8 pounds due to worrying about her father this past December.  


It was nice to hear she made over $1 million dollars on her depends commercial.  I don't blame Eileen for saying she'd wear a depends on her head for that kind of money.  

Edited by talula
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God, I wish someone on the reunion would just say to Brandi "You're "jokes" are not funny. That's why we dont like you and react the way we do." Delusional Brandi wants to think she can say absolutely anything and get pissed when people dont like it! 


It's also not a joke when the other party is unwelcoming to your brand of humor or clearly does not want to engage. Brandi says and does the most offensive things that come to her mind and throws in a "Just kidding!" when she crosses the line. She thinks she has carte blanche so long as she claims it was all in jest and/or apologizes after the fact. That is how six year olds operate.

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I hope that dumb dumbs FU to Andy is finally her ticket of of this show. Can't wait to see part 2 next week.



I doubt it.  I don't know if you watch RHOA, but at their last reunion Andy asked Nene about the gay slur she made during the show and she said, "Okay, I said it, so what do you want me to do, kiss your ass?"  She's still very much on the show.


If Kim goes after Kyle's daughter, it's only fair if Kyle goes after Kim's son's troubles.



I think the difference here is, Kyle actually cares about Kim's kids.  I don't think she would ever bring up Kim's son like that just to get back at Kim.  Although, it looks like Kyle does say something bad to Kim in the previews that makes her go ballistic, so I could be wrong.


She really needs to reassess her "treatment" and find out what is really going on. I just don't think its Lyme. Just my own hunch. I think its some autoimmune issue but not Lyme. She did look like she was really struggling tonight. I hope she gets well.



I wonder if Yolanda could possibly have Lupus.  http://www.lupus.org/answers/entry/what-is-lupus


Edited by swankie
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It's also not a joke when the other party is unwelcoming to your brand of humor or clearly does not want to engage. Brandi says and does the most offensive things that come to her mind and throws in a "Just kidding!" when she crosses the line. She thinks she has carte blanche so long as she claims it was all in jest and/or apologizes after the fact. That is how six year olds operate.


I'd love for someone to sue her over one of her "just kiddings"  and win.

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No WWHL tonight?

I watch WWHL on Sunday (Regina King+RuPaul= AWESOME) and he said they are having a hiatus until I think April 7th? Or perhaps the following week. I am sure that it will be back around the RHONY time.

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Brandi and LV's truce was short lived...hopefully Brandi finally got the message and she can stop looking for love in all the wrong places...amen to that!


LV clearly articulated at the reunion that her cold shoulder toward Brandi was specifically about 4th season accusations. Accusations that Brandi said originated from Kyle.  Then a lot of high pitched screeching started between Brandi and Kyle...these two have become sworn enemies IMO.  Brandi and Kyle should participate in a mud wrestling tournament for charity, it might be very successful, lol.

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I have to be up at 4:45 am to get to work in lovely DC tomorrow so I'll miss the reunion part 1. I Go to bed at the same time as most 8 year old olds. I'll be checking in here early in the morning to check the comments and start my day right. Before some fucker screws it up. Just remember to take some aspirin and drink tomato juice after you're finished drinking tonight so you aren't 100% hungover tomorrow. Enjoy!

I have to get up at 5 am CT and I am reading this forum till I fall asleep.

I think I may need professional help.

Brandi - her face barely moves! She could be taken out with one good punch to the face. It would surely burst. Andy seems done with her but still sucks at pressing questions. Let's just let the c word comment hang in the air? BS

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I have to get up at 5 am CT and I am reading this forum till I fall asleep.

I think I may need professional help.

Brandi - her face barely moves! She could be taken out with one good punch to the face. It would surely burst. Andy seems done with her but still sucks at pressing questions. Let's just let the c word comment hang in the air? BS


Maybe Andy was giving Brandy enough rope to hang herself. I don't know. Andy is such a weasel, and I'm tired of him.

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Andy seems done with her but still sucks at pressing questions. Let's just let the c word comment hang in the air? BS

That really bothered me. Joe Giudice gets a lecture on how "words matter" after he continually uses a homophobic slur, and yet the c word hangs in the air (as you put it), Andy says "okay," and then moves on.

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Oh, for fuck's sake, Brandi's head and face are so goddamned full of fillers it looks like she wore a wasp's nest for a hat earlier in the day.


Brandi's face was reminding me of something and in my traumatized mind, I couldn't put my finger on it until your post.  She looks as though she stumbled into a wasp's nest, was stung and her face blew up as a result.


I think her hair looked good (like Eileen's during the season) but everything else was a hot mess.

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I agree with you all about Andy allowing Brandi's comments to go un-corrected or rather un-commented on.   That word doesn't bother me much, in general, but I'm surprised that Andy didn't make anything of it, since it certainly is not something that women call each other on a regular enough basis to go unnoticed.  I wish I could say that I felt like Andy were through with Brandi but those Pro-Brandi questions to the other HW and the mutual "I bang young dudes" admiration club didn't help convince me.  I wish these reunions were hosted by someone less partial -- and a bit smarter and wittier.    

Edited by SwordQueen
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I'm glad Brandi finally confirmed what many felt when she looked to Kyle during the last reunion.  The "information" about Lisa not owning her restaurants, being bankrupt, and "used to live in the valley" came directly from Kyle.  As expected.


Do it Kim.  Stay away from Kyle.  She's toxic.  You are a mess.  They only way you have a chance in hell is to stay away from her.  It will probably be best for Kyle as well.  Don't talk it out for Bravo, no matter how much Kyle wants to use you for her storyline and sainthood.  Do it with a therapist, and off the show, just as you said.  Frankly, it's the healthiest thing I think I've ever heard you say.


I'm tired of the Kyle-led gang ups.  Last year Lisa, this year Brandi.  YAWN.


Brandi admitted she spent "9.99" on-line for the deep in the valley info.  yawn

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Andy should have looked that crazy bitch in the eye and said 'did I go too far? Well I'm sorry...so we're good'.

My biggest issue with the reunion is that my tv is too big and high def is way to defining. Their God damn makeup artists should all have their hands cut off....or at the very least try to keep the foundation to just a small bottle per woman. For some reason I'm envisioning that a five gallon bucket was being passed around along with the dutchie.

I was switching between "Face Off" where the challenge was horror dolls and the reunion. I was sometimes confused if I was on SyFy or Bravo.

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I don't really have anything to say that hasn't been said.  God Damn East Coast cunts getting the show 100% earlier than me. 


Brandi's hair looked the best it ever has.  I wonder if her houseguest/hairstylist is finally doing his job.  Her face is still fucked up -- I guess it matches her personality.  I'd love to see a photo progression of Brandi's face like that faces of meth thing.  I can't remember if her face used to look normal or not at this point.


The outfits are not great.  Andy's the best dressed on the stage.


Poor Eileen stuck on the couch with Drunk and Drunker.  


I'm so confused.  Andy seems like he's really over Brandi, but all the questions were totally skewed pro-Brandi.  There's no way that the majority of the audience agrees with the actions of that piece of trash, is there?


Of course Kim deflects the Diving with the Stars thing with a story about one of her famous friends.  Bitch loves to name drop.  Everyone's faces were priceless during Kim saying she had more pride and was more discerning.  


I loved everyone having no time for Brandi's shit.  I especially loved Kyle calling out the tampon string.  Maybe Brandi will get a 7 figure Tampax endorsement, but she better hurry before menopause hits.  I think Kyle and LVP did really well this episode.


Watching everyone argue with Brandi does hurt my head though, even if I enjoy her getting read.  She's just not on the same level as everyone else and it is like watching people speaking two different languages argue.  She just doesn't understand what they are saying at all and comes back with ridiculous shit.  A perfect example is her argument with Lisa about the Dutch boy and assuming that Lisa was upset because she (LVP) wanted to screw a boy she's know since he was 7.



Of COURSE it is. I wish I would tell someone in upper management I can't possibly do my job without a drink or two.  They would immediately hand me about a dozen pamphlets about alcoholism.

I think she said "fucking cunt" the first time, then just regular "cunt" when Andy asked her.

One time I told someone in HR that they were going to drive me to drink.  Via email.  That didn't work out very well for me.


I wonder if Yolanda could possibly have Lupus.  http://www.lupus.org/answers/entry/what-is-lupus

It's never Lupus.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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I found that boring.  Too much rehashing shit with Brandi, and too much emphasis on the shit she did that I don't see as being all that bad, like her joke about LisaV sleeping with everyone.  I almost felt like the editing was in her favor, even with Andy's amazing "you're just a mindless animal" comment.


And if we have to go another 'round of LisaV and Brandi...can they explicitly address the story last year wherein LisaV brought some tabloids to get Kyle's husband's alleged infidelity to be a storyline?  I'm missing how they got past that.


I know nothing about medicine, nor do I have Yolanda's medical records, but I'm starting to agree with those who've said she should pick a path when it comes to medical treatments.  I can't imagine that throwing so much at your body, when it's already weakened, is a good thing.  If nothing else, how can you isolate what actually made you feel better?


I was impressed hearing Yolanda explain why she doesn't call out Brandi.  She must be a frickin' genius when not sick to be able to control herself enough to consciously decide to let a comment drop, essentially, so it's not an on-camera thing.  That's what I took from her explanation about Brandi's Bella comment, anyway.  Yolanda has it dialed in, imho.


Bring on next week!  Hopefully that's the fight about stupid Kim's poorly-raised dog, and some direct attacks on Brandi for her role in inflaming the Is Kim Sober? storyline.

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It's never Lupus.

Right? Check for neoplasticism.

(Seriously, you have won the Internet for me today by writing what I was thinking).

What's the differential on a giant that presents with severe narcissism, hypocrisy, rash and repeated violent outbreaks, paranoia, threats, excessive use of foul language, inability to pick up on social cues, aggression, two microscopic abrasions on her arm that may be in the shape of points on a star bracelet, and partial facial paralysis?

Hint: run a tox screen, and test for VD stat

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It's never Lupus.


Right? Check for neoplasticism.

(Seriously, you have won the Internet for me today by writing what I was thinking).



I'm lost.  What does this mean?

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It's from House.



Oh.  Never watched it.  Thanks though.  :-)


I'm so confused.  Andy seems like he's really over Brandi, but all the questions were totally skewed pro-Brandi.  There's no way that the majority of the audience agrees with the actions of that piece of trash, is there?



I'm thinking Andy is throwing these questions about Brandi out there to the other housewives to see if they are willing to make up with her.  I think he's reaching for straws to find something good about her in order to justify keeping her on the show.  I don't think he will ever fire her but the fact that he fired Sheree Whitfield and Jill Zarin from their franchises gives me some glimmer of hope that he'll get rid of Brandi eventually since nobody seems to want to have anything to do with her except Kim and Yolanda, and Yolanda doesn't seem well enough to do another season.

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You know, at this point if Brandi goes, at least I won't have to be bored to death by the endless outrage she inspires.  If these women really wanted to make her squirm, they would ignore her.  I don't even buy that Lisa keeping her at arm's length is not giving her the attention she demands; I think it's just Lisa being incredibly emotionally invested in Brandi, very hurt and disappointed - all things Lisa tends to express by shutting down.  So, whatever.  Obviously the whole point of this franchise is a bunch of assholes squawking over a fake-problem (such is any Drama) but this is getting old.  Brandi is a child. Enough already.


I love how when Yo was describing her relapse Andy looked mildly disgusted.  I'm not sure he is able to hit any register of compassion without being somewhat grossed-out. Oh, so many symptoms ...


Oh and speaking of symptoms, Kyle looked very bad.  It was hard to pin-point.  The high hair atop a high forehead is not a good look. AND I think she did her lips, which looked a bit like concrete and didn't move.  Maybe lost too much weight for her face.  She looked pinched.


And Kim? Well, I have one word for her dignity: Ken.

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I'm going to read all of your comments but I have to get this off my chest..Brandi Glanville is scum.


The other women except maybe Eileen don't know how to fight dirty. If Brandi called me a cunt on national TV I'd accuse her of slapping LisaV in hopes LisaV would slap her back giving her an opening to sue, everyone knows she's a broke bitch. 


Lisar doesn't look any skinnier than the average Hollywood starlet.  I do think she'd benefit from a new hairdo.


I'm sorry Yolanda isn't doing well but its hard to forget what bitch she was last year. 


I hate the way Kim threatens Kyle. I'm sure she is implying that she'll spill about Mauricio's infidelity or make something up. Kim and Brandi are the types that you just walk away from while they're in mid-sentence. They're never saying anything worth hearing anyway.


I want Brandi around next year so I can watch the other women freeze her out. 


If I had Kyle's Palm Springs house I'd smoke a joint and roam the property nekkid. That house is beautiful. Hey Kyle pot is legal here in Cali so just own it.


I hope Brandi's kids are okay but I think she's going to need a lot of money for rehab and therapy. 

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
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And we're off....


Some thoughts...


If I were Kyle, I would wash my hands of Kim so fast it would make her head spin.  For Kim to say on national TV that she likes her life much better without her sister in it is so cruel, but typical Kim.  She's loaded for bear, it's obvious.


Loved, Loved, Loved when Lisa R told Kim she turned down Diving with the Stars or whatever it was.  Kim would kill to have half of the acting roles/endorsements that Lisa R. has. The look on Kim's face was priceless. Thank you Bravo cameraman, whoever you are.


The ladies, except Yolanda, are not cutting Brandi any slack, and it's about time. I don't count Kim, because it's Kim.


I came away even more convinced that Brandi's days as a HW are numbered and she knows it.  I know that we always read into where the ladies are sitting, but I don't care if Brandi is sitting on Andy's lap, I think she's done.   The vulgarity is disgusting, I think Andy knows it, none of the others want anything to do with her (except Kim), and she even told Andy to FO last night.  Brandi didn't hold anything back last night, she was more disgusting than usual (and that's saying alot) and I think it's because she knows she's gone.

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My fuzzy brain thinks that Yo's fuzzy brain misinterpreted what the doctor was saying.  She seemed to take umbrage and blew off his/her concerns because what she heard was that she wasn't sick.  What I heard was an expressed concern that her condition is either misdiagnosed or incompletely diagnosed.  What ever is going on with her it can't be good that she's taking a shot gun blast approach to her treatment where she will try any thing from any where in the world willy nilly plus who knows what kind of megavitamins, minerals, herbs, etc.  If nothing else her body may be reacting to all of the stuff she's injecting and ingesting.  Wouldn't it be funny if she stopped taking everything under the sun for a month and got healthier.  It happens.


Lisa R won the night for me by admitting to earning 7 figures for the Depends commercial.  Burn Kimmie and eat your heart out Brandy.  Ha.

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Didn't Kyle's daughter call Kingsley an alcoholic and that's why he bit her?

That bitch lying about his past addiction struggles just to get a storyline for her mother.

I'd have bit her too.....

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I will cut a bitch! Ohio style!


T shirt please.  Love it!  Sounds even worse than going all Oklahoma on your ass.  I no longer worry about Yolanda's girls all alone in NYC.

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OK, so I ran out of my daily LIKES last night around Page 2 of this thread, so I want to give my invisible THUMBS UP to almost every post I've read here since then (the exception being the "Team Brandi & Kim" ones, naturally!).  Just had to get that off my chest in case y'all were missing the walnutqueen lurve.   :-)


There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said by you lucky ones who can type without painful consequences - er, I mean, 100% pain.  But I will add that I think Brandi was on some sort of drug that managed to keep her from going full metal ape-shit - she looked like a black-eyed coiled pit viper just waiting to strike, and I do thing she's biding her time in this first segment.   Although the high pitched shriek voice made an appearance, so I'm glad the dog I rescued the other day didn't have to stay with me and be subjected to that.  My cat slept through the whole thing (and no, I did NOT administer a preventive dose of kitty Benadry!).


Kim is going to tell the real story she's never told anyone before ....about the dogbite?  Who knows, with the Bravo prmo monkeys at the helm.  Whatever it is, I'm sure it's vile.  She has no soul, and no conscience.

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It was hard to look at Yolanda last night.  She really looks like she's in trouble.


I wonder who in her family doubts her illness.  I'm sure she wasn't referencing her children or David.  Probably not her mother, brother or SIL.  Perhaps aunts or uncles. 


But who comes to mind because I've always wondered why there's never any mention of them or pictures on her instagram, are David's children. 

Edited by ryebread
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Interesting will Kim go into the Brandi Glanville-playbook by attacking her niece Alexia next week.  Shame on her if she does?  But if she's been coached by Brandi I expect nothing less at this point.


I really do think that Kim has been coached by Brandi on how to bring off a confrontation that will make Bravo execs rub their hands with glee.  I think we saw Brandi's hand in it at poker night when Kim went back in to deliver her snarky thanks to Kyle.  Also, Brandi has stated that Kim was ready for a confrontation going in to the Amsterdam dinner.  Kim attacked Lisa R Brandi-style by throwing out a below the belt accusation about Harry to throw her off.  Throw something out there about their personal life and see what sticks.  Then deny, deny, deny.  Brandi helped make Kim relevant this season.

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And I find the fact that she freely admitted to beating the shit out of Kyle hundreds (thousands?) of times in her oversized head downright goddamned PETRIFYING.

This is a grown-assed middle-aged woman with 2 growing children, yet she has time to mentally envision beating Kyle to a pulp "hundreds" (or thousands) of times in her head?

Honestly, this bitch is whacked in the head and needs to be gone from my TV.


And probably taken for an emergency psych eval.


Apparently Brandi doesn't think her behavior and words on this show could impact her parental rights. Her ex might not see it that way. Edited by nexxie
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