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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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YouTubed "duggar golf course", and, Jesus on a cracker ! In public, in the broad daylight, in front of their newly married daughter and her husband, JimBoob slinks up behind Michelle under the guise of "helping her putt" (insert sly, wink-wink look here) and full-on bends over her, arms around her, and basically dry-humps her (AGAIN - full daylight ! In public !) for what seemed like a fucking HOUR. He keeps talking and laughing, making innuendoes that no one should make in front of their children, for Heaven's sake, and she keeps glancing back, looking DELIGHTED at the attention, and, at times, seems to be backing up to him even more. To be blunt, backing up in a way that women do when an erection is present and wants to encourage it. 


It was disgusting. Cringe-worthy. Vomit inducing.


Dangit, you owe me four gallons of brain bleach.  OOGIE!!!!

  • Love 1


I also thought making josie push around that huge cart collecting underwear was really bizzare.

Huh. That's one thing that actually didn't bother me; I'm glad to see Josie being treated like a competent human being. She seems really proud of being able to do it. We need to remember Josie is really, really tiny for her age. She and Jordyn are only twelve months apart even though Jordyn towers over her.

That's adjusted for Duggar-ville, of course. In a normal life, she ought to be going to kindergarten and ballet lessons, play dates and birthday parties. But she isn't in a normal world, and in the Duggar world all kids do housework. I think giving Josie a message that she doesn't need to participate, or isn't competent to, might actually be worse.

But I don't know. The betters and worses in this are all relative; it's all pretty bad.

  • Love 9

Thanks to someone on another thread who posted the most recent interview with Erica (Hill?), I have now seen it.  

Michelle  was taking about modesty and defrauding (although she didn't use the term) when she bored me again with her story about mowing the lawn in the bikini.  Someone said something to the effect of "stirring up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled." Drat, I wish I could recall the exact quote, but I don't want to listen again.After that all I could think of was Michelle and JimBob and their obnoxious and suggestive behaviour at the putt=putt golf course with their two daughters and future SILS.  And their kissing so much in front of the kids, but telling them they can only do that when they marry.  There seems something rather passive/aggressive in this behaviour to me.  Surely their behaviour may well stir up those desires that "cannot be righteously fulfilled" by their unmarried children.  I am glad that Jessa and Ben decided to save their first kiss (if indeed it was)  to be private.  

  • Love 6

I will throw out that doesn't necessarily mean shame. Here's another interpretation - not a better one, but another one. In that moment, they cannot "honor their mother" in the way they would look, so they look away. We've commented before how the Duggar girls do use their eyes to express themselves. They may have looked down to hide anger, not shame.

Just a thought.

  • Love 5

From memory (because I can't watch it again either), she said, "When we stir up desires in other people that cannot be righteously fulfilled, then we are responsible." Then she looked straight at Jana and Jinger, who were both staring intensely at the floor.


No one though expected the desires to be stirred up in their own brother!  There are boundaries Michelle for God's sake!

I will throw out that doesn't necessarily mean shame. Here's another interpretation - not a better one, but another one. In that moment, they cannot "honor their mother" in the way they would look, so they look away. We've commented before how the Duggar girls do use their eyes to express themselves. They may have looked down to hide anger, not shame.

Just a thought.


Shame??!!  I always thought they were looking down because of anger and nothing else!  Anger is exactly the way I feel about Michelle saying something so stupid!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 7

So now that one of the skeletons fell out of the closet perhaps we will finally find out what kind of sin MEchelle did before they got married that Boob always comments about.

No one though expected the desires to be stirred up by their brother!  There are boundaries Michelle for God's sake!


The word shame never entered my mind, not sure about anyone else but anger is what I thought of!  Anger is exactly the way I feel about Michelle saying something so stupid!

She is no mother but instead a brainwashed twat.

  • Love 5

I will throw out that doesn't necessarily mean shame. Here's another interpretation - not a better one, but another one. In that moment, they cannot "honor their mother" in the way they would look, so they look away. We've commented before how the Duggar girls do use their eyes to express themselves. They may have looked down to hide anger, not shame.

Just a thought.

I didn't even occur to me that they were anything but angry. I didn't think I had offered any interpretation at all, just a factual account.

ETA I saw the show before the news broke. At that time I assumed they were (a) eternally tired of the lawn mower-bikini story and (b) somewhat pissed at their mother for looking right at them, which brought the cameras to them. I thought it was like, "Yeah, thanks, we've gotten this message, Mom, please shut up." Now, of course, it comes off as a lot more sinister.

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 6

A number that of posts earlier talked about the daughters looking down and mentioned shame. It was repeated several times, and I'd meant to comment on it then, but things moved quickly. To me (and obviously many of us!) it more likely meant anger.

There's just such a tendency to see them as beaten down, brainwashed, stupid and a lot of things because they might not respond to this the way we would (or think we would, or wish they would, etc.,).

There's something off in Michelle's past. It might not be very dramatic (especially in comparison to the past few days) but it was something that really messed with her mind and had something, almost certainly, to do with her own coming of age sexually. As I said, could be relatively harmless. But made a huge impression. But it's not the lawnmower story.

  • Love 5
Sorry if I sound cold and callous, but JimBob and Michelle have been defrauding us for years, and its time for them to forget about demonizing people who aren't like them, start taking care of their own damn kids, and letting the older ones experience life.


Word to this.  Mechelle might have to raise her own little ones now that their engagements and appearances will dry up.  I'm sure there's always going to be some organization that will invite them to speak, but it will be nothing like what they've been used to.     


I'd lay bets that these two, as egotistic and deluded as they are, really thought they were going to get away with this, and nobody was ever going to find out.  

  • Love 5

I don't give a rat's ass about this family's financial situation if their crummy show is cancelled. They're all able-bodied and capable of getting a job, even if it is a low paying one due their lack of education. They've made bank peddling their phony pious lives and should have squirreled away a pretty big stash by now and, if they haven't, then they're even more ignorant than I believed. After all, anyone with a brain would know that none of these cheesy reality shows is going to go on forever.

Sorry if I sound cold and callous, but JimBob and Michelle have been defrauding us for years, and its time for them to forget about demonizing people who aren't like them, start taking care of their own damn kids, and letting the older ones experience life.

I don't give a shit about Jim Bob and Michelle's finances after this show ends. They're millionaires and I'm sure their loyal leghumpers will continue to gift them with love offerings long after the show is gone. If they truly can't afford to maintain the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to, then I guess it's back to wearing used shoes and eating rice 3x a day. We'll see if they go back to wearing the frumpers and buying used. Sorry Michelle, no $5 Starbucks drinks for you anymore. Too bad , so sad. Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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The same whiny cries were made when the Gosselins were cancelled about how would the kids be fed and they'd miss the crew.  Somehow they are still in private school and in the same house and seemed to miss the trips more than the crew (that had a lot more turnover than they wanted the audience to know).  I'm sure the Duggars will adjust just as the participants of every other cancelled reality show adjusts.  They'll return to relatively normal for them lives and usually that's better for the children than being treated as performing monkeys working for their dinner.  I'd like to think the kids might get more education without being disrupted by trips and filming and parents taking off to speak all the time.  That may be a forlorn hope with the Duggars, but I doubt that they'll get less education than they do now.  

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 7

It would make sense if they did spend their time giving the littles more education than they have been getting. Now that they are toxic I doubt they can show their faces out and about town anymore. They will be on a family lockdown for a while as they pray and pray and hope that people forget. Sorry but it ain't ever going to happen. 

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Another thing she does that Anna has copied,is to grin and nod whenever Jim bob is speaking,as if he is saying the most important thing in the world.



Isn't that one of the rules?  I think I read that somewhere that in their religion, a wife must gaze adoringly at her husband when he speaks to others.  Barf.

The leg humpers are worried about what the Duggars are going to do if the show is cancelled and they lose their income from the show, and about the kids' world being turned upside down by the cameras that have been in their faces most of their lives going away.


I don't give a rat's ass about this family's financial situation if their crummy show is cancelled.  They're all able-bodied and capable of getting a job, even if it is a low paying one due their lack of education.  They've made bank peddling their phony pious lives and should have squirreled away a pretty big stash by now and, if they haven't, then they're even more ignorant than I believed.  After all, anyone with a brain would know that none of these cheesy reality shows is going to go on forever.


As for the smalls having their world turned upside down by all the TLC people going away, they'll get over it.  Kids I feel sorry for include those whose dad was killed in Afghanistan, or those whose home was lost to one of the many hurricanes destroying large areas of our country, or those who are going to bed hungry every night.  How the Duggar kids are going to survive with Jim being out of their lives is very low on the list of things I worry about.


Sorry if I sound cold and callous, but JimBob and Michelle have been defrauding us for years, and its time for them to forget about demonizing people who aren't like them, start taking care of their own damn kids, and letting the older ones experience life.


I wouldn't call that cold and callous. Just realistic about how things stand in the world at large. 


I do look at it a little differently though. I'd argue that people shouldn't worry about the kids if the show is cancelled because it's terrible for kids and young people to be on reality tv for long periods and the quicker a show ends the better it probably is for all the young people concerned.


This show will end eventually and whenever that happens, they're all going to be tossed into a completely different world, financially and every other way. The longer they stay in the reality-tv world, the more unreal their vision of life and their lives will become. They'll have completely unrealistic expectations of how they can earn money and how much money they can earn (I'm sure is true already, of both the older and the younger ones). Today, their heads have to be teeming with very confused ideas about privacy, honesty, their own importance, human trustworthiness and lots of other important concepts, given the life they're living, and their heads will only get more messed up the longer they live in this very warped tv bubble. The sooner they get out of it and start adjusting to an everyday reality the better, in the long run, seems to me.


I suppose one could argue that without the show they'll be more isolated in Duggardom. But they've been quite isolated in Duggardom while the show has been running, too, and being on tv has added lots of new kinds of sickness to the Duggar mix, if you ask me.

  • Love 3

Re Jim-Bob and Michelle's flaunting their sexuality around their children, it makes me wonder if it's more than just passive-aggressive behavior. I wonder if either Jim-Bob, Michelle, or both of them fantasize about the sexual frustration going on in the kids' rooms and that they use these thoughts as an aphrodisiac to spice up their sex life. I'll bet they get turned on just thinking about it. The fetish for saving the first kiss for the altar also might be a turn-on for married fundies, who go home from a wedding, imagine the newlyweds having their first sexual experience, and hump madly that night after they get home.


I know, brain bleach. Sorry about that.

  • Love 1

I agree, cmr2014, they exhibit bizarre behavior.  There always was a highly sexual tone to their show.  Oh yes, it was so reserved for married people that even family members could not touch one another, at least not innocently.  And maybe that is the undercurrent to Josh's behavior.  He also apparently went to work in the legislature with his father all the time, giving Josh an inflated sense of self.  I can't tell you how creeped out I was at MEchelle telling Jessa that she should be SO thankful for Ben's little love poems (yuk to me) and that she needed to give him sex whenever he wanted it because it took so little time to fulfill that duty.  I still can't get out of my mind the Clan of the Cavebear when the woman was to just bend over and "present" the package to the man when he grunted.  That's what it reminded me of.  Something is wrong with MEchelle, and I can't figure out JB either.  Maybe I just don't see how people can fall for the cult behavior.  Yep, that's my problem.  I don't know how they can buy it, or how the F:DS mess (Warren Jeffs) can get followers to buy their party line.  

My family doesn't understand why I watch the Duggars but to me it's about understanding human behavior. I've always been fascinated by cults and their culture. I too have no clue how people can buy into what is "being sold" under the guise of religion. I've only been exposed to  Catholicism and even though I'm not a practicing going to church every Sunday Catholic I'm glad that my mind isn't being twisted around by some of these so called "ministers." I don't at all get the appeal of all these leaders who suddenly open a church and they have followers. Makes no sense to me whatsoever.


Gothard has got to be one of the worst of them. Even worse than Jim Jones because of his hatred of women.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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The problem with the Duggars is not about a religion; it's that they are part of a cult. A cult can be focused on religion, politics, ideology, revenge--whatever; it is always about anger, fear, manipulation, and control. The difficult question is to decide who is responsible when thing go bad. 


Any one can be lured into a cult at a difficult point in their life. Yet, those who make this decision are responsible for pain and inury they eventually inflict on others, in my opinion. Jim Bob and Michelle embraced a sex-infused but repressive belief system that they pushed upon their children.  They are totally responsible for creating the environment that kept their children uneducated and vulnerable. Josh, as the perpetrator, is also responsible for choices he made, but he came from a mindset. 


The Duggars can wail and pray all they want. As long as they cling to the Gothard cult, they will not take responsibility and examine themselves honestly and objectively. An unexamined life is a terrible thing for everyone involved, especially the victims.

  • Love 5

There's something off in Michelle's past. It might not be very dramatic (especially in comparison to the past few days) but it was something that really messed with her mind and had something, almost certainly, to do with her own coming of age sexually. As I said, could be relatively harmless. But made a huge impression. But it's not the lawnmower story.

Maybe she was coerced into some kind of sexual behaviour with the neighbour dude, and he told her it was because of how she looked in her bikini, while mowing the lawn, that made him want her, and that's why she always goes back to that story.

  • Love 1

Maybe she was coerced into some kind of sexual behaviour with the neighbour dude, and he told her it was because of how she looked in her bikini, while mowing the lawn, that made him want her, and that's why she always goes back to that story.

Nah, i feel like if it did happen like that, she'd mention it. I think what's being hinted at had more had to do with her bulimia

Maybe she was coerced into some kind of sexual behaviour with the neighbour dude, and he told her it was because of how she looked in her bikini, while mowing the lawn, that made him want her, and that's why she always goes back to that story.

The mowing the lawn story is like her crowning glory!?!? Like it was the whole hightlight of her being the hot cheerleader that got lusted after. She can't let go of that story. Seems to bring her somekind of perverse joy.

When they showed MEchelle as a newly wed she was happy and joyous. But now she is just so checked out. All these skeletons that might still be in the closet will surely bring her to breakdown#2.

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What sealed the deal for me, or perhaps just REALY opened my eyes, was the mini-golf episode. I'd not seen it yet, as my DVR is filled to the brim, but, upon the suggestion of another poster here (Thank you !)  I YouTubed "duggar golf course", and, Jesus on a cracker ! In public, in the broad daylight, in front of their newly married daughter and her husband, JimBoob slinks up behind Michelle under the guise of "helping her putt" (insert sly, wink-wink look here) and full-on bends over her, arms around her, and basically dry-humps her (AGAIN - full daylight ! In public !) for what seemed like a fucking HOUR. He keeps talking and laughing, making innuendoes that no one should make in front of their children, for Heaven's sake, and she keeps glancing back, looking DELIGHTED at the attention, and, at times, seems to be backing up to him even more. To be blunt, backing up in a way that women do when an erection is present and wants to encourage it. 


Sadly, Ben and Jessa were courting, not newly married when they had to witness the dry humping mini golf scene.  So, tell me how that is not stirring up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled in your daughter and fiance right in front of you, as well as the rest of the viewing audience??  How is that ok to defraud your not-married children?  And all those kissing photos Ben and Jessa posted, then JB and M and I think Jill and Derick copied, and posted for the world to see.  HOW is that not stirring up desires in the rest of the world who sees those hot sexy photos??  What if someone was turned on by that and tempted to frontal hug their fiance?  So wrong.  NIKE!!


IDK what criteria CPS needs to investigate but there is plenty of film of the kids having to fend for themselves regarding getting a meal. I know they have plenty of food but do they get fed regualarly? Is it up to the girls to feed the littles? We have only seen MEchelle make eggs.

Here's to hoping that indeed mom and pops are getting another look at.


So for real- is anything stopping any one of us on here from calling in to CPS?  I wonder if people are doing that en masse, or if no one has actually gone so far as to actually do that?  

I do wonder where the bulemia came from- if M herself had suffered some sort of abuse and that was a symptom.  

  • Love 4

Re Jim-Bob and Michelle's flaunting their sexuality around their children, it makes me wonder if it's more than just passive-aggressive behavior. I wonder if either Jim-Bob, Michelle, or both of them fantasize about the sexual frustration going on in the kids' rooms and that they use these thoughts as an aphrodisiac to spice up their sex life. I'll bet they get turned on just thinking about it. The fetish for saving the first kiss for the altar also might be a turn-on for married fundies, who go home from a wedding, imagine the newlyweds having their first sexual experience, and hump madly that night after they get home.


I know, brain bleach. Sorry about that.

I actually think they're both grandiose enough to believe that their sickening displays are some kind of testimonial in defense of heterosexual marriage and that they are modeling loving, heterosexual spousal behavior for their kids and the rest of the country.  Remember their public kissing campaign on Facebook?  Little do they know that all this PDA l this just makes them look like prurient adolescents whose modesty/chastity spiel is a load of bullshit.  Did these people ever stop to think that maybe their dry-humping, tongue-stabbing, and groping sessions may excite "desires that can't be righteously fulfilled"  in other people more than the sight of an exposed ankle or an upper arm?

Edited by Gianthambeast
  • Love 4

GEML: [Jim Holt is one of the big Republican names in AR politics today. He lives in NW Ar and is (or was, not sure) a Baptist minister. I believe he's in the State Senate, after being defeated for the U.S. senate twice, once losing to a Dem and once losing in a primary to the Repub who won and is Senator now. He is generally thought to be the person who brought Jim Bob to the attention of the Republican Party as a potential candidate. There were rumors that his daughter and Josh were dating and/or engaged at one point. Then, during JB's senate campaign, the families had a HUGE falling out. But the fallout was over Jim Bob, not Josh. Both Holt and Huckabee have always gone out of their way to be kind to Josh despite their differences with Jim Bob.]

I copied this from Benessa and brought it here because it was a side road. Toss up between here and Prayer Closet, but Boob is in it, so I picked here. If inappropriate, please move.

GEML, you said "the families" had a HUGE falling out. But then you said it was over JB. What WAS the falling out? I guess the Holts are being quiet as of now on the current issue, true?

Another thing, there was a letter floating around that was such a grammatical nightmare, it gave me a headache. Something about the girl's clothing, but switched gears entirely to Josh being "betrothed" to (I think) the Holt girl. At the time, I guess Josh was 14. (Holy cow... Why do they use such big fat old fashioned words to describe a crush?). The real question is: "betrothed"? At 14? Is this normal? (I mean "normal" relative to that particular belief system).


GEML: [Jim Holt is one of the big Republican names in AR politics today. He lives in NW Ar and is (or was, not sure) a Baptist minister. I believe he's in the State Senate, after being defeated for the U.S. senate twice, once losing to a Dem and once losing in a primary to the Repub who won and is Senator now. He is generally thought to be the person who brought Jim Bob to the attention of the Republican Party as a potential candidate. There were rumors that his daughter and Josh were dating and/or engaged at one point. Then, during JB's senate campaign, the families had a HUGE falling out. But the fallout was over Jim Bob, not Josh. Both Holt and Huckabee have always gone out of their way to be kind to Josh despite their differences with Jim Bob.]

I copied this from Benessa and brought it here because it was a side road. Toss up between here and Prayer Closet, but Boob is in it, so I picked here. If inappropriate, please move.

GEML, you said "the families" had a HUGE falling out. But then you said it was over JB. What WAS the falling out? I guess the Holts are being quiet as of now on the current issue, true?

Another thing, there was a letter floating around that was such a grammatical nightmare, it gave me a headache. Something about the girl's clothing, but switched gears entirely to Josh being "betrothed" to (I think) the Holt girl. At the time, I guess Josh was 14. (Holy cow... Why do they use such big fat old fashioned words to describe a crush?). The real question is: "betrothed"? At 14? Is this normal? (I mean "normal" relative to that particular belief system).

Yeah, that whole betrothed at 14 rings false. Someone thought that was part of their culture its just not. I'd heard it a long time ago and discounted it. Edited by Almost 3000

Re Jim-Bob and Michelle's flaunting their sexuality around their children, it makes me wonder if it's more than just passive-aggressive behavior. 

I think that their 'acting out' sexually is merely a reflection of their arrested development. Since neither of them pursued education or outside activities, they essentially stopped developing at the age they were married. Mentally, they are still in their teens and, sadly, have not learned anything of the world around them.

Jessa looks like she's wearing a victoria's secret PINK top. There's hope for her yet!

OMG - What has that family done to Ben?? He went from being clean-shaven, and quite attractive to some putz with straggly facial hair and bangs! Yuck

  • Love 3

There's something off in Michelle's past. It might not be very dramatic (especially in comparison to the past few days) but it was something that really messed with her mind and had something, almost certainly, to do with her own coming of age sexually. As I said, could be relatively harmless. But made a huge impression. But it's not the lawnmower story.

Yeah, I think the lawn-mowing story is a load of crap, but that something did happen around that time that either scared or traumatized Michelle, and it changed her dramatically. I honestly can't say what level of "something" it would be, because she is so utterly abnormal in so many ways that it's hard to get a read on her. (Also, of course, we only see her public presentation.)


Re Jim-Bob and Michelle's flaunting their sexuality around their children, it makes me wonder if it's more than just passive-aggressive behavior. I wonder if either Jim-Bob, Michelle, or both of them fantasize about the sexual frustration going on in the kids' rooms and that they use these thoughts as an aphrodisiac to spice up their sex life. I'll bet they get turned on just thinking about it. The fetish for saving the first kiss for the altar also might be a turn-on for married fundies, who go home from a wedding, imagine the newlyweds having their first sexual experience, and hump madly that night after they get home.


I know, brain bleach. Sorry about that.


  • Love 3

I have no idea what caused the falling out between the Holts and Jim Bob. It's not my State and its not my political party, so I don't have any access to insider gossip that deep. The thing is, politically, Jim Bob was always. D list celebrity, even at the top of his game. He was a nobody in DC - even being a State Senator and running a self-funded campaign for US Senate is a dime a dozen. And then Holt is something of a wash up in DC. So I could never get anyone to follow it up for me.

Which makes tracking down anything relevant to our discussion. I don't know what's rumor and what might have been true.

But I DO know that Huckabee (who is close to the Holts) cut the Duggars dead for years. Even a few months ago he did not personally appear in a political photo with them, although the Holts and Mrs Huckabee did. But if Huckabee wanted to cut Josh dead, there is no way he ever would have been hired by the FRC. One behind the scenes phone call would have nixed it. Instead, Huckabee has gone out of his way to be outright supportive of Josh.

Edited by Bella
speculation that's not allowed

And GEML Huckabee's campaign is going down a lot faster than it would have, or is already done for that support.  At least I think so, but with people like the Duggars who have13-14 kids and live in a 3 bedroom house while spending a quarter of a million of his own dollars in a campaign, in support, who knows.  Odd things happen with odd fellows.  It just really gets me on these single issue politicians how they think that transcribes to DC.  They don't know anything.  Usually senators are supposed to know something.  A congressman can skate better, but really, who would JB bring with him as staff to take care of any issues.  I presume he'd resent staff that knew anything more than he did as well.  Just fail, fail, fail.

  • Love 2

A month from now, no one will remember this. By Iowa, this won't be on anyone's radar. Again, the Duggars are really small potatoes. At most, a few million serious fans, half of whom watch them for the freak factor and would not likely be voting Republican anyway. The only voters that interest me (as a political activist) would be those who WOULD have voted Huckabee but now won't over this. That's going to be very, very small.

Finding staff is easy. Gothard would have had several lined up, and there would have been graduates from very specific colleges such as Patrick Henry lined up, ready to go. That aspect is actually a fairly well done machine. It's getting the people into office that's hard.

  • Love 1

I will remember this in a month from now. I'll never forget it. It has completely changed how I see the Duggar family. I am completely repulsed by them. I do not want to watch their show, read any books or hear how they do anything.  They can't teach me any tips that I care to learn. Whereas once I thought Anna and her kids were an adorable family, I now worry if their pervert father will hurt them. I think JB and M are horrible parents for not protecting their young daughters, and making them look at Josh's sick face every day is criminal after what they went through.


Society as a whole is sickened by abuse of children and incest is especially seen as depraved by me. 

  • Love 16

It was never ever going to be a vote between Huckabee and Hillary Clinton.  At best, it would be a vote between Huckabee and all the other GOP candidates for the primary.  The real question will be whether or not Huckabees support of Josh Duggar contaminates the campaigns of politicians that Huckabee has endorsed (these are those at the local level).  I'm really curious to see if Huckabee has damaged his only reason for campaigning, which is to drive the party further right and to help get more super conservatives elected to local offices.  

  • Love 12

The mods have concluded that ANY of the following actions going forward will result in an automatic 3-day suspension, and your post(s) will be deleted.  These are mostly things you've been warned about more than once in the last couple of days. Please read and behave accordingly.  THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING.

1) The mods have decided that the "it was a youthful mistake; no it was a crime!" discussion has gone far enough.  Everything that can be said has, and posting about it now serves no purpose except to try to rile up posters who disagree with you.  No one here is denying that Josh's actions were heinous and deserving of punishment.  Whether one refers to these actions  as a "crime" or a "mistake" for the most part is just a matter of semantics.  So please, FROM THIS POINT FORWARD CEASE AND DESIST ON THIS TOPIC. 

2) We've repeatedly asked people to NOT attempt to identify the 5th person who was victimized, or specifically nail down which four of the five daughters were abused.  Doing so only victimizes them again and serves no honorable purpose.  We've had some people not heed this admonition, however and those posts have been hidden or deleted.

3) Same song, third verse:  Stop talking about the possibilities that Josh may have been abused himself and speculation as to the perpetrator, and any and all speculation on whether Josh victimized any of his brothers, and whether any of the other brothers are also abusers.  We have NO credible information about any of this, and we WILL NOT accuse people on these boards without evidence, no matter how much we may personally despise them.


Added: 10:42 PM  

4) Please refrain from psycho-analyzing any of these people. Few of us are licensed, trained therapists, and even those who are have not examined them first-hand and should reserve public judgment. Speculation about mental illness, past abuse, etc. easily turns from speculation into "fact" and we don't want or need that.  Saying that so and so seems to be struggling, or seems to have issues is fine.  Trying to go more deeply into those issues and where they come from is not for us to do.


Are you sensing a theme here?  Good.  You all are intelligent people.  More than smart enough to read and follow instructions.  Please do so or suffer the consequences.


Your Tired and Increasingly Cranky Mods

  • Love 9

Let's do away with the speculation about Michelle or JB possibly having been abused as children.  1) If it is true this would just be victimizing them more; and 2) there's no real "evidence" (Dr. Drew notwithstanding), and we do not want to call people child molesters without any solid proof.


Also let's dial down the psychoanalyzing of Michelle, or anyone else for that matter.  Few of us are licensed, trained therapists, and even those who are have not examined these people first-hand and should reserve making public judgment.


Thank you.

  • Love 2

Let's do away with the speculation about Michelle or JB possibly having been abused as children.  1) If it is true this would just be victimizing them more; and 2) there's no real "evidence" (Dr. Drew notwithstanding), and we do not want to call people child molesters without any solid proof.


Also let's dial down the psychoanalyzing of Michelle, or anyone else for that matter.  Few of us are licensed, trained therapists, and even those who are have not examined these people first-hand and should reserve making public judgment.


Thank you.


Sorry - a flip comment of mine got out of hand.

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Call me cynical, but I think ME-chelle THINKS she was bulimic. It helps put attention right back where she thinks it belongs: on her. 


I hope the next time MEchelle gives a starry-eyed account of her alleged bulimia, the interviewer interrupts MEchelle's baby-voice babble and asks exactly how and when she was diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, and by whom, and what treatment she received. Facts, woman. Put up or shut up.


My little black heart has long wanted to hear from these supposed neighbors who were supposedly defrauded by the supposd sight of MEchelle supposedly mowing the lawn in a supposed bikini. Supposedly.


The horrible revelations of this past week have only strengthened my belief that one should never buy into whatever JimBoob and MEchelle are selling unless one can examine the receipts. I hope going forward they are put on the spot about the things that come out of their mouths. (No, JimBoob, "examine the receipts" is not sexy talk.)

  • Love 18
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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