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S01.E16: The Blind Fortune Teller

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Gordon takes Dr. Leslie Thompkins to the circus, but the day turns quickly when the circus comes under attack. Falcone enlists Butch Gilzean to help Penguin with the night club, while Fish Mooney is otherwise occupied. Bruce Wayne schedules a meeting with the Wayne Enterprises board.



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The promo totally gave away the kid was guilty because the promo pretty much let it be known he was future Joker. Cameron Monaghan had quite the dramatic scenes between last night's episode of Shameless and tonight's Gotham. And I guess Jim just met Robin's parents. I like the chemistry between Jim and Dr. Thompkins but she's definitely a little odd and I'm worried the writers are going to make her a psycho and another Gotham villain (I'm not huge on the comic book lore but I think she's on the good side there but I guess they can change it for the show) to facilitate a Jim and Barbara reunion.


I really hope not because yeah while Leslie can maybe stand to pull the pushiness back a tad, she's still much better than Barbara. Who speaking of, how pathetic is Barbara that she is now hanging out with and taking advice from two 12 year old girls? And what's even sadder, they were totally right about the fashion advice. Also, I don't know why she's trying to get Jim back when she's clearly in full on self-destructive mode. She was clearly wasted and likely high as a kite when she first walked into the condo. 


The Fish story is totally ridiculous (no way she wouldn't have just been killed by these people a long time ago) but I'm still totally fascinated. I have a feeling the big boss is someone viewers will know. Jada's multiple accents in one speech still crack me up. I also hope that Butch is just faking and biding his time and he isn't really totally brainwashed. The Bruce story was cool but yeah I can see why Alfred was not in favor because Bruce just pretty much guaranteed they'll be sending hired guns after him. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I'm not buying SnakeBoy as Joker. He's got the laugh down, but no way does Gotham have the stones to introduce a character that canon this soon.


Nice circus family feud. "Gordon Grayson" would be an alliterative name, but I think "Dick" works better for a boy.


Also nice to see Fish gnawing on such ugly scenery. Amazed that she didn't get kicked around during "negotiations" or during the "SOME of us will live!" rallying. The stupid thing is that she wound up faring better than poor Butch, who probably has to change one letter of his name to denote his "fixed" state. Also, he's going to help Oswald's, which should be the most ironic club in Gotham City.


Damn, Jim and Leslie have great chemistry. And I laughed seeing Barbara walking in on their necking session. Only thing missing was Selina and Ivy high-fiving each other and laughing at Barbara.

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This was one of their better episodes. The kid that played Jerome is good at playing unhinged and creepy. He also gives a good serial killer face. I could buy him as baby Joker if they go that way with him.


Seeing Robin's eventual parents was nice too. I still don't know why Fish is still on the show. 


Lee is weird but I love Morena Baccarin, she is much better than Borebara. Better actress too. I loved her "Who gives a crap what my mother says". I think Jim needs a woman that pushes him around a bit. He's way too stiff, he needs to use some more lady soap. 


Barbara doesn't find it strange that two street kids are squatting at her place. She just starts asking them for fashion advice on how to win back her ex. Lee's strange but Barbara's pathetic. 

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Fish is still interesting me.  I can’t decide how she’s going to play this.  Her plan was ruthless, but very her.  And she managed a change of clothes in lock-up.


The episode was entertaining, though the central case was not all that mysterious.  Anyone who saw the preview had to suspect Jerome.  (And why even mention where the hatchet is, even in code?  If they have a murder weapon they’re much more likely to find the murderer, whatever the deception.)  He has the looks for future Joker, but I don't buy it.  I do appreciate that they are giving Joker a multiple choice backstory, even if I hope he doesn't appear.


I’m divided on Lee’s behavior.  She is still acting more impulsively than I care for, though perhaps I’m just scared of the reminder of Barbara.  She does have more rapport with Jim, and more give and take in their conversations.  I loved it when she answered before Ed in the conversation with the Captain, and he was a little peaked.


I totally buy Barbara sitting down to eat Frute Brute with interlopers Kat and Ivy.  They seem to have the same level of maturity.


At least Fish let her mother sing after hours, not as the headliner.  If Penguin is auditioning violinists, he is a bit lost.  I liked the few moments of him playing piano.  It was quiet and simple.


Poor Butch.  I was hoping Harvey would rescue him, and it looks like he went through the worst.

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I totally laughed out loud when Barbara walked in on Jim and Leslie kissing, and left in shock. There was an immediate cut to a sad violin playing, which echoed my feelings exactly..Oh poor, poor Barbara! Betrayed by the man you..uh, walked out on. And left for another woman. And he owes you what, again, exactly?


I like Leslie. She has spunk! She's a good partner for Jim..helps him think outside the box. Barbara only drags him down..why, oh comic book writers, can't Leslie be his end game?


Baby Joker? Once again the casting is amazing..so far they have nailed every potential villain. But Bruce wayne had better start growing up double quick..the villains have already got the jump on him!


I am assuming that the hitherto unseen boss man of Mooney's prison is somebody we know, or why bother with this stupid plot line? If it's not the too obvious suspects, Falcone or Moroni, then it must be somebody from that Wayne enterprises board room. Bruce said something about medical experimentation. Did they focus in on anybody in particular..that Asian woman looked particularly condescending. Can't remember if the hostage..schmit(?) indicated that the boss was a man, or if it was left ambiguous. I deleted the ep already or I would go check.

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This episode was good, but I thought the first half was stronger than the second. Probably because I was enjoying the whole circus scenery and stuff. I wish we had got a little bit more if the Graysons.

I love Jim and Leslie together! I have to prepare myself for heartbreak though, because they'll probably break up at some point. They complement each other really well. They also seem capable of talking things out unlike Jim and Barbara. I do see Lee's over enthusiasm (like always wanting to join Jim on his cases) becoming a potential problem though. Poor Jim, all he wanted was to eat his meal in peace. You can definitely tell Jim doesn't have much experience with girls.

The young guy who played the Joker did really well with what he was given.

I can't help but feel bad for Oswald and his failing lounge. Victor was great as usual.

Butch!!!!!!! Thank goodness he's alive!!! Am I the only one hoping that Butch is duping both Victor and Penguin, an is just playing along?

Didn't really care about Fish's story. Here she hollers about family sticking together after she betrayed Falcone.

Baby bruce is probably firing all those board members in his mind.

The awesome Barbara- free streak has come to an end. :( what was Barbara expecting? I don't know what she was planning, to make Jim jealous? I'd be less annoyed if she was going to try winning him back by actually discussing the problems they had. Also, why was she so nonchalant about Ivy and Serena crashing at her place??

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So the police didn't suspect Jerome at all yet the blind psychic decided to try to trick the police with the murder weapon because????


While we're at it. Robin's origin story is based on a half-assed Romeo and Juliet redux? How disappointing.


I actually liked the Fish story. The one thing that keeps me from getting totally invested in her is that I know that she's going to lose her eventual battle with the Penguin. But it is fun watching her do her thing.


Barbara is now taking love and wardrobe advice from street urchins. That's all one needs to know about Barbara. Also putting her with a kid isn't going to soften up her character.


It feels like they're trying too hard with the Gordon-Tomkins romance.


The Bruce stuff just seems like a lot of filler.  Find him something else to do please.



As for Jerome? The performance was fine but that better not be his origin story. Having a whore mother Is a cliché  that should be way below someone of the Joker's stature. Please don't Rob Zombie Joker's past.

Edited by Oscirus
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The future Joker kid's mouth seemed to grow impossibly wider when he smiled. Was that for real, or was some CGI involved?

...Thompkins but she's definitely a little odd and I'm worried the writers are going to make her a psycho and another Gotham villain (I'm not huge on the comic book lore but I think she's on the good side there but I guess they can change it for the show)....

My concerns exactly.
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I thought for sure at the end of Bruce's speech he was just going to flat out fire the board, which would have been hilarious. That older man on the board wasn't too smart..."you have a lot of theories, but no proof!!! Mwahaha." Way to show your hand dude.

I actually didn't hate Barbara. (Things Delphi never says.) She seemed almost likable, much how I enjoyed her in episode two when she called the Gazette.

Her and Selina trading hellos was amusing.

I thought they cast Dick's parents very well.

I enjoyed the circus but wasn't blown away by it. I'm pretty sure that fish is in that Dollmakers prison, also from episode two I believe. People need to be alive to harvest parts, he's actually a maker of people, or black market organ thing.

More Bruce and Alfred please.

Eta: explanations.

Edited by Delphi
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..I actually didn't hate Barbara. (Things Delphi never says.)...

Or shapeshifter. She was like Lorelei Gilmore with Rory and friend.

I loved the way the trapeze artist costumes glowed with the primary colors of the colored light spectrum (not ROYGBIV).

Edited by shapeshifter
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It was an interesting stroll around town this time out.


I hope that Jerome isn't THE Joker.  I did appreciate the "don't be a drunken whore who nags!" It's a lesson for all, really. Also, Mark Margolis' dance card has seemed pretty full lately. It was nice to see him pop up here.


Well, we met The Flying Graysons and got a bit of "nutty" family history for 'em to boot.


Leslie? Is an adrenaline junkie; she seemed more invested in the case and solving it than the actual homicide cop who took it on.


Barbara? Even though you were getting dating/re-snagging you man advice from two man-less tweens? I was hoping you would get a decent chance to see Jim. Yet, a) don't track him down during his shift, and b)call first. That way you don't get blindsided. I did like that Barbara was "Sailing?" and then seemed like " whatev; I'm listening to children..."  While I liked the fringe-y outfit, it totally was "try too hard." I liked the dress she settled on, too.


Fish is a queen and a bawse and I hope this goes well. The thing is, while she doesn't like to lose folks, she will to stay alive. The others recognized that and decided to go with Fish because with Fish, there was the possibility of hope of escape.  I loved how she presented the demands and delivered the fact that whoever's in charge forgot: the prisoners do have value, or they wouldn't be there and they know that.


I hope Harvey finds out about Butch. I hope Harvey survives trying to keep his word to Fish. Fish will want to deal with Victor, w/r/t Butch, I am sure. Carol Kane has a nice voice and I enjoyed the musical interludes leading into a couple of the other segments. The blue in the club is soothing to me, so I hope it stays. Not surprised that the heckler was dealt with so harshly.  


Speaking of Oswald's, while I didn't expect Penguin to automatically know how to be an impresario, hanging around Fish and Butch should have given Oswald a nugget or two on how to get folks in the door besides half-price sandwiches. I hope Butch can handle working with Oswald, well, as long as Oswald can handle not being a total asshole to Butch. So, about three minutes? :p


I was thinking that THFC (on the ax) could have stood for The Hally Family Circus. Plus that looked more printed than engraved or carved or whatever Jim was saying.


Not enough Harvey, but I enjoyed Essen reacting to the snake-as-tracker part of the story.


Oh Bruce. While it was good to let the condescending shitheads running your parents'  possibly corrupted mega-corp know you were aware that you weren't down for illegal stuff, you have poked the law-breaking bear in it's cave.  I am glad you have Alfred. 


I keep expecting Barbara to end up in Oswald's just to see what kind of crowd shows up, yet, she never does.  (I can see her as someone who was possibly a regular at Fish's before she met Jim.)  Actually, maybe due to her past, hanging out with Cat and Ivy may be a good thing for Barbara. She seems stuck in her "rebellious teen" thing, so maybe hanging out with  unapologetically destitute, homeless tweens will get Barbara to quit acting bratty? ::crosses fingers:: No, I don't care if she reunites with Jim.


Ready for next week!

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Why are they even trying with Barbara? Every episode proves that Leslie is a perfect fit for Jim, whereas Barbara is basically a boring, stupid waste of time. I really like Leslie. Shes funny, smart, and clearly rather quirky. The average person would probably NOT be as gung ho about murders and possible psychics as she is, but I think that makes her good for Jim, Barbara was always complaining about Jim's passion for his job, but Leslie totally gets it. Can we just screw cannon, and let him end up with Leslie? Please? 


Really good episode. Cameron Monaghan is having a hell of a week, between this spot and his last few episodes over on Shameless. Kudos to him, that last scene was chilling as hell. He seemed to be channeling every major Joker performance out there in one scene. I`m sure we wont be seeing the last of him. He was awesome.


Loved seeing the future Graysons! They were cute.


Fishes plot was pretty pointless, but I love it just because I love Fish. You gotta love a lady who can make big inspirational speeches while literally standing on a guys back. Speaking of which...Butch! No!!!! Did they give him a lobotomy? What? 

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I am so sad because this episode made me love Jim and Leslie and that's a pointless love. We know that Jim and Barbara will get back together to make Batgirl so its a question of when and how this nice thing that makes me smile will be taken away. It seems like they've made her too good a match so she's either going to turn evil or die. (Or turn evil and die, that would also put an end to Jim/Leslie.) I'm so sad.


I did like the kid Joker if that's who he ends up being. He had the right mix of creepy, evil, violent and joking. It was always obvious it would be him, but I did think the actor nailed that final scene.


Bruce isn't the world's greatest detective just yet, is he? He has theories and they're strung together based on some events but he should have had a smoking gun before talking to the board. He's a powerful kid, but he is just a kid and he is vulnerable. I get that he wants to honour his family legacy by cleaning up the crime within WE but I don't know what his speech and questions was meant to accomplish. Was he hoping someone would confess? Did he actually expect answers to his loaded questions? It just seems like everyone else is basically who they will be in 15 years time and Bruce has so much growing up to do. I like that he isn't Batman yet, but if the show wants to go that course the other young comic characters like Cat or Ivy should also need to mature.

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I have to admit, I was wondering if they intended Leslie to be Harley Quinn when she told Jim she found the whole thing exciting in regards to Jerome.  But Harley is supposed to be younger than the Joker.


Really good episode.  Cameron Monaghan was fantastic when the switch was flipped though I really hope they aren't saddling him with a dead mother storyline.  Joker's past should remain mysterious or at the very least vague.  Always cool to see Mark Margolis...Scarface was playing on another channel at the same time too.


Major points do come off for the dumbing down of Jim as a detective.  Seriously, he didn't even remotely suspect that Jerome murdered his mother?  A cadet in the police academy would have at least suspected as much.


Don't like Barbara but continue to love Erin Richards.  Poor Seline and Ivy for getting stuck with Barbara.


Butch the dancing monkey is creepy.


While I like the Graysons involvement, I'm not a fan of Gordon causing the birth of Robin.


Yeah, Fish definitely would have been killed and assaulted almost as soon as she got in.


I liked Bruce's scene in front of the board a lot but the whole thing just reminds me that Alfred and anyone else who cares about Bruce (which is next to no one it seems) are not helping him but instead are enabling his unhealthy behavior.

Edited by benteen
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So, Jerome is The Young Joker, possibly.  He certainly had the looks and the laugh down for it.  But, I could have sworn that was something they didn't want to touch on yet.  I like the idea that maybe throughout the seasons (assuming the show is successful enough), they introduce various other characters who could be a Future Joker.


Have to say that I thought they went overboard with Leslie this time.  First, while I usually try to keep an open mind, anyone who believes in psychics, automatically makes me leery.  I can understand having an open mind to that possibility, but Leslie seemed totally into it, and extremely pissed that Jim wasn't.  Kind of a bit off, there.  Combined that with her getting so involved with the cases and Jim, that I have a bad feeling they are setting things up for it to fall apart, and we end up with our "canon" pairing of Jim/Barbara. Which, boo.  Leslie is still way better then Barbara, and, again, it's Morena Baccarin.


Speaking of Barbara, she's back!  And, well, it could have been worse.  I was actually amused with her and Selina/Ivy.  Granted, it's kind of bad that I think she's at her best interacting with tweens, but there you go.  And, I totally loved watching her stumble on Jim/Leslie.  No sympathy from me!  I wonder if she realizes she has no leg to stand on, or if she truly thinks that her rekindling with Montoya deserves a pass from Jim, since she was a woman.


Butch is alive!  But Zssaz totally fucked his brain up.  Oh, Victor.  Sorry, Oswald, but it does seem like you need the help.  Using a nightclub just to show off your mother's singing skills, and then beat the shit out of hecklers, is not a winning strategy.  Makes you one of the world's biggest momma boys, but that ain't going to impress Falcone.


So, it's Jim that inadvertently causes Robin to happen, thanks to letting The Flying Graysons move past their blood feud with the clowns, and allow his parents to hook-up.  But, I guess the dad wasn't able to convince the mom to name the kid Jim or Gordon. Unless that was how Dick came about.  Maybe they overheard Bullock calling Jim a dick at one point, and where like "That's good enough!"


Bruce strolling in Wayne Enterprise like a boss, and laying it all on the line, was awesome.  Even if Alfred believes it will get them into shallow graves.


Fish really should have just been killed by the henchmen, but I'm just glad they are finally going somewhere with this.

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We're all looking at Jerome as The Joker, but who's to say The Joker isn't the kid in the coonskin cap that was leading the blind man into GCPD? All they "guaranteed" is that Gotham's next villain is no joke, so we saw Joker in this episode. That kid could have been friends with Jerome, and adopts some of Jerome's actions later on.  He may have even been the son of the clown that Jerome's mother was banging.  They won't solve the mystery of Joker's origins this quickly and obviously.

I love that Leslie and Nygma are working together. She obviously knows Nygma's smart, so she won't throw a fit like the incompetent M.E.

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Well, "Dick" is sometimes short for "detective", so future Robin could be named for Jim in a roundabout way. I am really enjoying the chemistry between Gordon and Thompkins, and I don't care whether there's an eventual Barbara Gordon or not, so long as they continue to be entertaining. Sorry to see Barbara back, but

I assume she's pregnant with Little Babs and that's what will derail Jim/Leigh

 Have to agree with previous posters as to Cameron Monaghan's performance here! Totally creepy and spot on! (And I'd always thought of him as the weak link, acting wise, on Shameless, where he proved me wrong well!)

    Fun episode.

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Given the iconic pantheon of previous Joker actors (see http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Joker_Actors) I can understand why so many are not ready to accept Jerome as the young Joker--but I thought Cameron Monaghan was definitely up to the task, and I have no doubt that he is the young Joker. It reminded me of Jesse Plemmons' portrayal of Todd on Breaking Bad--an odd blend of boy-next-door and serial killer.

Edited by shapeshifter
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Leslie seemed a little too eager to go traipsing off into the woods in the dark and then she later talked about what a rush it was to work on the case with Jim, so I immediately thought adrenaline junkie. Maybe she will channel that into becoming a murder groupie. I can see how annoying that would be for a police officer. Besides, Jim just wanted to get laid!


Side note: is he still living in the locker room at work?


The thing that really annoyed me is that they were at her house having dinner when she decided they should go look for clues right this very second, and then she didn't even bother to change into something more sensible. At least put on different shoes! I personally would have put on some pants, but I'm paranoid about having to run from crazy murderers while looking for murder clues. It would have been one thing if she figured out the psychic's clue while they were at the police station or at a restaurant, but they were at her house which is full of her own clothes and shoes ready and waiting to be worn!


When Barbara wandered back into her place and asked Selina and Ivy who they were, I was hoping they would say, "We're the ones who filled your apartment with these delicious snacks!" I hope there was some left after she saw Jim and Leslie kissing. Nothing like a good junk food binge when you're wallowing in self pity.


I really hope Butch is faking it too but I fear that Zsazz really did fry his brain.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I loved this one. I don't know if Jerome will end up becoming a future Joker but he was certainly a creepy kid who had that laugh down pretty well and killing his own mother, yikes.

Both him and Cicero were interesting during that interrogation scene.

Loved the rivarly between the Lloyds and the Graysons and it was nice meeting a certain Boy Wonder's parents in the way that we did.

Barbara's only back an episode and already she sucks the fun out of things. Clearly still on the drugs and taking fashion tips from Selina and Ivy as well. Don't think she has a right to sulk about Jim moving on.

Speaking of which - the show needs to chuck canon out of the window because Gordon and Leslie seriously have chemistry in spades. She's everything the show needs and right now is the best adult female character on the show.

Essen's reaction to a snake being used as a tracker and Bullock's reaction to the circus folk was brilliant too. Nygma also seemed impressed by Leslie too.

Much as I enjoy Oswald, I actually don't think this episode really needed him at all. Nice that he lets his mama sing but she's bad for business though. I did like that we found out what Victor did to Butch though.

Fish continues to impress with the way she got her meeting with the manager and loved Bruce showing Wayne Enterprises who is boss too, 9/10

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I love the idea of Jerome being Joker mostly because I love Cameron Monaghan (Ian from Shameless one of the most underrated shows on television.). Cameron is a great young actor and I think he can pull off the pathos necessary for a young Joker. Hell he was brilliant during this episode alone.

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Given the iconic pantheon of previous Joker actors (see http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Joker_Actors) I can understand why so many are not ready to accept Jerome as the young Joker--but I thought Cameron Monaghan was definitely up to the task, and I have no doubt that he is the young Joker. It reminded me of Jesse Plemmons' portrayal of Todd on Breaking Bad--an odd blend of boy-next-door and serial killer.


I think Monaghan did a great job with the role.  I just don't like the backstory they gave him and the fact that he's basically the Joker right now in terms of personality.

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When Barbara wandered back into her place and asked Selina and Ivy who they were, I was hoping they would say, "We're the ones who filled your apartment with these delicious snacks!" I hope there was some left after she saw Jim and Leslie kissing. Nothing like a good junk food binge when you're wallowing in self pity.


It would've been great if they cut back to quick scene of Barbara sitting on the couch bingeing on ice cream and cereal with Selina and Ivy. Just to show how pathetic she is feeling sorry for herself with her new BFF's, two pre-teens. 


While Jim goes home with the Doctor lady that has a strange obsession with murders. Ngyma is going to forget about Kris Kringle and fall in love with her. I have a feeling she'd love his weird gifts like a bullet cupcake. 

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I'm not buying SnakeBoy as Joker. He's got the laugh down, but no way does Gotham have the stones to introduce a character that canon this soon.


Judging by the way the promoted the episode there is no way they can survive as honorable people and have other promos work if he wasn't The Joker on his way to Arkham

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Ngyma is going to forget about Kris Kringle and fall in love with her. I have a feeling she'd love his weird gifts like a bullet cupcake.

I have now imagined the following scenario:


Nygma gives Leslies a cupcake.

Leslie gladly accepts said cupcake.

Leslie casually mentions to Jim that she had a delicious cupcake earlier which leads to a conversation that reveals it was decorated like a hand grenade and from Nygma, causing Jim to freak out.

Leslie's reaction: "I wasn't about to say no to a cupcake!"

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I'm not buying SnakeBoy as Joker. He's got the laugh down, but no way does Gotham have the stones to introduce a character that canon this soon.



Why not? If they want their show to gain viewers, why wouldn't they introduce one of the most iconic villains from Batman? And show us him when he was younger like they are doing for all the other villains. However I believe if Jerome is the Joker, he needs to be used sparingly to keep him as an eventual threat. 


I have now imagined the following scenario:

Nygma gives Leslies a cupcake.

Leslie gladly accepts said cupcake.

Leslie casually mentions to Jim that she had a delicious cupcake earlier which leads to a conversation that reveals it was decorated like a hand grenade and from Nygma, causing Jim to freak out.

Leslie's reaction: "I wasn't about to say no to a cupcake!"


Now I want to see that! Leslie would also probably love solving his riddles too. I want to see a scene of them working on one of the vics. You know she'd let him help. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I thought Cameron Monaghan was great. Jerome's transformation from sweet innocent to homicidal maniac was freaky as hell. I totally bought him as the future joker.


I loved Bruce in the boardroom with Alfred. Yes, Bruce was overly naive, but it is the betrayal and cruelty that he is subjected to contributes to his transformation into Batman. 


I laughed when Harvey called Jim on getting laid. 


Surprisingly, I felt sorry for Barbara when she saw Jim and Leslie kissing. 

Edited by SimoneS
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I was actually bored with the Circus storyline until the last minute when Jerome started doing that iconic laugh and went ham on his mother. LMAO!


The Fish storyline had me interested because I didn't know what was going on there and thus made me try to find clues before they give it to me. Plus, Fish standing on top of that guy to give a speech made howl with laughter. Nice one!


Barbara didn't irritate me this episode and I think it is because the bulk of her interactions were with Ivy and Cat. 


I like Jim and Leslie but I think the girl needs to let Jim breath for a moment. She is always pushing him in their scenes or she is at his desk. Let the man be himself when he is at work Lee. Also, I miss Jim and Harvey together and that might be why I was irritated with her always being at Jim's work area when she doesn't need to. LOL

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Jerome's Joker laugh was so much like Heath Ledger's it was scary.  The origin story itself was meh, but that guy was good.


Gee Barbara, why would Jim want a smart, level-headed woman that makes him happy when he could just settle for whiny, fickle headcase like you?  YOU LEFT HIM.  FOR ANOTHER WOMAN.  GET OVER YOURSELF.

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Barbara actually has more chemistry with the kids then with Jim. I actually thought she was funny.

I enjoyed the hell out that plot line. Especially when Selena said she needed to dress like she was going sailing and Barbara's look in response. Ihope they continue to crash there.

I enjoyed the rest of the episode too, the Grayson's, the snake thing cracked me up, joker kid was creepy as hell and I hope that butch is really faking because I love him.

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Selina was spot on with her advice. The sailing thing was a nice way of saying dress like the money you have (because she probably assumes all rich people go sailing) not like a street walker. I would've loved to have seen the cliche montage of Barbara trying on different outfits while Cat and Ivy made faces at her.


Hey, they found a way to make Barbara fun. She just can't be with the adult cast members. 

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I loved Leslie and Jim in this episode! I don't think she necessarily believed the guy was psychic but kept picking at the clue because Jim was so dismissive and well "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

She exactly the type of girlfriend straightlaced Jim Gordon needs. 


That I love them is the reason I fear for their relationship. I don't want Jim and Barbara to get back together but the almighty canon in the form of Batgirl needs to happen somehow. 


Cameron Monaghan is killing it this week, his break down on Shameless brought tears to my eyes and I got chills when he broke out the iconic Joker grin and laugh. 

Edited by patchwork
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Call me crazy, but I really enjoyed the Sisterhood of the Apartment of No Pants


I actually buy Barbara interacting with those two. She's so desperate for companionship, which she obviously wasn't getting from Jim, Montorya, or Mr. and Mrs. WASP, that when she saw two females that didn't pose a threat she succumbed. Their interactions were good together, and it let the character develop outside of what we had already seen.

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Hey, they found a way to make Barbara fun. She just can't be with the adult cast members.

Hey if it works, work it. And it's not like there aren't enough child cast members on the show. Can you see Barbara and Bruce? Oh the hilarity. One acts like an overgrown child and the other..... Edited by Chaos Theory
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I loved how Ivy was vigorously nodding to Selina's sailing advice. Barbara looked to Ivy and she had that ginger mop waving.  I hope the Sisterhood of the Apartment of No Pants (tm Traveller519) stays together for the forseeable future/ end of the season. I don't expect it to last or for Barb to adopt the girls, but a positive interlude for the three would be nice.

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We know that Jim and Barbara will get back together to make Batgirl so its a question of when and how this nice thing that makes me smile will be taken away.



But that depends on which verse they are trying to follow in the show. The first version of Batgirl was Jim's daugther, but later reboots had her as Jim's niece (I think he adopted her, too).



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I'm hoping the show does not start following Joker-maybe-Jerome character, too. It is already stretched thin sharing time with the Fish show and the Penguin show. 


Fish is a fascinating character, but did they intend for her to be so prominent or is it a reaction to how popular the character became? Her prison drama is interesting, tho far-fetched - but she's a merciless killer and not exactly someone I'd root for in a fight. Are we supposed to root for lesser monsters versus larger monsters? 


At some point you'd think Gordon and the Police would put and end to at least one villain. In the comics the villains always return, but they do not all stick around all the time.  At this point the show has about five or six (?) main bad-guy characters (some children, some mobsters) -- and only Gordon and Bruce-boy on the good-guy side. 


If I grow tired of Gothom, it will probably be because the criminals have overcrowded the show as the  protagonists we are supposed to sympathize with.

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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That young actor was very good at calling up the creepiness; certainly the most convincing of the little red herrings we have seen this season for a perhaps proto-Joker. However I suspect he may another false lead considering the title of next week's episode; in which case it will be interesting to see how they explain Jerome channeling Batman's future's arch-enemy if he turns out not to be the Joker.


Two major cases of hubris in this episode. First Bruce who thinks that by simply showing up and laying his suspicions on the table, the board will fold before his righteousness; as if people capable of the deeds he accused them of would cower before someone they perceive to be just a kid. He did say that he did not tell them all he knows, which means he may have an ace up his sleeve, hoping to draw them out and force them into a premature or foolish course of action. I wonder what the arrangements are as far as voting rights for his parents' shares and his control over the company's management; unless he's emancipated, someone else would have to act as trustee on his behalf. Has this point been addressed on the show?


Oswald is also guilty of presumptuousness, thinking the world will accept his mother as a headline act and beat a path to his club's door and that his superior will is sufficient to ensure the success of his new business. Considering his bad choices in musical acts (like the awful punk group in the previous episode), he is in dire need of help. It will be amusing to see who squirms the most in his new partnership with Butch. What is sad for Oswald is that even though he is a master survivor, getting out of scrapes by squirming or begging his way out, everytime he climbs out of a ditch he manages to put himself right back in trouble by not thinking enough and then making stupid choices. He has a long way to go before becoming a master criminal, as do the other future super-villains we have seen so far, which means there's still a lot of good material for the show's writers to make use of.


I still can't manage to care about Fish or her present storyline.

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