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S01.E11: Rogues' Gallery

Tara Ariano

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I like the episode but there were too many ideas and story lines crammed into it.




The Arkham plot was truncated. We really needed to SEE how they realized that the Nurse was  not actually a Nurse. hearing about it afterwards was not good enough. Also the other inmates - Gruber, Honest Axe Killer, Choirboy and Frogman should all have gotten more story time.


Penguin's  hubris was great.  No matter how smart Pengun thinks he is,  Maroni is a dangerous man. Also loved Bullock's "I just like watching you behind bars. it calms me like a Bonsai."


Liked  Fish's subordinate plot line. Any get the idea that the writer for this episode really just wanted to do a Mafia story but got stuck wriitng for Gotham instead ?


And Barbara being the self destructive one was interesting.

Edited by The Kings Foot
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No kidding, Bullock's excitement at seeing Jim was so great to see.  And the two of them playing off the director, with Jim trying to be serious, was such fun.  I think Harvey has been growing in his respect for Jim slowly, and in the last few episodes before the break I think they solidified their partnership.


Interesting to see Alastair, er, Christopher Heyerdahl is a recurring character.  He's a good creepy addition.


Barbara in Arkham?  That would be interesting, but I'm still willing for her to fall by the wayside.

Edited by MisterGlass
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I also felt too much was going on, especially coming from hiatus. While I'm thinking about it . . . what's on Fox next week that keeps Gotham on the shelf until the 19th?


And yeah, I'm surprised that I'm liking Bullock. He's still a snarky pain in the ass . . . but it's as if Jim's nobility (for lack of a better term) has rubbed off on him.


Since when does Selina have access to Jim's place? Or is it Barbara's? I can never remember. Also, how did Ivy get past the front desk? Or am I thinking too hard about it. Also: Barbara still sucks. Sapphic content can only last so far, then you see a grown woman trolled by a tween with mental health issues.


No Bruce & Alfred? Dunno how to feel about that, since the show is supposed to be partially on Bruce's shoulders.


Penguin the Bonsai. Cute. Poor little monkey.


ETA: What were the inmates acting out at the start of the episode?

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If Jim marries this dip, this version of Gordon is officially ruined for me. She was outsmarted by a 12-year old.


He doesn't have to marry her to impregnate her with Babs.  Hell she could already be knocked up.


Of course then that begs the question of how that nutcake could be the mother of one of the smartest, strongest, most bad-ass women in the DC lexicon.


Penguin's  hubris was great.  No matter how smart Pengun thinks he is,  Maroni is a dangerous man.


That was good.  Penguin did need a lesson, but I'm not sure he learned the one Maroni intended.  Maroni's smart to recognize Penguin's self importance and try to curb his ambition, but Ozzy is a resentful character with a long memory.



ETA: What were the inmates acting out at the start of the episode?


I was having trouble hearing the lines, but I thought it might be the Tempest based on what the victim was reciting, if he was Ariel.

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I'm thinking in Gotham continuity babs will probably be adopted. I liked the episode but honestly even for Gotham this episode felt like it had way too much going on.

Loved the arkham thing, but did we need Renee and Barbara? I love Selina but that plot could have been done next week.

They didn'T explain nurse Dorothy nearly well enough, but I can get over that.

The acting was solid. Always a pleasure to see Morena, she's a treat for sure.

Eta: i'm pretty sure that Jack Gruber is an alias and have some ideas as to who he is but I suck with spoiler tagging on the mobile site.

Edited by Delphi
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Also: Barbara still sucks. Sapphic content can only last so far, then you see a grown woman trolled by a tween with mental health issues.

What's worse is it's obvious that the writers are going for a "jealous ex is acting nutty because of a misunderstanding" storyline with Barbara, which not only is terrible for her character but Jim would be able to very easily prove that he wasn't in Barbara's apartment at the time of the phone call and hadn't been for a long time. If course if they are going to go the direction I think they are Gordon won't have the brains to mention that fact.


As a matter of fact, with the way they're writing Barbara she seems to be designed to illicit the most negative reaction possible. They're been hitting EVERY single "this woman is a terribly idiotic BITCH" trope they possibly can with her.


BTW, I know I heard that name Leslie Thompkins somewhere but I just can't remember the character attached to it.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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Leslie is a friend of Bruce's parents and his godmother, she runs a free clinic in Crime Alley behind the theatre where his parents were killed.

In regards again to Barbara and Renee it's just so hard to care about them and their story. Not just because Barbara is unlikable but because we've had literal zero build up to their relationship. We've learned nothing about them except they used to go out and are pretty shitty people who are clearly made for each other. Why should we care that their relationship didn't work out? It infuriates me.

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Isiah Whitlock Jr. as Dr. Lang?  Sheeeeit!  No wonder Arkham Asylum was in shambles.  With Clay Davis from The Wire in-charge, that was bound to happen.  Still, it was fun to see him.  Same with Christopher Heyerdahl.  His brand of creepiness was made for this type of show.  I'm glad they aren't just wasting him for one episode, and his story is going to continue.


Morena Baccarin as Leslie Thompkins, though? Seriously, Gordon: drop whatever you are doing and go for it.  Barbara ain't got nothing on her.  I hope she returns.  And stays.


But, really: this whole Barbara/Montoya stuff is just dragging things down.  Barbara really is one of the worst characters I've seen on TV.  If they are purposely trying to make her unlikable, that would be fine, but nothing about her is interesting.  Nothing.  She is useless.  And, she's also screwing up any chance at Montoya being interesting.  They really need to fix this shit.


Bullock and Gordon reuniting was the best.  I really have grown to love their partnership and what resembles something similar to a friendship.  Bullock really does have affection for Gordon, even if he won't ever admit it.


The stuff with Oswald was kind of quiet, but I guess it was about time for him to get some of his hubris knocked out of him, and show that Maroni isn't messing around.


Kind of weird seeing Butch get so much focus in this episode, but I guess it's there way of trying to flesh out the secondary characters.  I didn't mind it; I do have a soft spot for loyal henchmen in these types of shows.


Selina and Ivy are now hanging together.  OK, then.


Glad the show is back, but it looks like we're already going on another two week break.  Is something big happening next Monday?

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I loved how they just jumped into Jim already working. I don't need to see why Jim's resentful this week. Glad the show respected us enough to just let Mr. Mackenzie let us know by acting that he's even less thrilled now that he's actually there.


I loved that the show was building on the Street Sisters Doin' It For Themselves storyline that they started in the assassin episode.  I am very worried for Ivy, since it seemed she spoke about not trusting doctors again. I just want to hug her- if she's cool with that- and take care of her. The actress is doing a lot with the little bits she's given. I liked that Selina understood that despite the words, Ivy needed more and worked to help her out. Please, writers, keep that friendship building and realistic.


I loved Harvey and his outsized  glee at seeing Jim, not just at Arkham, but in talking to Captain Essen!  I was also glad that she missed Jim too.  Harvey is at his best stirring  the pot and his whole patter with Lang was fun to watch.  Speaking of the Director Dr., I was saddened by his death and Dorothy's too, tbh. Dr. Lang hid behind protocols when he needed and seemed to imply he knew darker things, yet the death he got wasn't necessarily the one he deserved.  As for Dorothy, being trampled by a mob? I don't wish that on anyone. Agnes DiPesto deserved almost anything else.


I think that with the  being played by a tween on the phone and being outraged that your former-now-rebound piece reconsidered because your lifestyle was toxic ( after getting actually clean) has made me hate the writers. I believe they have actually made Barbara Keen as toxic as Indian Hill. I will continue to hope that Barbara will get a clue, but with these writers, I am not overly hopeful. Especially with Ms. Baccarin available, more integrated in her first episode, and preview flashes of Jim-time. Yet, I hope.  That was a sweet and sad moment with Jim looking at the bowl and mug.  Sadly, my mind went to 'She [barbara]'s going to think hehad sex with a child, right?' I hope that was just a flash of cynicism.


The Fish/Butch dynamic just got miles more interesting for me. The fallout of Butch's parting shot will decide whether I can root for him or hope Fish goes all Selina on his eyes.  And Wardrobe loves dressing Ms. Pinkett-Smith and giving her awesome jewelry pieces, like  the first set of earrings she had tonight. Also, the collars on her dresses are always on point  and wonderful looking.


Penguin and his kinda dumbass mook? Did feel shoehorned in, but any excuse to see David Zayas is fine by me. Moroni seems to really enjoy his smart monkey, so I feel mixed about what may happen in the future. Penguin remembers slights too.


While I did miss Bruce and Alfred, there was almost a roll call of everyone else, so the seams may have ripped adding them in.  I just have to agree with the poster asking why not return on the 19th if we have to go two weeks between the first ep back and the next?!


Oh, and the escapees are creepy enough, I may have to sleep with my lights on.

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This would have been a solid episode if there wasn't so MUCH going on.  They should have held off on the Barbara stuff for a bit. Though I had to chuckle as the doctor was driving away in the van I felt the need to pause it to see what intersection it was and realized I passed by that area last month. 


It seems Bullock finally gets that Gordon is getting a raw deal from too many angles and in the end, needs him a lot more than he first thought.  That happened sooner than expected but I can deal with that.  Throwing too many plot lines at once though...that tries my patience.

The National title game in college football is on next week.  The bowl playoffs popped a huge rating so it's smart not to be running something against it.  I'm glad as I really want to see that game.


I thought this episode was boring throughout much of it but picked up at the end.  Harvey's always a treat to watch.  Once again, Jim screwed up and let the (admittedly interesting) villain get away.  I laughed pretty good at Ivy screwing around with Barbara the nutcase.  That was some fun trolling!

Sorry to see John Enos go so quickly. Not the best actor, but he exudes thuggish menace and would have been a good recurring.

Barbara a total annoying mess, and then Morena Baccarin shows up, brilliant and perfect-looking. No one ever said comic book shows had to be subtle, I guess.

Is there a reason why the holding cell is in the middle of the main detectives' office?

Morena Baccarin as Leslie Thompkins, though? Seriously, Gordon: drop whatever you are doing and go for it.


Bullock really does have affection for Gordon, even if he won't ever admit it.

I dunno, I'd say elbowing Dr. Director Lang aside to plant a big wet one on the side of Jim's face qualifies as undisguised affection. And glee.

Co-signed on Jim's need to re-order his priorities where the good Dr. Inara -- er, Thompkins is concerned. Good to see Miss Morena B. again.

Edited by Sandman
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Eta: i'm pretty sure that Jack Gruber is an alias and have some ideas as to who he is but I suck with spoiler tagging on the mobile site.

My guess he's

Hugo Strange.  He's got the look, the doctor skills, experimentation, and intellect.  Yeah, I'm going out on a limb there.


Oh Frog Man, you won't be associated with a frog for much longer.

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So I guess if Director Lang is dead that means that Jim Gordon can go back to the GCPD...if this were another kind of show, I'd say it'd be up in the air but it's a procedural and things rarely ever change so I'm betting by February he's back to being a detective.

Still, this actually was a pretty good episode. I thought for the longest while that it'd be another predictable procedural considering the misdirection was pretty simple- "no, it can't be an inmate, it has to be a staff member...and what staff member had medical knowledge? Dorothy Duncan!"- but then I enjoyed that the twist in itself was a twist (Duncan was actually an inmate, and a victim herself) and I had no idea that Gruber was behind all of it. For all the faults this show has in creating its mysteries, Gruber's real situation was very well hidden and I liked it.

Pity, given the preview next week that Gruber is likely going to be caught, because he'd be a fun recurring villain.

Great to see Bullock with such unbridled affection for Gordon and unflappable loyalty...he's a man you really want on your side. I loved how he browbeat the insecurity out of Director Lang...if Lang had lived, he might have been easier on Gordon, and Gordon has Bullock to thank for that. A truly special character he is.

The Penguin...quite clear that Oswald Cobblepot has yet to learn how to truly be a mob boss. He tried his best to show dominance over the fisherman but the fisherman rightfully called him out on it- Cobblepot has to learn that in some situations, bluffing people isn't enough, you actually *need* leverage. He bit off more than he could chew and he got caught for it. It's a rare moment of weakness for a character that had been in the ascendancy for a while, so hopefully it'll be great character development for him. I might have liked it a bit more if Maroni had actually walked away from the prison cell and told him to rot there for a few more days, but I'll let that go.

(The "you stink" not-hug was pretty funny, I must say)

The Butch subplot was also pretty nice, though I agree with others that more time should have been focused on it. We hardly knew Saviano so when he was coolly blown off (something the show telegraphed badly with Butch babbling about stealing the prime cuts from him) we had hardly had a chance to really feel what the big time betrayal it actually was. Saviano and Butch were supposed to be long-time buddies, so I can imagine Butch must be guilt-stricken to have to off his long-time friend...even though he knew he had to, because in the mob, you only keep people around when they're useful to you. Only getting to know Saviano in this one episode lessens the power such a moment should have, but I do understand in the grand scheme of things it's a small action in what will be a very big war.

The Ivy/Selina story...this should have been an episode all of its own. They really didn't do too much with it and a storyline was there so I don't know why they had to cram it in here.

Finally...as much as I liked seeing Erin Richards actually get to act for a change, the Barbara/Montoya story was ridiculous. I get it...Barbara is a weak little waif who needs Jimmy to protect her...*yawn*. At this stage, I might think the only way Barbara gets redeemed is if she becomes a criminal...that might be worth watching.

ETA- Liked Leslie Thompkins, although I thought Morena Baccharin downplayed her a little bit tonight. I'm hoping things pick up soon.

Overall, pretty good tonight.

Edited by cooksdelight
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Do the writers just not know what to do with her?



Yes. Or rather, they are using her as a Stupid Sponge, as I've said before. She's there to make all the dumb decisions without which the plot could not go forward, but the actor doesn't get any scenes where she shows her motivation or reasoning, no matter how ill informed or half assed. 


For instance--when she calls the loft and Ivy answers. Let's face it, if you called home and a strange woman/girl's voice answered, your first thought probably wouldn't be "oh, must be one of those homeless children who's camping out in my apartment." You'd probably be bewildered and pissed off, even if you didn't leap to the conclusion that your ex was banging a new side piece in your bed while you were off finding yourself. So far, no problem.


But this doesn't work because that isn't Jim's apartment, it's Barbara's. And they very clearly showed it was her home phone, not her cell. Why would she assume he was hanging around her place? All it needed was one line/scene where she tries his cell for the fifteenth time with no result and then tries her landline in desperation. It was established that she's self-medicating and not in the most logical frame of mind and that whole bit could have been a good setup for the string of misunderstandings they're going to have to work their way through. Instead she not only looks like a moron now, she's going to look like one again in the future when she accuses Jim of having Fallen Women over at her place. Barbara cannot win with these writers.

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While I'm thinking about it . . . what's on Fox next week that keeps Gotham on the shelf until the 19th?

I'd like to know that as well because Sleepy Hollow pulled the same BS. Either come back and stay back or wait until the later date. That really pissed me off to be honest.

Just went back and read about the bowl game. That's fine and dandy, but don't come back from a long hiatus for one episode and then go, oops just kidding, we'll be back for real in two weeks.

Barbara is an extremely unlikeable character to me, she can stay gone.

Edited by missbonnie
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I'm very confused as to what happened with the nurse. So she was a patient, who managed to escape her cell, and hid out in the basement for years, then emerged and pretended to be a nurse, and was hired? And then at some point Gruber electro-shocked her brain?


Was she the one who fried the brains of the patients of the patients? Or was it Gruber who did all of it, and the fact that her brain was also fried was incidental?


For instance--when she calls the loft and Ivy answers. Let's face it, if you called home and a strange woman/girl's voice answered, your first thought probably wouldn't be "oh, must be one of those homeless children who's camping out in my apartment." You'd probably be bewildered and pissed off, even if you didn't leap to the conclusion that your ex was banging a new side piece in your bed while you were off finding yourself. So far, no problem.


If it was anyone who could possibly pass for a woman, I might have that reaction. But in Ivy's case, I'd be wondering, "Why is a child in his apartment?"

I was having trouble hearing the lines, but I thought it might be the Tempest based on what the victim was reciting, if he was Ariel.



It was The Tempest. Jack Gruber was playing Prospero and the young inmate Ariel. Pretty ambitious project, and interestingly in line with historical treatment of the mentally ill--they were often made to participate in group performance projects, both as therapy and for the amusement of the public. See: the play Marat/Sade, the movie Quills, and one of the House plotlines. Considering how shitty and backwards the entire "treatment" plans for the inmates were, it was right in line.


Honestly, I know this is Gotham, The Comic Book Show, and everything is highly stylized, but I really am losing patience with the whole "inmates are either barely human rage-machine monsters or hilarious bags of tics" thing, plus the way-too-long-lasting trend of "let's find the oldest, most falling apart, most depressing and unsafe building in a five hundred mile radius for our Psychiatric Hospital!" What the hell, man? Even if there's no respect for the inmates (and there clearly is not) why would anyone agree to work here? Especially with the Trademark Dim Ass Lighting? If you were inside a big building with badly treated/outright abused unstable people, wouldn't you want bright, glaring florescent lights in every room, every corridor, every stairwell? The Bad Doc could have been doing his shock treatments in the middle of the dining hall and nobody would have been able to see him!  

If it was anyone who could possibly pass for a woman, I might have that reaction. But in Ivy's case, I'd be wondering, "Why is a child in his apartment?"




Yes, but Barbara was hungover/just been dumped by her rebound/freaking out, which should have been enough for her to not twig, if she wasn't written as such a consistent idiot. But now anything she does just makes her look worse.

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Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the Gotham writers spent the break trying to figure out to maximize their strengths and how to minimize their weaknesses. Not to knock them too much, I still find Gotham very watchable, but I feel like there's a much better show underneath the one we're getting. 


And yeah, similar to Arrow, a major problem is this tendency to rush through most of their plot. I feel like you could have gotten one episode with Gordon on the back burner and just introducing the audience to the Arkham setting and characters. Then another episode of investigating electro-victims and the prison riot. Now? We get one episode of Arkham investigation, looks like one episode of Gordon helping Bullock finding Gruber (?), and it probably an episode after that, Gordon will be back at GCPD. There'll be no real impact for putting Gordon at Arkham in the first place. 


At least Arrow already has its superhero there, Batman ain't showing up for awhile. Slow things down a little bit, Gotham Writers. Explore your characters and how the plot affects them, I promise you it will be worth it in the long run. 

I'm very confused as to what happened with the nurse. So she was a patient, who managed to escape her cell, and hid out in the basement for years, then emerged and pretended to be a nurse, and was hired? And then at some point Gruber electro-shocked her brain?

Was she the one who fried the brains of the patients of the patients? Or was it Gruber who did all of it, and the fact that her brain was also fried was incidental?...

My understanding is that she was able to pretend to be a nurse because the place was so poorly run. She was the personification of "the inmates are running the asylum," which, amusingly, may have first been used in reference to Hollywood (http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/the_nmates_are_running_the_asylum). I doubt she was ever hired, but it wouldn't surprise me if she managed to get on the payroll. It's not clear when her brains were fried, but I would suppose after the frying, Gruber was able to convince her she was a nurse and perhaps that at night he became a doctor and she his assistant. This kind of creepy narrative writes itself.

I know it can seem to be an offensive portrayal of the mentally ill, but it is also an indictment of the persistent failure of society to have compassion for those who suffer from mental illness.

Ben McKenzie seems to have adapted a stilted, staccato cadence for Gordon, regardless of who's directing, sort of reminiscent of the 1960s campy Adam West version. It's a little annoying at times.

Edited by shapeshifter
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I wonder if they are testing the waters by bringing in Leslie (and trying to pull a Felicity).

The chemistry between Gordon and Barbara is non-existent (my opinion) and her character is becoming useless with every passing minute. What is more, she is being written as a bad character...


Before the show even started, there was a casting call for Barbara - and it listed her as... a doctor. (Jim’s fiancé, Barbara Kean, who is a “sophisticated emergency room doctor.”) -> http://screenrant.com/gotham-tv-series-cast-penguin-alfred-barbara-gordon/

Maybe that titbit is wrong, but maybe they've decided to drop the doctor storyline for Barbara and use a character that was a doctor in Batman-verse, meaning Leslie.


Hey, I always liked Leslie!


Plus, Morena is a goddess. If I was concerned, Leslie could just stand and do nothing and still be better than Barbara.

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Sheeeeeeeeeit! I love that we got Clay Davis (I just saw Herc on The Good Wife last night and Lester on Forever tonight), Miss Di Pesto, and Inara all in one episode! Huge high five to the casting people. On a related note, I am so used to terrible child actors so I am impressed that they have done so well with casting Selina (and Ivy and Bruce to a lesser degree).


I liked that Fish's screentime was reduced this week. The less of her scenery chewing, the better. It doesn't help that I'm not as interested in her plot. As soon as her henchman started talking about stealing that meat, I knew he was going to shoot him. Leave the gun. Take the cannoli!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Great episode, good return and the Arkham stuff was brilliant.

I liked that we were meant to think it was poor Dorothy causing those attacks only for Gruber to emerge as the true baddie and escape from Arkham.

Leslie got a great introduction and there's immediately more chemistry with her and Gordon than there is with the latter and Barbara.

Barbara has not improved over the break. Even Renee doesn't want to be around her and Ivy was able to wind her up pretty easily.

I did like the Selina and Ivy plot, even though the episode didn't strictly need it. Missed Bruce and Alfred this week though and Nygma too of course.

Bullock's delight upon seeing Oswald in a cell and being reunited with Gordon was fantastic.

Oswald is a great character but I'm glad Maroni made an example of him this week.

Fish must have some sway if Butch is more than happy to betray and kill one of his oldest friends for her loyalty, 8/10

Good to see Christopher Heyerdahl again - I remember him from various sci-fi shows (Stargate, Sanctuary and the like).  He was meant to be Hugo Strange yeah?  He had the looks, the 'experimenting' on patients to turn them into mindless brutes and so on.  Bit weird they felt the need to call him Jack Gruber then...  Unless he is meant to be someone different...  Anyway, besides the odd name for Dr Strange, I thought the Arkham Asylum stuff was great.  They're really nailing the feel of the general 'depravity' I guess that Arkham has always had in the comics.  The Arkham in this show is definitely one that I can see the Joker and Two Face and Scarecrow at home in. 


While I'm still iffy on this Leslie Thompkins (she's meant to be a mother figure for Bruce, not a love interest for Gordon!) Morena Baccarin was pretty good.  She'll probably win me over.  Interested to see where the Selina and Ivy stuff goes - Poison Ivy and Catwoman have always had a somewhat turbulent working relationship in the comics.  And with the mafia story I'm betting Fish knocks Falcone off while Penguin puts down Maroni, leading to a Fish vs Penguin showdown.


Oh, the song that was playing when Gordon was interviewing all the Arkham patients over the missing keys was "Figure it Out" by Royal Blood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhgVu2lsi_k.  Great track.

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I didn't feel like this episode was that crowded.


So Montaya ruins Jim's life because she wants Babs back, then she gets Babs back and changes her mind?  Are we supposed to root for Babs and Jim to get back together? Because if so, that whole doesn't worry about fiancée till she gets dumped thing is really not a good way to encourage me to root for her.


I'm pleasantly surprised that they took a break from batman.  I don't get why Selina didn't use her Bruce connection to help out Ivy other then for the plot had to conveniently have Ivy answer Jim's phone. I'm not a fan of such lazy writing.


Penguin storyline was fine and I even like that in his own way that Maroni protects his fisherman. Good character development. Unfortunately, Penguin is quickly becoming a one not character. 


I think ultimately Butch  sided with the horse that he thought would get him further. Unfortunately for Butch, I have a feeling that  Fish is going to turn on him sometime in the near future.


The A story was fine. I liked that Harvey and Jim were back together again and I actually recognized most of the guest stars.  I especially liked that the bad guy got away to be a potential thorn in Jim's side. 


On a final note, how the hell do you have the sheeeeeit guy and don't get him to say it?

Edited by Oscirus
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On a final note, how the hell do you have the sheeeeeit guy and don't get him to say it?





         His last dying word, would've been a perfect time.


         Still was nice to see another actor from The Wire on the show. 


         They stay working and getting paid.

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I liked this episode! I like it when it focuses more on Jim. Poor Jim. Almost everyone is still yelling at him.

I like Bullock now. In the first few eps all I wanted to do was punch him in the face, but now he's kinda lovable. His bromance with Jim is in full swing.

Didn't expect the wack-a-doodle nurse to be trampled to death like something straight out of The Lion King. I didn't want Dr. Lang to die either. I just wanted him punched in the face :(.

The mastermind inmate is creepy. I like him.

Sign me up for those who want to trade in Barbara for Dr. leslie permanently. I've tried to like Barbara, I've tried to be sympathetic, but I just can't. I can't find anything to like about her. At this point I'm just hoping she and Jim reconcile, she dies, then Jim decide to name his daughter after her.

Poor Butch. He and that guy really did seem like they were friends. If Fish ends up screwing him over I'll be mad. I've deemed him the head of Hufflepuff. He's so dang loyal to Fish.

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Yes, Dumbara, you are poison. Better late than never with the insight. But it's too bad for us (the viewers) because we'll have to watch Dumbara hit rock bottom the rest of the season.


Montoya confirmed what Mr. Spock  mentioned  to Stonn in the episode Amok Time : "After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. It is not logical, but often true." Bam!


Arkham: Gosh, I so wanted The Tick, Batmanuel, and Arthur to be patients there.


I'm getting tired of Selina. Okay, I get it, she's developing her Catwoman skills. Okay already.

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