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S05.E10: Growing Up and Moving Out


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I'm guessing Maddie has a job doing landscaping/maintenance on campus, before the deluge of students arrive at the end of the summer.  My cousin had a job like this at her university, and it was NOT easy work.  Have any of these teens had a part-time job while in high school?  This could be a real wake-up call.


I would not have been such a good sport, watching my parents crudely mock my emotional youth on that home-movie, in front of my friends.  What is wrong with these people!?


I couldn't stick this out longer than an hour.  When Robyn made her angry face, imitating how she couldn't speak up when discussing MSWC's new direction, it seriously terrified me.   

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I was horrified by Mykelti's "it's so awesome" reaction to the super special David Tupaz' fashions...really? I was horrified by those so called designs lol




Someone needs to buy Janelle a cross for her birthday so she can crawl onto it and nail herself to it every time she feels left out or misunderstood.

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Per Robyn's twitter, when Day-un had his accident, he asked the family that it not be mentioned in the show. That is why we haven't heard about it until now. But when it came time for the surgery, he decided to go on camera to talk about it.


I wonder if the medical lien on Robyn's house from several years ago is from the ATV accident.


I was a little taken aback by something that Day-un said in his TH. He said that Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin had Aspergers. I had not heard of this. Is there historical medical data that current doctors are using to make that diagnosis? 

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I wish they would stop trying to make My Sister Wives' Closet a thing. They just can't take a hint from poor sales to the investors shying away. Not sure that selling other items would help. I know I wouldn't think to check them out. They don't have much style at all.

I think Robyn just wants to feel like she has something to feel important about. I really thought her hair was turning gray and not dyed blonde. I'm glad Dayton got his eye fixed. I didn't realize it was from an accident. I thought it was congenital. Wonder why they waited so long?

I really thought two hours was just too long. I was so bored by the first commercial though I'm glad the kids are leaving the nest!

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Enough with the parties already.


Mykelti has little to no talent nor taste, but dang she knows how to throw the word "classy (Klassy?)" around.  A Tea Party, really? 

So far, she's the most like Christine.  Which is NOT meant to be a compliment.


Kody is unwatchable and annoying as always.  Janelle looks like she's started to regain the 25 lbs she lost a year or so ago, probably why we aren't seeing Trainer Sean, at least not yet, nor did he tweet about the new show.  Probably because he isn't going to be a feature like he was last season.  We shall see.

I was a little taken aback by something that Day-un said in his TH. He said that Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin had Aspergers. I had not heard of this. Is there historical medical data that current doctors are using to make that diagnosis? 


There is a book called Diagnosing Jefferson which is about the theory that Jefferson may have been on the spectrum. I haven't read it myself though.


Back on topic- thanks to everyone who watched last night. I can't bring myself to watch these fools anymore, but reading this forum is always a blast.

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I liked most of the scenes last night.  I'm one who is not as annoyed by Kody as most.  I find that I like him and the ladies lip syncing and dancing better than when they are just talking. lol  They seemed to have had some good times last night and I do think the kids share a lot of love. I think the ladies hold too many grudges and are too selfish to make much work, so that hurts everyone.


I think they need to make a rule that the parties for family members over 18 will not involved pizza, cakes etc.  It appears that they are indulging in too many food fests.  It shows.  It kind of makes me uncomfortable to see how they look uncomfortable.  Meri's jeans are not appropriate.  Cut out the talk about modesty until she gets a larger size.  They are not creating good healthy eating habits, IMO.


Janelle is not comfortable dancing. We get it.  I really wish she could loosen up though.  It's so obvious she is very insecure about her body.  I'm glad she's seeing a therapist, but it seems she needs to work on more than slights from Meri that occurred 18 years ago.  Please.  (And I normally prefer Janelle over the other ladies.)


What part about "Sister wife's closet isn't working" does Robyn not get?  Why is her sense of creativity more important than paying the family's bills?  It's just insane.  I don't think she will ever get it.  


I thought that Kody and Janelle were very fair with their daughter.  Why is she so rude?  Does this involve Mariah?  Just curious.

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Thanks to FastForward technology, I was able to skim this wasteland of a TV show in 12 minutes.


Kody is still a self-important Dbag that loves to hear himself talk.  The sound of his voice is like his own personal symphony.  No one cares about his ignorant opinions except those easily hypnotized by a Charles Manson glare.


Those fashion drawings were rubbish, she can't draw limbs or heads and there was no evidence of any sense of color.  But the best bit was watching them walk into the fashion den with their mismatched solid color Fortrel polyester jackets and the girl with a big, messy, pink bow on her head... the whole scene had me in stitches (it's a pun!).  They're worried about values?  First get the "talent" down, then worry about "values."  Right now they don't need to.  Kody can sleep at night.


Still laughing, as a web entrepreneur making a living, at their complete lack of understanding of how the internet works.  I would give them advice but only if they paid me.  They're doing everything wrong.

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Did Christine take a bunch of happy pills for this season?? Her attitude seems to have done a 180, at least for this episode.  She was laughing and smiling 99.9% of the episode and even her and Kody were pretty snuggly on the couch during their TH's.


I was honestly shocked at Mykelti's drawings...it's one thing to do that as a hobby and think you're awesome..... but you go to school for that... specifically.....one would think a school would help them stylize their drawings. 


Although I look back at my 'portfolio' I took to college to try and get an art scholarship.  I'm a little embarrassed at the stuff I had but obviously that's what college is for...so maybe she will find her way. 

Edited by gunderda
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Per Robyn's twitter, when Day-un had his accident, he asked the family that it not be mentioned in the show. That is why we haven't heard about it until now. But when it came time for the surgery, he decided to go on camera to talk about it.


I wonder if the medical lien on Robyn's house from several years ago is from the ATV accident.


I was a little taken aback by something that Day-un said in his TH. He said that Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin had Aspergers. I had not heard of this. Is there historical medical data that current doctors are using to make that diagnosis? 


There has been speculation that a long list of famous people had Aspergers. While I'm hardly an expert to say that it's not true, I think we just don't know enough about Aspergers to go back and diagnose people who are now dead.  One thing that worries me about Dayton spouting this information is that it is often used by parents to their kids with Aspergers (or high-functioning Autism) to tell them they are just fine and nothing is wrong with them. I am completely supportive of establishing good self-esteem with these kids (all kids actually). They aren't broken, defective, or anything like that. They have a lot to offer and shouldn't be treated otherwise. HOWEVER, they also need help. Therapies can do wonders to help them cope with some of their issues. Often when the parent focuses only on the child being "just fine' it's their way of rationalizing neglecting their needs. I hope that isn't the case with Dayton. 

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So glad this forum allows us more up-thumbs than the last forum because I have enjoyed these comments so much!   


Kody doesn't bug me as much as he does others, either, but Robyn is really annoying me with her pout and pity party.  Does she realize there are women in the world who work mutliple jobs AND have children?  It can be done if you want to.  


and this.  "complaining about all the various parties they had to plan within a week's time."  This annoyed me SO MUCH because it's such a ploy.  They KNOW when graduation is at the beginning of the school year.  You also know when a child's birthday is FOREVER.  Why last minute planning?  I hate it on other shows too, when a house has to be renovated in a week or whatnot because a wedding has to happen, etc.  Like it was a last minute idea to have a wedding.  All shows...please stop doing that.  We see right through it.  It is created drama and lame.   

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What part about "Sister wife's closet isn't working" does Robyn not get?  Why is her sense of creativity more important than paying the family's bills?  It's just insane.  I don't think she will ever get it.


Because she's Kody's faaaavvvvvorite. And his slam piece. She's used to getting what she wants. 


I also had a HUGE problem with Robyn's butt-hurt attitude when Meri had announced to her that she wanted to go back to school. Meri wants to BETTER HERSELF by getting a degree and possibly bringing more money into the family by getting a job with that degree, and all that spoiled brat Robyn can see is how it will affect MSWC?  The HELL? Who looks down their nose at someone wanting to get an education?! Selfish much?

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Back on topic- thanks to everyone who watched last night. I can't bring myself to watch these fools anymore, but reading this forum is always a blast.


Ditto.  I have moved on from this dreck but love reading about it. It's Downton Abbey for me.  Just as much of a soap opera but with much prettier clothes (that actually fit) and no phony Kings with pony tails.

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Janelle is my favorite sister wife, however, I have to call her out.  When her marriage to Meri’s brother ended, she probably should have moved on instead of setting her sights on her former sister in-law’s husband.  In their book, Janelle stated that she was the one who told Kody and Meri that she felt she belongs with them.  I don’t think they need a therapist to tell them why Meri harbors resentments and why this probably wasn't a very good idea.  Meri said that she couldn’t believe a cute guy like Kody would be interested in her, which leads me to believe that she would have said and done anything to snag him, including agreeing to other wives.  Like Rosemary from My Five Wives said about her sister wife Paulie, “she seems more into the guy than she is in the Principle of Plural marriage.”


They seem to take special care in keeping Dayton away from the cameras, so I am not surprise that his accident wasn't make public.

I was surprised at how poor Mykelti's portfolio was. I know little about fashion design but my 12 year old daughter draws stuff like that...shouldn't her portfolio have a "wow factor" and show off all her talents? Uh, yeah... I think Mykelti is a nice girl who fancies herself as someone who is different, hip and edgy. She tries to be the bad ass. So fashion is like a funky artsy thing to do. But you need to have more than that... Sorry if that is rude but reality is, her portfolio was really poor and she went to some high school that specializes in fashion, didn't she?

I think this whole family is crazy and Kody is so annoying. But, I will give him this, he speaks about Dayton like he is a biological child, ya know? I never get that "that's not my bio kid" vibe from him. Kody is spread way too thin with all his kids but I think he puts in an effort to treat Robyn's kids as his biological children.

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You would think they would have enough advise (and even reality) to realize that Sister Wive's Closet is never going to be a business to sustain the family.  Maybe it could be something on the side, but all parties involved, especialy Kody should be looking for real jobs.  And sorry Meri, a lot of jobs aren't "fun anymore".  It is great if you can find a job that you love and can have fun with, but most people need decent jobs to support their families that aren't pipe dreams. Let favorite wife Robyn continue with her own designs running Sister Wives Closet without investors while she raises the latest generation of Browns while the others get real jobs. How much work could it be with a small customer base.  Plus, what happens when this show ends. If the business is not doing good while they are on TLC, it definitely won't improve later.  Just reality. 

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So Robyn wants to be creative?  Fine.  Learn to knit and get a zibbet or etsy!!!  Seriously.  You could do that and have your baby.  She is forcing everyone to do something none of them really want to do and I highly doubt she would give them the same courtesy if the roles were reversed.


And I love Maddie.  That is all.

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So are the kids taking out loans to go to school or would that be Kody and the wives? 


When I went to school many moons ago, freshmen were not allowed to live in the on-campus apartments. Only in the dorms. Must be nice for Maddy, especially having a bedroom to herself. 



I'm guessing Maddie has a job doing landscaping/maintenance on campus, before the deluge of students arrive at the end of the summer.  My cousin had a job like this at her university, and it was NOT easy work.  Have any of these teens had a part-time job while in high school?  This could be a real wake-up call.

That does sound difficult but if true it is even more telling. Maddie would rather dig ditches and shovel manure than live a minute more than she has to under Kody's mortgaged to the hilt mcmansion. 


I still always find myself wanting to know as many details as possibly about their financials. How are they affording the monthly mortgage, college, paying for all these parties, pizzas, RV trips?


Kody was talking about closing a deal, so I take it he works outside of being CEO of SWC (LOL!) and 'reality star?'


I wonder if Logan and Maddie's apparent running from the family is also running from filming.  Although on Logan's part, I believe a very large portion was getting away from being responsible for the other kids and distancing himself from Kody.


Logan was raising Kody's and the sister wives kids. I don't blame him or any of the kids for leaving that situation on the 1st thing smoking.  Wasn't it last season when Christine admitted how much Mykelti was involved in the housework, cooking and care for the younger kids? It seemed that was revealed around the time of Truly's illness. I thought that was eye opening because I always thought that Christine was a child-rearing, housework doing machine. Don't get me wrong I don't think Christine sits around the house eating bonbons and watching soaps & reality tv all day but she probably relied too heavily on support from a teenager like Mykelti. I find it telling that now that Mykelti is on her way out of dodge, Christine's mom is moving in. 

I am always surprised by how blindingly blond Truly is and Solomon is just as blond. 

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I  think Christine mentioned she relied a lot on Aspyn too in the past. 


I agree with what everyone has been saying about MSWC. Enough already! I could not get through that part of this episode; it's time they move on. 


And speaking of moving on, I don't know how many more ways they are going to try to work in the topic of Maddie and her "dark place" and struggles with Las Vegas. It's gotta be embarrassing for Madison for it to be on the show over and over and it's kind of annoying to hear the same story and watch the same clips of her saying she hates it here for the 10th time. We get it Sister Wives. 


In regards to the Janelle/Meri friction, I get the vibe that Meri is trying to be easy-going and just have fun around Janelle and Janelle can't let go of the past. It was interesting in the therapist session how Janelle said Meri was the only one who said she would be interested in doing the wilderness idea Janelle had. I thought she was getting at the fact that she does have things in common with Meri and could be close if it wasn't for their past. 


In the previews for the upcoming episodes, I think I saw that childhood friend of Kody's who appeared in the episode in Wyoming. Is it the same guy? 


I agree that the black outfits during the dance number really suited the women, especially Meri. 

Did anyone else think that Truely looks as if she hasn't grown?

I don't know about not growing at all, but she does seem to be growing at a slower rate than her siblings. Solomon is almost her size now. Don't know if that has to do with her health issues, or if she's naturally petite. I loved her talking head with Solomon last night...even though she's just about Solomon's size, she wanted to assure everyone she would take care of him since she's "the big sister". Adorable!

I wonder if Logan and Maddie's apparent running from the family is also running from filming.  Although on Logan's part, I believe a very large portion was getting away from being responsible for the other kids and distancing himself from Kody.



And I love Maddie.  That is all.


Can Maddie have her own reality show? I'd watch the shit out of that.

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I was surprised at how poor Mykelti's portfolio was. I know little about fashion design but my 12 year old daughter draws stuff like that...shouldn't her portfolio have a "wow factor" and show off all her talents? Uh, yeah... I think Mykelti is a nice girl who fancies herself as someone who is different, hip and edgy. She tries to be the bad ass. So fashion is like a funky artsy thing to do. But you need to have more than that... Sorry if that is rude but reality is, her portfolio was really poor and she went to some high school that specializes in fashion, didn't she?



I put this on her parents lack of assistance as much as on Mykelti. While it is very inappropriate for an 18 year old to have her parents come with for an interview, it is completely expected and normal to have parents help guide things like this. My oldest did all of her application essays, interviews, portfolios etc on her own, as it should be, but I looked things over. We gave advice on presentation. She still did all of the work but getting help from adults who know what professional looks like is normal at that age. After all she's 18 with no experience. I don't know anything about fashion but if that was my daughter I would encourage her to see samples of typical portfolios, talk to her teachers, give her thoughts etc. I bet she didn't have any input from her pathetic family. Certainly they couldn't create talent in her that doesn't exist, but they could have helped her understand how to present what she does have and at least put her best foot forward.

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I just took a look at the sister wive's closet website.  Looks like a new line of clothing has been added.  Audrey Belle - designed by Robyn.  Right now, the line includes three t-shirts.


Ugh!  IMHO, I think the t-shirts are hideous.  Wonder why they didn't get Mykelti to design the shirts?


Here's what they say about the brand:  "We wanted to create a line of clothing for our customers that would make them feel beautiful and inspired.  We thought long and hard about what we wanted to call our new baby. We wanted to use high quality products and processes combined with one of a kind art.  We decided on Audrey because it means strong and noble, and on Belle because it means beautiful.  We want our customers to feel strong and beautiful when they wear a piece of clothing from Audrey Belle."

No. It's just that they were geniuses so they *must* have had Aspergers!

I honestly doubt either of them did, given the social skills they both needed I order to accomplish what they did and the lack of interventions available at the time.

I can scarcely imagine a person who had better social skills than Benjamin Franklin. I might not agree with all his social choices, but his SQ must have been over the moon. I did find a link that listed Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, and practically every smart person ever. http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/article_2086.shtml

Edited by mbutterfly
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I still have my mothers high school fashion book done in the early forties and each design was beautifully drawn in the fabric it was to be in and description of what type of fashion it was as well as squares of actual fabric for each piece.


I could have choked on my coffee when Robin was talking "integrity" and the Tanum O'Neal line from Paper Moon came to mind. (speaking to her grifter father) If you have scruples its a sure bet they belong to someone else!!


So glad they showed the clip again of when Kody explained what happens when you kiss. Hormones leak into your mouth. How they old his this duffus?? He  is sticking with they were going to get arrested if they stayed in Utah too.

Edited by athousandclowns
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This is their bread and butter. I think Kody would go as far as to acquire a fifth wife if it meant keeping on air. He's a media tramp.

I believe that too. Same with the Duggar skeeve guy. He would risk his wifes life to have another baby for ratings.

Sorry, Mykelti.. but my 10 yr old draws similar dresses. When Kadouche was talking about how fashion should be modest, I had a "wtf" moment, considering half his wives wear those obscene yeast-infection inducing jeans.

How similar Janelle looked to Maddie, with that dark wig on, must have scared the crap out of Maddie.

Give up the damn joory business!!

Yeast-infection inducing jeans......LOL     classic !

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Is Janelle the only one with 1/2 a brain? She's had a business career, got her real estate license & does the finances for all 4 homes. But when she speaks about the business & how to better it, no one pays attention to her. She comes off as the only one that wants to work or have a life outside of their homes. I also was glad that we didn't have to witness her having a meltdown when Maddie left. You can tell she cares & was sad but proud at the same time. Unlike Meri, who cried for an entire season over having an empty nest. I understand she only has 1 kid but there are 16 others that she claims to be a 2nd mother to. I bet Cody goes to Janelle's house just for piece & quiet, as the others are so emotionally needy.


Robyn, get over with the ugly jewelry. Plus, by name it after Sister Wives, she's eliminated the majority of the market. I'm glad her son is doing better & took the surgery like a trooper.


Cody continues to be slimy & cheesy. I swear his hair was curled with a curling iron for his couch scenes. Don't get me started on his dancing! The best was when he assumed the lady who owned the boutique wanted to be his next wife. He really thinks all women love him.

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I thought it was interesting to hear Janelle say that the family had been mortifying her for years. LOL, can't say that I blame her. They sure can act pretty ridiculous. But I kind of like that most of the teens aren't embarrassed by their parents and kind of look forward to their antics. It's refreshing. However, Christine saying that Hunter would get a crazy show whether he liked it or not kind of put me off. They should respect the kids' different preferences and not act a fool if that's what they want. 


"Stupid and crazy" -  Kody's mom for the win!


I noticed that neither Janelle nor Christine had a major hissy fit about where to sit at their respective daughters' graduations. 


I'm so proud of Madison. She has great goals and I love that she wants to make a difference in the world, not just get by. I wish her well....and Mykelti too. The fashion industry is not going to be easy to break into. But she has a passion and she's being allowed to pursue it, so that's great. 


Is it wrong that I'm getting all kinds of pleasure out of Robyn being such a bitter bitch about the direction their jewelry line is going? I find it hilarious. And, yes, I'm so sure that boutique owner REALLY wanted to become the 5th Brown wife. New drinking game - shots every time Kody either tries to shock someone with his "unconventional" lifestyle or believes some random woman wants to join them. I'm sure the entire forum will be dead by the third episode.

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Still laughing, as a web entrepreneur making a living, at their complete lack of understanding of how the internet works.  I would give them advice but only if they paid me.  They're doing everything wrong.


Yep, I make my living by marketing a wide variety of products on the web, as well (none of them made or designed by me LOL), and I am also just itching to scream (fairly obvious) advice at them every time they talk about the business at all.


The one that gets my goat the most, though--I mean seriously, seriously makes me cringe--is when they say YET AGAIN that they get a lot of traffic but not many sales. I want to stand up, alone in my living room, and scream at the screen, "Traffic doesn't make sales! TARGETED traffic makes sales! Untargeted traffic does nothing but burn bandwidth! So, either advertise and bring in some traffic that's actually looking for insanely expensive but surprisingly unattractive joory, or put up some products (like novelty t-shirts or exclusive content behind a paywall) that the massive amount of traffic already arriving to your site might actually be interested in! Jesus! I can't be the first person to tell you this!"


And, in fact, I would stand up and scream that, purely for the catharsis, if I didn't think it would scare my dog. :D


Robyn should just put her shit on Etsy and call it a day!

Edited by auntiemel
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