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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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@EVS, you are in no way obligated to keep listening to that crap. Socially distance yourself from this person for the duration of this pandemic and reassess your relationship after this is all over. You don't need that insensitivity now. Sending hugs. 

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Just now, emma675 said:

Ditto. EVS, I hope you're not offended by this, but I don't think you're losing much if you lose this friend. 

 Not offended at all. That’s why I started my original post by saying I think I am about to lose a couple 40+ year friendships!  I appreciate all the words of support here. Thank you all so much!

Just now, Sew Sumi said:

@EVS, you are in no way obligated to keep listening to that crap. Socially distance yourself from this person for the duration of this pandemic and reassess your relationship after this is all over. You don't need that insensitivity now. Sending hugs. 

Thank you. 

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

It's so hard to lose friendships/relationships. Sometimes it takes something big to let us know it's time to move on. Stay healthy @EVS.

Thank you.

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20 minutes ago, EVS said:

I think some people might be scared and in denial, but I think my friends are just selfish and don’t want to inconvenience themselves or change their lifestyle. 

I belong to a facebook group that is about 3,000 members from my town. I really thought I lived in an area that would have no problem complying. Nope - A LOT claim their rights are being violated and that if we're scared to get the virus, then WE should stay home, but they think everything should open up. 

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8 minutes ago, EVS said:

 Not offended at all. That’s why I started my original post by saying I think I am about to lose a couple 40+ year friendships!  I appreciate all the words of support here. Thank you all so much!

Thank you. 

I'll just add this - you deserve better friends than that!😊

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23 minutes ago, EVS said:

I think some people might be scared and in denial, but I think my friends are just selfish and don’t want to inconvenience themselves or change their lifestyle. 

That's exactly what it is. So many of the people ignoring the guidelines or getting mad at the shut down. They don't really care that people are sick and dying, they don't even seem really get that they could pass the virus on to family and friends they love who. They don't want to inconvenience themselves or change their lifestyles. Their not really that worried about losing their business or getting back to work. If they were then they'd wearing the masks, and maintaining social distancing while out and about. Nope, they want to go the beach. Look at the hundreds of people to went to the beach and didn't even bother to keep a distance. Whining because they can't get a haircut or go to a movie. Complaining about their Constitutional Rights. Ah, I don't remember being promised that to go the beach being in the Constitution. So many people have died, so many more have died. And they don't really care. They want to go to the beach. They want to go out to restaurants, get a haircut and stuff. Are of these things really that important or life essential? No. They'll survive without. But they don't care. Its just so frustrating and infuriating. 

I have sympathy for people worrying about money and losing their business. There are some that are still taking it seriously. Hair salons having their employees wearing masks, gloves and gowns. But so many business owners seem to have the 'tude its my business and I'll open it. Their employees end up forced between choosing staying home and safe and not having any money coming in or going to work depending on whatever guidelines their employer decides to have or decides not to have and risk getting sick and dying. The government should be stepping and doing more. You look at other countries Denmark has been paying people their paychecks. See how Iceland and so many others took it seriously and lost fewer people.   

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16 minutes ago, realityfan26 said:

I belong to a facebook group that is about 3,000 members from my town. I really thought I lived in an area that would have no problem complying. Nope - A LOT claim their rights are being violated and that if we're scared to get the virus, then WE should stay home, but they think everything should open up. 

And, of course, all of the employees in the places that open up should just be thrilled to be going to work and potentially exposed to the virus by some yahoo who won't wear a mask.  All of these people so concerned about THEIR rights while taking no responsibility for their actions.

I have a friend from residency, another OB/GYN, who practices in another state, one that has been much harder hit than mine.  But, yet, he continues to rant and rave and repeat all the propaganda that's come out claiming that the virus is a hoax , etc, etc.  He's 60ish, still practicing full time.  I have no idea how he can be this clueless.  I finally 'snoozed' him on Facebook.

Someone upthread mentioned Nick Cordero.  He is a Tony nominated star of Broadway musicals, 41 years old, no health problems.  He was hospitalized in late March with COVID.  He has been on a ventilator every since and in a coma.  He now has a tracheostomy due to needing long term breathing support, his kidneys failed so he is on dialysis, his right leg was amputated after circulatory problems developed, he has a cardiac pacemaker because the virus affected his heart, he has gotten pneumonia and a fungal infection on top of the virus since his hospitalization, he now has significant and probably permanent, damage to his lungs on CT even though he is now negative for COVID.  His wife posted online yesterday, ecstatic because, for the first time in 6 weeks, he has opened his eyes spontaneously.  There are things worse than death.  The odds that he will make a full recovery except for the loss of his leg are virtually nil.

Edited by doodlebug
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3 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

That whole thing was hysterical and sad and so true...but this was my favorite part.


LOL that was actually on fb! They had an article about malls reopening, and some dummy actually made that comment. It was hilarious, because everyone replies, “how are you going to get sunshine and fresh air in the mall?! Nothing is stopping you from going on a walk outside right now!”

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1 minute ago, Sew Sumi said:

Didn't Cordero also suffer two strokes? Can't remember where I read that. 

I don't think anyone here wants any part of that. Thanks for being a place of sanity!

That's right, his wife said he suffered a couple of strokes at some point which were diagnosed on CT.  I forgot to mention that, but, not to worry, young, healthy white people don't die of COVID.

I have relatives, including a couple of sisters, who feel that the economy is more important than public health, too.  One of them, age 57, actually told me that, if she knew someone who had COVID, she'd want to get exposed so she can catch it and 'get it over with'.  I told her she could be getting it over with permanently.  For whatever reason, it seems that most people think that they're not going to be in the 20% of COVID patients who are so sick they end up hospitalized.

A friend's daughter, a physician, caught it at work, she is just 32.  She could barely make it from the bed to the bathroom for 3 weeks and she had what was considered a mild case.  Her husband caught it from her and had the same thing.  How anyone can say they want to be sick as a dog for 2-3 weeks in hopes of getting immunity (which has yet to be proved_ is beyond me.

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

My FIL married later in life. I always referred to her as my FIL's wife. My husband would say his dad's wife.

i talked to my "step sister' today for an hour  we are in agreement on the approach we are taking and she will tell her 3 siblings to support and my brother will support.

but so many times we stumbled  on which name to use - her mom sorting and my dad in the hospital. to say dad or mom we laughed a bit, if we used the name out of our realm. i say dad, to her that is Bob. etc



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The Orange County beach goers created a  new spike in infections so no it wasn't just a great day at the beach.  They more than likely killed a few people just like their protests likely did, too.  

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I was reading some medical article the other day about how so many people are looking at the death rate for COVID and not taking into account the problems survivors will have in the future. It's not a matter of catching it and surviving, it's the permanent lung damage, kidney damage, heart damage, cognitive problems, etc that it can leave. People are left with lifetime health issues from this and it will strain their finances, the insurance industry, and the healthcare industry for years to come. The idiots who are screaming about their constitutional rights to shop and get a hair cut and go to the beach can go screw themselves. 

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Some folks don't seem to understand they're are only as safe as the next reckless idiot near them. That reckless idiot could be a friend, an MD, a hairdresser, a neighbor, a gym owner/employee, a family member, the list goes on and on and on.

I for one, am not willing to bet my life that my hairdresser has been following guidelines in both their home lives and business. And OSHA, the big bad enforcer of all workplace mishaps has thrown all the rules and regulations out the door.

I'm going to uncomfortably, begrudgingly and impatiently settle down for a long summer's chill, trying to find ways to stay sane, and hope we've made some progress toward managing this terrorist called covid19 as we move into fall.

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7 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm going to uncomfortably, begrudgingly and impatiently settle down for a long summer's chill, trying to find ways to stay sane, and hope we've made some progress toward managing this terrorist called covid19 as we move into fall.

This. I also feel that for people like myself...retired, no children to care for, no real need to go anywhere other than necessities and most of those can be delivered...it’s my responsibility to stay home and stay healthy. Mr. Wiser and I are a tad on each other’s last nerve as we’ve been doing this since March 12, but it’s what we can do to contribute. That and donating to shelters and food banks.

So IMO the people who can need to suck it up and make it safer for those who have no choice but to go out. 

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2 hours ago, Suzn said:

This is sickening.  So it's quite alright with her that the old, sick, fat or black die?  I don't know what to say other than that this is shockingly cruel.

My jaw dropped on that line. I can't imagine anyone thinking it, let alone saying it. 😞

1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Didn't Cordero also suffer two strokes? Can't remember where I read that. 

I don't think anyone here wants any part of that. Thanks for being a place of sanity!

Word. The other online forums I'm on involve some real assholes in denial. This has been the only forum I'm active on where people are taking this seriously uniformly, and I so appreciate it.

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3 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I love Hamilton because I can see how genius it is.  Taking established white American history and fusing it with hip-hop culture breaths fresh life into its subjects.  Casting POC in what should be these white roles brings together people from all walks of life and shows us how we are all connected.  But, even if you are not a listener of hip hop or rap, you are not left out.  I can't fully explain the level of genius present in the book, and the original cast is so talented.  I recommend reading Hamilton, The Revolution which contains the book with footnotes to fully explain, and backstory to the creation of it.  

Also Lin Manuel Miranda is a lyrical genius. Think of a 21st century Oscars & Hammerstein in one man. 

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4 hours ago, crazy8s said:

side note - i hate calling his wife of 30+ yrs stepmom, as i was married and had a child when they married (our son was ring bearer in the wedding) . we were happy for them. our son was the first grandchild, we set the standard the grands would call her grandma. it stuck 😀

I always flail for another term. we are great together as friends, but in this situation that doesn't fit either.

“My father’s wife”? “Step Mother” is the standard term in the USA for the wife of one’s legal/biological parent, so it makes sense you would call her that. 

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8 minutes ago, DkNNy79 said:

“It doesn’t matter if we get it, the only people that die are old, sick, fat, or black.”

And stupid.  If only the stupid people that put others at risk would get a nice case of it - maybe not enough to kill them or cause lasting damage, but a nice week or two being really sick.  I know that's not nice but I'm tired of people like that making more work and life harder front line workers and for those of us that are trying to do our best to keep ourselves and others safe.  I'm sorry to say that about your friend, that's a lot of years shared with someone.  I think your best plan would be to maybe distance yourself or go on the quiet side with them for awhile.  I'm married to one of these types of thinkers and it's not fun at all.  You need to focus just on yourself and be well, and I'm having a good thought for you.  

Is it June yet?  I just want some steady warm temps, no more below freezing dipping.  And not too hot either.  Just....enjoyable.   



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37 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

“My father’s wife”? “Step Mother” is the standard term in the USA for the wife of one’s legal/biological parent, so it makes sense you would call her that. 

my father's wife feels to me to be discounting her as a person somehow..... and step mother seems odd since i was an adult and married with a child when they married

technicallly I have a step sister and 3 step brothers, but we were adults at the wedding and would never refer to each other that way

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48 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

“My father’s wife”? “Step Mother” is the standard term in the USA for the wife of one’s legal/biological parent, so it makes sense you would call her that. 

After 40 years of marriage, I've never considered my husband's two daughters from his first marriage as my step children, because I have never been a mother to them.  Family dynamics are determined from within and those looking from the outside should not judge.

Edited by fonfereksglen
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My stepmother legally adopted me when I was 14 and my brother 11. However, my dad didn't adopt her 3 daughters because they were all adults. I never lived with them, but I still always considered them my sisters and their children my niece and nephews. 

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

“My father’s wife”? “Step Mother” is the standard term in the USA for the wife of one’s legal/biological parent, so it makes sense you would call her that. 

My husband was 38, had only met the woman his dad was marrying a handful of times because they lived in different states. He never lived with her and was a full grown man when she married his dad. So, ya, father's wife.

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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

This. I also feel that for people like myself...retired, no children to care for, no real need to go anywhere other than necessities and most of those can be delivered...it’s my responsibility to stay home and stay healthy. Mr. Wiser and I are a tad on each other’s last nerve as we’ve been doing this since March 12, but it’s what we can do to contribute. That and donating to shelters and food banks.

So IMO the people who can need to suck it up and make it safer for those who have no choice but to go out. 

To me what you describe is a wonderful service and you should be commended. To me, my country has asked me to do my service and I have done my very best. I haven’t complained of the sacrifice, in fact, I’m honored that I am able to do my small part when some are fighting on the front lines of ERs and ICU facilities, risking much more than I am. I’m not downplaying the severity of self quarantining, but, I think we can do whatever it takes. We need unity and a real tenacity going forward. Since, it’s likely going to be a bit of a journey.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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So many of you are so kind. You have accepted people into your family and world. Some by marriages, and some...well they just appear. How lucky they are to have y’all in their lives. 

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3 hours ago, doodlebug said:

There are things worse than death.  

As an ICU nurse, I know this is true.  

I work in the hot spot for my state.  My patient population has NOT been old or black.  Only some were fat, and while most had underlying health conditions, they were not "sick".  Quite a few had no medical history at all.  The consistent factor has been lack of social distancing, usually due to crowded living conditions and continuing to work in jobs that require group work.  I'm very concerned about opening up and seeing a resurgence of cases.  

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My brother informed me tonight that they are resuming Spartan competitions in FL! Omg, how incredible is that.....bringing lots of heavy breathing people into close contact..what could go wrong?  (He’s been into  this thing big time for a couple of years, but, even he thinks this is a crazy idea.)

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1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

my father's wife feels to me to be discounting her as a person somehow..... and step mother seems odd since i was an adult and married with a child when they married

technicallly I have a step sister and 3 step brothers, but we were adults at the wedding and would never refer to each other that way

I feel you on that. My dad remarried when I was 4. She had a son a year older than I, and they had three kids together. My stepmother has been in my life for as long as I can remember. I refer to my siblings as my siblings, not has step and half. Sometimes it does strike me as odd to call her my stepmother. It feels too distant.

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1 hour ago, Bewitched said:

As an ICU nurse, I know this is true.  

I work in the hot spot for my state.  My patient population has NOT been old or black.  Only some were fat, and while most had underlying health conditions, they were not "sick".  Quite a few had no medical history at all.  The consistent factor has been lack of social distancing, usually due to crowded living conditions and continuing to work in jobs that require group work.  I'm very concerned about opening up and seeing a resurgence of cases.  

Thank you and all your colleagues for your extraordinary service in these extraordinary times, Bewitched.

I am so grateful to all of you.

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10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I have finally accepted that covid will arrive to my cousin's Memory Care facility.  I've been optimistic about it, because, it's small, rural county, very careful staff, PPE, taking temperatures, etc., but, I think it will happen.  I checked the numbers for positive cases for the facility where our family friend works and it's unreal.  It's a small facility too, but, they have 16 STAFF members who are positive.  Our family friend is one of them.  That number was small a day ago.  Eleven residents are positive. None have died yet.  This place is in an adjacent county to where my cousin is.  It's finally hit me that it's inevitable.  I think it will happen.  At least I have time to adjust to the prospect.  I guess I've been in my own realm of denial.  

My county has had 79 cases and 19 deaths, all the deaths were residents of retirement homes. 12 of the cases are in one extended family who refuse to isolate from each other. Fortunately, all they've gotten is a "bad flu", unfortunately that has been why they don't take it seriously enough to isolate from each other.

The only county with more deaths than mine has 21 out of 754 cases. 

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My boss and his brother are convinced it's all a huge hoax. That people aren't really dying, or, if they are, it doesn't matter what they're dying of, its being blamed on the virus. They also say the hospitals are empty. 

It makes me want to do a huge face palm. If I had other employment, I'd quit.

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I do wish people would just wear a mask, it's not that hard and I am sorry, but no you are not giving up your liberty in doing this. I do have a question what percentage of people are getting the virus? I don't mean dying from it just getting the virus? Maybe some of the people who refuse to wear masks just think they have a small chance of getting sick. I have a few friends on Facebook who on the group of "Just stay at home, I will not give up my liberty ect" and I just want to shake them. I also have a hard time not hoping they get the virus sense it's not a big deal.

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5 hours ago, beckie said:

My boss and his brother are convinced it's all a huge hoax.

Don't you wish they could tour an ICU or hospital in NY that's full of Covid?  But I'm not sure that would even make an impression.  People just put their blinders on and that's it.  Wearing a mask is common sense, not infringing on liberties.

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I just viewed a list of most of the major stores in our area, along with their policies on restrictions. While most of them strongly encourage or expect their customers to wear masks, only one requires it.  So, I'm planning to drive to that grocery store later this week.  It's pricey and it's a hundred mile round trip drive, but, it's worth it to me. It is near my office, so, I can pick up mail and say hello from a distance to the few who are going in.   It's called The Fresh Market.  There are two locations locally. I do applaud them.  I had expected Trader Joe to require masks, but, I didn't see it.  Also, yaaay for Wallgreens.  They are my pharmacy and they are requiring customers to wear masks too, however, they have a policy that they will not reprimand customers who violate this policy, for fear of violence! I'm not kidding.  In all fairness, Wallgreens had a pharmacist get shot by a customer last year, because, he claimed the medication tasted funny!  Not kidding.


Once again, I'd like to recommend the nature app for sleeping.  I used it again last night and it's done wonders for my sleep!  I like the rain, but, think that I will try another sound of nature soon.  I'm so excited about this! 


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I do wish people would just wear a mask, it's not that hard and I am sorry, but no you are not giving up your liberty in doing this. I do have a question what percentage of people are getting the virus? I don't mean dying from it just getting the virus? Maybe some of the people who refuse to wear masks just think they have a small chance of getting sick. I have a few friends on Facebook who on the group of "Just stay at home, I will not give up my liberty ect" and I just want to shake them. I also have a hard time not hoping they get the virus sense it's not a big deal.

I don't think we know for certain how many people are catching the virus simply because we haven't done enough testing and, since the virus has only been known for less than a year, our tests haven't been perfected yet.  One of my sisters was griping about how the death rate from COVID was 'inflated' because people who hadn't had testing were included.  I pointed out that, thanks to the current administration, which she supports wholeheartedly, we wasted about a month and that tests weren't done at least in part because they weren't available.  That stopped that line of complaint anyway.  Just this morning, an infectious disease specialist was on the Today Show from his hospital bed where he is being treated for COVID.  Early 40's, excellent health, runs 5 miles a day.  He has now been tested negative FOUR times.  Why?  Because he had already been sick a week before he was tested, because all of the multiple tests we are using have a high false negative rate.  He said he was 100% certain of the diagnosis, but the testing simply hasn't been around long enough to be accurate enough to be the only way to diagnose COVID.

We do know that COVID is more contagious than the flu and that the average person with COVID infects 2-2.5 others in the course of their illness.  That is a pretty infectious disease, partly due to the virus and partly due to the general lack of immunity in our population.

COVID probably isn't as contagious as chicken pox which has an attack rate around 90% (if you are not immune and live in a household with someone who contracts chicken pox, there's a  90% chance you will get it, too); but it is definitely more contagious than the typical cold or flu.

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5 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

I don't think we know for certain how many people are catching the virus simply because we haven't done enough testing and, since the virus has only been known for less than a year, our tests haven't been perfected yet.  One of my sisters was griping about how the death rate from COVID was 'inflated' because people who hadn't had testing were included.  I pointed out that, thanks to the current administration, which she supports wholeheartedly, we wasted about a month and that tests weren't done at least in part because they weren't available.  That stopped that line of complaint anyway.  Just this morning, an infectious disease specialist was on the Today Show from his hospital bed where he is being treated for COVID.  Early 40's, excellent health, runs 5 miles a day.  He has now been tested negative FOUR times.  Why?  Because he had already been sick a week before he was tested, because all of the multiple tests we are using have a high false negative rate.  He said he was 100% certain of the diagnosis, but the testing simply hasn't been around long enough to be accurate enough to be the only way to diagnose COVID.

We do know that COVID is more contagious than the flu and that the average person with COVID infects 2-2.5 others in the course of their illness.  That is a pretty infectious disease, partly due to the virus and partly due to the general lack of immunity in our population.

COVID probably isn't as contagious as chicken pox which has an attack rate around 90% (if you are not immune and live in a household with someone who contracts chicken pox, there's a  90% chance you will get it, too); but it is definitely more contagious than the typical cold or flu.

I saw the virologist you describe above. He regularly appeared on NBC talking about how to avoid covid.  He claims that he must have made a mistake, because, he was following all protocols for safety, washing hands, wearing masks, social distancing, etc.  But, then he says he suspects he got it on a flight that was very full to New Orleans.  Thinks he got through his eyes.  Another reason, I also wear glasses the entire time I go out.   So, if I were to get on a plane with even a few passengers, I'd consider that high risk.  That's just me.  The mask can filter out some portions, but, not all.  That's why everyone needs to have one on.   This guy, I think he's an actual doctor, says he's not out of the woods yet.  Here's a link for it. 


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8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I saw the virologist you describe above. He regularly appeared on NBC talking about how to avoid covid.  He claims that he must have made a mistake, because, he was following all protocols for safety, washing hands, wearing masks, social distancing, etc.  But, then he says he suspects he got it on a flight that was very full to New Orleans.  Thinks he got through his eyes.  Another reason, I also wear glasses the entire time I go out.   So, if I were to get on a plane with even a few passengers, I'd consider that high risk.  That's just me.  The mask can filter out some portions, but, not all.  That's why everyone needs to have one on.   This guy, I think he's an actual doctor, says he's not out of the woods yet.  Here's a link for it. 


He's not just a doc, he's an infectious disease specialist who has done work on viruses like Ebola.  He said he just got upgraded from critical condition this morning but was still in ICU.  He said he was the only COVID patient there not on a ventilator, at least in part because he requested not to be intubated when he was admitted and instead receive extra oxygen.  This is something we seem to be learning about COVID; patients can tolerate lower oxygen levels than non-COVID patients and so they can probably avoid intubation in some cases where it would be automatic with other diseases. And people with COVID who are intubated are more likely to die than others who need intubation for the flu.

He said he called the airline the day before and was told that there would be plenty of room to separate passengers and, when he got on the flight and saw that wasn't the case, he should've just gotten off and refused to fly.  He said he wore a mask, gloves and used disinfecting wipes over the area where he was seated; so he did everything as directed and still he got it.  He also said that the other passengers and employees were not all wearing masks.

He also said that he developed bacterial pneumonia on top of the COVID which is why people get sicker after a week or so.

Edited by doodlebug
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There's more than one way to calculate deaths. One way states try to validate the confirmed and presumed deaths from covid is comparing it to the number of deaths in the same months in prior years. 

So for all the conspiracy theories out there, states aren't pulling these numbers out of their asses.

Edited by GeeGolly
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13 hours ago, doodlebug said:

He also said that he developed bacterial pneumonia on top of the COVID which is why people get sicker after a week or so.

Some hoax, hmmm?

 I have zero, and I mean zero, patience with the hoax conspiracy theorists and the media criminals who mislead them. Hey, yes, absolutely, every country In the entire world  decided to get together and create a non-existent pandemic and crash their economies in the process just to “own” the USA. Ten countries can barely hammer out a mutually beneficial alliance, but they’re going to make this up and somehow get all of their governments, industries, and citizens muzzled and on board with this?


Edited by Oldernowiser
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I have two neighbors who work on the clerical side of health care.  One works in records at the hospital, and the other is a receptionist at a clinic.  Neither of them is making the slightest attempt to follow any social distancing guidelines, and they both complain bitterly about wearing a mask at work.

It's true our area has a very low rate of confirmed cases, and "only" one death.  However, I would think that since these two work in medical facilities they might have been educated on the importance of doing everything we can to keep these rates low.  Whatever they may or may not have been told at work, both of them often post on the local Facebook group about freedom from government, and getting out and about to develop "herd immunity".

Even stranger, to me anyway, is that on a recent trip to the grocery store, I saw the mother of a friend of my son's from high school.  She's a retired military doctor who did two or three tours in Iraq.  She's my age, and she was in the store with her elderly father.  Neither of them were wearing masks.  My thought was WTF???  Maybe after what she saw in Iraq nothing scares her?  I dunno, but if either of my parents were still alive, they absolutely would not be going into stores, masked or unmasked.

The past three years have been very difficult for us, and we had high hopes that 2020 would be the year that shifted into our favor.  Still waiting.....

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Wisconsin opened its doors. Sort of. An article about bars had a picture of a small bar. The picture was of patrons, and what looked to be the bar owner's 10(?) year old son and the owner, were behind the bar.

Obviously no masks on the patrons and no mask on the owner either. The child was facing the other way.

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11 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Wisconsin opened its doors. Sort of. An article about bars had a picture of a small bar. The picture was of patrons, and what looked to be the bar owner's 10(?) year old son and the owner, were behind the bar.

Obviously no masks on the patrons and no mask on the owner either. The child was facing the other way.

What is a child doing in a bar to start with?

Somehow wearing a mask has become politicized, which is insane. But wearing one now makes you a target, in some places, for scorn or worse...my husband has been glared at several times. Somehow wearing a mask to protect yourself and others makes you a wimp?

That’s fucked up.

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I'm not surprised now by what I see and read online. There seems to be plenty of ignorance, denial, fear, frustration, boredom, and downright arrogance with this safety issue to help prevent the spread of covid.  Just when I think it might be education related, I read where doctors are throwing caution to the wind. So, I just have to shake my head.....☹️

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I would argue that we haven't faced such a big worldwide event like this since World War II. 

The messaging at the beginning of this was akin to World I, "We'll be home by Christmas!". We haven't effectively marketed just how severe this can be. That and without trying to tread too much into politics, yeah. There's that. My friends were expecting something akin to the French Revolution or October Revolution. Seems like we are getting the opposite.

ANYWAY. That being said, if you have the resources to help out businesses that are badly affected by this DO SO. You have a gym membership at a small gym? Keep paying your membership. If they are offering classes over Zoom? Share with your friends, encourage them to join you. You have a favorite restaurant? Call directly and order from them once a week (if possible). Many salons are doing consultations over Zoom for certain things (like doing your own nails!) and ordering beauty products for you. If you have the resources, please keep your local businesses going. We're all in this together. Like the World Wars, we have to be united. We're divided.

As an aside one of my friends did a Zoom yoga class with my studio. She said: "I was so stupid. I should have gone with you in the Before Times when you were encouraging me to go."

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1 minute ago, PikaScrewChu said:

I would argue that we haven't faced such a big worldwide event like this since World War II. 

The messaging at the beginning of this was akin to World I, "We'll be home by Christmas!". We haven't effectively marketed just how severe this can be. That and without trying to tread too much into politics, yeah. There's that. My friends were expecting something akin to the French Revolution or October Revolution. Seems like we are getting the opposite.

ANYWAY. That being said, if you have the resources to help out businesses that are badly affected by this DO SO. You have a gym membership at a small gym? Keep paying your membership. If they are offering classes over Zoom? Share with your friends, encourage them to join you. You have a favorite restaurant? Call directly and order from them once a week (if possible). Many salons are doing consultations over Zoom for certain things (like doing your own nails!) and ordering beauty products for you. If you have the resources, please keep your local businesses going. We're all in this together. Like the World Wars, we have to be united. We're divided.

As an aside one of my friends did a Zoom yoga class with my studio. She said: "I was so stupid. I should have gone with you in the Before Times when you were encouraging me to go."

So agree with you. Am keeping gym memberships. One is a Y and they do a lot of community work. Other is affiliated with a church I don’t attend but they do a lot for their community. I don’t foresee going back for a long time though.  Called a local business to pick something up - a Perfectly good sofa but no donation places available. He is a junk man. We have Chinese takeout regularly. Been buying from local quilt shops - order on line and they bring it to the trunk of my car. These small businesses are suffering 

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