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S04.E01: Made In Manhattan

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I missed Nina in regards to Benjamin's look. I could totally see her calling it out as just a dated look. The model was outstanding and he executed it well but the design was just a variation of the one-shoulder dresses that were all the rage a few years ago when all the dolman sleeves were in with the thick belts and leggings.

Edited by anonymiss
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I didn't understand Alyssa Milano being the host last year and I still don't get it.  What credible fashion experience does she have?  Whoever styles her should be fired.  Her clothes, hair and make up are usually atrocious. She is actually very pretty, but the way she looks on this show disguises that many times. Either she makes bad choices for herself or allows others to convince her they know what they're doing.  I think the pregnancy ramped up her fakey fake speech pattern she had last year. If she wants to lose her Noo Yawk accent, go to a vocal coach.  Don't try to "Professor Higgins" yourself without professional help.

Yeah she is such a mess on this show. She could look so much better!! What is with stylists trying to put Alyssa in dowdy, unflattering clothes! They do it here and they did it on Mistresses too. Ugh. Her voice did sound weird last night, but I thought that maybe it was just because of the pregnancy weight gain. I've known people who gained a lot of weight while pregnant, or just gained a lot of weight, and their voice sounded noticeably different than it had when they were slimmer. Of course, that does not explain her weird affected speech patterns.

Edited by wovenloaf
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I think Kate should have gone home, too.   Patricia's dress was more interesting, even with the really bad breast darts.   Kate's was a poorly made bridal dress.  Nothing interesting at all.


Third. Patricia at least failed at something interesting. Although Kate's own business website is full of poorly-made bridal dresses, and this looked nothing like them.


A true travesty, I mean everyone has an off day, but she wasn't even stunning or radiant.


I snorfled.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5

Honestly I blame how Alyssa looks--pregnant or not on whoever is styling her for this show.  I see pictures of her out all the time, or on other shows and she always looks nice, but when she's on PR she looks bad most of the time.    


She looked terrible on Mistresses.  They don't know how to dress and style her there, either.  It got worse and worse over the course of her pregnancy, too - they kept putting her in these boxy blazers as thought she were an 80's "career woman" there.

  • Love 1

I thought Michelle didn't like to be touched?  Suddenly she's miss touchy feely?  LOL


I'm sooooooooo sad to lose Patricia. Wah wah wah. I thought they'd get rid of Kate.


Fabio can do no wrong!  I love how sexy Sonjia is, what she was wearing, and what she designed. She likes green and so do I.  Jay looked really sexy too!


I actually thought Helen's gown was great.  I liked Michelle's too.  I was surprised to see it on the bottom, that confused me.


Georgina gave up her contract to have her always referred to as the beautiful and mysterious and smells good or whatever those lines usually are?  Or did Alyssa totally rebel and not say what she was supposed to!


I love how Gunnar thinks he was anything resembling a villain in his season (s?).  Not Ven, not Elena, but sweet ol' Gunnar!  


While I do really dislike some of the returning contestants, something about this episode was like a breath of fresh air after the shit show we were just subjected to in Season 13.


That's how I felt about the last All-Stars, too!  It was just a bunch of likeable people, and Elena having a meltdown every challenge.  A huge breath of fresh air after a 'regular' season, where there are always horrible villainous people with stank attitudes.  I think this season's going to be fun.... though I wish my personal favourite Christopher Palu was back.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I guess it is just me but I think being identified by a profession (designer) is an upgrade from focusing on looks (gorgeous) for Georgina.  I get it...she's a lovely looking, but it's not an achievement (unless you're a plastic surgeon).  


I'm not surprised Patricia was eliminated...she spent so much time doing something that she didn't use, and then she put out a garment with really awful darts.  Her talking about how excellent and fabulous she is does nothing for me....what she put down the runway was neither excellent nor fabulous.   You can't complain about not having enough time if you use most of your time manipulating fabric and then not using it.


Overall I'd say if this is today's fashion, I'm glad I don't have money to buy it.  I really didn't see anything that I'd go across the street to take a closer look at, but I am not the demographic they are aiming at.  I'll probably keep watching.  I noticed the preview had dogs (and not just in Mood).  That's something to look forward to.

Edited by dialyn
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I guess it is just me but I think being identified by a profession (designer) is an upgrade from focusing on looks (gorgeous) for Georgina.  I get it...she's a lovely looking, but it's not an achievement (unless you're a plastic surgeon).  


It's an on-going joke to see what kind of superficial adjective will be used to describe Georgina from episode to episode.  Jokes are often made that it must be in her contract somewhere that everyone must refer to her as "gorgeous", "lovely", "beautiful" or some other descriptor based on looks alone. 

  • Love 1

Thrilled with Fabio's win. He's one of my all-time favorite PR contestants (if not my favorite), in terms of both design and personality (the hotness doesn't hurt either). He's also one of a handful of designers who's appeared on the show who really seems to have a unique, immediately identifiable aesthetic. (I enjoy Dmitry too, but his designs just aren't my style or particularly innovative IMO.)


Patricia earned her auf, but I also would have preferred to have her stick around over Kate. Even though Patricia wasn't one of my favorites in terms of design or personality, I'm still interested in seeing what she comes up with for each challenge. Kate just bores me.

  • Love 5

I can't argue with Patricia going out on that sloppy mess, but I'd much rather have seen more from her than Helen's 1,235,783rd version of that same stupid dress or Kate's bazillionth appearance on one of these seasons.


Look on the bright side. Maybe next week Helen will switch up her Jean Harlow dress with one of her sacerdotal loincloths and a crop top.

  • Love 4

It's an on-going joke to see what kind of superficial adjective will be used to describe Georgina from episode to episode.  Jokes are often made that it must be in her contract somewhere that everyone must refer to her as "gorgeous", "lovely", "beautiful" or some other descriptor based on looks alone. 

I know it's been an ongoing joke (not to mention a drinking game), but I still say that it is an upgrade to describe a woman by her profession rather than her appearance.  It's a personal preference.

  • Love 1

Was that really a dress? In looking at the outfit from the back as the model turned around to walk back up the runway, I thought those were shorts! (Which were still too short.)

They were shorts.  When his model came out I was thinking - ummm, what was that about no cheeks?!  So I watched her cheeks very carefully to make sure they were covered.  And they were.  Barely.


I'll also vote for please more Dmitry and Fabio always please.  Keep them around forever.  I like to look at both of them.  And I love Chris March, he always cracks me up.  I really liked his kilt/skirt too.  

  • Love 4

The only look I liked was Chris March's; the entire "Uptown" collection was a snooze-fest.


It's time for another version of "The Chris March Show"! It would certainly be more fun and interesting than Project Runway Redux Ad Infinitum. He could partner with a different former contestant each week; just imagine what Chris & Fade could design!

  • Love 9

Chris!  Yay!  I love me some Chris March, and I think the above idea is a fantastic one.  I totally get the crushes on Dmitry (and he is indeed fab - thrilled to have him back too) but I just want to be Chris's bestie and listen to him tell stories and laugh his big, booming laugh all day long. He just seems like he would be so much fun to hang out with.  I hope he sticks around a long time and would love to see him win it all.

  • Love 6

To me the season (as well as the just finished PR #13 Season) were summed up b y Chris March's slightly stunned comment 'This is a one day challenge?' But then he came from an earlier season when the emphasis was actually on design and the designers.


I have no problem with the designers on this season of AS's but I think they're already hobbled by time and will be spending a lot of time running.

  • Love 9

To me the season (as well as the just finished PR #13 Season) were summed up b y Chris March's slightly stunned comment 'This is a one day challenge?' But then he came from an earlier season when the emphasis was actually on design and the designers.


I have no problem with the designers on this season of AS's but I think they're already hobbled by time and will be spending a lot of time running.

Yes. A thousand times yes. I wonder if that's why there are so many designers are from more recent seasons, because they're used to the shorter deadlines. It kills me every time they have a one day challenge - yet I can't quit this show. What's wrong with me?


I forgot how much I like Sonjia and I'm glad she's on this season. I'll watch this until she, Chris, and Dmitry are no longer on, though I'd be surprised if none of those three make it to the finale.

  • Love 1


Forgot to mention Michelle going to hug Kate when she came off the runway. What the hell? Is this the same woman who on her season didn't like to touch or be touched? And her hamming it up on the runway when they discussed her dress was too much.


Oh yeah - I forgot about the "I don't like to be touched" thing.  Somehow Michelle is even more annoying this time around than she was in her own season.  I think she lives to hear herself in the talking heads, ugh!


The guys looks were soooo much better than the girls looks!  But then, I think they were fortunate to get the "downtown" theme - it seemed like they could have a lot more fun with it than the "uptown" theme.  I'm happy with Fabio's win - that was a really chic looking jumpsuit. And even though I'm not so fond of Ben's personality, I thought he pulled off a really great look too - and I don't normally care for asymmetrical looks either! 


Make room on the Dmitri love train!  I'm there with ya!  I'm also glad to see Chris March back - his skirt may have been my personal favorite piece of the episode.  If I were in my 20's I would so want to wear that skirt!

  • Love 1

My daughter's reaction to Dimitri claiming "versatility" for his design:  You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means.  Specifically in reference to how close it was to letting the boobs peek out.  We both love him forever, especially for "one way monkey," but yeah, that was a bit much.  


I always liked Patricia somehow, and I certainly believe she would have shown us more interesting and unusual designs than anything Michelle or Kate will come up with.  The judges didn't see enough to keep her, obviously (I think Isaac is a little afraid of anything too out there, for instance), but I think they will be sorry in the long run, especially if Michelle hasn't evolved any since she was last on PR.

  • Love 1

I couldn't take the uptown and downtown thing too seriously. The difference between uptown and downtown in Manhattan is the difference between rich folks who travel south to get to midtown and millionaires who travel north to get to midtown. Also not sure why Michelle's so bitter about downtown (cocaine? really?). Guess her hometown hipsters haven't been as appreciative as she'd prefer.

Edited by Julia
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Michelle strikes me like she's auditioning to be the quirky best friend on a sitcom. It was good to see her be nicer to Patricia, but I questioned her intentions when she said Patricia's garment was "one of the best things I've ever seen her make." 


I adore Fabio and am happy that he won the first challenge, but I laughed when he said that a jumpsuit is the most comfortable thing a woman can wear. Apparently, his girl doesn't ever need to use the bathroom. I do wish he hadn't included the beige sash on the front. 


Both collections were a bit on the drab side for my liking, but I did love Chris's and Alexandria's.   


When it came down to Kate and Patricia, I wish they had given the latter another chance. I suspect that Kate is going to give us the same trite bridal looks for the rest of her time in the contest, and I have no interest in seeing them. 

  • Love 4
The only ones I'm not to thrilled to see back are Gunnar and Helen.


I don't know about seeing them, but hearing them?  Gunnar is just beyond annoying, and we get this from Helen:  "I'm like, 'All right, she's just gonna, like, keep walking, just like levitate because she's, like, fashion angel right now.'"

  • Love 2


Had to laugh at the richness of Ivanka complaining that Chris March's belt was "tacky." Apparently she has no familiarity with her own accessory line or her father's entire being.

I'll watch until Chris March gets booted off and then I'm out.

Thank you god for a world that includes Chris March.  I liked his the best, and not just because I like him the best.  I also liked Alexandria's but thought it was more downtown.


I couldn't take the uptown and downtown thing too seriously.

I guess everyone knows what it was supposed to mean but it did seem a little random.  Couldn't uptown have included Harlem? and downtown Wall Street?

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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I didn't see all the contestants' seasons. I saw Helen, Justin, Kate (her second), and Alexandria's.


I'm looking forward to seeing what the others bring. I've heard a few of the names before. I'm going into this All-Stars, for the most part, blindly because I'm not familiar with most of them.


I really liked Fabio's jumpsuit, even though I'm not big on jumpsuits. I'm a pants kind of gal, so it was nice to see him go outside the box to make pants. I didn't mind Chris' outfit, but the kilt was a bit 90's.


Kate's dress was meh. I know she's a bridal designer, but I hope she doesn't keep going for that aesthetic this season. In her second go around, she seemed more versatile. That said she deserved to be in the bottom.


Patricia's dress was blah and WOW on those darts. I know she was going to go a different route with that dress, but ran out of time. She ended up making bad darts and knew they were bad, so I can't jump on her too much. I think she knew she was screwed. It's too bad she was sent home though. I would have preferred that Kate get bounced.


I wasn't that wow'ed by Ben's dress. Michelle's dress might have been somewhat cooler in black or dark brown suede. I agree with Alyssa that it looked a bit too much like upholstery.


I don't even remember Helen's dress, but we know she's into making gowns. Kind of a one-trick pony.


I hated Alexandria's poopy pants outfits from Season 12, but I didn't mind last night's outfit. How long before she and Helen get into it?


One more thing: I like Ivanka Trump as a judge. She's pretty levelheaded given her background and upbringing. The Donald did something right with her.

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 5

I find this show good for an early riser like myself, when it is too dark to read and too early to do much of anything. Watching this on my phone enlivens my day better than coffee.

I remember 99% of the contestants, but only recalled Jay Sario when I saw his face. Wasn't he the dregs of the Bravo era? I remember him for being a sobbing pancake of a man, but cannot recall for the life of me what the hell he designed. He still looks like he's on the verge of tears...

I don't understand what Helen's issue with Alexandra is? I agree she is not the most likeable flower in the field, but she's hardly on the same level as Michelle. And if Helen is seriously making thousand dollar gowns, lay off the burritos. No one wants to smell of Eau de Taco Bell.

Michelle, fucking Michelle. Why? Who? She looks prettier than she did on Season 11, when she was rocking the Portland Hipster vibe. Too bad her attitude didn't change - I thought I would like her now, but I don't. I really don't. I'm hoping the Blob Monster will come swallow her and spit her back up somewhere far, far away.

WTF who let Kate back here??? When will she go away?

Benjamin...gross but at least he has simmered down tons.

The clothes were pretty unremarkable this time around. Has Kate been working on the set of some porno? That dress she made looked like it. I love you Patricia, as a person, but those sweet pea belts belong at a Souplantation, and that sack of chiffon ought to be burnt in an incinerator - fast.

Oh, zip it, Gunnar. You seem nice but your voice makes my eyeballs itch.

  • Love 5

Patricia's mistake was a total rookie error, and when the only structural detail of your design is a dart, you better know how to make a freakin dart! She made the mistake a lot of newbies make when learning to flat-pattern or drape: thinking the dart should go to the apex of the bust. A correctly made dart actually stops about an inch or so shy of the apex, because breasts are not a cone that comes to a point. And when you're draping, if you don't know this, you'll make it worse because your instinct will be to keep making the dart longer and longer to fit it around the curve of the bust, which just makes the bust tighter and exacerbates the problem. And that is what it looks like she did. Plus, there were multiple layers to the dress, so she stacked a few layers with the same mistake over each other, adding even more bulk to the cone boob.

You can be a good designer with natural talent and not a lot of formal training, but it's really hard to be a good dressmaker with no technique. And while a simple dress in a matte jersey can hide a lack of skill (like the woman from an early season who spit marked a dress), a super simple design in an unforgiving layered organdy requires absolute precision. If that's not your strong suit, don't do it.

But that leads me into the other thing that really sticks in my craw, is that on Patricia's first season, much like with Sandaya this past season, the judges seem to be willing to write off a lot of crappy ideas under this veil of some sort of "ethnic" magic. (I think to a lesser extent they extend the same kind of special snowflake blindness to Justin.). Her work isn't crap, it's just a perspective we haven't seen yet. It's the PR version of the Emperor's New Clothes. I think Sandaya's mistake was that she didn't see that and milk it for all it's worth, while Patricia seems to be drinking the kool-aid, as she said this episode, nobody else has her voice. It doesn't translate to interesting designs- and she can't sew! And since she doesn't have the design chops to integrate the textiles into a real design, the textile work tends to read as the overwrought crap you see in the old lady sections of department stores, with a million variations on the same pants and top with horrid prints and crap sewn on it, or in the bowels of Etsy.

Imagine if Sandaya had fed the judges some BS about those pinwheels mirroring a common element in Indian decorative arts, and that pink peplums on tween onesies actually appear in the Bhagavad Gita- guarantee she'd have made it to fashion week- the judges were already meeting her halfway to crazy, she just needed to help them with the other half.

  • Love 14

I may be overly sensitive on the topic, but I didn't appreciate Isaac's reaction to Patricia's departing cry.  Like Kini's aunt's chant when he lost last week, I find this cultural type of thing very moving.  Isaac seemed to be mocking it, or perhaps thought it was a war cry, and she was coming for him. 


One more thing: I like Ivanka Trump as a judge. She's pretty levelheaded given her background and upbringing. The Donald did something right with her.



He chose a good woman to mother her, which counter-acted his douchery.

  • Love 12

I may be overly sensitive on the topic, but I didn't appreciate Isaac's reaction to Patricia's departing cry.  Like Kini's aunt's chant when he lost last week, I find this cultural type of thing very moving.  Isaac seemed to be mocking it, or perhaps thought it was a war cry, and she was coming for him. 



He chose a good woman to mother her, which counter-acted his douchery.


I actually teared up a bit during Kini's aunt's chant. I felt like a tool tearing up over something on PR, but I agree that it really was quite moving! But yeah, Isaac was pretty rude about Patricia. I don't really like him much in general. I feel like he wants to be Michael Kors-esque in his "judging personality," but he's not good at it. 


And yes, Ivanka is definitely way better than her dad! She's also way better than her douchey brother Don Jr. During my brief period tuning in to Celebrity Apprentice a few years ago, I actually liked Ivanka and thought she faaar outshined the other Trumps! 

  • Love 3

I actually teared up a bit during Kini's aunt's chant. I felt like a tool tearing up over something on PR, but I agree that it really was quite moving! But yeah, Isaac was pretty rude about Patricia. I don't really like him much in general. I feel like he wants to be Michael Kors-esque in his "judging personality," but he's not good at it. 


My goodness yes to this.  I tried to find the right words, but I think you've said it as best as anyone could.  MK was a bitch, but it was (to me) almost always funny, and it never seemed truly mean spirited, and there was always a truth in it (at least for me).  To me, cringing or making faces at something from someone's culture like a warcry is a little personal, it has almost nothing to do with their clothing and everything in saying "this person is just a weirdo!" and that seems so mean to me, and not mean in the way MK was.


I don't mind Issac, but I think he tries to be MK in the way I think Zac is trying to be more MK.  But it just doesn't work, and I wish that little orange man would find his way back, because I miss him.

  • Love 4

Oh yeah - I forgot about the "I don't like to be touched" thing.  Somehow Michelle is even more annoying this time around than she was in her own season.  I think she lives to hear herself in the talking heads, ugh!


I started watching the show, but had to stop in the middle of one of Michelle's talking heads. I just can't watch or listen to her. She makes me want to throw things, and I can't afford a new TV. If only it were happening in person so I could tell her to shut up, shut up, shut up.


I guess everyone knows what it was supposed to mean but it did seem a little random.  Couldn't uptown have included Harlem? and downtown Wall Street?


In the little I watched of the show, I was trying to remember what was up. All I could remember is that the Battery is down before the conversation devolved into "Springfield, Springfield."

  • Love 1

Aww, I kinda, sorta liked Gunnar on season 10. My bad feelings for him melted when they did the regular woman challenge (the one where Ven was a douchecanoe, more than usual) and he was so loving and kind to his lady. She wasn't model-sized either, but in his TH he said everyone deserves to feel good about themselves and pretty. I wasn't really a FAN after that, but I liked him a lot more. Also, sorry, but I never liked Christopher so his feelings about Christopher kind of resonated with me.


Sorry to see Patricia go before Michelle. I couldn't figure out why Kate was so upset, so I was confused about that. But MORE confused about Michelle rushing over to hug the crap out of Kate almost immediately after a talking head in which she stated Kate gets under her skin. Maybe she meant under her skin in a good way, like how Sinatra meant it?


I think it's okay-ish that former champions come back for all-stars, however, Dimtry and Michelle have no chance because Seth Aaron just won a double last season. Also, I wish they would do a "Battle of the Champions" type thing except they would NEVER get Jay to come back. Probably not Leanne either.


I really don't have a lot to say about the fashion in the episode. I thought all of it was pretty darn pedestrian, even Fabio's jumpsuit. OH MY GOD, can Congress just declare those damn things illegal? Hated them in the 70s, 90s and hate them still. They're just not practical unless you're staying at home where you can just strip naked if you have to go to the bathroom.

I love Chris March, and I liked the kilt but everything seemed a little big.


Michelle continues to underwhelm, Kate: whiskey tango foxtrot FFS, Helen: same old, same old.


And I love Dmitry too, but I thought his look was very NOT Dmitry so I was confused.


I hate Alyssa as the host, but it is clear she loves this show. She acts so excited to see everyone, or maybe she's just exited to be working, I dunno.


To me the season (as well as the just finished PR #13 Season) were summed up b y Chris March's slightly stunned comment 'This is a one day challenge?' But then he came from an earlier season when the emphasis was actually on design and the designers.


And yet he handled the time limit a lot better than many of the designers from the recent seasons!  I was pretty impressed that he thought so strategically about what he could execute in the time limit.

  • Love 1

Patricia seems to be drinking the kool-aid, as she said this episode, nobody else has her voice.

When she said that specifically in regards to her Native American heritage, part of me wanted to see her go head to head with Korina from S13 just to see who could justify their special snowflakeness more. Plus it would make Nina's head explode to have two "ethnic" design aesthetics.

But seriously, just the thought of Michelle, Helen & Kate being JUDGED by Snookie & J-Wow? Too hilarious!! I cannot wait! :)

I was horrified by the thought of Snooki and J-Woww (who will never be in the same stratsophere as the awesome Cat Deeley) as judges but when you put it that way, I am almost looking forward to it! Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

I may be overly sensitive on the topic, but I didn't appreciate Isaac's reaction to Patricia's departing cry. Like Kini's aunt's chant when he lost last week, I find this cultural type of thing very moving. Isaac seemed to be mocking it, or perhaps thought it was a war cry, and she was coming for him.

TBH Isaac is just an unlikeable, offensive, trite creature of a man. He's condescending, has an overinflated sense of self and basks in the polyester glory of his QVC marathons. My grandmother was into fashion, so she remembered him from that one short period where he was designing for the runways and such, then up and quit unexpectedly. No one thought he was going to come back but apparently, he needs the money.

Michael Kors is a hard tree to knock. Zac Posen fails in this realm but not as greatly as Mizrahi.

On another note: Snooki is alright. She seems fresher now than she did before.

Go away, Nina. You are a shame to all Tauruses with your attitude. BLEGH.

  • Love 7

Gunnar is still this stupid little cartoon character, isn't he?


Actually everybody is still in their old boxes. Michelle is still a bitch on wheels.  Kate kind of clueless.  Helen annoying. Alexandria cold and yet mean at the same time. Patricia in Outer Space.


Wait. Did I just imagine that Georgina Chapman only got introduced as "Designer Georgina Chapman".  Hah, I knew if enough people cut on her long enough for the obligatory "beautiful" clause it would get back to the producers.

Edited by Kromm
  • Love 1

When the women's team was sitting in the shadow of the Plaza, wondering who their client was, I so wanted someone to suggest "Eloise - all grown up". That might have helped them create a more cohesive collection.


Loved Chris March's reaction to the concept of a one day challenge (and made me so nostalgic for the Bravo days). My love for him, Fabio and Sonja remains strong.


I've skipped some of these later seasons so the following designers are unknown to me, but the shot of Tattooed Lady offering a handshake to the Ice Maiden immediately after hugging Deaf Guy had me chuckling for the rest of the episode.

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