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Season 1 Discussion

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The most fun in this episode was when my OH and I simultaneously shouted "pluffins" at the tv when we discovered the plague was in the muffins :-) and at every opportunity after that when the baked goods were mentioned


seriously NCIS flew Di Nozzo to NO to get on a ship wearing a hazmat suit like everyone else did? zero sense made

As soon as I saw Brandon and Brenda Walsh's dad, I knew he had to be the guilty one.  Because I didn't recognize any of the other actors.  


Please keep DiNozzo away from me.  I find him insufferable.  I try to watch around him when I watch NCIS.


I love Scott Bakula and a guy I know who worked with him once and was really impressed by what a nice guy Bakula is.  Apparently not ego-driven at all.  So I want to like it, but...  This show is way too heavy-handed with the New Orleans references.  We get it, you're in the Big Easy.  Does that mean everyone's got to have phoney accents, play jazz, live in the bayou, and hang out on Bourbon Street balconies in every episode?  Stop it and focus on the plot instead, guys.  The mothership doesn't bother much with location and you don't have to either.  That said, I'm predicting we see some gumbo eating in the next episode.

Edited by FineWashables
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The accent is what is turning me off.  I try to watch this show but I do find myself daydreaming and even changing the channel for a bit.

This show could be so much better than what it is at the moment.   Leave the fake accents behind, come up with story lines that will blow me away and not have me figuring it all out in the first 5 minutes of the show.  If I figure it out so soon, then I have no reason to watch at least 40-45 minutes of the show.

  • Love 2

I agree with most of the posts on this ep ... I figured out who the bad guy was way too fast, the constant "hey, this is Nawlins, it's really special!" references are beginning to bug the crap out of me and the sooner Bakula loses the fake NO accent the better.


I do have faith, however, that the show will smooth out most of that stuff as it goes along, and I like the cast (I'm even warming up to the forensic tech guy a little), so I'm still watching.

  • Love 2

I didn't hate this episode but it also wasn't very riveting. The doctor being the one who did it was definitely a case of "hey! it's that guy!" syndrome-- hopefully they can get away from that in later episodes. Continue to really enjoy Lasalle and Dr. Wade. I actually really liked how interested Brody was about learning the history of New Orleans-- I thought her geeking out about it was cute.

NCIS:LA had lots of crossovers at the beginning too, back when it started. I think it's just to reassure everybody that it's still happening in the same universe and these new people know the other characters - meaning that it doesn't feel so much like a new show but more just an expansion of the world you already know.
They'll probably stop soon - nobody's crossed over to LA in years.

Yeah, most of the crossovers will drop off and the focus will be solely on the NO team. But I would be willing to bet we might see more crossovers in the future because Harmon is an EP on this show-- LA was Brennan's baby (and now pretty much lives it's own special universe). 

I'd like to see the geek replaced, or perhaps supplemented by the Carol Wilson character, played by Meredith Eaton.  She's such a lovely combination of sass and competence, completely different from Abby, but with that same sense of a non-military employee who understands and works well with military personnel.

I like her too and have enjoyed her appearances on the Mothership. One thing that bugged, though, was that she mentioned Southern hospitality to the lab geek-- the CDC is based in Atlanta. Even if she doesn't work in Atlanta, presumably she has had to attend meeting/conferences there and last I checked, Atlanta was part of the South. It just seemed like a weird line to me.

He had to SAVE the city!!!!!!!!  And the reference to Katrina.  Look, lots of cities have had problems through history.

This was sooooooo cheesy and overdone. FOR DRAMA!! Ugh, rolling my eyes here. Look, we all know Katrina devastated the city, though many of us probably didn't experience it. But, as mentioned, lots of cities have environmental (or other) catastrophes-- NOLA is not the only one. This whole scene was overly dramatic and painful.

Edited by catray
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the constant "hey, this is Nawlins, it's really special!" references are beginning to bug the crap out of me

Nearly every scene plays like it's been scripted by the NOLA Tourist Board. It's a cartoon city where everyone eats beignets and gumbo, loves jazz and spends their spare time in clubs where they "laissez les bon temps rouler."

I like Scott Bakula, but the problems with Pride go well beyond the bad accent. His turgid delivery of such spectacularly bad lines as, "We've got to stop the plague before it stops N'awlins!" Is hardly stirring.

If Bakula can step up his game and if the writers can stop writing dialog for the NOLA Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, NCIS:NOLA would be a lot more enjoyable. Basically, it's another entry in the tried-and-true NCIS procedural formula.

If they wanted it to actually be good, they'd go a lot darker. Less nobility, more character flaws. (CCH Pounder, however, has no flaws whatsoever.)

  • Love 2

The team investigates the crash of an armored transport bus carrying Naval brig detainees after four prisoners escape, including a black market broker who is one of the country's biggest national security threats. Pride turns to Gibbs for assistance when a case file needed for the investigation is full of redactions.



Maybe part of the problem with this ep was that you knew coming in what the disease was going to be, there was no jolt of shock as there would be in real life.  Leverage handled a similar type of story line in The Rundown Job and it was one of the most gripping shows I have seen, but they didn't telegraph everything ahead of time. 


I want to like this show, but maybe they need to be more suspenseful and less obvious with the writing. 

^^^I agree.  The suspense level was near zero.  I knew the minute I saw the doctor that he was the bad guy.  The main thing that kept me guessing was why Tony was thrown in the mix. I have no issues with crossovers, but I couldn't see any purpose being served by DiNozzo coming to town. Couldn't he have told them via a phone call to check the trash?  It came off as a bit too contrived for my liking.


Like many, I totally agree about the oversell of New Orleans. It's like they're sending some kind of subliminal message that if you live there you're special.  If you don't, then you're not.  They need to take the love of city down a notch or ten.


Why oh why they didn't go the route of King being a returnee instead of being raised in the great city of NO is beyond me. How easy would it have been to have him being born there, moved away at a young age and then returned when he got married? New Orleans could have been his first love and his hometown, yet it would have made it totally believable and understandable as to why he didn't have an accent.  Then SB could talk naturally and I could relax.


So far, I haven't been overly impressed, but my love for SB, LB and CCHP will keep me coming back for more. 

Edited by Blade
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The main thing that kept me guessing was why Tony was thrown in the mix. I have no issues with crossovers, but I couldn't see any purpose being served by DiNozzo coming to town. Couldn't he have told them via a phone call to check the trash?  It came off as a bit too contrived for my liking.

I think they just wanted the most popular actor on television on their new show. It's not as if he's a plague expert. He got it opening the mail.

Yeah, most of the crossovers will drop off and the focus will be solely on the NO team. But I would be willing to bet we might see more crossovers in the future because Harmon is an EP on this show-- LA was Brennan's baby (and now pretty much lives it's own special universe).



Yeah, IIRC, Mark really did not agree with Shane's "vision" for LA, and I think I remember reading that he said he wouldn't appear on the series after the backdoor pilot.  Since Mark's an EP of NOLA, thw series obviously has his blessing.  I'd expect more crossovers, not fewer.


I like the series.  I like LaSalle, Brody, Loretta, and the tech guy.  I'm having a difficult time warming up to Pride.  I find him swarmy,  I also agree they could dial back the "poor New Orleans" vibe a bit.  Hurricane Katrina was indeed a horrible thing, and I know the city's supposed to be like a character on the show, but the "rah-rah" for New Orleans is starting to become a tad obnoxious.

Edited by Ohmo

Yes between Katrina and the Gulf Oil spill, they may have thought they needed a tourist boost and have this show help.

Well I thought early that Dr. Mitchell Hufcutt(played the father on original "Beverly Hills, 90210") was shady. Seems since that show he has played mostly bad guys. I also recognized Navy Commander Louanne Bates as Pam on "The Cosby Show". I worried she was crooked too. Pretty crappy that he spread the disease to sell cures.

I really liked how Dr. Loretta Wade yelled "Bubonic Plague" from the morgue. This kind of fits in with the Ebola problem that is around now.

Tony DiNozzo wasn't seen very much, but nice for him to help. Liked how the mouse scared him and Cmd Bates laughed at it. Also nice to see Abby and Vance. Thought on this case Ducky would have been involved. Liked Dr. Melora Haley, maybe we will see her again? Also like seeing CDC Carol Wilson, she has been on the Mother Ship 3 times.

The bar that the team threw the Dealer into the water seemed liked the one in"The Finder" show.

Wondered at end why Tony wasn't invited to the cook out, but then they get called out so knew it wouldn't fit the scene.

Edited by webruce
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I also agree they could dial back the "poor New Orleans" vibe a bit.  Hurricane Katrina was indeed a horrible thing, and I know the city's supposed to be like a character on the show, but the "rah-rah" for New Orleans is starting to become a tad obnoxious.

Yeah, CW pulled the same sort of crap with The Originals for the first few episodes, constantly going "New Orleans is a great city!!!" all the time, but they quickly dropped that, and I expect they'll do the same thing here. In either case they're treating New Orleans like it's this great party city that's so special when it's just another one of the countless cities in America, no more important or unique than any other.

Sadly disappointed in this episode.

I really like Bakula a lot but don't feel he is jelling in this role.

I don't like the 'probie'. At this point I think it is more the writing than the actor.

Don't really see the need for Harmon to ride in all the stinking time. Now, Rocky Carroll has a legitimate role to play much as he did in NCIS: LA.

I'll keep watching for a bit, but they need to find their feet.

  • Love 2

First, shouldn't prison buses have metal grating or something over the windows? And second, how stupid are those women at the beginning? Just standing there as a bunch of prisoners are breaking out of a prison bus instead of getting the hell out of dodge, those 3 are lucky they weren't murdered much less had their car stolen.

  • Love 5

Generally still like the show.  Hey, it's better than NCIS:Red, isn't it?  ;)


At least the New Orleans tourist promotion was dialed down in this episode.  So there is points for that.


Don't get why those 3 girls were just standing there while it was obvious those were prisoners escaping.  Not even an "Oh crap!  Run for it!"  As was mentioned, they were lucky they weren't shot.


And while it's always nice to see MH, that scene was totally contrived.  I thought he would have more to do in this episode.  Guess not.


I also throught Brody should have been more angry with herself for getting captured and then because of her being held hostage, the perp had to be dispatched by Pride (nice shooting, btw).  Now because of all that, they don't know who that mole is.  So I thought Brody should have been a bit more contrite in the end.


This was an OK episode.  Slightly better than last week's where I picked the baddie out the 1st time I saw him. 

  • Love 5

This show just isn't gelling for me.  It's schizo, all clumsy swinging between an awkward buddy-fest and the barest outline of a COTW.  Perky probie is so out of place! I haven't disliked a character this much since they intro'd Bishop on the Mothership. She just doesn't work, figuratively or literally, as Sapppyjo pointed out. And her bright-eyed perkiness is so annoying; I cringe when she appears on my screen.  Listening to good ole boy Christopher LaSalle is like slogging through the mushiness of a summer afternoon on the Gulf. I get it, he a 'Bama boy.  I suspect he has some contribution to make to the plot, but damned if I can understand what he's talking about.   Perk-ette and Mumbles both really take me out of the flow of the show. Scott Bakula is eye-candy for me, and I'll put up with a lot for that, altho I'll admit I didn't last beyond a few episodes with "Enterprise". I'm beginning to think I'm not going to last here, either. Sorry, Scott.


ETA: The Gibbs cameo was gratuitous.  I suppose the implication was that Gibbs had some kind of special sneaky  access that he was sharing with Pride, but...... all that just for a bro-hug?  And reading below, I agree with Linderhill about the forced "charm" of "quirky lab-tech guy", too. 


My question is......will this program settle into something watchable, or should I give up now and avoid the rush?

Edited by Skycatcher

I know Ms. Pounder is a well respected actor, but her line delivery is driving me nuts. Either she's struggling with the medical terminology or she's just plain embarrassed by the truly terrible dialogue she and others are forced to spout on this show. Just watching for glimpses of my hometown at this point, so I wish NOLA tourism would dial it back up :)   

  • Love 1


Perky probie is so out of place! I haven't disliked a character this much since they intro'd Bishop on the Mothership. She just doesn't work, figuratively or literally, as Sapppyjo pointed out. And her bright-eyed perkiness is so annoying; I cringe when she appears on my screen.  Listening to good ole boy Christopher LaSalle is like slogging through the mushiness of a summer afternoon on the Gulf. I get it, he a 'Bama boy.  I suspect he has some contribution to make to the plot, but damned if I can understand what he's talking about.   Perk-ette and Mumbles both really take me out of the flow of the show. Scott Bakula is eye-candy for me,

I agree with everything you said, Skycatcher, except I like Mumbles. He's laid-back and kind, but he can also be bad-ass when he needs to be. I just hope they don't force a romance between him and Probie or the other Navy lady. He doesn't have any (sexual) chemistry with either one of them.


And I don't watch any of the other NCISs, so I don't see Mark Harmon much. What the F*** is up with his hair? That man is too sexy to wear that ugly-ass rug on his head. Let him bald gracefully, please.

Heh - "NCIS: Perky, Quirky and Mumbles"


Topanga - I like Mumbles, I like him very much. He stands out in a clichéd cast. Yes, he's the good ole boy cliché, but he does it very  well.  I just can't understand most of what he says.  I agree about the possibility of a forced romance, too.  I am most definitely NOT a shipper.  As for Ms. Pounder, I've read nothing but raves for her, but I'm not seeing it, yet. Jette may have a good point about the dialog she's given.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 3

I think it must be the writing because she played a surgeon on ER, right? And rocked it. I'm finding the stretch to make crimes NCIS-related a bit unconvincing, too, so I think there's a general issue with the writing. Sigh. Like whoever said they love Scott Bakula but bailed on Enterprise early on, I did the same despite loving Quantum Leap. This one just is not floating my boat.

I am not really a fan of Brody. I really, really, really wish they had made the character the one that Zoe McLellan played on JAG - Petty Officer Jennifer Coates. Would have been a great call back, plus I liked her character (and her hair ... I just can't handle Brody's hair). I just don't find her character interesting at all.


I'm warming up to LaSalle though. Not sure why.


I have LOVED the Navy personnel they've had on. I wish the guest star from this episode was on the team - she was great. And it'd be nice to have a person of colour on the team - aside from LL Cool J, all of the NCISs are very whitewashed.

  • Love 3


I am not really a fan of Brody. I really, really, really wish they had made the character the one that Zoe McLellan played on JAG - Petty Officer Jennifer Coates. Would have been a great call back, plus I liked her character (and her hair ... I just can't handle Brody's hair). I just don't find her character interesting at all.

I guess I can't figure out where they're going with Brody's character. Is she supposed to be cynical?--if so, she's not selling it very well, feeling displaced?--not feeling that all, curious?--not feeling that either, or simply naïve? I'm not getting much emotion at all from the character, and I can't tell if it's the writing or the acting. I did enjoy she scene with the three officers standing around the pot of shrimp boil, arguing about when to add the spices. "But I read online--" I get most of my new recipes from the Internet. LOL.


And I hate to be superficial, but I don't like Brody's hair either. Short hair on a woman can be beautiful if she has a nice cut--e.g. Halle Berry, ADA Ross on Law & Order, Anne Hathaway, Rihanna. But Brody's hair is just there. I know she's in the Navy, but would it kill her to add a few layers?

NCIS agents are civilian, so Brody isn't in the Navy.  She also isn't a probie, she's an experienced agent with at least one case three or four years previously that apparently went sideways (in the backdoor pilot this is referenced but not described).  That is also how she knew Gibbs.  She's new to this office, but that makes her a newbie.


I suspect we wouldn't be thinking perky if she had a different haircut.


I also liked (and envied) Coates's hair, especially all the things she could do with it.  But this haircut is incredibly appropriate for the climate in NO (as I type on October 8 I am on the coast of the Florida panhandle, the high today will be in the mid 80's, the humidity is ridiculous, and short hair is smart hair), and appropriate for her work.

  • Love 4

Thanks for the clarification, kassygreene



But this haircut is incredibly appropriate for the climate in NO (as I type on October 8 I am on the coast of the Florida panhandle, the high today will be in the mid 80's, the humidity is ridiculous, and short hair is smart hair), and appropriate for her work.

I don't mind her short hair. But it is a pretty bland hair-cut, which is magnified by Brody's rather bland (so far) personality.

  • Love 1

And I don't watch any of the other NCISs, so I don't see Mark Harmon much. What the F*** is up with his hair? That man is too sexy to wear that ugly-ass rug on his head. Let him bald gracefully, please.

Well since you don't watch the original, you wouldn't know that Gibbs is a Marine- a reservist, now I think. And that is Harmon's real hair. He cuts it like that deliberately because of the character he plays. He has said in the 3d DVD round tables that he gets grief about the cut--"what'd you do to your hair?!" Is just one of the things demanded of him.

So no, he's not going bald.

  • Love 1

So we're three eps in, and each ep has had a cameo from the mothership in it. Maybe this show would start gelling more if they cut the apron strings like NCIS:LA did. I'm pretty sure they didn't have THIS many cameos in their first eps; but maybe I'm misremembering. Or maybe they could have mixed some of the LA crew for cameos so it isn't as blatant. (Then again with LA's current arc, the characters may not be free enough to show up in NOLA).


As for the ep itself, I'm pretty meh on it and the show itself. Maybe it's because I'm trying to squeeze it in a tight Tuesday schedule already, but it's not just focusing me enough to make me care about following the characters and the case of the week. DC and LA, I've got enough invested in the characters that I'll give them a bit more focus but so far this is the bottom of the list.

Next week, guest appearance by Fornell!


I did think tonight's show was more interesting than the last two, well at least less predictable to me.   I couldn't figure out though, why Pride acted surprised that the exit from the basement was in the middle of the city; how far could they have gone?

Bringing in his daughter and the upright piano was interesting though. 

  • Love 2

This was a pretty good season opener. There a few things I want answered. First of all, the sudden style change. We see Pride and Lassalle have different staff jackets with a simple printed colored badge. Now they both have the exact same jackets as the NCIS team with the gold stitched badge and the "NCIS FEDERAL AGENT" printed on the back. And another style change, on the NCIS backdoor pilot, we see both of them carry their guns on their sides and Lassalle wears a type of jacket to conceal it. Now they have back holsters and Lassalle carries openly. Same for Pride. He was seen with his gun at his side with a fancy leather holster and now it is on his back. But one thing bugged me the most, and that was Brody being RIGHT handed. She was clearly shown on NCIS being left handed with her gun holster and her badge on her left like McGee. Now, she has her badge on the right, and she has a RIGHT HANDED back holster like Lassalle and Pride. WHY IS BRODY RIGHT HANDED??

  • Useful 1
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I generally liked this episode as well.  Though there was something a bit about it still.  Don't know if it was the pacing or that the B-story with Pride and his daughter just wasn't clicking for me.  I did find it strange that she was there in the room as they were talking about the case.  I could see *maybe* she was there if she were a Criminal Justice or LEA or some other sort of major and wanted to get some background on how they investigate cases.  But she's a Music major. 


Once again though another character just screamed "Bad guy!" early on -- that was the campus cop.  And sure enough, he was a baddie.  Though I certainly didn't figure him being connected to the Russian mob or anything. 


But I thought it was a decent episode.  At least there were less things that annoyed me this time around.  :)

I've been trying to place how I know the actress who played Natalie. I know she was on Young & the Restless but then she was on a prime time show after that. I particularly remember her because of her odd voice. Unfortunately,imdb doesn't have the full cast list yet for this episode.

ETA that I just figured it out. She was on Dexter playing John Lithgow's daughter.

Edited by Judois

I agree that this show is getting better each episode. Is this the first one where they didn't reference the DC team? I liked it overall. I like the new hacker guy in the robo-chair. And I liked Laurel, too. I thought her scenes with Bakula were some of the best this show has had.


I do find the manic lab rat to be kind of hard to take. Now he's a conspiracy nut, too? Oy. I find Abby kind of a lot to swallow most of the time but at least the show knows who she is.

  • Love 1

I've been trying to place how I know the actress who played Natalie. I know she was on Young & the Restless but then she was on a prime time show after that. I particularly remember her because of her odd voice. Unfortunately,imdb doesn't have the full cast list yet for this episode.

ETA that I just figured it out. She was on Dexter playing John Lithgow's daughter.

The actress is Vanessa Marano.  She is one of the leads on Switched at Birth. 

  • Love 3

I liked the new guy maybe that will mean we see less of the forensic dude.  He seriously bugs and detracts from the scenes with the wonderful CCH Pounder.  Foresnic people are not all kooks and we've seen all his quirks before in Abby who can be annoying but plays it with far more charm.  Forensic dude just makes the quirks creepy.


I can watch the entire show for just Lucas Black....he is stealing every scene he is in without being over the top.

  • Love 6


Once again though another character just screamed "Bad guy!" early on -- that was the campus cop.  And sure enough, he was a baddie.  Though I certainly didn't figure him being connected to the Russian mob or anything.

It must be hard for these "murder of the week" shows to come with an outcome that's anything less than predictable. Every week, unless one of your main cast members is a murderer, the audience has to meet a handful of guest stars, and by process of elimination, one of them did it. Basically, anyone with lines is a suspect. I thought the roommate was involved, but I never guessed that she was in charge of the call-girl ring. She played the ditzy role quite well.


I loved the opening scene, when the roommate was laid out on the stairs (?), and the two party-goers thought she was dead. Then she woke up with a shudder, and the guys hi-fived and went, "Zombie!"

  • Love 2

I like the show overall but I was surprised that a couple episodes ago, Brody was grabbed by a bad guy and used as a shield--she seemed totally taken aback and unsure what to do, like your typical damsel-in-distress (and then Pride shot/killed the guy...) -- then in this episode, Brody is suddenly a total, major badass. Didn't ring true to me.


Wow--this show has had just about everyone from the mothership as a guest or cameo (don't recall seeing McGee or Jimmy, though)--even Fornell gets to visit.

  • Love 1

It is getting better.  I didn't figure it out in the first 5 minutes.  It took me about 20 minutes to finger the campus "cop", but I was surprised that the "sister" was the head of the ring.  Did not see that coming and was surprised.  Russian Mob?  Really?  Or are they trying to bring the mob in for future episodes?  If so, I will be out.

As soon as I saw the scene with the campus cop conspiciously swigging the obnoxious orange soda out of the giant liter bottle, I knew both the cop and the soda would figure prominently in the conclusion.


Brody is finding her way, but I agree they can't keep taking her from tentative to total badass in the space of a week.  Though she was a total badass last night, eh?


Who is the 'bama agent?  I can't remember either the character's or the actor's name, but he is gelling nicely.


Sadly, the only character I'm not really feeling is the lead, and that is a shame, because I do likes me some Scott Bakula.  I don't understand the whole "marriage in long term crisis" backstory.  His character is portrayed as being a sensitive, caring, observant and talented man.  Kind of like ideal husband material, eh?  We've now seen that he's a good father too.  He's clearly still in love with his wife, offscreen she's asking him to participate in counseling, so she can't possibly be a horrible harpy woman.  So...what gives?  It seems to be manufactured drama to give an excuse for him to live (and cook) at the office.  It would be far more believable to give his wife a job that takes her away for long periods of time--naval ship commander, Doctors Without Borders, congresswoman etc.--and have him stay at the office because it is too quiet and lonely at home when she's gone.  Because he's so sensitive.

  • Love 5

I don't understand the whole "marriage in long term crisis" backstory.  His character is portrayed as being a sensitive, caring, observant and talented man.  Kind of like ideal husband material, eh?  We've now seen that he's a good father too.  He's clearly still in love with his wife, offscreen she's asking him to participate in counseling, so she can't possibly be a horrible harpy woman.  So...what gives?  It seems to be manufactured drama to give an excuse for him to live (and cook) at the office.  It would be far more believable to give his wife a job that takes her away for long periods of time--naval ship commander, Doctors Without Borders, congresswoman etc.--and have him stay at the office because it is too quiet and lonely at home when she's gone.  Because he's so sensitive.

That's a common theme in television and movies, unfortunately. When there are marital problems, the husband is often portrayed as a caring, sensitive guy who still loves his wife dearly, even if he made a mistake (or several mistakes). And the wife is portrayed as the cold, unfeeling shrew who refuses to see what a perfect husband she has. So on NCIS, we don't know why Pride has moved out, only that he loves his wife and is willing to do whatever it takes to get her back. We don't hear her side of the story at all. On television, I see this storyline whenever I watch The Strain with Corey Stoll, I see a similar storyline on The Americans, and even the serial-adulterer ex-husband on The Mysteries of Laura is charming and declares his undying love for Laura. In movies, this was one of the major themes of Die Hard, Mrs. Doubtfire, Enemy of the State, and even Gone Girl.

  • Love 1

There's also the fact that the actress who played the wife in the pilot has a full time gig on another show. Otherwise perhaps we'd actually see her and understand what their problem is.

Although actually it would be weird with this show being the lead in for Person of Interest now. The same actress used to be the main character's love interest on that show too.

  • Love 1

First of all I know the girls were astounded and maybe even wanted to help. But when 3 convicts breakout of the bus and head your way, get in your car and call 911 as you drive off fast!! Also guess they didn't want hostages, the girls were left behind, and weren't killed.

I to thought that Ted Nash was prisoner and that Levon Dalton and Dimitry Babakov were the baddies. I didn't see it until later that he was part of it. But we found that Dalton was on his own, and Nash wanted to silence Babakov.

Liked Lt, Adele Addie Watkins. Maybe she will be back?

Also at least the kid Remy wasn't hurt.

It's on like Donkey Kong!",said LaSalle. It was a nice fight between Chris and Ted Nash. You can't beat everyone. Then after he grabs Brody, Pride shoots him between the eyes, Nice job!

Vance wasn't happy King shot Nash. And both CIA/SecNav will investigate.

When Levon Dalton was allowed to go visit his sickly mother, I had tears.

Nice Pride calling Linda to try to work it out and about the pillbox home.

Who is the 'bama agent?  I can't remember either the character's or the actor's name, but he is gelling nicely.



I think you're talking about Agent Christopher Lasalle, played by Lucas Black.  And yes, he is the best part of the show for me.  I can't believe I watched him when he was just a little kid in American Gothic.  Check him out in Sling Blade, too, with Billy Bob Thornton.

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