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S18.E19: Sister Wives: Talk Back Part 1 (Special Episode)

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From IMDb:


The Sister Wives watch the revealing first episode of this season and tell us what was really going on behind the scenes. They also respond to some tough viewer questions and social media posts.

The episode features new footage as Kody, Robyn, Meri, Janelle, and Christine watch select scenes from S18.E01, "No Such Thing As a Free Lunch," and respond to viewer questions.

Numbering note: on the TLC website, they have it as a second version of S18.E01, but with a new title, and a lot of new footage.

Episode aired on TLC, Friday, December 22, 2023


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I grabbed all the relevant relevent posts from the S18.E18 thread (note to people who find this later: the board was down while this was airing, due to a complicated forum upgrade). 


11 hours ago, xls said:

Anyone watch the talk back part 1 tonight? 

The best part was seeing how over it/ unhappy Gravel Gertie was next to Kootie!🤣


10 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

Saw it and agree that she looked as if she wanted to be anywhere else but sitting next to him...although she still can't resist coaching him/his answers.


10 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I watched it.  It’s remarkable how light and happy Christine, Janelle and Meri seem, in comparison to Robyn, who seems so miserable and dour.  (Btw, she can NOT STOP touching and twirling her hair!  It was so irritating!)

Kody was his usual insufferable self.  He can not stop trash-talking Janelle and Christine (how ironic!), and takes zero responsibility for anything.

Sorry, but Meri was also her usual in-denial self, claiming she was no “doormat,” and stating her marriage with Kidney ended at “just the right time,” even though they both acknowledge it had been over for at least 7-8 years.  Ok, Meri, thanks for the honesty. 🙄  Can’t wait to read your book.  

One more random observation: they all own big, ugly, brown sofas!  All of them!  Weird. 


4 hours ago, js9548 said:

Am I allowed to ask why Robyn seemed so subdued? Or should this go to spoilers?

It did seem out of character for her without any fake tears.    Again I did not see any fake tears!!!!!!


4 hours ago, General Days said:

In her slim defense, he is an idiot.


2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:


Robyn wanted to be anywhere else but on that couch watching the episode with Kody. All her spoken words were to soothe Kody, but her mannerisms showed she agreed with the OG wives.  Kody isn’t who she thought she married.  

Most normal people would have calmed down some  by now - this has to have been filmed a full year after the episode they watched. Maybe able to admit their part in the issues.   Kody is still in full denial anger mode.  At this rate, his kids may speak to him about the time MyKelti’s twins start driving. 



2 hours ago, BAForever said:

So glad I caught it while cooking. Robyn was bored to tears, oh wait a minute.... Kody is an angry little toad- and the brown couches were hideous. Loved Meri commenting that Kody is a wimp when sick. Also, if Kody is in a fetal position on the floor with covid, how could he also be helping with Robyn's kids? Revisionist Error #2654 for Robyn. 


1 hour ago, Gramto6 said:

It felt so lonely watching this all by myself! I missed our live chat!

There seems to be a little more "truths" exposed, or maybe better to say "lies" exposed, but I didn't feel many of the responses were entirely open and candid. As usual Kootie couldn't control himself and Crybrows had to steer him or basically shut him up a few times.

Are all reality shows this untruthful? I only watch this show and the Twit on MBBFL, for comparison.  It seems to me most of the untruths on that show are not as egregious, or affecting/hurting so many people including children as MSW does.


1 hour ago, LotusFlower said:

They always get tangled up in their lies!  


1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

I was trying to reply to this when the forums went offline and I don't know how to get rid of this. 

I had no idea the Talk Back show was on last night. I am watching it On Demand now. Robyn looks pissed and or sick or  both. I think she knows that Kody caused the downfall of the family but she can't say this.  And Robyn turning to Kody and saying you didn't want to have Christmas separately and then blaming this on Janelle . Robyn you were the one who told Meri and Kody that getting together on Christmas Eve would not be a good idea because a fight might break out.  Kody and Robyn must know that they are screwed but they have to keep up with the story that they are the innocent parties here.


31 minutes ago, TexasTiffany said:

Christine and Janelle were glowing during their segments. They seem so real now talking to the camera instead of shut down and trying to think first what is safe to say. They don't have to worry about Kody repercussions. 

Christine said that Kody only wanted the bubbly Christine. That still wasn't enough for him. He still denigrated her in front of the family and on television. He wanted to be insulated from anyone's negativity. None of that made him a better man. He still hated on her. 

Robyn, you are the queen of Kody dunghill. On a sidenote, the mystery of Kootie hair has been revealed. Robyn showed him how to scrunch his curls. Maybe he will teach you how to cry. 

Meri says she's not a" doormat"... don't tell us you want to save that info for your book. 

In contrast to how Christine and Janelle look so happy and healthy, Meri looks miserable like she's had a cold, for years. Her hair is a mess, looks like she's been crying, and comes across as a woman who has no hope. Meri, you should be thriving now. You are rid of Boris and Natasha's manipulations. We need a spark of something from her because she's coming across as a doormat. See Meri, you still haven't changed your image. 



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Robyn or someone cleaned off some of the counterspace behind them.  That big house and the only place they have to film is with a background of kitchen counters and cabinets?  Robyn looks like she's going to be sick.  Kody is being an arrogant bastard so no news from him.  

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1 hour ago, OlderThanDirt said:

Had Christine never seen Robin's house?

Good question. In all the time Robin has had the mansion, has Jenell or Christine ever been over to it? Did the group ever do their outside meetings at Robyn"s house? Christine acted like she had never seen it, even from the outside. Or was this just to be dramatic?

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1 hour ago, js9548 said:

Good question. In all the time Robin has had the mansion, has Jenell or Christine ever been over to it? Did the group ever do their outside meetings at Robyn"s house? Christine acted like she had never seen it, even from the outside. Or was this just to be dramatic?

I like Christine and am happy for her. Having said that, she’s definitely being dramatic. She does it a lot lately. Part of it is her being snarky, too. IMO..

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1 hour ago, js9548 said:

Good question. In all the time Robin has had the mansion, has Jenell or Christine ever been over to it? Did the group ever do their outside meetings at Robyn"s house? Christine acted like she had never seen it, even from the outside. Or was this just to be dramatic?

They were all there for Ari’s birthday party. They all got tested just so they could come. So Christine has been in it at least once. 

Christine was just making the size comparison between Robyn’s mansion and Janelle’s RV.  


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There were a few new revelations, but not much. It was mostly the same talking points. It was nice to see Meri confirm that Kody is a huge baby when he is sick.

I agree with everyone else that Robyn didn't look happy and didn't want to be there. She's been criticized a lot on social media and probably doesn't want to revisit things that happened.

I would have liked to see Kody comment directly on statements his kids made about him this season.

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Kody believes he is the smartest man in every room and I can absolutely see him telling the tv crew what to do and their subtle revenge is to keep showing the original wives laughing at him and being happily away from him.


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Agreeing with those that suggested Sobbin was just wishing to be anywhere but here.

It must be hard for her to be confronted with all the BS she put up over the years and know that there is no defense for it.  

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Rob'em with the stink face throughout the entire show.  At least she didn't dry cry this time.  I would have rather seen Kody and Robyn's reactions being filmed separately.  Other than that, I found that Christine, Janelle, and Meri had some good comments.  They are finally letting the truth come out, a bit.  Of course, Rob'em is still trying to frame everything, painting herself as a poor victim.  

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14 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Haven’t watched yet but grabbed this from a clip I saw.



No judgment at all, but wow, Janelle has a LOT of wine!

13 hours ago, Pixilicious said:

When Robyn was talking about Covid and said that Kody took care of the kids while she "was basically on my deathbed", I almost fell off the couch...these two clowns are so delusional...wouldn't the hospital have admitted her if she had been that sick? It's so belittling to those who lost loved ones to Covid...too many people truly were sick and these two asshats creating their own drama are despicable

I know, tell me about it!  As most people know here my Dad died of Covid in the early days of the pandemic so the way they act about this always makes my blood boil.  I also have to think that neither of them were vaccinated either and they got Covid after vaccines were available.  My father did not have that option.

9 hours ago, DanaMB said:

I like Christine and am happy for her. Having said that, she’s definitely being dramatic. She does it a lot lately. Part of it is her being snarky, too. IMO..

I wanted to say this last week when that personality test was being discussed but didn't get around to it - I think Christine is the one that loves drama the most here so her making a thing about Robyn being the one that loves drama based on some unreliable "personality test" seemed to me to be a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black.

8 hours ago, Shelbie said:

The one who seems very unhappy and tense is Robyn. She knows she can no longer lie and have the others cover her on the show and is stuck full time with her idiot husband.

Totally, and I get the feeling from that and previous episodes that she is not very happy with him at this point.  She has gotten more open about it in recent episodes but still mostly keeps her mouth shut because she doesn't want to become the target of his anger.  Right now he has plenty of anger directed elsewhere and she knows that probably protects her for now.  That and the fact that he is probably very dependent on her because she's the only wife left and the one he "chose" as his soul mate.  The real reason she wanted the other wives to stay is so that she wouldn't be left stuck with an angry asshole who isn't who she thought she married.  But I hate to break it to her, he has always been that angry asshole, it's just that now she's seeing it more.

8 hours ago, Kellyee said:

I would have liked to see Kody comment directly on statements his kids made about him this season.

I would have liked to see Suki nail his ass to the wall about why he doesn't contact his kids.  He wants to make it sound like his "attempts" have been turned down, but I think that's BS.  As far as they know he doesn't want to talk to them unless they bow down to him and apologize.  Janelle has made that clear numerous times.  So I really doubt that he has approached them on any other basis and who would blame them for not wanting to talk to him in that case?  He is blaming the wives for "poisoning" the kids' minds against him, but even if they did have something to do with it at first all I see his him confirming the kids' perceptions.   If he approached them in good faith and extended an olive branch I don't see how they would turn him away.  But he is not in good faith.  He is angry and blaming everyone.  So he's full of BS!

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5 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Rob'em with the stink face throughout the entire show.  At least she didn't dry cry this time.  I would have rather seen Kody and Robyn's reactions being filmed separately.  Other than that, I found that Christine, Janelle, and Meri had some good comments.  They are finally letting the truth come out, a bit.  Of course, Rob'em is still trying to frame everything, painting herself as a poor victim.  

Oooh, I liked seeing them be  filmed together as it was quite eye-opening! 

Granted, Kootie sucked up all of the air in the McMansion while they were filming this piece, but Robyn's body language was priceless!  😳  I don't get the feeling she was acting, either. I wonder what piece of matching joolry she and Kootie got for themselves afterwards as a self-soothing reward for getting through that session?  🤔 

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I think it might have already been mentioned but I can't  find it. Janelle looks like she has a black eye. It is especially noticeable in her talking heads. At first I thought it was her eye shadow but it is under her eye. I know she mentioned her voice was going. 

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13 minutes ago, Clare said:

These children are all adults.  They have been dealing with Kody thier whole lives and now that they are adults they are choosing not to include him.  I don't think Janelle and Christine could poison them even if they wanted to.  There is no reason he has to go through his ex-wives to have relationships with his kids.  They are not babies.  

Absolutely, they can think for themselves and even if they only heard negative things from their mothers they would not turn against him without reasons of their own.  He is making excuses for why he hasn't reached out to them and even acted at one point in this episode like he has reached out but gotten no response.  I don't believe it.  And no one has nailed him to the wall about how it's his responsibility to find the way to reconnect with them to show them he is in good faith and doesn't expect them to apologize.  And without making his wives the go-between on that either!

Edited by Yeah No
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Wow I was just looking at my TV schedule and there's another episode on tonight - a "Look Back" on how it all began.  Is it just me or is anyone getting the feeling that all of these retrospective episodes so close together are leading up to the end of this series as we know it?  I have said over and over again that I thought they'd milk every last cent out of this train wreck that they possibly could, but even I'm wondering now if this might signal the end of the road for the series in general and maybe in the future we might only get special update episodes.  Or maybe it just seems that way.  I still can't believe they would be wrapping this up when they're probably getting some of the best ratings they've ever had.  But where can they go after this?  Show douchebag attempting to reconnect with his kids?  Show Christine's married life and gatherings between her and Janelle's families?  Show Meri's ho-hum boring business?  Or maybe her dating life?  LOL  I just feel like there isn't that much of any interest going forward that could ever match this season and that's why they're showing 35 episodes a week until they suck every bit of meat off every bone!

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I agree @Yeah No I said before with all these Look Back/Talk Back shows it sounded like the train was coming to the station. I misspoke in one of my post earlier, the one we saw last week was Talk Back  tonight is Look Back followed by a repeat of Talk  Back. They are just going to beat us over the head with all these specials till there isn't a drop of blood left in the series. Yes the ratings are up but that is more because some truths are coming out and everyone I think, is just hanging on to see the bitter end!!

It has run its course and time to say Good Bye!! 

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I love that Meri is finally getting a chance to relax and be more agreeable.  I hope for the best for her.  

As for their ruined Family Fridays, when kids are older they go out with their friends on Friday!!  Be happy they have friends to go out with and move your family night to a different night.  I believe (not sure) that it is typical LDS practice to have Wednesday night family night.  

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On 12/23/2023 at 10:08 AM, General Days said:

I grabbed all the relevant relevent posts from the S18.E18 thread (note to people who find this later: the board was down while this was airing, due to a complicated forum upgrade).

I recognize all the hypocritical things that Kody has said, and all the lies that he and Robyn have told, but I don't understand how they cannot accept they tried to gaslight but with obvious inconsistencies?

Kody implies all four wives pursued him, but in Robyn's case, Meri stalked her and kept asking her to join the Brown family, till she acquiesced.

During a different segment there was a discussion on married women cannot actively look for a different partner if they're still married, and to a good man. Polygamists believe it's sinful to pursue a partner who is already married.

SO, we know how loyal Meri has always been to Kody and to her faith, so I realized that Kody is lying when he states that Meri actively pursued Robyn, while she was married to Preston. No way would Meri break the scripture despite her love for Kody.

Edited by Chalby
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Yikes!! I nearly missed all this.  Had no idea there was something more after the Tell almost nothing.   Drat, I wish I had it on while I mindlessly polished 100+ pieces of silver and finished wrapping. The last 4 presents got tossed into gift bags. 

Can’t wait to see it.  I cannot imagine another season with these people.  A 2 hour update special might be interesting next year especially if the adult children are included.  I set the dvr to record the ones tonight, but have no clue when I will have time to watch.  

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4 hours ago, Chalby said:


Kody implies all four wives pursued him, but in Robyn's case, Meri stalked her and kept asking her to join the Brown family, till she acquiesced.


SO, we know how loyal Meri has always been to Kody and to her faith, so I realized that Kody is lying when he states that Meri actively pursued Robiyn, while she was married to Preston. No way would marry break the scripture despite her love for kody.

I agree with the overall premise of your post. The gaslighting is astounding.

About these two points I've quoted above:

I think Kody has only implied that Janelle and Christine chased him. He has said he courted Meri and Robyn. (I think he even said it this season, or perhaps he said it in season 17.) He may well have said the opposite too though, and I just tuned him out. I have a really hard time listening to him, because most of what he says is b.s. Even when I try to listen my brain won't absorb it.

About Meri pursuing Robyn while she was married -- I'm wondering if I missed something (again, I can't always take in all the b.s.).

Robyn and Preston got a legal separation in 2007. Their divorce was finalized in 2009. I think the dance Meri and Kody met Robyn at was after her divorce (and she and Preston weren't living as man and wife for a couple of years prior). 

Did something new come to light?

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5 minutes ago, General Days said:


Robyn and Preston got a legal separation in 2007. Their divorce was finalized in 2009. I think the dance Meri and Kody met Robyn at was after her divorce (and she and Preston weren't living as man and wife for a couple of years prior). 

Did something new come to light?

I have always assumed that the Robyn/Preston divorce was final when the encounter with Kody and or Meri occured.

Didn't Robyn's mom instruct her to get her scent out there?

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56 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Robyn's scent: opens with top notes of insincerity and manipulation, followed by solid middle notes of dishonesty and desperation, anchored by a base of selfishness and greed.

Celia, you ROCK!!

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1 hour ago, Orcinus orca said:

I can't believe they are still clinging to that false "Flight to Vegas" story saying they were could be prosecuted.  That myth was debunked a decade ago, let it go

After hanging on to it for so long, I don't think they can figure out how to let it go. They probably want us to forget that part of the whole story so they don't look like idiots for believing it for so long. 

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I'm kinda mad at Meri because she has me agreeing with Kody. She had an emotional online affair at worst, at best she was highly flirty and was entertaining "possibilities" with a man, but she won't even admit to that. Her stance is that she was just making friends. LOL! This is why if she is indeed writing a book, I doubt I would read it and if I did I wouldn't put too much stock in it. 

I just realized why I could never do a full re-watch. There is no way in hell I could relive the catfish saga. Nope!

Edited by islandgal140
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On 12/23/2023 at 7:07 PM, Shelbie said:

Kody believes he is the smartest man in every room and I can absolutely see him telling the tv crew what to do and their subtle revenge is to keep showing the original wives laughing at him and being happily away from him.


Which says a lot now that I think about it.  He surrounded himself with women for most of his adult life...when the kids were young he could manipulate them and convince them he was god in his own home, but now that the kids (especially the boys) are older and have opinions of their own he wants nothing to do with them.  It is easiest to be the smartest man in the room when you have no competition.

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1 minute ago, RoxiP said:

Which says a lot now that I think about it.  He surrounded himself with women for most of his adult life...when the kids were young he could manipulate them and convince them he was god in his own home, but now that the kids (especially the boys) are older and have opinions of their own he wants nothing to do with them.  It is easiest to be the smartest man in the room when you have no competition.

Agree RoxiP. Want to add though that I believe some of his daughters also have his number- Aspyn and Gwen for sure, and I think Maddie and Ysabel too. Janelle continues to surprise me with her calm way of dealing with her separation. It's kind of easy to paint Christine with a mean girl mentality because she can be way over the top. Same cannot be said for Janelle. I believe every word she says. 

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On 12/24/2023 at 7:55 AM, Clare said:

These children are all adults.  They have been dealing with Kody thier whole lives and now that they are adults they are choosing not to include him.  I don't think Janelle and Christine could poison them even if they wanted to.  There is no reason he has to go through his ex-wives to have relationships with his kids.  They are not babies.  

Douchie would also have to admit that they CAN have their own perceptions on his behavior through their growing up years and that they aren't WRONG to have their own feelings.  He wouldn't do that EVER.

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Finally saw this episode.  What was with Robyn messing with her hair?  At one point while Kody was talking she was stroking it frantically.  It was just strange.  The lighting was terrible.  Robyn particularly looked like she had been living in a cave for years, she was so pale.

I got a good laugh just like Janelle over the viewer comment about being a waiter at Salsa Brava.  People disintegrating their family in booth 15 while the waiter is just trying to refill their waters cracked me up.  We need more of the snark and less of the kissing up to them.  For example, I want Kody to answer the question of if he ever gave Savanah a Christmas gift for the year he blew her off and if he has given her one since.  If Meri has to read questions and statements that basically call her a fool then he should have to answer for something other than his ridiculous hair and whether he still believes in polygamy.  He was correct about one thing, he was a terrible plural husband.  Of course he then followed it up with it being all the wives fault, but he was half right.

I like the little signs that Meri gives that she is over it and him.  Talking about how he was such a big baby whenever he got sick was exactly what I expected.  How did Robyn watch Kody claiming on the episode that they were watching that he was in the fetal position crying, but then claimed he was some sort of superman taking care of the kids while she was supposedly on her death bed.  I just want to slap those two for all their carrying on about Covid because I know people who lost loved ones from that disease.  They are not fooling anyone.

I got a kick out of Christine being sarcastic about Kody's freakout over her leaving.  Saying that she never knew he loved her that much and that it was so sweet made me laugh.  It was harder to pick out Meri's sarcasm about the jacket Robyn brought out to her, but rewatching the scene, she was being low key sarcastic.  So I think people missed it.

I still want episodes of us snarkers here watching the episodes and commenting.  Those would be ratings gold.

Edited by Meow Mix
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10 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

I can't believe they are still clinging to that false "Flight to Vegas" story saying they were could be prosecuted.  That myth was debunked a decade ago, let it go.

I think Kody sold this to them at the time... and they believed it. So I suspect that they believe it to be true because it's what they truly thought was happening at the time, and Kody then referred to LV as his "exile" for the entire time they were there. When they moved to Flagstaff, he told them their exile was over because they chose where they got to live (as in, LV was not a choice). Brainwashing is a bitch. 

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On 12/24/2023 at 9:55 AM, Yeah No said:

Wow I was just looking at my TV schedule and there's another episode on tonight - a "Look Back" on how it all began.  Is it just me or is anyone getting the feeling that all of these retrospective episodes so close together are leading up to the end of this series as we know it?  I have said over and over again that I thought they'd milk every last cent out of this train wreck that they possibly could, but even I'm wondering now if this might signal the end of the road for the series in general and maybe in the future we might only get special update episodes.  Or maybe it just seems that way.  I still can't believe they would be wrapping this up when they're probably getting some of the best ratings they've ever had.  But where can they go after this?  

I think TLC may be testing the waters for more of these look back/pillow talk type shows. They've milked 90 Day Fiance eight ways to Tuesday and back, and even aired multiple Family Chantel seasons. Imo they are looking for a way to milk this show further. They must know that Gwendlyn and Mykelti have done well with their patreon rewatch/commentary. I think there's still enough interest out there for a least a couple more seasons. They were still filming as recently as Avalon's birthday. Ah well, time will tell.

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