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S18.E01: No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

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I am confused about the timeline.  I was under the impression that they were talking about Thanksgiving 2022. I mean most of the other reality shows (Outdaughtered, Housewives) are now celebrating Christmas 2022.  At this rate, we should see Janelle and Meri leaving Kody, Logan's wedding and the births of the new grandbabies in 2025.  Seems to me that this season and the next (if there is one) will just be rehashes of what we already know.  

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39 minutes ago, MamaGee said:

Also, would someone remind me: did Kody and Robyn get vaccinated? Did their children? Because if you are so worried about getting it and, once you did, it was so traumatic for you, why wouldn't you do everything you could to prevent getting it again, including vaccination??? Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth!

Gwen said that Kody and Robyn are NOT vaccinated.  I'm not sure about the kids, though.  I would think they would have to be since they all go to school.  

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1 hour ago, surfgirl said:

His take on the pandemic is....interesting and perplexing. He's terrified of getting Covid but was he vaccinated? Or is he a Vax denier? I thought most Vax deniers were also pandemic deniers too, but he definitely believes in there is a pandemic. Unless he's just using that to stay with his preferred wife.

A lot of people agreed there was a serious pandemic but didn't trust Big Pharma or believe that the vaccines were either safe or effective.  They saw big profits for Big Pharma corrupting the process.  That's where the whole debate about choice versus mandate came from.  And Kodvid and Sobyn apparently didn't get the vaccine because they don't believe in vaccines generally.

Edited by Dobian
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3 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I definitely agree with all who say that Kody has a right to be angry and not forgiving of Meri for the catfish. However, I do blame him for not just divorcing her and sending mixed signals. For example, in the previews for this season, he is saying "I don't even know what Meri is doing here in Flagstaff."  Didn't he basically ask her to come to Flagstaff and give her false hope that it could be a new start for them and things might be different? Also, why even celebrate an anniversary with a woman he doesn't even want to be married to and then spends that day being mean and nasty? He asks to be wooed and acts disgusted when she tries. 

What happened to “where we go one, we go all?”

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

I am confused about the timeline.  I was under the impression that they were talking about Thanksgiving 2022. I mean most of the other reality shows (Outdaughtered, Housewives) are now celebrating Christmas 2022.  At this rate, we should see Janelle and Meri leaving Kody, Logan's wedding and the births of the new grandbabies in 2025.  Seems to me that this season and the next (if there is one) will just be rehashes of what we already know.  

Yeah this show is annoying because there is way too much lag between when the events happen and when we see them on the show.  It's not good when you watch an episode and say, "Yeah, I know that already."

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I think this is the only show on network television still "doing" Covid. What an incredibly boring episode. Robyn and her *ill words and pitchers made me laugh though. So did the afghan Meri was wearing as a scarf. 

Even though Robyn didn't technically dead name Leon in the episode, I could see her doing that if Kody didn't accept Leon's chosen name and identity. ETA: it's been so long I didn't even remember what Leon's birth name actually was.

I did always like Meri's krispy treat turkey with the candy stuffing. That really was fun and creative and everybody seemed to love it. 

I'll watch this season for Christine's victory lap.

Edited by RedDelicious
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7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

UNTIL he gets the invite to act a fool officiate his friend's wedding.  Because at that point, Covid is still around but not that big of a deal.  Plus it's a risk worth taking if it means he gets to be in the spotlight.  He hasn't been able to shake his groove thing for years!  Dancer gotta dance!

Even though dancing and singing were still discouraged at that point because of the extra distance the virus could travel in the air due to the exertion and heavier breathing.   The wedding was held when indoor gatherings ( including funerals) were restricted to a particular number of people.   Outdoors could be somewhat larger.  He crossed state lines to go do it. In addition he was traveling to gunshows - which were mainly attended by hard core antivaxers.   Some medical facilities still ask if you’ve left the state in the last two weeks. 

He was taking a test a couple hours after being somewhere and 5 minutes before he walked in the door to home when testing doesn’t work until a couple days after exposure. 

But yet, Garrison ( military and vaccinated) and Gabe( college and working) were the bad guys.  

Edited by mythoughtis
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Kody could call his sons and have a discussion with them if he wants them at Christmas. Did he lose their phone numbers?? 

Yeah, why is it Janelle's job to negotiate his relationship with his adult children? There's no suggestion that the sons were acting at their mom's behest. They were doing what they wanted to do. If Kody has a problem with that, he should do some parenting and discuss it with his kids.

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8 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Kody was done with her BEFORE the catfish happened.  He admitted it in a therapy session with Nancy around season 14 or 15.  Around the time they moved to Vegas he stopped all physical and emotional intimacy.  That's why Meri was catfished, she was abandoned by her husband and she was lonely.  I don't blame her for reaching out for some companionship, she was getting nothing from her POS husband.  I know people here mostly hate Meri but I wish the catfish had been real and she could have left him.  She deserves happiness too.  Kody won't leave a wife, he's shown he'll just emotionally abandon them, withhold all physical intimacy, and expect them to be ok with that.  

Exactly.  Meri went online looking for companionship and even intimacy because she wasn’t getting any of this from her husband, who was more interested in his other wives.  Well, the youngest one, at least.  I’m guessing this is fairly common in polygamous marriages, and for this reason I think it would have been a fascinating and compelling storyline, if only Meri didn’t lie about the whole thing.  And if only the show didn’t let her lie.  They could have exposed the whole thing, and again, it would have been hugely compelling.  And sympathetic to Meri, too.  What a missed opportunity. 

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On 8/22/2023 at 5:40 AM, Adeejay said:

Robyn said that she is unsure whether she was blind to the truth about the family's relationship or naïve. She believes she was misled. Can't help but wonder by whom. Janelle said that once she entered the family there was a shakeup and things never settled again. Christine revealed that the family traditions and the family getting together stopped. Meri, her closest ally, admitted the entire family’s relationship was good and fun before she came along, and that they used to laugh a lot. How could she not notice that things had changed, and what was the common denominator?

Is it my imagination or has Meri done a 180 on Christine and Robyn in her new talking heads?

In Robyn’s only defence: She wasn’t around in the “good” old times, so it’s kinda hard to compare then and now. Her knowledge about the old days are likely colored by Kody’s “recollections, who always denied her arrival had a negative impact on the fambly. However, she did know about certain traditions and blocked them because it didn’t suit her. Also, several family members voiced their concerns and unhappiness about her. Christine’s confessions about her feelings on Kody dating and marrying Robyn, and Hunter’s unhappy response on Robyn’s pregnancy are perfect examples. In short, she knew. Maybe not all, but she knew a lot!

Lastly, This is reality tv; a lot is scripted and not necessarily true. But I am convinced that many things are real and not scripted; most notably the family completely revolving around Robyn and her core family and meet their needs and wishes. 

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On 8/22/2023 at 8:20 AM, laurakaye said:

So let's see:

Kody (and Robyn) developed a literal binder of Covid protoculls to keep AuroraBriannaDay'un and the Tenders the family from getting Covid.  He divides his family based on those rules - if you can't prove that you've wiped down each piece of mail with a Clorox wipe (no other brand will do), then he can never come over to see anyone.  Not even outside, from 6 feet away, not via Facetime.  You step outside your home to do anything?  Sorry, you're invisible.

UNTIL he gets the invite to act a fool officiate his friend's wedding.  Because at that point, Covid is still around but not that big of a deal.  Plus it's a risk worth taking if it means he gets to be in the spotlight.  He hasn't been able to shake his groove thing for years!  Dancer gotta dance!

AND THEN he gets Covid himself...at which point, several members of his family have had it as well but he doesn't care because they definitely didn't have it as bad as he did.  No one, in fact, in the state of Arizona had it as bad as Kody.  His ass hurt - a previously unheard of symptom - and he found himself rocking back and forth in the fetal position in his closet because no one would take care of HIM.  HIM HIM HIM. 

My point - and his older kids surely see this - he has been breaking all of his own rules to suit himself.  That's it.  Kody and Covid have skipped around for the last three years, hand in hand, giving him every excuse to ignore the people that don't bow down to him as supreme leader.  What he didn't bank on, I believe, is that once the emergency had mostly passed, those same people were like - you know what?  We actually don't need this guy and we might all be better off without him.

I am really looking forward to the snippet we saw of Garrison telling his siblings that "Robyn can have him."  Kody played a game with his family and lost, big time.

Congrats, Kody.


This x 1,000

19 hours ago, applewood said:

I still can't get over Kody saying he was curled up in a fetal position during Covid. And in a previous episode he said it was a death like experience.

He was NEVER even admitted to the hospital. He wasn't on oxygen or on a ventilator. When Robyn went to the hospital they examined her and sent her home.

And now he's so concerned about Aurora getting Covid. If she lived in the same household with all these others who had it isn't it possible that she did have Covid but was just one of the lucky ones who didn't have symptoms.


Quit their jobs and school for 2+ years?

So annoying. What a man-baby!!

ER docs are right when they say a man with the flu behaves as dramatically as someone with a broken femur (which is justified). 

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15 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

This x 1,000

So annoying. What a man-baby!!

ER docs are right when they say a man with the flu behaves as dramatically as someone with a broken femur (which is justified). 

It's funny you said that.  Mr. X actually broke his femur last winter, and other than the first night, hasn't complained about the pain.  Moral:  don't break your femur, especially after age 70.  🙂

Kootie would complain, as the saying goes, if they hanged him with a new rope.

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6 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I still can't get over Kody saying he was curled up in a fetal position during Covid. And in a previous episode he said it was a death like experience.

Kody's whining and what he said about his covid experience really is a slap in the face for anyone who has lost someone to covid. 

Edited by Elodia
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This show is attempting to kill us all via a slow, painful death.  This crap they're showing is from around 2 years ago.  Can they not do some sort of "special" to review these tired old scenes, schemes, and themes, retire them, and then we can move on to fresher, more current stuff?  Sheesh.  🥱

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12 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Lol cry me a river Robyn!  I can't stop thinking about Robyn and Kody at the mall hand in hand with that Victoria's bag just a swinging!

They have everything they want.  Each other and the show money!

And I think the show money is divided 5 ways.  So they're pocketing 2/5ths together while the OGs get 1/5th each.  Big difference.


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3 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

This show is attempting to kill us all via a slow, painful death.  This crap they're showing is from around 2 years ago.  Can they not do some sort of "special" to review these tired old scenes, schemes, and themes, retire them, and then we can move on to fresher, more current stuff?  Sheesh.  🥱

They are probably need the content!  

But, to be honest, I am hoping that these ex- sister wives start fessing up about the way things really were.  You can see little bits of truth slipping out here and there.  We all could see that Robyn was the favored wife, but no one would say those words until recently.  I'm going to keep watching in hopes that one day we may learn the whole truth about this family.  There is plenty of content if people would actually open up.  

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On 8/21/2023 at 2:08 PM, laurakaye said:

We know he fancies himself quite the gym rat so it wouldn't surprise me.  But I think when he's doing his TH's solo, he gets to come across as this insane devil-man or whatever he's trying to do.  He probably doesn't get to cosplay as a maniac quite so much when he's with his wimminz....although he certainly came close at the lunch with Christine when she dared to laugh at his miserable slog through what appeared to be a pretty mild case of Covid.

I can't decide who Kody reminds me of most....Manson or David Koresh. If I was his wife, or an ex, I would put the kibosh on any holiday family dinners. Sorry, to me he puts out family annihilator vibes. He literally has had every wife, but Robyn and her children in emotional choke holds for years, IMO. 


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15 hours ago, Sweetpea12 said:

And I think the show money is divided 5 ways.  So they're pocketing 2/5ths together while the OGs get 1/5th each.  Big difference.


Kody and Robyn are supporting more people with their share of the show money.

Meri has no children to support. Janelle has only Savannah and appears to want a low key kind of life. Christine has Truely and  presumably will soon have a financial life shared with David.

I think the OGs will end up better off.

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Originally they were splitting the show money six ways: one share to each of the parents/adults and one for the "family pot" for weddings, college, emergencies, etc.   I think Kody started taking the family pot for Robyn and him and that's part of Janelle's financial complaint against him.  That would have had Kody and Robyn taking half the show money.  

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18 minutes ago, Shelbie said:

Kody and Robyn are supporting more people with their share of the show money.

Meri has no children to support. Janelle has only Savannah and appears to want a low key kind of life. Christine has Truely and  presumably will soon have a financial life shared with David.

The Browns don't have a record of dividing funds by who needs it the most or is supporting the most children.  There is no reason to start now, but after years of struggling to support their kids at least two of the putative wives do finally look to be in at least an equal position to Kody and the Dark Queen.  Kody and Robyn should do as the previous mothers had to do and have the adult offspring support themselves.  Yes, we know Robyn's co-dependent kids would struggle with that.  Oddly I think Dayton would fare the best.  

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On 8/22/2023 at 2:50 PM, applewood said:


Quit their jobs and school for 2+ years?

This was one thing that made me the craziest through his whole nightmare. Not once did any wife or producer or tell all person ask Kody what the family members that HAD to work outside of duck and cover in their homes was actually supposed to do.

He rages about how none of them would listen to him. Piecing it together through Christine and Janelle it was pretty simple. He thought each and every one of them should sit in the homes, order everything to be delivered, wear a hazmat suit onto the porch to collect with a sanitizing machine blowing bleach everywhere and twiddle their thumbs until the one time a month he popped over unannounced to "check in" before bouncing right out again.

All of us have lived through these Covid times the best we could do with the needs of ourselves and our families. Although it is a little bit amazing how this slow moving show has managed to milk September 2019 to October/November 2021 into 4 seasons of Kody Brown's shenanigans.

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It just makes me so sad 🤧to see Janelle showing her house plans to Christine and knowing that nothing has been started on it and probably never will. All Janelle wants is a little casita to call her own. Come on Kootie she already has the drive way!

I love that Janelle won't take any 💩 from Kootie anymore and he sure hates it when she tells him off. Go Janelle!!

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He rages about how none of them would listen to him. Piecing it together through Christine and Janelle it was pretty simple. He thought each and every one of them should sit in the homes, order everything to be delivered, wear a hazmat suit onto the porch to collect with a sanitizing machine blowing bleach everywhere and twiddle their thumbs until the one time a month he popped over unannounced to "check in" before bouncing right out again.

When one of the boys called Robyn (as she stated in this episode) and asked if they could have their father back, Kody should have immediately reached out, gone over there, sat outside or whatever he had to do, and talked about it. Without yelling or getting defensive. Clearly the boys felt abandoned by Kody, justified or not. He is their father and it is on him to reach out and make a connection when they're saying they are hurt, which is basically what that phone call to Robyn was about. They were being snotty because they feel hurt. 

But Kody has the emotional maturity of a 5 year old, so he was immediately offended and demanded an apology from afar. And when he did meet with them last season, he made it all about Covid instead of looking for a middle ground. And now its been what? A year? And he still won't let them in the house for Christmas until they grovel, which is what the demand for a "discussion" is really all about. 

I think he also wants everyone to choose between him and Christine. What's funny is that one of the few people choosing him is Meri. 






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2 hours ago, Kellyee said:

But Kody has the emotional maturity of a 5 year old, so he was immediately offended and demanded an apology from afar. And when he did meet with them last season, he made it all about Covid instead of looking for a middle ground. And now it’s been what? A year? And he still won't let them in the house for Christmas until they grovel, which is what the demand for a "discussion" is really all about. 

Having worked with children I’ve seen many 5 year olds that make Cody look like an emotionally stunted baby!

It was weird that Meri and Robyn talked outside. Was her Mistress not ready for visitors to go in the house?

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11 hours ago, Absolom said:

Originally they were splitting the show money six ways: one share to each of the parents/adults and one for the "family pot" for weddings, college, emergencies, etc.   I think Kody started taking the family pot for Robyn and him and that's part of Janelle's financial complaint against him.  That would have had Kody and Robyn taking half the show money.  

I have wondered if Janelle had to threaten K in some way to get things set right at Coyote Pass. Im completely speculating, but I hope so. 

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It was weird that Meri and Robyn talked outside. Was her Mistress not ready for visitors to go in the house?

I assume that was about protecting Aurora, the apparently lone Covid survivor of the Brown family. I'm curious if Aurora was still being kept in the house at this point? Didn't Ariella and Solomon go off to school in person at the end of last season? Or am I getting the timeline all wrong? 

Also, Kody can meet Christine inside a restaurant without masks, but Meri can't step inside Robyn's house. The whole thing is bizarre, but not too far off what I saw people doing at this point in the pandemic. Selective rule following.






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6 hours ago, Art Of Noiz said:

I have wondered if Janelle had to threaten K in some way to get things set right at Coyote Pass. Im completely speculating, but I hope so. 

But has it been set right?  We know she hasn't built there which she was planning two years ago.  Did that land get reclaimed by the seller? 

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1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

I assume that was about protecting Aurora, the apparently lone Covid survivor of the Brown family. I'm curious if Aurora was still being kept in the house at this point? Didn't Ariella and Solomon go off to school in person at the end of last season? Or am I getting the timeline all wrong? 

Aurora was attending college during the Kody’s covid illness. He said( on camera ) that she stayed in her room away from them and went to her classes. 

The younger two did go off to school in the fall of 2021.  He made a big deal of it being her first day of kindergarten - and the fact that she was bothering a classmate. 

As for what he wanted Gage and Garrison to do: move out of Janelle’s house.  She refused to ask them to leave just so Kody could make a once a month drive by. 


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On 8/22/2023 at 1:15 PM, surfgirl said:

His take on the pandemic is....interesting and perplexing. He's terrified of getting Covid but was he vaccinated? Or is he a Vax denier? I thought most Vax deniers were also pandemic deniers too, but he definitely believes in there is a pandemic. Unless he's just using that to stay with his preferred wife.

Well, only listening to the media and not thinking for yourself is a bad idea. So there's that.  

It's crazy how behind these episodes are.  Christine is radiant! 

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On 8/25/2023 at 2:21 PM, ginger90 said:

I read they paid it off. I don’t believe everything I read though. Who knows.

A few posts back @Meow Mix mentioned something about the Browns still paying the owner of the land and if they don’t pay it off within a certain amount of time, he can foreclose. I assumed this referred to Coyote Pass and it seems like a very real possibility to me. 

Edited by LilyD
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2 hours ago, OlderThanDirt said:

I thought part of the purchase agreement was that they had to put in services to the property before they could build anything.  That was why Janelle can't start building. Christine was smart to sell back her property to the rest of them for $10 or whateverl

The seller accepted Kody's offer with the stipulation that Kody pull the utilities. He immediately said yes, and it was apparent that he didn't know what that meant. The electric company isn't going to install the lines until a building permit is issued.  A building permit isn't issued until all the site planning is done and approved by the local governing body.

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On 8/21/2023 at 11:43 PM, Elizzikra said:

Since they couldn't build until the loan was paid, there would be no pesky, poorly constructed/half finished homes to deal with. And probably the original owner had stipulations about improvements they had to make to the property as well. Win/win. 

I'm not sure they couldn't build until the loan was paid. When they bought the land, what they bought were four lots. Kody decided he wanted to re-divide it into five lots. They can't do that, until the loan is paid off, because the loan is on the four lots.

And I think (this is speculation based on what has been said and not said on the show), one of the reasons Janelle has decided on a casita (besides the fact that she's low maintenance like that), is that she could build it on one of the lots as they're currently divided (into four lots), but that it is small enough, that when they re-divide the property into five lots, it won't run afoul of any zoning regulations.

On 8/22/2023 at 2:50 PM, applewood said:

And now he's so concerned about Aurora getting Covid. If she lived in the same household with all these others who had it isn't it possible that she did have Covid but was just one of the lucky ones who didn't have symptoms.

When the first person in my house got Covid (one of my adult kids who couldn't work remotely), they knew they'd been exposed by a co-worker, and started isolating in the home as soon as they found out. The rest of us didn't catch it (and we knew we didn't, because we kept testing, for reasons too complex to go into here).

When my husband got Covid, he did not start isolating until he knew he was positive. I honestly thought his allergies were acting up, and was surprised that he even tested, never mind that he tested positive. We had no idea he'd been exposed. We do everything together, but I didn't get it (again because we all tested throughout the duration).

Aurora is 21 now. So she would have been 19 when Kody, Robyn, and the rest of her family got Covid. Her bedroom is on the bottom floor, and it has a separate exit to the outdoors, so it's quite possible she didn't get it. 

On 8/22/2023 at 5:46 PM, IvySpice said:

Yeah, why is it Janelle's job to negotiate his relationship with his adult children? There's no suggestion that the sons were acting at their mom's behest. They were doing what they wanted to do. If Kody has a problem with that, he should do some parenting and discuss it with his kids.

This is honestly what I don't get. The kids are right there. If he thinks he needs a conversation, well then start the conversation, fucko. 

On 8/26/2023 at 6:13 PM, OlderThanDirt said:

I thought part of the purchase agreement was that they had to put in services to the property before they could build anything.  That was why Janelle can't start building. Christine was smart to sell back her property to the rest of them for $10 or whateverl

I don't know if it's a term of the loan, but even if it is not, you would put the services on the property before you built. You wouldn't want to rip up everything to connect the homes to water, sewer (unless they do septic out there, idk), and electricity.

I mentioned this at the top of this post. Sorry for repeating myself, but it seemed like the cleanest way to respond. They "can't" build because, except for Janelle, they don't want to build. Kody (and Robyn, I imagine) want to divide the parcel into five lots. The loan was written for four lots. They can't redraw the lines, until it is paid off.

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Maybe? But Kody did want to re-divide it into five lots, and they definitely cannot do that — cannot redraw the lines until the loan is paid off.

It's just like I can't tear down my current house and build a new one, until my mortgage is paid off (also until I hit the lottery, but that's beside the point). The bank (or the seller, in the Brown's case) has a legal financial interest in the four lots that make up the whole parcel of land, until the loan is paid.

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What confuses me the most about the newest tidbit they decided to release about the property...

Way back when they said that they bought the two big pieces, then decided on the other two skinny parcels. So the two largest were paid for and the two small were financed. We now know some details about the financing with the original land owner holding the note and a ticking clock on paying them off. But Janelle didn't specify if the other two parcels are part of the note....like an extra collateral or something. So if they don't (yes, I know that they actually did...) pay off the note...was it possible that the other properties could be lost as well?

What a bloody mess. Leave it to Kody Brown to finagle up some back door financing... but WHO signs that kind of note and doesn't make it a full priority to pay the damn thing off ?

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