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S17.E05: The Last Family Gathering

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Kody worries about tight quarters after touring Janelle's new RV, and Meri feels hurt when Kody suggests she move away to run the bed and breakfast full time. Then, the family reunites for Ysabel's graduation party with a bittersweet celebration.

Air Date: October 9, 2022

REMINDER: the episode threads are for episode discussion ONLY, if you wish to discuss the participants   in "real time" please head to the participant threads or the Spoiler/Speculation thread.

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Most people who are tone deaf don’t realize it.  They cannot hear what we do.  I’ve heard lots of people say they can’t sing, but when they do sing they sound fine.  They sing in tune and it’s normal, but people who are tone deaf think they sing fine, even great, and they don’t pay attention when others say otherwise. Lol. It’s unfortunate.  

The view from Christine’s yard was spectacular.  Man, I would love that view!

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Kody didn’t know this was Ysabel’s 18th birthday?!  Did I hear him ask if she was 17? (ETA, yep he thought she was turning 17. How sad. that should be Exhibit A against his 50/50 custody claim.)

And his rant about the whole Sweet Sixteen and never been kissed thing was dumb. Never mind he and Robyn were smooching and getting sexually bothered before they were married…

Edited by Cancun
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Does Sobyn even have a clue?  Christine didn’t fight hard enough?  With a ghost or what Kody was never there and wasn’t there when he was.  Christine knew it from the beginning, it was Robyn’s world and Janelle didn’t really care.  Meri created a Frankenstein. 

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Where did Tony get that comment about Kody wasn’t perfect enough for 4 wives!  I mean……I’m not as anti Kody as most, but even I acknowledge that the split wasn’t due to some imperfections and major demands of 4 women.  What was he thinking?  It was actually a diss against Christine.  Christine didn’t leave because he wasn’t perfect.  Wow, ……

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About building on property that still has a loan attached.  Most areas you can't  build because financial organizations won't give you a mortgage to build until the land is paid off.  My grandfather did the same thing Kody did buying multiple parcels of land and then redrawing the property lines.  However, he paid half the land value upfront and started the buildings with cash.  After everything was paid for he went to the county to make six parcels into three.  

Kody wants to redo the property lines completely not just combine lots so the whole property needs to be paid off first.  If they had the cash to build one house and it was completely within an existing plot line, there really wouldn't be a lot stopping them except utilities and their Brown family dynamics.  

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17 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Robyn tells Sol and Ari about the divorce when she knows that Truely  doesn’t know.  What is her problem?  Christine should yell at her six ways to Sunday.  You don’t do that. 

It wasn’t clear if Robyn knew who had been told.  Kody probably didn’t know who was told either.  With all that packing….meetings…..idk.  It’s difficult to believe that Truly didn’t know.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Everything this family does is so disjointed & disorganized.it’s pretty clear that Kody has undiagnosed AADD and can barely be responsible for his own life let alone 4 households and multiple children.  He keeps trying out new wives, new homes, new jobs and new children and none of them satisfy him for very long.  Frankly, I wish one of his wives had been Kate Gosselin -she would have laid down the law!   Also, hopefully this singing for Ysebel won’t give them ideas about being the next Osmonds.

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Poor Truely, everybody but her knows. Christine and Kody could have planned out how to tell her together, consulted a therapist about how best to do it etc but no because its a hard conversation its just swept under the rug. I've been loving single Christine but letting the wives know and therefore all the kids before talking to Truely was such a misstep.

I love Janelle's spirit of adventure and her willingness to try, Savannah should get major credit too for agreeing to the RV. Kody is such a downer, he can't let her enjoy it, he just has to piss all over her ideas. Coyote Pass was his idea if he wants to scrap it he should tell the wives and if he wants to go through with it well hes had years now, he should have firm plans of what he wants to do. If this is a patriarchy Kody needs to not be so wishy washy about everything being in charge means making some decisions and if he wants autonomy surely he should be telling the wives what hes going to do not get Janelle negotiating and dealing with other peoples ideas.

Janelle's boys planning on going to visit Christine made me so happy, Christine and Janelle raised some good men together in spite of Kodys influence.

Ysabel was so happy at her party, she seems like such a sweet girl, I really wish the best for her.

I felt bad for Meri when the thing about Kody suggesting she move to the b&b but then I completely turned on her again when she was being fussy about Janelle parking the RV on her land. Either you want to be in the family or you don't, objecting to Janelle parking her RV for a few months is so petty. I can't imagine sticking around if I was in her position, it must be so horrible to have to deal with a man who hates your guts, Meri seems determined to be miserable and make others miserable too because shes in a shitty situation and won't extracate herself.

I don't know who I had more second hand embarassment for Kody for all his cringy talk about kissing at the party or Christine for singing

18 minutes ago, candall said:

He hates to see "equipment" unused and going to waste

Also has 4 of everything rather than packing a bag

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

All the while Robyn and her "5 kids" are sitting pretty in a mansion with the husband

Don't forget...all that AND WITH a nanny for cripes sake!   Sittin  pretty is right!   Maybe pretty isn't the right word for her  🤐

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I hope that’s the last “Brown Family Jamboree” we have to listen to… my ears are bleeding from Christine’s caterwauling!!! 😖
Good grief will someone please take Christine aside and let her know that she CAN’T SING!

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Sobyn was all concerned that the atmosphere might be off at Ysabel's party - she really has no idea. Christine has been playing nice and keeping sweet for YEARS. Doing it for one last gathering must have been a breeze to her. It speaks to how snide and prickly Sobyn would be in those circumstances.

I hope Truely finding out by overhearing is just a plotline and it didn't really go that way. I feel sure that Christine had some sort of counseling or guidance before telling Kody she was outties. Surely how to tell Truely would figure in?

Sobyn is an absolute hellbitch for telling her kids before she was certain Truely knew.

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23 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

It would only need to be in a different location for 24 hours. How hard is that?

 She could have moved it to the lot designated for Christine.  In addition, she specifically wanted her house to be built by six months.  
That’s impossible of course because this family can’t pay for the land so they can get their act together. Building is just a pipe dream for them. Kody will move them somewhere else  by then. 

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So Kody and Meri and Robyn are all upset about "breaking up" the family? The family that only gets together every few months outside in lawn chairs?

And I will never understand Janelle's RV. She could have bought the house, improved it, sold it at a profit and then worked on the "property". I haven't seen evidence of any casita on her land and this was filmed over a year ago. 

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9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Where did Tony get that comment about Kody wasn’t perfect enough for 4 wives!  I mean……I’m not as anti Kody as most, but even I acknowledge that the split wasn’t due to some imperfections and major demands of 4 women.  What was he thinking?  It was actually a diss against Christine.  Christine didn’t leave because he wasn’t perfect.  Wow, ……

Tony lacks maturity.  This is the same person (Tony) who said Kody could take out a loan against his house to fund his and Mykelti's wedding when Kody said Mykelti's wedding was too close to Maddie's and he (Kody) needed to recover from that. 

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27 minutes ago, Shauna said:

It is very telling that no Brown children have showed an interest in polygamy. 

Yeah….even Kody isn’t on board.  Who’s left who supports it anymore?  Janelle….Meri?  

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2 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah….even Kody isn’t on board.  Who’s left who supports it anymore?  Janelle….Meri?  

I do wonder if Robyn is annoyed that she gets Kody ALL THE TIME NOW.  She signed up for a husband 1/4 of the time.  Now she gets him and all his glory full time.  I'd be pissed. 

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I was so disgusted with Meri and her getting the most fired up not at Kody and his numerous ways he showed how he wants nothing to do with her, but at the fact Christine is leaving the family that she set up in this beginning.  Damn he actually told her to go live somewhere else like 6+ hours away?!  He was serious, not just thinking aloud.  I hope Christine makes him buy her parcel (if she can).  And Janelle should hook that trailer up to the truck she is forbidden to drive and just keep going.  At least at a KOA she'll have electricity and running water than at prairie plague.

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Oh yes.  It seems to me that Robyn is not pleased with having to contend with Kody full time.  With all that unbridled, bizarre energy…..it would be exhausting.  

I was wondering about Kody describing buying his brothers truck.  So, Kody has available cash to just buy the truck outright?  Or, did he obtain financing for this older model pickup through a bank?  With their overhead, it’s difficult to imagine how they have seemingly unlimited resources.  

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13 minutes ago, Shauna said:

I do wonder if Robyn is annoyed that she gets Kody ALL THE TIME NOW.  She signed up for a husband 1/4 of the time.  Now she gets him and all his glory full time.  I'd be pissed. 

I believe she revels in  the role she perceives herself to be in: the matriarch of the entire family in a matriarchal tradition.  It’s gotten much pronounced since  she became the legal wife. Telling Kody that he doesn’t need the truck - a truck which belonged  to his deceased brother.   A truck which presumably Kody paid for out of his account, not hers. Each wife and Kody supposedly have their own money.      Setting rules for the other three households to follow.  Justifying Kodys actions- unless they conflict with her commands. 
However what she doesn’t  seem to realize is that it’s her and Kody’s actions that are dividing the family.  The other 3 wives have had to basically be single parents  since Logan was born and are independent as a result. They don’t answer to her 

Edited by mythoughtis
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Since there isn't room for Kody to keep anything in the RV with Janelle, it makes me think this was her way to get away from him, if just incrementally.  And good for Janelle, taking the bull by the horn to move where the "fambly" was intending to move all along. Don't like it Robyn and Meri? Then figure out how to pay the land off and get those lots subdivided. For once, Janelle is actually doing something and I think the others are jerks for not including her. 

ETA: newsflash Meri: Kodouche has been trying to push you out for YEARS. I don't know whether to pity you for not taking the hint or admire you for not leaving. 

Edited by MamaGee
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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

That’s impossible of course because this family can’t pay for the land so they can get their act together. Building is just a pipe dream for them.

didn't Janelle say her plot was paid for?  

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I needed a Kody-to-Common-Sense translator for this episode.


  Reveal spoiler

Previously on Pathetic Polygamist Patriarch Sister Wives:

Kody hates Christine but doesn’t want her to leave because it makes him look bad, and he suddenly remembers he has a daughter named Truely for whom he wants 50/50 custody when Christine moves to Utah to hook up with her Brown-money stealing boyfriend who doesn’t exist except in Kody’s own warped brain.  I think I have that right and if I do, I’m scared that I know this much about the inner workings of Kody Brown’s head – it’s a very dark and twisted place to be.

We begin tonight’s episode with a lovely panoramic mountain scene, which I immediately take as shade on Meri’s plea to Christine to “look at the mountains” but I’m not sure if the TLC producers are that clever.  Kody tells us that he’s on the fast track to divorcing Christine (not sure how that works when they were never legally married) and that he fills separate from the entire family because of it.  I think he’s just pissy that Christine, by leaving, is taking Kody’s ego with her and he’d prefer to just drive around in his lil’ baby man truck listening to Air Supply and ignoring everyone…and Kody wonders why he’s failing as Famb’ly Patriarch.  ‘Tis a mystery.

He drives to Janelle’s house in his deceased brother’s big MANLY truck that he purchased from his sister-in-law.  Kody says that he’s glad he has the truck but he won’t drive it around that much for reasons that I couldn’t understand, but Janelle is slobbering all over that truck.  She’s not afraid of driving that bad boy all over Flagstaff.  Think of the crates of Plexus she could haul in that thing.  Robyn pops up in a burgundy polyester blouse with white flowers, circa late '70's Sears catalog, and half-laughs that they didn’t need this truck but Kody bought it anyway.  Betcha Kody spent a few nights on the couch for that particular transaction.

Kody whines that he now has to move his crap out of Janelle’s house because clearly, his gun collection won’t fit in that stupid RV that she insisted on buying.  Apparently Kody has a lot of crap because he purchases four of everything he owns to keep at various wives’ houses, to which I say - no wonder these morons are broke.  The hair care products alone could probably stock half a Walgreens.  He goes on to Kody-‘splain that Janelle would need to move her RV every 4 months to comply with the law, so she needs to ask permission from the other wives if it’s okay for her park that beast on their land.  I think it’s cute that any of them are still pretending that it matters at all, since as Janelle states, they’ve owned the land for three years and haven’t done a darn thing on the property except for dig a giant hole to throw Sol into and have deeply disturbing conversations between Kody and his sons.  Meri opines that she doesn’t necessary want an RV pad on her property, while Christine has zero f**** to give about any of it.  Janelle tells us that that’s Kody for you – always making things 100 times harder than they have to be.  You don't say.

We segue into a sad Meri, and while I do feel for her and it’s difficult to hear that she’s been staying at Lizzie’s Olde Timey Ghost Emporium alone since her mom passed, she is also the creator of her loneliness by constantly complaining that she doesn’t fill connected to her family while at the same time doing nothing to remedy it.  Again, these people – constantly jumping over the elephants in every room, any time they are together…from the pretend houses on Coyote Pass, to Kody suddenly wanting Christine to stay even though he’s ignored her for 20 years, to Janelle pushing for the RV as a way to get those houses built…it boggles the mind.  Meri states that Kody suggested that she just move on into the B&B, but that was never Meri’s intention (which I doubt – she may not have wanted to permanently move in but she’s certainly using it as a hideout, much like Kody and Coyote Pass, Janelle in her RV, and Robyn in her mansion).  Gee, I cannot figure out why these people don’t have any connection anymore.  Hey, Patriarch?  Got any ideas?

Speaking of our Patriarch, he finally decides to remember that he has a blonde kid named Ysabel, and picks her up for some dad and random kid time on the very day that Christine is working her ass off to get her house ready for Ysabel’s graduation/birthday party when the logical thing to do would be for Kody to, like, come over to HELP.  Christine, girl – I know you already know you’re making the right decision but this is exactly what I would expect Kody Brown to do on a busy and important day such as this…escape any actual work by doing the thing he should’ve been doing all along – spending time with Ysabel – knowing that Christine can’t say anything about it since she knows if she pushed back, he’d be all stomping his feet and saying, “you tell me I never spend time with her so now I am and you’re mad!”  I mean, I wanted to reach through my screen and smack his weave off so I can only imagine how Christine put up with this for so long.  Girl, run.  Run and fly.  You’re free.

We get brief, refreshing and candid interviews with Ysabel, Mykelti and Tony regarding the state of Kody and Christine’s marriage.  Ysabel is sad but saw it coming.   Mykelti is relieved, since it’s clear to her that her parents don’t love each other, and Tony says that it was inevitable (I love Tony and his big words that he occasionally uses correctly in a sentence) because no man is perfect enough to keep up with four wives.  Kody pops up and tells us that he’s lonely and bitter because he doesn’t have the respect from his family anymore…to which, again, I want to punch him (and I am not a violent person, I swear).  Sir?  You earn respect.  It’s not given automatically because you climb a dirt hill on your empty property and scream to the assembled prairie dogs that you are the head of your family.  Can prairie dogs laugh out loud, I wonder?

The lovely, ethereal, strong and beautiful Ysabel has her party.  Everyone is allowed to hug now because they’ve all either had Covid tests or been vaccinated.  It was nice to see the kids enjoy each other’s company, but we have to hear from sad clown Kody about how he’s wondering how it all went wrong.  Sigh.  Kody expresses delight in Ysabel’s 17th birthday, except that she’s actually turning 18.  I cannot with this man.  Kody blathers some random nonsense about girls who have a Sweet 16 party because they’ve never been kissed, and something about trust and lust, but at this point I’ve completely tuned him out.  Listening to him talk is like listening the teacher in the Peanuts cartoons: “Wah Wah Wah.”  (If you don’t know the reference, kindly remove yourself from my lawn).

At the party, Aurora plays guitar and Christine “sings” the song “Unwritten” for Ysabel.  While I loved the idea, Christine – well, she tries.  Brianna surprises me with having a decent singing voice, and also that for a hot second I thought it was Robyn up there singing – those two could be twins except that Robyn dresses like my grandma in 1972.  Various adults ponder why they can’t have this fun-loving family back, and why it has to end…look no further to the curly-headed guy sitting in a chair wondering who all these people are and whose party he’s at.  We end with that same dork telling us how weird it is that he’s getting left by Christine (ignoring the fact that he left her years ago).  Now that his family is imploding before his eyes, he’s starting to question this whole polygamy thing. Um, idiot?  You’re too late.  It failed because of you.  And the thing is – everyone who leaves you will be just fine, it’s your ego that can’t take the hits.  Go back to Robyn’s and pretend to be mystified as to where it all went wrong.  Also, Robyn likes her noon wake-up coffee with cream and two sugars, her toast slightly well-done, served on a silver tray with a freshly-cut flower.  And Ariabelliola is climbing the chandelier again.  Enjoy.  Peace out.

I 100% enjoyed reading this! It's so nice to start a day with a few laughs...so much truth in what you wrote too...thank you! 

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Re: Kody suggesting Meri live at her B&B? From a financial perspective, it isn't bad advice. Kody, the legal Mrs, and Meri say they are praying to figure out ways to get the properties paid off. Meri could save a chunk of money not paying rent in Flagstaff. 

Janelle's statement, " Where there's a will there's a way" gave me pause. I know it's a trite old saying. But on the heels of Bonnie's passing, my whiskers twitched.

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Anyone else find it incredibly sad that because Meri has been such a biotch to Janelle and Christine, Meri doesn't have the support of 2 of her sister wives that could be such a help to her right now? I look at the relationship Janelle and Christine have and think of one of them were in Meri's position, the other would help, encourage and just show up. I hope that continues between Christine and Janelle after Christine leaves. And it's a huge reminder not to burn bridges like Meri did. 

And you'll note that I didn't mention Robyn helping ANYONE. 

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3 minutes ago, zamp33 said:

I was super annoyed at Robyn complaining about the cost of the RV and the truck to pull it.

Robyn has contributed nothing financially to the family since the beginning. From her getting her own rental in Lehi to her McMansion in Flagstaff  because she absolutely had to have 5+ bedrooms, oh and lets not forget her Nanny while she is not working,.

Janelle has contributed financially over a number of years and has always taken the least - in Vegas she scaled back her house and her rentals in Flagstaff have been nothing close to the extravagance of Robyn and Meri. And Meri- you have a HUGE rental with only you in it plus you are traveling all the time.  How the heck she justifies that is beyond me unless she is paying from her own money from Lularoe/Lizzie's. Meri had to build a huge house in Vegas, her child went to a Private school while Janelle's kids went to state schools or the military. 

All Janelle wants is to build on the property. She did not want to initially leave Vegas, she loves the plural family concept and was removed from all that because Robyn and Kody needed to be near Dayton's college.  So stop complaining about her buying an RV, a truck (which we all know Kody will use), and putting her RV on your property. She has consistently asked for the least and now Robyn and Meri have the gall to complain about her and are unwilling to help. 

In addition, Janelle bought the Lehi house in her name and the mortgage in her name and added Kody AND Meri as co-owners later.  

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Oh yes.  It seems to me that Robyn is not pleased with having to contend with Kody full time.  With all that unbridled, bizarre energy…..it would be exhausting.  

I was wondering about Kody describing buying his brothers truck.  So, Kody has available cash to just buy the truck outright?  Or, did he obtain financing for this older model pickup through a bank?  With their overhead, it’s difficult to imagine how they have seemingly unlimited resources.  

I always wonder how they manage to support all those kids, cars, everything else they do.  I would imagine a large part of their income is the show. 

With that big truck comes lots of gas and insurance costs, so good luck tooting around in that monstrosity to "run errands", Janelle.  And later Kody, who you know just wants to be seen in something so big.  Way to feed his ego. 

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11 hours ago, eskimo said:

Meri: I don't know why we can't work on things. We're doing our family a disservice...blah, blah, blah.

Also Meri: What if I don't want Janelle parked on the property (for only 120 days) that I'm not even remotely close to using, because I don't want Janelles dirty rocks on my property.  IT'S MINE! 

Same with Robyn.

Face #1: 'I don't know why this isn't worth saving!'

Face #2: 'Plot hopping isn't being talked about a lot, it's just happening'.

WTF is the problem here? What is there to talk about?  This is not some crazy request. It will have zero affect on any of them, but would help Janelle out a lot.  This is why it's not worth saving.  You all are bitches.  

It’s these little things that come out in the conversations and talking heads that remind me why I will never feel sorry for Meri, ever. 

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I was super annoyed at Robyn complaining about the cost of the RV and the truck to pull it.

The RV is not a good idea. It's just not. Janelle is planning to drive out to the middle of nowhere with no utility services and no one nearby to hear her and her 17 year old daughter if they scream. Janelle should have bought the rental house, which would be an investment. The RV is a waste of money the way Janelle is planning on doing it. Janelle is not smarter than the average Brown.

Regarding Kody's shit comment to Meri about how she should move to Parawon, I noticed that Robyn is the constant Kody Apologist, apologizing for and reframing everything Kody says to put it in the best light. Robyn will eventually get very tired of being the Kody Apologist. Kody means what he says exactly how he says it.

I hope Christine isn't going to tell Truely about the divorce on camera. That would be horrible for that poor kid, when she's already been put through enough. And Christine is an asshole for letting everyone else in on what's going on but not telling Truely much earlier what is happening. 

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