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S12.E14: Shameless Not Ruthless

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I realize these events are really just an excuse to gather all the housewives together in one space, because otherwise there's no point in inviting people to a fundraiser who probably aren't going to donate. Although I did like Kyle saying maybe she'll just mail a check. Yes, please do that.  Was the cute dentist the only one who actually contributed anything? If the doctor who was the founder of that charity was a sperm donor who produced six kids, he ain't that popular, Dorit. 

Dorit's fake boobs looked awful in that Cavalli. Vintage Cavalli. Asher couldn't attend because he was doing a VR concert. Probably for an audience of his daughter's stuffed animals. Kathy liked the calligraphy on the placecards even though she couldn't read the name. Melissa Etheridge sucked. Sorry. And what's with all the fangirling? Every time they encounter a (real) celebrity they act like it's the second coming of Christ. 

I do understand Diana wanting a sibling for her daughter, but why not adopt? Diana is Asher's #1 fan - and she should be. Just stop trying to make everyone else a fan. 

Glad to see Sutton holding her own with Lisa. 

Companies that pick up dog poop are a big thing here in Arizona. A lot of the rescue groups utilize them because they also deodorize the yard, which helps with the smell and any potential diseases like coccidia, ghardia and parvo. 

Edited by Feline Goddess
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19 hours ago, SassyCat said:

The disgust I have for this episode is immeasurable. It absolutely was each actor, actress, playing a part and they were all in on it except the poor guests. Kyle is trying to be an evil Lucille Ball with her zany expressions revealing she is proud of herself for completely disrupting Dorits dinner party by egging on an argument. Loudly, across the room at a dinner party with guests other than her “girlfriends”. The epitome of rudeness.

 Rinna, the absolute Queen of rudeness, starts with her screeching and breaking the eardrums of everyone in the room like that wind up monkey crashing cymbals together, desperately trying to be the center of attention. 

The behavior of Rinna and Kyle was so over the top appalling that I am embarrassed I watched that. I can not believe it is not 100% staged, and I can’t believe I feel that Sutton was all in on it too. It makes me sick I got roped in by these NON real housewives. 

I cried when Rinna said she was grieving and shes so sorry crying with no tears. I cried because her imitation of grief, the inappropriateness of her using grief as an excuse for the way she behaves, just makes people who really know grief, remember what its REALLY like. Not this “I deserve more air-time” poser, because her mother just died, tearlessly sobbing soap opera display of sheer insanity, which is an insult to my intelligence.

Yeah sure Diana... Asher didn’t know you had come down the stairs and were listening to him while the cameras were filming him. Every single thing is fake except for Garcelles acting ability. Shes the only one who is believable.

I don’t think I can watch this crap anymore. If they think this is entertainment, they can keep it

It is also the epitome of drunk off her ass.  Maybe she needs to dial the tequila back a bit.  She and Mo are looking a bit worn this year. Maybe partying like they are 18 is starting to take a toll.

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11 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Um yeah.  So why are you fucking a child Diana?  If some dude made me feel like he was a child the last thing I would do is 'the business'.  But that is just me.

The business that made me laugh .. thank you 

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12 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

Still laughing over Dorit and the nervous way she kept looking over at the boys as they were rating the women. You could almost hear her thinking, “I hope Erika wore her panties.”

Actually, PK and Mo were a little yucky in that scene.

Yes they were.  It gave me really creepy vibes.  I would be pissed if my husband were having that conversation because it reduces women to sparkly toys.  Not mad that he admired another woman, admire all day long dude, but the conversation had a feel of rating the other ladies which I cannot abide.

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1 hour ago, ag54 said:

Clearly she should take a hiatus from the show to deal with her grief if she cannot control her behavior at a CHARITY EVENT in front of not only innocent bystanders but freaking Melissa Etheridge. It was so cringeworthy!

Erica should propose take a break too to deal with all her legal problems and rebound sex issues. Also cringe 😬 

  I mean, Rinna's *been* intolerable for at least the last handful of seasons, so I can't believe it's solely due to grief, otherwise what was she grieving the rest of her time on this show? What was she grieving when she lunged at Kim, while grasping her claw toward Kim's throat, and smashing the glass on the table in Amsterdam? Her schtick is so worn out it's threadbare. 

Jabs, pokes, gossip, and light jokes at someone's expense aren't the same as actively trying to take someone down and ruin their reputation or relationship, which is what Rinna does.

 I remember before this season in the press, the coven kept saying how "Erika really opens up about her situation this year" blah blah. I haven't seen any of that. I've only seen her playing inebriated, being inappropriate regarding Crystal's ED, throwing up a whole lot of deflection, and talking about sex from randoms. Riveting. 🙄 

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1 hour ago, Mar said:

And it was SHARON STONE who came knocking on her door to see if she would be interested in participating. I wonder if she told Sharon that it sounds like a very chic charity. And this is not very kind of me, but I can’t help but wonder if Dorit would have been so interested if it had not been connected to a famous person.

I thought the same thing!  Since Kyle brought Jamie Lee Curtis over for a fundraising event, now Dorit has to have a fund raiser with a celebrity sponsor AND a celebrity guest entertainer!  Checkmate.

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Is dining down the chic thing to do at Beverly Hills dinner parties now?  Pigs in the blanket for pass around appetizers and chicken parmigiana that looked like something my mom would have thrown together on a week night after work.  It didn't look like the fare one would expect at a formal sit-down dinner attended by people in designer evening wear.  I can't help but think PK was responsible for that menu.  He seems like the type would would prefer basic foods to elegant and gourmet dining.  

PK must have gotten that dental work free in exchange for publicity otherwise I doubt he and Dorit would have willingly allow his former stained, cracked, and crooked nubs to fill the screen.  

Why was that nonsense about Melissa Etheridge?  She comes in for one song, a few photos, and then gets shown the door?  Why would she do that?  I know she's touring because I was reading a concert was cancelled earlier this week because she tested positive for Covid.  Yet, there was no attempt to publicize a tour that I recall hearing.  PK isn't her manager either.  Just strange.

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6 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I thought the same thing!  Since Kyle brought Jamie Lee Curtis over for a fundraising event, now Dorit has to have a fund raiser with a celebrity sponsor AND a celebrity guest entertainer!  Checkmate.

So chic tho 

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3 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

But you are not Rinna.  Everybody behaves the way their individual experiences leads them to behave.  You can believe it's performative all day but beliefs aren't indisputable facts.  We don't know what's in her mind.  I don't understand the audacity that can compel anyone to tell another person that their display of grief isn't 100% genuine.  Also, Sutton isn't an innocent, sweet angel.  She has said and done problematic and shitty things just like the others.  If Sutton and Rinna were "friends", Sutton shouldn't have gone on WWHL to blast Rinna because of Rinna's beef with Garcelle.  Sutton should have stayed neutral.

Rinna is sitting on the biggest story line of the franchise but she will never run with it and instead gives us manufactured BS.  I know BS when I see it and I call her out.  I don’t have to get in her head to recognize a fake, poor performance because she is a B or maybe eve D rated actress who thinks she can bully her way through life. In a  earlier season she tried to slap Kim in the face and threw a broken glass.  NICE!

Sutton doesn’t have to be an angel, just authentic and she accomplished this They all talk Sh’t and they all stir the pot that’s what makes the show work, but Rinna is nasty, dirty and a screaming shrew.  Sutton  responded to the tomato sauce debacle and Rinna asked for it.   YES, Rinna started it and now she doesn’t like it because Sutton won’t follow her rule book.  I love that Sutton stands up to her.  

I just realized it: Sutton you are my hero!  

Edited by tranquilidade
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16 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I thought the same thing!  Since Kyle brought Jamie Lee Curtis over for a fundraising event, now Dorit has to have a fund raiser with a celebrity sponsor AND a celebrity guest entertainer!  Checkmate.

They compete with each other just like Kyle competes with her sisters.   Dorit is another one sitting on a huge story line: her real life.  But that is so ugly and sad, it can’t be shown.

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3 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

The hat thing also hides thinning hair. I think Rinna really started relying on hats and wigs the past few years due to hair loss.

Hair loss due to an eating disorder is a common condition including hair thinning and baldness. Ever since Rinna started wearing wigs a few years ago I thought about it was related to loss of hair and her extreme thinness.

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29 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Hair loss due to an eating disorder is a common condition including hair thinning and baldness. Ever since Rinna started wearing wigs a few years ago I thought about it was related to loss of hair and her extreme thinness.

Well, also could be about her age.   Sadly (for me, not Rinna) hair thinning is often a side effect of going through menopause.   Also, my 35 year old neighbor lost a lot of hair as a result of Covid.   It grew back though. 

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3 hours ago, Mrs peel said:

Ha!  I was shocked they had that as the dish.  Pretty cheap to make though.

What go to me was how uniformly round and the same size the chicken was. When I make it and pound out chicken there is no “they all look the same”. They are unequal sizes and more natural looking.  All spaghetti eaten here is from scratch. Started with guanciale, onions and tomatoes. Add fresh basil, fresh spices, and freshly grated cheese it can be an elevated dish. 

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37 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

All spaghetti eaten here is from scratch. Started with guanciale, onions and tomatoes. Add fresh basil, fresh spices, and freshly grated cheese it can be an elevated dish. 


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I knew Dwight looked familiar and it wasn't because I remembered him shoving Ken into  the pool. He originally came on RHOBH as Taylor's BFF.

I didn't realize Asher was a child actor on Broadway. He does have a nice voice but I'm pretty sure his main job is to look good and keep Mama satisfied. Mama in turn promised to make his music career happen. It's like Tom  and Erika in reverse.

I wish Sutton would refuse to engage when they try and suck her into the drama. She didn't want to have this discussion/argument at this dinner, in front of others. I wish she'd just said we can talk later this evening in private but I'm not doing this with you now. I think part of the reason she's always the target is because she lets herself get sucked in. Diana is a horrible person but she does have one quality that I wish Sutton had, which is the ability to not react. She could be getting called nasty names and accused of all sorts of things and she'd just sit there with that smug face, licking her lips like a lizard, and saying "okay" and "if you say so".

Speaking of lizard lips, it just occurred to me that Kyle broke that habit! She was the original lizard lip licker!! 🤣

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I’ve said this in other forums, but I think the “Housewife” franchises have “jumped the shark”. - I don’t want to see a bunch of menopausal women & their “Glam squads” spending gobs of money (that some of them don’t even have) on purses, shoes, private jets, luxury vacations, and multiple mansions when the rest of us are having trouble paying for food & gas. I don’t want to watch them screaming at each other over their petty travails. It’s time to put these shows out of their misery.

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10 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

I’m thinking that she may indeed be afraid that her time on the show might be ending, and she’s trying to hang on by the skin of her claws because this is basically all she has. That’s the only explanation I can think of for her behavior this season — trying in any way, shape, or form to stay “relevant” by getting herself noticed. But making an ass out of herself week after week is about the quickest way OUT of the show, if you ask me.

I’m sure on some level she is genuinely grieving Lois. I don’t think she’s that much of a soulless creature. But what she’s doing here is a parody of grief, and using that as an excuse to continue with her general shittiness.

Kyle’s got the “shit-stirrer” gig down better than Lisa ever will, as does Erika with the trash factor. So what is the point of Lisa being on anymore, really? Face it — when she’s not on, does anybody miss her?

Uh... There's probably one or two people who would miss her for a hot minute.

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9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

My homemade ones using Pillsbury Crescent Rolls look way better than those did.  Once I tried to "fancy" them up, I used puff pastry, but that's a pain in the neck!  

Honestly, you just can't MAKE a better pig in a blanket than with those DoughBoy Crescent Rolls!! THEY ARE THE BEST!!!

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8 hours ago, Surrealist said:

This would be followed by the camera zooming in to get a close-up of Rinna's face, in which she stares off into the distance, then a grin starts to form.

Or a single FAT tear starts to roll down her face.  She can only conjure up ONE tear, not two!

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2 hours ago, ww92 said:

Speaking of lizard lips, it just occurred to me that Kyle broke that habit! She was the original lizard lip licker!! 🤣

I noticed not one lip licked by Diana this episode. She must have caught wind, or a hurricane of what people were saying about it. Or.. editors took pity on her and left it out after all the talk about it.

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6 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

I noticed not one lip licked by Diana this episode. She must have caught wind, or a hurricane of what people were saying about it. Or.. editors took pity on her and left it out after all the talk about it.

Now if only producers could remove her from the show.

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On 8/10/2022 at 5:07 PM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

This charity that Dorit sounds like it has a great mission but the name sounds like a charity that would be in a teen rom com or something. 

To me it sounded like something from a Christopher Guest movie! It's a great idea for a charity, but I can understand why some folks had a hard time keeping a straight face upon hearing the name of it!

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12 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

We don't know what's in her mind.

We don't have to know what's in or on her mind. It becomes apparent every time she opens her mouth. No one is begrudging Rinna her grief. She can continue to do so until the cows come home.  We're just not buying it.

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Diana is a horrible person but she does have one quality that I wish Sutton had, which is the ability to not react. She could be getting called nasty names and accused of all sorts of things and she'd just sit there with that smug face

I think her face has so much work at this point that it can't move enough to show us a proper reaction.


private jets, luxury vacations, and multiple mansions

I have to disagree. If anything, the luxury porn can be a nice escape from the real world.

Also, most the HWs shows began before or during the 2007/8 economy crash and continued on during the post-crash austerity years.

I would argue that the shows have run their course, but the luxury escapism of the shows isn't a reason for them to end.

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Please PLEASE do not hurt me for using Teddi as a subject matter expert BUT...

She said that it was apparent that production wanted drama at the party and they pushed Kyle to do it as the participants refused to and she was annoyed and drunk and thats also why Mauricio was chiming in.

She said RInna became aware she had no storyline and that's why she dredged up EJ because she was basically without any drama to go soap opera on (paraphrasing and she did not say she spoke to Rinna just that's what she guessed).

That the women except Rinna did not step in and stop her because that meant the cameras would on her and not them and their shit.  Normally someone will step in when someone goes coo coo for cocoa puffs  but the fact no one did is because they did not want production to shift to them.

My opinion - Rinna, Crystal and Dorit are all in hot water to stay relevant.  RInna is going from villain to turn off TV with a heaping side of soap scene chewing.  Dorit has no storylineand frankly does not push storylines enough to show value and Crystal is so in the background - girl bring IG Crystal to the show - she is funny!  Maybe if a couple others were swapped she would open up.

Oh I literally forgot Diana.  And Diana and her off broadway child bring nothing.  Her acting (oh he forgot the cameras) makes RInna look like Meryl Streep, her style is off (she looked like mustard this episode) she has no connection with anyone except as the Junior VIllian or if she knew them before.  She seems like she hates the show and being on it.

Erika is so lucky that half the cast is so off that she and her meds and booze have a few more seasons.  I feel like Crystal could get another season but only IF they break up Faux Force Five.  Those four that are in lockstep have to be broken up or this show will stay fragmented.  Pause Rinna, dump Dorit and Erika is going to be FORCED to actually interact and get along.  Rinna needs a year or more off to get her life in order.  Diana can stay or go - no one cares.  No one - she is irrelevant.

Kyle and Garcelle can steer the show.  Erika can be pushed out of her comfort zone with RInna and we can see her life, Crystal can stop hiding in the shadows, Sutton and Erika can get passed this dumb shit and they can actually be funny.  It could work.

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8 hours ago, SassyCat said:

I noticed not one lip licked by Diana this episode

I think I spotted at least four during her conversation with Asher.

My interest in this show is waning. I no longer watch it as soon as it's available.

PK is oily and unctuous. The name-dropping is embarrassing. He's essentially Maurio's Designated Sycophant. Maurio probably tolerates PK because of good weed. Maurio can barely hide his contempt for the show.

Rinna finally got her big grief moment. Preceded by her rage moment. How classy of her to steal attention away from the charity. She is gutter trash.

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8 hours ago, SassyCat said:

I noticed not one lip licked by Diana this episode. She must have caught wind, or a hurricane of what people were saying about it. Or.. editors took pity on her and left it out after all the talk about it.

I was too distracted by her chewing with her mouth open to notice.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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On 8/6/2022 at 11:47 AM, jewel21 said:

Airdate: 08/10/2022

Lisa behavior is shameful, she uses Lois as a means to apologize for her behavior? What was her excuse before ?  I am sorry for the lost , I loved Lois, but Lisa has always been a bitch ! 

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On 8/6/2022 at 11:47 AM, jewel21 said:

Airdate: 08/10/2022

Oh well , Kyle is forever Vile as always.. No surprises here another dinner party from hell, another pile up on Sutton,  Lisa is as rabid as a dog, and the coven continues. 

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16 hours ago, realityplease said:

Several times this year & last (gotta love you, you're tenacious) we explained to you that as to Erika & now, Rinna, NO ONE is required to use "indisputable facts" to form their beliefs.  It's not "audacious" to base our beliefs on what we're shown -  what they say & how they act.  Even in civil lawsuits, for most claims, a jury needs only to find a "preponderance of the evidence," i.e., "more likely than not" or 51% certainty as opposed to merely 50/50 --- NOT INDISPUTABLE FACTS.  NONE of us have direct evidence of what's in Rinna's heart/mind, so we look at her words, her demeanor, her prior & current acts.  And many of us have decided that she's not believable.  You decided the opposite. (Without, I might add, indisputable facts.) No need whatsoever to place such a high burden on us to justify our conclusions.  It's not required in the course of human dealings or even in courts.   

There's much we can't know. You stated in prior postings, with certainty nonetheless, that Rinna loved Lois & grieves for her & Girardi paid Erika's bills & she was clueless about the money.  None of that's a given.  You want to err on the side of benefit to them - fine.  We don't impugn your statements as audacious or question your right to reach those opinions -- despite YOUR lack of indisputable facts - we just don't agree.

So if Rinna didn't seek charitable contributions in Lois' memory (as many do) but instead, shilled lipstick to "honor" her (with profits to Rinna, not to any charity) & sobbed in a way that seemed performative - we CHOSE to question her motives. No need to rag on us. You just came to a different belief after seeing the same things.

THIS 100%. 

I have watched many court trials where defendant/witness have cried or lied on the stand in the same manner that Rinna does, with no tears or signs of real emotion. The purpose is to elicit sympathy and distract from their wrongdoings. The jury and in many cases the judge sees right through it. It's safe to say that it's fair because a person is judged by a jury of one's peers.

You are correct, there is nothing wrong with us coming to our own conclusions and commenting on Rinna's credibility based on what we've observed. We are a very mixed group here and it's fair of us to judge Rinna's actions. It's also just as fair for people to choose to believe her. 

Based on what I've seen through past episodes I also felt that Rinna was exploiting her Lois for camera time. This was reinforced by Rinna's complaint about wanting more focus on her greif storyline. It's all good that she is doing her job, but if she's putting herself out there she will have to deal with an angry backlash from viewers. She also has a tendency to lash back in ugly ways, which makes it all worse for her.

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This whole blow-up from Rinna at Dorit's party was so ridiculous, because it was basically over whether Rinna said "Get out of my house" OR "Get the fuck out of my house"....seriously - a ten minute argument and screaming match ensues over the WORDS used in a very rude dismissal of someone!!  And, during that exchange at Dorit's party, lots and lots of "f" bombs were also dropped, so why all the drama over what was said at Rinna's house?

And, while I am loathe to agree with Rinna, she did NOT say to Sutton "Get the fuck out of my house".  If you watch the replays, she said "Fuck you - then you should leave my house.  Get out of my house."  So....while she did use the "f" word, it wasn't in the way the other ladies are remembering it.  I am sure that will be brought up at the Reunion, as they always seem to get stuck on semantics and phraseology, rather than the underlying meaning of what was said.

Either way, Kyle was using her biggest spoon to stir the shit that night, and Rinna had her dramatic moments with the outburst at Sutton and subsequent grief meltdown, so I'm sure the producers considered this a job well done by Kyle, Mauricio and Rinna for that episode! 

Edited by njbchlover
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16 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

Rinna is sitting on the biggest story line of the franchise but she will never run with it and instead gives us manufactured BS.

Ooooooh, what's that about? 

2 hours ago, Slakkie said:

Please PLEASE do not hurt me for using Teddi as a subject matter expert BUT...

How would Teddi know this stuff?  Was she there?

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57 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Ooooooh, what's that about? 

How would Teddi know this stuff?  Was she there?

I'm sure she gets the tea directly from bestie Kyle.  And skews everything in favor of the FF5.  But, it was interesting reading their take on what happened.  It seems like the Housewives want us to believe they are all just acting on a tv show.  

Thank you, Slakkie, for listening to Teddi, so we don't have to!  😉

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On 8/6/2022 at 11:47 AM, jewel21 said:

Airdate: 08/10/2022

I can't stomach these witches anymore, this is my last season with this crap. I would leave now but I'm too caught up with the BS .  I feel like I have to stay and protect Sutton, even though at first I didn't like her at all, but I have come to realize that she's just not that invested in the BS as they are. Maybe it's because I'm Southern, heck yea, that's it !

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Why have none of these wives turned and asked Erika what happened to her “lucrative” pop carrier? Seriously? She needs money why would she not be working on her “music”? Is it because Tom literally was bankrolling the entire thing and she never made actual money to support it? Just seems odd no one asked 

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On 8/11/2022 at 8:33 AM, 65mickey said:

Have you seen Caroline Stanbury and her boy toy husband? She speaks to him like he is a 10 year old child that she wants to leave her alone. And he hangs on her every word and  mopes around like a love sick puppy. And of course her story line is that he wants her to have another child. She is 46. Sound familiar?

Stanbury is worse than Diana by a mile - probably because on Ladies of London she was a very cool bitch you love to hate type; now she's just pathetic with that kid - she treats him like crap but drags him along to all the lady parties, with her teeny little dog in the other hand - I said on the Dubai thread that it's like she used to be LVP but has turned into Ken 😄

18 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

What go to me was how uniformly round and the same size the chicken was. 

It looked to me like they were plating a bunch of Lean Cuisines!

I'll give Mauricio and PK this - Dorit and Kyle were the best looking at that party!  Kyle was dressed in a dress that flattered her for a change and she didn't spend the evening yanking on her top.  Dorit can get away with just about anything because of her body - and weird boobs are hardly noticed in this day and age 😄  I also liked Rinna's dress - if you want to kind of go with the theme but be a little different.  Erika looked like a hooker which is one of her two "looks" - the other being wearing a giant baggy t-shirt or sweatshirt and calling it a dress.  Diana looked more matronly than Kathy; I don't remember what Sutton had on, so I guess it was less weird than her usual, and while I think Garcelle is beautiful I'm not usually a fan of her fashion choices either and did not care for her dress.

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9 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Why have none of these wives turned and asked Erika what happened to her “lucrative” pop carrier? Seriously? She needs money why would she not be working on her “music”? Is it because Tom literally was bankrolling the entire thing and she never made actual money to support it? Just seems odd no one asked 

Very early on I think someone, maybe Kyle, brought this up last season but I don't think Erika was there. But just like we did, I'm sure the women realized that wasn't a real thing - just a fantasy hobby bankrolled by Tom's crimes.  

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2 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Very early on I think someone, maybe Kyle, brought this up last season but I don't think Erika was there. But just like we did, I'm sure the women realized that wasn't a real thing - just a fantasy hobby bankrolled by Tom's crimes.  

Just something the lawyers would look at :) 

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