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S16.E07: Choosing Kids Over Kody

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As much as we dislike Kody, his covid precautions  message was on point and reasonable at the time.  Janelle’s  half assed argument didn’t really provide a valid excuse for how socializing with people outside of your household makes sense. You could  tell that even she  didn’t even believe in what she was saying. She just can’t stand up to her sons.  Sad.  And Christine doesn’t even bother to say she tries to use precautions.  Kody can be a jerk, but I’m glad I saw Christine’s attitude on this. It’s not like I had thought.  She took the lead on ignoring covid precautions and she can’t use Kody as an excuse for that.  My friends’ teens socialized outside with masks on for a reasonable amount of time and didn’t go into each others home or ride in a car together.  It’s a commitment thing.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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10 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

That was part of my point, though. I'm not saying they literally weren't invited. He makes rules that these adult children, some of whom have to hold down jobs, cannot follow, and then acts like they just don't WANT to see him. And if their mothers want to spend time with their own adult kids, same thing. He makes it about obedience and loyalty.

I get that and I think Kody handled things horribly. His communication was awful and he made no effort to seek compromises. But Gabe and Garrison both said they would be able to follow the 2 week precautions "if Christine did." So it wasn't that they couldn't do it. It was that they didn't want to. And neither did Christine.

Edited by Tuxcat
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10 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Kody wanting to kick out Gabe and Garrison because they’re adults absolutely floored me. Uh, Robyn’s two oldest kids are adults. Why aren’t they being kicked out, Kody? Give them $50 and send them on their way. Buh-bye!!!

AMEN to this!!  WHY are Sobbyn's two "grown" kids not out on their own, with jobs, and their own places to live??  Aren't they 18 or so??

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I wish Janelle had pointed out that kicking the boys out would make it even more difficult for them to quarantine before the holidays, so it wouldn't help to get the family together. 

Edited by deirdra
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I'm still confused why Meri stubbornly hangs onto her "relationship" with Kodouchecanoe.  Is it because that's the only way she'll get into heaven?

Or what?  Otherwise, since she's ALREADY divorced, she could just go ahead and move into the B & B.  Let Mariah get a "paying" job preferably what she studied in college.  Social Work?  I can't remember but seriously;  I've seen turds on a shoe that got more attention than Meri does from CurlyTop.

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5 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t believe ANYTHING that Robyn says….. if her pie hole is moving “she’s lying!!!” 🤥

she’s frustrated because she thought that all the wives would be as easy to control as poor, old pathetic Meri who scrambles around gobbling every crumb that falls off Robyns table.

Christine, Janelle and all the older kids are onto her and even more importantly we’re all on to her crocodile tears and the foaming bullshit that pours out of her mouth.

so Robyn wants us to believe that she had multiple suitors vying for her attention but she chose Kody because she wanted a polygamous marriage soooooo badly… *EYEROLL* “please bitch don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining!!”… she latched on to Kodouche because there was a tv show and a lucrative book deal in the mix… plain and simple!

she needs to keep her yap shut and go get a rat to gnaw that goiter off her neck.

Robyn and the Ramen haired psychopath deserve each other… hope they rot in hell 👎🏻
seriously when Kody grinned after his rant it sent a chill down my spine… what a FREAK!!! 😬


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I have had it up to HERE 🙋‍♀️ with Kody's blathering on about who is and isn't being loyal to him, or who is or isn't jumping through hoops to see him, when he's not loyal to anyone besides Robyn, and hasn't been for years.  What you're getting out of it is what you've put into it, numbnuts. 

Here's a gif of Kody noticing that every other member of this family has relationships with each other,  outside of him, that they would like to nurture:

april fools prank GIF

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Whereas Cody and Robyn are doing too much, I think Christine isn't doing enough.

A number of the recommendations - changing clothes, wiping things off, etc. - had been rescinded by the time it seems this was filmed. And yes, Cody has a bunch of families and he needs to see all those kids. And not going to his daughter's surgery was horrible.

On the other hand - Christine, whom I've liked the most before (I've only watched a few weeks) - comes off selfish with all the gallivanting around. I'm actually surprised and disappointed at her attitude - she has seemed more grounded in common sense to me. This show is only in the first year of the pandemic. Yes, kids too had to sacrifice socializing - but ya know what? Many  generations of kids have lived through wars. Have your kids read "The Diary of Anne Frank" - maybe they'll complain less.

The middle ground seems to be masks, vaccines (not available the first year) and see your family. But the world doesn't end at your family.

Edited by JeanJean
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11 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

That's one isolated instance of what they said, about Thanksgiving. My response and original post was meant to include young married adults like Aspyn and Mykelti, and their husbands, as well as the boys, and over the whole time period, not just Thanksgiving. I mentioned them all by name. Some of the kids couldn't follow the list, which you mentioned in your post as well.

So I am unsure how this became only about those 2 boys, and only Thanksgiving. I meant everyone, and I meant all the time, not just 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. Gabe can't always skip 2 weeks of classes and over larger time periods, Garrison will have Guard Drills. That's military, and he's not allowed to skip it for Kody's rules.

Regardless, my opinion is that Kody makes rules that a lot of people can't follow, then blames everyone around him for not wanting to be part of the family. Your mileage may vary.

The episode was about Thanksgiving so that is what I addressed. I've written before that I thought Kody was using covid rules as a sort of litmus loyalty test so I don't disagree. But if the stated goal was to "get everyone together for thanksgiving" as stated by Christine and Janelle, then the rules were not some huge herculean task to overcome. Stay distanced and don't socialize for two weeks prior to thanksgiving. Roll your eyes as you wipe off packages (unnecessarily). The boys said they could do that. No one said anything about not working. They were still allowed to work.  Could Aspyn/Mykelti not do that? Christine said they couldn't.  It doesn't seem like a big ask to me if you want to achieve that goal. I think my point was - they didn't really want to get together with Robyn/Kody/Meri. Or at least Christine didn't and therefore neither did Janelle's children. 

Edited by Tuxcat
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30 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Is it because that's the only way she'll get into heaven?

It is their (the adults) excuse for the way they behave and the basic premise of the sideshow they signed up for.  They actually believe-Meri, Christine, Janelle, Robyn & Kody that God wants them to live their polygamy lifestyle, legal or not, neglectful of children’s needs or not, difficult or not, etc, else they not be allowed into heaven.

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38 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Roll your eyes as you wipe off packages (unnecessarily). The boys said they could do that.

 the boys talked about just SAYING they did all the rules,  but not really doing all of them.  There's no way people are going to want to change everytime they go out.  I'd prob lie about a few of them too....like washing down the mail and packages.   Wear gloves to open stuff if you're that scared.

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

As much as we dislike Kody, his covid precautions  message was on point and reasonable at the time.  Janelle’s  half assed argument didn’t really provide a valid excuse for how socializing with people outside of your household makes sense. You could  tell that even she  didn’t even believe in what she was saying. She just can’t stand up to her sons.  Sad.  And Christine doesn’t even bother to say she tries to use precautions.  Kody can be a jerk, but I’m glad I saw Christine’s attitude on this. It’s not like I had thought.  She took the lead on ignoring covid precautions and she can’t use Kody as an excuse for that.  My friends’ teens socialized outside with masks on for a reasonable amount of time and didn’t go into each others home or ride in a car together.  It’s a commitment thing.  

There were two pages, if I am not mistaken, and we only saw one.


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From the Mayo Clinic... I don't think you need to be a psychologist to see who is very accurately described down below! (I only came up with this as my dad has this making him incredibly hard to live with. And trust me, he is not nearly half as bad as Kody! Correction, my dad is a saint compared to this douche bag!


Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:

Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance

Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration

Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it

Exaggerate achievements and talents

Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate

Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people

Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior

Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations

Take advantage of others to get what they want

Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others

Be envious of others and believe others envy them

Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious

Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office


At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment

Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted

React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior

Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior

Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change

Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection

Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation

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8 hours ago, goofygirl said:

AMEN to this!!  WHY are Sobbyn's two "grown" kids not out on their own, with jobs, and their own places to live??  Aren't they 18 or so??

I caught Robyn saying something like "capable" grown kids. So my sleepy head thought it was Robyn but it was Janelle (in a TH) who said she had independent adult children implying that Robyn's weren't independent. It was early in the episode, I fell asleep and missed the last 30 minutes. Not sure if that is the exact qualifier she used but it was something to say her children weren't capable of moving. I also think there is a definite line drawn on whether or not they are daughters or sons, the sons are expected to move.

Edited by spacefly
Got it wrong
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11 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

That makes them his adoptive children; not his biological children.

And only one is a male, and possibly Kody considers him disabled.

Agree to disagree. I have a few friends who have adopted children and they never use the term adoptive children. They are their children, period. Kody made such a big deal out of the adoption process, i hope it wasn't just for the show! 

All4 mom, I do get your point. What is legally a definition of a child and what a parent feels about a child (bio or adopted) can be two very different things. I think Kody's real part in his children's lives ends when they mature enough to see through the facade and start questioning him.

Edited by lilysmom
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8 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

Very well said! Virtue signaling is at an all time high. But ironically, they’re not even virtuous. People like Kody and Robin  (to keep this on topic) are selfish, and judgmental. They don’t care about those who have to do what’s best for them and their families needs. I will put what’s best for my children and immediate family before some immune compromised stranger who may have breathed the same air as me.

Message to Kody-  If you are terrified of risks in life, stay home, in your bubble, forever. The world is a better place without you. 

Quick question: what is virtue signaling? 

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I wonder why Gabe didn't at least attempt to speak to Kody while he was at the house trimming trees? 

We barely saw any interaction between them when Kody was, in fact, there. I don't even remember seeing/hearing that they greeted either. Besides Gabe telling him which branches to trim, the two had no interaction as far as I could see. Just odd. 

The gig is up for Robyn and her manipulations but she is oh so tired of being questioned. She should be thrilled that it took them well over a decade and a pandemic on top of that to finally see the light.

Every time I see Robyn's neck, I now have that song Tracy Morgan sang on 30 Rock ringing in my head:


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1 hour ago, steff13 said:

I have never hated him as much as I hate him now.  He's awful.  And the lack of self-awareness is astounding.  If everyone in your family thinks Robyn is running the show, then maybe it's a good idea to reflect on why.  🤔

So true! It just struck me that Kody has mentioned several times about the reason one of his wives could possibly leave him. It is about one of the kids dying or getting really sick (Truely) and that would cause the mother of that child to leave him or divorce him. It would never ever possibly occur to him that one of these poor brainwashed cult members would leave him because of HIS personality or his being a jackass or anything that he may say or do. Lack of self-awareness, thy name is Kody! 


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28 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

An example of it would be when people post on their Facebook wall things like (in Spring 2020) "I haven't been in anyone else's home and no one has been in mine. Repost if you can say the same." It's shaming, divisive and it's gotten out of control. 

ETA: In the context of the episode, when J/C balked at "the rules" and Robyn frowns and says "I've been doing it for seven months" or Kody says "our nanny does it", that's also virtue signaling, as in, we're so good because we've been following this set of rules for all this time...except J/C didn't know about said rules until filming that day. And Meri was following "the rules" herself but still wasn't allowed to see Robyn's kids. Kody and Robyn put themselves on a convenient pedestal.

Kody's "rules" are not about preventing the fambly from getting Covid. He's demonstrated that through his own behaviors and actions by not following them himself. Kody's rules are about weeding out who he can still control and who he cannot, i.e., who is deemed worthy of his attention, under the guise of being so virtuous in the wake of the pandemic.

I wouldn't trust Kody Brown to be an expert on anything except douchebaggery.

Thank you!! I guess I did know what it is after all, I just didn't know it had an actual name!!

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19 hours ago, toodywoody said:

That's what I don't understand is why he isn't saying the same about Robyn's kids? I know it's because they are her kids, but the same logic would apply to them too?

not defending Kody (god no!) but in that cult women are okay to keep around, and Da'un has a problem (I don't even know what) but grown  able-bodied men...they gotta go, AKA lost boys.

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