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S16.E06: No Head Wife

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11 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

But maybe that was thanks to someone in his many families not taking precautions, then infecting him. I hope we find out what happened. 

But if he caught it from a family member who wasn’t taking precautions, wouldn’t that mean he wasn’t taking precautions as well? If he was following Robin’s his own rules of masking up, social distancing and wearing a hazmat suit, he would be safe. 

My bet is the nanny and her husband (who he hasn’t excommunicated) exposed him. Or maybe from one of his trips to Victoria’s Secret. 

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7 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

It's in the air.  Can't avoid air even with masks, distancing, etc.  Stop breathing is only answer.  CDC just said everyone will get COVID. Can't avoid it. 

Yep. The vaccines are here prevent serious illness when people do get it. 

So I wonder what “rules” Kody is going to make up now to keep avoiding his family. 

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6 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Yep. The vaccines are here prevent serious illness when people do get it. 

So I wonder what “rules” Kody is going to make up now to keep avoiding his family. 

Yep everyone in the 4 families but the grandchildren are eligible be vaccinated. I'm willing to bet some of them are not. 

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21 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

That said, bring on next week.  This is the realest these people have ever been and I am here for all of it.

Yes times 1000. Watch their faces and body language. I wanna hire the body language guy Dr. Shill uses to evaluate this episode. Their bodies and faces belie their words.

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16 hours ago, kicotan said:

Yawn….I used to watch soap operas and the main draw was that they were made up people, in make believe towns, y’know, fiction.  I think some people referred to them as their “stories”.

This is being sold as “reality”, even listed here in the Candid Reality section, but in truth it is following the soap opera style which is characterized by a permanent cast, a continuing story, emphasis on dialogue instead of action, a slower-than-life pace, and a consistently sentimental or melodramatic treatment.

They are all just playing roles.  None of them are good at acting. I can’t get emotionally involved to feel sorrow or anger for any of the adults.  Main reason? They all went into this arrangement submitting to the authority of ONE man fathering as many kids as they could pump out with their eyes wide open, knowing full well only one of the wives could be “legal”, the rest will be single mothers for the most part and none wanted to ever have him full time.  They got exactly what they paid for as Kody reminds us/them every episode.

The writers of this shitshow soap opera should watch some Disney flicks for inspirational pointers~The Mouse has pulling heartstrings down to a science.

Reality shows like this always start out as one thing then end up as another. They start living for the show instead of having the show document their lives. Any authenticity that was there is lost. It's all for show. 

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1 hour ago, jackjill89 said:

Reality shows like this always start out as one thing then end up as another. They start living for the show instead of having the show document their lives. Any authenticity that was there is lost. It's all for show. 

Completely agree. We are seeing only a few snippets of planned/contrived interactions. The underlying factors are real I think-  tension,  disappointment, resentment, mistrust - but the actual conversations cannot possibly be real. Christine has been done with Kody for a long time.

I think when they moved to Flagstaff and her daughters were unhappy - the angels stopped singing.  He visited at 5, was on his phone, and left by sunrise. He resented her for not wanting to build one house. They were already distant.

COVID revealed to her that she'd rather be in Utah than with Kody - so that's what she did. She visited her family in Utah throughout the pandemic -- knowing that it would create more distance with Kody. Therefore I honestly don't understand her beating the dead horse "why can't we be together as a family." She doesn't even want the family. These conversations are all for show.  I would have LOVED to see the real ones!

Edited by Tuxcat
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Finally caught up this season on Sister Wives. Boy my counselor hat was in overdrive. For the latest episode, just a few quick cliff notes that I made, how I would have done it if they were in a session. I couldn't even go there with Ysabel, cause that would take a whole other post. 

Robyn and Kody's reaction regarding the phone call to Robyn.

Both show more concern on image and narrative maintenance then on what the child is trying to communicate. What solutions if any did, they suggest to the child? Did they encourage the children to interact more? ie. Zoom, phone calls, texts.  Did she do any follow up calls with the child, to check on them, their mental health?

2. Kody's comment on "lack of loyalty" to him and how it may affect relationships 5, 10 years down the road.

Follow up to clarify if he believes his feelings of rejection will also affect his desire to be involved in children's lives 5 to 10 years from now. If he feels rejected by them now, will he in turn reject them as adults?   INFJ - grudges for wives. 

3.  Janelle's continued use of "they" in talking head. "I doubt even if we agreed on these rules, they still wouldn't get together because they would feel like someone is lying."

concerns over group favoritism, perception of us vs. them mentality, Kody and Robyn "they" vs. rest of family, Triangulation 



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16 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

Anybody else think that when Kody references "his doctor telling him" to do X, Y, and Z, it's really just him summarizing a Fauci press conference? 

Nope. But what I AM surprised at, is that KoDouche and Sobbyn are even taking Covid seriously. I'm surprised that he doesn't feel invincible because he is a King amongst men and all that psychobabble BS his quasi made-up 'religion' tells him to do. Given who he has shown himself to be, I'm more shocked he's not running around all over the place saying the good lord will protect him. So I can only surmise he's using Covid to drive a wedge between himself and Wifey #1 and the rest of the herd.

Edited by gingerella
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24 minutes ago, Onceafan said:

Finally caught up this season on Sister Wives. Boy my counselor hat was in overdrive. For the latest episode, just a few quick cliff notes that I made, how I would have done it if they were in a session. I couldn't even go there with Ysabel, cause that would take a whole other post.

I'd LOVE to hear a professional therapist/counselor thoughts on Kody and Ysabel's surgery. My knee jerk reaction is what a total jackwagon (ha) he is and was. But I'd be interested in how this may affect their relationship in the future.

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13 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

It's in the air.  Can't avoid air even with masks, distancing, etc.  Stop breathing is only answer.  CDC just said everyone will get COVID. Can't avoid it. 

The CDC just said this about the Omicron variant, which is a lot more contagious than Original Recipe COVID, which is what was going on when they filmed this (a year ago, right?).  Places with social distancing and masks had fewer cases per capita at then time than places that didn't, so they did help slow the spread.

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What the CDC actually says about masks.  Nowhere does it say that masks are not effective.

Kootie's Robyn's rules are all over the place, a mishmash and handpicked bunch of stuff obviously designed to benefit the happy couple and allow them to shut out the rest of the world - except, of course, when they want to shop and relieve the tremendous workload they carry by adding a nanny.

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2 hours ago, Onceafan said:

Finally caught up this season on Sister Wives. Boy my counselor hat was in overdrive. For the latest episode, just a few quick cliff notes that I made, how I would have done it if they were in a session. I couldn't even go there with Ysabel, cause that would take a whole other post. 

Robyn and Kody's reaction regarding the phone call to Robyn.

Both show more concern on image and narrative maintenance then on what the child is trying to communicate. What solutions if any did, they suggest to the child? Did they encourage the children to interact more? ie. Zoom, phone calls, texts.  Did she do any follow up calls with the child, to check on them, their mental health?

2. Kody's comment on "lack of loyalty" to him and how it may affect relationships 5, 10 years down the road.

Follow up to clarify if he believes his feelings of rejection will also affect his desire to be involved in children's lives 5 to 10 years from now. If he feels rejected by them now, will he in turn reject them as adults?   INFJ - grudges for wives. 

3.  Janelle's continued use of "they" in talking head. "I doubt even if we agreed on these rules, they still wouldn't get together because they would feel like someone is lying."

concerns over group favoritism, perception of us vs. them mentality, Kody and Robyn "they" vs. rest of family, Triangulation 



When I read the I read triangulation as transfiguration and went..wait WHAT?

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On 12/27/2021 at 11:39 AM, Granny58 said:

any medical professionals here (@@KateHearts?)   Seems like Truely had ACUTE kidney failure, not chronic.  Would an acute illness years ago still be an issue now?

Probably not; as I recall Truely's kidney failure was due to a viral infection that went too long before it was treated. She was likely very dehydrated.  Very preventable. She was really young (3?) and they were able to restore kidney function to normal.

As for the "Ariella had RSV once,"  I would say that's a non-issue as well: acute, self-limiting illness that she recovered from. RSV *can* be dangerous and has resulted in children dying and hospitalized; however it tends to be endemic among small children (my grandkids have had it, as have most kids who attend daycare). 

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1 hour ago, Fosca said:

The CDC just said this about the Omicron variant, which is a lot more contagious than Original Recipe COVID, which is what was going on when they filmed this (a year ago, right?).  Places with social distancing and masks had fewer cases per capita at then time than places that didn't, so they did help slow the spread.

All forms of COVID are highly contagious. Extremely difficult to avoid as we all now know. Masks and distancing provide limited protection,  which doctors are now acknowledging. The only way to completely avoid it is to live aĺl alone in a cave, which is, honestly, where Kody belongs. 

Actually,  the efficacy of masks is a physics question,  not medical. 

Edited by Desert Rat
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Two things to add or stress after reading all these posts:

1) Robyn saying that her 2 youngest kids could not go without seeing their dad for 2 weeks is crazy selfish. How often did she think he'd be able to spend with them in a plural marriage with a ton of kids? After watching Kody torture Sol in that huge hole in ground, I would bet Sol would GLADLY not be around that monster for as many days as possible!

2) Christine making Kody aware  that even the doctors were shocked Kody was not present for his own daughters surgery speaks volumes! He should be ashamed they couldn't get her the needed surgery years ago BEFORE this Covid was an issue. They should ALL have at the very least catastrophic health insurance.

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1) Robyn saying that her 2 youngest kids could not go without seeing their dad for 2 weeks is crazy selfish. How often did she think he'd be able to spend with them in a plural marriage with a ton of kids? After watching Kody torture Sol in that huge hole in ground, I would bet Sol would GLADLY not be around that monster for as many days as possible!

When they were in Vegas in the cul-de-sac, Kody could have seen all of his kids every day with minimal effort. I don't know what Robyn was thinking when she married him (I don't know what any of them were thinking when they married him) but they had (IMO) a perfect setup in Vegas for combining privacy and communal family living.

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Friendly reminder- this is a TV discussion site, not a platform for discussing medical policies and procedures to prevent community spread of Covid-19. 

The majority of your post should remain about the episode. Posts discussing Covid-19 policies and guidelines in general is best suited to Small Talk. 

This is not a warning simply a reminder of the rules. 


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5 minutes ago, Dnsj said:

Kody and Robin looked very happy and healthy in the picture taken recently in the mall after their trip to Victoria secret. 

Any man will probably look happy upon leaving VS with their wife or girlfriend. They’ve just gotten out of a candy store and are looking forward to a night full of treats! 

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It's very sad that the Brown family has allowed COVID to destroy them.  Yes,  they have always had problems, and Kody is  a jackass. But it didn't have to ruin them. Apparently,  this is not uncommon. The New York Times is reporting this afternoon in the Coronavirus Briefing that many people have lost friends and family over covid issues. This is really tragic.  We should all be more humble and recognize that none of us have aĺl the answers. I mean, the experts don't know as they have changed course repeatedly. We may eventually learn that we were wrong about masks, schools, vaccines,  mandates, lockdowns. We need to acknowledge that we have limited information and are struggling to deal with this in our own way. Destroying relationships is not the answer. Life is far to short, and we will all die eventually of covid or something else. Of that I am absolutely certain. 

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17 minutes ago, LilyD said:

I’m guessing he’s either incredibly jealous because they’re young adults (and he is getting old) with a bright future ahead and some are already doing a lot better than he ever achieved. They remind him of his own short-comings.

Or, he sees them as competition for fresh meat. Er, excuse me, spiritual wives.

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5 hours ago, gingerella said:

Nope. But what I AM surprised at, is that KoDouche and Sobbyn are even taking Covid seriously. I'm surprised that he doesn't feel invincible because he is a King amongst men and all that psychobabble BS his quasi made-up 'religion' tells him to do. Given who he has shown himself to be, I'm more shocked he's not running around all over the place saying the good lord will protect him. So I can only surmise he's using Covid to drive a wedge between himself and Wifey #1 and the rest of the herd.

This is also where I am. Kody seems like the least likely candidate to take advice from anyone on how to keep himself or his family safe which is why all of this is extra sketchy. 

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11 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

But if he caught it from a family member who wasn’t taking precautions, wouldn’t that mean he wasn’t taking precautions as well? If he was following Robin’s his own rules of masking up, social distancing and wearing a hazmat suit, he would be safe. 

My bet is the nanny and her husband (who he hasn’t excommunicated) exposed him. Or maybe from one of his trips to Victoria’s Secret. 

Maybe it would mean he wasn’t taking precautions or maybe he got a breakthrough case. - I dunno. I hope we find out. 

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8 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Maybe it would mean he wasn’t taking precautions or maybe he got a breakthrough case. - I dunno. I hope we find out. 

The problem is Kody lies. He’ll say he caught it from Christine when she didn’t social distance for those 1.5 seconds in the papers signing scene. The answer will be whatever fits his or Robin’s) narrative. When the truth is more likely the gym or mall. 

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35 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

The problem is Kody lies. He’ll say he caught it from Christine when she didn’t social distance for those 1.5 seconds in the papers signing scene. The answer will be whatever fits his or Robin’s) narrative. When the truth is more likely the gym or mall. 

Time line is way off here and it continously confuses me. Christine signed those papers early fall of 2020 (I think). Kody had covid later (I think). What I don't get is, if Kody is as consciousness as he proclaims, why not wear a mask? 

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1 minute ago, jacksgirl said:

Time line is way off here and it continously confuses me. Christine signed those papers early fall of 2020 (I think). Kody had covid later (I think). What I don't get is, if Kody is as consciousness as he proclaims, why not wear a mask? 

I was just using that as an example of Kody being Kody. I’m sure you’re right about the timeline, it sounds like his Covid was more recent. My point is really just that if we know Kody, and I think we do, he’ll have no idea where he caught it but will pin in on someone in the family he’s unhappy with. 

What I’m most interested in, is how they handled it at the castle. Did Robin force him to bunk with Janelle in her camper for 10 days? Did he sleep in one of their 17 rented U-Hauls? Or did Robin stay at the Hyatt by herself and Kody stayed home to help the nanny care for the children? 


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2 hours ago, TeeMo said:

This is also where I am. Kody seems like the least likely candidate to take advice from anyone on how to keep himself or his family safe which is why all of this is extra sketchy. 

I imagine that TLC’s Covid policies drove at least some of this. 

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24 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Came across on Reddit earlier today. It’s pretty dang fascinating; I’ve been working on it all day!

Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. For those interested,  it's a 148 page paper on the Browns, focusing specifically on Christine. There is a lot of detail and citations. Seems to be well researched and through. It is dated 2019. The paper did not age well, however. The first paragraph of the conclusion begins, "After years of marital conflict, the marriage of Christine and Kody Brown appears 
to have settled into a happy phase of playfulness and a certain degree of romance." That sure didn't last long, if it was ever even true. 

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3 hours ago, LilyD said:

I’m guessing he’s either incredibly jealous because they’re young adults (and he is getting old) with a bright future ahead and some are already doing a lot better than he ever achieved. They remind him of his own short-comings.

Or, he has realized that his kids no longer perceive him as Super Hero Dad who knows all and can fix any problem. He may even be a acutely aware of their criticism and contempt. Kody needs to be worshipped to thrive, if they don’t, they might as well bugger off.

Final theory: His sperm donor activities proved to everyone how fertile and desired he was. The kids were mere awards to show off. To make matters worse; they’re starting to have their own families, making him look old….

I think it’s a combination of all three. 

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1 hour ago, jacksgirl said:

What I don't get is, if Kody is as consciousness as he proclaims, why not wear a mask? 

Of course he isn’t wearing a mask! It robs us viewers of a chance to see his godly looks and handsome smile….🤢

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I'm theorizing about the nanny. It could be Mindy. She married in July or Aug of 21. It is possible their job sitzes in LV changed because of Covid. Robyn's brood knows and loves her, and now they have the husband, Darrell to get groceries, do errands, and probably odd jobs around the estate. Estate, lol, I just cracked myself up. 

Isn't there an extra master suite in Robyn's Love Shack? 

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4 minutes ago, Art Of Noiz said:

I'm theorizing about the nanny. It could be Mindy. She married in July or Aug of 21. It is possible their job sitzes in LV changed because of Covid. Robyn's brood knows and loves her, and now they have the husband, Darrell to get groceries, do errands, and probably odd jobs around the estate. Estate, lol, I just cracked myself up. 

Isn't there an extra master suite in Robyn's Love Shack? 

Ohhhh, that could explain a lot! Why they are so secretive about the nanny and why they don't have serious Covid issues with them. You may have uncovered a rilly interesting plot on K&R's story.

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My money is on Mykelti, Paedon or Hunter having made the call to Sobbyn. Mykelti because she's always said whatever she wanted, Paedon because of his history of confrontation (with Mariah) and Hunter because he knows Sobbyn doesn't like him already. 

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