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S08.E09: The Last Day (1) / S08.E10: The Last Day (2)

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34 minutes ago, shoregirl said:

Its a shame football started today because it would be pretty perfect if Brooklyn 99 had to end it ended on 9/9

I know! Did they originally plan it that way? It would have been perfect!

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On 9/15/2021 at 5:54 AM, HyeChaps said:

NOTE:  In New York City, this episode will be shown at 7:00 pm, BEFORE the football game.  Set DVR accordingly.

Wow! Thanks for the heads up. 
On my system, that puts it up against “Cheddar’s News Wrap.” If only that were the dog!


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This was a great finale. I know Gina is not everyone's favorite but it was nice to see her again. Her driving away saying this is what you get for firing me and Holt say you left willingly and had moments with everyone cracked me up. 

It was good seeing Pimento too.

Holts tattoo was AMAZING.

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Yes, loved it.  I saw everyone I wanted to see, except no Kevin Cozner!  Loved the callback to the singing line up.  The love between Charles and Jake and the Captain and Jake.  And Rosa and Amy. 

I just love love love Tim Meadows as the friendly, needle pointing cannibal.

Was that before or after Rosa had a baby in real life?

Oh, and not that I minded, didn’t it seem odd to insert Andy’s wife randomly into the show?

Edited by Tiggertoo
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Agreeing with everyone else, it was a fantastic ending. But thanks to streaming services will live on forever.  Nine-Nine! 

(If you’re looking for an awesome show to fill the void and haven’t seen Ted Lasso, do it. It’s more than worth paying $5 for that treasure of a show) 

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12 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

And Holt has a name for a sex tape! 😆

Well, I THINK it was the name for a sex movie, but maybe I misheard? 

I am so going to miss this show, but these characters will live on for me forever. Every binder will make me think of Amy, every yogurt will remind me of Terry. My work interactions are forever changed because of this show. Thank you, B99. 

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When I saw a silhouette of a surprise guest on Jake’s board I figured it might be Gina. She’s good in small doses, so it was probably good she was only back for the finale instead of the whole season. It was just enough to be nostalgic and effective. Her sweatshirts cracked me up. Surprithe Reveal. 

There were so many good moments. I never expected that we’d get to see Holt’s tattoo and the combo of Kevin Cozner’s head on Cheddar’s body was epic. 

I loved that they highlighted Rosa and Amy’s friendship. It really showed the growth they had throughout the series. It was good they were supportive of each other despite their differences in personality. 

For those asking, Stephanie Beatriz delivered her baby in August so she was pregnant during filming of the season. 

I liked that the show ended on a good note and that we see that the heists and their friendships will continue. 

I think that Jake will go into business with Rosa when his son gets a little older so that he could set his own schedule but still be a detective. 

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Ending the show on a heist was a perfect way to do callbacks and bring back characters. Gina's still annoying, but it was good to see her again. Pimento. Bill. Teddy. The cannibal!

Holt's tattoo was Kevin's face on Cheddar's body. Perfect.

Loved the final Amy/Rosa and Jake/Holt scenes.

"We rubbed off on each other quite a bit. Title of your sex movie." I agree with Jake. It was perfect.

I'm going to miss this show and these characters.

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

Was so hoping Bruce Willis would cameo. Oh well.

There was a nano-second when I thought it might happen, but I knew it probably wouldn't it. I found this a highly statisfying series finale. Ending on a heist was great. It was wild and enjoyable. It felt like everyone trying to do an over-the-top goodbye was a way of Jake and Holt dealing with loss. It was eaiser for them to plan something big and crazy instead of dealing of the loss of day to day contact with people they were all close to. 

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Yeah, I teared up. Loved the whole thing, especially the Jake and Amy scene at the beginning and the Jake and Holt moment at the end.

The ending of Jake in the elevator was great The bonus of the continuing heists just made it perfect.

I'll miss this show. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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When this show started, I didn't know Andy's work very well. I thought at best, the show would succeed if he could surround himself with good actors, like Seinfeld did. Well, Andy's a better actor than Seinfeld, and he surrounded himself with even better people. This show was better than I ever expected 

I appreciate that they put in Gina, so I can think "Well I won't miss THAT."

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11 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

The show went out in the best possible way: a trip down memory lane with the most epically batshit heist ever!!!!

I have to admit the fake coma but nearly had me. But then I thought, “Oh this has to be part of it.” 

Was so hoping Bruce Willis would cameo. Oh well.

Congratulations Brooklyn 99, you’ve joined the rare ranks of Breaking Bad, Futurama, and several other shows that were perfect from beginning to end! And thank God for that epilogue because Hitchcock and Scully being the final champions would have been the equivalent of Bran winning the Game of Thrones.

Re: the coma, I was initially confused and thought Amy meant Jake had been in a coma from the beginning and that the last 8 years was just a dream Jake was having a la the Saint Elsewhere finale, until one of them mentioned their son and I realized Amy meant 8 years in the future. Then like you, I thought maybe it was a fake somehow, and it was

Who was the actor playing the skeevy guy that helped, Bill I think? Was he the real life brother of the guy playing Charles?

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6 hours ago, OutOfTheQuestion said:

I feel like Jake's line from Bruce Willis' publicist may have been literally what Bruce Willis' actual publicist told the show about a cameo.

I actually assumed that it was! Oh well, his loss if so. 

Still processing the ending of the entire show, but 99!

Edited by Featherhat
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Just watched it.  That was a good finale.  Loved all the callbacks and cameos from past characters.  My only complaint is that the Vulture never showed up this season.  Would have been nice to see him one last time.  Other than that, everything was great.  I figured Jake was going to quit to be a stay-at-home dad and that Hitchcock and/or Scully would win the heist (they and Boyle were the only ones that hadn't won yet and Hitchcock/Scully winning is way more fun than Charles winning).  

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I may be in the minority but Gina was my favorite character on this show because she was just so annoying and I'm a "prat fall" comedy lover so her character played to the 10 year old in me who would pretty much laugh at anything .. in order

  1. Gina
  2. Holt/Amy (tie)
  3. Rosa
  4. Doug Judy
  5. Charles
  6. Jake
  7. Terry
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I thought it was a great way to end the show, but I would have preferred they just end the episode with the elevator doors closing. The "one year later" tag felt off to me. 

I'm also not sure that I buy Jake leaving the force to be a stay-at-home dad. At lot of people guessed that might happen so maybe there were spoilers out there but it feels somewhat out of character to me. 


I think that Jake will go into business with Rosa when his son gets a little older so that he could set his own schedule but still be a detective. 

Yeah, maybe. Or maybe he could just rejoin the police force once their kid is in school. Kids don't need 24/7 parenting once they are in school full time.

I never really minded Gina but boy, I sure didn't miss her, and I think that says something about the character. The show simply could not survive without Holt, or Rosa, or Jake or Amy. It would be a much lesser show without Charles or Terry too. I guess you could probably replace Scully and Hitchcock with similar characters. But Gina slipped right out and I never even cared.

BTW - how did Gina lose her front teeth? Anyone remember?

I'm glad I recently re-watched the pilot because there were call-backs to it I wouldn't have caught otherwise, like Holt doing the robot voice.


I loved the Venetian blind Cheddar reveal. 

"Abort, abort, they're on to us."

Edited by iMonrey
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I figured it was coming, but Gina's return did nothing for me. If anything, it only highlighted how much better the show was without her.

Anyways, good finale. Kudos to B99 for staying great until the end (unlike, say The Office).

Looks like I don't have anymore network sitcoms to watch anymore.



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28 minutes ago, Kip Hackman said:

I figured it was coming, but Gina's return did nothing for me. If anything, it only highlighted how much better the show was without her.

I absolutely agree. Gina always felt like the weakest link to me.

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15 hours ago, Tiggertoo said:

Oh, and not that I minded, didn’t it seem odd to insert Andy’s wife randomly into the show?

What? I am now googling... The cello player? Awesome.


36 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

BTW - how did Gina lose her front teeth? Anyone remember?

I'm not sure either. Was it when she was hit by a bus?


I'm glad I recently re-watched the pilot because there were call-backs to it I wouldn't have caught otherwise, like Holt doing the robot voice.

Ooooo! Good idea. I going to rewatch that, too.

Anyway, I agree that this was a perfect finale. Very fast-moving and confusing at times, but that just gives me (another) excuse to rewatch.

Loved every single bit with Cheddar. I just cracked up when we see him behind the venetian blinds.

The CO when Jake is telling everyone it was Heist Day made me so happy, and then EXTRA happy when Holt is revealed to be in the shower. "It's me, Captain Holt. It's Heist Day, Jake."

Loved everyone jumping on Rosa when she says she won three times.

Loved how upset Amy got about Jake using another Notary.

[someone]: His name is Norm?
Scully: My name is Norm?

Loved the photo of Cheddar on Jake's bulletin board with the note "Possible Spy."

Scully: I have the memory of a… the… thing with the big nose and ears.
Boyle: Prince Charles.

Holt: [chortle] I know where the devil lies. Wunch's grave.

Holt: Let's dig her up.
Amy: I don't think we want to do that.
Holt: Why, are you scared of what she looks like? She's just a corpse with worms for eyes. No different than when she was alive.

Amy's binder necklace was so cute and so perfect.

Loved seeing so many characters from the run of the series. Too bad everyone couldn't have been in it, but that's basically impossible.

The callback to "Tell Me Why" was great.


I was spoiled that Gina would be in the ep -- I saw a still from the show -- but I tolerated her. However, I had to turn on CC to understand what she said when everyone drank the champagne. "You just drank cement!"

I think that was the theme from Hill St Blues when everyone was getting ready to leave the precinct. 

I'm so going to miss this show. What a blast it was.

Edited by peeayebee
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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:


I'm also not sure that I buy Jake leaving the force to be a stay-at-home dad. At lot of people guessed that might happened so maybe there were spoilers out there but it feels somewhat out of character to me. 


I don't know about anyone else but I guessed that Jake would leave to be a stay-at-home dad and saw absolutely no spoilers.  My assumptions were just based on how they were presenting his and Amy's storyline this season.  Every chance the show got, they made it a point to say that Amy and Jake were having trouble balancing their work and home lives.  Then they had Jake having all these moments where he realizes there are problems with the police force in general.  Pair that with Amy getting a promotion and all signs pointed to Jake becoming a stay-at-home dad, thus solving their home/work life balance problems and Jake's conflicted feelings about the police force. 

Now, do I think that Jake's actions were out of character?  Yes.  But it was also out of character for Rose "Excessive Force" Diaz to quit the NYPD over police brutality and for Holt and Kevin to almost end their marriage.  But this being the final, shortened season, plus the decision to address current events meant that the writers had to fit a lot into eight episodes, so I think they did the best they could given the situation.  

Oh and count me in with everyone who wasn't a fan of Gina.  Never cared for the character and when the actress was on maternity leave, I forgot the character even existed.  It wasn't till she showed back up that I was like, "Oh, yeah, that's right.  Gina's been gone.  Hmm, she lifts out of the show really easily." 

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3 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

I don't know about anyone else but I guessed that Jake would leave to be a stay-at-home dad and saw absolutely no spoilers.  My assumptions were just based on how they were presenting his and Amy's storyline this season.  Every chance the show got, they made it a point to say that Amy and Jake were having trouble balancing their work and home lives.  Then they had Jake having all these moments where he realizes there are problems with the police force in general.  Pair that with Amy getting a promotion and all signs pointed to Jake becoming a stay-at-home dad, thus solving their home/work life balance problems and Jake's conflicted feelings about the police force. 

Same. I avoid spoilers and I was speculating early on that Rosa wouldn't be the only person to leave the force after those first two episodes aired. There was just a sense at the end of The Good Ones that both Holt and Jake were somewhat disillusioned with the system and wouldn't be okay with the status quo. I thought maybe Holt but Jake started to make more sense as the season progressed. What really clinched it was when Amy got the huge raise. I actually think it's in character for the mature Jake that we see at the end.

Jake has seen the ugly side of policing and learned first hand from his screwup how his job isn't a movie and trying to always create cool cases hurts people. He believes that Amy's new job will make policing better for the people. He put her presentation before his cool case even though it sucked and he got to spend more time with Mac which he loved. He didn't have a dad that was there for him and we know that Jake worried that he might not be there for his kids. Would I have liked more episodes to flesh it out? Sure. But I think they gave us enough to show us that Jake has changed as a person and his priorities are different now than they were even at the start of the season. And he hasn't given it all up completely since he's still heisting! It worked for me.

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Such a great finale and glad we got to see so many returning guests: Pimento, Teddy, Caleb the Cannibal, Bill, Gina, and of course our Fluffy Boy, Cheddar. Would’ve loved to see the Vulture and Kevin one last time too (although we did see him in a way lol). Just a great series overall. I’ll miss Thai show but certainly will return to it again and again. 

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Loved everyone jumping on Rosa when she says she won three times.

Could anyone understand what Jake, Holt and Charles (?) were yelling at her? I rewound three times and couldn't make any of it out.


However, I had to turn on CC to understand what she said when everyone drank the champagne. "You just drank cement!"

I didn't get that joke either. Why did she yell they were drinking cement? They weren't. 

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I love that the show remembered that Holt learned Russian.

Also, I admit Gina's sweatshirts.  And the fact that close captioning actually spelled 'Theriously' when she said 'Seriously' with the lisp.

Edited by DearEvette
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