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12 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

My best laugh of the night was when Sutton and Crystal had their little talk on the boat. Sutton pulls out her roller and proceeds to roll her face while Chrystal sits there with a deadpan look on her face. No reaction whatsoever.  And I am laughing like crazy.

Maybe Sutton should have offered her the roller when Crystal had her melt down. Maybe she sent her one when they returned to BH, since Sutton likes giving gifts. Seems like Crystal could use it. 


1 hour ago, Mar said:

I have never been even remotely close to wealthy, but I chose to move after my divorce and when my children were young for a variety of reasons. It was absolutely heartbreaking for me to leave the house that I had shared with my husband and where I had raised my children when they were young. I still miss that house terribly, and 30 years later, it still has a piece of my heart. Everyone reacts differently to that type of loss.It’s very possible that Sutton was grieving the loss of her marriage, even though that happened several years ago, and not even understanding the connection when she moved from her house. A house holds memories and  hopes we had for the future.

Yep, and I am sure even wealthy people have attachments to their homes. Since Sutton bought a home for a few million dollars less that the one she sold, she quite likely did have to sell. Not sure how long she lived in it, but her children obviously were raised for some period there as well, so I am sure it has lovely memories.

I have lived in my dream home for 16 years, and hope to live in it for another 16 before we might be too old for the upkeep. But it is my sanctuary, and we have lots of fur and feathered friends in our yard daily. I will be devastated when the time comes to move. No question. 

  • Love 10
56 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I don't know what more she could she be privy to about Denise that would equate what Denise  did to Harry's friend raping someone? That seemed to be what she was getting at as to why she felt justified in not being a loyal friend to Denise just as Harry felt justified in not being a loyal friend to his rapist friend.  Boy Rinna is really a nasty person. 

Evil, Evil, Evil.  I was so excited when Denise started on the show but damn I wish she never did.

38 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

My best laugh of the night was when Sutton and Crystal had their little talk on the boat. Sutton pulls out her roller and proceeds to roll her face while Chrystal sits there with a deadpan look on her face. No reaction whatsoever.  And I am laughing like crazy.

LOL I know.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

My best laugh of the night was when Sutton and Crystal had their little talk on the boat. Sutton pulls out her roller and proceeds to roll her face while Chrystal sits there with a deadpan look on her face. No reaction whatsoever.  And I am laughing like crazy.

It was surreal. (Would have been WTF moment for the night until Lisa outdid her with her my-husband’s-ex-friend-the-rapist tale). She had to be trying to set up Crystal. Where was her support roller last year when Door-it wouldn’t let.the.mouse.go.? Or the night before when everyone was out to get her with their seeeeekrits? Or while she was apologizing for the night before? The only thing I trust about Sutton is that she’s at least 100% less fashionable than she thinks she is.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Mar said:

Ok, Crystal has told Sutton that she is creepy, weird, crazy, and a Ridiculous human being. What have I forgotten? And somehow Sutton is the “bad guy”?

What Crystal did that people think made her a bitch is something I'm actually a bit in awe of.  And it's somewhat similar to what Garcelle is doing but Garcelle's target tends to be more hated and Garcelle is more established/liked.  Crystal's not letting Sutton off the hook after she already tried to move past things with Sutton only to have Sutton play victim again.  

It's clear she doesn't trust Sutton's olive branches any longer. 

Tears and apologies usually work even if there's a sense that the person hasn't really learned anything.  We're conditioned to usually just accept it, at least in action even if there still isn't trust.  Crystal didn't do that.  

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I felt for both Sutton and Crystal on that boat. Like Sutton, I have awful anxiety (diagnosed Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and social anxiety (not at a disorder level and sometimes it's better than other times) and I just cringed when Crystal called her 'crazy' and irrational. Yet, looking at it from someone else's perspective, especially someone who doesn't know her, how else is she going to come across. She hasn't really seen anything but her anxiety. But I sympathize with Sutton because I've been there. Especially with feeling like you're being excluded or talked about--and sometimes you really are which just feeds the paranoia and then you over-react to even the hint of it. And then that behavior feeds the exclusion/talking about and it is just a cycle. And I think Crystal is just the opposite of Sutton--composed, cool, confident--and she just doesn't get her At All. She's the newbie here and is trying to feel her way and she hasn't gotten anything positive with Sutton. And she's bluntly saying that which is pretty refreshing rather than just stewing and air kissing and saying it's all cool and then bad mouthing her later. And leaving her house could have set her off. My hubby is military (recently retired) and everything time we moved was a Danger Zone for me. It's a comfort and control thing. I think both of them are nice people--with flaws but not a bad hearted person. Her anxiety at least doesn't take the vicious levels of some other housewives on this and other shows. 

And I get the roller thing even though it looks, to borrow Crystal's word, crazy. But touch and things contacting with your skin can really help, even if it is somewhat of a placebo thing. And I like Sutton for the most part because she doesn't seem mean or vicious (and she actually has some money lol) but, with her anxiety, this is really not the place. 

edited to add: I am soooo here for Garcelle dragging Lisa Rinna in such a cool, calm matter. lol Rinna is like 'this is where I messed up' and Garcelle's like 'yep' and Rinna looks aggrieved that she's agreeing with her. lol She just know how to handle someone either not kissing her butt, excusing her or picking a fight over it. It's about time she was really held to account for her nasty behavior. And she's totally not sorry anyway so I'm especially here for Garcelle giving it to her. She was friends, or at least friendly, with Denise for like 20 years and couldn't wait to turn on her like a viper--even doubling down on it. She's just sorry she got dragged for it all over the forums and social media. I'd actually change my opinion on her if she said 'You know what, covid made me evaluate a lot of things in my life. I was trying to be relevant (or whatever word), got sucked into the mob mentality and used Denise for it. It made me a shitty friend and I dont' expect her to ever forgive me for it. As a friend, I should've been defending her or at least not piling on her. But I'm genuinely sorry.' But she never will. 

Edited by Afwife1992
  • Love 21

Crystal is just awful. Cold, mean, and projecting her issues onto Sutton. She insults Sutton over and over, calling her crazy repeatedly, yet she sobs and has a breakdown because Sutton knocked on her door and entered when she was not clothed after she didn’t tell her not to enter?! Wtf? And for some reason she had no reaction to it until 24 hours later? It was bizarre. She sucks.

Kathy is amazing. More please. 

Erika is a liar? Uh huh Tom Girardi was at the “firm” in the middle of the pandemic. If she means he was at the firm trying to figure out how much more he can steal, that I could buy.

I want Erika, Kyle, and Rinna to be taken down.


Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 14
10 hours ago, Mar said:

I’m not sure my eyes will ever recover from this



When I saw Rinna brushing her teeth while trying to get her lips out of the way, I was a pretty grossed out.  Unfortunately for me, all I see on Rinna's face are her lips.  She has beautiful eyes, and is attractive enough, but ALL I see are her lips.  It makes me stabby.

I found her story about Harry and his really close rapist friend a little suspect.  I wonder how long she laid in bed trying to figure out how she could fit this little nugget into the group conversation, and decided Denise's alleged affair with Brandi Glanville would be her wagon to attach it to, but it was a creaky fit.  I think it was an attempt to blow the rapist smell of smoke off Harry, that Kim Richards may (probably) have been alluding to, and onto his really close rapist friend.  Because if it's one thing Lisa Rinna is going to do, is keep up the perception that she has the best, squeakiest clean marriage that ever existed, and I almost wouldn't put it past her to really cut a bitch that stood in the way of her/their image.  Lisa Rinna is very conniving and famewhore hungry. 




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I think there are faults on a lot of sides here.  While I actually like Sutton and her designer brand of crazy, I did have a problem with her shutting down Crystal last week.  I honestly think Sutton was so terrified of saying something wrong, she wanted the conversation shut down.  And I find it very problematic for a white woman to shut down a person of color when she's trying to talk about her experience.  I also thought Sutton was being crazy saying Crystal kicked her, when it was extremely clear that was a friendly thing.  I do not blame Crystal for not liking and not trusting Sutton based on these two experiences.  I think I would feel the same way in her shoes.

Conversely, I strongly disliked when Crystal said something to the effect of "I'm not a dr, but this seems manic and I can't hang out with crazy people."  If she had said Sutton was irrational or unpredictable and that's why she doesn't want to be around her, fine.  Sutton has demonstrated those qualities around her. But Crystal seemed to not be calling Sutton cray-cray but judging her actual for real mental health and I'm not cool with that.  THAT SAID, when Sutton is in the middle of saying she is indeed NOT crazy and pulled out her Support Roller?  That was fucking funny, and mad kudos to Crystal for not bursting out laughing.  And for her smirk earlier in the conversation - I wish I could remember exactly what Sutton said, but I remember thinking, "That's exactly what Crystal thinks about her!" So I understood the smirk even if I didn't love it.  

The final part about Sutton walking in on Crystal naked...I honestly don't know what to say about that.  I did notice that they editors put something in JUST before this about doing nude shoots, and Kyle saying "I'm not the type of person to walk around naked." It didn't sound judgy, it makes sense especially because she's had children in her house since like 1982 or something. But I did catch it, probably because I *am* the type to walk around naked.  I certainly don't think Sutton intentionally did anything wrong, but I'm not going to tell Crystal what level she should be upset about someone walking in on her naked with a camera crew behind her.  She can feel as upset as she does.  But Sutton wasn't creepy or weird, and describing it that way makes her sound predatory. I think Crystal did take what Sutton said in Some Kinda Way, but I truly think she meant it like "oh, la tee da, don't know what's going on over there because if I knew what was going on over there that would mean I saw you naked and that didn't happen!  Nope!  Not at all!"  I'm not sure what Crystal thought Sutton was insinuating, but I'm fairly certain it was just a nervous oops comment.  I also think Sutton was likely a couple of steps in before she realized what was happening, and at that point she probably panicked and just continued to return the coat.  I'm hard pressed to believe that Sutton purposely walked in on Crystal naked or meant to insinuate there was something wrong or weird about Crystal being naked in her own room. Again, I'm not going to tell Crystal what level of upset she is allowed to be about the situation, but I think she can feel all her feelings validly without painting Sutton as a predator.

Sutton just needs to figure out how to be comfortable with the fact Crystal doesn't like her and stop trying so hard.  Don't try to explain about your house, don't return her coat, don't send her flowers.  Just stop.

Sutton looked great in that last dress, and everyone was so cute playing games all dressed to the nines. I'm not a Rinna fan (I'm enjoying Garcelle working her over), but the synchronized swimming was an excellent moment.  I actually thought Dorit was funny with the overcompetitive part.  I always find people that compete hard with me funny because I legit do not care - I tend to just like what ever we are doing and if you winning means we can play again and have more fun, I am down!  You win!

Speaking of not caring: the zero fucks you learn from age plus the zero fucks you learn from being wealthy equals Kathy Hilton.  It's working for me.

I LOVE BOCCI.  You can tell that Kyle truly never played before because she threw the object ball so far.  I play on the beach, and I will tell any guys I play with that they can absolutely beat me by making that first throw too far and just beating me with strength.  And if they want to do that, we can go ahead and sit down.  Otherwise, throw closer in and lets have a game!  I agree that Dorit has played plenty before, but she couldn't have kept throwing the bocci balls that distance for very long (although they were getting a much better roll on that court than I do on a beach).  

  • Love 14

I honestly don’t know what my reaction would be if someone accidentally walked in on me naked. I feel confident in saying I wouldn’t immediately drop to the floor — but I won’t judge Crystal because life my doesn’t involve camera people (or generally someone I only really just met). I think that being temporarily mad and telling people that barging in is not cool are reasonable reactions. But I do think that, no matter how embarrassing and startling it could be, it’s not something I’d find to be a huge deal that may shape my attitude toward the person forever (unless, of course, I thought it was a deliberate thing).

I knew someone in college who moved out of the dorms because a person in the adjoining room (there was one bathroom with two doors and rooms on either side) forgot to knock before going in. Embarrassing, yes, but reason to move home? I wouldn’t have.

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, Mar said:

I had exactly the same reaction! I couldn’t believe that I was siding with Kyle on anything. It’s like on Real Housewives of New York City this season. I have actually agreed with Ramona for the first time ever. It is concerning Leah’s behavior.

I can understand Crystal not bringing it up immediately.  There was a lot to unpack re Sutton and sometimes when I have had weird/wild/uncomfortable experiences I need to parse it out and see what really was upsetting. 

I get Crystal being able to sit there while Sutton was crying with not much emotion.  Tears can be used as a weapon (may not have been happening) and what purpose does it serve to get emotional as well?  Or stop the conversation?  I used to advise students and tears were common when someone was failing out.  All I could do was sit there while it was happening, waiting for a break in tears and hand them kleenex.  

Sutton was a controling wet blanket on this trip.  Maybe she didn't mean to but her histrionics controlled the whole trip and kept people who beared the brunt of her angst on edge.  

  • Love 10

It's not just that you knock before entering someone's bedroom or dorm room or home and then proceed to open the door. You wait to hear the person call come in or have them open the door to you.  I am surprised that  Sutton being the paragon of manners does not know this.  I had a neighbor who would knock on someone's front door and if they didn't answer she would call out their name and then open the door.  But if I were naked in my room like Crystal I would have locked the door. 

  • Love 16
17 hours ago, ichbin said:

Being new to this I'm unfamiliar with the particulars from  previous seasons.  My understanding of what Lisa was getting at was that she is claiming to be privy to much more damaging information which influenced her actions.  Seems like a sneaky, snaky maneuver by attempting to put herself in a better light by supposedly having kept silent about something that would further damage Denise and with the truly nasty part being the insinuation, opening the door for the others to imagine any and all terrible possibilities which could have nothing to do with the truth.  Came across as rather underhanded.  

Exactly, it was to come across in a better light, and get Garcelle off her back lol.  If you are not going to bring up what you know (which that has never stopped you before), then shut up with your analogies.  They make no sense to the rest of us and just made you look even more stupid. UGH how I cannot stand her. PS.  Denise was supposed to be a good friend and you were a total beotch to her. Nice way to treat a friend to keep your diamond....or in her case a cubic zirconia.

Edited by Marley GMA
  • LOL 2
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I forgot to mention the rape story.  What the actual fiery fuck?  I wish the New York crew could get a load of THIS dinner conversation because I'll be damned if I wouldn't rather hear someone extoll the virtues of ass eating over RAPE.  I found that entirely more shocking that someone acting out and purposely trying to get attention by being shocking.

15 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

It's not just that you knock before entering someone's bedroom or dorm room or home and then proceed to open the door. You wait to hear the person call come in or have them open the door to you.  I am surprised that  Sutton being the paragon of manners does not know this. 

I do agree with this.  Sutton shouldn't have just walked in, and she should be apologetic for that part.  But I just don't see that translating to "creepy and weird."  

  • Love 15
3 minutes ago, lasu said:

I do agree with this.  Sutton shouldn't have just walked in, and she should be apologetic for that part.  But I just don't see that translating to "creepy and weird."  

The only explanation I can come up with for this--if I assume she was being honest there--is to think that here's this woman that she's been blindsided by more than once who's suddenly walking into her room while she's naked, and she made that comment about "whatever's going on in here." When Sutton repeated it later it sounded fine, like somebody just laughing off an awkward situation. But iirc when we saw the actual footage it did sound like Sutton was saying that to laugh at her, meaning "What are you doing in here, weirdo?" So that combination could feel like Sutton was again being aggressive in some puzzling way. 

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11 minutes ago, lasu said:


I do agree with this.  Sutton shouldn't have just walked in, and she should be apologetic for that part.  But I just don't see that translating to "creepy and weird."  

they arnt friends and had been fighting the past 2 nights with sutton acting unhinged just moments before and she just was walking into her room seeing her naked and didn't turn around and walk out .. that to me is creepy and weird

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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In both situations Sutton was wrong. First she inserted herself into a conversation between Kyle and Crystal and then told Crystal basically to shut up because she was not going to talk about racial stereotypes and argued with her to get her way. When Kyle suggested that she apologize to Crystal she refused because she said that she was not sorry.  Then she barges into a bedroom without being invited in and all of a sudden she becomes the victim. What's next is that she will have the rest of the cast fawning all over her while she cries about how mean they are being to her. I liked her last season but boy has this changed. 

  • Love 14
26 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

they arnt friends and had been fighting the past 2 nights with sutton acting unhinged just moments before and she just was walking into her room seeing her naked and didn't turn around and walk out .. that to me is creepy and weird

I explained my feelings more fully in a previous post, but again, I find "creepy and weird" to be something that definitely sounds predatory.  I'm not going to tell Crystal how upset she should be about being walked in on naked.  Just because *I* wouldn't be that upset, doesn't mean other people share my mostly lack of modesty.  However, while I would never want to invalidate her feelings, I'm still not seeing Sutton as being predatory.


13 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

In both situations Sutton was wrong. First she inserted herself into a conversation between Kyle and Crystal and then told Crystal basically to shut up because she was not going to talk about racial stereotypes and argued with her to get her way. When Kyle suggested that she apologize to Crystal she refused because she said that she was not sorry.  Then she barges into a bedroom without being invited in and all of a sudden she becomes the victim. What's next is that she will have the rest of the cast fawning all over her while she cries about how mean they are being to her. I liked her last season but boy has this changed. 

I absolutely agree Sutton was wrong in both of these situations, and also for trying to unburden about her house to Crystal and accusing her of kicking her in a mean way.  To be clear, I think Crystal has very valid reason for not trusting or liking Sutton.  If someone behaved around and towards me the way Sutton has to Crystal, I think it unlikely I would like them either.  I just wish Crystal wouldn't make it about real mental health or paint her as some sort of sexual predator.

Edited by lasu
  • Love 14
Just now, lasu said:

I explained my feelings more fully in a previous post, but again, I find "creepy and weird" to be something that definitely sounds predatory.  I'm not going to tell Crystal how upset she should be about being walked in on naked.  Just because *I* wouldn't be that upset, doesn't mean other people share my mostly lack of modesty.  However, while I would never want to invalidate her feelings, I'm still not seeing Sutton as being predatory.



I think its the fact that Crystal had an issue with it is all that matters. she was the one that it happened to and she had an issue

  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, Marley GMA said:

Exactly, it was to come across in a better light, and get Garcelle off her back lol.  If you are not going to bring up what you know (which that has never stopped you before), then shut up with your analogies.  They make no sense to the rest of us and just made you look even more stupid. UGH how I cannot stand her. PS.  Denise was supposed to be a good friend and you were a total beotch to her. Nice way to treat a friend to keep your diamond....or in her case your cubic zirconia.

But Garcelle did not buy Lisa's explanation one little bit as to why she couldn't "blindly support Denise." She called her out over and over. Kyle even rolled her eyes when Lisa started to tell the story about harry's rapist friend. Lisa Rinna just made herself look even more vile. No one at that table is safe from Rinna doing the exact same thing to them that she did to Denise if she sees an opportunity to take someone down. I think Kyle was smart to bring in Kathy to have her back. 

  • Love 17
21 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think its the fact that Crystal had an issue with it is all that matters. she was the one that it happened to and she had an issue

But I don't think that's all that does matter.  I've said (too many times at this point, for sure) repeatedly I do not deny her any reaction.  I'm not going to say she's being dramatic or she is overreacting - I don't think those things.  I absolutely understand being walked in on naked by someone you aren't even getting along with could be EXTREMELY upsetting.  But since we basically got to see what happened, we can have our opinions of it as well, and obviously viewers matter to a tv show.  If you and Crystal think Sutton's action were creepy and weird or even predatory, you certainly can.  But I didn't see "creepy and weird" based on what was on my TV.

But the horse, he is dead.

  • Love 13
20 hours ago, ichbin said:

I'm just jumping into this franchise as a new viewer.  It definitely has its own unique vibe in comparison to other RH shows while at the same time following the Bravo playbook. My take so far on this cast:

Erika-World weary

Garcelle-Classy adult 

Sutton-Exposed nerve 

Kyle-Not actually as she hopes she is portraying herself to be

Lisa-Too loud, obnoxious, and attention seeking

Crystal-High school level queen bee bitchiness

Kathy-Playing a character 

Dorit:  Caricature.  I grew up in a town adjacent to Woodbridge, CT.  What the hell is that accent because it sure as hell isn't from there.

Am I on the right track here?

Is The Godfather house the biggest attraction in Lake Tahoe?  They mentioned it enough times during the boat ride.

You are a quick study!  You nailed it!  

Lake Tahoe has so much to offer, but to these pretentious ladies, I'm sure they couldn't be bothered with anything more than a house used for a movie set.

  • Love 4

A few random thoughts:

Crystal must have been super upset not to come to dinner and more pointedly, none of the women went to check on her, encourage her to join them, or bring her food.  I'm sure that would have been filmed if it had happened.  And we know Kyle or Lisa would have been all over that!  My thought is that Crystal had a few words with production and it was understood that she was at her limit.

Lisa is despicable for comparing a rape to ANYTHING that Denise did last season, but even more so to allude to secrets she is still hiding to "protect" Denise.  She desperately wants a PR overhaul (perhaps to sell more lip gloss).  Maybe after seeing some positive reactions to her and Sutton's synchronized swimming routine, she can realize that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.  Or, better yet, start a new career as a synchronized swimmer and get off my tv screen!

  • LOL 6
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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

It's not just that you knock before entering someone's bedroom or dorm room or home and then proceed to open the door. You wait to hear the person call come in or have them open the door to you.  I am surprised that  Sutton being the paragon of manners does not know this.  I had a neighbor who would knock on someone's front door and if they didn't answer she would call out their name and then open the door.  But if I were naked in my room like Crystal I would have locked the door. 

I agree that Sutton was wrong. I actually relate to Crystal with freaking out if anyone walked in on me naked. Whether it's modesty, shyness, trauma, whatever it is, if you react THAT strongly to another woman walking in on you, wouldn't you lock your door? If I'm undressing, sleeping naked, whatever it is, that door will be promptly locked. I only unlock it when I don't mind if someone comes in. I wonder if her bedroom door didn't have a lock or what. When Sutton heard one of the ladies coming into her room in a recent episode she shouted "I'm naked." Maybe she thought she'd hear Crystal do the same if she knocked? IDK, but I see zero proof she meant to humiliate or creep out Crystal. 


1 hour ago, lasu said:

I explained my feelings more fully in a previous post, but again, I find "creepy and weird" to be something that definitely sounds predatory.  I'm not going to tell Crystal how upset she should be about being walked in on naked.  Just because *I* wouldn't be that upset, doesn't mean other people share my mostly lack of modesty.  However, while I would never want to invalidate her feelings, I'm still not seeing Sutton as being predatory.


I absolutely agree Sutton was wrong in both of these situations, and also for trying to unburden about her house to Crystal and accusing her of kicking her in a mean way.  To be clear, I think Crystal has very valid reason for not trusting or liking Sutton.  If someone behaved around and towards me the way Sutton has to Crystal, I think it unlikely I would like them either.  I just wish Crystal wouldn't make it about real mental health or paint her as some sort of sexual predator.

100%. A lot of us feel very vulnerable naked. I just hate Sutton portrayed as this cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs predator. I honestly get more of a weird vibe from Crystal. She's that mean girl I'd be on guard with, not Sutton. 

  • Love 15

Please someone help me not to have to go back and watch this show again. What did Crystal say or imply that she thinks Sutton is a predator?  I missed this. Did she say that she felt Sutton came into her room on purpose because she is a predator?  I think she went into Sutton's room becaue she has poor manners and did not wait to be asked in. 

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Hah! I never watch KUWTK's but I just saw a few minutes of a rerun and they are in Tahoe, they are in the same house as the HW's were in!! 


1 hour ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Lake Tahoe has so much to offer, but to these pretentious ladies, I'm sure they couldn't be bothered with anything more than a house used for a movie set.

Which movie?

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, Afwife1992 said:

I felt for both Sutton and Crystal on that boat. Like Sutton, I have awful anxiety (diagnosed Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and social anxiety (not at a disorder level and sometimes it's better than other times) and I just cringed when Crystal called her 'crazy' and irrational.

Which is why I don't think a reality show is a good idea for Sutton.   I have no idea why someone with such crippling issues as she says she has would want to do this show, unless it's to show off her major love affair with expensive designer clothes and we already have Dorit Barbie for that.   She certainly doesn't need the money and has three teenagers that probably don't need the exposure of their crying mother on Bravo.  

1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Whether it's modesty, shyness, trauma, whatever it is, if you react THAT strongly to another woman walking in on you, wouldn't you lock your door? If I'm undressing, sleeping naked, whatever it is, that door will be promptly locked. I only unlock it when I don't mind if someone comes in.

I don't think it's Crystal's fault that Sutton entered her bedroom without being invited,  and then made a snide comment to Crystal about cowering naked before leaving.  I'm sure she will always lock her door from now on, but just because she didn't expect Miss Impecible Manners to barge on in, doesn't mean it's her own fault.  

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13 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Which is why I don't think a reality show is a good idea for Sutton.   I have no idea why someone with such crippling issues as she says she has would want to do this show, unless it's to show off her major love affair with expensive designer clothes and we already have Dorit Barbie for that.   She certainly doesn't need the money and has three teenagers that probably don't need the exposure of their crying mother on Bravo.  

I don't think it's Crystal's fault that Sutton entered her bedroom without being invited,  and then made a snide comment to Crystal about cowering naked before leaving.  I'm sure she will always lock her door from now on, but just because she didn't expect Miss Impecible Manners to barge on in, doesn't mean it's her own fault.  

I agree that a reality show isn't a good fit for Sutton. It's not just because she's sensitive, anxious, possibly hormonal either. She's too nice. 

I don't think it's Crystal's fault either. I wasn't sure whether to post that because I thought some people might take it as victim blaming. I'm not. I said Sutton was in the wrong. I would never barge into someone's bedroom, and I appreciate others showing me the same respect. Given Crystal's reaction, I'm just surprised she didn't look her door. Usually someone who'd freak out the way she did over another person seeing them undressed is the type to lock the door. It's usually the first thing I do. Most of us have been walked in on at some point. I figure Rinna types leave their doors unlocked because even if someone isn't thoughtful enough to wait to be told to come in, they just don't care who sees what. Rinna might even do a naked little dance for you! I don't think Sutton was trying to be snide, just didn't know what to say out of awkwardness. It's Sutton. Hopefully she learned to wait for the "come in" out of this incident. 

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I don't know what more she could she be privy to about Denise that would equate what Denise  did to Harry's friend raping someone? 

There isn't really, the worst thing I know Denise has done is have a diva fit and throw a computer off a mall balcony in Vancouver while shooting something and braining a senior citizen. But I suspect Rinna is insinuating she could confirm the long circulated rumor that Denise worked for Heidi Fleiss and that was how she and Charlie Sheen first met. I mean I'm sure there is more in that general sexuality shaming vein (and probably drugs) but Lisa Rinna has way of thinking because she admits she's a terrible friend/person everything is fine. IDK now she thought this story was going to help her relationship with Garcelle though. I will say this is the first time I've seen her at least seem to regret what she pulled.

Sutton was digging in her heels about everything and really making me regret ever liking her, but I think she pulled it together in the end, on the last night, I mean she went swimming drunk with Rinna, that's pretty wild for Sutton. Then I though she seemed like a new more sane person with Crystal, finally seemed to get she acted banana pants. She owned her missteps and her crazy and was listening instead of defending herself. Again everybody this season is probably thrilled Erika's life blew up if only from show storyline perspective. 

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21 minutes ago, blixie said:

will say this is the first time I've seen her at least seem to regret what she pulled.

(Concerning Rinna) I am 100% sure it was only to improve her public image because social media was aflame with criticism of her. She even referred to it in her interview when she listed all the names she had been called as a result of her behavior. She has no conscience or empathy, so I don’t think she is capable of regret. 

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, Mar said:

(Concerning Rinna) I am 100% sure it was only to improve her public image because social media was aflame with criticism of her. She even referred to it in her interview when she listed all the names she had been called as a result of her behavior. She has no conscience or empathy, so I don’t think she is capable of regret. 

In the Rinna thread, someone pointed out that almost all of her clothing is marked down 45-50% on the QVC website.

So I checked.  And it is.  Generally speaking, if almost everything is marked down from a QVC fashion line, QVC has switched "the face of a brand" for someone else.  In this case, probably the girl who was on Full House because they are promoting her now.

QVC tends to pretend that a celebrity actually designs a clothing line, but usually all they really do is attach the celebrity's name to someone else's design.  

The only regret she has is that she lost a lucrative gig. Not that she's a cesspool pretending to be a human being.....

Edited To Add:  65Mickey did the original detective work on QVC.  I followed them down the rabbit hole.  Also.  I reread my post and I would like to make it clear that I believed 65Mickey and went to the site to check.  Mainly because Rinna is a nasty person and, well, I'm not so great myself, because I find enjoyment over this. 

And that no one wants to pick up any kind of show involving her or her family!

Edited by dosodog
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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I don't think it's Crystal's fault either. I wasn't sure whether to post that because I thought some people might take it as victim blaming. I'm not. I said Sutton was in the wrong. I would never barge into someone's bedroom, and I appreciate others showing me the same respect. Given Crystal's reaction, I'm just surprised she didn't look her door. Usually someone who'd freak out the way she did over another person seeing them undressed is the type to lock the door. It's usually the first thing I do. Most of us have been walked in on at some point. I figure Rinna types leave their doors unlocked because even if someone isn't thoughtful enough to wait to be told to come in, they just don't care who sees what. Rinna might even do a naked little dance for you! I don't think Sutton was trying to be snide, just didn't know what to say out of awkwardness. It's Sutton. Hopefully she learned to wait for the "come in" out of this incident. 

It's possible she isn't always that fearful about being caught undressed (and so doesn't lock the door just in case every time), but things about this situation made her freak out more about it.

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I finally got around to watching this tonight and good lord, when I only like Kathy and Kyle after an episode, something's gone horribly wrong. 

Rinna talked and talked and yet nothing made a lot of sense to me. I was so tuned out by the time they got to her story of HH and the rapist and Denise, I had no idea what she was talking about. She was so damn screechy when they were playing games after dinner the last night. She's exhausting and when she drinks it's even worse.

I like Garcelle but I'm a little over her attitude--she just comes off so high and mighty and haughty to me. If you don't like being on the show and you don't like a lot of the women, why bother doing it?

Erika is so full of shit and hiding so much. I wonder if she knew this trip was her last hurrah and decided to put on an act the whole time until they got back and the bomb dropped? The producers really are playing up all of Erika's comments about Tom, their marriage, and his work ethic. I'll be interested to see how they treat her the rest of the season after the dirty laundry airs. 

I go back and forth with Crystal. I think this was all more than she was ready for and she goes after Sutton too hard, but really, Sutton has it coming a lot of times. I did think Crystal's delayed reaction to Sutton walking in on her naked was odd, but at that point, I would have been over Sutton entirely if I were her. I'm still giving Crystal a chance, but she can be a little aloof and snobby.

Sutton. WTF? She's gone totally off the rails this season. I thought she was a little nutty but now she's just way over the top. Screeching and crying and yelling at people over pranks because she wasn't a part of them and face rolling 24/7. Lady, look into professional help. Mood stabilizers can be a beautiful thing. 

Door-It had little to no impact on the episode but I cracked up over her silence when people were admitting they had a nose job. Girl, own it! You look great, you obviously paid to look great, who cares if it was surgery vs nature? 

Kyle was totally unobtrusive and Kathy cracked me up several times, so they were at least entertaining. I love that Kyle is so open about her nose job and walks around with the tape on and bruises under her eyes still showing. I had eyelid surgery during quarantine, so no one saw me while recovering since we were all still stuck at home, and I wish I had been as confident as she was. I think if you're doing the plastic surgery for yourself and you're happy with it and yourself, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Kathy's "I had a little done" while pointing to her face made me laugh. 

Edited by emma675d
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5 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Please someone help me not to have to go back and watch this show again. What did Crystal say or imply that she thinks Sutton is a predator?  I missed this. Did she say that she felt Sutton came into her room on purpose because she is a predator?  I think she went into Sutton's room becaue she has poor manners and did not wait to be asked in. 

No, Crystal never used the word "predator" I think the word has come up through the comments.

Crystal misrepresented the conversation she had with Sutton, after Sutton entered her room to bring her coat back.  (Note:  No good deed goes unpunished :)  She told Kyle that Sutton said, "oh sorry, she's like, whatever you're doing in here" emphasis on "whatever you're doing in here".  Her facial expressions implied Sutton was implying that she was doing something distasteful.  Later in the conversation with Kyle she said, "and then she walks out like I'm doing something weird."  

In actuality Sutton said: "I don't know what's going on in here, but I'm going to bring your coat back" and then you see her getting the hell out of Dodge.  To me, it sounded like she was awkwardly joking, having walked in on a naked Crystal, that had "dropped to the ground to like, hold her body".

Then before they were leaving Taho, Sutton once again goes to Crystal's room to apologize and Crystal breaks down crying, saying that when Sutton came in her room, it was creepy and weird.   

Imo, Sutton did nothing creepy or weird, but Crystal must have some real issues to think that she did.  However, I always wait to hear someone say "come in" before I enter their room because of shit like this.

  • Love 10
On 6/10/2021 at 8:40 PM, 65mickey said:

My best laugh of the night was when Sutton and Crystal had their little talk on the boat. Sutton pulls out her roller and proceeds to roll her face while Chrystal sits there with a deadpan look on her face. No reaction whatsoever.  And I am laughing like crazy.

Haha I know right? IMO some housewives want to do silly things that they think are adorable, and they are hoping for a gentle teasing/aren't you the cutest thing reaction. (see Kam Wescott mispronouncing all the words on Dallas).  When another HW doesn't give them the reaction they are hoping for they get pissed.  And frankly they can all GTFO with their "anxiety" - I'm not usually anxious about anything but I would be if I had a camera crew following me around all day and night.  If they sign up to be on this show, "anxiety" is the least of their problems.


6 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Please someone help me not to have to go back and watch this show again. What did Crystal say or imply that she thinks Sutton is a predator?  I missed this. Did she say that she felt Sutton came into her room on purpose because she is a predator?  I think she went into Sutton's room becaue she has poor manners and did not wait to be asked in. 

She didn't actually insinuate that Sutton was a predator.  She said that Sutton said something like, "I don't know what's going on in here" and left.  (Which IMO was Sutton's awkward little joke because she didn't know what else to do, and then she left as was proper.) What Crystal claimed had her on the fainting couch was that Sutton had implied that Crystal was up to some kind of perversion, and that made Crystal feel bad.

ETA:  I see that @Shannah Banana beat me to this topic!

4 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

I don't think it's Crystal's fault that Sutton entered her bedroom without being invited,  and then made a snide comment to Crystal about cowering naked before leaving.  I'm sure she will always lock her door from now on, but just because she didn't expect Miss Impecible Manners to barge on in, doesn't mean it's her own fault.  

Haha I agree with @RealHousewife on this one - if you're uncomfortable being seen naked, lock your door, or put something on in your bathroom (my own preferred method 😄 ). She may not have expected Miss Impeccable Manners to barge on in, but what about Miss Naked Selfies Rinna?  Miss Hilarious Prankster/Late Night Pig Hilton? I didn't think about it until someone here mentioned it, but probably the possibility of a camera was what freaked her out.  Do I believe she was that traumatized by the whole experience? No.  Do I believe she was making a mountain out of a molehill because she doesn't like Sutton? Yes.  Do I blame her after the way Sutton behaved all weekend?  Not really.

Edited by princelina
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7 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

Crystal misrepresented the conversation she had with Sutton, after Sutton entered her room to bring her coat back.  (Note:  No good deed goes unpunished :)  She told Kyle that Sutton said, "oh sorry, she's like, whatever you're doing in here" emphasis on "whatever you're doing in here".  Her facial expressions implied Sutton was implying that she was doing something distasteful.  Later in the conversation with Kyle she said, "and then she walks out like I'm doing something weird."  

In actuality Sutton said: "I don't know what's going on in here, but I'm going to bring your coat back" and then you see her getting the hell out of Dodge.  To me, it sounded like she was awkwardly joking, having walked in on a naked Crystal, that had "dropped to the ground to like, hold her body".


I wouldn't say she misrepresented it, exactly, because I remember when Sutton told the story herself it seemed like she was making an awkward joke, but when we saw the tape it did sound more like how Crystal described it. So it may have been just a bad delivery on Crystal's part out of nerves, or her giving it a different spin the next day - but I didn't think Crystal's interpetation was as far off as re-tellings often get in these shows. Could have been an unlucky combination of things that made them both seem more hostile to the other than they were being. 

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I say Crystal should walk into Sutton's bedroom repeatedly on their next trip. When she catches her naked she should stand there as dead eyed as she did during their boat chat. If entitled people refuse to learn just treat them the way they treat the rest of us.

Some of us leave doors unlocked when on trips with friends because we assume everyone has basic manners ::shrug::


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