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S09.E12: Irene's Journey LIVE CHAT

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1 minute ago, CringeWatcher said:

I had some reservations, but teaching 17 year olds was also rolling the dice on a daily basis, especially considering that our district does not notify us when someone with whom we’ve been in close contact tests positive. I just wanted to say I respect your decision and everyone should make his or her own decision. It’s not political; it’s a matter of choosing what’s best for one’s own health 🥂 (stepping off soap box)

That's OK. I have a spare soap box over here if you need one.  I'm retired. We're still mandatory mask everywhere until the end of May, even outside if you can't social distance. I mostly just go to the grocery, tho I have had my hair done twice.  I'm still going to church via YT.  If I had to go out in the world with the germy people, if I had to take the bus or subway, I might have different thoughts about the vaccine. I certainly understand why people get it, and many of the people I know, including my 90 yr old mother, have had at least the 1st shot. 

I found a hospital charity in the UK that asks people to donate 25 pounds, the cost of the shot (which they get for free, as we do here) to them so they can purchase PPEs for healthcare workers in Africa because they won't be getting the vaccine for awhile yet and still need protection. I thought that was a great idea and donated the same amount in USD. I have the choice not to get the shot; I can at least help people who not only don't have that choice, but are still working hard during the pandemic. 

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I guess I will predict 578.   She doesn't look all that heavy while she is seated on the couch, but that picture of her from the ground up in that flowery muumuu looking thing makes her look twice as heavy as she does when sitting on the sofa.   Honestly, I have no idea. 
 Heavier than Amy Slaton, but not as heavy as her sister Tammy.

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2 minutes ago, ShortyMac said:

You can already tell she's going to fail. All she knows is heavy, fried foods. She already said that anything else tastes 'plain.'

When Dr. Now is suggested by a friend/family member,  it NEVER works

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Just now, umgoblue said:

By the way @Giant Misfit, I only made it through 17 minutes of Coming2America.  What the hell...I had been waiting for sooo long. 

Oh, DAMN! I'm sorry @umgoblue ... I was so looking forward to it, too, and then that trailer crushed all my hope. 

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1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

I wonder if she sews. She has pretty nice dresses.

My mother was very large (I should ask how much she weighed at her biggest) and she sewed. I think it makes a difference on how you present yourself if you can make clothes that fit.

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She has a terrible scar on her forehead. Was there mention of an accident while I was out of the room? 

Look at Dr. Now's face. He is so tired of this dance. 


Edited by Suzywriter
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She's telling Dr. Now all the things she should do so why hasn't she done it? If she knows what to do what does she need Dr. Now for?

(Said Dr. Now as I was typing...)

No. No juice.

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1 minute ago, Giant Misfit said:

Yeah, that scale is lie-telling. NO WAY does she weight 603 pounds. No way.

@Giant Misfit  The show is called My 600 Pound Life.  They've got to play the role.  She is 550 at most (but I think she may weight less than that).  They are full of it.  They are scraping the Covid bottom, just getting folks off the street...in Houston...to keep the camera rolling!

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I can't stop laughing at that wig. It doesn't even seem real -- like it's photoshopped onto her head.

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1 minute ago, aliya said:

I found a hospital charity in the UK that asks people to donate 25 pounds, the cost of the shot (which they get for free, as we do here) to them so they can purchase PPEs for healthcare workers in Africa because they won't be getting the vaccine for awhile yet and still need protection. I thought that was a great idea and donated the same amount in USD. I have the choice not to get the shot

(1) what a worthy cause! 
(2) health care workers in Africa can’t get vaccines yet? That’s utterly heartbreaking. 

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Just now, aliya said:

My mother was very large (I should ask how much she weighed at her biggest) and she sewed. I think it makes a difference on how you present yourself if you can make clothes that fit.

I had an aunt who was very large and my mother and another sister both sewed for her.  I remember them deconstructing dresses that fit her to use in cutting new ones. 

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5 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

Reading your comments, I am deeply grateful that I stepped out to get water and the sock that I'm knitting during the hamburger scene. It sounds like it was awful. 

Truly you have been spared. Though surely there will be new horrors to come. 

4 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Does she not have underwear on? The blurred out her crouch, she has her legs spread and when the person ( her niece?) leaves then she covers herself? The poor camera crew. You could not pay me enough. 

I bet they're just pixellating to amp up the "ew" factor. I remember when Ron Jeremy was on "The Surreal Life" and in one scene he opened his robe; the whole area from waist to knee was pixillated! He said in an interview later that the editing team did that to be bratty. And horrify the viewers. Mr. Jeremy had a reputation for being generously endowed, but even he couldn't cop to THAT.

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4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

 OK but boy howdy do they feel uncomfortable now. I was telling my boss about it at one of our Zoom meetings and she said her husband called regular pants that aren't sweats "hard pants" and I have adopted that descriptor for my own. Once I retire I will never again wear hard pants. 

I've found some stretchy jeans through Lands End that are quite comfortable and look good.  They're not my beloved sweats, but aren't as bad as regular jeans.

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I think I might have a better chance of success if I was told to eat twice a day and split the 1200 calories that way.   Larger meals, and if the right foods are chosen it might be more than enough.   Just a thought. 

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1 minute ago, umgoblue said:

They are scraping the Covid bottom, just getting folks off the street...in Houston...to keep the camera rolling!


It's like they're not even trying anymore. 

Her park walk at the end is going to take 20 minutes.

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12 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

I missed it...where is this fashionista from? 

Houston, TX!    Is that a first?   They'll had other that don't live that far away, but she's actually in Houston.       

Month 1-603 (I bet 575 at the most). 

Does she have contact with any but the son she's leaching off of?    Weren't there three young ones taken away by CPS?  I'm not sure if there's another older kid, younger than a son.      Did she get them back?  And if she did, she would have to have a place to house them, not her oldest son's couch.  

Please let them have video of her falling out, I bet that would be better than Megan's 'heart attack'. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 minute ago, LizzyB said:

Her best friend's name is Lolita!  And her other friend is Cameo!  I love it.  What are the chances that you would meet and befriend a Lolita AND a Cameo?

I think it depends on how many of your friends are drag queens.

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Hi Pounders! Just getting done with everything today so I’ll start watching live now and catch up on the first half hour some other time. 

Work and life have been kicking my ass lately so I am looking forward to reading the first class snark about this crazy show. Hope everyone is good and healthy! 

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