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S11.E02: Licked Up and Down

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The attention needing Jackie skipped the trip even though the other ladies were mostly on her side?  I hope this is her last season, she is the most boring thing and should thank Teresa for the storyline. She wouldn’t have gotten another season out of her eating disorder.

Everyone in Delores family has moved in with the doctor except her. I did like the banter between him and Frank.

I wish the ladies would quit mentioning that Teresa is too dense to understand Jackie. Who gives a fuck? Why does anyone need to understand Jackie?  Who cares if  the coke line was an analogy? Jackie mentioned Gia and cocaine in the same sentence and that had negative consequences for Gia. Tre might not get it but that fugly piece of shit Jackie knew exactly what she was doing. 

Edited by Chatty Cake
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3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I wish the ladies would quit mentioning that Teresa is too dense to understand Jackie. Who gives a fuck? Why does anyone need to understand Jackie?  Who cares if  the coke line was an analogy? Jackie mentioned Gia and cocaine in the same sentence and that had negative consequences for Gia. Tre might not get it but that fugly piece of shit Jackie knew exactly what she was doing. 

By this logic, someone saying “Gia would never do coke”, would also be wrong if Tre misinterprets it and says “why are you talking about my daughter and cocaine?”  Words and context do matter. Jackie clearly made an analogy to point out that simply saying “I heard ugly rumor” can be very damaging. That said, I wish Jackie had not used Tre’s daughter for the analogy because then the discussion moves from Tre’s hideous behavior, to a “don’t bring up the children” debate.

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9 hours ago, TeeMo said:

It makes me chuckle that the drink Marg always offers guests is a cold brew coffee. I love me some iced coffee and would he thrilled with the offer but what a specific and somewhat unusual thing to offer. She did it in the last episode too. I’ll admit that I have mostly checked out of RHOJ for the past few seasons so I kept wondering if she maybe has her own cold brew brand that she is trying to market via the show - does she? 🤷🏻‍♀️

what made me laugh is that she knew they were coming, she knew she always offers a cold brew, and yet nothing was ready for their arrival.  

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On 2/25/2021 at 8:17 AM, esco1822 said:

Nice to know that Jackie immediately said it was a analogy. I was wondering if her doing press and saying that now was revisionist history. So really Jackie didn’t put anything out there about Gia, Bravo is to blame for leaving a rumor hanging out there for a week before actually showing her true intentions. 

I see what this is coming from, and I respect your interpretation, but i interpreted the bolded parts differently.  Last episode Jackie put out the coke rumor about Gia without saying it was an analogy or metaphor.

This episode, after the scene is over, after Teresa is driving away and not within earshot, Jackie tells Margaret, “It’s like me saying ‘I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard that Gia was snorting coke in the bathroom’ and can you imagine if I did that at Gia’s own party, like can you imagine?”  Margaret says “no” and Jackie goes, “if she didn’t get that that was an analogy, then I can’t...”  But this all happened after the dust-up.  

So there was time between the accusation “I heard Gia does coke in the bathroom” that Teresa heard, and then Jackie’s correction, to Margaret, after the fact that it was an analogy.

I’m going to put an analogy out there:  The difference between first degree murder and second degree murder in a lot of jurisdictions is premeditation.  When I was in law school, I took a semester-long class called “substantive criminal law” and one of the major themes was, what causes premeditation to be premeditation?  In a lot of jurisdictions it’s any time for reflection whatsoever, even a second.  Thus, the requirement for “premeditation” in “premeditated murder” is literally as short as the time it takes for the defendant to have the thought to commit a murder.  

So, to take my analogy to Jackie, it’s hard for me to agree that she “immediately” said it was an analogy.  For me, from what I was taught, “immediately” is, “I heard Gia snorts coke in the bathroom; I don’t know if it’s true.”  That’s immediately.  If it takes an amount of time longer than it takes the next breath, it’s not “immediately” to me; it’s shorty thereafter.  And that might sound like it’s splitting hairs, but to me it makes a big difference, because it’s my opinion that as soon as Teresa walked out of that room having heard that Jackie is saying her daughter is a drug user—and then Jackie doing spin to Margaret and using different words than she used with Teresa in order to mitigate the impact of what she said (in an effort to look more reasonable and sympathetic to Margaret)—the factual scenario has changed.  It’s different in nature from having said to Teresa’s face “I don’t know if it’s true,” which did not happen according to the footage.  

(I can’t second-guess the footage and theorize that the show may have deliberately spliced what they had in a misleading way, because that’s getting into grassy knoll territory, and if I can’t trust the narrative of what is portrayed on my screen, there would be no point for me to watch or comment.)  

In the same exact vein, it’s my interpretation that Jackie put something out there about Gia and then after some time had passed and Jackie’s audience changed, she walked it back, which is something very different from not having put something out there in the first place.  To use another analogy, that the difference between a newspaper printing the wrong story and then printing a retraction versus the newspaper just getting the story correct in the first place.  

I don’t think this is a distinction without a difference.  I think Jackie was holding “Gia does coke at parties” as her ace in the hole, I think Teresa was right in surmising that Jackie walked into that scene having already decided that if things didn’t go her way, she was going to say that about Gia (In addition to saying that she won and that Teresa wishes she had the life Jackie had), and when Teresa pushed that button by refusing to back down, Jackie hit her predetermined talking points.  I think Jackie really thought she was going to get Teresa to back down, and when she didn’t, Jackie pivoted to trying to incite Teresa so that she would act out physically, in order to expose Teresa as a circus ape, and thus, Jackie would have won by default if she couldn’t win directly.  I really don’t think Jackie thought out what the aftermath would look like if Teresa just called her a cunt and left.  Now she’s caught with her pants down, because she knows Margaret is not going to co-sign “Gia” and “coke” in the same sentence and Jackie is going to look like the villain, so DJ Jackie immediately begins spinning as soon as Teresa leaves Jackie with her hat in her hand.  

The big difference here, to me, is that the viewer has no idea whether Jackie would have back-peddled and told Margaret “I don’t know if it’s true” if the situation had gone her way.  One wonders why Jackie didn’t say “I don’t know if it’s true” in the initial altercation with Teresa if it was so inherent to the argument Jackie was trying to make.  

If I look even closer at Jackie’s words in the aftermath, “I don’t know if it’s true” is kind of a slippery “retraction” for Lawyer Lady, because she is still leaving it out there as a possibility, just the way that Teresa was leaving Evan’s cheating out there as a possibility right up to the end of the conversation.  Wouldn’t Lawyer Lady say, “there’s no truth to it that I am aware of” if she really wanted to put to rest any idea that Gia was actually sniffing white powder off tiny spoons?  Even in her “retraction,” Jackie is leaving the door open for speculation.  I see you Jackie.

Teresa said “I don’t know if it’s true” about Evan’s cheating.  And, subsequently, everyone is mad at Teresa.  But Jackie gets to say “I don’t know if it’s true” about Gia after the fact, and that’s not shady?  She has a reckless mouth.  She even had the same tone when she said she heard Gia is doing coke in the bathroom as she did when she said to Teresa two seasons ago, “Would your husband be in jail if you could control him?”  She throws statements out there for shock value and then has a sit-down with either Dolores (in the “jail” scenario) or Margaret in this scenario, where she reverts to this quietly reflective and flummoxed person who is suddenly all, “How do I navigate Teresa/how did she not know that was an analogy?” like she is some babe in the woods.  To tell Melissa, during her damage control tour, “my intent was not to hurt [Teresa]” was just an out-and-out lie.  

Now Jackie has a track record.  Now she has an MO.  Doesn’t mean Teresa is not wrong or that she didn’t play her own part—Teresa has her own serious accountability issues.  But Teresa’s out there on front street being completely messy and embarrassing.  Jackie is trying to spin this like she didn’t get into the muck and mire with Teresa, and that is the part I am not going to forget or unsee because now it’s a question of who am I going to believe, Jackie, or my lying eyes and ears?

Jackie did everything this episode to be the victim, to be the poor, misunderstood party.  Why didn’t she take an ounce of that energy and walk onto the bus before it headed to Lake George and just say, “first, Teresa, I just want to address the elephant in the room—I stated in a moment of anger that your daughter does drugs.  I made it up in retaliation and I’m sorry.”  Then she would have the moral high ground and she could have gone on the vacation with everyone having her back.  After the Gia/drug thing wrapped up, Jackie could have addressed the cheating rumors about Evan on the bus in front of everyone, and Teresa would have no place to hide, because every woman on that bus held the opinion that Teresa was wrong in some way, shape or form.  Teresa would have no wiggle room, and she would, in all likelihood have issued a counter apology, because otherwise no one would have been talking to her.  That is how you play this game as a boss bitch.  Cowering at home and hoping people take up your cause (the one you’re too reluctant to fight yourself) doesn’t even work in the real world, let alone on this dog eat dog show.  

Oh, this is a new tidbit I picked up on rewatch—Jackie is “tying to distract” her kids from the tension between Jackie and Evan, because Teresa brought up “his name” and “Evan is still so angry.”  Wouldn’t a normal, healthy marriage or partnership (the kind that causes Jackie to “win”) be based on empathy and compassion and wouldn’t the couple in question (both of whom signed up for this show) join in solidarity against Teresa regarding these supposedly untrue rumors?  I don’t know from a world where my frenemy says my husband is cheating and my husband gets mad at me.  Methinks there’s something rotten in the Goldschneider residence. 

I didn’t see anything remotely untoward about Frank and David going to the target range.  It’s a very mainstream form of stress relief/hobby.  I don’t see any contradiction between David being a doctor and firing a weapon.  The paper targets rarely sustain injury. 🤠

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20 hours ago, janiema said:

I had the opposite reaction watching Jen’s mother. She looks quite a bit younger than the father. Jen herself said she did not remember seeing much love between them and that her parents had an arranged marriage. I am thinking that mother has had to wait on this guy for a long time and has finally had enough. Father can now hang out at Jen’s house where someone else will wait on him.

I really enjoyed the segment with Delores and her mother. Even though Delores is in her 50’s her mom was still mothering her.

I love Delores' Mom!!!  She is just like so many Moms and Grandmothers I knew growing up in North Jersey.  She seems completely selfless and just so full of love for her children and grandchildren.  

And, I loved that scene between Delores and her Mom, too.  Delores looks great without (and with) makeup, and I love that her Mom doesn't try to get all "fancied up" (like Marge, Sr.).  She really seems totally down to earth.  Delores is lucky!  

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16 hours ago, stcroix said:

Ok, not to change the subject but when can we have an intervention with the Marge about her clothing choices? I mean, I was sweating out of every crevice watching her try not to have a nip slip in that nightgown/sweater combo. 

Margaret has some very questionable taste in clothing, home furnishings, wall coverings - it really is quite bizarre!  

Although, I think Margaret is a bit better in clothing choices for her body type than the Atlanta housewives, who are ALWAY falling out of their tops!!  

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What happened to the new Namaste Teresa? Where did the Yoga loving I learned so much in prison Tre go? She's back to being the inner bitch she's been hiding for the last season or two. 

Interesting that Jackie said that there was now tension between her and Evan. Maybe a little truth to that rumor? Is she worried about something? 

Delores gets surgery and doesn't tell her boyfriend until after? Just how often do these two see each other? It's so weird that he is so well liked by Dolores' ex and her kids but the relationship between the two of them is so strained.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:


Oh, this is a new tidbit I picked up on rewatch—Jackie is “tying to distract” her kids from the tension between Jackie and Evan, because Teresa brought up “his name” and “Evan is still so angry.”  Wouldn’t a normal, healthy marriage or partnership (the kind that causes Jackie to “win”) be based on empathy and compassion and wouldn’t the couple in question (both of whom signed up for this show) join in solidarity against Teresa regarding these supposedly untrue rumors?  I don’t know from a world where my frenemy says my husband is cheating and my husband gets mad at me.  Methinks there’s something rotten in the Goldschneider residence. 

I didn’t see anything remotely untoward about Frank and David going to the target range.  It’s a very mainstream form of stress relief/hobby.  I don’t see any contradiction between David being a doctor and firing a weapon.  The paper targets rarely sustain injury. 🤠

Agree the tension between Jacks and Evan indicates some kind of marital stench. Maybe Evan isn't quite as great of a guy as we've been led to believe.  Holding his wife accountable for what someone else says about him seems dickish to me. Can't stand jacks, but its not like she told tre he was cheating on her and then tre blabbed. A frenemy went after THEM, and that's who he should be angry with.

In my neck of the woods, the gun range is more popular than the golf course 

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The ladies really need to take a trip to the zoo and get to know they monkey/baboon section. Teresa is to the monkeys as a rock is to a boulder. See Tre? This is an analogy. Rocks and boulders are very much alike just like you are to a baboon in your actions and maturity. And because of my French Canadian heritage I get away  with this insult. Just joking but still.

Edited by Hockey Addict
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16 hours ago, J80134 said:

Jacks, what you won was a spot on the top of tre's shit list. Then you proved you can't handle being there by bailing on the trip. Your a mouse in a standoff with a cobra.

Spot on. I’m sorry but I can’t stand Jackie. She’s trying too hard to fit in. She’s always gonna be that overweight awkward teen to some degree. She’s so insecure with her hot husband it’s sad. And if it’s untrue why so upset? Her analogy was stupid.  Her buzz cutting in the driveway yet another boring scene and her desperate pleas to her kids “are you glad I stayed home” come off as pathetic. I hope she’s off the show next season. She doesn’t fit in at all. 

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1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

I love Delores' Mom!!!  She is just like so many Moms and Grandmothers I knew growing up in North Jersey.  She seems completely selfless and just so full of love for her children and grandchildren.  

And, I loved that scene between Delores and her Mom, too.  Delores looks great without (and with) makeup, and I love that her Mom doesn't try to get all "fancied up" (like Marge, Sr.).  She really seems totally down to earth.  Delores is lucky!  

Marge Sr is grotesque.  She looks desperate and sad.

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On 2/25/2021 at 7:22 PM, Stats Queen said:

Me either. Her whole attitude on the trip constantly bringing up Jackie when everyone else was just trying to make the trip work. Such a self-centered attitude.

I was reading an article in the NY Post that Teresa concocted this whole Evan is cheating thing in order to drum up drama and susbsequent fight scenes so that she would be able to secure her position as a Housewife next season. Apparently she's heard the producers are looking to offl load her and maybe one or two other long haulers and she thought if she started the season out with a big bang that would help keep her on the show. Isn't she the only original RHONY still on the show? Time to retire her...her schtick is getting old and boring.

7 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Spot on. I’m sorry but I can’t stand Jackie. She’s trying too hard to fit in. She’s always gonna be that overweight awkward teen to some degree. She’s so insecure with her hot husband it’s sad. And if it’s untrue why so upset? Her analogy was stupid.  Her buzz cutting in the driveway yet another boring scene and her desperate pleas to her kids “are you glad I stayed home” come off as pathetic. I hope she’s off the show next season. She doesn’t fit in at all. 

I hope Teresa is off the show next season.

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22 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I see what this is coming from, and I respect your interpretation, but i interpreted the bolded parts differently.  Last episode Jackie put out the coke rumor about Gia without saying it was an analogy or metaphor.

There's also editing, and that's really the bottom line. Jackie probably said "analogy" twenty-six times and we never saw it. Teresa couldn't find her own ass with two hands and a road map, so I'm not sure how anyone is expecting her to "get it," either.

Melissa didn't even finish her sentence when Jackie yelled "IT WAS AN ANALOGY." We know it was an analogy. Jackie literally never literally meant that Gia snorted cocaine. She was distraught about Teresa's shittastic behaviour and she messed it up when she confronted Teresa. Period. Jackie further fucked it up by not redirecting her analogy and then stupidly crowing about how she "won."

But she's right. Teresa has - and has had - a lady boner for Jackie's husband. Teresa was dry humping a wall at the lake house telling everyone who'd listen how much she needs to get laid. She brought up yet again how Jackie doesn't fellate her own husband, like not receiving fellatio automatically makes a man stick his dick in some rando's mouth at the gym. 🙄 Teresa is irrationally jealous of a woman who also has four kids but whose husband is adorable - one who didn't send her to jail - to the point that she tried to ruin his birthday party because she not only sucks but she hates her life and her situation. Teresa can get fucked (and not literally, either).

Edited by lightninggirl
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10 hours ago, J80134 said:

Agree the tension between Jacks and Evan indicates some kind of marital stench. Maybe Evan isn't quite as great of a guy as we've been led to believe.  Holding his wife accountable for what someone else says about him seems dickish to me. Can't stand jacks, but its not like she told tre he was cheating on her and then tre blabbed. A frenemy went after THEM, and that's who he should be angry with.

I've gotten the impression that Evan was okay with making an appearance or two over the last few seasons but didn't really want to be featured on the show. I feel like we hardly saw him during Jackie's first season and he was gradually getting more comfortable with it, especially after hanging out with the other husbands and filming lighthearted group scenes. To then realize that his wife's castmate was spreading rumors about him cheating at his birthday party with his real friends and family, and he was going to be part of a main plotline and have people speculating about his character on national TV and the internet for months... They willingly signed up for it, but I can get why he might have some misplaced anger at Jackie for putting their family in this situation. The TV show part of it has to go unsaid so they don't break the fourth wall, but as a private person myself, I kind of get it. 

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8 hours ago, Panda Bear said:

I've gotten the impression that Evan was okay with making an appearance or two over the last few seasons but didn't really want to be featured on the show. I feel like we hardly saw him during Jackie's first season and he was gradually getting more comfortable with it, especially after hanging out with the other husbands and filming lighthearted group scenes. To then realize that his wife's castmate was spreading rumors about him cheating at his birthday party with his real friends and family, and he was going to be part of a main plotline and have people speculating about his character on national TV and the internet for months... They willingly signed up for it, but I can get why he might have some misplaced anger at Jackie for putting their family in this situation. The TV show part of it has to go unsaid so they don't break the fourth wall, but as a private person myself, I kind of get it. 

Jackie mentioned that the source of the tension was that she'd invited people to her party, and one of them (Teresa) spread a foul, unsubstantiated rumor about the birthday boy. I'm inferring that maybe he just wanted friends & family there, and then Jackie OKd a Bravo camera crew and a bunch of weirdo harpies and their husbands/SOs to just roll in on his celebration. Add COVID and Teresa's shitass mouth to the mix, and he probably was side-eyeing her because none of that was necessary. We're really removed from what we see on our televisions, but I'd be waaaaay grumpy if I were Evan and that went down at my party.

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Jackie’s poor kids! She is discussing  housewife crap with them. I’m sure they are embarrassed. Also she did a bad job on their hair. I think Evan is more upset that fake lips announced she won’t give him a blow j.  She emasculates him.

Did Margaret get boobs because of Danielle Stabs insults about her boobs last year? How insecure!

Melissa is a terrible sister in law. 

Of course Jackass couldn’t leave the ladies in peace, she had to text everyone. What a loser!

Margaret dissing Teresa’s smarts. Isn’t Margaret the one with a ton of debt? 


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14 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

Teresa is irrationally jealous of a woman who also has four kids but whose husband is adorable - one who didn't send her to jail - to the point that she tried to ruin his birthday party because she not only sucks but she hates her life and her situation.

And don’t forget Jackie also has big “family money”. Whereas Teresa pretends it doesn’t bother her that the father of her four daughters sells sex toys for a living because her dear father would have approved of it bc “if you can make money then you should make money”

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23 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

What happened to the new Namaste Teresa? Where did the Yoga loving I learned so much in prison Tre go? She's back to being the inner bitch she's been hiding for the last season or two. 

Interesting that Jackie said that there was now tension between her and Evan. Maybe a little truth to that rumor? Is she worried about something? 

Delores gets surgery and doesn't tell her boyfriend until after? Just how often do these two see each other? It's so weird that he is so well liked by Dolores' ex and her kids but the relationship between the two of them is so strained.  

I could see tension between Jackie and Evan over her continued participation in a show that exploits rumor mongering about someone having affairs without providing names or places. Any husband in his right mind, who has a job or a business to protect and kids, would start to question whether it's worth risking all of this for the sake of a reality show.

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14 minutes ago, Never Again said:

And don’t forget Jackie also has big “family money”. Whereas Teresa pretends it doesn’t bother her that the father of her four daughters sells sex toys for a living because her dear father would have approved of it bc “if you can make money then you should make money”

Oddly enough, Teresa would be the first one to make a huge deal over someone else's spouse or ex spouse being a sex toy salesman. 

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18 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

There's also editing, and that's really the bottom line. Jackie probably said "analogy" twenty-six times and we never saw it. Teresa couldn't find her own ass with two hands and a road map, so I'm not sure how anyone is expecting her to "get it," either.

Melissa didn't even finish her sentence when Jackie yelled "IT WAS AN ANALOGY." We know it was an analogy. Jackie literally never literally meant that Gia snorted cocaine. She was distraught about Teresa's shittastic behaviour and she messed it up when she confronted Teresa. Period. Jackie further fucked it up by not redirecting her analogy and then stupidly crowing about how she "won."

But she's right. Teresa has - and has had - a lady boner for Jackie's husband. Teresa was dry humping a wall at the lake house telling everyone who'd listen how much she needs to get laid. She brought up yet again how Jackie doesn't fellate her own husband, like not receiving fellatio automatically makes a man stick his dick in some rando's mouth at the gym. 🙄 Teresa is irrationally jealous of a woman who also has four kids but whose husband is adorable - one who didn't send her to jail - to the point that she tried to ruin his birthday party because she not only sucks but she hates her life and her situation. Teresa can get fucked (and not literally, either).

Even if Jackie spelled out in big plastic letters that her example of Gia snorting coke was an analogy, Teresa has been dropped on her head one to many times to understand that. She does not have enough vocabulary skills or intelligence to have a sensible debate with anyone. I think she gets flustered because of this and she knows she is not a match for any of these women. Although i completely understand why Jackie woild be furious about Teresa's blabbering and then denying that she was spreading a rumour, I think Jackie kind of sticks it to her when she points out her educational level and insinuating that she is WAY smarter that T, and thus makes it impossible for T to comprehend anything after that. The way she has always reacted in most contentious situations is to operate in survival mode and go for the jugular. And she cannot let anything go, hence the fun trip. 

Margaret has the most horrific taste in decor and clothing. Instead of hiring barnacles like Lexi, she needs a designer and a stylist. At least she seems to have retired the pigtails. 

I don't find Melissa entertaining when she is drinking either. She is getting way too old for this behaviour. Same with Jennifer and i am sure their kids would be mortified.


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On 2/25/2021 at 3:46 PM, TattleTeeny said:

wonder how the hell I have never run into any of these people “in the wild”? My friends have, but not me!

LoL! Seriously! Being from NJ, I saw two of them. At a friend's wedding at the Brownstone, I saw Christopher Manzo. He kind of came in & looked around (I guess in a supervisory capacity to ensure the event was running smoothly?). Then a few years later, I saw Kathy's husband Richie at Bottle King in Wayne. We made eye contact in an aisle & I had no idea where the FREAK I knew him from! I told my husband "I know that guy but idk where from? Maybe he used to work in my building?" LoL..then I saw the yellow Ferrari(?) in the parking lot & several minutes later I realized where I knew him from.  I like to see episodes & try to guess at where they are in relation to places I know. But they're getting further & further away from anywhere I know like Wayne or anywhere in the vicinity. I don't even know where Tenafly is?? 

Edited by Kdawg82
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On 2/26/2021 at 10:02 AM, TV Diva Queen said:

what made me laugh is that she knew they were coming, she knew she always offers a cold brew, and yet nothing was ready for their arrival.  

Yes! & Where is Marge's house assistant?!? Marleney? She always had her. Now she ran around saying she's sweating from serving these women & there was this inexplicable absence of Marleney. Did I miss something? Did she retire? Was she absent due to COVID? & Marge must not be used to serving people- she was making cold brew glass-by-glass somehow.  She should've brought a pitcher on a serving tray with creamer & sugar on the side then glasses and those straws on a table and everyone could've even self-served & made it to their liking. The running back and forth was nonsense. All the while the camera showing tons of luggage piling up outside in the rain. It was a very disorganized convening. 

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53 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

Yes! & Where is Marge's house assistant?!? Marleney? She always had her. Now she ran around saying she's sweating from serving these women & there was this inexplicable absence of Marleney. Did I miss something? Did she retire? Was she absent due to COVID? & Marge must not be used to serving people- she was making cold brew glass-by-glass somehow.  She should've brought a pitcher on a serving tray with creamer & sugar on the side then glasses and those straws on a table and everyone could've even self-served & made it to their liking. The running back and forth was nonsense. All the while the camera showing tons of luggage piling up outside in the rain. It was a very disorganized convening. 

I would guess Marleney wasn't on the premises that day because her past appearances have shown she clearly loves having the camera on her.  What I was thinking during that scene was no wonder the house remains unfinished since Marge was treating Joe like he was hired help.  It was all, Joe do this, Joe get that.  It must be tough to complete construction in that house if he is on constant call for whatever she needs or wants.  

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39 minutes ago, ichbin said:

I would guess Marleney wasn't on the premises that day because her past appearances have shown she clearly loves having the camera on her.  What I was thinking during that scene was no wonder the house remains unfinished since Marge was treating Joe like he was hired help.  It was all, Joe do this, Joe get that.  It must be tough to complete construction in that house if he is on constant call for whatever she needs or wants.  

I’m surprised Joe still likes Margaret. She seems so bitchy to him all the time.

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If this is going to be another season of Tree trying to take down Melissa & dismantle her marriage, I'm NOT here for it. I'm not saying I'm a fan of Melissa but she's a titch better than Tree in the not being too malicious area. I'm enjoying Jennifer finally.  I've always enjoyed Marge but yes she's tacky.  And Delores is a treat. I enjoy seeing the dynamic of her, the kids, David & Frank. Her mom is so sweet! I'm jealous. She has time and love and energy for ALL grandkids.  She's equally obsessed with them all. I've never experienced that. Even the love for Delores- you can see an adult mutual respect friendship now between mother & daughter.  

Jackie is hitting out of her league. I wouldn't mind her leaving. She doesn't add much value for me. Tree should retire too. 

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On 2/27/2021 at 2:31 PM, BrownBear2012 said:

I could see tension between Jackie and Evan over her continued participation in a show that exploits rumor mongering about someone having affairs without providing names or places. Any husband in his right mind, who has a job or a business to protect and kids, would start to question whether it's worth risking all of this for the sake of a reality show.


Thats my thoughts too. Evan could have assumed Jackie signed up to go on trips for the women to talk about each other's plastic surgeries and stuff. Not that his birthday would be turned into a scene of he's cheating rumors to be spread. However he should be watching the show once his wife got on. Bill got brought in to cheating accusations and Bill/Jens anniversary party was used as confrontation event between Marge and Danielle. I still love Bill and Jen were off enjoying their party to have not known until the end. But maybe he has been objecting continuing with the show but Jackie is insistent and its not worth refusing to film. While Joe Gorga would love a tag in the opening, I don't think the other husband's do (well maybe Frank.)

Being on HW maybe could help Bill get patients who are wannabe RHWs. But Evan is in high finance, right? This has make some people take him less seriously. 

Edited by Gigi43
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I.  Do.  Not.  Care.  if.  the.  OTHER.  HO’ wives.

     Twirl around and all about into everlasting pettiness. i want that petty pernicious dangerously narcissist, POS, Teresa Giudice off TheShow  EVEN  if TheShow Fails in a Flame-out so intense it rivals the solar power of Our Sun. 
She’s a felonious, dumbazz, vindictive caricature who only has  BRAVO’s™️  
2   - cents  to rub together.

She is a PiG🐷.

Let her go root elsewhere.


Nothing (much) wrong with Melissa. She’s just married to The  OTHER  🐷 PiG  within That distinct nuclear  SWiNE  familia.

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2 minutes ago, AnnaMayWong said:

I.  Do.  Not.  Care.  if.  the.  OTHER.  HO’ wives.

     Twirl around and all about into everlasting pettiness. i want that petty pernicious dangerously narcissist, POS, Teresa Giudice off TheShow  EVEN  if TheShow Fails in a Flame-out so intense it rivals the solar power of Our Sun. 
She’s a felonious, dumbazz, vindictive caricature who only has  BRAVO’s™️  
2   - cents  to rub together.

She is a PiG🐷.

Let her go root elsewhere.


Nothing (much) wrong with Melissa. She’s just married to The  OTHER  🐷 PiG  within That distinct nuclear  SWiNE  familia.

I admire you for voicing your very strong opinion. 

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I started out Team Jackie, because technically, I think she's correct.  But I have fully changed my mind, because as Marge pointed out, she didn't know her audience.  I don't care if she had said "This is an ANALOGY this is NOT TRUE this is an EXAMPLE I am MAKING UP only to PROVE A POINT - what if as an ANALOGY I asked about a HYPOTHETHICAL rumor that is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE about Gia doing coke in the bathroom?"  It still wouldn't have worked.  Teresa is both excruciatingly stupid and simultaneously quite shrewd. While I truly believe she is literally too stupid to understand that she is wrong and a hypocrite to boot, she knows better than to ever give an inch of ground on whether or not Jackie took out a signed declaration that she personally watched Gia doing coked and knows for a fact it's true.  Tre will never, ever give an inch on this subject, and that's why I can't be Team Jackie, because Jackie gave Tre the bone she is going to work all season long.

It's just painful to watch Teresa because she is truly dense.  She literally doesn't understand that she was spreading rumors at Evan's party.  She doesn't understand that saying "as a wife I would want to know" makes no fucking sense because A) we have seen you freak the fuck out at someone saying your husband might be cheating (and with a lot more evidence), and B) you told everyone BUT Jackie about this rumor.  I think she may be my least favorite among the housewives just because of absolute and utter denseness.  It's not interesting to watch anyone argue or debate with her, because she is just in a different world and doesn't allow any information to filter through that might force her to reconsider. 

It's frustrating because in Tre's head, Jackie saying something about Gia RETROACTIVELY makes what Tre said about Evan ok.  And honestly, they aren't even in the same ballpark - first, Teresa came to a celebration for Evan in his own fucking home and decided THIS is the time to start this rumor - and for the record, I think she is making this up entirely.  I don't think there's any smoke - there wasn't a single nibble from anyone we saw at the party with her going around asking everyone.  And not only did she come to his home and his party, but personally, I find a married father who cheats on his spouse to be WORSE THAN a college student who does a few lines at a party.  But with one dumb analogy, it's now all about what Jackie said, instead of what Teresa said, I just don't know if I can take a whole season of it.

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Well for those who are saying that Jackie should have known better, and therefore it's her fault, I have to ask the question.  What should she have done differently that would have resulted in an apology from Teresa?  And why does Jackie's misstep about how she handled things somehow absolve Teresa and her role in starting the situation to begin with? 

Let's consider this.  

TRE showed up at Evan's birthday party, where she was welcomed by both Evan and Jackie (sidenote: I think part of the problem started there, I don't think she liked the "are you dating, Evan has somebody!" question for some reason - I don't know why but her reaction didn't look right).  

TRE started the rumor about Evan cheating at the party.  First by talking to Melissa, then by talking to Marge, then by, according to one of Jackie's guests, talking to non-members of the show.  

JACKIE heard about what happened and called Tre head-on to discuss it.  Let's give credit here.  She did exactly what she should have done.  She didn't run around to the cast flipping out, causing drama, she went right to the source.  

During the conversation, JACKIE lays out why she is upset - she is upset on behalf of her husband, her husband is hurt, why would you do this who told you this stuff.  Again, I  don't think Jackie did anything wrong here. She was direct, she explained herself articulately, she called on Tre to put up or shut up.  

At that point TRE starts on her typical Teresa defense:  "You should be confident!"  "I've had this happen therefore, maybe it could happen to you!"  "I won't tell you who told me this accusatory statement, it's what I heard!"  This is all things we've seen before in ridiculous Teresa arguments, it's nothing new.  

At that point, Jackie gets angry and frustrated and throws out the Gia "analogy" and it unravels from there.  That's where Jackie was wrong -- and I'm sorry but that doesn't make the  situation JACKIE'S fault or put JACKIE in the wrong.  She didn't start this mess, Teresa did.  She didn't approach Teresa guns blazing.  She didn't attack back, she gave Teresa opportunity to correct herself.  So while the Gia analogy statement was crossing a line for Teresa, how about the fact that Evan cheating statement was crossing a line for Jackie?  I get that people don't like Jackie, that's fine.  But that doesn't make Teresa RIGHT, no matter how much you like her and I'm having trouble understanding where Teresa did anything RIGHT in this situation.

Perhaps Evan should have called Teresa directly himself and said WTF to her.  Afterall, he was really the wronged party here, and quite honestly, Tre probably would stumbled her way into a corner with that one.  

Or perhaps instead of asking Tre where she heard it from, asking her to take it back, etc. Jackie should have asked Teresa to explain what she was thinking sharing that information in that setting to other people?

But that's coming from the standpoint of having watched the argument and getting to think about what should have been done differently.  In the moment?  I come back to simply not understanding where Teresa did anything RIGHT to justify "Team Teresa." 

People can go back and forth on debating whether there is merit to Jackie making such an analogy, or whether she presented it as an analogy or not, or whatever.  I don't get how there's any debate on whether or not what Teresa was wrong.  

And let's not go back to last season or Jackie's first season.  According to Tre they had made up and were good.  According to Jackie they had made up and were good.  So let's go by what they say - "they are good."  So why would you do that to somebody who you are good with to begin with?    

Edited by BrindaWalsh
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4 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:


Perhaps Evan should have called Teresa directly himself and said WTF to her.  Afterall, he was really the wronged party here, and quite honestly, Tre probably would stumbled her way into a corner with that one. 


Ding, Ding, Ding! This is the winner. A call from Evan would have made T’s entire life and she would have tripped all over herself apologizing to him right away. As apologies are increasingly as difficult for her as understanding analogies, this could have been hilarious.  Further, he could have even demanded an apology specifically for Jackie. I can just hear Teresa responding in her nasally voice.  “ Okay.. Is that it. You want me to apologize to Jackieeeee?” “Fine, Evan I will make it right and apologize. Thank you for calling me. That was sooo nice. Can you believe it, Gia, Evan called... me...on my phone. Mio Dio.“

Jackie lost a major opportunity to be the wronged party and sacrificed an apology sit down scene after scene a la Rhobh with her stupid analogy. Now, Teresa has flipped the script and she is the aggrieved party. 



Edited by Rambunctiouscurls
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13 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Well for those who are saying that Jackie should have known better, and therefore it's her fault, I have to ask the question.  What should she have done differently that would have resulted in an apology from Teresa?  And why does Jackie's misstep about how she handled things somehow absolve Teresa and her role in starting the situation to begin with? 

You have to understand we are living in Bizarro-land.  I the real world, I would be on Jackie's side.  However, this is Teresa land and it is an alternate reality.  As soon as Jackie said "gia" it was game over.  I'm mad at Jackie and blaming her for giving Tre the bone she's not going to let go of all season long.  I'm normally extremely, incredibly, over-the-top against any sort of victim blaming, but here?  I'm blaming the victim.  Because now to listen to an entire season of Tre screetching about HER DAUGHTER being ACCUSED of doing DRUGS.

I'm the real victim here.

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I must say and it gives me little lot of pleasure but I called it! re Teresa having the hots for Evan in last week’s thread. I just *knew* she is operating from  the kindergarten maturity level. Pick on the husband you like so he can pay attention to you. Even grown men are still  quite versed at this “negging” in my experience.

Next episode she is throwing Melissa under the bus for her brother’s attention. Whether it’s productive or any good for anyone, doesn’t matter. Although Melissa irritates me at a visceral level and I am tired of the family arguments, I am not looking forward to that at all. 

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17 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

According to Tre they had made up and were good.  According to Jackie they had made up and were good.  So let's go by what they say - "they are good."  So why would you do that to somebody who you are good with to begin with?    

I didn’t catch Teresa saying she was good with Jackie, but maybe Teresa is like Lisa VanderPump and she has to be “really fucking good” to move on.  😳

I’m not sure that very many are making the argument that Teresa is “right,” as if it’s binary and only one person in a two-person argument can be “right” and the other one must be “wrong.”  I think they’re both wrong, but Jackie more so, and I’m on Teresa’s side, which is not the same as asserting that she is right.  I will explain why below.  

17 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

And let's not go back to last season or Jackie's first season.

If the challenge is not to go back in seasons to defend Teresa vs Jackie and to just stick to the facts of this season...that certainly is a challenge, but I’m not going to take it, because seasons 9 and 10 are relevant to me with regard to how I view the principals in this battle.  

The thing is, I just rewatched the whole series for a reason—not to forget, but to put the pieces together and understand.   As viewer and not as a proxy for Teresa, I am like a cop reading the Miranda warning:  “Everything you say can and will be held against you.”  I can’t forget, nor do I want to, that it came out at the season nine reunion that Jackie stood in line at Teresa’s book signing and fan-girled her (and then Jackie denied the substance of it, whilst admitting she was there, which is Classic Jackie).

Most all of the people I knew since this thing began airing in 2009 didn’t watch it and didn’t care about it.  Teresa was not Beyoncé, aka she was not someone that mainstream America reflexively wanted to come into contact with because she’s a part of pop culture.  Teresa was a reality tv personality who flipped a table in a restaurant because someone told her to “pay attention.”  Yet Jackie deliberately sought this out.   Teresa’s first book, Skinny Italian, was published in 2010.  So, a the very least, Jackie knew Teresa was a table-flipper when she waited in line to meet Teresa and get her book signed.  She probably also knew that Teresa chased Danielle down at the country club, dropped Andy into a chair, and went for Danielle at the reunion, all of which we the viewing public learned summer 2010.  

So Jackie genuflected for Teresa after she’d exhibited the behavior Jackie claims to reject, scratched and fought to be on a show with her, and then as soon as Teresa didn’t act the way Jackie expected Teresa to act—as soon as Teresa acted like Teresa—Jackie went for Teresa more than once in an attempt to IMO take Teresa down as the queen bee and make herself that person.  None of that sits right with me.  So even if Teresa claimed to be “good” with that, I’m not.  

17 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

simply not understanding where Teresa did anything RIGHT to justify "Team Teresa." 

For me, “Team Teresa” didn’t occur in a vacuum.  In the eleven months since this show went off the air and came back, the cultural milieu has changed dramatically.  Since this show went into break after season 10, people have been demanding that I apologize, whether implicitly or explicitly, for just being me, for where I live, for who I am, for how I was born, when I didn’t do a damn thing wrong to any person, let alone an entire group, and I am completely fucking done with this apology culture.  For life.  So when I was rewatching the season 10 reunion just a few months ago, I assessed which one of these women were least likely to apologize for their “privilege” and all signs pointed to Teresa, and I decided that this is the horse I’m backing.  This transcends spreading rumors about Evan at his birthday party in an outdoor parking lot.  This is about taking a stand about where we are going and where we are going to come out as a society.  

And just as I am completely convinced that Teresa would be the last one to apologize for her “privilege”, I think that Jackie would be second (only to Margaret) to apologize for same.  Jackie constantly slouching around looking for an apology (whether she deserves one or not) reminds me of a SJW, and I am just not going to buy into that.  Maybe in early 2020 I would have, but not in 2021.  

I’m saying this in case anyone was earnestly wondering why people defend Teresa, which is what I was getting from the OP—a question seeking an answer.  If I thought it was rhetoric, I would not have responded.  

This doesn’t mean I have defended or will defend everything Teresa did or does.  Tom Brady is my favorite football player.  If he throws an interception, I’m not going to go around demanding a flag for holding on the other side.  I go into every episode with a fresh set of eyes, but I’m also carrying a metaphorical history book of what happened both on and off this show in my back pocket, and I don’t think that methodology is flawed.  I think that is the only sane way for me to proceed at this time.  

I’ve thought long and hard about this, but it’s also a gut thing, so anyone can feel free to sling any arrows or straw man arguments my way (“so you’re on the side of a criminal because you reject apologist culture????”). In short, yes I am, and for that I make no apologies. 😇

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If I may (and let me preface this by saying this is not argumentative, just discussion because you said a couple of things that I found interesting)


I didn’t catch Teresa saying she was good with Jackie, but maybe Teresa is like Lisa VanderPump and she has to be “really fucking good” to move on. 

I walked away from the reunion last season with the impression that both Jackie and Teresa had made full amends - including for the walk like a duck comments, I could be wrong.  But to your point, I think that yes, Teresa has to be "really fucking good" to move on.  She does not let things go, and we've seen that time and time again.  So even if she said she was good, history has proven that doesn't mean much.  People have outright said "I've apologized, you accepted my apology, why are we back here" and her answer been "well I thought about it and it bothered me, and it's shifted how I think/act about you" -- so either Tre can't let things go, OR she's accepting an apology and moving on before she is truly ready and not communicating that well.


So Jackie genuflected for Teresa after she’d exhibited the behavior Jackie claims to reject, scratched and fought to be on a show with her, and then as soon as Teresa didn’t act the way Jackie expected Teresa to act—as soon as Teresa acted like Teresa—Jackie went for Teresa more than once in an attempt to IMO take Teresa down as the queen bee and make herself that person.  None of that sits right with me.  So even if Teresa claimed to be “good” with that, I’m not.  

Well, hold on there because I do think you're making some assumptions.  We know that 1) Jackie was a fan of the show and 2) she went to a book signing and 3) posted the picture with Teresa on her own social media.  What we don't know is why Jackie liked the show (she could have LOVED Caroline for all we know, or maybe she was an early Danielle fan.  We don't know that she scratched and fought to be on the show, she clearly wanted to be but scratched and fought lends itself to a certain degree of desperation and I'm not sure we should classify it in that way.  But you raise a good point - had she watched the show, she should have known how Teresa would react to certain things and yes, I do agree that she thought she would be a natural "hit" in the housewives world just because of who she is.  


For me, “Team Teresa” didn’t occur in a vacuum.  In the eleven months since this show went off the air and came back, the cultural milieu has changed dramatically.  Since this show went into break after season 10, people have been demanding that I apologize, whether implicitly or explicitly, for just being me, for where I live, for who I am, for how I was born, when I didn’t do a damn thing wrong to any person, let alone an entire group, and I am completely fucking done with this apology culture.  For life.  So when I was rewatching the season 10 reunion just a few months ago, I assessed which one of these women were least likely to apologize for their “privilege” and all signs pointed to Teresa, and I decided that this is the horse I’m backing.  This transcends spreading rumors about Evan at his birthday party in an outdoor parking lot.  This is about taking a stand about where we are going and where we are going to come out as a society.  

So nobody owes an apology for shitty behavior ever again because of taking a stand against apology culture?  Where do you draw the line your line?  Does apology culture simply erase the moral compass?  

Good lord.  The RHONJ just brought me to this philosophical question.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This shit isn't that deep.  

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On 2/25/2021 at 12:04 PM, TV Diva Queen said:

petty department:  I would rather NOT drink a cup of coffee than use that powdered Carnation stuff that tre was dumping in her coffee.  Maybe its a diet thing - I don't know, but my coffee w half and half is non negotiable.  

She’s classy as fuck😂

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On 2/26/2021 at 2:26 PM, BrownBear2012 said:

THIS! And the biggest enabler and "caterer" to Teresa is Andy Cohen.

I'm not even going to write the novel I have in me to disprove this statement as a day-one viewer. Did anyone watch seasons 3-5?  The season 4 reunion? Tre has never been catered to in any way, shape, or form. This is a business relationship and Andy keeps her because she brings ratings.  He clearly doesn't like her.

He brought her sister-in-law, brother, and cousin on the show to destroy her family and gang up on her. That was literally the express purpose of their casting. 

I think what really chaps some people is that Tre can actually face a pile-on and handle it. It doesn't crush her. Across other franchises, I've seen some pretty princesses catered to - Vicks, LVP, Bethenny Frankel. B was the worst offender on that front. 

And no one on the show caters to her either. They're bending over backwards to excuse Jackie's "analogy after the fact" - I'll now refer to it as AATF  because they all know Tre was wrong to spread that rumor and NO ONE has given her a pass on it. This show still takes place in some level of reality, unlike NYC where cast members to production went out of their way to enable and kiss the Maw of Frankel. Even Jen and Dolores told Tre to make it right with Jackie. No one has pulled punches. 

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20 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Well for those who are saying that Jackie should have known better, and therefore it's her fault, I have to ask the question.  What should she have done differently that would have resulted in an apology from Teresa? 

Oh my, Jackie is dumber than Tre if she thought Tre was EVER going to apologize. You cannot demand an apology from someone. Nor can you force anyone to say something or retract if they don't want to. 

Tre doesn't roll like that. If Jackie wanted to, she could have put on her big lawyer pants and slapped Tre with a slander suit. 

I get why Jackie was mad, but you're not entitled to say or do anything you damn well please to get one apology. What was shown in episode 1 (I don't know how it was edited but I do not care) was not an analogy. Jackie made her intent clear in episode two, but what she said to Tre in the moment was not a clear analogy. She spun it as such to Marge afterward, and even more clearly to Mel the next day. But that's not what came out of her mouth in the first ep, and I'm not co-signing it just because Tre was wrong. Rumors about infidelity are low-hanging fruit in Ho-wives world, and Jackie absolutely knew about the show before she came on, so she can miss me with her perpetual victimhood. She's been a nasty bitch to Tre many times, and to Jennifer, and skates by only because she's too fucking boring to think this hard about. Ugh, I'm mad at Tre for saying it just because Jackie has dominated the conversation for weeks. 

Edited by thesupremediva1
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7 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I'm not even going to write the novel I have in me to disprove this statement as a day-one viewer. Did anyone watch seasons 3-5?  The season 4 reunion? Tre has never been catered to in any way, shape, or form. This is a business relationship and Andy keeps her because she brings ratings.  He clearly doesn't like her.

He brought her sister-in-law, brother, and cousin on the show to destroy her family and gang up on her. That was literally the express purpose of their casting. 

I think what really chaps some people is that Tre can actually face a pile-on and handle it. It doesn't crush her. Across other franchises, I've seen some pretty princesses catered to - Vicks, LVP, Bethenny Frankel. B was the worst offender on that front. 

And no one on the show caters to her either. They're bending over backwards to excuse Jackie's "analogy after the fact" - I'll now refer to it as AATF  because they all know Tre was wrong to spread that rumor and NO ONE has given her a pass on it. This show still takes place in some level of reality, unlike NYC where cast members to production went out of their way to enable and kiss the Maw of Frankel. Even Jen and Dolores told Tre to make it right with Jackie. No one has pulled punches. 

We'll have to agree to disagree..."Tre" as you call her, is no shrinking violet but with out family drama who would even watch her or this show? Her fights and feuds with her cousins and in laws are all she has. Andy has catered to her...he allowed her and scumbag ex husband to continue to be on the show after they were found guilty and sent to jail. He treats her just fine at the reunions. She's boring now...the yelling, the cursing...its just old and tired. She got a lot of mileage out of this show especially for someone with no talent or intellect. And I might add...I do feel some compassion for her...when she started on this show she had a full house, two parents who were a part of her and family's life and and a husband. Now her husband is gone and her parents are both dead...that's gotta be a little rough to deal with sometimes. 

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On 2/25/2021 at 12:04 PM, TV Diva Queen said:

petty department:  I would rather NOT drink a cup of coffee than use that powdered Carnation stuff that tre was dumping in her coffee.  Maybe its a diet thing - I don't know, but my coffee w half and half is non negotiable.  

Right??? I was shocked to see her dump that fake stuff in her coffee. Eccchh....I've had a lot of Italian friends in my life and I never saw them put anything but cream or half and half in their coffee. Maybe she got hooked on it while she was in prison. It seems like the kind of thing they would have at the prison dining hall.

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I believe the relationship between Tre & Andy is somewhere in the middle...

Tre brings the ratings because, let's face it, many people can't look away from a train wreck.🙄

Andy secretly wants her gone, but if Tre's bringing in ratings (and therefore sponsors), that equals LOTS of money in Andy's pocket.🤑

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