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The View: Week of January 4, 2021

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On 1/3/2021 at 1:20 PM, raven said:

A reminder - if you all want to get into a discussion about Meghan's personality, take it to her topic. 

Did she get one for Christmas?


1 hour ago, Pearson80 said:

Sunny saying that Hillaria took up space for a Latina is absolutely false.


Wait a second, Pearson. Are we sure Alec Baldwin doesn't choose his wives based on some sort of quota?


41 minutes ago, After7Only said:

She was on the cover of a Latina magazine.  She was portraying her self as a Latina.  And having her content in the Latina magazine did take away from other Latina stories that could have been told.  


More seriously, I think the above is what Sunny had in mind.

Well, I see the boil is back on the butt of this show. I forgot it was on today, until I saw it trending on Twitter. Is it worth finding on YouTube? 

Edited by General Days
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19 minutes ago, After7Only said:

she was on the cover of a Latina magazine.  She was portraying her self as a Latina.  And having her content in the Latina magazine did take . away from other Latina stories that could have been told. 

Thank you for explaining that part of it.   I had never heard of Hilaria Baldwin before.  I did read that her parents lived is Spain for a while, but that they were not of Spanish descent.  People knew her in high school said she was a typical American white girl with no accent.  She re-invented herself as immigrating here at 19, and used an accent.  All of that is OK, silly, but who cares?  but not going on TV and doing a magazine interview portraying herself as someone she is not. 

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MeAgain mentions how great Sunny has been to her, including 2am phone calls, and never once said "thank you" on the show. Color me surprised. 

She also thinks that people are going to start to talk about "the type of maternity leave that Meghan McCain got" because THAT is the ONLY disparity in the system. It's definitely not the fact that she was in the hospital for one week and undoubtedly never once thought, "gee, what do other women do when they don't have access to health insurance, doctors or the finances to stay healthy once they've given birth?"


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2 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Sunny and I are usually on the same page but she is absolutely wrong about Hillaria.  People from Spain are White and they never call themselves Latino or Hispanic. Latino and Hispanic are American labels.  Not even people who live in Latin America call themselves that in their native lands.  They identify as Colombian. Venezuelan, Peruvian, e.tc.  Sunny saying that Hillaria took up space for a Latina is absolutely false. She pretended to not be a native born American and lied about being a Spaniard.  She could have pretended to be a Swedish, Russian French or Finnish. All this backlash against her is so stupid.  It was interesting how Whoopie, Joy and Sara had that point of view while Megan and Sunny were appalled like it was the worst thing ever.


This reaction by Sunny and others is much ado about nothing. If she said she was from Canada, Italy, Germany - I doubt very much there would be such backlash towards her. It's ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, After7Only said:

She was on the cover of a Latina magazine.  She was portraying her self as a Latina.  And having her content in the Latina magazine did take away from other Latina stories that could have been told.    


That's on the editors, not her. They chose her for the cover story, they chose to interview her. They should have done their homework more diligently and found out her true history  -  the way it has come out in the past few days via social media.

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13 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

This reaction by Sunny and others is much ado about nothing. If she said she was from Canada, Italy, Germany - I doubt very much there would be such backlash towards her. It's ridiculous.

I think the fact that she also went on a morning show to cook and pretended to not know what a cucumber was called in english might have something to do with the backlash  "what doo you call theese?  a cookumber?".  She carried this farce pretty far.  

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Also, this trend of people pretending to be a minority when they're not--Rachel Dolezal, Jessica Krug, and now allegedly Hilaria Baldwin--is very strange and troubling to even me, a white person. I'm not surprised that people of color are even more disturbed by these stories because they seem to suggest very cynical and almost Machiavellian attitudes toward race on the part of some white people. 

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18 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

I think the fact that she also went on a morning show to cook and pretended to not know what a cucumber was called in english might have something to do with the backlash  "what doo you call theese?  a cookumber?".  She carried this farce pretty far.  

Which begs the question why.  At some point she is probably going to write a book or do an apology tour and explain it.  I wish I didn't know so much about this story.  I feel like I should spending my time following something else.

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First, I had to take a breather just listening to her several minute soliloquy on whatever...she’s learned to talk even faster on leave apparently. I had trouble keeping up!  So when she gave birth was the first time she realized why people have been fighting for paid maternity leave...really?  Cause it’s been an issue and something Dems have been asking for for years.  I don’t understand someone who cant empathize with an issue until they are affected by it.  And I’m not giving Ivanka much credit either..the federal governments policy was changed and she gave lip service to the concept but the change came because Dems held a bill hostage for it and ivanka s idea was some type of use your child tax credits early and then you’d get lower tax credits later on.  So you’re actually paying for your own leave.  40 years ago when I had my first, forget paid leave and even much unpaid leave...you got 4 weeks total and if your doctor signed a note, you got an extra two weeks!  The only reason so many think the election was a fraud is because trump keeps telling people that without evidence....they created the problem and then try to use it as an excuse.  Like the kid who kills his parents and then asks for mercy because he’s an orphan.  Sara made some sense.  And Sunny was right about election tampering.  

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1 hour ago, LetsStartTalking said:

That's on the editors, not her. They chose her for the cover story, they chose to interview her. They should have done their homework more diligently and found out her true history  -  the way it has come out in the past few days via social media.

Id be curious to see what box she checks.  On anything. I think that would show her true inner self and what she thinks of herself

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3 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Megan's rants about paid maternity leave left me cold. I wish somebody on the panel namely Joy had told her that the same people who want paid maternity leave also want universal healthcare.   She was triggered by Joy and called her a progressive leftist in a nasty tone like it was a bad thing. I expected her to call her a commie...Nutmeg would have fit in during the McCarthy era.. 

Yeah I'm confused. Meghan doesn't think healthcare is a right, but having a family is? And of course she never cared what mothers in this country go through until she became one. I don't get people like her-no empathy for those you can't relate to.

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Wrong MM...it’s time for the media to call it like it is...his advisors have talked about martial law, many experts have called it a coup, etc.  don’t pussyfoot around this...Sunny and joy are absolutely correct that this is illegal and intentional. MM suddenly wants everyone to play nice?  I assume MM didn’t want to actually talk about landslide elections since the only recent one was against her father.  There haven’t been landslide elections in several elections...definitely back to the Al Gore election. Whoopie  right.. I don’t recall  anyone saying respect the Democrats in 2016 because they lost.  Loved joy noting the fast talking...hard to understand MM today.  I see Whoopie needed another snack!  

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6 hours ago, After7Only said:

Sunny and I are usually on the same page but she is absolutely wrong about Hillaria.  People from Spain are White and they never call themselves Latino or Hispanic. Latino and Hispanic are American labels.

Emilio Estevez is one quarter Spanish, and yet he has been nominated for multiple ALMA awards, which are supposed to go to Latino performers.  That has always bugged me.

His father, who is only half Spanish, has also been nominated for a number of ALMA awards, and has won a number of Latino awards, including Imagen and Nostros awards.


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3 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

First, I had to take a breather just listening to her several minute soliloquy on whatever...she’s learned to talk even faster on leave apparently. I had trouble keeping up! 

It was like watching someone talk for the first time after being held in captivity and gagged for three months. The prisoner was finally released, and she had to tell the world all about her experience as quickly as she could, before she forgot something important.


My God, I was hoping Adam Glassman would pop up on Zoom and start hawking Oprah's favorite crap just to shut her up.

Edited by LetsStartTalking
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4 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

I think the fact that she also went on a morning show to cook and pretended to not know what a cucumber was called in english might have something to do with the backlash  "what doo you call theese?  a cookumber?".  She carried this farce pretty far.  

As Joy pointed out, Madonna pretended she was British for years, and no one said anything to her. Sure, there were plenty of jokes made behind her back, but no one confronted her about her sudden British accent in interviews face-to-face. Nobody questioned her - they just let her be and went along with it.  And she's an Italian-American who comes from Michigan.

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3 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

As Joy pointed out, Madonna pretended she was British for years, and no one said anything to her. Sure, there were plenty of jokes made behind her back, but no one confronted her about her sudden British accent in interviews face-to-face. Nobody questioned her - they just let her be and went along with it.  And she's an Italian-American who comes from Michigan.

True but everyone knew she wasn’t British and was just doing an accent.  With Hillary/hillaria she’s been doing this From the get go of her being known ( I.e. married to a celebrity) and has promoted herself in this way and she has a platform with a podcast, her Instagram stuff, etc.  For me the pretending not to know English that well (“ is it coook cumber?”) kind of put this over the top and in some ways made fun of people with accents and who don’t speak English as a first language in a sort of stereotypical way.  

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Normally I love Joy but she annoyed me with her defense if Hilary (I will not call her Hilaria). It's not the same as Madonna's accent, or that award she received, as Sunny pointed out; Hilaria led people to believe she was Spanish -- she had biographies that said she was born in Spain, she acted as though English was a foreign tongue, she said her parents didn't know how to pronounce Baldwin, and of course, there was the cucumber moment. She's a liar and she should be treated as such.

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I really think that Meghan's very long speech at the beginning was her way of derailing the show from any in-depth discussion of the political topic that makes her "team" look bad.   Instead SHE decides that the cause The VIew was going to take on for 2021 was paid maternity leave.  And she dismissed the idea of parental, or family leave that would include fathers.  MEGHAN alone will decide what the cause would be, don't add anything, Sara!   Whoopi did not seem happy to have Meghan take up the entire first segment with an issue that Whoopi and Joy have seen as important for decades.  I wonder if it was discussed ahead of time, that this was going to be their 2021 cause.  

I thought it was ridiculous that all of a sudden, this is an issue that concerns Meghan.  SHe doesn't understand that the republican party didn't back the idea, when they are the party of family values.   New Flash, Meghan!  "family values"  means women need a man to take care of them, so women don't need maternity leave, their role is staying home and raising children.  (I know, not ALL republicans, but this is part of the whole "family values"  thing) 

Though paid leave is certainly a good idea, it is also a bit complicated.  Smaller companies especially, might have some difficulty hiring women of child-bearing age, knowing they might leave for an extended time.  It wasn't too long ago that it was assumed that women quit their jobs when they got married (and some employers required it).  My first job out of college, 1978,  it was routine for women to be asked when interviewing, their plans for marriage and children, even whether they are using birth control.  if companies HAVE to extend family leave to women but not to men, some employers could go back to the days when they "prefer"  to hire men for certain positions.  That is why it is important that any laws about maternity leave are FAMILY leave, and include all parents, regardless of gender (or sexual orientation), and include time off when adopting a child.  

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Hilary Baldwin is cray, and elevated catfishing to a new level by meeting and marrying her prey. She reaped a book deal from her marriage and speaking engagements and TV gigs, many in Spanish media outlets.

She is a Kim Kardashian-Rachel Dolezal-Octomom hybrid who claimed for years that she was born and raised in Mallorca (where Catalan is the primary language) and moved to NY when she was 19. The truth is that her parents moved to Mallorca 10 years ago when they retired, when she was 26.

She speaks Spanish only in the present tense, never the past or future tense. A dead giveaway.

I wish they had gone into more detail on the show because the reveal gets bigger by the day.



Edited by suomi
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2 hours ago, suomi said:

I wish they had gone into more detail on the show because the reveal gets bigger by the day.

Yes, there is so much more than this than just what the show touched on.  Which is why this is my biggest problem with this show.  Don't introduce a topic to discuss if 1.)  You don't have the proper amount of time to dedicate to it or 2.) You know nothing about the topic or don't give a shit about it.

To anyone who is just now being introduced to Hilaria and only catching the little bits & blurbs about her, it seems like no big deal.  But a lot of people have unfortunately been aware of her and her twisted antics for years and know this shit goes deep and is much more serious than some silly sound bite comparing her to Madonna.  I've seen way more than my share of utterly bizarre yoga poses over the kitchen sink from her and probably about 200 photos of her breast feeding to know that she has some strange addictions that she needs to feed publicly and I don't even do social media.  It just lands on regular gossip sites and I see it.  This chick is whacked. 

Pasta, anyone?


A woman's work is never done!


Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.


I mean, seriously? lol. I'll spare you the 'posing in lingerie while holding the latest baby' shots.  But there's only about a million out there on google.  And why she had to pretend she was Spanish on top of it all is just crazy pants x 100.

Edited by Cementhead
to enthrall you all with these lovely photos.
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10 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I really wish they'd do more nonpolitical topics, because Sara's my favorite person for those. 

I'm no fan of Sara, mostly because she is wrong for The View not her as a person.

The View likely considers themselves the weekly version of "Meet the Press" so it is the political topics. They think they are great at them and then there is Meghan.

Well, it was a nice two and half months while Her Twatness was gone (I didn't start watching again until mid-October).

In addition to her speedtalk/talking over everyone else, while fastfowarding, this woman was blinking constantly. Like blinking while she talked. She looked like a wind up doll whose only feature was the blinking eyes.

She can just miss me with the "both sides" argument regarding refusal to provide paid maternity leave, as only one party has been in control of both houses for the majority of the past two decades, along with her selective and misinformed memory and throwing out misinformation.

And does she know every single person that voted for Trump that she can speak for them the reasons they voted for him? She just came off looking stupid, trying to look as if she has been "working" while on maternity leave, so she KNOWS, and everyone else is wrong.

She kept yammering, and it took nearly the whole show before Whoopi told he to basically shut up.

If only someone had the guts to ask her yesterday "So where's your 'I told you so!' you promised you'd give us?"

I swear, when Whoopi was welcoming Meghan back, the smile on Sara's face was one that freezes when you've been smiling all day and you're trying to keep said smile in place. Kind of like at my wedding many moons ago, there were so many pictures being taken, I felt the smile on my face had frozen-richter-like.

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I miss Ana so much.

What made me laugh is Sunny saying Pence should go back to Indiana and never go back, and Sarah quipping “Let’s not do that to Indiana!” 😂😂😂😂

Meg has got a Maleficent/Cruella DeVille look today. And here we go with the “this is all politics” bullshit. Meg, there’s politics and then there’s common sense and decency!

I feel so bad for baby Liberty. Poor little baby doesn’t stand a chance.

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15 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

And here we go with the “this is all politics” bullshit. Meg, there’s politics and then there’s common sense and decency!

I get pissed when I hear the excuse "it's just politics" when being used to describe things have a negative effect on real people with real problems.  People like Meghan think it's all a game. 

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