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S10.E10: Andi's Men Tell All

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How about putting on some socks, J.P.? Guys who wear suits without socks make my head hurt.


Also, it's good to see Chris Harrison is ultra-consistent with the Juan Pablo attacks. I guess the show felt the character assassination just wasn't complete yet.


JJ came across as a moron. Marquel still has no colour/pattern restraint. Andrew's name mixup is not going to help his reputation.

  • Love 4

The damn editing monkeys did it to me again. I TOTALLY fell for Harrison's voiceover saying you're pregnant to Andi. Then 3 seconds later a very pregnant Ashley comes out. (Sidenote: i hope they name their son Harrison!) I should know better! Then later Chris really DOES say it to her...as reported by the tabloids. UGh! Thus, I am not buying the "blood on the floor" and the ambulance and the handcuffs on the Bachelor in Paradise promo, but the crying--oh, so much crying!

Marquel and his cookie boutonniere!! I just can't even! I just adore him! It did seem like they were gauging audience feedback on Marquel or Chris for Bachelor, and sadly Chris got more cheers. I can only hope Chris hits it off with the girl from Montreal, and Marquel makes it through Bachelor in Paradise unblemished and with even more Bachelor Nation support.

It was also cute how they introduced the guys all wearing scarves.

Thank you,blooper reel, for the confirmation of the magnet on the boutonnieres!

What the bleep was with the letter?! I was waiting for the punchline... um... Ominous! But I have to remind myself: editing monkeys. But what would a letter at TMTA taping have any impact on the show...unless it's F2 who's going to ask for her to reconsider and give him a second chance at TMTA.

Edited by JenE4

I had to mute this several times tonight; there's only so much secondhand awkwardness I can take before becoming physically uncomfortable. When Andrew said the wrong name... yikes.


And ugh. What kind of calculated drama are they trying to make happen with that mysterious note at the very end? It's probably just a love note from her future husband.


Best things of the night were: 1) Marquel's cookie pin and 2) Brian's "Wait what did he say?!" moment when Chris mentioned the lie detector results. (Also, poor Marcus. No one wants their "number" announced on national television. That was low, even for this show.)


It was also cute how they introduced the guys all wearing scarves.

It's sad, but I didn't even recognize it was a gag until the camera zoomed out and showed all of them at once. I was just like, huh... a lot of these guys still like rocking the scarves.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 1
But what would a letter at TMTA taping have any impact on the show...unless it's F2 who's going to ask for her to reconsider and give him a second chance at TMTA.



I definitely think that was the implication the show wanted to convey with CH specifically stating that it was from one of her F2. It will be the big "dramatic" thing going into the live reunion show next week. 

  • Love 1

Well, that was basically a Bachelor in Paradise commercial, interrupted briefly by this season's guys.

It says something about how lame Andi is that the most compelling segment involved a dispute amongst the guys that had nothing to do with her.

I think Andrew is skeevy. But I also think the guys who are the most critical of JJ seem like pretty solid guys. So, who knows.

I loved how Marquel basically called out Andi by saying he didn't realize how open for business she was so early in the season. Heh.

I lost count of the "likes" from Andi, and she was only on for a few minutes. It's really extraordinary how inarticulate she is.

  • Love 7

I forgot about the show and tuned in about 15 minutes in and saw JP and Ashley having a real ultrasound on the show and quickly changed the channel. While I still think Ashley was one of the weepiest Bachelorettes ever, I do think she and JP are cute and I am happy for her that she found love from the show but yeah, I don't need to see their ultrasound on television. Just reading the short media stories from People magazine is more than enough. 


I did eventually turn back to the show and well it was pretty much the same as every other Tell All show - a complete and utter waste of time. There were a few cute moments here and there but for the most part, it's just a rehash of things that's already happened and half of the guys get ignored. I realized other Nick of the season almost pulled an Eric on Andi with his comments to her that he basically felt like when she was talking to him at times she couldn't be bothered. I do think Andi made a decent effort to get to know a number of the guys but at the end of the day she isn't some great actress (which is funny since Eric made the Hollywood actress comment) and she couldn't always hide when she had zero interest with some of the guys. 


I love that Marcus is still trying to sell this great love he had for Andi and this amazing heartbreak he went through with her sending him home yet 

he not only went straight to Bachelor in Paradise after being eliminated but is already engaged to someone else.

and not to mention we now know he was bullshitting about how many women he's slept with. I found Chris condescending and annoying at many points tonight, Andrew is still smarmy to me and while he may not have said exactly what JJ said he did, I don't believe he didn't say something obnoxious. His not even caring enough to know the difference between Ron and Marquel was telling imo - that little slip was a dead giveaway. That said, JJ is very shifty and oily. He also sucks at confrontations. 


eta: One cute moment - during the bloopers section where the showed the camera person basically crashing into something in Nick's parents' house and his stating that he made that for his mom in the second grade, so thanks. His face in that moment as all the plates kept crashing was hilarious.

Edited by truthaboutluv

That was painful to watch. Seriously, a live ultrasound? And then inviting the woman from the audience up on stage for a speed date? The whole rehash of what Andrew may or may not have said, how many times do they need to go through that? Marquel wants to get to the bottom of it, seems obvious that the bottom he is looking for is for Andrew to admit he said "blackies" to JJ. I couldn't believe Marquel was pissed off that Andrew didn't apologise for Marquel being offended by something Andrew insists he didn't say! And the guy is not allowed to be concerned for how the accusations affect his own life?

  • Love 8

I missed the beginning but did they ever get into the whole "Andrew asking for a waitress' phone number during one of the early group dates" thing?

Talk about telling.

I dont think the waitress' number came up at all.


The whole scene with Marquel and JJ and Andrew was totally uncomfortable to me.  We'll never know the truth.  But, after watching the back and forth, I'm beginning to fault JJ in the whole thing.  He seemed like the guilty party.


And, I get that Chris is a nice guy.  But, he does nothing at all for me.  Either way I wish him well.  

Edited by woodscommaelle

Meh, Chris as the next Bachelor does absolutely nothing for me.  I have been unenthusiastic about the lead Bachelors and Bachelorettes before, but my feelings for Chris go beyond low enthusiasm to more of a black hole of interest.  Personally, I was hoping Marcus would be next up, but since he's on Bachelor in Paradise, clearly that won't happen.  Good lord, I find that man so attractive that it's actually painful.  I kept having a "My So Called Life Moment" when they showed Marcus in the lower left while the playback of his rejection was on - he's so beautiful it hurts to look at him.  Aside from my vast lack of qualifying factors to be the Bachelorette, I would never make it in the lead spot if I had to look into a face like his and still speak coherently and behave like a normal person.  The last time I got this stupid googly assed moon-eyed watching this show was when Reid Rosenthal was on with Jillian.  But then he went on Bachelor Pad and totally destroyed all the feelings I had for him.  I hope Marcus doesn't do the same thing.


I absolutely did not believe what JJ had said AT ALL before, because I find him icky and slimy...until they showed the video of Andrew leaning over and whispering at exactly the moment JJ said he did during the rose ceremony.  Sure, we didn't hear what he said, but JJ would have to be incredibly sharp if what Andrew said was actually benign and he held on to it for weeks just to turn it into a lie about horrid racism later, and I don't think JJ is that sharp.  Anyway, I don't see how it benefitted JJ to bring it up - it wasn't one of those "Andi, I think you need to know what's being said by one of the guys who isn't here for the right reasons" sabotage moments, so I have come around to believing it, and when Andrew referred to RON instead of Marquel during his response?  Well, holy shit, was that ever horrifying. 


Marquel really does seem to be an A+ human being.  I had forgotten how much my heart broke during his farewell on the show when he said he was really looking forward to finding love.  It was one of the most genuine moments I think I've ever seen on reality television.  Like Marcus, I hope Bachelor in Paradise doesn't ruin him.

  • Love 5

Not only was the ultrasound creepy but they've known for some time they were having a boy.  It was reported in PEOPLE on April 14th.


As they were showing the ultrasound I was thinking, "Didn't I already read they were having a boy and not that recently?" It was reported three months ago? That's pretty shameless to play it off like a huge surprise. Also, I remember reading an interview with them in one of those celebrity mags, and IIRC, they said they were moving to Miami because of JP's job.

I watched a few minutes of this spectacle.  I believe Andrew may have said, she kept the black guys. Maybe; however, I will never believe he would ever say blackies.  Also, the waitress phone number was given to him, as there was nothing to it, they didn't re-hash it.   JJ skeeves me out. I like Chris since he told the truth on the lie detecter test. 

My only wish last week was for Chris to tell Andi, "Ees OK" when she sent him packing.  

She will get engaged to Josh for a few months and then quietly break up. He is a jock who reminds me of the jocks I knew in high school.  A few years later, they were nothings, all they had was their Glory Days.

  • Love 2

They barely spent any time of actual show stuff. How strange. Honestly I kind of wish they didn't even bring up the entire JJ and Andrew accusation. I was just so uncomfortable for all parties involved. I watch this show for fun and stupid fun and that was sad frankly.

That girl yelling out to meet Chris. Really? We are to believe that wasn't 100% staged? That girl was stunning but the bottom of her outfit looked like a diaper. IMO that was the first time farmer Chris looked uncomfortable. Why settle for one when you'll soon have 25?

Marcus, I still don't get it. He does nothing for me.

  • Love 3
The whole rehash of what Andrew may or may not have said, how many times do they need to go through that? Marquel wants to get to the bottom of it, seems obvious that the bottom he is looking for is for Andrew to admit he said "blackies" to JJ. I couldn't believe Marquel was pissed off that Andrew didn't apologise for Marquel being offended by something Andrew insists he didn't say! And the guy is not allowed to be concerned for how the accusations affect his own life?


This annoyed me to no end.  I thought it was bad to rehash it for many reasons, one of which is if Andrew didn't say it, he shouldn't keep being accused of it.  If he did say it, no one really knows, as I think JJ isn't very trustworthy (I agree with Chris it is a little odd he never actually confronts the person he is accusing...he just goes behind their back and says it to someone else out of the blue).  It also made me not like Marquel as he acted like he was all over it on the show, but clearly he is not over it.  I am sure he is a nice guy but this whole thing has kind of made me see him differently.  Just as he doesn't want to be called a blackie, I am sure others do not want to be accused of saying things that they might not have said.  

  • Love 8

I'm glad someone explained that was a cookie button (which itself still is something of a "wtf") - I assumed it was just part of Marquel's usual fashion schtick of looking like he got dressed in the dark, and him thinking his ensemble wasn't enough of an eyesore just having his socks and pants not remotely match his shirt. When did wearing more clashing patterns than a circus clown become a thing? I guess I'm old but the way these guys dress gives me a headache. Glad I don't have to deal with that for an entire season - the contingent of fools wearing red pants last night was enough for me.  

  • Love 1

It amazes me that the show was 25% done before they even got to this season's cast!  And I'll admit, I thought the "Harrison's face in the ultrasound" gag was cute; I just wish they had done a really silly, cheesy animation with it... have the head wagging back and forth with maybe a twinkle in its eye towards the end or something.  So far as the real ultrasound went, I can rarely see anything in those anyway.... except this time I saw lots of ribcage.


I wonder how long the Andrew v. Marquel exchange went on for.  Marquel really did seem like he wouldn't settle for anything other than Andrew saying that he made the comment in question, but all he really had to base that on was his trust of JJ.  Andrew and JJ both seem skeevy to me, so I don't know what to believe.

This show was pretty terrible, but being a junkie I'll take what I can get. The ultrasound was just WRONG. And then having Chris's face up there? Talk about a tired joke. I really wouldn't be surprised if they had cameras in the hospital while Ashley's giving birth. To all of her future children. Just move on, people. Move. On.


Bachelor in Paradise looks worse than Bachelor Pad, but I'm sure I'll watch anyway. Why do they keep bringing Chris B back though? He's not even good-looking and he's creepy as hell. I didn't like him the moment I saw him on Emily's season and he keeps turning up. Find some other source of drama, producers, please! Can't wait to see what crazy AshLee gets up to though. It's pretty sad she's still single and desperate. Seems whatever happened on the show has drawn Dylan out of his shell though. He seemed like a different person in this ep.


The whole Andrew thing was so boring. There was no reason to bring it up again when there's no solid proof of what he said or didn't say. Just more accusations and denial. JJ is so unlikeable to me though and I'm glad farmer Chris called him out on his BS behaviour. He looked absolutely terrified of being put on the spot, which means he's either a total coward and hates taking responsibility for his own actions OR he knows he was being dishonest about the whole thing in one way or another. Either option sucks. If you stir up shit then at least own up to it! He just looks like he wants to hide when the shit hits the fan. Andrew mixing up the names of two guys he was living with for weeks sure didn't help his plea of innocence, but I also don't see why Marquel thought he should be apologetic about something he claimed he didn't do. Yeah, if he was a proper friend then he could show some empathy, but the guy didn't even remember his name! So obviously he's gonna be mostly concerned about his own life and how being labeled racist is affecting it. I think it's understandable, though a bit shady to bring up, if he did indeed say what JJ claimed he did. I do still like Marquel though and it was cute how he brought cookies for the audience.


Chris getting a speed date was all kinds of awkward. I think he wanted to tell her to apply for the next season of the Bachelor. Why put all your eggs in one basket when you can have 25?


It's kind of sad that I was enjoying the show more before Andi came on. She just seemed so shrill and cold in her responses to the guys. I was wondering if they're wondering why they ever liked her so much. I definitely wish we'd heard what Josh lied about, because I have a feeling the number of women he's slept with is one of them. He's been so vague about his dating history and was so concerned about the lie detector test. Not that it's any of our business really. And if Andi picked him, then he probably would've thrown a fit if she'd gone back on her word about trusting him.


The letter must be from the one she dumped. I really hope it does cause some drama for ATFR, since it'll be another yawnfest otherwise.

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Did not enjoy that at all.  The JP and Ashley thing was annoying.  I don't  believe JJ.  While I don't like Andrew and think he's swarmy. JJ is quite gross and slimy. Also no longer like Marquel who used to be one of my favs. He had no right to tell Andrew he shouldn't be concerned how false accusations of racism could affect his life. Everyone else was meh. Even Chris, though I did like that he challenged JJ.

  • Love 4

My 2 unpopular opinions:

I liked the Ashley & JP ultrasound, and time spent with them.  They're a very cute couple and while I don't specifically follow them in social media, I was happy to see them on stage and get updates on their life together.  And what used to be considered private medical procedures are made more public every day.  I blame Katie Couric for getting that colonoscopy on-camera in 2000....*LOL*


I'm not a Marquel fan.  While I NEVER condone negative racial remarks, I don't understand the continuing outrage about an alleged comment to a 3rd person, over 4 months after the incident took place.  It seemed extremely manufactured, and the only 2 people who KNOW what was said, Andrew and JJ, couldn't even get their stories straight.  NOBODY ever insulted Marquel to his face, and I think JJ was a deliberate shit-stirrer.  While Andrew is smarmy, his apology seemed fairly sincere, yet Marquel just brushed it off to perpetuate his simmering indignation.  


I thought the guys dancing in the blooper reel were adorable, and I think Dylan looked SO much better with his hair cut.  Looks like Bachelor in Paradise did him some good.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 3

Re Ashley and JP: when can they ever escape the clutches of the Bachelor/ette franchise?  An ultrasound on TV? At least it wasn't one for checking the ovaries.  I actually liked Andrew a little better last night.  I really don't think he said "blackies" and I don't think he's really racist, but he could have remembered that Ron and Marquel are two different people.  That whole part of the show seemed like a junior high confrontation where the real issue gets lost and who can talk louder and longer is the winner.  I did notice Chris did not ask Andi if she was engaged . . . and there wasn't any discussion about Josh or Nick beyond the lie detector test.

  • Love 2

"Ron, Marquel - you people all look alike to me!"  Not helping your case there, Andrew. 


Assuming there is any truth to what JJ says he heard, I think it is more likely Andrew said she kept the "black guys".  First of all, no one uses the term "blackies" - not even the most racist of racists.  And let's admit it, had she dumped Ron and Marquel that night, Twitter would have been lit up with how she got rid of the two "black guys" - and not because the twitterverse is racist.  However, since Marquel made it clear that he found both terms to be offensive, Andrew wasn't about to fess up to either.  Of course, it's also possible he was telling JJ that he really had to pee.  Unfortunately, the super-sensitive mics that can usually pick up even the faintest whisper failed to record anything this time.


Seriously, Marquel, Elsa is begging you to let it go.  You (probably at the behest of the show's producers) have beaten this dead horse without any actual evidence that Andrew said anything offensive.  Wearing the racist brand is worse than wearing JJ's brand of pants - just ask Donald Sterling - so I can see how Andrew is more concerned about unsubstantiated allegations affecting his personal and professional life than someone else's hurt feelings.

  • Love 3

It's too bad you can't prove a negative because I wouldn't blame Andrew for suing the show. I've read two Google news linked recaps that seem to still think Andrew's a racist. The name mix-up being the final "proof." Heck, I once introduced my own son as Michael (nothing like his name) just because the last person I had introduced him to was Michael, and the name was in the front of my mind. This was at work, they never let me forget it.

My case against Marquel:

He says he didn't try to kiss Andi because he didn't know the other guys were doing it. Hello, it's not spin-the-bottle it's a man so into a woman he feels moved to kiss her. I never thought he seemed that interested in Andi, his time with her was always spent showing the cameras how cute he was.

He should admit that JJ is an unreliable witness because JJ himself said he was a little bit drunk and wasn't positive about what he heard. Those rose ceremonies take hours. Andrew, a big talker, probably leaned forward to make remarks a dozen times. He might have said he had a backache or a hundred other things. If JJ was carrying this information about Andrew around, why wouldn't he have brought it up when everyone was dissing Andrew for having the waitress's phone number? That would have been the natural moment to say, "Yeah, and you know what else he did?"

Marquel didn't seem capable of answering the straight questions Chris Harrison asked him but just went around the bush and back again.

He had no business asking Andrew to apologize for something he said he didn't do. To many people that would have amounted to an admission of guilt.

He didn't seem to realize that a national reputation as a racist was a worse thing to come away with than a national reputation as a nice guy who was mildly insulted on TV.

Lastly -- JJ is his best friend.

I rest my case.

  • Love 8

Andrew has a right to care more about his career than about hurting the feelings of a guy he knew for a month and doesn't appear to have been that close with, especially when he has always claimed he never said the offensive thing in question. The video clip is not proof, all it proves is that Andrew said SOMETHING to JJ when Ron got a rose, but we have no idea what it was. Mixing up Marquel and Ron's names also means nothing - he was probably nervous and frazzled, knowing that this was going to be a big segment of the show.


I think JJ is a weasel who probably had the thought himself and projected it. He already backpedaled from saying it was "blackies," then didn't deny when Andrew said JJ was drunk and probably didn't know what he heard.

Edited by empirestates
  • Love 7

I thought that JJ looked totally guilty and nervous last night during the whole he said/he said replay.


I know that Ashley wasn't paid much for her season of the Bachelorette and I really like her (and JP!), so I hope they totally got a lot of money for that sonogram segment.  Enough to buy their new house in Miami!  I also thought she was very modest in her choice of outfit for the 'reveal' which I appreciated.  I was so nervous about what it could have been...


What was very telling was how Chris Harrison invited random woman from the audience to come and sit with him and Chris, but when Chris B. tried to go to the stage Chris Harrison was all 'no, we can't do that-it's not allowed.'  Hmmmm, could they be building a case for the appeal of Farmer Chris as the next Bachelor?  Just like they made Juan Pablo appear totally irresistible before he was announced as the Bachelor and most of us were-what?  who is he, wasn't he eliminated at the beginning of the season?  Also, way too many men named Chris on the show last night.


Dylan was really appealing last night.  Good sense of humor (sanitizing lotion, etc.), good hair cut, etc.  To me it just shows that it was too soon after his personal loses for him to have been on the Bachelorette.  I just don't think that was the right environment for him so soon after those deaths.  Oh well.

  • Love 1

Is JJ an unreliable witness? yes.  

Was Marquel a little more heavy handed this time? yes.  

Is Andrew probably a dipshit POS? yes. 


Andrew, had he wanted to resolve things, could have reached out to Marquel privately.  They could have buried the hatchet, posted a photo to instagram both wearing cheesy no racism shirts, and then handled things differently on the show.  When it was brought up, Marquel could have said, " You know, there's no way to know what happened that night, but Andrew's a stand up guy, which I know from my interactions since the show, and I'm glad to be a part of the movement to end racism."  And Andrew could have said, "I have no idea what I said that night, but I certainly don't think of Marquel and Ron as the black guys.  I wish this controversy hadn't happened, but it did, and it hurt people.  At least I can work with Marquel to fight racism. (and then some stupid twitter hashtagtivism promotion where they donate some money to a worthy cause for the retweets of their photo). 

  • Love 10
I blame Katie Couric for getting that colonoscopy on-camera in 2000....*LOL*



Katie was trying to increase awareness of colon cancer and show people how simple the test is and maybe help save their lives since her husband died of colon cancer. Little different than airing your ultrasound on television, especially when it's all for show because the baby's sex was already revealed to a major entertainment publication. And I like JP and Ashley well enough but come on now. 


By the way, about the big dramatic letter, apparently a show producer has already revealed on social media that it's actually from Chris, I guess still sticking with his whole secret admirer schtick. CH probably said it was from one of her F2 for dramatic purposes so everyone will think it's from whichever guy that gets dumped in the finale, doing a last ditch effort for her. And I guess if you remove whoever she picks and is likely currently engaged to, Chris and the the guy she doesn't pick, sort of is her F2. 

I watched the Andrew mixing up Ron and Marquel's name and I am going to have to defend Andrew. Ron was just talking, then they go to Andrew. Nerves! and Ron was JUST talking so he said Ron when he FIRST started to speak- a case of nerves and RON was the one who was just on camera and the mic. It doesnt mean he didn't know them apart or their names! This is a common thing with the brain when you get tongue tied having to talk on National TV. It's not like Ron was no where around and he was telling the story and said Ron instead of Marquel. Ron literally was the very last person to speak- one second earlier- and he was replying to Ron and said Ron. This does not mean he can't tell them apart.

  • Love 11

I don't know, to me it seemed like the ultrasound was staged. Like it could have really been their baby, but I feel like they did the ultrasound prior and just rolled the footage. The technician's wand only stayed on that tiny section of her belly that was cut out from her dress.  Plus, what if the guy saw something wrong??? I feel like that's too risky/too personal to be "live".  Plus, they knew it was a boy three months ago lol.  I think they're adorable, btw. 


This season is a snoozefest. 

Here's something I don't understand. When the rejected men ask Andi why they were rejected, why doesn't she just give the simple and TRUE answer that she had stronger feelings for someone(s) else? Instead she seemed to need to imply that she wasn't feeling ANY romantic feelings for the rejects. Does she think the latter answer is kinder than the former?

I think the lie detector segment was a dead giveaway that she picked Josh. Her reaction to potentially hearing what he lied about (curiosity mixed with fear) only makes sense if she picked him. If Josh were not F1, I think she either would have read the results just for fun OR quickly said no, let bygones be bygones. Her anxiety and indecision only make sense if Josh is F1.

And JudyObscure, your "Michael" story is hilarious.

  • Love 4
Here's something I don't understand. When the rejected men ask Andi why they were rejected, why doesn't she just give the simple and TRUE answer that she had stronger feelings for someone(s) else? Instead she seemed to need to imply that she wasn't feeling ANY romantic feelings for the rejects. Does she think the latter answer is kinder than the former?



I don't know, while there are things about Andi that bug me, I thought she did a fairly good job addressing the guys and explaining sending them home. With Marquel she basically admitted they were in the friend-zone and when he asked why they never got out of it, she pretty much said that sometimes it really is a matter of it just not being there and it wasn't with them. And for Chris and Marcus both she pretty much made it clear I thought that it was a matter of her having a stronger connection with other guys and as she stated, if she knew it wasn't there, it wasn't going anywhere, felt it best and fair to send them home. It's also what she said to Cody even though he still seemed kind of delusional with his maintaining that she didn't "get to know the real Cody" (which by the way it's the most obnoxious thing to refer to oneself in the third person). And it's like "she didn't get to know the real Cody" because she didn't want to because she knew she had zero attraction to him. 


I think the lie detector segment was a dead giveaway that she picked Josh. Her reaction to potentially hearing what he lied about (curiosity mixed with fear) only makes sense if she picked him. If Josh were not F1, I think she either would have read the results just for fun OR quickly said no, let bygones be bygones. Her anxiety and indecision only make sense if Josh is F1.



Even as I think Andi chose Josh, I rarely read into these type of things. Until the finale episode airs, all the parties involved have to still sell the possibility of either pairing. It reminded me of some who used Emily blatantly copping to Arie being an amazing kisser in her media interviews while the season was airing, as proof positive she had to have chosen him because no way would she say things like that if she'd chosen someone else.Not to mention that honestly, I can believe Andi wanting to know what the lies were just out of natural curiosity. 


I watched the Andrew mixing up Ron and Marquel's name and I am going to have to defend Andrew. Ron was just talking, then they go to Andrew. Nerves! and Ron was JUST talking so he said Ron when he FIRST started to speak- a case of nerves and RON was the one who was just on camera and the mic.



I don't buy that. Ron may have just spoken but they'd been sitting there for how many minutes with Marquel speaking to him, the situation/confrontation had been between him and Marquel which is what they were rehashing, he claims that Marquel was someone he thought was a friend, he claims that the accusation and confrontation they had affected his work - to me, with something like that, you don't confuse and mix up names because it's too significant.


Not to mention it's not like he was addressing Marquel and accidentally said Ron. He proceeded to give a whole explanation about the confrontation again between him and Marquel, using Ron's name until Marquel and Ron both looked confused and corrected him. Look I'm not saying Andrew is for sure is a racist and I'm not saying he used the word "blackies" but I do think he came across as a smug, superior douche and his little slip was more evidence of how little he actually gave a shit about the situation and those involved. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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