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S32.E06: I'm Not Even Walking, I'm Falling

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Seriously, show?  The blondes are saved again???

Dear Hung, do you understand the concept of race?  An alliance can’t all win.   You would have won that leg if you hadn’t decided to help your competition. Stop doing that. 

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I really hope Hung and Chee actually did learn a lesson about this being a RAAAAAACE!  Don't wait around for three other teams!  I'm a little mad that NFL took their cab, too. 

The blondes have grown on me -- probably because no one is helping them.  I'm sick of the alliance.

I am so glad that some teams did the chicken song.  I enjoyed the costumes -- they did remind me of Elton John and his chicken suit, though.

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Didn't Maddison and Riley benefit from the shared "word", too.  Alliances are not good ideas when it involves so many teams, for so long a period.  I don't think the NFLers realized how long it would be before other taxis would arrive.

Edited by sinycalone
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2 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

Eh, there was no guarantee that she would even have paid attention to the letters without him telling her about them, she was pretty scared on the way down. I think he'd already done his part of the bargain.

This is true.  

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That was a fun episode.  Will and James gave the best "chicken" performance, by a mile.  While I'm glad the Blonde Bandits are still in it, are they allowed to beg for help from bystanders like that?  The girl that helped them was certainly a representative Geman beauty!

Edited by susannot
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The trabants were so cute! They managed to cram the teams and their sound/camera guys in them. I felt bad for Gary stuffing himself into them.

Listen, this alliance is bugging me.  Hung, darling... If you decided to stick around (???) and help the other teams, you really can't bitch and moan about it later.  Plus, seeing a taxi and claiming it are 2 different things.  DeAngelo beat you to the taxi, yes. But he also tipped you off to the scrambled word in the roof that you then helped him unscramble. I'd call it even at this point.  Phil was all, "Hung and Chee, you could have won this leg, but y'all playing games."  No good deed goes unpunished, Hung!

How did the lady not hear the other teams yelling the  unscrambled word?  And apparently the teams didn't have to go back up and walk the building again to figure out the word... 

I think Phil kept the Sisters because of the alliance shenanigans.  He is sick of this shyt!


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23 minutes ago, sinycalone said:

I was wondering if there was going to be a penalty (Will/James) for abandoning their car.




Could watch NFLers dance all day.

Edited by Grizzly
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These racers really need to wake up! Alliances may be baked into the DNA of SURVIVOR and BIG BROTHER but this is THE AMAZING RACE.  The entire purpose of a race is to BEAT everyone else. After losing Victoria who I was rooting for Hung and Chee moved up to my favorites but I would have sadly acknowledged if this had been an elimination and they had someone how came in last the elimination would be earned. That was foolish to wait. So much so even Phil I think was disgusted by it and called them out for potentially sacrificing $15000.

Also I was completly lame where other people were giving each other the answers...it's just not right. Nor was it right for the drop dead gorgeous Berliner to give the haplesss blonde the answer either. Anyone who got help should have gotten a time penalty.

Beer Yoga may have been the most boring task ever on this race...what would I give to see the return of one key for a thousand locks challenge! Hayden's breakdown stays with me to this day.

The cat called and wants some of its nine lives back from the blondes.

Can someone please bill the boyfriends for that ruined clutch?

With fresh content so rare I question the wisdom of CBS toasting two episodes in one night but what do I know?

Ending on a positive note...the people not paying attention to the letters was the highlight of the episode along with Aparna's hair (man those ebony locks are gorgeous)


Edited by North of Eden
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1 hour ago, dgpolo said:

Eh, there was no guarantee that she would even have paid attention to the letters without him telling her about them, she was pretty scared on the way down. I think he'd already done his part of the bargain

I thought Will and James did better on their first song than Leo's team and Aparna's team did on their last.

Agree on both points. (Also, Hung and Chee were past the football players in the search for a taxi; if I were Gary and D'Angelo, I'd assume they had seen another taxi and were going for that one.) I'm REALLY hoping that Leo/Alana had to give that song a couple tries; Leo wasn't into it at all in the one we saw. The guy there didn't seem a particularly harsh judge.

1 hour ago, sinycalone said:

I was wondering if there was going to be a penalty (Will/James) for abandoning their car.

I'm guessing that the crew examined it and determined that Will and James weren't at fault, but who knows? Maybe we see a penalty at the beginning of the next leg.

56 minutes ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

How did the lady not hear the other teams yelling the  unscrambled word?  And apparently the teams didn't have to go back up and walk the building again to figure out the word...

Well, the Blonde got it by going into the hotel and getting help. So apparently there wasn't a rule that they had to figure it out themselves--Leo and Apama also conferred.

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35 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I forgot to mention the Trabants!  Gus and Hera would be proud of how most of these teams were able to drive them so well

Oh, Race...they learned four-on-the-floor, so you turned around and gave them three-on-the-tree. This is why I love you.  Also, big dudes and tiny cars = good, clean fun.

Points for choosing that kind of word, too -- not the type of thing I'd ever expect in an 'unscramble it' puzzle. Which means bonus points to the few who managed to actually solve it on their own (whether individually, or working as a pair to sort it the letters).

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Ah Berlin.  Where it's beer, tiny discos and unreliable automobiles! 


I really hoped Hung and Chee learned their 15000 lessons from this leg.  And why alliances on this show suuuuuuck.  It's one thing where you're stuck at a detour in sight of each other and passing off tips and information.  But this is a staggered roadblock where I'm guessing there's at least 10-20minutes of time between each racer going down and resetting.    Halfway through the race and I'd want to start slowly breaking away from the pack.  

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Okay, now I'm getting why the alliance is annoying. I get the reasoning, I get how buddy-buddy they've been, I even think their nickname ("The Mine Five") is probably more clever then anything you could get from Big Brother. But sharing answers on a Roadblock felt like it rubbed against the spirit of the game. And getting it incorrect, huddling together, and then going back to the judge without rappelling again? That felt egregiously wrong. The judge would've been within her rights to haul off and smack someone trying to take a shortcut.

Don't get me wrong . . . Berlin looked like a lot of fun, and there was stuff involved so small that Racers had to enter, I legit wanted to see Flight Time & Big Easy do those. Hell, I thought Deangelo & Gary would have to drive with limbs sticking from the windows of the tiny cars. Watching people freak out over rappelling is always fun, and they had to do it facing the ground. I'm sure there was no risk of injury, but the human mind isn't designed to cope with the body being in that position. Finish it off with beer yoga and chicken singing. Good times! Also, I got a mental image of Beer Yoga performed by Gus from TAR6, nipping bottles from other mats while no one was watching.

Has any team had to be saved twice this early into the season? Kaylynn & Haley got lucky yet again. It's not really embarrassing as watching Andrew & Dan careen from one mishap to another. In a Facebook group focusing on tonight's episode, someone wondered if the fix was in. Honestly, I can't see that having happened. Maybe on Survivor, even with the series' disdain of female competitors.

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10 minutes ago, kstar821 said:

Wait - - is nobody going to talk about the Teledisko?  Why are those not a thing in Philly?  😂

Did I understand it right - those things were literally phone booths you get into and enjoy music and strobe lights for four minutes? Man, Germans are weird. That’s why I love them. Beer yoga? Beer anything!

28 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I can feel all Germans rising up to yell at Phil for saying "The Trabant was built in Germany."  Correction, the Trabant was built in the German Democratic Republic, or East Germany.  It is considered one of the worst cars ever made.

Hey, they are not ashamed of it in Berlin. Ostalgie! One of the cars had a DDR sticker on it.

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13 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Berlin looked like a lot of fun, and there was stuff involved so small that Racers had to enter, I legit wanted to see Flight Time & Big Easy do those. Hell, I thought Deangelo & Gary would have to drive with limbs sticking from the windows of the tiny cars. 

Bonus points for mentioning Flight Time and Big Easy, 2 of my favorite racers.

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Rewinds back to my last two vacations in Europe (2017 and 2018), both including Berlin - and based on the filming dates for this Amazing Race, I was physically in Berlin about 72 hours ahead of the racers AND I went into Berlin the same way from Paris the racers did, by train via Gare De L'Est, but mine was indirect with a supper stopover in Karlsruhe before the overnight train to Berlin for me and also getting off at the Berlin Hauptbahnhof, like the racers did.

That said, can the search for the clue task on the East Side Gallery qualify as a Switchback? The Race visited this very area back in that infamous Season 6, but there was a cluebox standing somewhere there.

It seems that they stayed mostly in the Eastern side of the city, except for nearly the end of the leg, when they went to Neukölln, which is on the West Side.

I would have easily known at least half of the locations that the racers went through, even tho going via the Trabant would have been challenging, to say the least!

*Note my definition of West vs East here is based on the former location of the Berlin Wall.

What an episode to relive my vacation on my birthday, no less - since my 2nd European vacation was a gift to self to celebrate a milestone birthday for me.

I wonder if the trunk part in the East Side Gallery is maybe the answer (or part of) to a Final Leg task...

Edited by goldeneye
Forgot to add something...
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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

Seriously, show?  The blondes are saved again???

Dear Hung, do you understand the concept of race?  An alliance can’t all win.   You would have won that leg if you hadn’t decided to help your competition. Stop doing that. 

What was the saying on TWOP?

This is the Amazing RACE, not the Amazing Kindergarten where everybody shares!

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I don’t mean to show my age,but someone called the Berlin Wall “cute”.  Obviously not aware of the history.   I think the mean girls of this season are the Boyfriends and I’m praying they don’t win. Have they done anything to help the “Alliance” that they have gotten a lot from. I think it was really wrong for them to shame the Blondies into using the timer on their one and only alliance. On the other hand, Leo could have told them what the word was since everyone else got a clue.

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2 hours ago, sinycalone said:

I was wondering if there was going to be a penalty (Will/James) for abandoning their car.



Yeah, I don’t know why there wasn’t. The clue clearly said “park in front of the hotel.” They didn’t park in front of the hotel. 

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2 hours ago, dgpolo said:

Eh, there was no guarantee that she would even have paid attention to the letters without him telling her about them, she was pretty scared on the way down. I think he'd already done his part of the bargain

I completely agree.  Did the clue not mention anything about the secret word?  I would have thought it would have since the lady was just like “what’s the word” which assumed they knew they were looking for a word.  If it was something sprung on them she probably would have said “did you see the letters, unscramble them and form a word”.  Hung totally wouldn’t have even known she had to look at letters were it not for DeAngelo.

Will and James should have gotten a penalty.   The clue said to drive yourself and park in the marked spaces.  They didn’t do that.  I wonder if they either 1) got one and it made no difference so it wasn’t aired or 2) production determined they lost more time running on foot than driving.  Which is crap because they could have been there for longer while not being able to figure out the car.  I doubt anything was wrong with the car, if it was really broken they would have had production call for another one like we have seen in the past.  

Phil talking about how he’s never seen teams wait for each other.  What about the annoying Cho brothers and that alliance?

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I was touched by how much the people at the hotel did to calm Haley down when she was freaking out about having to do the roadblock. I know the show requires that teams split roadblocks evenly, but they don't require alternating the way Kaylynn and Haley seem to have decided to do. They aren't the first team to do it (Brooke and Scott did as well, though in their case it made a little more sense since that was the season where teams were made up of people who didn't know each other), but it's really baffling to me when teams are so rigid about it that they force someone to do a task that they're way less suited to than their teammate when they don't have to. Make Kaylynn do it, and Haley can do the next two, especially since you're fighting to stay out of last place.

I'm not very good at anagrams—especially without a pencil and paper—and would have struggled with that aspect of the roadblock. So I didn't really have a problem with Haley being allowed to get outside help, or with Leo and Aparna working it out together, or with Hung giving the answer to the other teams. I thought the last one was bad strategy—she had promised to help DeAngelo, not the entire alliance. In contrast, Leo and Aparna working together was good strategy since it kept them both ahead of Kaylynn and Haley.

I laughed at Hung saying at the detour, "It's heights so I should do it," and then her subsequent freak-out once she started going down, and Chee's bemused reaction to it. I agree with @dgpolo's point that she probably wouldn't have known to look for the letters if DeAngelo hadn't told her about it, and she seemed to have forgotten about that part when she was fuming about the NFL players taking the only cab they could find. The alliance officially crossed over into annoying territory for me when Hung and Chee decided to pull a Cho Brothers and wait around at the roadblock for all their alliancemates to catch up.

2 hours ago, dgpolo said:

I thought Will and James did better on their first song than Leo's team and Aparna's team did on their last.

Totally agree. Judges on these kinds of tasks always seem reluctant to let the first team to arrive pass on their first try, even when that first try is pretty good. Maybe the producers tell them to say no, or maybe they mistakenly think all the other teams will perform just as well. The same thing happened to Team Fun during a dance detour in Vietnam. They absolutely nailed it the first time, and were told they had to do it again anyway.

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3 hours ago, tljgator said:

Oh, Race...they learned four-on-the-floor, so you turned around and gave them three-on-the-tree. This is why I love you.  Also, big dudes and tiny cars = good, clean fun.

Points for choosing that kind of word, too -- not the type of thing I'd ever expect in an 'unscramble it' puzzle. Which means bonus points to the few who managed to actually solve it on their own (whether individually, or working as a pair to sort it the letters).

My first car was three on the tree.  When no one knew what one was I felt old. Very old.  

3 hours ago, displayname said:

Does anyone else think Chee is kind of handsome?

When he was wearing his hat I had the sudden realization of how very handsome Chee is.  Such great cheekbones.

The alliance really bothered me.  It ruined so much of the challenge of that task.  I do wonder what the judge on that task was told since DeAngelo had to go back up to get the letters and someone else did too.  However other folks got to chat and work out the answer and of course Kaylynn got the answer from a person in the hotel.

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6 hours ago, dgpolo said:

I thought Will and James did better on their first song than Leo's team and Aparna's team did on their last.


3 hours ago, Hera said:

Totally agree. Judges on these kinds of tasks always seem reluctant to let the first team to arrive pass on their first try, even when that first try is pretty good. Maybe the producers tell them to say no, or maybe they mistakenly think all the other teams will perform just as well. The same thing happened to Team Fun during a dance detour in Vietnam. They absolutely nailed it the first time, and were told they had to do it again anyway.

And Team Fun were given a kind of weaksauce excuse for failing; not enough energy (from Team Fun.  In one of the first 3 legs of that Race....).  That's why Floyd espoused this theory in the recaps he and Becca did on their YouTube channel.

Given the also weaksauce reason for failing that Will and James were given ("you can do better"), I'm more inclined to agree that the theory might be correct.


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Berlin! I visited in 2005, so that's a while ago now and much has changed, but I remember our tour leader going on about the Trabant (you occasionally saw one in the street) and I was kind of like, "Whatever." Didn't fully appreciate them at the time.

Beer Yoga > Goat Yoga any day of the week! Even though goats = cute, Goat Yoga is stupid. IMO 😊

I am not sure if I would ever have gotten that word. I would think your brain would be scrambled anyway from all the adrenaline flooding through it after oh, walking down the side of a building, and I would have been lost without a pen and paper to work it out, despite eating sauerkraut every New Year's Day of my growing-up years  (German good luck tradition). Just the way my brain works. It wasn't clear whether the Racers just didn't have pen and paper, or whether they couldn't.

Was also looking forward to a penalty for the boyfriends. Anything to get them out, please.

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6 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I don’t mean to show my age,but someone called the Berlin Wall “cute”.  Obviously not aware of the history. 

And Hung and Chee disagreed over its WW2/Cold War origins.

I briefly thought the punk greeter was Justin Theroux doing a character bit.

I keep forgetting Arpana and Eswar are still in the race and am surprised every time they turn up at a task.

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I am over Hung but have to hand it to her that even though she was terrified to be walking (falling) down the building she did have the presence of mind to pay attention to the flashing letters.  

I think the boyfriends got out of a penalty (that we know of) because the car probably did break down for some reason out of their control.  Maybe the producers felt running to the destination took more time than providing them with a replacement car and was thus a built in penalty.

Fun episode!  The chickens were hilarious.  Beer yoga looks fun but I'd prefer bunny yoga.

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