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S11.E08: Dessert Week

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On 11/10/2020 at 4:50 PM, Danny Franks said:

I think losing Lottie last week, and Irish Mark the week before, highlighted something - this is a very dull bunch. Dave has no real personality, Marc is nice but dull, Peter's main characteristics are "young" and "keen" and neither Laura nor Hermine are really big personalities. The dullness of them is so pronounced that I'm not even completely sure I remembered all of the remaining bakers to list, here.

Totally agree. There is no chemistry in the group or with the judges, which is a huge part of the problem. One of my favorite things about the show is the sense of community and fun that develops among the bakers. 

  • Love 4

It's possible that I'm just a bit overwrought due to all that's going on in the world but this episode legitimately made me tear up.  First I welled up for Hermine because I was just so delighted for her and then I did a 180 emotional spin to mourn the loss of Marc.

All that being said (I love the show, I really do) that technical challenge was just MEAN.  I love it when they dig up old, obscure English dishes for the technical challenge but then GIVE THEM ENOUGH TIME TO MAKE IT.  The fact that NO ONE's lemon was actually soft enough to eat is ample evidence that they weren't given enough time.  I guess, in the end, it didn't matter -- they all failed equally and so were judged on the first and last items instead.  But my tolerance for mean-spiritedness is at a particularly low ebb right now.

  • Love 13
On 11/13/2020 at 12:29 PM, Deskisamess said:

Beige moist brain looking mound, 

The comment above is about the icky technical challenge but it made me think of the comic SciFi spoof movie "Mars Attacks!", which featured Martians whose brains were visible through a clear skull . . . not unlike the gelatin tops of today show-stopper challenge.

Ack! Ack!

  • LOL 5
1 hour ago, WatchrTina said:

It's possible that I'm just a bit overwrought due to all that's going on in the world but this episode legitimately made me tear up.  First I welled up for Hermine because I was just so delighted for her and then I did a 180 emotional spin to mourn the loss of Marc.

All that being said (I love the show, I really do) that technical challenge was just MEAN.  I love it when they dig up old, obscure English dishes for the technical challenge but then GIVE THEM ENOUGH TIME TO MAKE IT.  The fact that NO ONE's lemon was actually soft enough to eat is ample evidence that they weren't given enough time.  I guess, in the end, it didn't matter -- they all failed equally and so were judged on the first and last items instead.  But my tolerance for mean-spiritedness is at a particularly low ebb right now.

I think they took them off to soon so that is why the lemons were not cooked enough. I love seeing these old recipes. 

1 hour ago, WatchrTina said:

All that being said (I love the show, I really do) that technical challenge was just MEAN.

I agree.  The judges knew ahead that the contestants could not possibly steam those long enough in the allotted time without having made something like that before.  By the time they read the instructions and made the dough and filling they were already doomed to run out of time. 

  • Love 10

Noel making sexual comments about Peter made me uncomfortable. Noel is gross not funny. Matt isn’t better.

Like tie Peter up, see him naked, Paul’s nipples taste like lime, seeing Paul naked... Just no.

Paul trying to say he’s 40. Hehe. Daddy is hot.

Harry Potter Marc leaving made me sad. He looks like a nice guy. 

Edited by iwantcookies
  • Love 15

I'd never heard of the Pond Pudding, so went looking for a recipe.  Two major points:

  1. The picture below shows how the lemon should be prepared to ensure that it is fully cooked through.  No "pricking" . . . sliced all the way through.
  2. Even sliced that much, it's supposed to steam for FOUR hours.  

Those folks didn't have a chance.


  • Useful 15
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

I agree.  The judges knew ahead that the contestants could not possibly steam those long enough in the allotted time without having made something like that before.  By the time they read the instructions and made the dough and filling they were already doomed to run out of time. 


2 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

that technical challenge was just MEAN.  I love it when they dig up old, obscure English dishes for the technical challenge but then GIVE THEM ENOUGH TIME TO MAKE IT.  The fact that NO ONE's lemon was actually soft enough to eat is ample evidence that they weren't given enough time. 


7 hours ago, festivus said:

Okay Prue. If none of the bakers get the challenge right then there's something wrong with it, not them.

I agree. The bakers were told that they had two and a half hours total for the technical challenge. Prue then told Paul that the bakers should steam it as long as possible and suggested 1.5-2 hours. Even if the only took half an hour to read the directions, make the pastry, and get the whole thing in the steamer, that would leave them just under two hours to let them steam but they still had to remove them from the steamer and put them on the plates which probably took another 5-10 minutes off the amount of time.

14 hours ago, kittykat said:

I'm guessing no one's steamed more than an hour maybe hour and a half and prue said it needed at least two. 

Laura was still struggling to make the handle for her pudding when Matt called the halfway mark which means that hers steamed for an hour and fifteen minutes at most. Marc and Hermine were shown putting theirs into the steamer after Laura did and Dave was even further behind (although I know it's possible that the editors were being misleading with all that footage).

On a related note, the look on Hermine's face when Noel and Matt were describing how the lemon should ooze out was the same as mine.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, lovinbob said:

Totally agree. There is no chemistry in the group or with the judges, which is a huge part of the problem. One of my favorite things about the show is the sense of community and fun that develops among the bakers. 

Considering that they are actually all living together, there should be an even greater sense of community, not less. There are only 2 changes made this series, the quarantining, & the addition of Matt. One or both of those things has to be the reason this series feels different.

2 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I think they took them off to soon so that is why the lemons were not cooked enough. I love seeing these old recipes. 

They didn't have a choice, they didn't give them the time to leave them.

  • Love 5

I didn't like some of the editing choices that tried to suggest friction between bakers: Hermine being asked about the pronunciation of genoise right after Laura talks about it, Laura only responding with "Yes" when Dave asked if he was the only one who hadn't moved on to the next step when she's usually supportive and chatty, and no one responding to Laura's "Help, help" after one of her near-disasters. In fact, I think the camera cut to Dave calmly snacking just after that last bit. I might be getting some of the details wrong, but it felt like the editing was really reaching to try and gin up drama maybe because, as some other people have said, the remaining bakers make for relatively low-key onscreen personalities. This season started off well but has become pretty disappointing.

Edited by krankydoodle
  • Love 6
On 11/13/2020 at 9:01 AM, AZChristian said:

We watched the show this morning. We still think Matt is very funny, but we're a little uncomfortable with Noel and his spoon. I kind of got the feeling that Matt felt the same way. The scene with Matt and Marc, with Matt mentioning biting off your foot and Marc responding that he'd already done that once... We were on the floor laughing.

I noticed that Marc in particular seemed to find Matt very funny.  There was scene after scene of Mark turning red as he attempted not to laugh at Matt.  If the contestants like them, then we should too.

I've always found jello repellant so this was definitely not the week for me.  Hermine's flower was fantastic.

You can make lemon rind edible by preserving it in salt and lemon juice.  That takes 6 weeks.  If you grill it, it starts to soften.  They didn't have a chance to get it right in the time they were given.

Again, family wins.  Marc's daughters were great coming to get him at the end.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

The comment above is about the icky technical challenge but it made me think of the comic SciFi spoof movie "Mars Attacks!", which featured Martians whose brains were visible through a clear skull . . . not unlike the gelatin tops of today show-stopper challenge.

Ack! Ack!

Well there you go. If I'm ever on a baking show, I'm making that.  😅

  • LOL 3
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I finally got around to watching. I find I'm not as eager as in seasons past, and when I got to the Matt overdoing the "p" bit, I was actually physically repulsed. In this time of Covid that was just not funny. I know they are quarantined but I just found it incredibly tone deaf. It's not like it was such a hilariously funny joke that it had to be in there so to do it in a time when the entire world is being told to be extra careful about spreading spit/coughs/germs, I just don't know how anyone thought it was a good idea. 

Also not thrilled that the show still seems to be pushing the competitive side of things over the comradery side. The one little moment at the beginning when they were walking towards the tent and did that little cheer thing was about as close as we've gotten to seeing the bakers as "friends" for a few eps now. 

I think I'm just super disappointed because GBBO was always my refuge from the suckier side of life and it doesn't really feel that way anymore. It's just another show that I watch when I'm bored.

I know it's a personal thing, and I'm sure she is lovely but Hermine's voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Something in the tone of her voice sets me on edge. Add that to the fact my favorites are gone, and Matt and Noel annoy me more than entertain me, I'm not sure I'm going to see this season through to the end. First time in GBBO history! 

Instead I think I'm going to rewatch the old seasons. It will be nice to see Mel and Sue and Mary Berry again. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

It's possible that I'm just a bit overwrought due to all that's going on in the world but this episode legitimately made me tear up.  First I welled up for Hermine because I was just so delighted for her and then I did a 180 emotional spin to mourn the loss of Marc.

All that being said (I love the show, I really do) that technical challenge was just MEAN.  I love it when they dig up old, obscure English dishes for the technical challenge but then GIVE THEM ENOUGH TIME TO MAKE IT.  The fact that NO ONE's lemon was actually soft enough to eat is ample evidence that they weren't given enough time.  I guess, in the end, it didn't matter -- they all failed equally and so were judged on the first and last items instead.  But my tolerance for mean-spiritedness is at a particularly low ebb right now.

I have been sad at each baker's departure these last 4 weeks, but I actually shed tears this time.  What a great "gent," as Laura said!

  • Love 6

I'm definitely in the minority here, but that Sussex Pond Pudding sounded delicious when Prue and Paul were tasting it.  I liked the idea of the sweet sugary concoction mixing in with the lemon juice, combining with the flaky pastry and cream.  However, I was just as upset as the others who have posted here about the unfairness of the time allotted.  Although it created drama,  none of the bakes were successful, which reflects more on the challenge than the bakers.  Also, I think withholding the suet pastry recipe and steaming times added to the confusion.  Only Peter seemed to be familiar with suet pastry, which may have been more popular in the past than it is nowadays.  I can understand the bakers should know the recipe for a baking staple like bread, choux pastry, etc, but suet crust?  

On another note, I think the judges are weighing the Showstopper MUCH more heavily this season.  Some of these final decisions have my mind boggled...

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, lovinbob said:

Totally agree. There is no chemistry in the group or with the judges, which is a huge part of the problem. One of my favorite things about the show is the sense of community and fun that develops among the bakers. 

Delurking to say that I actually really like this group of bakers and think they are quite close.  Lottie cried when Irish Mark left, and this week Laura cried and called Marc a "gent."  I've been watching previous seasons in between this year's episodes, and I don't see how this group is less likable or has less chemistry than past groups.  For instance, would this year's eventual final three have less chemistry or fun than S4's



or S8's



(I used spoiler bars in case people haven't seen those seasons yet)?  To be clear, I'm not saying the trios I picked from the previous seasons had bad chemistry--I've enjoyed every group of bakers I've been able to watch on Netflix--it's just that I don't see how those previous finalists were any more likable or fun than this year's group.

  • Love 14
8 hours ago, lovinbob said:

Totally agree. There is no chemistry in the group or with the judges, which is a huge part of the problem. One of my favorite things about the show is the sense of community and fun that develops among the bakers. 

I think this group actually seems closer than in previous seasons, probably due to them being quarantined together. They have family there, but they've also mentioned a practice tent, where I'm sure they've been spending a lot of time together. They've talked a lot about becoming quite close, and I believe it.

6 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

Noel making sexual comments about Peter made me uncomfortable. Noel is gross not funny. Matt isn’t better.

Like tie Peter up, see him naked, Paul’s nipples taste like lime, seeing Paul naked... Just no.

Total agree on this. I didn't like the comments about Peter at all. And the spoon segments were done. It seemed like this week spent more time on Matt and Noel's hijinks, which I didn't need. The two of them see to get on quite a bit, but it isn't translating that well. I do enjoy Matt, though.

  • Love 12

All I could think of when they got to the showstopper was "OMG, what would Lottie have done with this?"  With her history of taking risks with unique twists, she either would have nailed this, or totally tanked it.  But it would not have been boring!

That said, I'm so pleased Hermine won star baker.  She was literally quivering like her jelly cake with uncertainty over the judging.  Her relief at hearing how pleased they were was palpable.

I'm so sorry to see Marc go, but we are definitely at the point in the competition where every elimination hits you in the feels.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, krankydoodle said:

...no one responding to Laura's "Help, help" after one of her near-disasters. In fact, I think the camera cut to Dave calmly snacking just after that last bit.

I do think this was editing and not real.  In the past, contestants have dropped everything to rush to help and I cannot believe that would not happen with this group as well.  I'm not sure why the amount of time is spent on the Twit Twins instead on the bakers.  

  • Love 8

Noel has creeped me out since I first saw him. He now seems more comfortable in his role, perhaps that’s because of Matt, but that’s only made him worse—tasteless, unfunny innuendos, blood sucking, etc. STFU. He and Matt were growing on me—this week killed that.

The Guardian or another British source, did a story inspired by this ep about the tradition of puds. Even they said this one’s a mess. And that was without Show not giving the bakers time to do it right.

I wish Lottie was still around. Rooting for Hermine. And missing Mary Berry. Hoping next eeek will be better, 

  • Love 3

Hermine really did deserve star baker for that showstopper. Her cake looked beautiful, like something you'd see in a patisserie. Laura's koi pond looked pretty too. Poor Marc, he tried to go for something ambitious and it didn't quite work. If the showstopper went better for him, Peter probably would've been the one sent home.

I love cheesecake, but most of them seemed pretty lackluster. And that technical was a mess, through no real fault of the bakers. They weren't given nearly enough time. I've never heard of pond pudding before this, but it both sounds and looks disgusting. Suet? A whole lemon inside? No thanks. That recipe should stay in the 1700s where it belongs. 

Normally I like Noel and Matt has been ok, but this week they were...a lot. They need to dial it waaaay down. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, buttersister said:

Noel has creeped me out since I first saw him. He now seems more comfortable in his role, perhaps that’s because of Matt, but that’s only made him worse—tasteless, unfunny innuendos, blood sucking, etc.

yeah, I much preferred Noel when he just LOOKED goth/vampire, but then acted like a genuinely sweet "normal" guy. That's the Noel I like. 

  • Love 11
53 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

I just started the show this  year. 

You should go back to catch the previous seasons.  It was just a delight when Mary Barry was with Paul and Mel and Sue were hosts.  Way different vibe than this is and enjoyable enough that I have no problem going back to watch reruns even when I know who wins.  

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

You should go back to catch the previous seasons.  It was just a delight when Mary Barry was with Paul and Mel and Sue were hosts.  Way different vibe than this is and enjoyable enough that I have no problem going back to watch reruns even when I know who wins.  

I rewatch favorite seasons over and over! Its comfort viewing for me.

This season does feel different though. I like the bakers fine, I hasten to add. Its always sad when someone leaves. But I don't know, it feels flat. Is it the general malaise and sense of uncertainty in the world at large that's made it to the tent? Is it the ridiculous challenges? (Seriously, there are home bakers. Having them do one of those arty gelatin domes is beyond the pale in my view.) Something is missing. Still, the worst of GBBO is better than the best of pretty much anything else.

  • Love 21
11 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

But I don't know, it feels flat. Is it the general malaise and sense of uncertainty in the world at large that's made it to the tent? Is it the ridiculous challenges?

I think it's that combination and none of the bakers has a very strong personality.  They all seem like very nice people but there is no real standout, shining star.  And they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with the challenges and themes.  I don't consider sculpting jello as being a baking skill.  I swear there are not more than two recipes that I'd even want to try from this season.

I don't recall as many menacing shots of Paul with a frown on his face stalking taround he contestants while they work .  They don't do that with Prue.

And, for me, part of it is dreading the show because of the Twit Twins.  I just cringe when they are on the screen, they just suck what little joy there is right out of the episode.

  • Love 3

I feel like some of you aren't watching the same show as me as I'm not minding any of the contestants. And will be happy for any of them that wins. I don't find them boring at all and they do seem as close (if not closer) then the past years. The whole "not helping Laura" was a mix of editing and her recovering very quickly. They cut to Dave eating an apple (probably because they thought the contrast would be funny) but it wasn't, it just made him "look" like a jerk. But in reality he probably was eating it not at the same time as Laura struggling. And also that not even the hosts came over, made me think she really did actually catch the cake as it was falling, so there was no harm done. 

As I said the hosts on other hand are annoying this year. I still like Noel but yeah that comment about Peter was awkward and in my opinion was bordering sexual harassment.  I feel like Matt is bringing out the worst of him. As I said before, Noel is best when he isn't trying to be funny when he either comforting someone or joking around like he was with Hermine this episode. She doesn't need to find a vampire as he is standing next to her ;). 

  • Love 16

What has happened to my beloved show? First, the incomparable duo of Mel and Sue quit when BBC lost the bid along with national treasure Mary Berry. Then we get this annoying, meddlesome Noel as a replacement. This season, my favorites Sura and Lottie who are both talented and full of personality were eliminated far before the semi-finals giving me no one to really root for (I guess I'm team Hermine). Not only that, but challenges have devolved into vapid and pointless "Instagram worthy" desserts that are all style over substance, or utterly disgusting desserts like the Sussex pond pudding and gelatin based jelly art which I have no desire in seeing nor would I ever eat. A sad day, indeed.

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 7

I wonder if Pru seeming so pointless is totally due to editing, in an attempt to keep it Paul's show, and make him the only judge that matters? Surely Pru has more to say than "Not your best."

Noel has run out of gentle things to say, and he is letting more of his goth persona show up. Which doesn't fit this show at all. He was great with the contestants in his first 2 seasons.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Deskisamess said:

I wonder if Pru seeming so pointless is totally due to editing, in an attempt to keep it Paul's show, and make him the only judge that matters? Surely Pru has more to say than "Not your best."

Thinking about it, after considering some of the comments by the fine folks on this thread, I wonder if that, right there is what's been wrong lately. Not the contestants or their lack of personality or connection with each other but that the show has chosen to focus on making this more of a star vehicle for Paul Hollywood, and started focusing more on what they think are the whacky hijinks of Noel and Matt (but are more just two juvenile delinquents who think they're funnier than they. They are also trying to manufacture "epic fails" by giving the bakers challenges they can't possibly succeed at in the time allowed. 

Since the change in management the show seems to be favoring the regulars (judges/hosts) over the bakers and the drama over triumphs. 

There are little moments where I see personality from the bakers, and little moments where I can tell they have bonded and get along, but it's almost the background music to the Noel and Matt Slapstick Comedy Hour featuring "heartthrob" Paul Hollywood. Oh, and there's some tall lady with awesome glasses and jewelry but she's just there as the token female. 

I may be slightly bitter about losing what I loved about this show. It still has some nice moments, it's just more crass than charming lately and that makes me sad. 

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, phalange said:

Suet? A whole lemon inside? No thanks. That recipe should stay in the 1700s where it belongs. 

This raises a question for me.  Where would one have gotten a lemon in England in the 1700s?  IF one could obtain them it seems like they would have been exorbitantly expensive -- a treat for the highest echelons of society only.  If that is correct, doesn't that make you wonder how this "traditional" recipe came in to common knowledge in the sixteenth century?

  • Useful 1
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1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

Thinking about it, after considering some of the comments by the fine folks on this thread, I wonder if that, right there is what's been wrong lately. Not the contestants or their lack of personality or connection with each other but that the show has chosen to focus on making this more of a star vehicle for Paul Hollywood, and started focusing more on what they think are the whacky hijinks of Noel and Matt (but are more just two juvenile delinquents who think they're funnier than they. They are also trying to manufacture "epic fails" by giving the bakers challenges they can't possibly succeed at in the time allowed. 


  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

This raises a question for me.  Where would one have gotten a lemon in England in the 1700s? 

Per Google, lemons have been in England since 1494, and when I visited Hampton Court Palace there were lemon trees in the garden. Apparently they can be grown outside in the summer and then potted and brought in during the winter. I don't know the expense, but I doubt this was a dessert being made by the working class.

Like everyone else said, they were set up to fail in that technical by not being given enough time to steam the puddings. Sure it takes Prue minutes to whip up the dough and assemble, so maybe she could do it in the time, but this was new to all of the bakers who were going to take much longer to assemble prior to steaming. Heck, Dave spent ages fiddling withe knots and the paper, because he was trying so hard to follow the directions. Nothing makes me crazier than a recipe that says "15 minutes prep time" and then I spend 45 minutes just prepping my ingredients and miscalculate the time it will take to bake/cook. Always assume the first time cook/baker will need double the time.

I don't know if that's on Prue (who at least admits tastes could have changed since her youth when these were common desserts) or the producers trying to create drama.

As for the remaining bakers, if Dave doesn't make the final I think he'll have a melt down. He comes across as tightly wound and in it to win it. Laura or Peter I think would find it a relief at this point. Laura's flavors save her (I thought her cheesecakes were doomed because as always her finished product is unpolished, but she got the flavor and textures they were looking for dead on, so they ignored the sloppy presentation), but patisserie relies heavily on presentation and that's not her strong suit. If Dave or Hermine falls next week, I'd be surprised, but I think Laura and Peter can go either way.

  • Useful 1
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3 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Thinking about it, after considering some of the comments by the fine folks on this thread, I wonder if that, right there is what's been wrong lately. Not the contestants or their lack of personality or connection with each other but that the show has chosen to focus on making this more of a star vehicle for Paul Hollywood, and started focusing more on what they think are the whacky hijinks of Noel and Matt (but are more just two juvenile delinquents who think they're funnier than they.

Yes! I was totally thinking that some of the comments on here about contestants lacking personality and about Noel/Matt being juvenile and tiresome are very much related. I personally like Hermine and over the episodes have found some of her comments rather low-key witty. I also don't see the contestants, as a group, as noticeably any more awkward/boring than previous groups -- they all seem nice, bonded with each other and with their own quirks/humor when they're allowed to have more of a moment on camera. My take on a number of scenes is that as Matt and Noel keep up their repetitive, juvenile hijinks that are clearly aimed at each other/Paul/camera rather than about engaging the contestants, there are contestants whose response is to just kind of try to push on with their own work. I used to like Noel fine, but this season -- yeesh! And not only is Noel noticeably more often in territory that is just creepy/harass-y but it makes me so annoyed that the production team seems to think this is what we want to watch and leaves those cringe-y scenes in. I'll keep watching for now only because I like the contestants themselves. 

  • Love 14

Am I remembering wrong? I feel like in previous scenes there have been sweet little video packages of the bakers at home much deeper into the season. I always like those. I remember a couple from this season, but only at the very beginning. Maybe that's part of what's making some of us feel less excited about the contestants. 
I do feel like the show's not as fun or engaging this year. It could be because of slight format changes, or because the novelty had warn off, or because life's not as fun and engaging this year. 
I do wish they'd stick with very doable challenges (especially ones I'd actually like to eat) and let people shine. It's OK to repeat challenges! I get that they don't want to repeat technicals, but otherwise they could just as well stick with 20 or so reliably good dishes that allow for creativity but aren't from Mars. 


  • Love 4
23 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I know it's a personal thing, and I'm sure she is lovely but Hermine's voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Something in the tone of her voice sets me on edge. 


18 hours ago, ShortyMac said:

I thought I was the only one.


5 hours ago, jpgr said:

Add me to the list! Hermine is a very good baker, but I have not been able to warm up to her at all. Her voice and her affect combine to make it hard for me to even understand half of what she says.

I don't get this at all. Hermine's voice has been totally forgettable to me so I went back and rewatched some of this week's episode just to listen to her voice. Even after specifically just listening to her, I don't find anything unusual or objectionable about her voice and I had no problem understanding what she was saying.

There must be something that other people are hearing that I don't hear at all. At least she doesn't have that horrible vocal fry that so many people on reality shows seem to have because that's definitely nails on a chalkboard to my ears.

ETA: Not that I'm complaining. I'm quite glad that I don't hear whatever it is that's so annoying to other people!

To be honest, Prue's voice has bothered me for ages. I can't stand that froggy/phlegmy/sounds like she needs to clear her throat voice. Whenever she speaks, I want to ask if she needs some lemon honey tea or if she needs to hock a huge loogie.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • LOL 3
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19 hours ago, buttersister said:

Noel has creeped me out since I first saw him. He now seems more comfortable in his role, perhaps that’s because of Matt, but that’s only made him worse—tasteless, unfunny innuendos, blood sucking, etc. STFU. He and Matt were growing on me—this week killed that.

The Guardian or another British source, did a story inspired by this ep about the tradition of puds. Even they said this one’s a mess. And that was without Show not giving the bakers time to do it right.

I wish Lottie was still around. Rooting for Hermine. And missing Mary Berry. Hoping next eeek will be better, 

I've never cared for Noel but the contestants seemed to like him.  At first he and Matt seemed well matched.  Now they need to stop getting in everyone's way.  It's one thing to joke around with a contestant when they're watching a mixer or waiting in front of an oven. It's another thing to get in their way while they're busy.   

I looked at the pond pudding recipe on the show's site.  They have it steaming for two hours.  However, they cut the lemon in half which would greatly speed up the time needed to make it soft and have the juices come out.  I know a few bakers have said everything takes 30 minutes longer in the tent because of production, interviews, etc., so they were all destined to fail. 

Just the other week I was joking with colleagues about British jelly and how it gets put in baked goods.  And then they did this.  Some looked really pretty but I have no interest in eating them. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, rejnel said:

Am I remembering wrong? I feel like in previous scenes there have been sweet little video packages of the bakers at home much deeper into the season. I always like those. I remember a couple from this season, but only at the very beginning. Maybe that's part of what's making some of us feel less excited about the contestants. 
I do feel like the show's not as fun or engaging this year. It could be because of slight format changes, or because the novelty had warn off, or because life's not as fun and engaging this year. 
I do wish they'd stick with very doable challenges (especially ones I'd actually like to eat) and let people shine. It's OK to repeat challenges! I get that they don't want to repeat technicals, but otherwise they could just as well stick with 20 or so reliably good dishes that allow for creativity but aren't from Mars. 


Maybe since they are in the bubble, they have used up all the pre-filmed scenes of the contestants at home.  I watch "Extra Slice," which is a real treat for GBBO fans.  We have seen several shots of the bakers at the hotel celebrating, enjoying each other's company, etc.  It would be nice if the actual show gave us a bit more of this.  They could cut a few of Noel and Matt's gags and show us more about the contestants or the history/info of the food.  (Although I enjoy Noel and Matt- just thinking about the opinion of many on this board...)

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I’m not sure what happened to Noel. He used to joke with the bakers, but in a really sweet way. I loved that he wore the peacock mask for Rosie’s judging, and he was so sweet with Steph last season when she got frustrated with herself. I don’t know if being locked up in quarantine had stressed him out, or if Matt just brings out the middle schooler in him, but I don’t like it. Can we get sweet Noel back?  (And a different co-host. Matt just isn’t doing it for me.)

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, TomGirl said:

I love this show for so many reasons, but one of my favorite things is the opening montage where that precious little girl always puts a smile on my face.  She must be quite the young lady by now!

Same!  I never, ever skip the intro because I love seeing that sweet little girl!  Would so enjoy seeing her today.  I love that it hasn’t changed one bit and we know every moment of the intro.  So perfectly done and comforting.  

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