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  1. I would be happy for any of them to win, but I'm mostly Team Pascha. I don't think she has had a complete disaster all season, her sewing is on point, and she seems to be having so much fun.
  2. One of my former student workers is now a chef in the PNW and wrote warmly of being welcomed into Naomi's kitchen for a special event. So sad.
  3. Lingerie week brought some real highs and some lows, but I'm happy that one of the two I have wanted to go is finally gone.
  4. Kiell is getting better, and I really liked him during Kids' Week. It was a fun episode overall and I loved the garment of the week. There are two remaining sewers I'm hoping to see go soon, and then I'll be happy with whoever wins.
  5. I'm watching and enjoying the series so far, but I still don't have all of their names straight which makes it harder to comment. :-)
  6. Transformation challenge intro: "we would like a top and a bottom" Marcus: I'm making a hat when provided with tons of material. Dude, you're not edgy. Make an effort!
  7. I liked him, too, and wasn't sure what to expect. I prefer his lower-key humor and calm presence (so far, anyway). I was worried after the pattern challenge, but several of the sewers stepped up nicely later on. Not sure I agreed with outfit of the week, but the right person went home.
  8. I think that Michelle's Quickfire win may have also played a role in her staying over Rasika. In the first episode, when Kristin was talking about not winning immunity in the Quickfires, I swear there was mention of them being factored into elimination decisions.
  9. And this is where "TMZ" comes from, because they were originally reporting from the "Thirty Mile Zone" around Hollywood.
  10. Me, too, but I cringed when she jumped up on him at first - didn't he have pretty severe back issues in the finale of one season?
  11. I agree about the chess sets, although some were beautiful I didn't think they were playable. I assume that, like Bake Off, the contestants are given the parameters of the main make well in advance so they can design something. Whether or not they are allowed to practice it, I'm not sure (on Bake Off they are expected to practice), but they are certainly not coming up with their concepts and drawing their plans at the last minute.
  12. The public elects the councillors, knowing that one of them will be mayor at some point. It's not like they have no say at all in who it could be.
  13. I agree the judges are so flat, even though the male judge's clothes and mullet make me feel like there has to be some flair in him somewhere. I was also gutted for Jackie :-(
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