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Kelly is focused on her future with fiance Rick, but wonders how long her recently brokered peace with Shannon will last. Elizabeth and Jimmy bond over the shared Mexican heritage. Braunwyn struggles with her identity and wonders if her friends will stick around now that she's not "fun" anymore. Gina reveals that she heard that Braunwyn made fun of her "small house", but it turns out she isn't the only one making disparaging remarks. 

Original air date 2020.10.21

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Brawny’s alcoholism is about as interesting a focal point as puppygate and Brandi-gate. I wish her only the best of course, but please not another standalone drama stretched out for a whole season. It gets awful tiresome.

Still at least these HWs have been eating their calories. Skinny bitch Rinna would stick out like a.......stick.

  • Love 17

I don’t understand why they’re allowed to keep referencing and alluding to the tres amigas.  That’s breaking the fourth wall; Vicki and Tamra got cut from the show, they didn’t move to Siberia.  I didn’t like the concept when it started, and I don’t like them continuing to talk about it.  It’s so juvenile.  It’s not clever or amusing, it’s just a term for three bitches who filmed a show together.  

Does Elizabeth remind anyone else of Dana Wilkey, RHBH friend-of season two?  


(Did you hear?  $25,000)

I know we’ve officially rang in a new season with Braunwyn crying and feeling sorry for herself.  If she goes into AA, is she going to get to her eighth step and make a list of people she has harmed and do a ninth step and apologize to those people, such as the people on the boat during OC fashion week last season whom she accused of grabbing her crazy drunken mom’s arm and they could have lost their jobs?  Is she going to apologize to her minor children who were probably scared shitless on the drive home when she was screaming that no! one! better! fuck! with! her! family!?  Crazy bitch.  

Should Shannon really invest her 1.4 million in a product?  Wouldn’t it be safer to invest more traditionally, save the money from the show and invest that too?

Someone mentioned last week that Gina’s “happy pounds” don’t seem so happy, and I have to agree.  Judging from the way she’s portraying herself, they seem more like “coping pounds.”  I think that’s why Gina and Emily are drinking so much too.  Gina is totally right in that Braunwyn would be more interested in knowing her if Gina had money.  Takes one to know one, though, as that is the reason Gina cozied up to Shannon last season.  

According to Tamra, she was offered a scaled back role on the show and she turned it down.  Then why is she still stirring shit with Gina off camera?  Bitch, just go away and get a life.  Lol at Emily saying that Tamra got a day off from her master Lucifer.  

Why is Braunwyn renting a three-story, eight thousand square foot home that looks a lot smaller on a small lot?  And, call me snobby, but that doesn’t sound as huge as they’re making it sound.  On RHNJ, Teresa’s home is like 10k square feet and Melissa’s is reportedly 15k and both bitches are broker than dirt.  And they’re not renting, unlike Braunwyn.  A few seasons ago, Alexis and Jim Bellino were renting a 6,000 square foot home, and all anyone did was make fun of them.  

Gina is completely entitled to think Sean is creepy.  I think it’s in the Bill of Rights.  There is such a juxtaposition of Gina being tipsy and calling Braunwyn twice to confront her and not being fazed about “the bleach going to [her] brain” and saying “soliloquy” and laughing on the one hand and Braunwyn being home, allegedly sober, and having a meltdown at Gina calling her twice.  If it comes down to a battle of wits, Braunwyn is going to come up unarmed.  

Gina has a funny accent, but she’s not dumb.  She also has a big set of balls.  In season thirteen, Gina’s inaugural season, Gina just marched into Shannon’s house after Shannon’s surgery and told Shannon everything Tamra had been saying about her and lived to tell the tale.  And Braunwyn isn’t really a force to be reckoned with.  Last season when they went shopping in Beverly Hills, she started crying because she lied about texting Gretchen and Lizzie and got caught.

Braunwyn got so lucky last season because Tamra eyed her and decided that she was cute and Tamra wanted to have Braunwyn on her side as someone who she could make out with and someone who would make more of a drunken ass of herself than Tamra.  Now that Tamra is gone, Braunwyn does not have most favorited nation status anymore, and I’m living for her comeuppance.  Now I know why Braunwyn looks so much older than 42–-the alcohol dried her out from the inside. She makes my skin crawl.  There’s something so off about her.  She makes Peggy Tanous of season six, the one who said she wanted to off herself with her husband’s rifle, look like the picture of mental health.  

Braunwyn only has to say what she said to Shannon—I’m not drinking right now, I’m on a cleanse, etc.  If she doesn’t want to talk about her sobriety, no one is putting a gun to her head.  She is choosing to make this her storyline.  Tamra isn’t on the show.  Anything Braunwyn’s mom may or may not have told Tamra didn’t even have to be addressed.  There are people who are recovering or former “alcoholics” (which is tricky, because it’s a word without a clinical definition) who never told anyone that they “got sober,” they just stopped drinking.  Denzel Washington comes to mind. 

If someone is that afraid that their problem drinking is going to come to light, they get the hell off of reality TV.  Especially those who can afford 8,000 square foot homes.  It is so convenient that the entire episode was devoted to Braunwyn’s “sobriety” that Tamra/Deb outed against her will; something that Braunwyn was going to keep a secret from the other cast members if her hand hadn’t been forced.  Riiiiight.  Bitch is just thirsty.  Braunwyn can have several seats.  

And Shannon, you can have a drink around Braunwyn; the only thing she doesn’t want you to do is abstain.  However, if you drink in her presence, as Sean did, she’s will cry.  

Emily and Shane have, by my standards, by far the nicest home on this show.  I’ve felt that way since she joined the cast (though I’ve always felt that Vicki had the best backyard).  I don’t find Emily to be a great beauty, but I think her face can take a lot of makeup, and I thought she looked the best she had in awhile at the birthday party.  Oh, and no kids kicking a dog this season, cool!

I think Elizabeth can be the next Kelly, with the extended family.  I am starting to find Kelly boring.  I don’t think she is strong enough to lead a franchise.  She’s too crazy.  Ditto for Shannon.  Maybe Elizabeth can come from behind and lead the franchise, because right now I am watching for Gina and Emily and hate-watching for Braunwyn, and that’s not a good look.  

Not to be too snarky, but it was a bit rich for Elizabeth to offer to hook Gina up with a doctor that can slim her down.  Pot meet kettle.  

It’s so hilarious how Gina is so unruffled by Braunwyn, getting her face painted and coloring on the floor with kids, while Braunwyn has a meltdown with Sen in the backyard over the idea of seeing Gina.  When they finally get into it, it’s going to be great, not good.  Gina is going to take this bitch down, and she’s going to take her down clean, and I’m living for it.  Gina is not as fucked up as Tamra (yet), but I think she’s just as smart.  

This franchise has always had a problem with who is the more guilty party—the person who states the damning information, or the person who repeats the damning information.  This goes back to Brooks, it goes back to whether Eddie is gay, it goes back to whether Kelly threw her mom down the stairs, whether David beat Shannon, and Kelly and the train.  It’s even more confusing, because the standard keeps changing—sometimes the person to state the info gets the most heat (David beating Shannon) and sometimes the one who repeats info get the most heat (Kelly and the train).  

My verdict?  Gina gets to be a little pissed at both Shannon and Braunwyn if they both said stupid shit about her house, something to which Braunwyn has already admitted.  It’s not a big deal, it doesn’t get to be a season-long arc, but whoever talked shit about the small house owes Gina an apology.  And Gina is a lot of things—she really is an asshole, but she doesn’t hold grudges.  So, if Braunwyn and Shannon play this right and just apologize one time simply and clearly, and don’t drown in hysterics, Gina will not be able to play chess with their minds.  Now do I think there is any chance Shannon and Braunwyn will not drown in hysterics?  There’s about the same chance that the moon is made out of green cheese.  And that’s why I watch, so...win-win?

  • Love 20

I’m liking this show more without Tamra and Vicki . Altho seems like Tamra is shit stirring behind the scenes lol.

Braunwyn and her family annoy me. So I don’t care about her alcoholic journey. Sorry that’s mean but she just seems like a stuck up bitch to me.

So far I’m liking Elisabeth.

Not minding Gina either. People need to chill about her house. Who cares where she lives.

Sean is creepy. He meant that text weird I think.

Looks like some good drama coming up wooo! Lol.

  • Love 18

I'm not a big Gina fan, but I sure love her fiscal responsibility. Good for her. The Brady Bunch part I'm not as sure about.

Did Braunwyn's mother attempt to extort her own daughter? Yikes.

The "immunity idol" comment made me laugh. Does Sean keep the statement necklaces on while menaging, or is there some sort of removal ceremony that takes place beforehand? (Barf.)

Overall, I found this episode (and the last) episode really interesting. This show is good again! 

  • LOL 4
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11 hours ago, JD5166 said:

I don’t know....that scene with Emily and Gina was the best thing I’ve seen on a HW show in a loooong time. Real drunk fun, trash talking! That was a scene from a lunch I had last weekend with one of my besties! Thank god nobody Ian taping tho, we’d have to deal with some shit! 

That was a fun scene. They seem like they've become actual friends, having fun together. I also liked, at Emily's, when GIna made the comment that if she said what she wanted to say to Braunwyn she'd get thrown out of Emily's house again, especially after the snark by Shane about possibly having to eject a housewife.


  • Love 11

Keywest, I think that the issue for many (it is for me), that if Braun is truly concerned about her sobriety, then get the hell off of a show that revolves around drinking. If she cried because Shaun ordered a drink (after she told him to), she has no place on this show. 

On topic. I still can't stand Emily, but I loved her scene with Gina. The rest was sort of a snooze for me. 

  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Keywest, I think that the issue for many (it is for me), that if Braun is truly concerned about her sobriety, then get the hell off of a show that revolves around drinking. If she cried because Shaun ordered a drink (after she told him to), she has no place on this show. 

On topic. I still can't stand Emily, but I loved her scene with Gina. The rest was sort of a snooze for me. 

So show the fans that Drinking is more important? This show isnt the real drunk housewives of whatever city its not only for woman who drink prioritizing that over showing other woman who do have real issues is telling people what? that you should shut up and hide? that you are only worth something if you do drink? Why not show a housewife who is going through something and trying to get help? I would say yes if she was like Kim richards and a hotmess with the issues but she isnt ... let her tell her story.. whats so wrong about that? Just because you are an alcoholic doesn't mean you stop being around people who drink .... that's not the real world ....you dont all the sudden get put in a bubble you have to learn to deal with being around that ....

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

So show the fans that Drinking is more important? This show isnt the real drunk housewives of whatever city its not only for woman who drink prioritizing that over showing other woman who do have real issues is telling people what? that you should shut up and hide? that you are only worth something if you do drink? Why not show a housewife who is going through something and trying to get help? I would say yes if she was like Kim richards and a hotmess with the issues but she isnt ... let her tell her story.. whats so wrong about that?

She can tell her story in places other than a reality show the is not based on drinking, but is clearly full of drinking. If this is real (and I am not going to get into a debate on this), she should focus on that and not this show. Let's agree to disagree.

  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, tvfanatic13 said:

She can tell her story in places other than a reality show the is not based on drinking, but is clearly full of drinking. If this is real (and I am not going to get into a debate on this), she should focus on that and not this show. Let's agree to disagree.

where are you getting that this show is based on drinking?That its a prerequisite to be on it is to drink to excess? These women other then like 2 of them are in there mid 50s to early 60s and drinking is supposed to be the fun thing for them? that its acceptable to act like its spring break 98 all the time and to get fall down drunk consistently?  come on now... Brawn isnt telling the woman NOT to drink ... she is just sharing her story... lets show other things then woman drinking so much they fall over each other and act obnoxious .. there is more to them then just drinking 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 8

I don't care if she is an alcoholic or is not an alcoholic. Most don't watch these shows to see someone go through therapy with a fake therapist. Bethenny and Dorinda come to mind. We watch to see  women giving us entertainment and something to snark on.  I didn't care for Braunwyn last season and so far find her not interesting or funny or entertaining at all this season. She was on WWHl last night hinting that she has another big secret about her life coming out soon. Who cares Braunwyn? 

And what is Shannon hawking this season? Her real for real meals didn't make the cut with QVC. She better be careful or she will squander all of her money on crap that no one wants. 

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Most don't watch these shows to see someone go through therapy with a fake therapist. Bethenny and Dorinda come to mind. We watch to see  women giving us entertainment and something to snark on.

I dont watch this show to watch 60yo women drink to the point of acting like a freaking fool that isnt entertaining after the 6000th time... we all watch these shows for different reasons i understand that ... but give us something new please ... grown woman acting like they are drinking for the first time and getting so drunk they fall and act obnoxious for the 150th episodes aint it anymore to a lot of the fans

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 3

Neither do I. No one on the show is 60 and so far they haven't made fools out of themselves this year anyway with their drinking. I don't know of a real housewives franchise that doesn't involve drinking and drinking to excess. That's the playbook. But there is no way that I want to tune in and see someone cry and go on and on about having a drinking problem. If you have a drinking problem get help and stop drinking. If it is so hard to not drink then don't take a job where you are around others who are always drinking. This didn't work out for Kim Richards and it didn't work out for Dorinda.  Last year Braunwyn carried on about all of her allergies, this year her drinking and soon to be secret. I just don't find her interesting or edgy. 

  • Love 15

I commend Brawny if she really is an alcoholic, she spoke up and wants to change.  However, coming to that realization on the first episode of this season is suspect to me.  Last year she told everyone about her rotten mother, her sex room, her open marriage, she swapped tongues with Tamra ( I'd request a blood test before that act), she went after Vicki in the first episode last year....she really tried to make an entrance.  I think she is all for show. Also speaking about her rotten mother, I agree her mom is nuts, but Brawny is not exactly mother of the year to her kids, IMO.  Kids get embarrassed by normal behavior from their parents,  what is she doing to her own kids on national tv?  Get off reality tv and get your life in order Brawny.  Do it for YOUR kids.

Someone mentioned before that Brawny looks like Lori Vallow Daybell the cult mom that killed her kids, husbands, etc.  I agree!  If old Brawny can act, she could play her in the sure to happen movie.  Also, Brawny's kids all look like they have different fathers.  I know I'll go to Hell for that one, but  THATS MY OPINION!!!  (Thanks Tamra, for the line.). And yes, Elizabeth does look like Dana.

  • LOL 1
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23 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I dont watch this show to watch 60yo women drink to the point of acting like a freaking fool that isnt entertaining after the 6000th time

While I agree with you about your reasons for watching the show, the problem is that it’s well known that alcohol is readily available on these reality shows and that the participants are known to consume too much.  It can’t be healthy for an alcoholic, especially in the very infancy of her recovery to be participating in a show of this nature.  I mean Kim Richards is kind of the poster child of it being a bad idea.

ETA- I know Kim has been struggling for years....honestly I don’t think she’s ever been sober since the show started.

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 4
On 10/22/2020 at 9:07 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

So show the fans that Drinking is more important? This show isnt the real drunk housewives of whatever city its not only for woman who drink prioritizing that over showing other woman who do have real issues is telling people what? that you should shut up and hide? that you are only worth something if you do drink? Why not show a housewife who is going through something and trying to get help? I would say yes if she was like Kim richards and a hotmess with the issues but she isnt ... let her tell her story.. whats so wrong about that? Just because you are an alcoholic doesn't mean you stop being around people who drink .... that's not the real world ....you dont all the sudden get put in a bubble you have to learn to deal with being around that ....

For me, I DO think it's important to give a voice to addiction issues. I don't believe that everyone has to drink to make this show interesting - that's not the reason why I watch, it just is what they do. I constantly feel terrible for the kids that wind up seeing their moms get naked wasted and putting themselves in unsafe situations.  That being said, the way that  Braunwyn handled this feels less than genuine. You're on freaking reality show, FFS. Tell everyone all at once, then do a TH that explains the situation, then deal with the REAL issue on the show - alcoholism - rather than the fake drama of "secrets". If you want secrets and your own timeline, you shouldn't be in front of a camera.


Edited by brewgirl
punctuation and spelling matters
  • Love 18


3 minutes ago, brewgirl said:

Tell everyone all at once, then do a TH that explains the situation, then deal with the REAL issue on the show - alcoholism - rather than the fake drama of "secrets". If you want secrets and your own timeline, you shouldn't be in front of a camera.


See I can agree with this point ... she should have and could have dealt with telling people in a different way

  • Love 6

My prediction for Brawny is that she gains her sobriety as the season progresses but has to suss out her sexuality as well. We have seen her drink heavily and make out with some of the other women, she and her husband enjoy threesomes with other women...it does not take a mental health professional to see that she might have used alcohol to justify sex with the other women but not really admit to herself she prefers women.  Just my thoughts from what we have seen in the past episodes, nobody would be shocked, nobody will clutch their pearls...it is 2020.  

Did I hear right that Shannon's divorce settlement was only 1.4 million?

Someone posted about that girl Dana and her $25,000 glasses, we saw a box load of Kelly's glasses, no glass cases at all, it makes me think she enjoys a pair or two of budget friendly eyewear.

New girl Elizabeth has a very strange build, are we ever going to see her wearing anything other than golf wear? 

Once again we see Gina with horrible messy extensions, that center part does her rat like nose no favors.  Her weight gain is not a good look on her, her shoulders are line backer like.  I would be more interested in seeing her weight loss journey than Shannon's lemon juice product meetings. And speaking of that, why does she want to not concentrate on her food line? It has been a proven success and there are way more marketing opportunities for her than launching some lemon product which will be a money suck.  Maybe she should create a low cal dessert line.

  • LOL 1
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1 hour ago, For Cereals said:

I don’t find Jimmy attractive.  That’s all I’ve got. Ok one more thing, I watched WWHL right after and now I really want to see Amy Sedaris do a Glennon Doyle impression.  Don’t know her, but self-help gurus are not my thing.

It's like you are looking in to my soul. LOL. 

I had never heard of Glennon Doyle before WWHL. 

I adore Amy Sedaris, Andy is very good friends with her, it would be ratings gold!!!  I do have a couple of meeting David Sedaris stories, (we have people in common).

Jimmy could not have been the tallest best looking person in that bar that night unless she had been wearing her beer goggles.  

  • LOL 1
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I feel bad bringing it up and am not trying to malign Bronwyn’s journey to get sober, but, if she was drinking so much that she had withdrawals, then how did she manage during her pregnancies? It is very dangerous ( can be fatal) for a heavy drinker to stop cold turkey with no medical support. I wonder if she she secretly drank through all her pregnancies. 

When Emily and Gina got drunk and made fun of Shawn’s “ immunity idol” necklace I laughed so hard!! 

  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My prediction for Brawny is that she gains her sobriety as the season progresses but has to suss out her sexuality as well. We have seen her drink heavily and make out with some of the other women, she and her husband enjoy threesomes with other women...it does not take a mental health professional to see that she might have used alcohol to justify sex with the other women but not really admit to herself she prefers women.  Just my thoughts from what we have seen in the past episodes, nobody would be shocked, nobody will clutch their pearls...it is 2020.  

Did I hear right that Shannon's divorce settlement was only 1.4 million?

Someone posted about that girl Dana and her $25,000 glasses, we saw a box load of Kelly's glasses, no glass cases at all, it makes me think she enjoys a pair or two of budget friendly eyewear.

New girl Elizabeth has a very strange build, are we ever going to see her wearing anything other than golf wear? 

Once again we see Gina with horrible messy extensions, that center part does her rat like nose no favors.  Her weight gain is not a good look on her, her shoulders are line backer like.  I would be more interested in seeing her weight loss journey than Shannon's lemon juice product meetings. And speaking of that, why does she want to not concentrate on her food line? It has been a proven success and there are way more marketing opportunities for her than launching some lemon product which will be a money suck.  Maybe she should create a low cal dessert line.

I wondered about that 1.4 million figure too. She also mentioned 30K a month. But is that 1.4 million plus 30,000 a month until the kids are grown or was it 1.4 million, payable in 30,000 a month increments?

If it's 1.4 million total, that just does not seem like very much.  

Gina's hair from the back. Yikes! It's crazy cat lady back there.


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