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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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1 minute ago, Adeejay said:

"Do you like living in the Philippines?"  I know that Ed is just trying to make conversation, but given that Rose's father has probably never lived anywhere else, that really is a stupid question.  

It probably isn’t a financial option to live elsewhere.  

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Just now, kacesq said:

Ed is so smarmy. He does what he wants but throws around “respect” to make himself appear kind and humble. 


1 minute ago, Grifter Lives said:

Ed: "So, do you like living in the Philippines?" 

Follow-Up: "It's kinda like a jungle." 

in between all his self-praise about respect

I hate him so much. Ed wanting to take Rose on a vacation as an excuse. Promise to take care of her as he tries to boink her again. I wish the father would have said no. He knows what's up. It's just a sad situation.

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Toilet paper and paper towels back in stores like CVS and Walgreens.   Costco had TP as well.  I saw some people buying hair dye but no more than 2 boxes.  Even saw sidewalk chalk which I know has been sold out as well.   People starting to act normal.

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Just now, Baltimore Betty said:

My husband has been sucked in to this shit show, I am not sure if I should be happy or concerned, one of us should be sane, right?

I'm watching this with a bunch of guys from work. They're all telling me how stupid it is and teasing me for watching it, but none of them are leaving the TV room, lol. 

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1 minute ago, greekmom said:

Did you try the Bulk Barn?

Nope. A lot of bulk places are either closed or have a staff person do your purchase for you. I had heard that an Italian grocery store had some last week.

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5 minutes ago, Zombness said:

What a stupid question Ed....do you like living in the Philippines,  he has lived all his life there.....

then he asks him if he likes living at the pig farm.   Duh.

The best thing about this season for me is watching Big Edd be miserable.   I guess he didn't trust the sister since he brought his backpack to the pig farm.   I can't blame him for wearing sneakers since I wouldn't expect him to pack boots.   He is just so pathetic.


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Such a conflicted position that Rose's dad is in.  By rights he should shove Ed's face into pigshit, but on the other hand, he probably wants his daughter to have a better life in the US, but what a price to pay--living with Ed.  

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2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Haven't really checked hair dye yet. Still a struggle to find flour and yeast. Some paper products are coming back.

My grocery store had 2 10kg bags of flour last week, but no toilet paper. My sister did find tp at Costco and gave it to my parents to hold and dole out. I’m worried all that power will go to their heads. 

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1 minute ago, Twopper said:

then he asks him if he likes living at the pig farm.   Duh.

The best thing about this season for me is watching Big Edd be miserable.   I guess he didn't trust the sister since he brought his backpack to the pig farm.   I can't blame him for wearing sneakers since I wouldn't expect him to pack boots.   He is just so pathetic.


I have never laughed so much as today with Ed's adventures......his expressions upon seein the rat was priceless.

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2 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Toilet paper and paper towels back in stores like CVS and Walgreens.   Costco had TP as well.  I saw some people buying hair dye but no more than 2 boxes.  Even saw sidewalk chalk which I know has been sold out as well.   People starting to act normal.

Paper products are slowly returning here in my part of Calif. too. Maybe it’s a combination of the people who hoarded in the beginning are chilling out and the distribution of products ramping up.  

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1 minute ago, Floatingbison said:

Such a conflicted position that Rose's dad is in.  By rights he should shove Ed's face into pigshit, but on the other hand, he probably wants his daughter to have a better life in the US, but what a price to pay--living with Ed.  

Also people who go overseas send money back. It’s an important source of support in the Philippines. 

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38 minutes ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

I love how in male dominated Nigeria, Usman must get his mother’s permission to wed. 

Mostly because she has to have better judgement than Usman, and will give them a big fat NO!

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2 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

Fun fact! David Rose wrote "The Stripper" and the music for "Little House on the Prairie!" He was also married to Judy Garland!

Oh, Did he do the music for the mime rape episode of Little House?

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4 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

What drives me nuts is her nasally vocal fry.  So grating.   This is going to end in a spectacular bang of rainbow colored hate.

She really does sound like Kourtney Kadashian in her TH segments (Kourtney being the most vocally fry-ish of the KardJenner clan). 

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Erica.....run away from Steph....she is pushy, controlling, self centered and the list goes on.  Be you old happy self alone with your other friends. If Steph behaves that way in Australia, once you come here she is going to be worse.

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That makeout session that Rainbow and Stephanie had on camera was totally for show. The way Stephanie flipped her hair during the kissing was like she had watched too many rom-coms.

It reminded me of a scene from a really bad Cinemax After Dark movie.

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