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S16.E19: Love of My Life

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What the hell was that? So, Teddy who apparently was bi/gay whatever you want to call it, has been punishing herself all these years because she cheated on her friend with her girlfriend? Then named her daughter after her? Where, when, how has Teddy ever been shown to have any attraction to women... ever! I seriously wanted to be in the writing room when they came up with this idea and just yell at them: "How the fuck do you think that explains anything, like ever! Have you ever even watched this show?" 

Felt back for McWidower, that man was through a hell of a lot. Wow, outside him Maggie also got a decent story with no: "he's secret married or gay or something." As for Richard, just stop beating him up. Perfect way to bring this show to an end (though I know it's going on still). I mean now Meredith has to save Richard? That would be full circle for the show. 

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, MaryRhodaPhyllis said:

So next season is the last season, right? That's what it's really starting to look like. 

The show got roasted over the coals for how they wrote off Alex and now barely two episodes later they are doing whatever this is to Richard, one of the three originals left. I'm scared now what they are going to do to Bailey to make Meredith the last one standing.

The Meredith that we know would surely call Cristina and Alex when her "father" is sick with whatever he is sick with. The Alex we know would come back for her. I get why he can't, but this is going to be another way to screw him if he is even mentioned at all.

Edited by LexieLily
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I get that you can't have a character (on this show especially) just have a trauma-lite life or age gracefully but this new plot for Richard of hallucinations and illness is just awful. I don't want to lose any more original cast but if you're out of stories for him, just let him retire and move on. Adding yet ANOTHER trauma into his life (and Mer and Bailey's) is cheap storytelling.

UGHHHH why do I keep watching this show?

Also, I was more into Teddy/Hayes or Teddy/Allison than I've ever been into Teddy/Owen. I just don't like him.

  • Love 6

Why didn't anyone pull Richard off the stage any sooner than they did. That was horrible to watch.

I was thinking how stupid it was that they were putting Richard and Catherine back together, but the only thing that was worse was whatever they are doing to him instead.

I kind of feel like Maggie's fling is going to turn out to be some kind of stalker.

I liked seeing more about McWidow's background, but it was really sad.

I don't get the point of the Teddy flashbacks. Was that supposed to make us like her better?

  • Love 8

I guess this flashback Teddy has a history/pattern for cheating and explain how she can still have feelings for Owen/Kuracik at the same time.

Geez, Richard hallucinating reconciling with Catherine is the saddest thing. I guess this medical emergency will make Richard and Catherine reconcile for real

The McWidow story was the only interesting thing in this episode and sad. It will only be a matter of time till the writers ruin his character

Edited by redfish
  • Love 9

I liked Maggie's story. At least someone got some happiness.

Does Richard have a brain tumor? Are they going to operate and he's going to be cured? Everything can be cured by a surgery on this show.

Well that was an information dump on McWidower. The macilator causing women to die of ovarian cancer is unfortunately too true.

10 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

sexuality is a spectrum, just because we haven't seen Teddy with a woman doesn't mean she doesn't fancy them.

We've never seen her attracted to a woman before. There was no build-up to this at all, especially the idea that she felt guilty at loving Owen because she was still in love with Allison.

"I couldn't hate you for loving Allison. She was Allison."  The Allison I saw on the show was a liar and a cheat, I'm not impressed by her at all.

  • Love 19
14 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I liked Maggie's story. At least someone got some happiness.

Does Richard have a brain tumor? Are they going to operate and he's going to be cured? Everything can be cured by a surgery on this show.

Well that was an information dump on McWidower. The macilator causing women to die of ovarian cancer is unfortunately too true.

We've never seen her attracted to a woman before. There was no build-up to this at all, especially the idea that she felt guilty at loving Owen because she was still in love with Allison.

"I couldn't hate you for loving Allison. She was Allison."  The Allison I saw on the show was a liar and a cheat, I'm not impressed by her at all.

No kidding, if anything I wanted to go: "Then maybe it's a good thing she died. You are happy now." Then tie this all in with 9/11, so that was the reason why Teddy enlisted, to pay someone back for the death of her gay lover? Seriously, whatever, run Owen, run Korvack, Teddy is seriously screwed up. 

  • Love 6

I loathe episodes/stories like these. 

Alison. you suck. you suck monkey butt. it's like "I'm not a terrible person because I'm in in love." (the bear face affair person earlier this season). like. it blows my mind that people write this and then they do table reads and they all apparently approve it. like no

Like i'm sorry.
if you love Teddy more, Allison, then you tell Clare and you give her space, have her move out. Or. you let Clare find two new roommates. you don't justify having sexy times behind her back. 

Now, I have to imagine Owen doesn't know that Alison was Teddy's lover, because again - naming your baby after your secret lesbian lover is gross. I would be livid if I had a baby and my husband/fiance choses this gorgeous name that means something to him (akin to a best friend) and then i find out that nope. it's the name of his lover he's apparently so not over. (and uses this to be a scuzzybucket cheat). 

which you are Teddy. If you want to love two people. don't be in a serious relationship with one. don't string them along, don't have sex behind each others backs, don't lie about it. it's making big girl decision and choices and no pretty speech is going to change the fact that you were a yucky cheater with Alison (which - Shari Saum tends to play lesbians all the time lol), and you are a yucky cheater with Owen

and stop trying to romanticise being a scuzzybucket cheater, Krista. because there is no bow on that pile of poo that makes it okay. not one. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 21

Serious. What the fuck was that?

The amount of characters on this show I want to spend time with in real life or watching on this show is so small right now it's crazy.

People say ER went on too long and laughed at it but they found a way to keep adding interesting fresh blood and rehabbing characters in a way this show does not to anymore.

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And to top it off, how much better would it have been to have Teddy be bisexual back in when she was first on the show? Maybe if they had given Kim Raver this storyline in the context of grieving Henry's deatha, and done something with her, Arizona & Callie, the whole amputation story would've worked better! I'm not suggesting that Teddy & Arizona should've slept together. Just that the revelation would've added a layer to those friendships & she would've had built in story. 

I always wondered why Teddy was so invested in Calzona. The potential was there & they blew it. 






Edited by cycworker
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  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, MaryRhodaPhyllis said:

And who knew early cognitive disorders were sexually transmitted? First Ellis, then Adele, now Richard. Catherine better be running scared.  

So he was having hand tremors...and I know from extensive research of seeing too many drug commercials on TV that hallucinations/delusions can be symptoms of Parkinsons... (But if that's it, then why did they have him on oxygen?)

  • Love 2

The guy who plays Cormac is either one of the rare guys who looks worse with hair or the hair/makeup people hate him and gave him the worst possible wig.

This episode was just a great reminder that Teddy is so much better when she isn't around Owen. Her one short scene with Maggie at the beginning of the episode was so much more interesting than any of her baby drama with Owen in the last year.

When Catherine showed up and was being nice, I was convinced that she was just trying to lull him into a false sense of security so she could trick him into something. We already had Ghost Sex with Ghost Denny so I really don't need Richard hallucinating Catherine.

Real Catherine nagging Jackson to get the livefeed up when she had no idea how to do it herself was such a typical mom thing (like many other people, I serve as my mom's technical support for computer/phone/internet related things). I had to laugh when Meredith asked Zola how she knows how to do stuff like that and Zola said, "EVERYONE knows how to this stuff, mom."

11 hours ago, LexieLily said:

The idea of Teddy naming her daughter after her long-secret lesbian lover is strange and has slightly creepy undertones.

And my guess is that she never told Owen why she chose that name either which just adds to the creep factor.

Claire was the only one who didn't end up looking like a selfish jerk. Teddy and Alison were both terrible to her.

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

Maggie's dude's "and Richard is...?" was the main thing that stood out to me. This line wouldn't have been written if they are meant to be instant star-crossed lovers. Something's up.

At first, I thought "Oh, he's not a kid of Richard from some woman he was cheating with on Adele, is he?" Which, to be fair, is plausible, especially with them adding in Teddy's affair with her best friend when that was never even hinted at before. They could throw in another random child because this show couldn't care less about continuity. 

Everyone's a cheater on this show, it seems. If a couple isn't cheating on the other, it isn't Grey's. 

I only watched a few minutes of the episode and only caught a couple of the scenes, but I got the gist of what was going on.

I feel bad for Richard, but I also think that he could just have a Magical Illness that can be cured. It would be impressive if they followed through and gave him an incurable disease, just because it WOULD be a hard arc to watch. I don't even really like Richard. I've always found him boring and, since season 10, was wanting him to leave the show because I felt like his story was done for me.

Meh to Teddy. Meh to Maggie and her new romance. 

I did catch part of Hayes' backstory, which was probably the best part of the episode for me. Again, with only having caught part of the episode so maybe there was something better.

  • Love 3
40 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


I did catch part of Hayes' backstory, which was probably the best part of the episode for me. Again, with only having caught part of the episode so maybe there was something better.

Yeah, I didn't feel it was heavy handed or anything, even how the boys reacted to their mother's death and her giving him permission to move on with his life. All felt natural while with Teddy's "secret origin" was not only heavy handed, but had no key with ANYTHING her character has done outside of cheating as soon as she hears the slightest bad news. Because you know even Claire saying: "She didn't call me, she didn't call her parents, she called YOU." I was like: "I'm going to go throw up now." 

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, renatae said:

Teddi is just full of secrets, isn't she? She is a real bedhopper. Not that the others aren't, of course. But, really.

Poor Richard.

I know, right?

As for concerns that there was no lead up, maybe she didn't make a lifestyle choice and just fell for this one woman. I know some women who've had interludes but are primarily attracted to men.

Very creepy to name her daughter Allison, though, which Owen would likely not appreciate.

I loathe Maggie but was pleased for her. He might make a fun addition to the show.

As a black woman who has always thought McWidow is smoking hot, it was interesting to learn that he's down with the swirl.

  • Love 6

So, wait. Richard was just imagining that Catherine was with him the whole time, right? So, at the end of the episode when Catherine, Jackson and the extras were all watching the live feed, why was Catherine acting like they were back together and saying how hot Richard looked? WTF.

Teddy already looked bad enough running off and sleeping with Koracick. Now we find out she pulls this all the time, and it doesn't even matter if it's with a man, a woman, or (probably) a beast of burden. Anyone who shows her the least bit of interest, she hops into bed with. I had no idea she was this pathetic and needy. Clearly the writers have no idea what they're doing to this character if they think this makes her look anything other that awful.

Still don't care about Dr. Irish. The man has about as much personality as a stale old piece of toast. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

So, wait. Richard was just imagining that Catherine was with him the whole time, right? So, at the end of the episode when Catherine, Jackson and the extras were all watching the live feed, why was Catherine acting like they were back together and saying how hot Richard looked? WTF.

Teddy already looked bad enough running off and sleeping with Koracick. Now we find out she pulls this all the time, and it doesn't even matter if it's with a man, a woman, or (probably) a beast of burden. Anyone who shows her the least bit of interest, she hops into bed with. I had no idea she was this pathetic and needy. Clearly the writers have no idea what they're doing to this character if they think this makes her look anything other that awful.

Still don't care about Dr. Irish. The man has about as much personality as a stale old piece of toast. 


I feel like we've missed an episode or two. like it was such a jarring shock. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, politichick said:

I know, right?

As for concerns that there was no lead up, maybe she didn't make a lifestyle choice and just fell for this one woman. I know some women who've had interludes but are primarily attracted to men.

Very creepy to name her daughter Allison, though, which Owen would likely not appreciate.

I loathe Maggie but was pleased for her. He might make a fun addition to the show.

As a black woman who has always thought McWidow is smoking hot, it was interesting to learn that he's down with the swirl.

Should make a meme of Homer from the Bowling Team episode from 20 years ago: 


Homer: "Yeah Mo, Teddy sure does cheat." "Yeah, she was a cheater." "I mean I'm not just talking cheat, I'm talking about the biggest cheater that ever did cheat!"

Marge: "Homer!"

Homer: "Opps have to go, Krista is complaining about the truth again." 

  • LOL 4

I haven't managed to generate any interest in Hayes, so that part of the story was also of little interest to me.  In fact, early on, I got confused as that flashback progressed, and wondered if I had switched channels somehow because I didn't even recognize him.  

For the first time in a long time, I liked Maggie and her story.

I was very annoyed that Richard and Catherine would just get back together with such little fallout, so it was very surprising to discover that he was hallucinating.  At first when she disappeared, I thought maybe he had been pretending she was there.  It seems a little extreme no matter what illness he has that he could have such a long, sustained and consistent hallucination going on.  

The Teddy story was just a total WTF to me.  They dropped that in here with zero foreshadowing whatsoever.  I don't understand what the point of it is to Grey's in the big picture.  

  • Love 4

I was literally shocked by the Richard hallucinations. I really fell for Catherine being in the room with him. 

I knew that Sherri Saum (who I love from The Fosters) was going to be a guest star. When Dr. Irish started talking about his boys visiting their aunt, I thought that was the character she would be playing. Needless to add, big surprise. 

Poor Richard. I could not watch him self-destruct while starting his speech. 

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