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S10.E17: Reunion Part 1

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The reunion kicks off with Melissa, Margaret, Jackie and even Dolores sparring with Jennifer as Teresa remains loyal to her friend. Meanwhile, Jackie reveals surprising details about her eating disorder and Dolores comes to a shocking conclusion about her relationship.

Airdate 03.04.2020

Gee, I wonder what Dolores' "shocking conclusion about her relationship" might be?!

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I think the only way Jennifer knows how to socially interact......*in her new money group*.......is to impress people with her money.


If people don’t fall at her feet......then it is on! 


Jennifer becomes combative, conceited and a bully.  


Andy is totally ignoring her.  Jennifer cannot read his body language  to tone it down! 





(Her look is so Paris Hilton 2005!....)

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Yes to everyone who wants Jennifer to STFU. Is she going insert herself into every conversation? She is unbearable and soooo thirsty. And giving Mel shit for her fake storyline.. what is Jennifer's storyline? Being a spoiled loud mouthed bitch. And I love that within the first 5 minutes she had to call out Jackie as the richest bitch on the couch. That has so gotten under her skin  jelly much? All of these women do some kind of work. I think she feels inadequate and she is!

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It cannot be said enough:  Jenn, STFU.

Tre has totally checked out.  Tre saves money for her children's future????

From some of the faces Delores made when Jenn was talking, I think she wished she was the other couch.

I could go on and on about the comments Jenn has made so far but she's not worth the time...or the attention.

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Melissa had the best look at maybe any reunion across all franchises.  Perfection (for her).  Jackie looked excellent.  The other four...a little Vegas.  Their hair all looked so healthy!  Even Margaret was rocking like a cool long wavy bob that was so much more current than usual. 

Andy was gunning for Melissa at the beginning.  That “question from the viewer” about all her fake ness is pretty much what many people here have been saying all season long.

I love Pamela from Pasadena who asked Melissa who calls their friends losers.  Is that all it’s going to get addressed though?  It was one of the more inflammatory comments made over the course of the season.  

I completely think Melissa is too self-absorbed to have another baby, and that she was faking it for a storyline.  I don’t even think there’s anything controversial about saying that.

When Margaret was describing what she used to be allowed to do with her boyfriends, I thought Teresa and Dolores were going to faint.  That ain’t old school!  I liked hearing more about Margaret’s background.  Why did it take three seasons?  I think it’s interesting that she’s Hungarian.  Ramona from RHNYC is Hungarian too.  I don’t see many similarities.   

Andy, it’s not “anti-semetic,” it’s “anti-Semitic.”  We went over this in season seven with Siggy!

Teresa, why didn’t you go away to college?!?  Is that really a question?  Because what the hell four-year college would accept her?!?

I don’t get the controversy over what kind of mom Margaret is.  Margaret said Jennifer didn’t work, Jennifer and Bill said she works to raise the kids, Margaret said Jennifer doesn’t work again (implying raising kids isn’t a job), and Jennifer said she doesn’t know what kind of mother Margaret was, but it takes her 14 hours a day to raise her kids.  Right or wrong—I said at the time I thought Jennifer was lying—no one attacked Margaret’s parenting.  No one came for her parenting!  Margaret is so defensive about that shit.  I don’t get it.  Guilty conscience?

If Jackie’s “wealth” doesn’t define her, why does she bring it up so often?  Just off the top of my head, we’ve got two stories of Evan signing a prenup, the $15k ring story, family money, owning a lot of properties (but not disclosing how many), and heavily implying on WWHL that she was the richest NJ Housewife (“well, I don’t want to brag!”) gives me a rough total of six instances from this short season.  

Bethenny Frankel’s Tweet against Jennifer was so lame, and Jennifer had a funny, clever response.  There are things Jennifer has said and done on which she should be called—the throwing of silverware, the obsession with Jackie’s parties—but this was not one.  This response to the Tweet was a sweet, well-landed retort to the Queen of Dark and Manic.

I hate when they get into a group mentality and go after someone, no matter their words or behavior.  Would it have killed Margaret to say that “said no one ever” is not in vogue and Jennifer did a good twist on it by saying, “yes, I do say things said by no one ever!”?  I like and defend Margaret, but she is so ass-kissy.  I watched her on WWHL last week and she was pinging and ponging between Andy (who was pro-Teresa) and that ass clown Michael Rappaport (who was pro-Danielle) and never at one time was she like, “you guys are full of shit.  They’re both assholes.”  She just held her tongue because she knows what side her bread is buttered on, and I don’t respect that.  You can make one concession to Jennifer, and it won’t make you look weak, it will make you look strong and open-minded.  You can stand up to the popular and powerful and you’ll be fine if you believe in yourself, damn.

This installment was so early Housewives.  It was boring and kind of light.  I like them to get in and defend their positions—not fighting, but arguing.  I am so disinterested in Dolores’s relationship with David and I’m not very interested in Jackie’s anorexia, which was...fifteen years ago?  This is so embarrassing, but the flashback of Siggy made me yearn for more tumultuous times.  I don’t watch this to feel warm and fuzzy.  I watched Flirty Dancing to feel warm and fuzzy, and that got cancelled on me!

Jennifer is the only one who throws things???  Say what?  Is Teresa not on this cast?  Did season seven not happen?!?  I love how convenient it was for Marge to make an exception for liquid.  If Marty would have broken his neck falling into that pool, how would that grab her?  Also, last time I checked, acid was liquid.  

This is why Melissa will never be a star in a nutshell:  Jennifer says (again) that Melissa is self-absorbed and Melissa says “don’t judge a book by its cover.”  What does this even mean?  Self-absorption is a mode of being; it’s a way of life.  Jennifer gave several examples of how Melissa acts self-absorbed, so what does this have to do with judging a book by her cover at all?  If Jennifer had said Melissa looked such-and-such a way, it would have been appropriate.  In this context, it meant absolutely nothing, like pretty much everything else Melissa says. 

I don’t think this was a great installment for Jennifer either.  She could have been more restrained and still gotten in some zingers.  Not every comment requires a response.  But how much more boring would this have been without her?  I’d probably have checked out once I saw the outfits.  Oh, but then I would have missed that Frankie Jr is in school studying to live a life of doing blow off strippers’ tits and defraud his clients like dear old dad  become an investment banker!

I have no idea how they’re going to get two more installments out of this.  I feel like they went over everything already.  We’ll probably get a full hour about Teresa and Joe, and then an hour with the husbands and Danielle drama about where she sits on the couch.  I...am.....so.....excited......💤

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Teresa looked like she was half-asleep during this portion of the reunion - she looked like she was completely zoned out for the most part.

Teresa may also want to watch her back.  As we all know, she is the OG, and the HBIC on New Jersey.  I have a feeling that Jennifer is coming in hot for that HBIC title, and she will stab Teresa in the back to get it.  Jennifer is very calculating - no one should underestimate this one.  She is not stupid and she is shrewd - she will cut a bitch to get what she wants (I mean that figuratively).  She's already not above throwing utensils and glasses, LOL!  

I think that Dolores is seeing that now.  She better warn her friend, Teresa to watch out.  

I don't like Jennifer - regardless of what she says, she does create drama just for the sake of drama.  She's got a big mouth and isn't afraid to use it, and that gets her attention (yes, she is an attention-whore) and people are talking about her.

The rest of it seemed a little slow for me, but we've got two more episodes to go!  

ETA:  Jennifer reminds me of Tamra from RHOC - when she came on and started right in with "I AM the HOTTEST housewife in Orange County" bullshit, and then, got very friendly with Vicki right away.  Tamra got lucky when Vicki screwed herself with the whole Brooks thing and the cancer scam, but it was still obvious that she was gunning for the top housewife spot.  

Edited by njbchlover
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I really like Jackie now that she is being more open and warm. She is a good friend and I like her responses. 

Dolores is looking her best. Whatever she is going with for her hair and makeup is working out. Living with her ex and boyfriend is very interesting. She is a better woman than me. 

Jen got some valid points but her combative behavior is taking away from the points she is attempting to make. Her behavior is an embarrassment... maybe she had a couple of drinks.  

Melissa is self absorbed and she didn’t know what to say 😂. She is pissed to be called out. Looks great for 40 but she is 40 and she will have to embrace it. 

Don’t dig the chandelier on Teresa’s head but whatever.  Seen a few evil smirks when Jen was going at Melissa. I think she is the source of Jen’s info of Melissa’s self-love of her pictures. 

Margaret is handling Jen pretty well. She should react less to her that would really piss her off.  Let’s see how she reacts to Danielle😳


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I'm in agreement with everyone about Jen. What a self-important motor mouth.

Teresa does act as if she's drugged. Her hair decoration is a bit much, but it's attractive on her.

I go back and forth on Jackie. Tonight she did well, and made some good points, as well as not overreacting, which seems to be her forte.

Edited by renatae
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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Jackie looked excellent.

Jackie looked shiny.  A few of the others had that on that gleamy, glittery stuff too , but not to that extent.  I totally agree with the rest of your post though, LibertarianSlut!

Jennifer can be a pugnacious jerk at times, but I do appreciate the way she calls the others out.  She was on the money when she compared herself having help with a large family to Marge needing Marlene as a housekeeper for only herself and her husband (Marge defended that one by essentially saying she's too good to clean her own toilets).  I appreciated Jen bringing up Joe Gorga's idiocy too because he's been getting a pass for far too long.   Out of everyone on this franchise she is probably the only one who I think it would be fun to spend time with.  At least she has a sense of humor.



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If Jackie’s “wealth” doesn’t define her, why does she bring it up so often?

Stealth bragging?

I thought Dolores looks the best. Jackie looked good too, though she did look like she was on a  reunion from 2012. Jennifer looked ok, Marge's hair looked like shit, and Melissa was just...no bueno. We also need a moment of silence for the poor ostrich Teresa sacrificed for her dress.

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Jennifer is so irritating. What is her damage? It's clear that she is gearing up to be Tre's new patsy. She interrupted and had a snarky comment for everyone but Teresa, and they both came to the other's "defense" so to speak. Needless to say, I got the impression that those two are in cahoots. 


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If it wasn't for Jennifer causing issues and running her mouth, we'd probably be sitting through 20 minutes of Melissa Gorga: To Spawn or Not To Spawn. Dolores covered her entire story in under five minutes (still dating the doctor, still not living at his house), Margaret's whole story was about the hair pull and Teresa so that's going to have to wait, Jackie had her eating disorder and net worth story covered in five minutes (still eating, still rich), Teresa is in la-la land over in the corner which is par for the course when it comes to Teresa, and Joe Gorga has three sad, red-faced, bald-headed sperm. 

I say feed Jen a couple of tequila shots and point her at the stage. I'm not sure there's much else there. 

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5 hours ago, Primetimer said:

Just posted: Sarah Bunting weighs in with six takeaways from tonight's reunion episode

Fun read as always, but I must respond to the part about Frankie Jr. not having to work past 4 as an investment banker because that’s when the market closes.  Two of my cousins and one nephew are investment bankers, and they work long, long hours . The cousins are married dads whose families grudgingly get it, but my nephew is only in his 3rd year out of college and his friends still like to hang out sometimes after work and on weekends.  He can’t join them, he literally works till 10-11 most nights and works most Saturdays. It’s also very hard to date when you’re never available.  It’s a very lucrative job but the hours are insane.  Brokers are the ones who deal with the market which closes at four, investment bankers are dealing with issues and clients worldwide at all hours 

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I feel like Teresa just mentally checks out when the conversation is not about her.  Also... did she get her hairline threaded or something?

Jennifer did annoy me with her constant interruptions (she reminded me of a child constantly needing attention) but I did like that she called out Melissa on her fake storylines.  It’s about time someone did.

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I have to agree with Jen about Melissa and the whole reproductive specialist storyline. The bragging about how young her ovaries apparently are. @@ The giggling at Joe’s low sperm count. I have known too many couples who have struggled physically, emotionally and financially with infertility (including premature ovarian failure in their early 30s and low sperm counts) to think this farce that they are putting up for public consumption is cute, interesting or genuine.

Other than that - I think Delores looked gorgeous and all of it was boring. I guess Melissa’s storyline is now the feud wuth Jennifer.@@


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Melissa's face looked....off.  More off than usual, like she had additional work done.  

6 hours ago, Marley said:

Andy is a shady bitch lol.

For real.  Andy was definitely channeling his inner 14 year old mean girl with all the "What she said was...." and "Oh yes, you heard her correctly".  He was in rare form.  

Because it can't be said enough, Jennifer:


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12 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Tre has totally checked out.  Tre saves money for her children's future????

I agree with @Kiki777, Teresa checks out when the conversation is not about her. She's not interested in anyone but herself anyway, imo.

I laughed when Tre said she saves money. How much was that pool she had installed? The hair and makeup, the Gucci wardrobe, the Chanel (can't forget the Chanel!), the cosmetic procedures...How much does Bravo pay her that she still has money to save after all that?

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The women were more orange that usual. I thought Jackie's coloring was particularly awful. 


Agree with everyone that Teresa seemed to have popped something before hand. Or maybe production slipped her something to prevent anything physical with Danielle. 


Jennifer was insufferable. However Melissa is self absorbed and her storylines are clearly fake so she's not completely wrong. She never wanted another baby. Also Melissa hasn't been a stay at home Mom for the youngest kid, not if she wants us to believe she genuinely put in work for her failed 30-something year old popstar career and all the failed businesses plus doing appearances since she is a HW. Even Antonia has probably spent more of her life with Melissa doing HW. There's nothing wrong with that but the idea that she was a typical SAHM for all three is just not true. The same goes for Teresa, Gia and perhaps Gabriella may be the only ones to really remember life before HW.


Dolores maybe could have been on earlier than season 7 since she was a friend of Teresa/the Manzo's for so long. Going back to season 1 she's popped up. If she decided to wait until her kids were older good for her.


I like that Dolores isn't blindly sticking by her side of the couch. 


Over all the first hour was pretty lame.

Edited by Gigi43
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I did like and laugh when Jennifer said to Melissa that Joe Gorga says stupid shit all the time. So true. Saw in the promos Joe bragging about his sperm. He needs to just shut the fuck up already. He’s such a little sleazy douche.

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Jennifer was insufferable. However Melissa is self absorbed and her storylines are clearly fake so she's not completely wrong.

Jennifer's delivery may be horrible, but she occasionally tells it like it is.


Saw in the promos Joe bragging about his sperm. He needs to just shut the fuck up already. He’s such a little sleazy douche.

I'll admit, it was good to see that any fertility problems were from Joe and not Melissa.

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Teresa appears to have been replaced by a sentient rock in a weave and shiny dress.  She is stoned out of her mind (which is not a far way to go). They're lucky she didn't completely nod off and drool all over herself and the Bravo couch.  Every time she was called on to speak she started with the equivalent of ,"What? Huh? Um? Was someone speaking? Me? You want me to speak?"

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3 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I agree with @Kiki777, Teresa checks out when the conversation is not about her. She's not interested in anyone but herself anyway, imo.

I laughed when Tre said she saves money. How much was that pool she had installed? The hair and makeup, the Gucci wardrobe, the Chanel (can't forget the Chanel!), the cosmetic procedures...How much does Bravo pay her that she still has money to save after all that?

THIS! Add into the mix the designer clothing and bags (Gucci on blast, Chanel, etc.), the luxury cars, the upkeep and monthly expenses for the McMansion she lives in, the 5 star resorts she goes to for vacays at least four or five times a year, dressing her daughters in designer clothing and all of their other expenses...PLUS attorneys fees for Joe. No way she's saving a dime. 

As for Jennifer...wow! I don't quite understand what her strategy was in the manic, in your face behavior throughout the show. She seemed unbalanced and a little crazy. She really is  so low class and trashy. If she wasn't married to a money machine she would have ended up in a trailer in Camden. Did she go to college or have any post high school education? She seems very unsophisticated, poorly educated and just a tad insecure...she was groomed to be a wife to a wealthy Turkish professional and nothing more. A wife and breeder...the other women on this show are also wives and breeders but with college educations and beyond in some cases. Even Teresa went to college...Jennifer went from high school to an arranged marriage I presume...that might be why she feels the need to over compensate by attacking and mocking them at a frantic pace. Her husband is a nice guy but woefully inept or just not interested in trying to point out to her how embarrassing she is to their traditional and conservative families.

Also, it is unethical and taboo for a physician to treat family members (for major or chronic disease) or do surgery on immediate family members for obvious reasons. Dr. Ayden most certainly did not perform all that cosmetic surgery on his own wife. Jennifer looked like she had nose job since the show wrapped.

Edited by kicksave
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16 hours ago, Golden Girl said:

Jackie, Margaret, and Melissa are coming across as middle aged mean girls. Yikes!

Jennifer is the one saying shady shit every 5 seconds, interrupting people and generally just behaving like a (monkey’s) ass(hole)...but Jackie, Mel and Marge are the mean girls? Yeah, not coming to that same conclusion at all. Anything shady they might have said was generally in response to Jen’s rude comments. 

Although I didn’t care for Teresa’s dress or weird hair accessory, I thought all the ladies looked good. Jackie and Jennifer looked the best, imo. 

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16 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I have no idea how they’re going to get two more installments out of this.

Well, they are going to bring Danielle out so that will give us some sort of entertainment for a hot minute. 

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I am loving the hair jewelry trend. All of their hair was amazing. The first time I watched (yes, I'm a nerd and watched twice in a row) I kept not hearing a lot of what Jen was saying because I was focused on her beautiful hair and what was in it.

They are all amazingly beautiful women. 

And as I saw someone say on a different board about a different housewive: Delores was sitting over there looking like a big sack of money. (very appealing)



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Jennifers lips really do look like a monkey's asshole. She has photo's on her IG of her wedding, she was a very beautiful girl back then. Before the monkey asshole lips. She had other stuff done to her face, too. I can't pinpoint what exactly, though.  

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1 hour ago, kicksave said:

 She seems very unsophisticated, poorly educated and just a tad insecure...she was groomed to be a wife to a wealthy Turkish professional and nothing more. A wife and breeder...the other women on this show are also wives and breeders but with college educations and beyond in some cases. 

but most of the girls I knew growing up who were only interested in a "MRS" degree seemed charming, well-read, could plan an event, balance a checkbook, carry on an intelligent conversation...

whoever groomed her did her a dis-service, IMHO

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20 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Jennifers lips really do look like a monkey's asshole. She has photo's on her IG of her wedding, she was a very beautiful girl back then. Before the monkey asshole lips. She had other stuff done to her face, too. I can't pinpoint what exactly, though.  

Yes, her lips looked horrible last night!!  Teresa’s lips were the complete opposite—super over-glossed, which I can’t stand either now that Ben from WWC said he find glossy lips totally disgusting.  Dolores was sitting in the middle there, like Goldilocks—this one is just right.

Can you post a pic from Jen’s IG on the thread?  I’m too stupid to use IG, but I really want to see it.  

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1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

Although I didn’t care for Teresa’s dress or weird hair accessory

It would have been better on a slicked back hairstyle like a ponytail or actually not at all.

Jenn's hair thing looked like she borrowed it from her 13 year old daughter.

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