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S11.E07: Why Not One Home?

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5 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Kody sure looked pleased with himself when he announced that the big problem was “the wives” don’t want to see him with other wives. 

Oh yeah.  Didn't he say something like "they don't want to see another woman's face?"

What an asshat.  Blame the wimmin folk.  "You can't always get what you want."  credit to the Rolling Stones.

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I have trouble remembering this is a real life family - that they existed before reality TV. Would have been a much better show if we started at the beginning with them. Imagine watching Janelle divorce Meri's brother and marry Kody. Imagine the 4 of them then living together and popping out kids left and right.  My mind really doesn't even let me believe that happened (I guess thankfully). But far more entertaining than whatever this is... doesn't even seem like polygamy - and certainly not polygamy success.

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6 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

Christine likes her new life. She has a house just for her and her children. When they had one home, she was taking care of her kids and Janelle’s kids. She’s had enough and loves the independence she now has. She loves being able to see Kody in her own space. The one home won’t happen as long as she has a say.

It is honestly as if she just wants to live in a world where she’s in a monogamous relationship. Isn’t that something...

She was also taking care of Mariah, don't forget! 

At the end of this short video, Meri (making herself a healthy dinner after sending Mariah down to Christine's for fish stick tacos) says "what's one more child?" 😳🙄

Edited by DakotaJustice
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14 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

She was also taking care of Mariah, don't forget! 

At the end of this short video, Meri (making herself a healthy dinner after sending Mariah down to Christine's for fish stick tacos) says "what's one more child?" 😳🙄

So Meri didn't want to eat Christine's food because she was "more picky about what she eats" and "watching what she eats". That's understandable given that Christine was serving fish sticks, tater tots and corn. But Meri sends her daughter to eat Christine's food? WTF? I guess she didn't bother to watch what Mariah ate.

I also recall that, when they were talking about leaving Las Vegas, Janelle said that Savannah would really miss living next door to Christine because every morning before school Savannah would walk over to Christine's so Christine could do her hair. So even in the cul de sac Christine was seeing to the needs of more than just her kids. 

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7 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

So Meri didn't want to eat Christine's food because she was "more picky about what she eats" and "watching what she eats". That's understandable given that Christine was serving fish sticks, tater tots and corn. But Meri sends her daughter to eat Christine's food? WTF? I guess she didn't bother to watch what Mariah ate.

I also recall that, when they were talking about leaving Las Vegas, Janelle said that Savannah would really miss living next door to Christine because every morning before school Savannah would walk over to Christine's so Christine could do her hair. So even in the cul de sac Christine was seeing to the needs of more than just her kids. 

I still think that "healthy eating" scene was all just an act for the cameras and that Meri intentionally lost weight for the first season to look good on TV.  The "sister wives" recipes that TLC had initially posted on their website from Meri were just as unhealthy and fattening as the others.

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I am SO confused about all this buying of property and houses!  They bought the Coyote Pass property in order to build THE house (in Kody's mind, anyway), but since then Christine has bought a house and now Robyn has bought a house and land that cost over a million?  So, this negates the all-under-one-roof story line, and now they will each have a separate home that will not be on the Coyote Pass property?  How in the world do they get approved for all of these loans--TLC must be co-signing for them.  I just don't get it.  

And BTW, here's a link to Robyn's new house......https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/9508-W-Hashknife-Trl_Flagstaff_AZ_86001_M23229-00642

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For all Robyn's whining about having younger kids, Sol is only about 1.5 years younger than Truely.  The kid is 8 and will be 9 this fall.  If she can't travel with a 4 year old and an 8 year old, my daughter must be out of her mind.  She's been doing normal life with her kids since birth.  Now if Robyn means she can't up sticks in 30 minutes like Meri can, well that's what happens when you're nine years younger than two of the wives already there and you think you need two anchor babies.  

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3 hours ago, suev33 3 said:

Grow a set,  Kody,  and be a man in your family!! Its very unnattractive, him being so wishy washy.   Id respect him more if he nicely said, here's what's gonna happen......  But thats just my opinion, I like a strong manly man 😁

I suspect Kody knows a couple of the wives would leave if he suddenly did that. Meri's pretty much gone already, Christine is hanging on by a thread, and Robyn's really just there for the money at this point.


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12 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I was wondering about her neck swelling for some time now. She doesn’t appear as vibrant and healthy as she did in the early seasons—she has become puffy and distressed looking. 

I don’t want to speculate as to what it is, but since prednisone was mentioned, that stuff terrifies me. I’ve refused to take it for fear of swelling up (the stuff is for inflammation, yet it can cause swelling). Nope. 

Prednisone has been a figurative life saver for me a few times. Swelling has always gone away when I stopped the medication.

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I have not watched this show from the very beginning (and perhaps I might) but I am fascinated over the whole one house discussion.  Christine especially intrigues me.  If she wants to live a single life with an occasional visit from her spiritual husband, wouldn't that result in some cognitive dissonance on her part?  She is a plyg.  It must be some sort of a hard financial reality situation on her part.

I agree with the prior discussions about Kody's role as the head of the household. If he wants the one house, shouldn't he just decree that this is their way forward?  I'm also confused about Robin's tears.  If LV was nirvana, why are they in Flag?  Wasn't that Robin's doings?

These folks don't make any sense to me.


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3 hours ago, crimson23 said:

at least they finally addressed the inheritance issue. If one passes, what does that mom have to give her kids, an empty space that is not able to resell.  What they now need to address is the idea in a few yrs, they don't need all that space.  No one will have kids left to house except Robyn and one left for Christine.  It would make more sense to do what they are doing now, downsizing the size of the house. (well except for Meri)  Or maybe have a compound focusing  on more activity rooms for when the hordes do come to visit or have Guest areas.  Kody's space really was not big enough.  The only thing they could do with that monstrosity is to run a bed n breakfast  lol

Right???  They’re talking about all the kids growing up together as if it’s ten years ago.  Then saying the youngest kids don’t want it.  Um, Truely, Savannah, Sol and Ariella?   
Christine is going the way of her own mom. Annie kept sweet until she got a taste of freedom, then was done. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. 

10 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Robyn's vision board only has one thing and boy oh boy is it true


Only difference is that the ring is a claddagh ring. 

Colada ring. 

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58 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

at least they finally addressed the inheritance issue. If one passes, what does that mom have to give her kids, an empty space that is not able to resell. 

My husband and I have a trust (and we only have one kid). Wouldn't setting up a trust to address inheritance issues take are of all of it?  Not an estate lawyer but I think all of these issues can be taken care of before they go to Planet Kody.  Of course, because they have so many kids, they will be quibbling over $10K at the most., per kid.  Good luck, kids!

Edited by albarino
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22 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Robyn doesn't have to worry about inheritance laws because she is the legal wife. If Kody dies without a will in place she gets to call the shots. That is if there is any money  or property to distribute. If I were Janelle, Christine or Meri I would not put his name on the property deed to my house. And how would the title to the huge one house be handled? Would there be 5 names on the deed?  So if one of the wives passed away how would her children inherit  her apartment? I sounded like last week her wanted to have control over all of this so that none of the wives could move another man into his kingdom. Not sure if  the wives have enought sense to not agree to anything that Kody wants because he is not looking after their welfare. 

Oh and Robyn crying about not having the other moms help raise her children was just bitching about lack of babysitters. 

I really think Kody’s big home is him realizing that the wives would be just as happy in their own homes if they no longer made space for HIM. It’s his struggle to remain relevant.

Meri splits her time between Flagstaff and the B&B; Janelle contemplates going on the road in an RV and spreading her time at her kids’ homes. Christine wants to protect her Mom identity by remaining separate. That’s her realizing she is a single mother and doesn’t need Kody. 

Kody has never really spent quality time with any kids other than Robin’s. Their mothers don’t need him, either. How does he stay relevant? He builds a house that none of the wives could leave. They couldn’t get their share of it if they left, so they’d be financially stuck.

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13 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

I have no patience with any of them but I do believe that Christine's brainwashing upbringing was such that she believes that she will not have the promised afterlife unless she's engaged in polygamy. 

Personally the thought of spending eternity with Kootie would have me heading for the hills.  They are all so freaking miserable why they think the whole celestial planet shtick is desirable is a mystery to me.

It's like they don't realise they'll STILL have share him in the afterlife. 

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On 2/16/2020 at 8:18 AM, Chris Knight said:

Sorry, I wont be snarking tonight. My future husband Dr. Michael  Hunter is back on Autopsy tonight,  followed by The Brady Bunch Behind Closed Doors. Ill be back tomorrow to snark about  Robyn sobbing, Kody's stupidity,  Christine 's hypocrisy, etc etc etc.

What is this “Brady Bunch Behind Closed Doors” of which you speak???

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I haven’t watched an episode of this show in years but caught the tale end of last night’s episode. 

I can’t fault Christine for her opposition to the big house. Yes, she married into this situation knowing what polygamy would mean and her arguments now seem to indicate that what she really wants is a husband and family all to herself which counters all of that. But I can’t criticize someone for having their eyes opened over time to just how screwed up their lifestyle really is. Christine was desperately unhappy for years as a plyg and now seems to have some understanding of what would make her happy. My only criticism would be that she needs to realize that she is never going to get that happiness in this situation — if she really wants it she needs to just pack up and get out or be completely honest about it and say “this is not working for me as designed -is there a way we can make changes in how we think of ourselves as a family or not?” She needs to realize that she can’t keep publicly espousing the plyg lifestyle while really wanting something that looks more like a monogamous family. She can’t force that change into the family without really laying her cards out completely. 

I’d also like to say that my feelings on all the wives have wavered and changed over the years but the one constant for me and this show is my burning hatred of Kody. 🤣

  • Love 21
16 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

 Maybe, he's just a PROGRESSIVE fundamental Mormon. lol Maybe, he doesn't REALLY want one house, so, he doesn't make it a requirement. 

Kody is a progressive time-waster.

He may want one house, but he has to know that not only is it not going to fly with his wives, he's likely done little to no actual research to see if the city of Flagstaff would even allow his dream house to be built in the first place.  He also hasn't given thought to how they are going to afford it, nor pondered the fact that by the time they might actually get around to building this mansion, he'll have maybe four kids left at home, so what's the point?  He keeps saying that he wants this place as a landing spot for his older kids to return to, but why would they?  They have no home connection to Flagstaff.  The older kids grew up in Vegas and that's where their friends are.  Their family seems to be mostly in Utah and Wyoming.  So what's the draw to Flagstaff?  There isn't one.  This is just Kody spending far too much time playing "let's pretend" with those stupid house plans and his Hobby Lobby easel and marker set.  By spending his time working oh-so-diligently on his latest and greatest presentation, he doesn't have to do those pesky things like pick up a kid from school, or fix a broken door, or take the car in for service.  He's far, far too busy for the mundane crap of living day to day.


16 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Janelle seemed a little hypocritical with her push for a single house - but two breaths away she's already planning on what she will be doing the second her last kid leaves.   And since when has she been interested in big family dinners, parties. . . she always just seemed disinterested and only showed up when she had to.  

Hmmm, NOW I think I see why Janelle is all rainbows and unicorns on this one house thing - she doesn't plan on being there that much.  She's got big dreams to ride off into the sunset in an RV, visiting her kids.  I'm not sure she sees Kody in that RV, either.  Just herself.  So it's either that or she's back to taking Christine's expired meds.  It's actually really odd to see the former bump-on-a-log Janelle suddenly be so chipper and giddy.  Maybe she knows how much it bothers Meri that Janelle made it to grandma status first, who knows.  There's always something raging and seething just beneath the surface with these women.  

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8 hours ago, albarino said:

Wouldn't setting up a trust to address inheritance issues take are of all of it?  Not an estate lawyer but I think all of these issues can be taken care of before they go to Planet Kody.

That would assume Kodster is interested in planning ahead and taking care of his families.

He's not.

That 10 grand to manage the development of the estate planning would be better spent on a hair transplant.  Or plans for a house he'll never build.  It's all about him, the hell with everyone else.

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18 hours ago, Adeejay said:

In all fairness, Janelle used an inheritance and withdrew money from her 401K to buy the Lehi house. That is why she had one half for her and her children.  

I have always suspected that is why Janelle had the bigger portion.  If you look at it as a whole, and as a practicality (I tend to be practical to a fault 🙄), Christine was cooking family meals, housing the kids all day and doing the internal family running...she could have used the extra room.

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21 hours ago, Onceafan said:

Having worked as a counselor for many years, I have strong opinions on what I heard from the Brown family on last night's episode. My two cents on what I heard.

Christine's main problem with the one house is with Robyn and her children.

Christine is being semi-truthful in her explanations on the why nots. What I hear and see is that Christine was not happy in the Lehi house. She watched all of Janelle's children as well as her own. She told us last night it was too much. and because of the children always being there with her, they could walk in at anytime, so she and Kody could only be affectionate in the bedroom. 

Back in Lehi Kody worked outside of the home, and so he had to use the evening time to spend with all of the children, cause that was important to him to see them all and tell them all good night.

When Christine kept saying in the one house there would be no privacy, and one of the wives or anyone could walk in, while she is with Kody, she really is referring to Robyn's children. They are the youngest and actively seek out their father.

Christine is worried that on "her" day in the one house, she will have to share Kody with Robyn's children. That they will go where their father goes, and he will welcome them, because Kody identifies as a father, and one can see he is building a stronger more present presence with Robyn's younger children, which is not uncommon with the last of the children.

She wants Kody to herself in the evenings cuddling with her on the couch, without one of Robyn's children in his lap.

As for jealousy and seeing Kody with another wife, it is well established that he and Meri have no romantic relationship for the last five years. Janelle never shows PDA and her relationship with Kody is more business. The only other wife that leaves is Robyn. Christine does not want to see Robyn and Kody together. It's all about Robyn.

Make no mistake it was a very aggressive move from Christine last night, when Kody was crossing off her mom mojo on the board, and she piped up, if he want to push her  buttons, I can go up there, and cross off never moving again, knowing that was Robyn's "button." to cause tension between Robyn and Kody. She has some real resentment and jealousy there with Robyn and Kody.




THIS is AWESOME! I FLOVE THIS! Please write more!

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20 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I wouldn't want to be Robyn's free baby sitter/cook/maid while she slept and did nothing all day.  If Robyn contributed to the family dynamics in some way to compensate it would be good - but she's all "take".

How dare you not value Robyn’s joo-rry designing expertise as contributing to the family! 

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20 hours ago, Roslyn said:


Yes, Christine only seems to feel "safe" to blurt out her kinda sorta maybe true feelings if she is buffered by the group (and cameras), and hidden within "joking" or "teasing" or "snarking".  However I think she knows that she has to be very careful how she picks and chooses her words because if she does say that she needs a very solid rule of no (other wives kids) kids wandering in her private area when she is lovin' on Kody with that quiet private time...he will let her have it.  He won't tolerate her trying to keep him away at any moment of any day from his kids seeking him out, no matter where he is.

Kody is the heart of the problem.  If he could climb down off his high horse of Supreme God and overseer of "The Family" to actually make sure that his wives are each and every one satisfied with their relationships and roles with in the family...but validated as individuals...he would have more harmony within the whole.

Kody uses his attention and caring as a weapon.  Christine picks and chooses words because if she goes after him and calls him out too close to the truth he will shut down on her, ignore her and deny her caring and kindness and attention. In turn she will have to then deal with her children when THEY are also ignored as a consequence. This treatment is mean, and it is cruel.  I have seen it done to others and I have had it done to me, it is flat out abuse.  Christine is trained that she must conform to his ideals, yet she is obviously suffering from never receiving what she needs to be solid and satisfied within herself and then within the whole unit.  

Meri is shut down and has found herself with the travel, the B&B, people outside of the family and her online presence.  Janelle is seemingly more happy and settled now that her boys aren't constantly punching each other in the face and she has some peace and quiet in her home. Robyn is really beyond stressed out now that she has to run her home without her niece picking up the slack in the nanny role. (Poor thing can't even travel because her schedule is so vastly different from the reast of everyone's) She seems like a hot mess at this moment (last years time).  Christine is cracking.  She obviously was just making it work back in Utah and keeping her Rose Colored glasses permanently glued to her face, smile glued on, keepin sweet, when she now can look back and see how overwhelmed she was and unhappy. She tries very hard to get Kody to just talk about their relationship as a one/one and he shuts her down with that great and memorable line "YOU love the family, and I will love you"

Kody did NOT like, in any way, shape or form, being called out about his rambling spewing during his Christmas "presentation" on how he was going to have a get away cabin to get away from all those children he produced, and then in the next minute says he wants MORE children to then get away from. He must be a nightmare to live with. He can call out the wives, but they have to put up and shut up. He comes up with cockamamie ideas and they had damn well better get on board. Keep an "open mind" means "you go along with my ideas. period."

I certainly hope that they have more real talks and put REAL discussions on the table when the cameras are gone, but I am starting to doubt it.  Meri puts out a "lets get real" and Robyn seems to agree...but then bam...cameras switch to something else. 

Well you know it's serious when a question is asked and there's a long, awkward silence because no one wants to say anything. I agree, if we got to see their true feelings, it would be an explosion. 

Yay for polygamy. 🙄

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42 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

They flee Vegas in fear of being persecuted for food stamp fraud 

Excellent summary, from what I can glean on the boards, since I just started watching this season.

I remember hearing, during their flight to Vegas and concurrent protestations at the local government about not being deviants or whatever, being really intrigued by their stories. I even felt a tinge of sympathy, as someone whose marriage has only been legal for the last six years or so, back when I was blissfully ignorant of the reality.

I am nearly finished with Under the Banner of Heaven and MAN is that a good book. Krakauer is immensely dedicated to detail and fact-finding, and the book is terribly dense and stuffed with biographical and historical facts and retellings. I had to reread many of the pages to make sense of the multitude of names and details. All this is to say I trust him when he recounts someone referring to Utah as the "fraud capital of the world." It seems fLDS families are responsible for more fraud than all the Nigerian princes put together, and on a much larger scale, because they're stealing from municipalities and not individuals. The fact that they unrepentantly and publicly brag about bleeding the beast is some chutzpah that's almost impressive. 

It almost makes me want to get on board with legalizing all their stupid marriages. Fine, marry everyone, make it legal, no more welfare for you. You have to pay for your own stupid kids and wives. Good luck doing it on one income from scamming. Caveats: (1) you have to have a plan to take care of them if you die, (2) you can't marry anyone under 18 and you can't promise your kids or sister or whatever to some guy, the woman gets a choice too, and (3) brother husbands are allowed and encouraged.* If you're gonna spread it around, spread it ALL the way around, and learn how to support your own damn selves.

*I'm aware they would never agree to these restrictions as it is against their "religion" to not be able to dominate and abuse young women and children.

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3 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

What is this “Brady Bunch Behind Closed Doors” of which you speak???

I also love that “Chris Knight” posted that. Could it be...? 🙂

I don’t think Kody gives much of a damn about “my wives,” really. His smug look when he revealed that they’re all jealous (no! You don’t say) was obnoxious. No empathy at all for the women. He’s given some lip service (ew!) to this notion in the past but I don’t think he really cares about anything except himself and his ridiculous and unplanned adventures in living.

I agree with the notion that he uses withdrawal of affection to control and punish. Look at how he treats Meri, who would surely do just about anything to restore their relationship. If he’s not willing to work on their issues and maybe acknowledge how painful it was for her to be shoved aside by Robyn - even if he doesn’t actually “get it” - then he should let Meri go. I realize she doesn’t really want to go but I suspect that’s because he send mixed messages and is nice to her when he wants her compliance about something.

i know many people think Meri is unpleasant and caused her own problems. All I can say is I would be the world’s most unpleasant person if I had to deal with all this shit. And I wonder how much extra she suffers when she wanted more kids, and their “religion” as explained by Janelle believes that baby souls contract with their prospective parents before birth. Does Meri believe no other child wanted to come to her? As she watches all the new wives pop out kids for a few decades? What a fucking nightmare.

i know each of these women chose monogamy but I don’t see how it’s possible to anticipate all the emotional minefields that will ensue. Janelle seems to be the only one who’s actually OK with it (despite what the others say) and I think it’s because she’s not madly in love with Kody - she seems detached enough, like he’s a FWB or something. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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2 hours ago, Roslyn said:

I have always suspected that is why Janelle had the bigger portion.  If you look at it as a whole, and as a practicality (I tend to be practical to a fault 🙄), Christine was cooking family meals, housing the kids all day and doing the internal family running...she could have used the extra room.

This is a photo of how the house was divided.  It's roughly thirds.  Janelle had one end of the house while Meri and Christine's portions while only one floor were longer.

Janelle perhaps got to pick which unit was going to be hers or maybe she had the most children at that point.



Edited by Absolom
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7 minutes ago, Absolom said:

This is a photo of how the house was divided.  It's roughly thirds.  Janelle had one end of the house while Meri and Christine's portions while only one floor were longer.

Janelle perhaps got to pick which unit was going to be hers or maybe she had the most children at that point.


Ahh.  I was going to search back at some point and refresh my memory.  I forgot that middle part of the house, it doesn't look as big until you show the breakdown.  Meri definitely got the sweetest space, being the top floor had much better light and only her and Mariah.  I can assume that Kody would have kept the lions share of "his stuff" in Meri's space...but we all know about assuming...

Still. Looking back at the show, those low ceilings in Christine's section really gave a cave like feeling. When Christine talks now about "seeing Kody come and go with the others" it makes me think back to the Lehi house where her windows were even with the entrance sidewalks and she could see all the legs coming and going.    I mean if it bothers you...curtains...🙄

While reading through this thread this morning a quote popped into my head about how Christine is describing her version of polygamy...and we all can see that what she really wants is monogamy.

The movie "Practical Magic" when Aunt Jet tells Sally "You can't practice witchcraft while you look down your nose at it"


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11 minutes ago, Absolom said:

This is a photo of how the house was divided.  It's roughly thirds.  Janelle had one end of the house while Meri and Christine's portions while only one floor were longer.

Janelle perhaps got to pick which unit was going to be hers or maybe she had the most children at that point.



This clearly demonstrates the lengths they have gone to avoid mundane jobs/careers like most of the rest of society.  A wing could have been added for Robyn and they could have lived out their lives in relatively peaceful harmony, to the extent that there can be any harmony in this lifestyle.

Come to think of it, had there been no opportunity for the show, there probably would never have been a Robyn in their lives.  There would never have been the staged flight in the night to avoid prosecution, they would be living unscathed in blissful anonymity.

How times have changed for them all!

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Kody is a crappy husband/ head of the family. He is the common denominator amongst the families. If he really believes that living together under one roof is what’s best for his family, then doesn’t he owe it to them to make it happen? 

To me they don’t seem like ONE family- more like a dude and his harem, barely tolerating each other. 

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Janelles enthusiasm for one big house is interesting considering when they lived in WY she felt overwhelmed, left Kody, went to live w/her mother, then found an apartment, got a good job, bought a car - and this went on for two years.  She came back when the family moved to Utah to a bigger house and she had her own space.    Maybe she should take a moment to understand how Christine feels.  

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2 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Janelles enthusiasm for one big house is interesting considering when they lived in WY she felt overwhelmed, left Kody, went to live w/her mother, then found an apartment, got a good job, bought a car - and this went on for two years.  She came back when the family moved to Utah to a bigger house and she had her own space.    Maybe she should take a moment to understand how Christine feels.  

Right. And why don't they talk about that on the show? I don't understand why they cover up so much of their past.

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6 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

And why don't they talk about that on the show? I don't understand why they cover up so much of their past.

Well, because polygamy is wonderful, and they are all so happy, and they complete each other, and love should be multiplied, not divided (a statement that has never once made any sense), and they should have all been together from the beginning and......well, you get the picture. 

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Adding my vote for the book Under the Banner of Heaven.  What a bloody history that so called "religion" has.  This book really explains how it all came about.  It's hard to believe that so many took/take as gospel what LDS was founded on.  It also points out how much they are taught that they are superior to us who are not LDS.   Should be required reading.

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Christine’s not wanting the big house I think comes down to two things:

1. She raised  the first 13 kids basically on her own and she’s tired.

2. Kody was disgusted by her nachos, but is now more disgusted my Meri’s banana so Christine has probably moved up on the bumping uglies with Kody list (I know the humanity!) and she might not be 1 but she’s probably moved from 4 to 2 and honestly if little aresol can is still sleeping with Robyn, Christine may be getting Kody’s goods the most frequently.  I still think Robyn is the favored wife, but let’s get real, I could see Kody skipping out at night saying he had to work on his next PowerPoint presentation. So he needs a restful sleep and wanders over to Christines in the middle of the night hence lil Sol wondering where daddy is all time...gimme a break!

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First time poster, watcher from the beginning. 

I don’t get Janelle being ok with this huge house all of the sudden. Didn’t she have huge issues with Meri and living in one house?? 

I do get Christine finally getting to be a mom to just her kids. Seems like she was the single parent to all those kids growing up. I was not a fan of Christine for most of this show but last season and this season I think she has stopped being a doormat and is really showing who she wants to be. 

Meri would be gone in my opinion of it wasn’t for the show. I think she sits on that couch beside Robyn and thinks what the heck did I do bringing her to Kody. I think having legal wife status was what kept her lording over life especially when she could only have Mariah and no more kids. 

Ps I love this board I read it all week and look forward to the discussion of the next episode! The board is better than the show!

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