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S04.E14: The Cabin

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For a long time I've been thinking that a good way to end the series would be the Pearsons resurrecting Jack's Big 3 Construction idea--a way to come to better peace about his loss and continue his dream into the future. Kevin building Jack's dream house on the cabin property comes close enough, I really like it. It is one of the best bits of writing yet.

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1 hour ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

She did have a miscarriage. I think a wanted pregnancy that ended in miscarriage would be enough to make her sad over the two kid thing.

I obviously forgot about it.  But I see what you're doing here, its not unnoticed.  

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1 hour ago, qtpye said:

I think the show runners said they did not show Kate because they did not know how she would look in the future which is highly dependent on her weight loss journey.  However, given this show’s love of the dramatic...they certainly could decide to give her an early death😢

And it would be very ThisIsUs-ian for Kate to be the one to follow in Jack's footsteps in this case. It's been my feeling since we first saw this future that Kate was not in it.

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12 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I have had this experience.  I was very close to my grandfather, who raised me.  Last year I was looking up some genealogy information and ran across my deceased grandfather's name on a YouTube video.  When I clicked on it there was my grandfather.  Someone had filmed interviews of local business owner's from my hometown and included my grandfather.  The video was filmed before my grandfather got sick.  He looked and acted just as I remember him.  He was telling some tall tale with a wink and sparkle in his eye.  That video bring up so many emotions for me. 

I have tried to download the video to my computer but I can't.  I tried to contact the person who posted the video by he has passed away.  Does anyone have any ideas on how I can preserve this video?  

You have an option to share a video, Email it to yourself, then download it.

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I thought this episode was very good. I enjoyed all of the character interactions (except those with the heinous Mark) and believed all of the reactions/feelings were realistic and beautifully portrayed by all, especially Teen Kate.

BUT Toby- I saw a clip of the actor in a movie with Daniel Radcliffe where Toby actor is a Nazi skinhead. He was convincingly hateful and scary. Cut back to TIU and Toby is having issues about his own newborn son.

About how Toby is dealing with Jack's blindness- our grandson was born very premature and it was as if we all had to deal with the death of the idea of a perfect pregnancy ending with a healthy full-term infant. All of us grandparents and the two parents dealt with it in different ways but we all definitely went through all the stages of grief. Fast-forward to now: the grandson is a healthy, happy 3-year-old and those days are in the distant past.

So I get that Toby had to deal with the reality of Jack and his blindness. But is Toby secretly online with pro-Nazi groups? jk  I also winced when Toby was clapping on the"baby" a bit too hard. Off to google "infant Heimlich technique".

I agree that Kate may not be in the future- I hope they're not showing her because of the uncertainty of her weight. But I really wish Toby would just kind of go away. And I really liked him at first!

Edited by mellotune
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As for Madison and Kevin violating the ladycode: I've seen a version of this playing out IRL when one of my brothers dated my sister's best friend for a while. There were additional factors making their relationship extremely difficult which I'm not going to disclose - let's just say it was Pearson levels of drama. Although they all ended up on friendly terms it was very difficult all around for a while and not a topic I bring up at birthday parties. 

That said I'm sure there's also a version of that dynamic out there where everything ends up fine and dandy. But I doubt that show will give us that version. 

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3 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

Did anyone else briefly think, if this were a different type of show, that the fight was going to get unexpectedly violent, Marc was somehow going to get fatally injured, and the Pearsons were going to cover it up and bury him at the cabin in the time capsule spot? Okay, probably just me. 

I totally thought this last week when they showed the preview of them digging up the time capsule.  I knew that wasn't going to happen because of the type of show this is but there was a part of me that was hoping that after the Big 3 all got in the car after rescuing Kate that Rebecca was going to go back in, hit Mark over the head with a frying pan, then bury him in the backyard.  

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12 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I have tried to download the video to my computer but I can't.  I tried to contact the person who posted the video by he has passed away.  Does anyone have any ideas on how I can preserve this video?  

If you're on a computer, add "ss" (without the quotes) right before "youtube" in the url. It'll open en.savefrom.net and give you the option to download. It's a little more complicated on a phone, but still do-able.

If you want to PM me the video link, I'd be happy to do it for you 🙂

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So, while I liked the episode, I would have thought it better if Kevin had built the house in LA - showing him bringing the best of his past with him, while still moving into the future.  I think that Kevin's and Kate's story essentially was about them being emotionally stuck in the past in the first few years after Jack's death, and building it next to the old cabin seems like Kevin's still there.

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43 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

For a long time I've been thinking that a good way to end the series would be the Pearsons resurrecting Jack's Big 3 Construction idea--a way to come to better peace about his loss and continue his dream into the future. Kevin building Jack's dream house on the cabin property comes close enough, I really like it. It is one of the best bits of writing yet.

I agree. The building of that house will go a long way to help Kevin deal with his grief and to repair relationships. I can see Nicky helping Kevin with the construction, perhaps explaining why Jack drew the house the way he did. Maybe Nicky and Jack's parents had their own cabin. 

It would be interesting how Jack Sr. would have reacted to Marc. Jack grew up in an abusive home, but he never shared that to his family, even Rebecca. Kate could have learned some lessons had he been willing to share more about his childhood. 

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12 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I have had this experience.  I was very close to my grandfather, who raised me.  Last year I was looking up some genealogy information and ran across my deceased grandfather's name on a YouTube video.  When I clicked on it there was my grandfather.  Someone had filmed interviews of local business owner's from my hometown and included my grandfather.  The video was filmed before my grandfather got sick.  He looked and acted just as I remember him.  He was telling some tall tale with a wink and sparkle in his eye.  That video bring up so many emotions for me. 

I have tried to download the video to my computer but I can't.  I tried to contact the person who posted the video by he has passed away.  Does anyone have any ideas on how I can preserve this video?  

I use Clipgrab. It takes a few tries to get the hang of it, but it works! Google it and if you can find your way through the English and translated German, you should be able to install the application and download the video.  

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6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

And of course Mark thinks that he is so teflon coated that instead of going along with Kate's story about how the window got broken, he just straight up told her entire family that he locked her out and somehow thought that everyone would be cool with him after that. He truly believes that he can do no wrong.

This is the part I was unsure of because I have never, and I mean NEVER, heard a narcissist admit that they did anything remotely wrong. But believing he did nothing wrong is another story, so you might be right.

I hate that people like Carc think joking around and sarcasm is funny, when it is in fact deeply humiliating and hurtful. Juggling the mug hit the worst nerve with me.

And he's forever Carc because of that Starbucks meme where the cup said Mark with a C, but more so because of all the terrible words to call him that start with C.


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Just pointing out that while silver-fox Kevin didn't look much older than present-day Kevin, neither did older Beth.

As @Pallas said upthread, it's interesting that it seems to have taken Kevin pointing out that therapy might actually be a good idea for it to penetrate Randall's thick skull and prompt him to seek it out.  Not Beth, not Malik's dad, not anyone else – Kevin, the brother who is the one person he turns to when his anxiety becomes unmanageable.  For as much as Randall treats Kevin like a moron, there is this really specific way Randall looks to Kevin for guidance and answers.

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so wow, I really dislike adult Kate. Watching her list off to Toby what foods their baby can eat, and repeatedly questioning whether or not she should take him was like she was talking to a babysitter, not the FATHER of the child. Maybe this is the real reason they haven't bonded. Toby is completely reasonable in having the fears and sadness he has about his son's disability, but Kate takes over so completely, even in the face of his grief, that she doesn't even allow him to BE with their child. I saw last episode's retreat without Toby as being more about him not being able to handle HER than not being able to handle baby Jack's blindness yet. 

I've actually enjoyed the teen Kate/Marc storyline. He's abusive, but in that way that people honestly don't always notice at first. He has a "hot temper," but he keeps apologizing. He lashes out when he's angry, but then is also very open with how much he loves her. From the outside, we all see how bad it is, but when you're in it, the good can still feel better than the bad, and especially when you're already recovering from trauma, the good can feel SO good. It was very telling also that Kate said "he's the first guy that's ever liked me" as part of why he was so important. We actually know this isn't true- there was that one flashback episode of her at the pool, where the girls tricked her into meeting the wrong boy for a kiss, but the BOY actually knew/wanted to meet her for a kiss, and told her so! I also know that Jack was Saint Jack, but didn't he have some outbursts that we saw during his active alcoholism days? Living with that in your youth can definitely make you more prone to accept emotionally abusive behaviors as an adult, because you're able to separate their bad behaviors from their feelings of love towards you.

So everything teen Kate was believable and sympathetic to me. Everything adult Kate to me comes off as entitled, whining, shrew. 


Also, I didn't know I would, but I kind of LIKE Madison and Kevin together 🙂

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5 minutes ago, ctmd said:

Also, I didn't know I would, but I kind of LIKE Madison and Kevin together 🙂

I'm here. 

Also, once I saw Jack was sketching a house, I had a feeling that was going to be "the house" but I didn't think of it overlooking the cabin.

I loved how Randall was looking to Kevin for like "Hey, do we kill Mark now?" cues.  I did wish that they had roughed him up a bit. I'm not one for violence usually, but he definitely deserved it.

The main thing I want to find out is why at Rebecca's birthday, the Big 3 aren't speaking. That is now what I care about most on the show - the sibling relationship.

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4 minutes ago, ctmd said:

so wow, I really dislike adult Kate.

Me. Too. 

I never warmed up to adult Kate. Adult Kate is very selfish and while I know a lot of people have issues with Toby, in particular with little Jack, I somehow "get" where he's coming from (although the "oh I can't share Star Wars with my blind son" last episode or so was stoooopid.) 

These two do NOT communicate at all and I don't think their marriage will last. I am not a fan of Madison's either and it always makes me chuckle that she and Kate are supposed to be BFFs. Are they even friends? I don't see much friendship between them. Madison can just go away, I do hope that someone else is Kev's baby's mama. Maybe it's just because I have such a thing for Kevin that I don't want to see him with anyone? Nah, call me crazy I can see him with Sophie.


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8 minutes ago, ctmd said:

so wow, I really dislike adult Kate. Watching her list off to Toby what foods their baby can eat, and repeatedly questioning whether or not she should take him was like she was talking to a babysitter, not the FATHER of the child. Maybe this is the real reason they haven't bonded. Toby is completely reasonable in having the fears and sadness he has about his son's disability, but Kate takes over so completely, even in the face of his grief, that she doesn't even allow him to BE with their child. I saw last episode's retreat without Toby as being more about him not being able to handle HER than not being able to handle baby Jack's blindness yet. 

I've actually enjoyed the teen Kate/Marc storyline. He's abusive, but in that way that people honestly don't always notice at first. He has a "hot temper," but he keeps apologizing. He lashes out when he's angry, but then is also very open with how much he loves her. From the outside, we all see how bad it is, but when you're in it, the good can still feel better than the bad, and especially when you're already recovering from trauma, the good can feel SO good. It was very telling also that Kate said "he's the first guy that's ever liked me" as part of why he was so important. We actually know this isn't true- there was that one flashback episode of her at the pool, where the girls tricked her into meeting the wrong boy for a kiss, but the BOY actually knew/wanted to meet her for a kiss, and told her so! I also know that Jack was Saint Jack, but didn't he have some outbursts that we saw during his active alcoholism days? Living with that in your youth can definitely make you more prone to accept emotionally abusive behaviors as an adult, because you're able to separate their bad behaviors from their feelings of love towards you.

So everything teen Kate was believable and sympathetic to me. Everything adult Kate to me comes off as entitled, whining, shrew. 


Also, I didn't know I would, but I kind of LIKE Madison and Kevin together 🙂

WIth regards to adult Kate, Toby has been avoiding his family for months under the twin guises of work and Crossfit.  He is working full-time which appears to be more than 40 hours some weeks and also hitting the gym most days.  Crossfit is not a program where you go the gym 3 days a week for an hour.  It is more intense than that.  Putting everything together from previous episodes, there is a very good chance Toby is only at home when Jack is sleeping.  Or to be even more honest, Toby is only home to sleep, shower and change his clothes.  

Kate's "he is the first guy that's ever liked me" is missing the second important part--the first guy that I also like.  

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16 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I knew Kevin was going to build the house! Justin Hartley is still fine 15ish years in the future. 

The minute I saw the drawing, I remembered the house from the flashback a while ago.  It was very cool to see it built in this episode - and yes, Justin Hartley looked very hunky with the gray hair and beard... be still, my heart!!  

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47 minutes ago, deaja said:

The main thing I want to find out is why at Rebecca's birthday, the Big 3 aren't speaking. That is now what I care about most on the show - the sibling relationship.

Me, too!!  When it was first on, I thought it was because of Randall keeping Rebecca's condition from them... but they all know now, so it doesn't seem like that would be it.  

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13 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Similarly, I will take Justin Hartley at any age.

He could GET. IT.

I'm trying to imagine how I would respond if my kid's boyfriend told me, with a condescending sneer on his face, that he'd locked my child out of the cabin I bought. In a snowstorm. Like, how are you wired that you think anybody, let alone the girl's MOTHER, is going to be like, "well, Kate was probably wrong, you were smart to lock her out for long enough that she had to BREAK THE WINDOW to get back in." I wish the ENTIRE fuck I would. Rebecca should have let Kevin and Randall beat his ass.

7 hours ago, MissLucas said:

I need to add my outrage that someone on this planet would be stupid enough to draft a list of 100 hottest Hollywood hunks and not include Kevin?!? Sorry Elijah Wood, but Kevin was right.

When Kevin asked "How is Elijah Wood hotter than I am?" I said out loud, "That's a fair question." Because, come on.

4 hours ago, OhSarah69 said:

disgusting skinny mustache

His facial hair is so fucking gross. I'm with those who think this isn't the end. "I'm so sorry, baby, you know I just love you so much, your family is trying to keep us apart because they don't get it," and Kate is sneaking around behind her family's back again.

1 hour ago, NUguy514 said:

Just pointing out that while silver-fox Kevin didn't look much older than present-day Kevin, neither did older Beth.

Black and money don't crack.

OMG I played so much MASH as a tween, I cannot tell y'all. Entire afternoons, lost to MASH. 

That tape was so beautiful. I remember after my grandmother died, sometimes I would call her house when my grandfather wasn't home just so I could hear the voicemail outgoing message, because it was in her voice. (My dad eventually programmed it so it was the automatic "You have reached 123-456-7890, please leave a message" greeting.) And that was just a voicemail - those weren't new words. I was crying along with them.

Edited by Empress1
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3 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

So, what, exactly is MASH? I mean, uuuh, I know, I'm just asking in case anyone else on here doesn't know.


I remember playing MASH back in the day.  I will say that by 1993 (I am 3 weeks older than the Big Three), I had moved on.  Ah, MASH--Mansion, Apartment, Shack or House.  Add the names of whoever you were swooning over at the time, the number of children you can envision having, and then throw in your favorite Barbie dream career.   The best way a preteen girl could predict the future back in the early 90s.  

I do feel like I am missing something here, but for the life of me I can't remember.  

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3 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

So, what, exactly is MASH? I mean, uuuh, I know, I'm just asking in case anyone else on here doesn't know.


Mansion-Apartment-Shack-House. It was basically a game where you wrote "predictions" for your/your friends' futures, with the names of people you liked and how many kids you would have and the car you would drive.  This has a more detailed explanation: https://mashplus.com/how-to-play-mash/

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2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

So, what, exactly is MASH? I mean, uuuh, I know, I'm just asking in case anyone else on here doesn't know.


MASH stands for "mansion, apartment, shack, house." You write down things you want to have in your grown-up life: what kind of car you'll drive, who your husband will be, how many kids you'll have. Those are the basic 4 categories ("MASH" is its own category) but you can add as many as you want (I remember my friend J. liked to add a wedding dress category, like what color or material you'd want your dress to be). You make lists of the kind of things you want, and you also mix in some things you WOULD NOT want. So if you were doing kids, you might put down 0, 1, 2, and 100. For a spouse, you'd put, like, your number one and number 2 celebrity crushes, a boy in school who is kind of OK, and a boy you hate.

Then you pick a number, and you start at the top and go down each list and count, and when you land on that number you cross out the item. You keep going until you have one item in each category. So you might end up living in a shack, married to Idris Elba, with 100 kids, driving a minivan.

Here's a link.

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17 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I remember playing MASH back in the day.  I will say that by 1993 (I am 3 weeks older than the Big Three), I had moved on.  Ah, MASH--Mansion, Apartment, Shack or House.  Add the names of whoever you were swooning over at the time, the number of children you can envision having, and then throw in your favorite Barbie dream career.   The best way a preteen girl could predict the future back in the early 90s.  

I do feel like I am missing something here, but for the life of me I can't remember.  

I was thinking the same thing.  I played in the late 80s-1991-ish maybe?  I'm basically exactly one year older than the Big 3 (okay my birthday is September 1, but close enough, right?) and wouldn't have been caught dead playing as a middle schooler.  Not cool.


@gonzosgirrl I'm from Canada (Toronto) and we played the game in elementary school.  

Edited by PRgal
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Baby Jack is going to choke on those tiny Star Wars action figures and Kate is never going to forgive herself for leaving Toby alone with him. Baby Jack was seem gnawing on at least three of them. But what were they thinking, leaving them out like that. I bet it doesn't kill the kid but leaves his vision progress permanently reversed.

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2 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Just pointing out that while silver-fox Kevin didn't look much older than present-day Kevin, neither did older Beth.

If it's 12-15 years in the future, they are early to mid fifties, and from 40 to that isn't huge for lots of people. Even me, fairly unconcerned with hair or makeup and such, I don't see a ton of difference in pictures of myself at those ages.

46 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

When Kevin asked "How is Elijah Wood hotter than I am?" I said out loud, "That's a fair question." Because, come on.

I hope that the writer(s) are friends with Elijah and it's a friendly jab, otherwise, kind of passive-aggressive shade. Funny though.


27 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Thanks, folks. Maybe it was an American thing, because I seriously never heard of it before last night. My fortune telling abilities came from this. 

I never heard of it, either, I'm too old and my kids are too young. We did the paper fortune teller thing way way back in the 20th century, in elementary school. Oh, the low tech fads.

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i said before i didn't get why they went out of their way to get randall when no one knew anything was wrong. but wow, i think that would have all played out differently if rebecca had gone alone. marc was thinking about how to "bow up" even with the brothers there! he wasn't going to leave! and to flat out admit what he did? and try to make it kate's fault? wow.

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8 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Toby cooking eggs, taking them from a hot pan and putting them in a bowl to serve to baby Jack was far too stupid to believe.  I may have missed it, but I don't think he checked the temperature of the food before he gave it to Jack.

I thought exactly the same. Although the temperature might have provoked the gag reflex. In any case, I think the point was to show that Toby was not qualified to be left alone with Jack.

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43 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Thanks, folks. Maybe it was an American thing, because I seriously never heard of it before last night. My fortune telling abilities came from this. 

Oh my.. That is literally my. whole. childhood. right there!! I must have played it a million times over!! Ah those good old times! I wish they would have used this in the show!! 

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1 minute ago, Ana88 said:

Oh my.. That is literally my. whole. childhood. right there!! I must have played it a million times over!! Ah those good old times! I wish they would have used this in the show!! 

Did you mostly give celebrity names for the people you’re going to marry?  Because any random boy in my class would result to teasing.  Celebs were safe.  Though one time, I was to marry Danny Wood from NKOTB...ummmm...NOOOOOOO.  

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40 minutes ago, PRgal said:

I was thinking the same thing.  I played in the late 80s-1991-ish maybe?  I'm basically exactly one year older than the Big 3 (okay my birthday is September 1, but close enough, right?) and wouldn't have been caught dead playing as a middle schooler.  Not cool.

This is interesting to me because MASH was all the rage when I was in middle school (93-96).  Maybe because that was when all the hormones were starting to kick in so crushes were hardcore?  Anyway, in freshman year of high school, I remember MASH being replaced by the True Love test, which is where you write down your and your crushes names, then count up how many letters the two of you have from the word "true", then the number you have from the word "love, and that's your true love percentage (ex. Tim Brown and Anne Lowell would have a 46% chance at true love).  Obviously the best way to tell if you were going to be compatible with someone long term.  LOL.

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12 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Did you mostly give celebrity names for the people you’re going to marry?  Because any random boy in my class would result to teasing.  Celebs were safe.  Though one time, I was to marry Danny Wood from NKOTB...ummmm...NOOOOOOO.  

Hahah from my memory I think actually it was boys from school! Or maybe a good mix. But Im pretty sure it wasn't only celebrities. I mostly cared about the how many kids questions haha. 

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32 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Did you mostly give celebrity names for the people you’re going to marry?  Because any random boy in my class would result to teasing.  Celebs were safe.  Though one time, I was to marry Danny Wood from NKOTB...ummmm...NOOOOOOO.  

Did anyone really crush on Danny?  I wanted either Jonathan or Joey.  I wasn't that picky.  I saw them last year, and Joey can still get it.  I wonder who Kate crushed on?

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I had to google MASH.  I graduated high school in 1987 and it was not a thing.

Also from 40 to 50 for people of decent wealth/income and indoor jobs is not going to be a big change.   Given Kevin has celebrity bucks and likely skin care routines....  and likely some help from a dermatologist... he isn't going to age as much as a construction worker or farmer outdoors doing manual labor in the sun for 10 years who likely doesn't do a lot with skin care.   Also Beth is of the income level that she would likely have a great skin care regimen and also a dermatologist to take care of things since she is very clearly into style, hair, makeup, etc.  (not in a bad way  - just that she is always stylish and we've seen her at the beauty salon)

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Did it bother anyone else that Rebecca took the time to go pick up Randall when she thought that Kate was in danger at the cabin with Mark. I can understand that she wouldn't want to go alone but she already had Kevin with her. (Also, wasn't Sophie there too? Did she just go home when they left to go get Randall?) If she truly wanted to get to Kate asap then she and Kevin should have just left and filled Randall in later. Of course Randall did end up being the one who figured out Kate cut her hand because of Mark's abusive behavior so it ended up being a good thing he came with them. Still, as a mother, I would want to get to my daughter the second I felt something was off. 

Unfortunately I don't think we've seen the last of Mark. I'm sure he'll pop up in at least a few more episodes. I do think he's actually mentally ill instead of just an asshole, however no excuses at all for his disgusting and abusive behavior. I was surprised Kate wasn't more shaken/emotional when she saw her family the next morning after being put through hell the night before. I would have broken down in tears right away. 

I'm glad Kate was more annoyed than actually mad at Kevin for the whole Madison thing. I would have been annoyed just because of the awkwardness it could potentially create at future events where both Kevin and Madison would attend (ex: Baby Jack's birthday party, etc). Also, Kate knows how fragile Madison is and she will most likely get emotionally attached to Kevin easily. Still, they are both unattached adults and Kate doesn't need to intervene in their sex lives. 

I understand why Kevin was hurt when he found out that Randall flew out to LA and took Rebecca to the doctor. I also think it's a piss poor excuse that they are using Kevin's sobriety as a reason to not tell him about Rebecca's diagnosis. Kevin will be a recovering alcoholic the rest of his life and they can't just keep hiding bad news from him. This is real life, shit is gonna happen. Plus, they probably knew it would hurt Kevin to be kept out of the loop on something as important as their mother's health. 

I don't have too much to say about Toby and Jack besides the fact that I'm glad Toby is learning how to be a father and making an effort to bond with Jack. I almost teared up when he started crying and held Jack to face after he stopped choking. 

Also, who else is ready to see the flash backs when Rebecca and Miguel get together. I am all for that juiciness. I think it will be interesting to see how it truly unfolds.  

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13 minutes ago, DFWGina said:

Also from 40 to 50 for people of decent wealth/income and indoor jobs is not going to be a big change.   Given Kevin has celebrity bucks and likely skin care routines....  and likely some help from a dermatologist... he isn't going to age as much as a construction worker or farmer outdoors doing manual labor in the sun for 10 years who likely doesn't do a lot with skin care.   Also Beth is of the income level that she would likely have a great skin care regimen and also a dermatologist to take care of things since she is very clearly into style, hair, makeup, etc.  (not in a bad way  - just that she is always stylish and we've seen her at the beauty salon)

Yeah, that's what I meant by "Black and money don't crack." (I think Eddie Murphy made this joke in his SNL monologue - he's 60 and has 10 kids, and the strain of that doesn't show because he can outsource all the strain.) Beth is both Black (people with more melanin in their skin generally age well) and likely has some money, and she's always been shown to take care of herself. (I thought she looked beautiful when she was talking to Randall about visiting her mom - I think she's beautiful, in general.) And Kevin has been wealthy for a long time. Whenever there's an article like "Can you believe Jennifer Aniston is 50? What's her secret?" I'm like, " ... Wealth."

Just now, Amarg4387 said:

Also, who else is ready to see the flash backs when Rebecca and Miguel get together. I am all for that juiciness. I think it will be interesting to see how it truly unfolds.  

I am, although from their perspective I bet it's not that juicy. I mean, we know the kids have an issue with it, but I don't think it will unfold as an illicit, passionate love affair; more of a gradual "we're spending time together and we find that we enjoy it" sort of thing. Didn't they lose touch for a while before Beth helped Rebecca set up her Facebook page?

Edited by Empress1
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38 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Did anyone really crush on Danny?  I wanted either Jonathan or Joey.  I wasn't that picky.  I saw them last year, and Joey can still get it.  I wonder who Kate crushed on?

Nope, no one (that I knew, anyway...)...my crowd’s version includes guys we didn’t want to marry.  Like ever.  I was all about Joey too.  Like every other girl (Kate includes, I would guess).  Donnie was #2.  


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1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

I hope that the writer(s) are friends with Elijah and it's a friendly jab, otherwise, kind of passive-aggressive shade. Funny though.

Elijah Wood is a good-looking man (and I'm sure that during his LOTR stint he made it on plenty of dreamy lists) but I don't think he would be put off by the idea that he does not exactly fit the standards for a superficial 'hottest hunks' list. 

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Meh. Don't like facial hair AT ALL, so older Kevin does nothing for me. I also don't care for ultra modern houses and this one really looks out of place in the forest. I'd choose the cabin over that house. I know it was Jack's dream but the drawing really did not fit the landscape. I just think of all the construction noise and nature that was destroyed to make room for it and a paved road. 🦉🌲🌳


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7 hours ago, tvisme said:

Old Kevin looked like the Trivago guy.

I thought he looked like the guy who plays Deacon on SWAT. 


1 hour ago, Amarg4387 said:

Did it bother anyone else that Rebecca took the time to go pick up Randall when she thought that Kate was in danger at the cabin with Mark. I can understand that she wouldn't want to go alone but she already had Kevin with her.

I think it is just another example Rebecca relying more heavily on Randall than Kevin.  If the roles had been reversed, you know she would not have made a detour to pick up Kevin on the way to get Kate. 

6 hours ago, mellotune said:

BUT Toby- I saw a clip of the actor in a movie with Daniel Radcliffe where Toby actor is a Nazi skinhead.

The only other thing I'm familiar with the actor playing Toby from was The Knick, an old time medical series from a few years back starring Clive Owen.  He played a cop in love with a nun who was providing abortions.  It sounds more salacious than it was.   Judging from the ratings,  I think I was one of about three people who watched it.  

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I wish they'd give more nuance to Mark.  I mean, come on.  Him being such a jerk is way over the top, particularly they way he has been with her family from when they first met him.  They could make him controlling, jerky, jealous, etc. but be a little more subtle about it.

Milo's voice annoys me.

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