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S08.E05: Gina's Story

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10 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Hey there auntjess, great question and I'd like to know the answer as well. TLC production/Gina made it crystal clear that she only bathed, or shall I say bucket washed, herself once a month, at gunpoint apparently, because the bathroom was upstairs and impossible for her to reach.That excuse was no longer valid once they moved. Hope someone here has an answer.

Maybe it will be on the supersize episode. 

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7 hours ago, dahling said:

I always fast forward through the therapy parts, because I have a cold, cold heart, and I don't care why they eat. But at Dr. Now's office visit after therapy, did Gina really say the therapy was helping because she was "learning to put herself first"?  Did that happen?  Was that really Lola's advice?  Gina has never put anyone but herself first -- and god forbid anyone else even think about it. 

This whole family was in the top 10 of the strangest packs of people ever shown on this show. I'm not bestowing sainthood on Beth -- there's some pretty serious mental illness there to choose and  stay in that situation.  And she looks like a boy I knew in high school named Hunter, so I'm going to have to call her Hunter from now on. 

I didn't really want to see Gina dancing, but I'm a little disappointed that the videos appear to have been taken down.  Fake, fake, fake. Waste of 2 hours. 

My impression was that Lola gently reminded Beth to put HERself first but Gina heard what she wanted to hear, I guess. 

the editing IMO messed with the nutritionist visit. She did say something like “I always like to eat real food but I know sometimes we want a little mayo” and then talked about fat-free options. I think she knew that Gina was never going to give up mayo etc and just rolled with it. This exchange went by so fast it was easy to miss. I’m sure there was more to the visit than we saw. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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19 hours ago, nokat said:

Does the state matter that much? Asking for a friend.

Not specific legal advice (aka, I am not your lawyer), but it can. Most states have sites from agencies or lawyers that have state-specific info. 


This family did not put the fun into disfunction. I want to see another Lonnie this season. I need a karmic cleanse for my LGBT+ peeps. 

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15 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Yes, she tried to get it and was denied.

I'm going to take a different view/semantics-wise. 

Gina wasn't " denied ".

She did not qualify for surgery because she did not lose the required weight to make it safe for her body or the doc's liability insurance.  

Same with Tammy of 100000000 lbs. sisters.  

They get all mad and act like it's the doc's fault or meanness that he won't approve their asses.

Their lying asses. 

Wake up and take responsibility you lying sacks.   

Tell the doc and the therapists the truth. Quit blaming others.  

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On 1/31/2020 at 12:27 PM, DropTheSoap said:

Not specific legal advice (aka, I am not your lawyer), but it can. Most states have sites from agencies or lawyers that have state-specific info. 


This family did not put the fun into disfunction. I want to see another Lonnie this season. I need a karmic cleanse for my LGBT+ peeps. 

It can matter quite a bit, and it also differs from state to state (there are only about 8-9 community prop states.  https://www.investopedia.com/personal-finance/which-states-are-community-property-states/

I worked for a while in Louisiana and it can make a huge difference when couples file Married Filing Separately tax returns (or at least it did in the 70's) so there is more to it than just when there is a divorce.

Back to the subject at hand.

We do complain that the patients don't seem to get nutritional advice which I don't think is the case;  I think the TLC crew is told that it is not as interesting to show that as someone showering or bathing in the backyard.  Someone --maybe in the live chat--suggested an outdoor shower for Gina, but she lives in either a duplex or apartment complex so I can't see that working.  The neighbors would not be loving that.  We only saw a few minutes of the nutritionist who seemed pretty useless.  I would hope she did a more thorough presentation off screen, but I think Gina was probably as inattentive to her as she was to Dr Now.   I  do not believe that Beth who did the shopping for everyone did not know about food labels.  I got the impression that Gina gave her "the look" that said "don't say that you know about them or I will yell at you when she leaves."  I  am also sure Gina has seen the labels, although it is more likely than not that she has never actually read one.

I missed most of the live chat because I cannot get home on most Weds before about 9:15 which is frustrating because I need to be with my peeps.

This group falls into the worst of the worst.  I really wish TLC had rounded them all up into the " 2500 -3000 pound family"  category and tried to get treatment for all of them.   All of them were obese.  

I truly don't understand Beth.  She had some sort of job in NJ, but I guess she didn't get another job in Houston.  Too bad she couldn't have persuaded Gina not to move until she was approved for the surgery.   At least one other patient also jumped the gun by moving down first.   I think it was to persuade Dr Now to do the surgery  (victim voice:  I moved here so you have to do the surgery) as well as a geographical cure (maybe the magic air in Texas will help me lose weight).

I thought she would have lost a few pounds before the final weigh-in, but instead she gained and I think weighed more than when she came to Houston.  I think having her ready for surgery before the weigh in makes sense from a motivational standpoint.   If they lost enough, surgery goes ahead.  If not,  it is truly a reminder of the failure in a way that just stepping on the scale in the office is not.     Of course, with Gina I am not so sure.  I do think that after those deaths last year of Sean and a woman whose name escapes me,  Dr Now may be a little more lenient.   So far as I know from the show, Gina doesn't have any other health issues like many of the others; that is because she is relatively young.  

This isn't the only TLC which has the black screen of death.  There was one the other night on Dr Pimple Popper;  a young man  died in his sleep months after she removed a lump from his face. 

Also I was a bit confused over the fact the round-trip to Houston would take 11 days, but it is 24 hours and Beth would be lucky to get 6 hours of actual driving time with all the stops for food and complaints about the trip.  So that's 4 days of driving each way plus a day of rest in Houston, a day to visit Dr Now, another day of rest =11 days.   I think I need to google the driving directions so I can avoid hotels near the interstates that they used.   This show is not helping with my dislike of staying in motels ---especially those near highways.

Edited by Twopper
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On 1/30/2020 at 7:04 AM, ThereButFor said:

I would love to have seen Gina’s meals while she was “working really hard”.

What Gina (and many other poundticipants) need is a very strict rehab for overeating.  They would be banned from any outside food sources and required to attend classes to learn what comprises an appropriate meal for a 1200 calorie (per day, not meal) diet.  Heck they should even have to learn to cook.  Not to mention exercise.  Along with all that, daily group therapy to discuss how to stop using food every time they feel anxious / sad / bored / stressed / every emotion under the sun.  I know it would be very expensive but might improve the success rate.  Who knows, they might even learn the motivation to keep it up when they get back home.


This was a really strange episode. Have we ever seen anyone on this show that was this full of shit? I am pretty darn sure that Dr Now must give them a food plan along with the calorie restriction. I have heard him tell all other poundticipants to stick to low carb high protein foods. These people obviously have no clue what a healthy diet consists of and I was astounded at the nutritionist’s advice. Fat free mayo and sour cream?? Those things are full of additives and sugar! This fat free BS promoted by the food industry has been debunked at least ten years ago, and nutritionists should know this.

That trip to the grocery store was a real head shaker – one teeny bag of baby carrots, one stalk of broccoli and two green peppers??? How exhausting that must have been – no wonder she crashed the scooter cart.

And if she never left her house, how in hell would she know what a normal weight person looks like? She is surrounded by obesity, and can’t imagine she’d be successful in this environment. I was actually shocked that she only weighed in at just over 600. And Beth must have some real issues if she chooses to live with this bunch.

Another thing that annoyed me more than it should have…that stupid, hideous, useless purple ceramic elephant. Why the hell wouldn’t they make a plate or a dish so at least it would be one less piece of styrofoam/plastic/paper take out crap to clutter the landfill. I know, too lazy to wash dishes…oy.

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I thought that ceramic elephant Scene was just cringe-inducing. Look at us grown-ass women on a date blotchily painting an elephant together. “I’m having so much fun with you!” “Uh-huh,” responds Beth through gritted teeth. 

when they were sprawled on their brand-new “does this make me look fat” mattress, you could just see the sexual tension sizzling. I was so afraid they were going to get right into it before the camera crew could escape. 

Did we ever even see them hold hands? I tend to agree with the poster who is skeptical that Gina is even a lesbian. I don’t perceive her as sexual in any way at all; she’s too infantilized. Beth is like another mommy. (RUN, BETH!!!!)

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Gina disclosed that she received disability; we do not know what condition led to her qualification. Weight alone is not a qualifying factor. Beth worked outside the home when they were in New Jersey. We do not know if she subsequently looked for work in Texas. That is all that we know about the family's finances.  You know the rules.  Do not speculate regarding government assistance. 

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When they were talking about light mayo, I kept thinking of how Rachel made Joey switch to light mayo and his pants fit better. (I watch WAY too much Friends, pardon me...)

I'm still in disbelief that she bathes with a bucket of water, once a month. (And I hope that has changed?) Her hair didn't look filthy, so I wonder if there is hair washing going on that we weren't privy to? But a small bucket of soapish water dumped over you like icing on a cinnamon roll isn't actually a bath or a shower. It's creating your own special skin paste. I cannot image the stench—my friend's tall, super skinny teenage son is going through a phase where he hates to bathe and after three days you can smell him from three rooms away. I could almost hurl thinking of the stench of that living room. 

I thought the big event of the ep was going to be the mom dropping dead of whatever was wrong with her. She couldn't open her eyes without becoming short of breath. I really didn't think she was going to make it through the episode. 

Gina will never get the attention she wants, because it's bottomless and requires the earth waiting on her hand and foot for infinity squared. FFS the woman applauded herself because she destroyed a few sections of Whole Foods and bought 3 things. I get making baby steps, but there are baby steps and then there are barely steps. And I am still a little confused by that maid of honor speech from the safety of the minivan...sitting like, 20 feet outside. If the whole wedding party had come outside, would she have gone back in? Heck, could have been a fun reception game.

Edited by Stiggs
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Most of our 600+ pounders met their "significant others" online.  If these people are smart enough to shop for love on the internet, they should be smart enough to look up articles on portion control, calories, etc.

Actually, they ARE smart enough.  They just don't do it.

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7 minutes ago, Stiggs said:

cannot image the stench—my friend's tall, super skinny teenage son is going through a phase where he hates to bathe and after three days you can smell him from three rooms away. I could almost hurl thinking of the stench of that living room. 

Waaaaay back when I was in  my 20s, I took an extended  backcountry  backpacking trip--- Medicine  Hat AB to Zion Canyon. There were stretches of  days where there just wasn't any  opportunity to  bathe. There were days when I was  glad I was  upwind  of myself (think sweaty from hiking...) and INCREDIBLY  grateful  that I was alone. I can tell you the most joy I ever felt was popping out of the  woods into a  town, checking  into a  motel so I could  SHOWER. 

I'd  do it again in a  heartbeat. 

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55 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

Waaaaay back when I was in  my 20s, I took an extended  backcountry  backpacking trip--- Medicine  Hat AB to Zion Canyon.

Just commenting to say that I've always liked that name - Medicine Hat.

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57 minutes ago, doglover3489 said:

I didn’t see that!! I can’t wrap my mind around that!

I think Lee insisted that Rena hold the male urinal for him because he drank an extra large soda and he needed to pee while sitting in the car.

I suspect there are a lot of filthy adult diapers disposed at rest stops and motel rooms.  

Add me to the list to follow fans who refuse to ever stay in a handicapped or first floor room along a major interstate highway.  And this is after countless years as business travelers on a budget.  And now the handicapped room is important to our travel plans. As a final caveat, anything on I40 should be avoided. Upscale  airport hotels are slightly better.


Edited by fonfereksglen
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5 hours ago, Twopper said:

Also I was a bit confused over the fact the trip to Houston would take 11 days

I could be misremembering, but I thought she said it was 11 days round trip. 


4 hours ago, Stiggs said:

But a small bucket of soapish water dumped over you like icing on a cinnamon roll isn't actually a bath or a shower. It's creating your own special skin paste.

Oh my god. 🤣🤣🤣



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I'm watching the Supersized version. Ali's fiance comes in and asks, "What's shakin?" Well, probably the floor.

Also, there is a recliner in the kitchen. In the kitchen!

Edited by mmecorday
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Well, that’s two hours of my life I’ll never get back.Gina was disgusting. Who bathes once a month! Can you imagine the stench. And the crust. Thirty days of boob sweat buildup that’s turned crusty. Armpit sweat. Crotch sweat. And ... well, I don’t even want to go there. And then there’s the way she treats her doormat ... I mean, wife. Part of me feels sorry for Beth. Part of me wonders why she allows herself to be treated like a doormat. 

On a more positive note, halfway through the show, I registered for a week at fat camp .. I mean, fitness spa. I went last year, and it was a great experience.  I don’t have much to lose, but I’ve added a few unwanted pounds due to a period of enforced inactivity due to a very painful condition called piriformis syndrome, which is caused by overexercising.

I thought the nutritionist was was pretty much useless. The show needs to borrow Tennessee Fitness Spa’s nutritionist for a couple of episodes. 

Hopefully, Beth will wake up and smell the roses or at least something more pleasant than Gina’s funk.  And hopefully she’ll take the dog with her.


Edited by ShoePrincess
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On 1/30/2020 at 11:51 AM, Burning Rubber said:

How dare  Beth complain that One-Bath-A-Month-Gina stink?


Omg @Burning Rubber Exactly!!!

The best is that she only cleans up (doesn't even shower) just washes up once a month. Gina had the nerve to say she’s upset that Beth stopped having sex with her. Hmmmm, so besides that she’s gross, she’s also immobile. It’s obviously a one way street with sex!  How dare Beth not want to have sex with her?! 🙄  What an entitled bit@h Gina is!  She loved being waited on so this doesn't surprise me!! Her whiney voice annoyed me. She said Beth talks down to her. Maybe she thinks Beth asking her to bathe ONCE a month is talking down to her.  She’s really the one that talks down to Beth. “Get me this, get me that, I’m hungry, I have to go to the bathroom, I need the fan.” She never says please or thank you.  She says, “You need to get              “. Gina’s awful!!! 🤬😡

Separate thought. How far gone do you have to be to step on a scale that says 606lbs and say “that’s not the worst number I thought it would be.”  WTF. Are you  kidding me?! 

I know she’s 600lbs but she could walk fine!  She’s such a liar and exaggerator! Remember Brittany who was an amazing success story? She was older, heavier and shorter.  Brittany walked and after her first visit to Dr. Now, she started walking more to exercise and doing more activity.  And this jerk Gina, says “I hope I’m going to make it from the front door to the van in the  driveway.”  My point is Gina can walk and get around just fine.  

I think we all knew this wasn’t going to be a success story! 

Edited by Kaia40
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I have Supersized on in the background and listening to Lola's therapy session. At NO time did Lola say that Gina needed to "put herself first" as Gina claims she did. What she did say was that BETH needed a staycation day away from Gina and that Gina's homework was a day to not rely on anyone's help. 

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I don't understand, with the price of food and fast food, how these people can afford to buy the amount of food needed to maintain their size? Whole families of them too? People don't get that much on disability, and must also pay for a place to stay too?

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3 hours ago, winsomeone said:

I don't understand, with the price of food and fast food, how these people can afford to buy the amount of food needed to maintain their size? Whole families of them too? People don't get that much on disability, and must also pay for a place to stay too?

Gina alone had her three styrofoam containers. If the rest of them had only one, that's at least $50 on one meal.

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16 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I could be misremembering, but I thought she said it was 11 days



She either said 'round trip" or else she said something like "down to Houston and back."  I went back and edited the first sentence in that paragraph.  What I was doing was working out how the whole trip would take 11 days.  Normally people of that age could do it the 26 hours in 2-3 plus staying a night or two in Houston which would be a total trip in 6-8 days max.  I do hope they arrived in Houston in time to check into the hotel so Gina could shower before her appointment, but I doubt it. 


18 hours ago, fonfereksglen said:

Add me to the list to follow fans who refuse to ever stay in a handicapped or first floor room along a major interstate highway.  And this is after countless years as business travelers on a budget.  And now the handicapped room is important to our travel plans. As a final caveat, anything on I40 should be avoided. Upscale  airport hotels are slightly better.

I sorta freaked out when you mentioned I-40 and checked to see that the place we have stayed in Cleveland TN is not on i-40;  it is on I-75 which probably isn't much better.  It is Douglas Inn & Suites which we have chosen twice as it is adjacent to a Cracker Barrel, and we were tired.  For some reason ( Mr Twopper's white hair?), they  put us in a handicap room which had the largest bathroom I have ever been in.  Gina would have been fine there, and since it is on a possible route from NJ to Texas, it is possible they did stay there.  Next time we will stay in upscale hotel in downtown Chattanooga or Knoxville.

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Bonus scene from Friday's Supersized episode added a stop for the bathroom, at a gas station.  Gina says if the accessible bathroom stall isn't big enough for her, then they'll stop by the side of the road, and she'll go to the bathroom on the ground.       

Then after 4 hours on the road, she needs another meal, and they stop for the night.   They left NJ a week before her appointment time, and she was worried about missing it.   

The second Bonus Scene is when they're on the last day, after 5 days of travel, they're only to Laurel, MS.    One hour of travel later, she's 'overwhelmed', and 'her life depends on this', and she 'hopes Dr. Now will help her'.    They only  traveled 4 or 5 hours a day.  

I love the fuzzy bedroom slippers Gina wore for the wedding.  The mother, the bride, and Gina going down the aisle was bizarre.     Nothing was added to the Supersized episode but a bunch of the usual pop-ups that mean very little.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 1/29/2020 at 10:56 PM, littlebennysmom said:

"I'm exhausted!" -- "I'm working sooo haaard!" -- "If I don't get this weight loss surgery, I don't know what I'll doooo!" -- "You mean there's actual nutrition information on food labels, dietician lady?  I had nooo idea!"

Gina had a whole lotta chances to do a whole lotta nothing.  And the once a month bathing thing will haunt me and give me the shivers for months to come.

Don’t forget “I don’t know how this happened!”  

And the claim that they need to keep stopping for food to calm their anxiety.  Someone needs to tell them about Xanax.  

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On 1/30/2020 at 6:03 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

 I think everything we were told by her family, and Gina and Beth was a lie that they made up.   I'm also questioning her entire back story too.           

I totally also doubt the backstory....  I know it can sound evil - but some of these poundticipants I really doubt the 'abuse' they claim to suffer.  They just come across as liars, trying to get sympathy and/or give a more palatable reason for why they are so huge.

On 1/30/2020 at 8:48 AM, Burning Rubber said:

This obesity is 100% GENETIC.

Sorry gotta disagree on this - they are morbidly obese due to bad choices, not genetics. These bad choices get observed and perpetuated.

On 1/30/2020 at 12:31 PM, ShortyMac said:

Gina is a prime example of what abuse and trauma, combined with guilt-ridden and enabling family members can cause. She's an attention whore to the extreme because of her sister's agoraphobia, and the abuse she suffered.

Yeah, again I kinda doubt she had this abuse/trauma.  Its pure laziness and narcissism. 

On 1/30/2020 at 8:43 PM, mmecorday said:

The visit by the nutritionist was such a non-event. She told Gina and Beth to get fat-free mayonnaise, which is full of chemicals to make it taste like mayonnaise (and it doesn't.) Why didn't she stick around long enough to teach them how to cook nutritious meals instead of departing with a garbage bag full of their groceries? 

UGH! This nutritionist!   It is a LOW CARB diet.  Not a low fat diet.  Does Dr. Now even know about this nutritionist's advice?   Low fat stuff usually has INCREASED carbs.  A tablespoon of sour cream on some taco meat and greens would just increase satiety. 

Pretty much everything you need to know about Gina you learn in the first 5 minutes. I just can't wrap my head around bathing once a month.  I get irritated skin so sometimes I like to skip showering/bathing for a day but then I usually give myself a 'rinse off' quickie shower because, just, gross!!! ( I know we are sometimes 'too' clean in. modern society, but I just can't handle body odour).  And ragging on her wife for working ALL DAY, while Gina pretty much sits on her dirty a$$, not wanting to stop and pick up food and she can't even be bothered to put the order in for her?  Mind. Boggling.


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After the June 2019 dancing Gina video, I doubt everything Gina, Beth, and the family said.    

I really doubt the abuse claims too, since if they were true, then I think she would have a list of everything that happened over the years for Lola.      Gina certainly had a close relationship with the mother, after claiming everything she did about the mother abandoning her for years.   

I suspect a lot of the obesity issues in Gina's family are that they all eat the way they learned, they are overfed, and eat constantly.     I think the entire group need a Dr. Now diet, but they see nothing wrong with the way they are, so they will never change.   The way they were all were eating entire plates of greasy food, then I'm betting that's what they always do.     I also call shenanigans on the once a month partial bath by Gina too.   I'm betting she bathes pretty often, since no one was recoiling from her.    Some other poundticipants had hospital caregivers that were wearing masks, and remember Dr. Now actually told a certain one that he smelled bad.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Dr. Now: So, what brings you here?
Gina: Well, I went for weight loss surgery in New Jersey, and they told me I was too big.
Dr. Now: Really? Well, you BMI is 100 and it should be like a quarter of that, so yeah it's too dangerous.

Dr. Now: So tell me about your eating habit.
Gina: Well, I eat the wrong things and i snack a lot, and...
Dr. Now: So, you're snacking and you're now 600lbs and you're wondering what's wrong? It's like the guy who goes to the doctor and says "My head hurts" and the doctor asks him "When?" and he says, "When I hit it with a baseball bat." 

OMG - LOL, Dr. Now. Love him.

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On 1/31/2020 at 5:57 PM, mamadrama said:

Gina: OMG, I have to walk ALL THE WAY to the car and I am so tired and sick...

Also Gina: Food's ready?! *bulldozes through everyone else to prance to the table/kitchen/etc*

Seriously, she walks and gets around better than I do on my bad days. 

Run, Beth, run. 



She moved 900000000x better than her breathy mother, who looked like her knees were going to snap with each step.

I did feel *slightly* for Gina as she didn't really seem like she felt great at the rehearsal. Between the cold and her anxiety, she needed to get her lungs checked out. I'm glad that she didn't force Beth to drive her home, but I think that the only reason why Beth didn't take her was because she was officiating the wedding. As someone with anxiety, I get it and her face looked really red. BUT she seems to have figured out how to manipulate everyone and it was like her weight wasn't enough ... she needed to have another 'condition' to draw the attention to herself. And what an asshole that she had to pull that shit at her sister's wedding.


Edited by lightninggirl
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2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

After the June 2019 dancing Gina video, I doubt everything Gina, Beth, and the family said.    

I really doubt the abuse claims too, since if they were true, then I think she would have a list of everything that happened over the years for Lola.      Gina certainly had a close relationship with the mother, after claiming everything she did about the mother abandoning her for years.   

I suspect a lot of the obesity issues in Gina's family are that they all eat the way they learned, they are overfed, and eat constantly.     I think the entire group need a Dr. Now diet, but they see nothing wrong with the way they are, so they will never change.   The way they were all were eating entire plates of greasy food, then I betting that's what they always do.     I also call shenanigans on the once a month partial bath by Gina too.   I'm betting she bathes pretty often, since no one was recoiling from her.    Some other poundticipants had hospital caregivers that were wearing masks, and remember Dr. Now actually told a certain one that he smelled bad.   

I think we got played. She knows what she is doing. So does Beth. I'm seeing rumors that they do porn. I think this was all publicity. I really dont trust either of them. 

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On 1/31/2020 at 12:28 AM, ams1001 said:

I cheered when he hopped that bus.


On 1/30/2020 at 11:43 PM, mmecorday said:

The visit by the nutritionist was such a non-event. She told Gina and Beth to get fat-free mayonnaise, which is full of chemicals to make it taste like mayonnaise (and it doesn't.)  

 I'm surprised she hasn't updated her shtik to the current scam, "plant-based" - i.e. chemical concoctions posing as healthy alternatives to actual meat and actual vegetables.

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Gina thinks that trying and doing are the same thing. I wanted to cyber slap her every time that she said "trying so hard." Gina is used to talking her way out of things. Her family must be awfully gullible to believe her bullshit.

Gina and her family appeared on the wrong show. They are better suited for the One Ton Family or whatever it is called.


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Never before have I started yelling "STOP WHINING!" only 10-15 minutes into an episode. My gods, that woman's self-pity was never-ending. Must EVERYTHING be a crisis?

And what was with that ridiculous baby voice? Her voice sounded normal on the telephone wedding toast(!), so we know she is capable of speaking in a normal register.

She might have been even more annoying than Penny. Unfortunately, she had none of James King or Lisa Fleming's trainwreck chuckles.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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13 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I'm seeing rumors that they do porn.


ETA: Because I cannot help myself, I found her Pornhub site using the information that Starcasm provided (they didn't post a direct link) and not only is Gina doing porn -- she was doing it with HER SISTER. So, to all of you who called this entire episode a fake sham, hats off! 

Excuse me now. I have to go throw bleach in my eyes.

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Doesn't the production company do any investigation of social media and other outlets? I mean employers do that routinely for a lot of jobs and this evidently was a job trying to advertise her.....hobby.

Edited by Chicklet
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1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:


ETA: Because I cannot help myself, I found her Pornhub site using the information that Starcasm provided (they didn't post a direct link) and not only is Gina doing porn -- she was doing it with HER SISTER. So, to all of you who called this entire episode a fake sham, hats off! 

Excuse me now. I have to go throw bleach in my eyes.

When you get through with the bleach can you pass it to me? I can use it as brain bleach right?

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15 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I think we got played. She knows what she is doing. So does Beth. I'm seeing rumors that they do porn. I think this was all publicity. I really dont trust either of them. 

I had to go with a "wow" because there wasn't a " revolted horror" reaction emoji. 


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Whether she did the show to drive people to her videos or give her fans a look behind the scenes at her life... not quite sure anybody ended up happy with the result. 

And now I'm wondering what the brother in law's deal is, and where Beth fits into this.


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4 hours ago, kassa said:

Whether she did the show to drive people to her videos or give her fans a look behind the scenes at her life... not quite sure anybody ended up happy with the result. 

And now I'm wondering what the brother in law's deal is, and where Beth fits into this.


After that Holy Shit revelation from Giant Misfit I'm not sure we wanna know.😕

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1 hour ago, kassa said:

And now I'm wondering what the brother in law's deal is, and where Beth fits into this.

While his face wasn't visible, it was likely the brother in law I saw in one of the tamer videos. She was squishing an inflatable beach ball with her ass on his face while the sister sat on the sofa and laughed. 

ETA: As for Beth (I'm spoilering this because it's super gross and read at your own risk):


Someone's arm is visible in one of the videos. It is going into a place where no arm should ever go. I am ASSUMING it was Beth's because the only other person who it could have been was the sister's.

*rushing for the bleach again, this time just straight-up guzzling it*

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8 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

While his face wasn't visible, it was likely the brother in law I saw in one of the tamer videos. She was squishing an inflatable beach ball with her ass on his face while the sister sat on the sofa and laughed. 

ETA: As for Beth (I'm spoilering this because it's super gross and read at your own risk):

  Reveal spoiler

Someone's arm is visible in one of the videos. It is going into a place where no arm should ever go. I am ASSUMING it was Beth's because the only other person who it could have been was the sister's.

*rushing for the bleach again, this time just straight-up guzzling it*


List of what I need to handle this latest disgusting revelation:

  1. Brain Bleach
  2. Eye Bleach (if I dare seek out her videos)
  3. Pepto Bismol
  4. Xanax
  5. Some Really Awesome Reefer
  6. Hallucinogenics to escape to a different reality
  7. Lots and lots of therapy (again, if I actually watch these videos)

Giant Misfit you now have a permanent reservation on that flaming bus to Hell!


Edited by DC Gal in VA
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She's posting videos on a porn site.   Don't look if you don't want to be nauseous the rest of the day.   The videos include what looks like her sister. 

This isn't the first time a Poundticipant was involved in feeder porn, squashing (don't ask), or other things.   However, to my knowledge, it's the first regular porn performer.      I believe even stronger now that everything but Dr. Now's part was a lie, and she only wanted the publicity.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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