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S14.E21: Reunion Part 1

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I wonder if Emily got Shane to agree to let her become a Housewife if she promised to include as many of his family members as she could. Shane’s parents seem to pop up at many of the events, and she even tried to get his cousin on the show ( failed Gina date). 

The best thing about this reunion is how bitter and angry Tamra and Vicki are. Hags.....

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10 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Vicki got demoted because she had absolutely no storyline this season except fighting with Kelly. If not for that, she wouldn't have even been interesting enough to be a friend.

Tamra had no storyline, either. Yet, she's still there holding that orange....

On to the superficial:

The camera people are really zooming in on the closeups.

Gina still doesn't have it right with the extensions and hair color. Bless her heart.  

Tamra looks old and hard close up 

Shannon has too much makeup, too much fake hair, too much tan. 

Vicki's dress was the worst.

Kelly got new teeth

Emily gets a pass because she just had hip surgery and as she stated didn't get herself a spray tan

Brauny actually looked the prettiest of all of them. 

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9 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

I'm feeling you. I don't think I can watch either. All of them together out screaming each other is just too much. And Vicky for a whole hour is just torture. I think Ill just get recaps on here, unless I can figure out a way to only hear Kelly's insults.

Tamra and Vikie have to go.  If it’s up to Andy, he sees differently than us women. Whatever we hate about them, he sees it as funny.  Women know how women work, men do not know how women work or what’s funny or not funny.  That’s what I think anyhow.  Maybe I’m wrong.

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9 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

I had to use mute on Vicki. What the actual  hell is she screaming  about. Good lord. She's seething,  so is Tamra,  Shannon isn't quite as bad,  but being with Tamra and Vicki,  she gets just like them. I think Kelly does a lot off the show, to wind them up, but ganging  up on her,not cool

Braunwyn  was so nice and calm  the worst she did, was call Gina a little sister. I think Gina needs to be off the show, and with her children. 

The screeching  is too much .Kelly and Tamra hate one another,  and I think Tamra is the OG, not Vicki.

Kelly is a lot of bravado, when you're that angry , you're covering  the hurt. I see a lot of hurt. I'll watch reunion  part two, I'm a glutton  for punishment. 

Vickie is the OG. Tamara came after season 1.

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10 hours ago, antfitz said:

Shannon absolutely overreacted about the bonk on the head.  While you shouldn't hit people on the head, it was a tap. Shannon got no sympathy because she made it over blown.

If it was so dangerous, would that place have that?  I think Shannon is overly sensitive.  Besides, she loves to go to doctors.  Plus, Tamra told her the story of someone had a bleeding brain or something, and that got her thinking.

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2 hours ago, FancyNancy said:

The Tres Leches love playing victim. They say things to Kelly and then when she comes back and gut them they whine “she’s a horrible person.” I think by now they should know Kelly will eviscerate them with her words. 

If Kelly marries that guy from N.Y., maybe she won’t be back at all. I wish the would put her on N.Y. Housewives.  Tinsley is not coming back I read.  Kelly on N.Y. would be gold.

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19 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

Are she and Ramona really friends, or just "friends"?

I think they are friends.  Kelly is also friends with Dorinda.

Makes sense to me that these 3 should bond.  They all have bulldog tendencies with little ability to empathize. 

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I can't believe they're even considering keeping Vicki on after that hissy fit, couple with the failed lawsuit. But the fact that she got her seat next to Andy demonstrates that she's going to get her way in the end. Every time she harps about founding the show or whatever, I just think Bitch, you were a solid #4 of 5 women on the cast. Shane Keough and Slade Smiley got more screentime than you Season 1.

Tamra was clearly pissed when Gina and Emily hugged it out. Sorry Gina, I think you just lost your Amiga status.


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8 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I really hope Emily isn't back next year, but I don't think I will be that lucky. I have come to like Gina because she has a sense of humour about herself. Emily just has a perpetual stick up her butt. I really can only tolerate her because I love Shane's snarky comments. When Emily said that Shane wanted to know if Bronte's husband was going to bring his statement necklaces to BravoCon, I almost spit up my drink. Lol. 

I'm right there with you.  Emily annoys me.  Mostly because I feel like her dramatic scenes (like the fight with Gina) she's acting.  I think she views herself, because she's an attorney dontcha know, as being the most brilliant mind on the show.  And her voice irritates me.

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19 minutes ago, dmeets said:

I can't believe they're even considering keeping Vicki on after that hissy fit, couple with the failed lawsuit. But the fact that she got her seat next to Andy demonstrates that she's going to get her way in the end. Every time she harps about founding the show or whatever, I just think Bitch, you were a solid #4 of 5 women on the cast. Shane Keough and Slade Smiley got more screentime than you Season 1.

Tamra was clearly pissed when Gina and Emily hugged it out. Sorry Gina, I think you just lost your Amiga status.


I’m sure Vicki got that seat only because Andy wanted to shut her up. You know the complaining went on much longer that we saw. Gosh those producers must have migraines. 

I agree about Tamra being mad. She had a quick look that came across her face in a flash and then she went back to show face and being disingenuous. Someone was going to pay for that hug after the conclusion of taping. 

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2 hours ago, b2H said:

It ceased being fun when the 'housewives' were no longer really housewives, but single women who capitalized on their divorces and represent themselves as successful women.  


What is a successful woman, wife, housewife?

Interesting Andy asked them all (4 of the 6) about whether they wouldn't have divorced if they hadn't been on the show.  Well you know, I'm not sure he asked Tamra, but possibly Tamra did answer about her "great" marriage now.


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Tamra's GED (or not) topic came up in 2018, and in some tweets she makes claims about other people lying and she said she did not get a GED.  Funny how that statement can then be used to comment "So you didn't get your GED.  That explains a  lot." 😄 X|

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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Tamra and Vikie have to go.  If it’s up to Andy, he sees differently than us women. Whatever we hate about them, he sees it as funny.  Women know how women work, men do not know how women work or what’s funny or not funny.  That’s what I think anyhow.  Maybe I’m wrong.

no I think you're right. I think Andy enjoys seeing women make asses out of themselves.

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With all of Shannon’s blatherings about natural healthcare, healthy supplements, etc., it really surprises me that she would dive headfirst (literally) into the plastic surgery pool. Botox and fillers especially! Vicki should have been a cautionary tale for all of them. 

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Vicki bitching and griping backstage was the best part of the reunion.  Hey, Vicks, if you didn't want the producers thinking you are a thirsty, bottom feeder catfish, don't fucking be one. You shouldn't have signed back on as a "friend of" when you believe yourself to be HBIC and the OG of OC. You should've walked away with your head raised high, but you settled for less than you think you are worth which yes, does indeed make you a thirsty, bottom feeding catfish.

I was shocked about how candid and realistic she was about her upcoming nupitals with Steve. 

12 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Vicki got demoted because she had absolutely no storyline this season except fighting with Kelly. If not for that, she wouldn't have even been interesting enough to be a friend.

Tamra hasn't had a storyline either. If given a Sophie's choice, I'd take Vicki over Tamra any day.  Tamra is just such a malevolent person to me and that none of the other cast mates seem to get that or if they do dare not challenge her is the most frustrating thing about this show. She is a shit person and mother, forever pitting people against each other to compete for her affections and attention or just for giggles. 

The worst things I can say about Brown Wind is she is thirsty, her mother sucks and she has shit taste in women (Tamra).

I don't even know if I like anyone on this show. It ranges from flames on the side of my face hate - Tamra to feelings of utter meh - Emily and Braun.  

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I don't know who styles these women but they need new makeup, hair and clothing stylists.  Have to say as nasty as she is Kelly looked the best followed by Brown nose and then Emily. Tamara looked old and leathery sitting there in a 1980's gold lame jump suit. Shannon looked too spray tanned and her face is bloated and her fake hair is horrible.  Gina looked heavy and well like Gina. Vicki has a good hair cut and style but her dress was awful. Funny when they are on Watch What Happens Live they look so much better.  Oh and Brown nose is begging to stay on the show. Please no!

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I think Vicki is jealous of Kelly having more money than her after her divorce.

Kelly is correct that her ex husband made a lot of money being an executive for Leapfrog.

I wonder if Andy wears earplugs during the reunion ?

The women spend a lot of time yelling at each other . 

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Highlights, for me: 

--Vicki's hissy fit about being demoted, which was both totally predictable and thoroughly delightful.  The woman is who she is.  And, sadly, I am here for it.  

--Kelly: "It's my company!  I own 25% of it!" 

--Tamra insisting that she graduated from high school

--"When did I become Skipper?" 

--"Go sell another Groupon!" 


Everything else was noise (Not figuratively. Literally).  And, as always, I was left wondering how Tamra somehow managed to avoid accountability.  

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19 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Vicki's face reminds me of the movie drive when Ryan Gosling had to wear a face mask as a stunt driver.




Sadly, I thought she was cute before all that surgery.  She was never a raving beauty, but the eyes were pretty, the dimples cute, and she had a great figure (actually I still think she does have one for her age).

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11 minutes ago, Sarah Heart said:

I think Vicki looks odd, too much surgery. Shannon imho looks great.

I actually think Shannon looks better now than when she first came on the show.  She was too thin and yet had this odd grandma looking body.  Her face looked so thin too.  She may over do the fillers, but her body looks better as does her face now!

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I guess Browny is safe for next season. I just read some blurb about Andy Cohen and he said that he thought Browny was a great addition to the show because of her kids, her kooky mother and her sex apartment. GAG. Mark my words, we will see even more of the seven children and the dipshit mother next season. Gotta get everyone in the limelight!

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14 hours ago, b2H said:

I am so over Kelly.  She is no better a character than Danielle on NJ.  I stopped watching NJ.  I am guessing Kelly will help me walk away from OC.  

Vicky is right.  The franchise is pbbbt.  Bringing Vicky back won’t salvage this franchise either.

Nailed it! Kelly is a vicious, vindictive, malevolent viper who responds in a reptilian way to any kind of remark or "dis" that comes her way. What I really find abhorrent about her is the way she attacks people with remarks about their looks. This demeaning and repulsive way of "owning" your adversary makes me sick. To see grown women doing exactly what I have taught my daughter never to do, is truly disgraceful and disgusting. The cartoony pig emoji and spray painted car that she demolished were adolescent. I am not a fan of Vicki, far from it, but to continue this mode of offense is just sick. If my daughter had behaved this way at any point in her life or made these kind of continuous attacks on someone's appearance, I would have been humiliated and feel that I failed as a parent. Here is Kelly, a woman of middle age, acting out like a middle school bully. Shannon bit the bait that Kelly put out there, time after time...don't bite the bait ladies, you just fuel more cruel barbs from her...and she loves it. What a great role model she is for her daughter...I really feel badly for that kid. 

As for Vicki...she really is full of herself. She keeps proclaiming that she is originator of the show...it's "her" show. I think Bravo would have something to say about that...she needs to be let go. She should have been let go after the Brooks debacle.

35 minutes ago, Pickles said:

I guess Browny is safe for next season. I just read some blurb about Andy Cohen and he said that he thought Browny was a great addition to the show because of her kids, her kooky mother and her sex apartment. GAG. Mark my words, we will see even more of the seven children and the dipshit mother next season. Gotta get everyone in the limelight!


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On 12/19/2019 at 12:07 PM, ladle said:

Highlights, for me: 

--Vicki's hissy fit about being demoted, which was both totally predictable and thoroughly delightful.  The woman is who she is.  And, sadly, I am here for it.  

--Kelly: "It's my company!  I own 25% of it!" 

--Tamra insisting that she graduated from high school

--"When did I become Skipper?" 

--"Go sell another Groupon!" 


Everything else was noise (Not figuratively. Literally).  And, as always, I was left wondering how Tamra somehow managed to avoid accountability.  

Agree with all.

I need to learn more about Kelly's wealth-building strategies that don't involve sex.  If she bought and sold a house in her 20's and made a million, that is pretty darn good.  Kelly seems pretty smart....Tamra too. 

Edited by Jextella
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4 hours ago, b2H said:

She's right that the franchise has collapsed. 

It ceased being fun when she contributed madly to its destruction with the Brooks fiasco. 

It ceased being fun when the entire story board for the show is how badly and deeply they can wound each other's psyches. 

It ceased being fun when alcohol-fueled screaming matches were the order of the day. 

It ceased being fun when the 'housewives' were no longer really housewives, but single women who capitalized on their divorces and represent themselves as successful women.  

It ceased being fun when the worst of these women ended up as centerpieces for the screaming, the alcohol and the worst of behaviors.

Vicky is right.  The franchise is pbbbbt.....

Well said. Women behaving badly should be the title of this franchise. 

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These women are dreadful, And while watching this and the finale I found myself actively hating them.

Gina: Kelly is mean, but right. You are not accomplished.  Does she have any skills or interests other than bagging a man? That accent and the hair are so cheap, they're sad. I hope she's using her housewives money wisely.

Kelly: She can be so funny, but she's also extremely defensive, bitter and combative and it's fucking exhausting.    

Tamra: Complete trash and shit stirrer.

Shannon: I used to like her a lot but she has lain down with trash and gotten up with fleas. Life is good for her now and I expected better of her. Her parents and real friends must be appalled.   

Emily: Why does she make herself up to look like an old woman. And more important, why is she still married to that horrible man? Setting a terrible example for her daughter.               

Just now, politichick said:

These women are dreadful, And while watching this and the finale I found myself actively hating them.

Gina: Kelly is mean, but right. You are not accomplished.  Does she have any skills or interests other than bagging a man? That accent and the hair are so cheap, they're sad. I hope she's using her housewives money wisely.

Kelly: She can be so funny, but she's also extremely defensive, bitter and combative and it's fucking exhausting.    

Tamra: Complete trash and shit stirrer.

Shannon: I used to like her a lot but she has lain down with trash and gotten up with fleas. Life is good for her now and I expected better of her. Her parents and real friends must be appalled.   

Emily: Why does she make herself up to look like an old woman. And more important, why is she still married to that horrible man? Setting a terrible example for her daughter.          

Vickie needs to be put down. I wouldn't be surprised if she bought her own ring because Steve is probably too cheap to pay for the one she would want. She is a vile person and should not ever, ever get an orange.

Bronwyn-Meh. Can take or leave her.    


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At first I thought they should just bring Vicki back because she had just as much airtime as everyone else but after listening to her rant backstage, scream at everyone , and the Jane Roe lawsuit, they should just boot her ass to the curb. I’m surprised Andy is putting up with her. 

I thought this part of the reunion was mainly the tres amiga’s fighting with Kelly and man, it was vile. I can’t believe grown women can act like that. I read somewhere that there was a rumor that Andy was going to get rid of the older HW’s on Atlanta and maybe other franchises and replace them with younger women. Probably not true. I’d like to see a complete overhaul of the cast in this show though. The only two I can tolerate (and only a little bit) is Emily and Shannon.   

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Laughing at Kelly saying Tamra doesn't even have high school education.


I can't stand people that blame the likes of alcohol for their actions well if you are a miserable drunk then dont drink also it tends to show what a person is really like and from what we have seen on this show these women do drink way to much and are very ugly inside.


Wow these women think because they have been on the show longer they are something special and means others are not on the same level come on grow up no wonder their kids want nothing to do with a lot of these people.


Every one of these women are just so dumb and to think a bunch of them are suppose to have advanced education makes you wonder if they cheated or paid someone to get it for them.


Vicki is a con women she knew about brooks but because she loved him she would do anything for him but what you expect she sells insurance which we all know is a big con in itself.


Notice how she gets jealous if others make something of themselves.


Shannon is so full of herself she would of still been with David if not on the show I think based on what I have seen she would of kept holding on to him letting him get away with things because she is one of those people cant cope being alone plus the show is what has gotten her name etc out their without it she is a nobody.


The other thing with her is clearly is not healthy she gets hurt easily and now has UTI come on yes she has lost weight but not healthy and I agree with Kelly every little thing Vicki is the same it's like it's end of the world maybe it's the drink.


Kelly is all over the place but love that she calls out all their bs if only she had a brain she could rip these women apart in an intellectual way.



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I kind of like that Vicki calls it "her show" lol...and although I find her cringeworthy, she truly is the OG of all housewives.  Maybe I just feel her pain of being forced out after working there for 15 years (about the time a show set in Cota began development?).

Unlike most others here, I loved the scenes of V ranting at production. She knew they were filming - hell, they were probably encouraging her.  Hilarious that she had about as much screen time as the current orange holders. Mmv.

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37 minutes ago, mon berg said:

Every one of these women are just so dumb and to think a bunch of them are suppose to have advanced education makes you wonder if they cheated or paid someone to get it for them.

Quoted for posterity.

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18 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Vicki got demoted because she had absolutely no storyline this season except fighting with Kelly. If not for that, she wouldn't have even been interesting enough to be a friend.

Vicki was certainly featured a lot for someone with "absolutely no storyline".  She was on every cast trip, had her birthday party filmed, and had her engagement party featured as the season ending cast event.  In addition, she was on WWHL last night after the reunion part 1.  No wonder she's confused that it's her show. 

Oh look, Tamra does have a cap and gown photo.  Still, not exactly the success story she portrays.   Did any of her children go on to college or university?


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3 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Didn't Kelly go to college?

Yes, Arizona State, Most of the cast did: Shannon (USC) Gina (Hofstra), Emily (Miami of Ohio, Thomas Jefferson School of Law), Vicki (Harper College), Braunwyn (mentioned meeting her husband while in college in Santa Barbara, UCSB maybe?).

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8 hours ago, Hiyo said:

Are she and Ramona really friends, or just "friends"?

Well, she stood over Ramona’s house for over a week so ...  I think they really are friends.  Plus, Ramona introduced Kelly to her now fiancé.

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6 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

With all of Shannon’s blatherings about natural healthcare, healthy supplements, etc., it really surprises me that she would dive headfirst (literally) into the plastic surgery pool. Botox and fillers especially! Vicki should have been a cautionary tale for all of them. 

I watched this again just to torture myself. Shannon really looks terrible!! Too many fillers and waaay too much dark makeup. She really was quite pretty and had always been the most natural of the bunch. Too bad she didn’t leave well enough alone. 

I love how Kelly is driving the 3 Amoebas crazy by laughing at everything they say. If only she could take this approach all the time. Her zinger to Tamra about not graduating HS was worth the rewatch. 

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8 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I'm right there with you.  Emily annoys me.  Mostly because I feel like her dramatic scenes (like the fight with Gina) she's acting.  I think she views herself, because she's an attorney dontcha know, as being the most brilliant mind on the show.  And her voice irritates me.

Ugh, that voice. Sounds like an old spinster schoolteacher scolding her students. Yeah I said old. Isn’t she fifty? 

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