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S14.E11: Hot Mess Express

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Eddie always seems so nice and reasonable. I cannot fathom what he sees in Tamra. 

$$$$$!  I'm also sure it's Tam's overinflated BRAVO salary that keeps CUT fitness open and has provided Eddie with that new $2 million house they recently moved in to. He's livin' large right now. 

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I find Kelly's boyfriend highly unattractive and question his motives for dating Kelly but I do think he is sensible (too sensible for Kelly) and I totally agree with him about Kelly buying a P4 for his son. That is something that should be run by and decided by his parent(s).  Could be that parents don't want a child distracted from their education by video games which can be addictive, violent, time-consuming, etc.

I don't get Shannon. Not only was she NOT embarrassed by Tamra asking every man with a pulse to make out (with no takers) she encouraged that shit. 

Gina is a POS. 

Emily is far too needy. 

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Omg...I just saw the last of the shit show...then watched WWHL....

I sure wish Andy would stop kissing ass...and throwing Tamra such softball questions.
Fingers crossed 🤞 the reunion show will be peppered with a little more calling these bitches on their fake shit.

I would think Bravo would do the research and see the vast majority would like to see..
After looking at comments on different sites...it should be obvi to Bravo this crap stinks of desperation...and the viewing audience isn’t “buying it”.

oh...and Vicki being disgusted..she may have been...but I believe she's disgusted by ANY activity UNLESS she’s square in the middle of it.

Like commenters before me...I had to take breaks and pause this episode...it was ridiculously over the top performing.
Second hand embarrassing...downright cringeworthy..

Tamra talks out of both sides of her dirty mouth...AS IF...pretending she and Eddie participate in threesomes...Puleeez!....like Vicki..her wings need to be clipped...big time.ugh...gross...

WWJD? Haha...I would love to know what Heather Dubrow would do! 😆 She would Mos Definitely throw “base” out there!

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26 minutes ago, Jel said:

I don't know if she's even aware of it, but Shannon doubles down on the excluding when she sees someone is hurt by it. That's creepy and makes me remember why I'm not a Shannon fan.

@Jel: Your observation has me intrigued.  I can't remember the episode that well (thankfully) to know what specific part you are referencing.  Could I impose on you to elaborate?  TIA.  : )

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Could not believe the low level of this episode. 

Of course the pre-Amtrak scenes were ok, except for Tamra packing her party bag.  Meghan walking up some steps at the train station to see Emily was probably the most we got of her all night.

The only thing I enjoyed was the first second of Tamra falling off her chair/bench, then it immediately devolved into something gross.

I was not entertained by the third Gina-Emily get together ("You hurt me when you don't talk to me.") with the two lesbians making out to their left.

Edited by MajorNelson
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7 minutes ago, Maccagirl said:

@Jel: Your observation has me intrigued.  I can't remember the episode that well (thankfully) to know what specific part you are referencing.  Could I impose on you to elaborate?  TIA.  : )

Sure thing, Maccagirl 🙂

Towards the end of the epi, after Emily had her meltdown, was crying in the bathroom, clearly feeling hurt, (rightfully or wrongfully, but  *feeling* that way)  Shannon basically cuddles Gina and says something like, (and with a tone) "Emily needs to get over it".

Maybe Emily does, maybe she doesn't, but Shannon making that statement (and the Gina cuddling) clearly shows what side she falls on, and she does that after it's crystal clear that Emily feels hurt, slighted, abandoned.  

Shan is entitled to feel anyway she does, but when feelings are running that high,  it's not cool to contribute to it by vocally (and non-verbally) picking a side when the situation is so clearly fraught.  Why say anything at all? I think it's because Shannon really enjoys the Us vs. THEM dynamic, and she's diehard Team Us. 

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I. Hate. This. Show. Every minute was torture. Disgusting. Over the top acting. Who do I currently hate the most? Vicki has always been at the top of my list, but Tamra has overtaken her. And coming in not far behind are Gina, Shannon, and Braunwyn. The screeching, the vulgar behavior in public, the vying for camera time. I have a stomach ache after watching it. I know I need to remove it from my DVR...

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There is absolutely no way that the other diners in that restaurant scene would have found any of that behavior amusing or entertaining. Clearly the producers paid them big bucks to smile and laugh and give thumbs up to the disgusting display

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3 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

There is nothing cute or funny about declaring that they are “rewarded” for BJs by their husbands. So gross, sorry not sorry. If I give my husband a BJ what I want back is the same attention in return, sexually. Not jewelry, money, or a handbag. Appreciation is one thing, being treated like a high priced hooker is another.

Nothing shallow about that @DeeplyShallow

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Except she was blaming it all on Braunwyn. As if her BFF Tamballs hasn't been a crass asshole from day one. 

I've never cottoned to the idea that it's not cheating if a girl messes with another girl. How? Why? I wouldn't be okay with it. Eddie always seems so nice and reasonable. I cannot fathom what he sees in Tamra. 

THIS!!! I don't understand that logic either. I know if my husband started making out with another man there would definitely be a problem!  In my opinion, it doesn't matter if the other person is male or female, cheating is cheating no matter the gender. Maybe I'm old fashioned....

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

At the same time, why does Emily get so heated?  She gets so physical (not like putting her hands on people, but more like lurching forward with the body) and emotional, that it's getting more and more difficult for me to believe she's a practicing attorney.  I think a lawyer would have been more like, "Gina, what is the issue?"  Gina would respond that she is upset that the cousin had a girlfriend and Emily didn't tell her, to which Emily would respond, "Ok, well, I didn't know he had a girlfriend.  I apologize about the mixup and it would probably be better for our friendship if I didn't try to set you up again."  Then Gina could have responded any way she wanted to, and she would have looked like the asshole that she is.  Emily just gets so attached to a certain outcome ("Gina and I are going to be BFFs forever") that she starts to freak people out, and they back away subconsciously. 

I think that's what Emily was trying to do, but Gina wouldn't return phone calls or texts, and when they, finally, met face to face and were forced to discuss it, Gina kept interrupting Emily and wouldn't let her speak, which added to Emily's frustration. 

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It was nice to see Kelly and Dr Brian Regan (with practices conveniently located in San Diego and Orange County, y'all) have a normal, rational conversation.

From the little I was able to take away, I am Team Kelly as far as communication.  If Brian said he was going to call Kelly after work, but he doesn't and she tracks him down to a bar/restaurant, he is wrong.  If your work life is too stressful to send a text saying, "Just got out of surgery.  Going to Doctor Bar to unwind.  I need an hour to myself, but I would love it if you would join me for dinner at 7:30" or whatever, then he doesn't need to have a damned girlfriend.

And, I know, it's a relationship of convenience that I'm twisting myself into a pretzel over.  I'm just so sick of the partner who wants more communication, more openness and honesty labeled "crazy."  How about...y'all are just "incompatible"?  I'm tired of women prefacing their stories about their significant others with, "Since I am completely crazy, I asked my boyfriend to call me after a guys' night out and he didn't call me for two days, and I know it's crazy for me to ask that of him, but now that he didn't call...". I think couples should be free to make their own rules, and whatever they agree to should govern their relationship.*

*Of course I'm going to snark on it if I don't agree with their rules, such as Braunwynn and her husband having thressomes for 'special' birthdays, but at the end of the day, it's their business.  

What seems manipulative to me is to say "ok" to something, not to do it, and later chalk up your lack of responsibility to "pressure."  Ok, now that I've thought about that far more than Kelly has--by this point in the convo, she is asking Brian if he gets turned on by "boobs" (hate that word)--I'm going to stop thinking about them.  By "them", I mean Kelly and Brian and boobs.  But I repeat myself...

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1 hour ago, Jel said:

Sure thing, Maccagirl 🙂

Towards the end of the epi, after Emily had her meltdown, was crying in the bathroom, clearly feeling hurt, (rightfully or wrongfully, but  *feeling* that way)  Shannon basically cuddles Gina and says something like, (and with a tone) "Emily needs to get over it".

Maybe Emily does, maybe she doesn't, but Shannon making that statement (and the Gina cuddling) clearly shows what side she falls on, and she does that after it's crystal clear that Emily feels hurt, slighted, abandoned.  

Shan is entitled to feel anyway she does, but when feelings are running that high,  it's not cool to contribute to it by vocally (and non-verbally) picking a side when the situation is so clearly fraught.  Why say anything at all? I think it's because Shannon really enjoys the Us vs. THEM dynamic, and she's diehard Team Us. 

Yes, I'm disappointed in Shannon this season.  Doesn't she remember when SHE was the recipient of Tamra's exclusionary and hateful behavior?  When SHE was the one crying during episodes about her stressful life?  I don't like this Shannon.

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17 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I think that's what Emily was trying to do, but Gina wouldn't return phone calls or texts, and when they, finally, met face to face and were forced to discuss it, Gina kept interrupting Emily and wouldn't let her speak, which added to Emily's frustration. 

I agree, but it still wasn't lawerly of Emily.  I generally think lawyers are assholes, don't get me wrong.  And they get into their fair share of fuckery, but they handle it differently.  Just by way of example, Phaedra Parks on RHOA was an attorney, and she--for the most part--was very cool, calm and collected in her dealings with people.  She was an asshole, but she was calculated (except for the time she held up her purse to hit Kenya, but nobody's perfect).

Emily just seems governed by her emotions.  She has got to know she's on a show and that people are going to play games.  She has to--well, clearly, she doesn't have to, because she's not--but I think it would be a much better show if Emily was constantly appraising  her situation and thinking, like, "Ok, Gina is avoiding me for Sh-Anne-Anne (I hate the way Emily pronounces "Shannon") so I am just going to ignore her.  I'm going to put on my big girl pants, I'm going to stay relatively sober, I'll talk to Kelly, and I'll use this time to think about how to outflank Gina."  

A great way to get to people and to get them to absolutely lose their shit is to ignore them.  If someone ignores me in a way that I think is either intentional or negligent, I will ignore them so much harder, and I rather enjoy it, because it's so easy.  The way I look at it if I'm Emily is, "ok, Gina has ignored me for three full days when she earlier complained that I was a bad friend because I wasn't doing my daily check-in.  I am now officially ignoring Gina.  If she tries to approach me today, she will either get radio silence or, even better, I'll just be cordial and marvel about the weather.  But the bitch is not getting a conversation from me until she grovels or until it's otherwise strategically beneficial to me."  That's how you play this game.  If you want a friend, get a dog.  

(This is my advice for people on the show.  When it comes to real life, maybe you're a bit more yielding with friends.  Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm like this in real life, but I don't have a whole boatload of people whom I can call friends, so take my advice with a grain of salt!)

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Question that just hit me ... I thought Shannon had a bf at the beginning of this season what happened to him? was she not dating him when she was trying to find "fresh" meat last night to make out with ?

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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this show is horrendous.  dirty, nasty 50+ year olds acting like whores and lowlifes.  put your titties back where they belong - no one is enjoying looking at them.  u girls r fn nasty pigs!!!!  u may have money but you have absolutely no class.  andy cohen should be fired for this crap.

Edited by leann12158
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27 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I agree, but it still wasn't lawerly of Emily.  I generally think lawyers are assholes, don't get me wrong.  And they get into their fair share of fuckery, but they handle it differently.  Just by way of example, Phaedra Parks on RHOA was an attorney, and she--for the most part--was very cool, calm and collected in her dealings with people.  She was an asshole, but she was calculated (except for the time she held up her purse to hit Kenya, but nobody's perfect).

I could be wrong, but I think Phaedra is a litigator?  They are more likely to stay calm in argumentative situations.  I am a corporate attorney, and I would react more like Emily (who is a copyright attorney).  I am used to people acting in ways that are on some level objectively reasonable (even if I don't agree with them) - so when there is a blow up I feel very flustered and out of sorts.  Of course, I tend to just excuse myself from such situations and not engage, but I don't have a camera crew following me around.

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1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

I think that's what Emily was trying to do, but Gina wouldn't return phone calls or texts, and when they, finally, met face to face and were forced to discuss it, Gina kept interrupting Emily and wouldn't let her speak, which added to Emily's frustration. 

Yes. Emily can only stay calm for so long. She probably IS extra emotional right now with her own marital issues and the weight gain/health problems. But Gina basically ghosted her and is talking shit about Emily to everyone else. Then when it gets brought up, Gina dares to say - "This isn't the venue". She gaslights Emily and makes her think that she's being paranoid and overemotional. But I don't have a single friend who would flat out ignore me for days on end if something I did upset them. THEN they make up, and Gina is back to shading Emily in her THs - "she has some personality flaws". FUCK. YOU. 

1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

From the little I was able to take away, I am Team Kelly as far as communication.  If Brian said he was going to call Kelly after work, but he doesn't and she tracks him down to a bar/restaurant, he is wrong.  If your work life is too stressful to send a text saying, "Just got out of surgery.  Going to Doctor Bar to unwind.  I need an hour to myself, but I would love it if you would join me for dinner at 7:30" or whatever, then he doesn't need to have a damned girlfriend.

Right. From the overall conversation Kelly had with the girls on the bus, it did seem like she wants him to periodically "check in" throughout the day - which I find a bit unrealistic, given his profession, and exhausting. 

However, in regards to the actual incident in question - Kelly was in the right. She calls. He's busy and says he'll call back. He DOESN'T call back. That would bother me. Do what you say you're going to do. It's not that hard to make a quick call, or even shoot off a text. 

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16 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Does anyone else feel like they now need to take a shower after watching this "hot mess"??  Braunwyn had better be a "one and done"....this franchise has really sunk into sewer.  

I was getting all kinds of second hand embarassment and just disgust watching this tonight.  

I actually only lasted 20 minutes last night and switched to the Duggars.  Yes I thought it was THAT bad!  I have rarely, if ever, switched off a HWs show that early.  From what I saw on twitter I wasn't alone.  It wasn't that they were being overly sexual or saying penis 50000 times.  It was how they were treating Emily (who I don't really care one way or the other about), it was Gina (she is a gaslighting messy person who looks like she day drinks to excess), Brownwinds fake personality, Tamra who is vile, Vicki who is like weeks old fish head left to rot behind a heater all together.  Shannon seems manic.  I don't know.  I am interested in what everyone else has to say.

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15 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

yes women old enough to have grandchildren should be able to pull out their tits and act like obnoxious sorority girls to... I love you no I love you no I love you while 2 make out at the end of the table... I'm sure Tamras church is just beaming with pride with her christian behavior...being married pulling out your tits and making out with someone who isn't your spouse didn't Jesus do that a couple times himself? Tamra the woman who clutched her pearls that Emily dare dance on stage because her family was in the audience apparently doesn't care that everyone with access to a television could see her thumping her crotch while making out and playing with someones tits.  that doesn't compare at all to Tamra I guess  ...I would be mortified if that was my mother/grandmother doing what Tamra did especially spouting off how faith is one of the F's she gives ... 

YES! I don't think I have ever been more grossed out...this show is totally off the rails ("train"  pun unintended). The dildos on the train and what they did with them in front of other passengers was really disgusting...but to top it off with the second restaurant faux lesbian action and other drunken antics was cringeworthy. Why is it they can't have a  nice evening or trip without being loaded and engaging in sexually explicit interactions? Kelly was almost topless at the bar...her soft porn "dancing" with the security guy was lewd...I'm no prude but is this really something you should be doing with a young teen girl at home? All of these women do and say things that are embarrassing to their families and friends. But last night's episode was disgraceful...it makes me angry that women demean themselves in public and on TV doing these things in order to get attention or get a bigger paycheck. And Braunwyn...you have nine kids...is this how you choose to represent yourself to them? Andy Cohen needs to get this franchise under control...it is a mess.

Edited by kicksave
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1 minute ago, chenoa333 said:

It's the geriatric version of Jersey Shore.

Except in Jersey Shore that was the original and whole point of the show. Not so here. I don't think any of us signed up for this.

Also, there's nothing to do in NJ after a day at the beach and carnival games besides drink. There's plenty more to do in the OC with these ladies and their cash other than the crass things we have watched. I'm embarrassed for them.

It's pretty bad when the actual Jersey Shore cast members are doing "Family Vacation" episodes and behaving more appropriately than these ladies. The Situation is in jail and still has more class than all these women combined. 

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36 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Also, there's nothing to do in NJ after a day at the beach and carnival games besides drink.

I've never been to the Jersey Shore so I had no idea it's boring after a day at the beach. However, I grew up in Aurora Ohio so I'm very familiar with "there's nothing to do!" 😄

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Props to LVP for saying she doesn't need the paycheck badly enough to pretend to be friends with people.  It makes no sense that these women are together on a trip.

Kelly- I can't imagine getting over the train thing and allowing people to make a joke of it.  In any normal neighborhood of women, someone making up (or not making up) a story like that would be the end of any friendships and definitely not fodder for jokes so soon afterwards.

Tamara and Braunwyn- In a normal world in which 2 friends found themselves attracted to each other, it would be awkward, uncomfortable, hidden at first...  This is just attention-hungry nonsense in an attempt to stay relevant and on TV.

Emily can't put her job on the line, but in a normal world she would never be on that trip with a bunch of girls who are awful to her and the worst bestie ever who isn't even speaking to her. Who would actually go on that trip?

Gina probably wasn't a great friend in the first place, but she's been a hideous beast of a friend to Emily the last few episodes.   With this one, I'm not sure it's for the cameras.  I think she might just be a terrible person.

Shannon might have the potential to be a good friend to some, but she's willing to be a crap person to others in order to keep that paycheck.  Too bad.  She's someone I might have been able to like.

It's a sad day when Vicki's behavior and decisions are the ones that most resemble normal humans.

I get that there is some entertainment value in these shocking and ridiculous scenarios that keep playing out on Bravo, but I'm sad because that wasn't the kind of entertainment that got me hooked on RH.  They don't need to be friends, and they certainly don't need to be drunk friends groping each other and plotting against each other to get me to watch.   I came for the glimpse into other people's REAL lives.  This show seems to be getting farther away "REAL" each week. 

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2 hours ago, Thumper said:

Yes, I'm disappointed in Shannon this season.  Doesn't she remember when SHE was the recipient of Tamra's exclusionary and hateful behavior?  When SHE was the one crying during episodes about her stressful life?  I don't like this Shannon.

Actually, I don’t blame her.  Don’t get me wrong, two wrongs don’t make a right, but Emily was nothing but a shrew to Shannon last year.  Emily was on repeat with her, “where’s fun Shannon?!” last year.  She was not so nice to Shannon last year when Shannon was down.  So far, this season, Emily has had a meltdown during Shannon’s turn to host in Los Angeles, Shannons trip to Miravel and now Shannons birthday party.  So far, Emily has been over emotional and causing a scene when Shannon was either organizing the activity or was supposed to be the center of attention.

Props to Kelly, surprisingly, for being one of the better behaved on this excursion.  

Just wanted to add, Gina was awful to Emily, so I blame Gina for this melt down. 

Edited by IKnowRight
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6 hours ago, Should Be Working said:

Couldn't agree more.  The dynamic between Emily and Gina is classic jilted/obsessed lover and disinterested bystander. Gina picks up on it and wants to get away even more.

Emily of course is dealing with numerous issues (obesity, health, an emotionally and verbally hostile spouse, demanding children, etc.) and so is under a lot of pressure. But perhaps there is a pattern at work here in her strong attraction to emotionally distant partners and her total unwillingness to understand the negative impact of this tendency on her own physical and mental well being and address it constructively.

I think Emily is a failed actress.  She really think she's cranking up the drama with her supposed numerous issues.  I don't buy any of her scenes, particularly her Gina scenes.    She's so over the top with her emotions and in a non-believable way.

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6 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

A caller asked Tamra if she would quit the show if it meant a relationship with her estranged daughter. Tamra said yes immediately...sure Jan!

I saw a snippet of last year's reunion yesterday. It was like a Gina hate booster shot that I didn't need.

Manifesting her daughters plea to quit! (Any Big Brother fans in here?!) haha

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17 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

When Andy first pitched this show about affluent housewives behind private gates in large mansions did he ever think it devolve into middle age/60 year old women rolling around drunk at bars with their tits out while making out with each other? What the fuck happened to this show?

I agree!! It was a sh*t show and you can bet Andy Cohen was smiling like a Cheshire Cat watching this episode. 

That is exactly why I prefer, dare I say it, a snob like RHOD Kameron Westcott.  Yes, she can be judgy, byotchy, but I prefer snobbery to trashy behavior...this whole episode was nothing but trash.  This is why I like the boring ladies, that just like to shop and make pink dog food.

Kelly was being normal, Vicki wasn’t having it and Meghan did not get involved in the fray, and I can’t stand Vicki but she knew they were too obnoxious in public.  Tamra and BW were so obnoxious and I would have been horrified to be with them or near them.

Where is Heather Dubrow when you need her?!!
I needed her there to declare her objection, to the low down dirty display.  “Oh, my!!!”   I miss annoyed Heather, confronting the girl who broke the bow on her cake.

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17 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I wonder if Tamra asked WWJD before all the sex talk and French kissing? 

Sorry for my ignorance but what/who is WWJD?

17 hours ago, Pickles said:

This franchise seems to be at a new low. 

Yes. Why Andy can't seem to grasp that truth....I just don't get it.

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20 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Sorry for my ignorance but what/who is WWJD?

Stands for “What would Jesus do?”  A gentle reminder to behave as God would want us to behave...along those lines...

I say this to myself whenever I want to rip someone’s head off and it works! 

Edited by IKnowRight
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7 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

claiming they give bjs for handbags isn't cute or funny its trash I'm sorry and shows what they think of not only themselves but their husbands …..its basically making  "prostitution" funny  would it be funny if they said they fuck their husband so he will give them cash? can they not earn money any other way? do they think so little of themselves that they equate sex with a job to get something out of it? (he only gives me money if/when I preform a sex act and if I'm really good at it he gives me a gifts too....see how bad that sounds?) Preforming a sex act in exchange for goods or services IS prostitution just cause they are married to the guy doesn't change that  …... If they love giving Bjs give Bjs to their hearts content but don't say they only give them to get something out of it because you basically are making yourself a hooker for that bag point blank period … and what kind of example are they setting not only for their daughters and sons but for people who watch this show instead of going out and earning that bag like a normal person just drop to your knees and "earn" that bag that way.... its basically a job i mean job is in the name...….this show is just scrapping the bottom of the trash barrel...  

It is a joke!  🤣

These Real Housewives has always being trashy with lots of naughty jokes.

Why do viewers clutch their pearls......over the same........’Sex 4 Whatever!’........stale joke?!

Did y’all forget??????


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28 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

It is a joke!  🤣

These Real Housewives has always being trashy with lots of naughty jokes.

Why do viewers clutch their pearls......over the same........’Sex 4 Whatever!’........stale joke?!

Did y’all forget??????


Then It’s a tacky joke that tacky people tell. ...  I mean don’t jokes normally have punchlines that don’t end in basically calling themselves a whore? And what’s the old saying there is a nugget of truth in every joke? I let him do things to me so I get bags because instead of working for it myself it’s easier to spread my legs and earn it that way ...hilarious just knee slapping hilarious. No wonder these franchises have devolved into the mess they are today.  I mean honestly look at the people telling this “joke” .... to them providing sex for “gifts” is a normal thing to make jokes about?. It’s not a joke it’s reality they think being a spouse  and putting out involve them getting things in return. I earned this bag. Really how did you earn it? 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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48 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

It is a joke!  🤣

These Real Housewives has always being trashy with lots of naughty jokes.

Why do viewers clutch their pearls......over the same........’Sex 4 Whatever!’........stale joke?!

Did y’all forget??????


I loved that version of Kim Z!

I don't mind trashy.  I don't mind vulgar.  But it can't be 24/7 vulgarity.  Tamra to me is like Bethenny Frankel.  They both think vulgarity is high humor.  

Edited by sasha206
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Boring wind invites Tamra and Shannon over to her "love shack" and tells them these type of apartments aren't easy to find in South OC (or something along those lines) Yes those type of apartments ARE easy to find. They're called "dumps". Where's the ocean view BW?

And your Mom's "artwork" is fucking hideous. Just like her. It might look good in a sex toy/ porn movie store. But it is NOT "art". 

I'm already over this show and the boring cast. But apparently, Andy and the Bravo producers want to pour salt in the wound by featuring BW's fucked up ugly mother. 

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2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I could be wrong, but I think Phaedra is a litigator?  They are more likely to stay calm in argumentative situations.  I am a corporate attorney, and I would react more like Emily (who is a copyright attorney).  I am used to people acting in ways that are on some level objectively reasonable (even if I don't agree with them) - so when there is a blow up I feel very flustered and out of sorts.  Of course, I tend to just excuse myself from such situations and not engage, but I don't have a camera crew following me around.

Yeah, Phaedra's a litigator, or at least she was when she was last on the show.  I don't want to get too deep into it, because it's potato/potatoe at this point, but the way I see it, we all graduated from law school and took and passed the bars in order to be practicing attorneys, and I would like to think that gave us something in common, such as being able to compose ourselves in times of distress, but things happen, I get it.

What intrigued me about your statement is that I am exactly the same way, and I never heard it phrased so well:  you are rational, so you give people the benefit of the doubt of being rational, and it becomes overwhelming and almost outside of the realm of what you/I can handle when people act like flagrant ninnies and buffoons in the professional world.  Another reason to ignore, ignore, ignore, I've found! 😀


As far as men paying their wives for blowjobs, I'm not really gonna judge it.  Couples act out rape fantasies, and daddy fantasies and God knows what else, and if a prositituon fantasy is a turn-on to both members of the couple, why not?

Which brings me to the fact that I thought Kelly's joke that she's bisexual--if you buy her something, she's sexual--hilarious, and I definitely intend to use it tongue-in-cheek in the future, and I usually find Kelly's puns appalling.

I am so ashamed, but I liked this episode.  I just feel like all these women I kinda hate are finally being exposed, and that makes my deep black soul smile.  I don't mean to associate Maya Angelou with this trash, but they're finally telling us who they are, and now we have video evidence to believe them!

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1 hour ago, Sarah Heart said:

Hot mess Express,  says it all.lol

I found it funny, they were just having  fun with one another. I don't normally  like to see a lot of drinking,  because  it ends up getting  nasty between them.

Since when did Vicki  acquire  a halo, she wont do anything  Steve doesnt approve  of, but she has to know she's on film,   doing all sorts of nasty. She's also very jealous of Braunwyn. Tamra is trying her best to be Braunwyn  2.0, but it's not so natural for her.

Meanwhile  in the midst of chaos, Emily wants the 'serious ' conversation  with Gina, aka blue big big bird.  I'm glad Shannon is so happy, she hasnt had real happy in her life for a long time.

Next week looks good.. 

That makes one of us...this episode was desperate... the “ladies” and I use the word “ladies” loosely, were pathetic middle aged and beyond disgraces to their families and I, for one, didn’t think they were funny...just sad.

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