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S39.E02: YOLO, Let's Play!


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45 minutes ago, GaT said:

Well, that caught me by surprise, I wasn't expecting Molly to get voted out at all.

It really felt like one of those red-herring edits, where the editors choose some random person to focus on as a target just to keep some suspense going into tribal. But then everyone was in on it except Molly, Jamal, and Jack... I did not see that coming. 

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Man, did I enjoy that! Great blindside. All the classic overconfident errors, “we are so in control”, “we are so good at this game”...hilarious. Bye Molly. 

Noura is insufferable, she should get with David Goggins, they’d be perfect for each other cause they’re way too intense for anyone else. 

The same lie about IOI...suspect.  Major props to Kelli though for hiding that idol in her hair. And to Chelsea for finding an idol AND making fire. 

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8 minutes ago, Kenzie said:

I moved today and for the first time in 39 seasons missed an episode. I don't have cable yet. Would anyone know where I can watch S39, Episode 2 for free or pay online?They used to make them available on Survivor FB but I couldn't find it. Thanks for any recommendations.

It might be available on CBS.com.  I know for older seasons you have to be an All Access member, but in the past you could watch the current season for free.

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Two exciting exits that were exactly what I wanted to happen in a row! I am loving this series, so far.

I find Noura endearing, and so glad Lauren came up with that plan and sold it to the others so well. Molly was insufferably smug on ep 1, and so damn pleased with herself this ep - I loved seeing her go out like that. Such fun watching First Gear Jamal sulking, also. Hahahaha.

  • Love 14
7 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

This is something I don't get.

In the first episode, Rob acted like the Olympian swimmer Elizabeth was the Dumbest Person Alive for not realizing that if she hesitated long enough Rob would sweeten the pot.  Why?  Why is it valuable to take a long time to answer a question?  That really annoyed me.  I guess I would understand if he made it explicit that it's good to nOT TRUST information you're given in the show, but he didn't.  Also, the information that Jeff gives the contestants is usually straightforward with no "tricks".  Yes, the other contestants lie, but not Jeff.  So I don't really get why Boston Rob was acting like Elizabeth was the world's biggest moron for not getting that Rob would sweeten the pot.  How----- would she have possibly guessed this?

I think the idea that to survive you need to be able to negotiate or at least talk yourself out of trouble.  Kellee said she wasn't sure she could go with the original deal (calling that "negotiation" is kind of flimsy) but it was close enough to what TPTB wanted to hear so Rob sweetened the deal.  (I wonder if Kellee could have bartered more.)  Anyway, as soon as Rob and Sandra started peppering her with their life stories I knew that was going to be her test.

Visitors to Idol Island should know not to reveal too much.  Knowledge is power and blabbing what happened is giving away your power.  It will be interesting to see how long it remains a secret.

6 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

Did anyone see Elizabeth? Did her swimming skills come into play during the challenge?

Yes.  She was the one who untied the ladder for her tribe.  She was able to hold her breath long enough to do it in one attempt.

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7 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

This is something I don't get.

In the first episode, Rob acted like the Olympian swimmer Elizabeth was the Dumbest Person Alive for not realizing that if she hesitated long enough Rob would sweeten the pot.  Why?  Why is it valuable to take a long time to answer a question?  That really annoyed me.  I guess I would understand if he made it explicit that it's good to nOT TRUST information you're given in the show, but he didn't.  Also, the information that Jeff gives the contestants is usually straightforward with no "tricks".  Yes, the other contestants lie, but not Jeff.  So I don't really get why Boston Rob was acting like Elizabeth was the world's biggest moron for not getting that Rob would sweeten the pot.  How----- would she have possibly guessed 

She didn't have to guess but she should have at least thought harder and longer before jumping at the opportunity. Instead she admitted that because she's an athlete she loves challenges and competition.

Compare that to Kellie tonight. She was playing for an advantage right when they read the IOTI disclaimer and the point of IOTI was to outplay these All Star players. She might not have known that she could negotiate but she did take the time to weigh her options and in the end that's what helped her. 

Rob and Sandra have played 7 times between them. They know how to read people. Elizabeth came to island acting like a starstruck noob. Kellie came off as a "smarty pants" and looked like she wasn't paying attention. Rob guessed that she wouldn't jump at the 1st opportunity but incorrectly betted that she couldn't answer 3 of the 5. 

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1 hour ago, violet and green said:

Two exciting exits that were exactly what I wanted to happen in a row! I am loving this series, so far.

I find Noura endearing, and so glad Lauren came up with that plan and sold it to the others so well. Molly was insufferably smug on ep 1, and so damn pleased with herself this ep - I loved seeing her go out like that. Such fun watching First Gear Jamal sulking, also. Hahahaha.

when she said "WE have been enjoying you" Not I, I hated her. snob. dont speak for anyone but yourself.

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7 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

Given that both visitors to the Idol island came back with exactly the same lie to tell their tribe, I wonder if they were coached to say that so Rob/Sandra would remain a surprise.

11 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

 And how did she come up with the exact same lie?

11 hours ago, LanceM said:

Yeah I am sure it is just a coincidence that Kellee came up with the exact same lie that Elizabeth made last week. lol

There  was an article last week where Peachy gave credit to Elizabeth for coming up with the lie on her own.  So my theory is that TPTB liked that lie enough to "suggest" it to Kellee. 

11 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

The second person coming back after a visit to IOTI will realize the first person lied. If he/she calls out the 1st one, a target will be on both of their backs. Better to give the same lie and make an alliance. IMO

Exactly.  And it'll be a bit easier for Kellee, since she told the truth about the statues.

11 hours ago, vb68 said:

Hiding an idol in your hair is a new one.

I thought it was brilliant.

7 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Anyhow I'd have really given credit if she came back 'hiding' her idol in her hair like a hair band, that would have taken guts but I will say hiding it in her hair was chancy as it could have fallen out...

8 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

Did anyone see Elizabeth? Did her swimming skills come into play during the challenge?

As stated, she was part of the ladder team for Lairo, and was their primary diver for untying it.  Both tribes were smart about this because Lairo had her on that section of the challenge, and Vokai had Janet, the lifeguard, in the same spot.

Turns out I was wrong about where Rob and Sandra are at TC.  Instead of behind them as I thought, they are in an elevated box seat facing the contestants.  This makes the Statler and Waldorf memes even more appropriate.

Edited by SVNBob
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So, I guess nobody is going to get to back out of the IOTI challenges.  If Kellee had held out a little longer, Rob probably would have said, "OK, so if you come close on just one answer, we'll give you an idol you can take all the way to FTC and you will also get 2 extra votes at FTC."

It seemed foolish for Vokai to turn on Molly so early.  They had 2 easy votes in Noura and Jason.  If they won a couple ICs, the other 8 could have gone to the tribe swap without ever being in jeopardy of being voted out.   

The Nanny (can't recall her name) really played all the people she brought along.  When someone tells you that someone else is manipulating everyone and running the tribe and need to be voted out, they are probably the one manipulating and running the tribe.  Now, she Jason and Noura have the most power, as Jack and Jamal are going to be pissed at the ones who flipped. 

Aaron is a total moron.  Dude, all 8 of your remaining tribe mates voted against you.  You are in no position to bite the one hand that is reaching out to you.  Bite your tongue, smile and say, "Well played, you totally fooled me.  No hard feelings."  

I did enjoy him channeling Michael Scott, with his "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice...that's not gonna happen. "  

He might be the dumbest Survivor player since Rodney.  He reminds me a lot of him.  

11 hours ago, vb68 said:

This season is SO much better than last season.

Hiding an idol in your hair is a new one.

I found Noura annoying and wanted her to go, but oh well.

So far this is a fun season.

My daughter is studying to be a police officer and is an a youth program at the local precinct.  They do various scenarios, including pat downs and searches.  One time she hid a pill bottle in her hair bun.  

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Ahh, the good ol' days. When one had to hunt for a well-hidden fairly cryptic clue leading to a fairly well-hidden idol (of which there was only one in play at a time).

Instead of an actual idol so poorly hidden that one could literally stumble upon it, in the frigging dark, while gathering firewood. Ridiculous.

C'mon Probst, just rename the show The Amazing Idols and be done with it.

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When Molly said to Jason:  "we've been really enjoying getting to know you" I couldn't believe he didn't laugh in her face.  Or that the whole tribe didn't burst into laughter. It was sooooo fake.  I'm not sure how much was producer manipulation, but she really was insufferable and way too into her self.

To quote Sandra's immortal words:  Dang...they played her ass.

When Tommy was talking about his mother's advice to choose wisely between hanging with the cool kids or the nerds, I was all "Dude, you ALWAYS choose the nerds!"  How can a functioning adult not know that?  How can a fourth grade teacher not know that?!

Lauren was definitely the MVP of the episode, my eye is on her now.  Though Kellee was no slouch either.

I find myself rooting for Jason -- what can I say, I love a nebbishy underdog.

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12 minutes ago, Special K said:

When Molly said to Jason:  "we've been really enjoying getting to know you" I couldn't believe he didn't laugh in her face.  Or that the whole tribe didn't burst into laughter. It was sooooo fake.  I'm not sure how much was producer manipulation, but she really was insufferable and way too into her self.

Yes, everytime someone compared her to the popular kids in high school or talked about her fabulous charm, I thought, no way.  I doubt if her co-workers like her very mcuh.  Noura was obnoxious, but Molly basically laughing in her face and then bragging that she couldn't be bullied because she doesn't care is just not the way to win friends, or win Survivor.  She reeked of smugness.

The whole first half was filled with more examples of how not to win than  the mentors will ever have time to address.  Aaron letting everyone know he's angry and doesn't trust them.  Noura acting like a grumpy camp counselor, lecturing everyone. Making your alliance obvious.  Being yourself. Never be yourself.  Yourself is hurt when your name comes up, resentful when others don't work as hard, jealous when others do better in the challenge, desparately hungry and sleep deprived.  Be someone else.

How quickly they forget they're playing a game for a million dollars.

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1 hour ago, Special K said:

I find myself rooting for Jason -- what can I say, I love a nebbishy underdog.

Same. I also really like his relationship with Noura. 

Molly was horrible but I think she could have been a fun villain. I wish they had gotten rid of Jamal or even Jack instead. But I still loved seeing them blindside Molly.

They have to be telling the IOI people not to spill about Rob/Sandra.

Kellee's acting with her overt crying and begging them to search her was really bad and obvious, but hiding the idol in her hair was pretty awesome.

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My fiancé isn’t a television watcher (and he proposed to a TV junkie, lol), but he does try to give the shows I follow a shot.  He explained to me last night why he “just can’t” with Survivor.  As a kid he moved around a lot, never spending more than one year at the same school, and therefore found it very hard to make friends.  He said the whole dynamic of the show, of playing a game to make the most “friends” in order to not be voted out, rubbed him the wrong way.  I tried to explain that there was more to the show than that, but I can also see his point. Just curious about what you all think about that viewpoint.

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5 minutes ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

My fiancé isn’t a television watcher (and he proposed to a TV junkie, lol), but he does try to give the shows I follow a shot.  He explained to me last night why he “just can’t” with Survivor.  As a kid he moved around a lot, never spending more than one year at the same school, and therefore found it very hard to make friends.  He said the whole dynamic of the show, of playing a game to make the most “friends” in order to not be voted out, rubbed him the wrong way.  I tried to explain that there was more to the show than that, but I can also see his point. Just curious about what you all think about that viewpoint.

I can see what he's talking about. There's a great deal of cliquishness in Survivor (and a lot of other reality shows), and also a lot of ostracizing anyone who doesn't fit the "young hot model" template. You really get a chance to see humans at their worst.

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13 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Speaking of Big Brother, I heard the chess vs. checkers analogy. The spirit of Jackson must be hovering over the camp.

I yelled, “Noooo!  I thought we were done with all that” at the tv. 

13 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

"Dang they played her ass."

Yes,  Sandra they sure did. I friggin love a blindside,and Molly was definitely  Parvati 2.0

I actually thought she might be a relative of Parvati’s. Something around the eyes and that gummy smile. 

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50 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Noura acting like a grumpy camp counselor, lecturing everyone. Making your alliance obvious.  Being yourself. Never be yourself.  Yourself is hurt when your name comes up, resentful when others don't work as hard, jealous when others do better in the challenge, desparately hungry and sleep deprived.  Be someone else.

 "Be someone else. " Words to live by, courtesy of Survivor. 😀

Is Noura the very first Survivor to loudly tell all her tribemates that they're lazy? I think she is. Hmmm. I wonder why she's unpopular in the outside world? 

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21 minutes ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

My fiancé isn’t a television watcher (and he proposed to a TV junkie, lol), but he does try to give the shows I follow a shot.  He explained to me last night why he “just can’t” with Survivor.  As a kid he moved around a lot, never spending more than one year at the same school, and therefore found it very hard to make friends.  He said the whole dynamic of the show, of playing a game to make the most “friends” in order to not be voted out, rubbed him the wrong way.  I tried to explain that there was more to the show than that, but I can also see his point. Just curious about what you all think about that viewpoint.

My BFF from high school  feels the same as your husband.  The only episode she ever watched was the finale of season one with Sue Hawk's famous snakes and rats speech.  She can't believe I would follow a show with such meanness going on!

The thing is there are moments of real friendship, occasions when awkward people prevail, and happy blindsides like last night's where the fakiest one is  seen through and voted out.

I'm enough like your husband to dislike winners like Parvati who not only faked friendships but went so far as to pretend to be in love with a man for the sake of the win.  My favorite winner is Sarah-the-cop who didn't charm or flirt with anyone, but stayed under the radar and used her awesome powers of obversation and focus to win the game.  I'll bet he would have liked her.

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31 minutes ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

Just curious about what you all think about that viewpoint.

I tried to introduce my father to the show, thinking it was something we could do together. At the end of the show, he pronounced it "horrible and nasty" when he saw that the biggest threats and best players are often voted out early. I tried explaining it was like human chess, but nope. After that we stuck to nature shows and documentaries about history. 

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Noura seems amazingly bad at this game. I can only hope it was editing--that they pulled together footage of her across 30 days in order to come up with so many scenes of her griping about her tribe to her tribe. Was that really a one-two day span of time?

Jason seems ok and to be in the bucket of unlucky.

I didn't hate Molly (what great hair) but was happy to see people trying to play from the get go.

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12 hours ago, jay741982 said:

And again we know Molly was in control how exactly? Cause bathshit has a grudge against her Noura said so?

Something in the preview for next week suggested you could be right but wont discuss here 

Weren't you paying attention?  Molly was making everyone be lazy and ungrateful while they was sleeping at night

I think Noura is Shirin 2.0.    She might even be more annoying than Shirin, though at least she has kept her clothes on, so far.  

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Molly looks like a young Annette Bening, circa "The Grifters".  I don't mind that she is gone but I would rather they have gotten rid of either Jamal or the long haired kid.  Not sure why everyone thought Molly was the biggest threat.

I find Noura extremely frenetic and irritating.  She's like Debbie Wanner but worse.  

I like the young red haired guy the most, the one that is a teacher.  He got a lot of airtime but I'm still not sure of his name.  He and Kellee are my favourites on this tribe.

Vince is irritating for sure, demanding to know why people voted for him.  Probably has something to do with the fact that he appears out of shape and he's annoying.

As to the Island of the Idols, I'm guessing that everyone will be browbeaten into playing the game, they will just keep increasing the offer or lowering the terms needed for success.  But I'm still meh on the "advice" given.  The extremely mind blowing advice given to Kellee was that she needs to listen to people?  Um, OK.  At least Elizabeth got taught a skill that is useful.  Kellee got the equivalent of "remember to breathe, it is helpful to bring oxygen to your lungs".

I'm curious to learn what future advice Rob and Sandra might have.  "If you need to take a poop, most people do it in the ocean.  Pick a spot some distance away because you don't want the tide to wash up your yule logs onto your beach.  The beauty of pooping in the ocean is that you don't need paper or leaves to wipe your ass!"

I find them completely extraneous to the game.  I wonder what will happen once everyone is aware of their existence, are they going to reveal themselves at tribal?

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22 minutes ago, blackwing said:

Molly looks like a young Annette Bening, circa "The Grifters".  I don't mind that she is gone but I would rather they have gotten rid of either Jamal or the long haired kid.  Not sure why everyone thought Molly was the biggest threat.

I find Noura extremely frenetic and irritating.  She's like Debbie Wanner but worse.  

I like the young red haired guy the most, the one that is a teacher.  He got a lot of airtime but I'm still not sure of his name.  He and Kellee are my favourites on this tribe.

Vince is irritating for sure, demanding to know why people voted for him.  Probably has something to do with the fact that he appears out of shape and he's annoying.

As to the Island of the Idols, I'm guessing that everyone will be browbeaten into playing the game, they will just keep increasing the offer or lowering the terms needed for success.  But I'm still meh on the "advice" given.  The extremely mind blowing advice given to Kellee was that she needs to listen to people?  Um, OK.  At least Elizabeth got taught a skill that is useful.  Kellee got the equivalent of "remember to breathe, it is helpful to bring oxygen to your lungs".

I'm curious to learn what future advice Rob and Sandra might have.  "If you need to take a poop, most people do it in the ocean.  Pick a spot some distance away because you don't want the tide to wash up your yule logs onto your beach.  The beauty of pooping in the ocean is that you don't need paper or leaves to wipe your ass!"

I find them completely extraneous to the game.  I wonder what will happen once everyone is aware of their existence, are they going to reveal themselves at tribal?

Well the women were the only ones really considering her a threat with that ridiculous Parvati 2.0 garbage. The other women looked like idiots to me just buying what Annoying Grating Noura says and playing into her hands. Cause u know it wasnt possible that Jack and Jamal were running No sir its always the pretty woman RME. No one cared to think Maybe Noura had a Grudge and makes up stuff now shes in a position of power nice job geniuses. 

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11 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

It’s plausible to believe that not everyone visiting that island will meet the same past castaways—if any at all. 

Is it plausible though?  I have to disagree.  There are two HUGE statues of Rob and Sandra. I highly doubt Kellee thinks they're going to bust out a bunch of new GIANT statues every few days.  It's fairly obvious that everybody who goes to IOTI will be meeting Rob and Sandra.   I just don't see how the lies are a good idea.  I don't think it will create any secret bonds at all.  I know that if I were the next person to go to IOTI after Kellee, I would totally bust her when I came back, perfect way to paint a target on someone else.  I would tell the tribe exactly what it was all about (obviously I would claim to have lost whatever test they gave me though).  That way not only does Kellee look like a liar, her ridiculous over-the-top dramatics to cover her lie when she returned would really make people not trust her.

29 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Cause u know it wasnt possible that Jack and Jamal were running No sir its always the pretty woman

It's always the pretty woman?  Have I crossed into some alternate dimension where women always get the credit they deserve?  Because, for the past 38 seasons of Survivor that I've watched, women (especially the pretty ones) are almost always regarded as passive bystanders and their game play is often completely discounted.

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15 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

The thing is, unless I missed it, for as much as Noura was saying the others were ostracizing her, she was the only one going on about the "cool kids" versus the "nerds" thing. I certainly never saw Molly, Jamal and company refer to themselves in that way or even act like they saw themselves that way.

For the life of me I couldn't figure out which group was supposed to be which!  Frankly I still don't know, except she considers herself a nerd?? Possibly? I just wanted her to shut up.

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4 hours ago, hacman00 said:

If I was on Survivor I would vote for anyone who says, "At the end of the day..."

At the end of the day, don't watch Love Island US.  At the end of the day, it will make your brain explode.  At the end of the day.  This is how some of the contestants on that show speak and I am not, at the end of the day, exaggerating.

4 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

when she said "WE have been enjoying you" Not I, I hated her. snob. dont speak for anyone but yourself.

I think she also said "We ENJOYED you"  (past tense) like sorry bitch, but you're leaving tonight.  That's how I read it!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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7 hours ago, Ellee said:

Who was the man dressed in black to the right of the screen during TC?  Is there someone usually there and I’ve never noticed or was there some issue with TC?

When some guy on a boat came to deliver one tribe a message, I was like "WHO IS THAT?????"  I don't know why it made me laugh so much to see this random boat guy.

6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

 She reeked of smugness.

I probably share this every season, but, it feels like tradition at this point:

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

Not sure why everyone thought Molly was the biggest threat.

The women on the tribe (Lauren) seemed to think that Molly had those 2 men wrapped around her finger.  It's kind of hard to disagree with, after watching all those edited scenes of her laughing happily and the men sitting stoically around her.  Though, I'm going to rewatch the episode.  Also, look at how pissed Jamal was when she was voted out, like they were making some horribly dumb decision instead of what seems to be a really cool/smart one.

Checking out the cast now, Redhead Guy appears to be named "Tommy", if that helps anyone.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Last week Elizabeth got to choose the next person going to Idol Island. Did Kellee get to pick this week? If she did I missed it.


 If Kellee had held out a little longer, Rob probably would have said, "OK, so if you come close on just one answer, we'll give you an idol you can take all the way to FTC and you will also get 2 extra votes at FTC."

Yeah . . . and the questions she got were softballs. Even I knew them. What branch of the military did Sandra's husband serve in? I even remembered the number of years: 27. If Kellee had missed the first 2 questions  the next 3 probably would have been "what's my name again? And what's her name? And what's your name?" They were determined to give her that idol.


Given that both visitors to the Idol island came back with exactly the same lie to tell their tribe, I wonder if they were coached to say that so Rob/Sandra would remain a surprise.

No, they specifically said last week it was up to the Survivor what they wanted to tell their tribe about Idol Island. That doesn't mean Rob and/or Sandra don't suggest some kind of lie which would explain the similarity.


Anyway the whole concept of Idol Island will be worth it if just one person shows up and is like "Who are you now?"

No WAY the show would ever let us see that if it happened! As it is, I'm not convinced Kellee recognized either statue. I know who Rob and Sandra are but I'm not sure I'd recognize both statues. 

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24 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Did Kellee get to pick this week? If she did I missed it.

Yes she did. 

2 hours ago, blackwing said:

At least Elizabeth got taught a skill that is useful.  Kellee got the equivalent of "remember to breathe, it is helpful to bring oxygen to your lungs".

Kellee admitted she wasn’t really listening to them so apparently it was a lesson worth learning for her. 

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26 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Last week Elizabeth got to choose the next person going to Idol Island. Did Kellee get to pick this week? If she did I missed it

Yes, she did. Will be VERY interesting to see who goes next week and what they say when they return. Fingers crossed for Chelsea or Missy. Or maybe Dean so we can actually see that he exists. 

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