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S14.E08: Let’s Get Metaphysical

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9 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Shannon replaced David with Tamra. Tamra is slick and subtle in her abuse like David. Shannon is attracted to Tamra for that reason - you go towards what you know - it's less scary than the unknown.

Thank you for helping me understand the dynamic between these two! I never could get their strange friendship. 

As awful as Kelly is, she was right about Shannon, though. "I've done nothing but be nice to you" were the exact words that came out of Shannon's mouth. Yes, Shannon. You are a saint.  

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Kelly is definitely missing a few screws.  She would have nearly everyone on her side, if she could just keep her frickin anger in check.  She was obnoxious from the time that they got there, but people can get past that.   Its a little harder when she starts getting physical and dropping "f" bombs and the "C" word next week.  Vicky did her dirty and everyone knew that she would as soon as Tamara took her back in the fold.  

Gina really needs this show, very much like Brandi needed RHOBH.  That didn't work out so well for Brandi.  The fact that she trashed Emily's marriage/Vegas trip, yet complained that Emily wasn't "there for her" more  would be a deal breaker for me if I were Emily.  Yup, my life is really shitty right now and instead of being compassionate, you throw it in my face....fuck you Gina.  

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I laughed out loud at Ickie Vickie waddling out of the bedroom and being told to go back and then sitting in bed with her phone while they all yelled in the next room.  That episode needed some comic relief.

Kelly is scary and violent but at least you know exactly how she feels about you because she will scream it in your face.  Tamra on the other hand is just as scary. But she manipulates emotions and winds these crazies up. She’s quite good at it.  And the look on her ratty face as she sits back and watches the shitfest. She gets off on all this screaming drama. It’s her jam.

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Gina talking about Shannon & Tamara ‘They take me out...They take me places. They don’t just call and say ‘checking in.’  Notice how she didn’t say ‘they spend time with me’ No-she meant-they spend money on me— and Emily doesn’t. 

It's like she has been adopted by 2 aunties...

Edited by Hiyo
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2 hours ago, Pippi237 said:

Gina talking about Shannon & Tamara ‘They take me out...They take me places. They don’t just call and say ‘checking in.’  Notice how she didn’t say ‘they spend time with me’ No-she meant-they spend money on me— and Emily doesn’t. 

Which reminds me....I wonder if Shannon not only recommended the lawyer, but is "gifting" the bill.   

2 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

and Adderall.

And she's so incredibly stupid by bragging about handing that to friends. First rule of drug trade is there is no drug trade.

Maybe if she actually took the Xanax she wouldn't walk around putting her hands on people.

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9 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I just said that Kelly wasn't a physical fighter because she is someone who uses words to hurt people, but I guess she'll do both. But why we just now hearing about this if it happened in March? I don't doubt Kelly did attack this woman, since she is a loose cannon, but I also think this woman wants to gain publicity from this. 

Kelly would be in jail if she did anywhere near this level of damage.  People are frequently beaten to death without even one compound fracture, yet this woman claims two. 

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Does anyone know where Bravo is sending these laughing hyenas for the "big vacation" this season? I vaguely recall seeing a preview for next week's show  with Tamra's old, fake boobs being on display. She's a one trick pony. 

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Kelly needs to go after this season. Brandi was considered a liability after tossing a drink in Eileen's face and slapping Lisa V. and what Kelly did to Shannon and Gina was worse than either of those incidents.

But before she's tossed, hopefully she continues going after the "Tres Amigas." I was pleasantly surprised they flashed back to Shannon trying to ply Kelly with alcohol (and sneakily try to make it a double) in Ireland. Yeah, nothing but nice my ass.

Unfortunately, I think Vicki's getting her orange back.

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15 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Gina needs to cut her hair. The weight of it is affecting her brain. 

I think the extensions are the only thing blocking the marbles from rolling out of her ears

Edited by KungFuBunny
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3 hours ago, Lizzing said:

The casita Gina was referring to was part of that villa at Miraval.  Tamra later said that she wished that she had taken the casita when she was complaining that Vicki & Shannon kept her up to all hours of the night.  It was confusting, because it looked like Gina was packing up to go home, but she was just going to the attached, separate suite.  If you're really curious, look at the Zen villa description on the Miraval site.

I feel like they edited this episode, with the time stamp chyrons, to try to feel like the NY Berkshires episodes (that crazy season with Jules) and failed spectacularly.  This show doesn't have the emotional depth as NY, as the OC drama is blatantly about jockeying for an orange, rather than deeply felt personal conflicts. 

Ah, thanks for clarifying that. I did think Gina was packing to go home, so wondered why she was still there. I assumed it was like a couple of episodes ago when she wanted to leave someone's house (Emily's?) but since she couldn't drive herself I assumed that production was not forthcoming with arranging to give her a ride home. 

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13 hours ago, breezy424 said:

What a shit show.  Kelly needs restraints.  She's all worried about her daughter?  Look in the mirror.

The rest of the episode was so f'd  up I couldn't keep track of who was in the wrong.  They're all wrong.

I wanted to do that zen walk that Gina and Braun did to clear my head of what I just watched.

After you walk the meditation circle and stick your note under the rock, Gina will pull it out and point out that you have motor skills difficulties

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11 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I am pretty indifferent to Emily, but I hate the way Tamra and even Shannon treat Emily. It is like mean girls mixed with dismissiveness.

Tamra acting like Kelly being aggressive is new, when Kelly has been the same way since her first season. Do we not remember the Ireland trip or every season with Kelly on it.

I hate the Tamra, Shannon and Vicki friendship. The only time I liked Shannon was when she was on the Vicki hate train. 

This whole episode was basically people yelling at each other. It was awful. I wish they would get rid of the whole cast. I would not mind seeing Heather back. This cast is insufferable.

It's really strange that Emily was introduced on this show by Tamra who said they were friends who grew out of touch. Emily was the Party Planner who arranged Ava's birthday party - that big shindig 2 season earlier with the bouncy castles/carnival atmosphere where Lydia said to Shannon Oh I can tell I'm not going to like you.

I do believe with this franchise they are trying to change things up - they are bringing in a younger cast. First it was Kelly, then came Emily and Gina, this year they added Braunwyn. I would not be surprised if next season, Vicki is out, Tamra is demoted, Gina is let go and they cast 2 or 3 new Housewives that are Emily's age with young children.

Edited by KungFuBunny
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11 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I had totally forgot about Tamra calling Emily Shrek. I don't think she was referring to Emily's looks, though. I think she was referring to when Emily went apeshit when Kelly called Shane a pussy (which he is).

I didn’t hear Tamra mocking Emily’s appearance. I heard her call her Shrek because Emily was hulking out. 

I am irritated at Emily for thinking she can boost her self esteem play pretending at exotic dancing. That’s a damn workplace, and few dancers like it when some insecure house wife comes into the place where they literally grind for 8 hours, five days a week wanting validation from nebulous men. She’s clearly uncomfortable with her weight. So lose 30 lbs. She still would be nice and chunky with that fabulous figure. She doesn’t hear the thousands who compliment her figure, just the three who don’t. Skinny shaming is no less worse than fat shaming, BTW. She needs therapy and weight watchers to get her weight down a bit and maintain. And for the love of god, that hairpiece is way too dense. They make excellent undetectable pieces now. The giveaway is the super thick ends. Ick has them too.  

I feel dirty you guys. When the Ick came waddling up with the burgers screeching that she can’t open the door, it felt like home to me. When she waddled of the bedroom in a bra and pajama pants, I couldn’t help noticing that she still has a good figure. And her sitting in bed with her mouth open looking like she had taken a bunch of Quaaludes won me over. 

I am also liking Gina. She was a jerk last season, fronting so hard, but now that she got a hard dose of instant karma, I’m finding her sympathetic, and her story is the most compelling of the bunch, IMO. 

My predictions for next season are already in. The Ick is back, Gina is back, Brown Wind is on the fence , Kelly is out, Emily gets a reduced role unless she gets divorced and in a cat crap condo. Tamrat and Shannon are in. 

Someone must have put a brass bowl on my head and hit it with a mallet. I want the Ick back! 

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For the first time in a few years, this season I have really been noticing Tamra’s evil expression when she is pot-stirring and being nasty. It is truly an expression of such nastiness and hardness that it creeps me out.

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12 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Kelly has some major anger issues. I don't know who hurt her as a child, but she does need to seek help because her mouth is horrible. But for some reason, I still like her. I feel like she was lashing out at Shannon at the the retreat because she's mad that Shannon won't stop being friends with Vicki, despite the awful rumors Vicki has spread about Kelly. I don't know what Kelly's issue with Gina is, though. Kelly said some horrible things about her too. And her hitting Gina to prove her point about how it wasn't a big deal that she hit Shannon was unacceptable. She's lucky that Gina hates jail so much because if she had done that to another woman, Kelly might have gotten her ass beat. I don't think Kelly is a physical fighter, so she uses her words as a weapon.

Was Gina prevented by production from leaving or was she just being a drama queen? Gina has become a water fountain this season. I feel bad for everything she is going thru, but it's depressing to watch most of her scenes because she's cries so much. I almost feel like she doesn't want to be friends with Emily anymore because she's been embraced by the so-called popular girls--Tamra and Shannon, so she's trying to create issues with Emily when they don't really exist. It's the same thing Gretchen did with Alexis several years ago. When Tamra and Vicki started being nice to Gretchen, she threw her friendship with Alexis away like a bag of trash only to have Tamra and Vicki turn on her again. They will do the same thing to Gina IMO, so it would be in her best interest to keep Emily as a friend.

I'm Team Kelly and Team Emily.

There was a time when the Tres Amigas were ALL friends with Kelly. Why didn't it become the Cuatro Amigas? It's because the trio is very cliquey and wanted to exclude Kelly. Shannon only needed Kelly when Tamra was mad at her.

Shannon is not only a Half Glass Empty person - the half is also poisoned and has bad Feng Shui because it's in an angular glass. Shannon likes when people fawn over her and ask her how she is feeling - their behavior makes her feel like they care and it makes her feel validated.

I don't feel bad for Gina at all. I think she is a mini me version of Tamra. I think she can cry actual tears at the drop of a hat. Her face lit up when she heard Kelly's mallet ping was a "felony" A week after her DUI arrest, she was stopped by the cops for texting/talking on her cell phone while driving. Her license wasn't revoked. Spending a night in jail for DUI has not stopped Gina from refraining from alcohol on camera so I can only imagine what she's been like off camera. Tamra spent a season on the show bitching to everyone and to the cameras about how terrible a friend Shannon was to her. Gina is taking her cue from her mentor to do the same to Emily.

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2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Does anyone know where Bravo is sending these laughing hyenas for the "big vacation" this season? I vaguely recall seeing a preview for next week's show  with Tamra's old, fake boobs being on display. She's a one trick pony. 


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Party of one, but I freaking loved this episode!!!  High drama!  No little kids!  Everyone getting into the mud.  Kelly vs Gina--I'll take it, so long as they can both lose (and they do both look like losers).

What I didn't love was this ranch's blatant self-promotion.  There was a point early into the episode when I said to my husband, "ok, they're showing the staff just as much as they're showing the Housewives."  There's a guy who works there named Ritchard.  Why do I know this??  Why did Ritchard get as much screentime as Braunwynn?!?  (Ok, well, I'm not complaining about not seeing Braunwynn.  I don't like her at all).  But, like, why do I know that Emily, Kelly and Braunwynn were staying in Villa 7?  Because half the damn episode was a commercial for this awful place that is putting healing on the back burner in favor of exposure.

I'm getting the weird vibe that Vicki was the only one who didn't bother me this episode either, but that is probably because she had such a diminished role.  I didn't think it was funny for the camera to keep panning to Vicki in a bed.  That was kinda stupid to me.  She's not even a full-time cast member.  If she's not doing something noteworthy, I don't know why they're showing her.  Agree fully that I don't see a world where Vicki would be considered a fat pig, but Emily has an amazing body.  That concept goes right over my head.  

Oh.  I kinda liked Emily this episode.  I like her much better with her clothes on, and when she's not trying to suckle at Shane's teat.  They're really putting her through the ringer, though, damn.

Shannon, you are the lesser of the evils, but you did not have a concussion.  You're embarrassing yourself every time you bring it up, especially when there is no footage to support it.

Tamra looked miserable when Shannon said she wouldn't be pressing assault charges.  Her entire face fell and she tried to bury it in her phone.  She was even pushing for it so much that the offscreen nurse/attendant was like, "you can discuss it amongst yourselves.  I just have to ask."  Shannon is a better friend to Kelly than Tamra.  Time will tell if Kelly realizes it.  

It feels like a relief that I don't have to tell Gina off this week, as Kelly did it for me. Thanks, Kel!  You're literally crazy, but I was highly entertained by you last night.  I must be crazy myself, because I like Kelly most when she is just an unvarnished truth cannon, like she was her first season.  All this New Kelly/refinement has to go.  Then maybe demote her to friend-of, because full-time truth cannon Kelly can be too much.

This episode gave me pause to consider that this show may have something left in the tank after all.  A callback to Scary Island.  Highly entertaining.

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1 hour ago, Mar said:

For the first time in a few years, this season I have really been noticing Tamra’s evil expression when she is pot-stirring and being nasty. It is truly an expression of such nastiness and hardness that it creeps me out.

Did you notice the look on her face when Vicki entered the yoga room?  She looked positively thrilled at the prospect of drama ensuing.

Edited by SoTheresThat
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6 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Well in 2014 she attacked him and he took out a restrainaing order against her. She had to go to AA and anger management to have this lifted according to one report.  

I'm not entirely sure that description is correct.  There was a larger fight and Kelly hit someone possibly her H, but I always thought she hit someone else.  Also, I do not think Michael filed a restraining order against her.

This article has some incomplete info on it

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Out of all the franchises, all the episodes over all these years, I think that wins for most miserable viewing experience.  Every minute of it was excruciating!

I'm honestly so tired of watching women fight.  And it's worse when they are in beautiful locations, not noticing through all their bitching and screaming and head slapping how fortunate they are to be there (except for Braunwyn, who was smart to just stay quiet and go enjoy the scenery during the breaks between throwdowns).  If all they are going to do is screech and tell each other to fuck off, then just stay in Orange County.  I don't want to watch innocent staff members having to stand around awkwardly, trying to do their job while these horrid women come through like a hurricane of insanity destroying the place.  Or in the case of New Jersey, there was the time it was the men getting into a fistfight at the wellness peace zen retreat, but whatever - the entire series has become about nonstop warring between cast members, and I am completely over it.

Used to be able to get good travel porn and some enjoyable moments here and there when the women would get along, but in the OC especially, there are so few moments of calm.  And the fighting is over the most stupid things.  When Vicki stumbling around in her underwear like a drugged bison is the only funny moment of the episode, there's a problem.

The food the chefs prepared looked absolutely delicious, and I'm super pissed so much of it went to waste.  

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6 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Well in 2014 she attacked him and he took out a restrainaing order against her. She had to go to AA and anger management to have this lifted according to one report.  I am surprised that the woman she attacked in the bar fight did not file charges against her. Kelly is one angry nasty violent person. None of these women have an ounce of self respect if they can act like they did on last night's show and not be embarrassed and horrified by their behavior. And Kelly you are totally responsible for your daughter being hurt and humilated and bullied at school. I would be surprised if any of Jolie's friends are allowed anywhere near you. 

So, why doesn’t Andy get rid of her already before something really drastic happens?  The others are bad with their mouths, but Kelly is violent.

6 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

The beauty and tranquility of Miraval was wasted on these screeching banshees. I’m not into crystals and “bing bong” hoopla, but I’ll take the massages and delish food that was wasted on these fools. 

Kelly is awful and has severe anger issues and should never have touched Shannon (or Gina). But there is one thing I agree with her on—there is NO way in hell that Shannon was told she had a concussion ... then proceeded to drink her face off till 5 am. Shannon is paranoid about everything, and I’m positive that she knows “drinking with a concussion” is a huge “NO.” So yeah, I’m calling BS on that. 

She just needs to take her extensions out. They look ridiculous. Notice how much thinner and shorter her hair is in her talking head where she’s wearing pink? That’s her real hair—well not that awful bleached color—but the real length/texture.

She *does* get called out sometimes, but then she just shrieks, cries and deflects. And she gets away with her shenanigans year after year (after year).

Why wait until next year!?? You can stop watching OC anytime! It’s ok, I promise! 

Thank you.  I didn’t know I could do that.

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6 hours ago, Pippi237 said:

Gina talking about Shannon & Tamara ‘They take me out...They take me places. They don’t just call and say ‘checking in.’  Notice how she didn’t say ‘they spend time with me’ No-she meant-they spend money on me— and Emily doesn’t. 

Maybe Emily is in debt between law school and Shanrs whatever, and can’t afford to treat Gina.  That’s why Shane’s parents pay for their house and cars.  Both Shannon and Tamra are established.  If Gina could afford fillers on her face, she can afford a lunch here and there.

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1 minute ago, Silver Bells said:

Maybe Emily is in debt between law school and Shanrs whatever, and can’t afford to treat Gina.  That’s why Shane’s parents pay for their house and cars. Both Shannon and Tamra are established.  If Gina could afford fillers on her face, she can afford a lunch here and there.

But are they accomplished?

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17 hours ago, Andi27 said:

How can you show a commercial for the Mr. Rogers movie during this show?

Exaaaaactly what I was going to post!!! I was like "dont these advertisers know their audience!!?? Should've played that ad during the "this is us" season premier instead!

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27 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Maybe Emily is in debt between law school and Shanrs whatever, and can’t afford to treat Gina.  That’s why Shane’s parents pay for their house and cars.  Both Shannon and Tamra are established.  If Gina could afford fillers on her face, she can afford a lunch here and there.

My question is.  Why is it Emily’s responsibility to “treat” Gina at all? Why isn’t Gina offering to pay for shit for Emily? You don’t see Emily bitching that Gina doesn’t take her to lunch or buy her things. That’s not the responsibility of a friend. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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17 hours ago, Mar said:

Kelly is an angry drunk. When she drinks she becomes obnoxious, confrontational and violent. She seriously needs to lay off the hard stuff and get some anger management. And for the sake of her daughter, she needs to quit the show. Her horrible behavior is beyond the pale and I cannot imagine how embarrassing and humiliating it is for Jolie.

Edited by kicksave
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7 hours ago, Lizzing said:

try to feel like the NY Berkshires episodes (that crazy season with Jules) and failed spectacularly.  This show doesn't have the emotional depth as NY, as the OC drama is blatantly about jockeying for an orange, rather than deeply felt personal conflicts. 

Yep.  That’s what I was trying to say before.  Yelling and screaming does not make a show

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1 hour ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

I was thinking Purgatory.

Nah.  Purgatory is for those who have souls to save and a chance to get into Heaven.  These bitches are going straight to Hell.  Which means I must make other accommodations.

55 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

There was a time, on reality TV, where if you touched another person you were immediately sent packing.

When was that?  Because, Porsha ...

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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I'm Team Kelly and Team Emily.

There was a time when the Tres Amigas were ALL friends with Kelly. Why didn't it become the Cuatro Amigas? It's because the trio is very cliquey and wanted to exclude Kelly. Shannon only needed Kelly when Tamra was mad at her.

Shannon is not only a Half Glass Empty person - the half is also poisoned and has bad Feng Shui because it's in an angular glass. Shannon likes when people fawn over her and ask her how she is feeling - their behavior makes her feel like they care and it makes her feel validated.

I don't feel bad for Gina at all. I think she is a mini me version of Tamra. I think she can cry actual tears at the drop of a hat. Her face lit up when she heard Kelly's mallet ping was a "felony" A week after her DUI arrest, she was stopped by the cops for texting/talking on her cell phone while driving. Her license wasn't revoked. Spending a night in jail for DUI has not stopped Gina from refraining from alcohol on camera so I can only imagine what she's been like off camera. Tamra spent a season on the show bitching to everyone and to the cameras about how terrible a friend Shannon was to her. Gina is taking her cue from her mentor to do the same to Emily.

I'm Team no-one...this "Team" thing is juvenile.

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I haven't watched this show in years - back to the cancer scam season - and last night I figured I'd give it a shot.

This show is so bad and so far from its original intent that Andy should be ashamed of himself.  I'm sure it's doing enough in the ratings, but honestly, there's no there there.  None of the ladies have any endearing qualities.  None of them seem to be housewives anymore (well, maybe Tamra) so the show title is misleading.  And, as all have said, nothing is worse than these beautiful locations spoiled by the caterwauling of these hyenas screeching at each other over the smallest real or imagined slight.

Pull the plug already.

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3 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’ll meet you there. Gee, and I was bringing wine in our “to hell in a hand basket”. 

My handbasket is a triple decker WITH a fully stocked bar.  Festooned and room for all.  And no cheapo Emily the party planner/Below Deck Med tacky tablescapes, either.

It will be a slow ride to that other place - not the Pearly Gates, mind you - we'll be docking at that fucking Rainbow Bridge.

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