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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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7 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Yeah, then she would have to admit on camera that it’s suddenly not allowed for a veteran to help a rookie, something we’ve seen them do multiple times before and well, given that K&J aren’t always there and that Shelly and GLs run practices, it’s unavoidable. How are you going to say on camera that vets aren’t allowed to offer feedback anymore without sounding deranged? Only by saying that you don’t want your special snowflake specifically getting any negative feedback and well, Kelli is stupid for sure but not THAT stupid.

Regarding your first point, that’s not about her management style. When you punish your employee for a stupid reason and then expect them to act like a robot, you’re just a crappy manager. Now Angela was kinda fairly called out because she let her disappointment affect her performance. Jalyn was perfectly supportive and just needed some time to collect herself and ten worked just as hard. Nothing toxic or unprofessional there to call out.  And well yeah, if you don’t have that basic level of compassion for your employees, you’re just a terrible manager.

As for Shelly, she’s already said that Jalyn got outdanced....

Maybe Shelly meant that we would see that she was being a scapegoat for Vicki to continue to be given anything and everything she wants, and that Kelli has once again allowed Vickie to tell her how to run her team!!!

Edited by jlc
To make more sense. Lol
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4 hours ago, Pj3422 said:

Yep, she lost me a few years ago when Colby was a TCC. I wasn’t a Colby fan, but Kelli’s comments about her were straight-up junior high clique. Not the measured, thoughtful approach a good director should have.

I have to say that as much as Kelli is a mean girl, her impression of Colby was funny and spot on.  I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was about Colby that bugged me so much until Kelli mimicked her “peek a boo” during rehearsal.

I really did get a chuckle out of that.

The thing is, that level of sarcasm should be used very sparingly, and even then should be directed only toward a TCC that everyone already kinda agrees is super-toxic or otherwise non-self-aware.

You know, someone like VK.

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Kells and TPTB knew that we heard the Jalyn/VK story.  Either they read it themselves or Shelly or TK/VK told her.  So she KNEW that unless we were given a better, believable story that we would all adjust our minds from it being a rumor to a fact.  They had time to give it some crazy edit and didn't.  So I am going with @Smplsimon and believing that it was a sign to the rest - be afraid, be very afraid.  VK/TK rule, and don't you forget it.

Also to whoever said VK was not her best friends child but her desired child....YES!  And we can throw a few others in there too.  Meredith, brocolli girl who goes to Univ of Tampa now, etc.

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4 hours ago, DCCFan197605 said:

Perhaps, but the other four are from the most talented class they’ve had.  Each has distinguished themselves being showcased aesthetically (Rachel W, Ashlee), praised for dance ability (Cici; Ashlee), and for leadership (Caroline ROY).  Caroline has also benefitted from weight loss and improved aesthetics.  She’s clearly talented as she’s KaShara’s pick for point.  

Is there any doubt that the lady formerly known as the teacher who gets confused with Molly was selected #18?

Here's the list. Rachel at 18.  Jalyn at 17 is scratched out. Alexis and Taylor over to the side. Question marks next Ashlee,  Cianna and also Amanda (Kelli had said she didn't have the kicks - yet she made it anyway). I assume VK name is under Judy's hand.

Screen Shot 2019-09-14 at 6.52.48 PM.png

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20 hours ago, Tootie said:

I enjoyed the part where KaShara picked who she thought would be a good point:  Amy! No, wait.... Maddie!  No, wrong again!  Caroline!  😄

I may be alone on this entire post but.......I absolutely love Caroline!!!! She should have been point over all others.....to me anyway. How did k ignore Kash's recommendation. To me she is far more glamorous and camera friendly.  Honestly it makes watching the pregame routine less fun. Geez, I give up.  I barely remember the episodes air most weeks. Blah.....at least we are seeing some of the suggestions from this board come to life. More side by sides, more dancing, more group interactions. One gripe, and this may have been hashed out weeks ago. But it rubbed the wrong way for Kelly to ask about TCs Ancesty results. Like what business of theirs is it. I smell need to claim diversity so desperately.

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Eh, I find it hard to get worked up. I don't care who is on SG. Jalyn was understandably upset but running off and not coming back in time for practice isn't a good look. I do wonder what they didn't show in the office. Did Kelli give Jalyn details they did not show? Did Jalyn apologize for her behavior? Who knows? Who cares? The SG they have is good and that's fine with me, with or without any one particular girl. Jalyn wasn't bad but she wasn't anything special either.  Slightly above average dancer, below average looks, average figure, below average professionalism. That adds up to a big ... whatever. She won't be missed on SG and if she doesn't come back next year it won't matter.

Now Kat and Meredith? That's the real mystery of this show.

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19 hours ago, Stee said:

I have always loved Kelli and how she handles cutting the girls. I’ve always admired how articulate she is and specifically her choice of language - clear and concise. Not always good news, but honest news. 

Unfortunately this is the first episode in 14 years where something just felt “off.”  She seemed particularly upset with the whole Jalyn situation - even defensive. The fact that Judy had to explain to Kelli that there is a difference between “losing” showgroup vs not making show group shows how illogical and irrational Kelli is being.

If a girl wants to step into the locker room to cry or process her feelings, she should be allowed to do that. If Jalyn has remained in the room and teared up or started crying, would Kelli say that is unprofessional too?   What would be the better option?  Honestly, I think excusing yourself when the girls break is better than creating a scene in the dance studio. 

The show sets these girls up for such huge expectations - cuts every week, guest choreographers, fashion shows and photo shoots positioned as “tests”.. and then they are surprised when the girls react with emotion or disappointment.  You’ve physically and mentally exhausted these girls and the critique them if they don’t happen to be smiling or perky for four hours straight.  

This episode was particularly unflattering for Kelli. I hope she watches this in retrospect and recognizes her strange defensiveness and accusatory behavior towards Jalyn. You’d think she just lied to her about a doctors appointment or something!

Yes to all of this! Everything in this episode pertaining to show group was just a complete & utter mess. I was expecting to see some explanation of what we've been hearing went down, but if anything it just made me more confused. Now I don't know if this is due to poor editing or if this stuff wasn't being explained/covered during filming, but either way, it makes it all look very shady & unprofessional.

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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

Here's the list. Rachel at 18.  Jalyn at 17 is scratched out. Alexis and Taylor over to the side. Question marks next Ashlee,  Cianna and also Amanda (Kelli had said she didn't have the kicks - yet she made it anyway). I assume VK name is under Judy's hand.

Screen Shot 2019-09-14 at 6.52.48 PM.png

They were number 19 and 20 so they almost made it on sg 

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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

Here's the list. Rachel at 18.  Jalyn at 17 is scratched out. Alexis and Taylor over to the side. Question marks next Ashlee,  Cianna and also Amanda (Kelli had said she didn't have the kicks - yet she made it anyway). I assume VK name is under Judy's hand.

Screen Shot 2019-09-14 at 6.52.48 PM.png

LOL, actually if you zoom into Jalyn's name, you can see it scratched out with something written in next to it. Is that a "VIC..." next to it?

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Just now, Tuxcat said:

LOL, actually if you zoom into Jalyn's name, you can see it scratched out with something written in next to it. Is that a "VIC..." next to it?

I was about to post the same. Since there are 18 names with one scratched out, someone’s name is written in there. Sure looks like it starts with a V

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2 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I personally would have chosen Shaina and Madeline S. to stay over Meredith and Kat, but again Kelli is blinded by looks instead of performance ability.

Well, you can't have two tall blonde legacies on the squad at the same time.

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28 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

LOL, actually if you zoom into Jalyn's name, you can see it scratched out with something written in next to it. Is that a "VIC..." next to it?

Absolutely is a VIC...wtheck...also Jalyn's name is circled which mean she was a pick for SG or in close contention! As far as I concerned the theories about her being replaced by VK are true...disgusting and disgraceful.

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1 hour ago, Law Mom said:

Eh, I find it hard to get worked up. I don't care who is on SG. Jalyn was understandably upset but running off and not coming back in time for practice isn't a good look. I do wonder what they didn't show in the office. Did Kelli give Jalyn details they did not show? Did Jalyn apologize for her behavior? Who knows? Who cares? The SG they have is good and that's fine with me, with or without any one particular girl. Jalyn wasn't bad but she wasn't anything special either.  Slightly above average dancer, below average looks, average figure, below average professionalism. That adds up to a big ... whatever. She won't be missed on SG and if she doesn't come back next year it won't matter.

Now Kat and Meredith? That's the real mystery of this show.

Others have already touched on her dancing skills. Below Average looks? That's going to be a hard no from me. I wouldn't even say average. There are/were less attractive DCCs and there were/are girls that were more stunning. However, she's a very pretty girl, the end. 

Edited by kerrieway
Added very...after reviewing her pictures, it's clear she's gorg.
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8 hours ago, JerseyGirl said:

I am done with this show. Season 13 was painful enough to watch with the blatant VK favoritism. I see it now in Season 14 but it’s backhanded favoritism. No way VK should have made SG over Jalyn. 

I feel the same way, but I also feel like VK was given one on one training all year so she would know the dances before auditions and training camp, and I also think judging by all the pictures of her that she is starting to put some weight back on. By seasons end,  I imagine those shorts are not going to look very good on her!

Just now, ElenaFR said:

She is stunning. 

I agree!!! 😊😊😊

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3 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Here's the list. Rachel at 18.  Jalyn at 17 is scratched out. Alexis and Taylor over to the side. Question marks next Ashlee,  Cianna and also Amanda (Kelli had said she didn't have the kicks - yet she made it anyway). I assume VK name is under Judy's hand.

Screen Shot 2019-09-14 at 6.52.48 PM.png

Apologies in advance:  "chart" to follow!

I think the numbers have more to do with the order that they auditioned... If you look at the groups: Victoria, Carol, Amy, Kelcey, Daphne & Amanda are together;  Ashlee's next to Maddie;  Gina's next to Heather;  Cici's next to Bridget; and Jalyn (who is scratched out with a possible "Vic..." written over it) is next to Rachel W.  Also, I zoomed in to one of the pages and the order on it is: Victoria, Carol, Kelcey, Amy, Daphne and Amanda. 

It's interesting that they started this list with Caroline, not Victoria, so that tells me that she was an afterthought---not initially picked.

2019-09-14 (78) - Copy.png

Edited by Tootie
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4 minutes ago, Tootie said:

Apologies in advance:  "chart" to follow!

I think this has more to do with the order that they auditioned... If you look at the groups, Victoria, Carol, Amy, Kelcey, Daphne & Amanda are together;  Ashlee's next to Maddie;  Gina's next to Heather;  Cici's next to Bridget; and Jalyn (who is scratched out with a possible "Vic..." written over it) is next to Rachel W.  Also, I zoomed in to one of the pages and the order on it is: Victoria, Carol, Kelcey, Amy, Daphne and Amanda. 

It's interesting that they started this list with Caroline, not Victoria, so that tells me that she was an afterthought---not initially picked.

2019-09-14 (78) - Copy.png

Impressive! So these are the attention grabbers in order of appearance. Not in order of ability. Yes, confirms Jalyn was originally written in as one an attention grabber. Then removed and Victoria added. Thanks tootle!

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7 minutes ago, Tootie said:

Apologies in advance:  "chart" to follow!

I think this has more to do with the order that they auditioned... If you look at the groups, Victoria, Carol, Amy, Kelcey, Daphne & Amanda are together;  Ashlee's next to Maddie;  Gina's next to Heather;  Cici's next to Bridget; and Jalyn (who is scratched out with a possible "Vic..." written over it) is next to Rachel W.  Also, I zoomed in to one of the pages and the order on it is: Victoria, Carol, Kelcey, Amy, Daphne and Amanda. 

It's interesting that they started this list with Caroline, not Victoria, so that tells me that she was an afterthought---not initially picked.

2019-09-14 (78) - Copy.png

That is exactly what i was thinking that Victoria was not picked and then she took Jalyn's spot.  I want to know if Victoria went running to Tina and  tattled on Jalyn and then Tina went after Kelli.  What on earth does Tina have on Kelli that we need to know about?

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6 minutes ago, Tootie said:

Apologies in advance:  "chart" to follow!

I think the numbers have more to do with the order that they auditioned... If you look at the groups, Victoria, Carol, Amy, Kelcey, Daphne & Amanda are together;  Ashlee's next to Maddie;  Gina's next to Heather;  Cici's next to Bridget; and Jalyn (who is scratched out with a possible "Vic..." written over it) is next to Rachel W.  Also, I zoomed in to one of the pages and the order on it is: Victoria, Carol, Kelcey, Amy, Daphne and Amanda. 

It's interesting that they started this list with Caroline, not Victoria, so that tells me that she was an afterthought---not initially picked.

2019-09-14 (78) - Copy.png

@Tootie, I hope you were serious about the chart. Your charts, and you, are awesome and I miss your charts, spreadsheets, A LOT!!!

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3 hours ago, Pinknblue said:

TPTB? =/= The Powers That Be

Is now “The People To Blame

(credit to a poster in the episode thread)

From now on, I'll be using TIIC "The Idiots In Charge"

1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

LOL, actually if you zoom into Jalyn's name, you can see it scratched out with something written in next to it. Is that a "VIC..." next to it?

I'd bet dollars to donuts that the 18 people listed were the selections from the judges panel. Then, Kelli had Judy make a couple of "corrections" (AKA - cut Jalyn & add VK).

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Hey, we all have opinions. I think Jalyn is a very good technical dancer but also dull. The opposite of KaShara, if you will. She has a nice figure but so do lots of girls. I personally find her unattractive--her eyes are off and I think she is masculine looking. I don't know what she is like as a person but she gives off an unfriendly vibe to me. Purely subjective of course. I know many disagree but I don't give a hoot. My opinions are mine, yours are yours. Anyway, the people who hire SG don't care who is on it and neither do I, as long they do the job.

Edited by Law Mom
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31 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

I'd bet dollars to donuts that the 18 people listed were the selections from the judges panel. Then, Kelli had Judy make a couple of "corrections" (AKA - cut Jalyn & add VK).

One thing that stuck out to me was when Kelli said this--and I quote: "Thank you guys for your time and expertise. We really appreciate your professional lenses.  We'll go back and work through some of the strengths that we know some of these ladies bring to the table and announce this tomorrow."

IIRC, any other time the Show Group deliberations were shown, they seemed to imply that they knew who the final group was that night... they didn't always announce it that night, but they knew who it was and didn't have to "go back and work" it out!

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5 minutes ago, Tootie said:

One thing that stuck out to me was when Kelli said this--and I quote: "Thank you guys for your time and expertise. We really appreciate your professional lenses.  We'll go back and work through some of the strengths that we know some of these ladies bring to the table and announce this tomorrow."

IIRC, any other time the Show Group deliberations were shown, they seemed to imply that they knew who the final group was that night... they didn't always announce it that night, but they knew who it was and didn't have to "go back and work" it out!

Yes, we talked about this not long ago.  I want to say it was last year that they said they were taking everyone's suggestions to decide upon a team, when like you've said they usually have had an idea that night.  And the theory was that Kelli was going to find a way to fit VK in if she could.

3 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

Speaking of opinions, what do Jalyn fans think of this Instgram pic?

Looks like most action shots of the girls - hairography:)  

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Just now, kerrieway said:

I think it's one unflattering picture and in no one indicative of her overall pretty looks. I think it's telling that there is only one picture in this post. If more people thought she was unattractive, as you do, I think they'd have no problem saying so and there opinions would be as welcome as any. 

Not talking about her attractiveness in this picture.

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Off topic re: SG/Jalyn

I am seriously confused about VK.   I mean, TK comes across on this show, even in just the few times she has been shown, as a horrible mean girl.  When she said that about Chandler I wanted to go through my TV and slap her. Maybe all of this is TK's doing and not VK???  VK just seems kinda goofy and immature??? 🤷‍♀️  

I work all day with kids (up to age 22) and some kids are so awesome when I am alone with them, but when the parent is there, it's all a nightmare.  One-on-one the kids usually realize their parent is being difficult?? Is it possible VK was just telling her mom stuff the way kids do and TK ran to Kelli and blew everything out of proportion?  I guess we will never know what really goes on. 

I also wish Kelli would just admit she has no judgement with VK.  Like- I would respect her more if she just said- VK is like a daughter to me, I will try my best to be impartial, but I love her??  Or something like that?? I don't expect Kelli to be a robot, but don't try to fool everyone into thinking there is anything fair about this whole process.  Just own it!

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1 minute ago, kerrieway said:

Would you care to expound on your thoughts then? 

Ok. I am shocked that the organization allowed this picture to stay up. Her nipples show right through! Not her fault, of course. Personally I would not have posted it, at least without some photoshopping.

Other thoughts: Her abs look awesome. She needs to control the hyperextension in her elbow, a common problem in pom. They should make her hair more red.

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14 hours ago, Tootie said:

And that's why I respect her opinion.  She didn't pick seniority OR her best friend.  She was honest and picked who she thought would be the best person for that position!

And by the way she spoke and waited you could tell that she was thinking REAL hard about the decision. She spoke like someone who expected to be taken seriously and knew what the effects of what she said could entail. And that's how it should've been.

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13 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

Ok. I am shocked that the organization allowed this picture to stay up. Her nipples show right through! Not her fault, of course. Personally I would not have posted it, at least without some photoshopping.

2 minutes ago, TxBex said:

And, I'm pretty sure those are sequins added for sparkle on her shirt. You can see them spaced all over the sleeves as well.

I thought it was the sequins as well.

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2 minutes ago, TxBex said:

And, I'm pretty sure those are sequins added for sparkle on her shirt. You can see them spaced all over the sleeves as well.

Huh, maybe that's it! Unfortunate placement if that's the case.

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