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S03.E11: Secret, Secret, I've Got a Secret

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5 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Caesar's call with the "airline" was entirely staged.  It was too clear, to quick, and the "airline employee" had answers way too easily.  Plus, no "thank you for calling XYZ Airlines" at the end?  Nope, fake!

Exactly.  And did he even give his name for them to look up that their was insufficient funds?  

Has there ever been a story where someone was catfishes in this show?

I still have a hard time believing I’m the same age as Darcy.  44 isn’t young but I keep thinking she is someone in her late 50’s trying to look 30 or younger.  I so think she should cut her hair and maybe change the part or add some bangs.  Wear some normal casual clothes and shoes.   Maybe a nice reddish lipstick (not dark but not the nude look she sports).   Maybe get rid of the false eyelashes and tone down the fake nails to maybe a nice square style, it might help.  

I don’t think Tim is attractive but I don’t think he is ugly.  His face is decent and he seems like a cool guy to be friends with.  There was no reason to tell Jeniffer that his ex texted him.  That whole thing seemed staged.  

I want to tell all these people to go home but who knows what kind of contracts they sign.  

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3 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

There is a real company called Cheapo Air, that has a 845 number for Billing Support.  

The notification seemed a bit fake though.  I don't think they would write, "This FLIGHT is cancelled".  That makes it seem like the airline cancelled the flight, as opposed to the reservation being cancelled.  

Hahahaha - I guess that explains the “Cheapo” part of the name then.

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Those Cancun hotel chocolates look like they have been sitting around for too long...they are rough and full of salmonelle....looks like Keebler cookies repurposed....

Jeniffer saying Tim had morning B.O...that made me throw up  a little in my mouth...who wouldn't shower before bed in that hot steamy environment...and then not get up early to wash off your funk?

Bet Darcey had the onsite production director help stuff her flab back into her pleather pants...the sounds that were coming from that toilet stall...think water buffalo bellowing

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12 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Bay Beeeee I'm about to go on soshul media and make a killing. It can't be that hard from what I've learned so far at 90DF University. "Maria" says her flight was cancelled complete with a screen shot that clearly said RESERVATION CANCELLED and since Caesar Salad is a few croutons short, he thinks this is a sign that she definitely would have been on the plane this time. Let me get my bank card!

How sweet that MeeMaw Angela took a stand to defend her widdle Mahckle. Then of course she and her jowls had to mount that stallion. But then... he breathes too hard, giving her PTSD flashbacks and now he needs to get his shit and get out of her Georgia ass room. 

Tim is weird. His head looks transplanted onto  his body. A true scammer would have hit the jackpot with this one. No sex required. 

Tom's friend Roucelle is a mess and overly botoxed. She can't even move her upper lip like WTF

Did Avery's mom REALLY not know what a dowry was??

Caesar Salad, Bwahahah! His act is wearing thin, we are all wise to it. I wonder if he will dress up as Maria and try to pass himself off as her at the tell all, lol.

Angela was so down for a physical fight, it suited her. She was in all her glory bragging about how she had gotten a hold on some guy.

The constant guffawing over all things sex related were bothersome, handcuffs are hardly cutting edge or naughty these days and her, "Take your pants off Mah-kul" chant was icky.  

Tim's female friends...I am giving the side eye to, maybe it's just me but they seemed a tad trans and that one with the lipstick? WTF? Total drag queen make up.

When Darcey was getting dressed I thought she was putting on a trash bag. The bustier was a nip slip just waiting to happen, she never looks comfortable in anything she wears.

OMG, that marriage references are out of control!  I bet Tom sprained his ankle rolling his eyes too hard.  Darcey's constant comments reminded me of when Idris Elba was on the Office and Kelly had the hots for him, he would call her in to his office and her answer was "Yes Charles, you want me?" Subliminal message style! 

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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12 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I looked it up and it is for the groom but there was also a mention of a 'dowry' that the bride's family pays. Avery becomes Omar's property.

If I were her mother I would offer Avery the money if she got on a plane and flew home with me tomorrow!  

Do they put that dowry in an escrow account?  How do we know it would be there when/if it is needed. 

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Jeniffer is a woman trying to start a career. The dramatic gestures, the desire for Prince Charming to swoop in, it's been done to death. And wtf was in her hair at her grandparents, it looked greasy or wet....very odd.

Tim, go home. You seem like a decent enough guy, she's made her lack of attraction obvious.

I was so nauseated last night: Angela and Mahkuhl having jiggy jiggy, then we're treated to Ben's back hair. I usually snack during this show.

Edited by blubld43
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Tim is rather tiny... But if you look at his instagram.. His business is all about guns... So if you get a ticket to his gun show... It's really about guns and firearms...

Poor Michael... Isn't there anyone else in America who can sponsor/marry him?? I only saw a quick glance of the picture but the woman looks like she was holding hands with another man on that boat ride. Angela is crazy and has so many issues. She is wrong to hit him.

And I made stupid decisions in my youth... But my mom (may she rest in peace) if ever was asked how much my dowry was... She would have responded, you couldn't afford her. She definitely wouldn't have brought me down to $6000.

Akini's brother was weird about eating that fish!!! I feel like thy were bringing Benjamin into a initiation. Like Michael from the lost boys when he made David eat maggots...  

Zied reminds me of Sal from impractical jokers... 

And Avery's mom reminds me of Valerie Bertinelli.

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1 hour ago, alegtostandon said:

What confused me was when Mom said $10,000.00, he said "I'm just a student"...I thought he was a dentist? 

Good catch!

1 hour ago, RealReality said:

I called American Express and they said that I had enough money, but they declined the card because the transaction was for a large amount and was out of my home state.  

Always call your financial/credit institution when travelling.

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5 minutes ago, Thisgirllovespasta said:

Tim is rather tiny... But if you look at his instagram.. His business is all about guns... So if you get a ticket to his gun show... It's really about guns and firearms...

Poor Michael... Isn't there anyone else in America who can sponsor/marry him?? I only saw a quick glance of the picture but the woman looks like she was holding hands with another man on that boat ride. Angela is crazy and has so many issues. She is wrong to hit him.

And I made stupid decisions in my youth... But my mom (may she rest in peace) if ever was asked how much my dowry was... She would have responded, you couldn't afford her. She definitely wouldn't have brought me down to $6000.

Akini's brother was weird about eating that fish!!! I feel like thy were bringing Benjamin into a initiation. Like Michael from the lost boys when he made David eat maggots...  

Zied reminds me of Sal from impractical jokers... 

And Avery's mom reminds me of Valerie Bertinelli.

Tiny Tim specializes in customizing revolvers and 1911 pistols in a lot of rather artistic ways.  So, he might have the least manly gun shop in America. 

The way I see it, Michael is earning all the cash he gets from Angela by putting up with her and, even worse, having sex with her.   If Angela treated him well, I'd hate him for taking advantage of her.  But, they sort of deserves each other.

This is Avery we're talking about.  She would be overpriced at $6 let alone $6,000.

I also felt like Fidel was sort of hazing Benjamin with the fish brains.  I get the idea that it would be rude to refuse food that, by their standards, was very expensive. But, making him eat the brains seem like Fidel just being mean. 

  • Love 23
2 hours ago, shannew said:

I would not be angry at Michael if he ran over Angela foot.

If only the car was big and strong enough to take down Mama Sasquatch.

You know how we all know that TLC makes these fools re-do scenes sometimes, well, the scene where Caesar Salad is standing by the bed doing up his belt verrry slooowly when Oh, lookie here!  All of a sudden he receives the text from Bot Maria to tell him that her flight was cancelled.  Yeah, that was so totally staged.  It's like TLC isn't even trying anymore.  They know that we know and we know that they know. 

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18 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Good catch!

Always call your financial/credit institution when travelling.

Yeah, a lesson I learned the hard way, though I had gotten away with it for prior trips.  I just think the safeguards were triggered because it was a fairly large purchase in a state I wasn't even adjacent to.

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12 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

What the hell was that glop slop Jeniffer served up to her grandparents...with fries, no less.

It was some kind of take out. What’s with Tim sitting there in awkward silence barking out “Are you almost finished?” like an impatient toddler as she was filling their plates? 


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14 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

He did send her cash for the tickets, but she kept making excuses for why she couldn't go. Caesar's friend suggested that Caesar just buy the ticket himself to prevent her from backing out again.

He sent her cash for the first ticket( to prove his trust in her) . She used the excuse that she needed clothing and other stuff for the vacation , so he told her that he would buy a ticket and she could  use the cash for her wardrobe and beauty treatments. 

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8 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Rebecca would look 100 times better if she'd lay off the goth makeup and dressed less like a 19 year old whose friends all ride Harleys and whose favorite song is "Bad to the Bone". A lighter hand and a more flattering color palette would do wonders. A sweet, pretty wrap dress and some cute flats would look great. She, like Darcy, ages herself by dressing is stuff that is too young, too tight, and too shiny.

That said, Tom's "friends" made Darcy look like Princess Diana. Jesus, they were a rough pair of slags. These are Tom's "beautiful women" that he romps with on yachts and at Ascot? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Rebecca is not a bad looking woman but she just doesn't get it. She needs to dress more her age, not saying dress like an old woman but dress better. I have nice legs and am no overweight, I could easily wear short shorts or a mini-skirt, I don't because at 54 I would look like a fool. Unless you are Cher, its hard to pull off. 

Darcey looked so much better in comparison! 

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1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

About those treats. Why did dumb dumb order them so early? The chocolate and fruit would have been a lukewarm mess by the time he had gone to the airport to receive his disappointment and got back to the room. 

Plus he was planning to get the napkins that are folded to look like swans. I didn’t see any  rose petals though. 

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On 9/8/2019 at 11:28 PM, Hannah94 said:

I thought Omar had to pay the dowry to Avery's family, but I might have misunderstood it. I just don't get the logic behind dowries. It seems so archaic to me.

On 9/8/2019 at 11:43 PM, Frozendiva said:

I looked it up and it is for the groom but there was also a mention of a 'dowry' that the bride's family pays. Avery becomes Omar's property.

On 9/9/2019 at 4:43 AM, Bryce Lynch said:

Isn't a dowry normally money (or livestock) paid by the bride's family to the groom's?  What Omar described sounded like a bride price.

Mother Halal Avery also might have figured that since Avery is a cow the dowry would be satisfied.

On 9/9/2019 at 6:09 AM, mayvenne said:

So is it wrong that I understood the dowry should be paid to the bride's family because as reference point I have David and the water buffalo to Annie's parents.

On 9/8/2019 at 11:19 PM, Frozendiva said:

Maybe Avery should have told her mother from the get-go that there is a dowry involved. What if her parents don't have the cash?

The problem is the closest word in English to the Arabic word "mahr" is "dowry", which in most contexts is a payment to the groom's family to the bride's family. 

But in Islam, a mahr is quite different from a dowry.

"In Islam, a mahr is a mandatory payment, in the form of money or possessions paid by the groom, to the bride at the time of marriage. While the mahr is often money, it can also be anything agreed upon by the bride such as jewelry, home goods, furniture, a dwelling or some land. Mahr is typically specified in the marriage contract signed during an Islamic marriage.

'Dower' is the English translation that comes closest to Islamic meaning of mahr, as 'dower' refers to the payment from the husband or his family to the wife, especially to support her in the event of his death. However, mahr is distinct from dower in two ways: 1) mahr is legally required for all Islamic marriages while dower was optional, and 2) mahr is required to be specified at the time of marriage (when a certain amount is promised, if not paid immediately), while dower is not paid until the death of the husband. Mahr also can be classified as a form of 'bridewealth', described by anthropologists as payments made from the kin of the groom to the kin of the bride; however, mahr is paid directly to the bride and not her parents. In fact, as her legal property, mahr establishes the bride's financial independence from her parents and in many cases from her husband, who has no legal claims to his wife's mahr.

The terms 'dowry' and 'bride price' are sometimes incorrectly used to translate mahr, but mahr differs from dowries in many other cultures. A dowry traditionally refers to money or possessions a woman brings forth to the marriage, usually provided by her parents or family; bride price to money or property paid by the groom or his family to the parents of a woman (but not to the woman herself) upon the marriage."

More HERE.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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1 minute ago, Cementhead said:

Ahh, yes.  The old 'napkins folded to look like swans' move.  This move works on me every single time.  Instant (chocolate) undie remover.  Is it getting hot in here? 

Me too. Wow, nothing hotter than a napkin swan. Seeing one of those just makes your clothes fall right off. 

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45 minutes ago, Thisgirllovespasta said:

Tim is rather tiny... But if you look at his instagram.. His business is all about guns... So if you get a ticket to his gun show... It's really about guns and firearms...

Poor Michael... Isn't there anyone else in America who can sponsor/marry him?? I only saw a quick glance of the picture but the woman looks like she was holding hands with another man on that boat ride. Angela is crazy and has so many issues. She is wrong to hit him.

And I made stupid decisions in my youth... But my mom (may she rest in peace) if ever was asked how much my dowry was... She would have responded, you couldn't afford her. She definitely wouldn't have brought me down to $6000.

Akini's brother was weird about eating that fish!!! I feel like thy were bringing Benjamin into a initiation. Like Michael from the lost boys when he made David eat maggots...  

Zied reminds me of Sal from impractical jokers... 

And Avery's mom reminds me of Valerie Bertinelli.

I think the mother missed that the dowry was to be paid in case of divorce OR DEATH. 

6k is less than the crappy life insurance my credit union offers members free of charge. Probably not even enough to get her remains shipped back to the USA for burial. 

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24 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

He is a dentist. He's doing a postgraduate course in Oral Surgery (didn't he say Oral Surgery? Its been so long since the beginning of this shitshow). Specialty training is also called Residency in some dental schools. (Where I worked all the postgrads were referred to as residents). After completing a dental degree you do postgrad work if you want to specialize--Orthodontics, Periodontology, Pediatric Dentistry, and so on. Oral Surgery takes four years at Tufts, I don't imagine its much less anywhere else. And yeah, unless his government is subsidizing him, he's paying for it.

And with all that he chooses Avery?  I wouldn't want that dumb bunny working on my teeth!

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29 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I also felt like Fidel was sort of hazing Benjamin with the fish brains.  I get the idea that it would be rude to refuse food that, by their standards, was very expensive. But, making him eat the brains seem like Fidel just being mean. 

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen the rest of the family were chowing down Big Macs and French fries.  TLC has done this before with the, ‘ let’s watch the westerner awkwardly eat animal brains.’  *insert canned laugh track here*

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3 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Not sure why calling him a holy man is a bad thing, she didn't know the proper term.  Honestly, how many Americans know that much about Muslims?  I know a little bit, but I definitely don't know what an imam is.  I have a college education, and I have traveled the world, I am not an idiot, but I really don't know much about different religions.  I have respect for all religions, but don't know much about them.  Unless I was seeking out info, not sure when I would learn it.

And what exactly was the problem?  Akini turned on him and wouldn't tell him why.  She is an asshole.  He is probably tired, he is definitely nervous, in a country he doesn't know... I don't know why he didn't get the f out, and hop on a plane home.

I think he was just nervous, he seems to be kind of socially awkward.  Akini should have mentioned to him that he would be headed to her family's house right away, and to grab a gift is it is SOOO important to her family.  He thought he was headed to the airbnb. 

And they were not the friendliest, most welcoming group.  Whether someone shows up with a gift or not should NOT preclude the family from treating him kindly, he is the guest!

I don't see how Akini's family can be so picky.  Did we  not see the country and home her parents are locked into.  The ally ways and street people.  Scared me.

I would think they would see him as a blessing.  Who in the heck are they to judge???

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2 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen the rest of the family were chowing down Big Macs and French fries.  TLC has done this before with the, ‘ let’s watch the westerner awkwardly eat animal brains.’  *insert canned laugh track here*

Right? Its on TLC's top five cliche 90DF moments. Along with the American palely loitering in the airport, all hapless and sad because no one has heard of a phone call to say "Hey, I"m in traffic, I'm on my way!", and making it a point to show any foreign city or town as poor, falling apart, covered in garbage and feral animals of various types. They also enjoy suspicious, narrow minded relatives of all stripes.

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2 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

That "dowry" referred to by the "dentist" is different than the dowry David Poor was required to pay to Annie's family.  I kept going back to listen to what Dentist was saying.  He said it was an agreed upon amount in case the husband dies or they divorce.  What confused me was when Mom said $10,000.00, he said "I'm just a student"...I thought he was a dentist? 

When someone studying to be a doctor or dentist finishes medical or dental school, even before they are licensed and practicing, they are indeed a doctor or dentist, even while still in school. 

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

Some kind of chocolate boats that looked like dog doo 

Chocolate boats and napkin swans,  I sense a water theme going on. 

1 minute ago, poeticlicensed said:

When someone studying to be a doctor or dentist finishes medical or dental school, even before they are licensed and practicing, they are indeed a doctor or dentist, even while still in school. 

It was in case Avery dies. At least that is how I recall him saying it. Divorce or death. 

11 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Zied doesn’t know that Rebecca can’t get him a K1 visa since she sponsored her Moroccan husband.

I didn't even consider that. Is there a limit to the K1 visas a person can apply for? She's got some nerve hunting down a new toy when she's not even done with the first one.

30 minutes ago, magemaud said:

It was some kind of take out. What’s with Tim sitting there in awkward silence barking out “Are you almost finished?” like an impatient toddler as she was filling their plates? 

I thought that was so rude, if you're in such a rush to eat and not have to exchange or attempt to exchange pleasantries with strangers then get up off your skinny ass and help her.

28 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

Darcey looked so much better in comparison! 

Darcy's glitter contouring blush whatever that stuff was on her face did her no favors but compared to that other woman, Darcy doesn't look half as beat up.

When Darcy was scurrying to the kitchen for ice, I was only half paying attention but my immediate thought was, "Dear gawd, what she do to him now?"

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1 minute ago, Lady Iris said:

I didn't even consider that. Is there a limit to the K1 visas a person can apply for? She's got some nerve hunting down a new toy when she's not even done with the first one.

I thought that was so rude, if you're in such a rush to eat and not have to exchange or attempt to exchange pleasantries with strangers then get up off your skinny ass and help her.

Darcy's glitter contouring blush whatever that stuff was on her face did her no favors but compared to that other woman, Darcy doesn't look half as beat up.

When Darcy was scurrying to the kitchen for ice, I was only half paying attention but my immediate thought was, "Dear gawd, what she do to him now?"

Attempted a hobbling?

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4 minutes ago, iwasish said:

It was in case Avery dies. At least that is how I recall him saying it. Divorce or death. 

Wouldn't it just be cheaper to take out life insurance on both of them? Which makes me wonder, if Avery travels to a country that is at war, I wonder if that affects her life insurance, if she has any. 

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13 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen the rest of the family were chowing down Big Macs and French fries.  TLC has done this before with the, ‘ let’s watch the westerner awkwardly eat animal brains.’  *insert canned laugh track here*

This has become the norm with each couple, get foreigner to eat bull testicles, chicken feet, cow head, kill their own chicken, eat brains etc...act insulted when foreigner hesitates, call them ignorant and then base your opinion of them on that and that alone.  

It has become rote.

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