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S03.E04: Little Lies

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Forgive me, but I don’t understand why Darcy would need to have a sponge bath after her flight. NYC to London is only 7hrs. You shower/bathe with fresh clothes before you get on the airplane and you’re fine when you get off, maybe some mouthwash or a tooth brush is needed but how sweaty does someone get sitting in an airplane seat?!! That’s like me showering to go to work, sitting at a desk all day and then trying to wash myself in the work bathroom before I have dinner at 6pm.  WHY?????

A lot of people (like Darcy) act like flying is equivalent to running a marathon. It’s not. Yes I acknowledge that there are people with real anxieties about flying/airports, and I’m not making light of their suffering, but I don’t think Darcy’s one of them. She was concerned about looking nice maybe meet for dinner. 

I have a 9.30 flight to Paris in. October. It gets in at around 11 AM. Ill shower at like 3 PM(Paris 9 PM]) and Ill be good to go until the next evening.  i buy travel wipes. They have deodorant ones, tooth ones, makeup ones. I’ll be fine. And Ill change clothes when I get go out AirBNB. I really feel like I need a change of clothes after an overnight flight even if its not been that long timewise. I wont spray on a ton of perfume to cover my stench.  and I thought he had a hotel room sow that she could shower and freshen up before they met. What happened to that?

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1 hour ago, blubld43 said:

Did anyone else see Zied not being really into Rebecca? On the ride away from the airport he wasn't even looking at her. And the previews from next week promises more of the usual idiot American, she is insisting on going out in a sleeveless top! With all her tats showing.  Zied is clearly into whatever sex he can get, but I imagine he will only go so far in defying most of his cultural norms.

Omar seems decent at first impressions, I am waiting to see what he thinks of her cross tattoo.

Maybe the sex wasn't that good? 

1 hour ago, RealReality said:

Darcys type is any man alive who might put a ring on it.

Or someone with a pulse and a ring? 

3 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

I have a 9.30 flight to Paris in. October. It gets in at around 11 AM. Ill shower at like 3 PM(Paris 9 PM]) and Ill be good to go until the next evening.  i buy travel wipes. They have deodorant ones, tooth ones, makeup ones. I’ll be fine. And Ill change clothes when I get go out AirBNB. I really feel like I need a change of clothes after an overnight flight even if its not been that long timewise. I wont spray on a ton of perfume to cover my stench.  and I thought he had a hotel room sow that she could shower and freshen up before they met. What happened to that?

Maybe he didn't or she didn't have a room? 

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, SeeMyDaintyPaws said:

I was cringing when Darcey got out of the car to enter the restaurant; her look SCREAMED “(not very) Pretty Woman”. And I think Tim was slightly mortified by her appearance. Those boots! 🤦🏻‍♀️

LMAO! I don’t know why I’m laughing so hard. Darcey swears her look screams “I’m a bad bitch,” but she looks so cheap and her look is so dated. It’s so Jennifer Lopez Gigli era and I thought Lopez was a huge tack head poseur  even back then.

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7 hours ago, Floatingbison said:

I predict that Darcy and Jessee are going to reconnect.   The editors dropped a couple teasers, including the Late Nite Mystery Call from Jessee.

If that happens it will be because Jesse wasn’t getting enough attention on his own. He probably thought he was going to be famous and get acting gigs or something. 

  • Love 15

So I'm assuming given Darcey lives in CT that she flew from NYC to London, which is, as others have noted, about a 7 hour flight. But most flights are overnights and unless you are able to sleep well on a plane, you end up feeling a bit like crap when you arrived. When Tom said that he was getting her a room and a driver, I was like, oh, hell yes. Being stuck in a seat overnight with all the associated smells in an airplane, on top of not sleeping well is not a good look. I'd be wanting a shower and a nap before meeting my date. But it turns out that the "room" was literally a bathroom where  Darcey splashed water on her pits and sprayed her hooha with perfume and the car was literally a taxi, which took her lunch. Why not check into a hotel, shower and nap for a couple of hours and then go out to dinner instead of a just off ther plane lunch? Producer shenanigans, but then again, Darcey was all into having a camera in the bathroom with her! Who does that?? 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 23

This show just never disappoints.

I think Darcy is a very pretty woman and I am all about a woman dressing and grooming herself however she g-d pleases, especially if she is paying for it, but seriously, has Darcy ever dressed casually? Has she ever worn a  dress that was at least knee length? A simple tailored pantsuit? Or jeans and a classic white blouse? Hell, jeans and a t-shit? Sneakers? It is like she is always on her way to the club. I get always wanting to look your best but she really needs to embrace a broader range of looks. I mean even during the pillow talk shows, her and her sister were always done up to the nines, even in their pjs they looked like they were going to a jammy themed party at The Tunnel (old night club in NYC really popular in the 90s). It is always just a ton makeup, a ton of hair extensions, the most dramatic of lashes. Its tew much!!!

Tom did catfish with his pics but him and Darcy did video chat, which we saw last week and even then people were thinking he looked different from his pics so I'm thinking Darcy had some idea the pics weren't 100% accurate. Darcy's first husband was no looker so I could imagine she doesn't require a David Gandy look alike, however, I think Darcy like a manly man and Tom ain't it. Tom has a complete lack of big dick energy. He doesn't even have medium dick energy. 

Tom looks as old if not older than Darcy. 

On 8/13/2019 at 11:57 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree with you on all points, especially Avery, or as I call her "I am Muslim today but in five years we are gonna look back and say "Remember when I wanted to go to Syria???"  But the fact is, Avery is 19, she is a legal adult adn can do what she wants, no matter how Death Wish-y it is!   All her mom can go is go along, meet Omar and ask Avery for her funeral plans.

Yes, Avery is an adult, however, I don't see how with no signs of a steady income or employment, Avery could possibly qualify and be approved for a K1 without some type of sponsorship. So, in a sense, mom is indeed underwriting Avery's foolish dance with death.

Avery has just as many (if not more) blinking red lights of doom than her intended groom. I just question someone who flits from one fade to another who then converts to Islam out of the blue and after a few months flies off to marry some dude she has never really spent physical time with and marries within 2 days of landing there. Make that make sense. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that after 5 years or less of marriage, she gets tired of all the oppression and flies back home to be a porn star and confesses to have been eating pork and drinking hard liquor the whole time. 

Omar seems nice enough but again, we've seen him for a span of what 15 minutes? It is good that he has an actual profession as opposed to most of the ne'er do wells we see on this show. However, it should be noted that once he comes into this country (if he indeed does) I bet his degree won't mean shit. It might be better for them to go to another nation that will recognize his degree. Otherwise, it will be a case of Omar working as a warehouse worker at Amazon regaling his co-workers about how he used to be a doctor in his country

6 hours ago, Floatingbison said:

I predict that Darcy and Jessee are going to reconnect.   The editors dropped a couple teasers, including the Late Nite Mystery Call from Jessee.

Even frigging Tom was bringing him up and went so far as to show a suggestive photo of Jesse to his barber.  That was just weird. 

Angela is an idiot for still entertaining Mihkul but she is a hoot. She said something about coming at something 4 ways and doing it that way she will inevitably be right. The way she said it, that accent made it a hoot!

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28 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Tom does seem to be really full of himself, but, so far, he hasn't come off as really odd. A better hairstyle would improve his appearance, imo.   What I do NOT understand are the things he says about Darcy.  Like, over the course of years he has become very bonded with her. That he considers her more than a one night stand. He spoke to his sister about Darcy as if this is an emotional thing.  Well, WHEN has Darcy ever put out that vibe? I do not believe it.  To me, she has a cheap, superficial, highly sexual flare to her that would not beckon intellectual discussion or anything more than chitter chatter by phone or email. He may say he's being respectful of Darcy and that he wants to treat her better than his one night stands, but, I sense that he doesn't want her sitting on his furniture.  This seems more like a tv role for Tom, imo.  

Can someone who has been watching this longer than I have ( this is my first full episode and I missed parts of it to grab a bite to eat) please explain Tom's hair? It looks like he has a dead animal sitting on top of his hair.   I did record it so maybe there is an explanation during the part of the scene at the barber shop that I missed.  I didn't notice this until he was at the table with Darcy who seems exactly like the person he would have a one night stand with instead of someone to settle down with and have a family.  

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1 minute ago, charmed1 said:

I’m screaming! Rebecca, chained to him with her Instagram ring of light nearby. 

I was cracking up when Zied, lamenting about his ex that he likely murdered, says, “I hott this girl.”

Rebecca: “You ‘hate’ her?”

Zied the Hut, pausing and looking at Rebecca with the dead eyes of a contract killer: “I hott her.” 

He was all but saying, “don’t ever cross me and don’t correct my English, you old bag. My name ain’t Azan.”

I agree - Zied, please get to Valvoline Rapid Oil Change and get your hair changed.  That is some nasty stuff going on up there.  Rebecca, are you 15?  "WE HAD SEX!"  "Oh, and did I forget to mention I am still married?  Oh jeepers, how will my MUSLIM BOYFRIEND react?"  I assume any boyfriend, of any religion or non religion, would be a little pissed at that news though.

Angela and Michael - I FF through her scenes.  I can't stand her and her always yelling at Michael.  They both bore me, to be blunt.

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13 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Avery:  Has no one told her there is a travel ban in place for allowing Syrians (and other countries) into the USA?  He AIN'T GETTING INTO THE USA AVERY.

I think Avery is planning an end around the system, as many do who are on this show and face obstacles to bringing their squeeze to the US. She figures that if she marries him, that's a free pass that will get him to the US. I don't think that she actually thinks that they are going to live forever in Syria, but she probably thinks that if she goes over and marries him, it will help him get status in the US. This is the same tactic that Nicole plans to use. Marry over there, then 'Murica can't deny him entry. How stupid Avery is. She is looking at long separations and huge legal bills. I wonder what she will become interested in after she gets bored with being a Muslim.  

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

I’m screaming! Rebecca, chained to him with her Instagram ring of light nearby. 

I was cracking up when Zied, lamenting about his ex that he likely murdered, says, “I hott this girl.”

Rebecca: “You ‘hate’ her?”

Zied the Hut, pausing and looking at Rebecca with the dead eyes of a contract killer: “I hott her.” 

He was all but saying, “don’t ever cross me and don’t correct my English, you old bag. My name ain’t Azan.”

I have to say that exchange was really creepy. Rebecca really stepped into it didn't she? 

  • Love 12

I really have to wonder how anyone would feel comfortable going to Lebanon or Tunisia to meet someone.  But with a camera crew with you,  you aren’t by yourself so I guess that helps any fears.  I wonder how real this show really is....but then again I’ve know a few people who have met men in the Middle East and also Cuba and flew there so I tend to believe it....but at the same time wonder if some of these people are actors.  

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, Twopper said:

Can someone who has been watching this longer than I have ( this is my first full episode and I missed parts of it to grab a bite to eat) please explain Tom's hair? It looks like he has a dead animal sitting on top of his hair.   I did record it so maybe there is an explanation during the part of the scene at the barber shop that I missed.  I didn't notice this until he was at the table with Darcy who seems exactly like the person he would have a one night stand with instead of someone to settle down with and have a family.  

I can't stand his hair either, I have no idea why he wears it that way. 

I have to say I'm really enjoying  this season, even the Darcy segments.  She never stops crying! Maybe Jesse was right and she should step away from the bottle.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Gobi said:

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that while Ovary wants to move to Syria, Omar the Tooth Maker wants to come to the US?

Raising hand--MEMEME! I think this hare brained scheme of Avery's to go to Syria has been conjured up in her overwrought teenage brain. I'm sure Omar would like very much to come to the US and practice dentistry without worrying about bombs falling on him.

7 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Omar seems nice enough but again, we've seen him for a span of what 15 minutes? It is good that he has an actual profession as opposed to most of the ne'er do wells we see on this show. However, it should be noted that once he comes into this country (if he indeed does) I bet his degree won't mean shit. It might be better for them to go to another nation that will recognize his degree. Otherwise, it will be a case of Omar working as a warehouse worker at Amazon regaling his co-workers about how he used to be a doctor in his country

Omar probably has a BDS degree and can practice in the US, it is equivalent to a US DMD or DDS degree. He would need to take the licensing exams that US trained dentists take, and would likely need to do two additional years of training at a dental school accredited by the ADA. That would be the case wherever he studied dentistry. My former boss at the dental school trained in Greece, had a US certification in Periodontology and a PhD from Harvard, and he had to do an accelerated two year program the school offered for foreign trained dentists for a DMD, as well as the licensing exams, to practice here outside of the Faculty practice at the school. Omar doesn't seem money grubbing or like a moocher. He just wants the hell out of the war zone. And I can't say I blame him. Though I think he and Avery should try for Canada instead.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, essexjan said:

Okay, so this is my take on Tom, as someone who grew up 15 miles from his home town of Nottingham.

First of all, Nottingham is a dump. It has a high rate of crime, particularly burglaries, rapes, car thefts and break-ins, drug-related robberies, muggings, gangs and knife crime. The highlight of the social calendar is the annual Goose Fair, a five-day funfair where pickpockets, muggings and gang fights are the main entertainment.


Like all English towns and cities, the #1 recreational activity is getting drunk - that includes girls and women as well as men and boys. (I used to go out drinking in Nottingham when I was 14, in the early 1970s, and things there have not changed one bit, except that there are more pubs than ever in the city centre.) There are some affluent areas, but there is so much crime that the nicer areas are just seen as targets for the criminals.

Tom's "English Gentleman" personal is as fake as Darcey's tits. His sister has a working-class Nottingham accent and I would bet good money that he grew up on a council estate (projects). Nothing wrong with that, but don't try and pass yourself off as a toff when you're really as "common as muck".

As an Englishwoman, I can promise you that he has probably not had multiple one-night stands. I can't think of any woman I know who would find him attractive. Paunchy, old-fogey hair & clothes and vain as fuck. Nothing attractive about him whatsoever.

It was obvious Darcey didn't fancy him at all. Yet she is so desperate to believe that she is "in love" with him that we know she'll have sex with this man she does not find in the least bit attractive.  She needs therapy to get to the root of why she's so needy she'll fuck someone she is repulsed by.

The restaurant they were at, Bluebird on the King's Road in Chelsea, is really nice (in fact I was there just yesterday, but in the courtyard cafe, rather than the main restaurant!) I would guess that if someone turned up dressed like Darcey who wasn't accompanied by a TV crew, they'd be asked to leave and only return when they were appropriately dressed. In fact, dress code for the venue is "very smart" (see link).  I wore black tailored pants and a flowered chiffon blouse  (not transparent!) and felt under-dressed compared with many of the other women diners. I certainly didn't see anyone dressed like a hooker.


This will not end well for Darcey.

I really don't think she did either. I could see the disappointment in her face. But she will soldier on for the show! 

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Wow, where or who to start with...

Male Manicurist & Non Existant "Girlfriend"... he has sent her $40,000 over the years.  He just sent her $2,000 to purchase a ticket... again... to "meet" him.  Day before he leaves, receives a text in the morning saying she has not yet bought her ticket because she needs to get her hair,  teeth,  eyelashes done, maybe a butt lift,  boob job, nose job,  please send more money.  When he lies & says there will be plenty of money for that stuff later (is he planning on robbing a bank?), she waits a bit & sends another text...'tomorrow is my mother's birthday,  can't make it for another 2 weeks'.  Some idiot client gives him the brilliant idea to purchase the ticket himself.  This way,  she can use that $2,000 to have all of her beauty work done.   He cannot pay his rent or any of his bills, but he took her advice & bought the ticket,  now she can't say no!   Oh no,  I bet in 2 weeks,  it will be her father's birthday,  another 2 week celebration,  and by the way, she's already taken care of canceling the reservation & getting the refund.  Ceaser is the female version of Nicole. 

Filter Woman and Greasy Hair Guy...ohhh,  he gave me the creeps,  the way he looks,  the way he talks!  Him puffing on that hookah,  telling her he has had 1 previous girlfriend & got very angry when she talked to another guy... red flag alert!  He looked huge in the bathrobe while standing on the balcony! 

Islam Girl,  Mom & Dentist... what is it Islam Girl is trying to run away from? She is only 19!  Is she planning on living in Syria or doing the K1 Visa?  How could she financially qualify?  She'll have to depend on mom. 

Oh, Darcy!  As others have said,  she looks like a low end street walker! That undergarment she was wearing did her no favors.  And her James Bond... how weird is it that he has a picture...a naked picture at that,  if Darcey's ex on his phone? 

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

Wow, where or who to start with...

Male Manicurist & Non Existant "Girlfriend"... he has sent her $40,000 over the years.  He just sent her $2,000 to purchase a ticket... again... to "meet" him.  Day before he leaves, receives a text in the morning saying she has not yet bought her ticket because she needs to get her hair,  teeth,  eyelashes done, maybe a butt lift,  boob job, nose job,  please send more money.  When he lies & says there will be plenty of money for that stuff later (is he planning on robbing a bank?), she waits a bit & sends another text...'tomorrow is my mother's birthday,  can't make it for another 2 weeks'.  Some idiot client gives him the brilliant idea to purchase the ticket himself.  This way,  she can use that $2,000 to have all of her beauty work done.   He cannot pay his rent or any of his bills, but he took her advice & bought the ticket,  now she can't say no!   Oh no,  I bet in 2 weeks,  it will be her father's birthday,  another 2 week celebration,  and by the way, she's already taken care of canceling the reservation & getting the refund.  Ceaser is the female version of Nicole. 

He is worse than Nicole, at least she has met with Azan! 

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Didn’t Darcy’s dress (or was it just a shirt and boots) look crooked?  Like it was buttoned wrong and one side was shorter than the other?   Or maybe it was supposed to be that way.  

I just wonder why her and her sister have gone to such lengths with their appearances.  I guess it’s part of their 15 minutes of fame.  I’m 44 and the only fake thing on me are my nails (and my hair color but it’s to cover up gray).  

I thought Zied seemed older than 26?  Maybe 36? 

Something about Avery reminds me of the actress Chloe Grace Moretz.

it just suprises me how trusting people are (assuming this is real) don’t they know how they come off to people?  Then again, the people I knew who did this didn’t think it was odd at all and got defensive with people who did.

Edited by Laurie4H
  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

Didn’t Darcy’s dress (or was it just a shirt and boots) look crooked?  Like it was buttoned wrong and one side was shorter than the other?   Or maybe it was supposed to be that way.  

I just wonder why her and her sister have gone to such lengths with their appearances.  I guess it’s part of their 15 minutes of fame.  I’m 44 and the only fake thing on me are my nails (and my hair color but it’s to cover up gray).  

I thought Zied seemed older than 26?  Maybe 36? 

Something about Avery reminds me of the actress Chloe Grace Moretz.

it just suprises me how trusting people are (assuming this is real) don’t they know how they come off to people?  Then again, the people I knew who did this didn’t think it was odd at all and got defensive with people who did.

I thought so too. He is my son's age and looks like he could be my son's father! 

  • Love 3

Tom had so much false bravado before Darcey arrived. Then he turned into an awkward, shy guy, wondering if she even found him attractive.

What amazes me so much about these people is how they really think their video chats and excessive emojis trading count as actual time spent in a relationship. Two minutes off the plane and they’re already calling total strangers, “baby.” It’s weird as hell.

There’s a documentary on Netflix named, “Twinsters.” It’s a sad, but really cute film about identical twins who were unknowingly adopted separately and serendipitously reunited as adults. The girls were on two separate continents, but once they connected, they web chatted and texted each other every single day until bed time. When they finally met in person, those first moments were very shy and awkward. They were strangers to each other. It took a little bit of time before they totally warmed up to each other and now they’re the best of friends. These girls are identical twins. Shared the same womb at the same time, yet they took their time in getting to know each other. These 90 Day Freaks are in the presence of their betrothed for 30 seconds and instantly ready to hit the sack!

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Noticed the different accents of Tom and his sister.....thanks for the insight Essexjan!  She is so thirsty and her complete lack of self confidence is hard to watch. She wanted to jump his bones on the lunch table......all I could think was “she ought to be happy he’s buying her a drink (champagne!) and not complaining she’s an alcoholic!” Did  you catch when she said “ I Neeee...Want this!” In regard to the drink? Ha!

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

But yeah, Darcey is a disastebacle. She is a mess from beginning to end. Walked in with thigh high boots, a bodysuit, a jacket and drowning in Angel. Like girl, you is a ho fo sho. Add in her 4 feet of some poor Indian woman's hair dragging Darcey's real hair screaming from her skull. She's getting a skullet, looking like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror. Just a tongue popping head shaking mess.

Reading Darcey for filth is GIVING ME LIFE, sir/madam!!!  All of this!! The whore bath Darcey took is obviously well practiced...

Tom is not cute...he totally looks like a poser.  In the land of Idris, Hiddleston, and Hunnum, THIS is the loser we have?  The actual fuck.  He seems like a dick and I think that makes him super unattractive.  Also, what a damn liar in his pics.  Darcey is disappointed, but she is so sadly, irrevocably desperate, that it doesn't matter.  She's gonna anchor the Our Lady of Desperate Desperation to this fool.   

Caesar is an idiot.  Listen to your friend, Yami.  She makes sense.  Dear Gawd, man.

Avery, in all of her protestations and feigning maturity, is so very 19.  Omar doesn't yet seem all that terrible, and frankly I don't blame him for wanting to get the fuck out of Syria.  

Dude from Arizona is a little strange, but harmless.  I will say his girl also seems a little off kilter, so maybe they are two weird, underfunded peas in a pod. 

Edited by TrininisaScorp
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13 minutes ago, Kroliosis said:

How would that work though?  I thought Canada had rather strict immigration rules?  Maybe he could get asylum, but how could she qualify?  She has nothing to offer.

If anything Omar could apply for asylum and if he was granted it, Avery could come as his wife. Or they would have to live a part of a little while, I know several USA/Canadian couples that make it work living a part most of the year. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree - Zied, please get to Valvoline Rapid Oil Change and get your hair changed.  That is some nasty stuff going on up there.  Rebecca, are you 15?  "WE HAD SEX!"  "Oh, and did I forget to mention I am still married?  Oh jeepers, how will my MUSLIM BOYFRIEND react?"  I assume any boyfriend, of any religion or non religion, would be a little pissed at that news though.

Angela and Michael - I FF through her scenes.  I can't stand her and her always yelling at Michael.  They both bore me, to be blunt.

I would imagine the only thing worse than being in hospice care would he Angela hovering over your bed with her cigarette breath and cartoon puppies all over her smock.  Hopefully the patients are zonked out on morphine.

  • LOL 13
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Darcy sprayed enough Angel to choke the devil himself.

I kind of like the English guy (Tom?). He came off as gentlemanly and cautious, as he should. Darcy was disappointed they weren't going right into the honeymoon suite.

And somebody PLEASE get that girl a cellphone! Maybe Mom will lend hers when she leaves. I can't imagine going around with out a cell, especially in a foreign place.

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6 hours ago, Nestmom said:

Darcy looks desperate and ridiculous. Where are her pants! A sharp leather cigarette skirt slit up to there might have been more appropriate.,   Men love lingerie, not some complicated Gucci faux leather body suit like she had on that she had probably been sweating in all day.  She is a very beautiful and curvaceous woman.  But, she is in her 40's and even though she may or may not have implants, she needs to wear a bra. She is all over the place with out it and those bodysuits don't work for eitherher or her sister. She may work in fashion, but she needs a mirror. She  needs to take a foot off the hair, lessen the heaviness of the eyelashes. She doesn't need all the crap. Tone it down. Everyone watching saw you choke when you first saw Tom. If his looks don't do it for you don't settle!!. He had just had his hair trimmed and he looked a wreck. His I'll fitting cheap looking suit was horrible. And he had not only made her uncomfortable once by the inappropriate comment of your friends boobs, he didn't even want to get her at the airport because 'she would have bad breath and probably be a bit smelly. What a nice sentiment! Now not everyone takes 45 minutes to freshen up in a airport loo, but she could have worn something nicer on the plane and just brushed her hair and teeth  and he could have shown up. He also did not send a limo. Did she have to pay for it?? She is so desperate, she is willing to lower her standards. This will be interesting....

Fashion as in designer or magazine? Or clerk at Forever 21?

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4 minutes ago, chickenella said:

Darcy sprayed enough Angel to choke the devil himself.

I kind of like the English guy (Tom?). He came off as gentlemanly and cautious, as he should. Darcy was disappointed they weren't going right into the honeymoon suite.

And somebody PLEASE get that girl a cellphone! Maybe Mom will lend hers when she leaves. I can't imagine going around with out a cell, especially in a foreign place.

Not sure yet how I feel about him. I do have a thing for offbeat British men that kind of look like Colin Firth. I did briefly think he is more my type than hers. 

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33 minutes ago, Kroliosis said:

How would that work though?  I thought Canada had rather strict immigration rules?  Maybe he could get asylum, but how could she qualify?  She has nothing to offer.

Omar has a better shot getting in anywhere. He's educated and has a marketable skill, at least that's what we are lead to believe. Avery has nothing to offer to any country that has merit based immigration. Frankly, even with the current anti immigrant situation in the US, he has a better shot than both of them try to settle in another country.   If he is studying oral surgery, couldn't he apply to school in the US and get a student visa?

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I don't understand these people that travel to a foreign country and do the sponge bath in the sink thing. Personally, I would want to fly in the night before, get a hotel room, and then take a shower and get a good nights sleep. Especially these women who fly on very long flights then expect to have sex without taking a shower first. Gross!

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

I think Avery is planning an end around the system, as many do who are on this show and face obstacles to bringing their squeeze to the US. She figures that if she marries him, that's a free pass that will get him to the US. I don't think that she actually thinks that they are going to live forever in Syria, but she probably thinks that if she goes over and marries him, it will help him get status in the US. This is the same tactic that Nicole plans to use. Marry over there, then 'Murica can't deny him entry. How stupid Avery is. She is looking at long separations and huge legal bills. I wonder what she will become interested in after she gets bored with being a Muslim.  

My husband says this week Avery is Muslim, next week she'll want to be a dog...lol

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1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

I have to say that exchange was really creepy. Rebecca really stepped into it didn't she? 

No, she IG'ed FB'd, texted, called, wrote, filtered and ignored all warning signs into it, made mugs, portraits and sweatshirts with it. And finally flew into it.  And last but never least, she slept with it.

13 minutes ago, BravoAddict72 said:

I don't understand these people that travel to a foreign country and do the sponge bath in the sink thing. Personally, I would want to fly in the night before, get a hotel room, and then take a shower and get a good nights sleep. Especially these women who fly on very long flights then expect to have sex without taking a shower first. Gross!

Me too - get me off a plane, get to a hotel room ALONE, meet for breakfast all slept and refreshed.  I would be, admittedly, punchy and crabby after a long flight.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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