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S14.E01: New Friend, New Flames

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26 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Kelly: She's just a vulgar, loud mouth, boozy middle age broad. All the cosmetic work in the world won't make you beautiful because you're ugly on the inside. And your daughter is right...you're a gold digger. Your new "beau" is using you for the publicity he will get from appearing on this show. I don't know any responsible physician that would allow cameras into his office to tape a segment of fake proclamations of "love" for a girlfriend topped off by diamond earrings and flowers. But maybe it just the SoCal plastic surgeons that seem to be so enamored with having associations with the rich and famous. 

Gina: What the happened to her face and hair? She looks awful...she had some work done and the hair reminds me of Mae West in her 80's. The DUI is bad and her friends should have called her an UBER or one of them who was sober should have driven her home.I wonder if they will get into her altercation with her husband with resulted in him being charged with domestic assault? Still don't understand why she moved...what is with these ladies always moving? Do they think if they move their lives will magically improve?

Tamra: So this fancy country club decided to allow trailer trash like Tamra join? Whooptie fucking do...Tamra is such a cliche. And she's so boring...why didn't she get the boot like Vicki?

Shannon: Ugh..the forced ridiculous "I'm a party girl now" shit is pathetic. How old are you? Nothing more pathetic than a 50 something year old woman cavorting at bars, getting drunk acting like 22 year olds. I don't know ...she seems kind of manic in her behavior. She seems awfully desperate to convince us and herself that everything is great now and party girl Shannon is back baby! Also...bad cosmetic work Shannon. Quit while you're ahead. You're just making Kelly's banging buddy richer...money he will spend on buying Kelly more diamond earrings and other fancy jewelry.

Emily: Her kids are brats. Quit worrying about your husband passing the bar...why do you care so much? He doesn't...he just isn't into it. Maybe spend some time disciplining your kids instead of complaining about your slacker hubby. 

Vicki: Where is she? Anyone know why she was demoted? I'm thinking it was because she accused Kelly of being a cocaine user at the reunion. 

Braunwyn: I prefer the English spelling of this name...Bronwyn...anyway...it does seem to appear that she moved her family from Miami to be on this show. The older son has some look going on there. No way she is managing that brood on her own. I agree that she must have 2 nannies and maybe a cook? 

Observation: This franchise is toast. 

Gina is responsible for getting behind the wheel BUT the woman hosting the party has some responsibility to not over serve the guests.  She should have either NOT served alcohol or been aware of how much folks were drinking and insisted on an UBER or LYFT.  

  • Love 4

I'm confused as to why Gina moved. Last season she and her Matt were going through their separation, she had her "casita" and would stay there when Matt was at the house so they wouldn't have to move their kids from place to place. He had a place in LA. Why wouldn't she just stay in that house? Unless Matt wanted that house? But he works and basically lives in LA. Who knows.

Bye Vickie!!

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

Braunwyn's verbal descriptions of the kids made me laugh.

The blond is an introvert - she was the most verbal of the group and didn't seem in any way shy or reserved.

The baby - is the sweetest and happiest of them all - but she was wailing in her high chair.

The female toddler about 3 years old was described as the terror and she was the most quiet and calm.

Maybe she got the nannies’ notes mixed up.

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14 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Gina is responsible for getting behind the wheel BUT the woman hosting the party has some responsibility to not over serve the guests.  She should have either NOT served alcohol or been aware of how much folks were drinking and insisted on an UBER or LYFT.  

Agree. It was a "Mom's" get together...obviously the alcohol was flowing freely.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, GussieK said:

It’s a Welsh name. I have a friend with that name and her sister is named Gwyneth, another Welsh name. Long before the famous movie star. 

I remember as a teenager seeing the name Bronwyn in a Judith Krantz novel in the 1970s and liked it so well I put in on my list of names for future kids.  Maybe one of Braunwyn's parents is German and the other Welsh.

3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Yeah and I don't want to see them.  Boring and maddening (dog incident).

I can tell you with 100% certainty I would rather have Shane be a hw than either Emily or Gina.

They will apparently let anyone in.

Maybe they need the dues.

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All the cosmetic work these women do is daunting...the recovery time alone would keep them in hiding for ages!  I just had my (blank) high school reunion and I noticed that nobody had work done, no duck lips, no face lifts...I half expected the cool, pretty, popular girl's faces to be pulled tight but nobody did, these OC women have that edge on the common woman for sure.  I have friends that had nose jobs and maybe an eye lift but the OC is and has been in overdrive with all that.

Vicki put herself thru several face lifts and finally got one right and after all that she does not eve get to hold an orange. 

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24 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Gina is responsible for getting behind the wheel BUT the woman hosting the party has some responsibility to not over serve the guests.  She should have either NOT served alcohol or been aware of how much folks were drinking and insisted on an UBER or LYFT.  

THIS! As it was a Moms thing she could've even organized ride sharing for the ones who lived near each other. Gina screwed up but if you're serving alcohol to friends you don't let them drive. 

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Who else thinks Ryan is on the show because Tamra negotiated to get him a paycheck?

Yes!  Tamra always drags him on to get HW money!

Same reason Briana used to stick around, too.

The way Tamra ran towards Ryan when he was leaving said it all.

‘Look....I  need my sons to get along blah...blah...blah! To come here....blah..blah...’

This is Tamra getting them into the show as her main ‘storyline at home’ this season.

Spender has nothing in common with Ryan.  He is a kid and should be college age...eh?  Growing up with his dad Simon who never got on with Ryan.  

Ryan is living away with his  kid.  Is he married to that older lady?

Tamra is disgusting.  The storyline is disgusting.  This is exactly why Simon divorced her and Sydney stays away.

Tamra was always bringing Sydney into her storylines and she did not want to be on the show.

Sydney finally cut off all communication with her.

Tamra..of course, blamed Simon.

Let’s see what kind of shame Tamra brings  Spencer.

Yea!  Let’s tell the world your loser half brother is MAGA and we are gonna brawl on national TV. 🤣


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1 hour ago, ladle said:

Why did they blur out the drawing that Emily's daughter made for her?  Weird. 

Maybe it was something out of a themed coloring book, like a cartoon character or Disney Princesses. I know Disney is reluctant and/or expensive for approval to use their copyrighted stuff. Other than that? no clue. I wondered about it too.

  • Useful 4
39 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Who else thinks Ryan is on the show because Tamra negotiated to get him a paycheck?

(Maybe her way of making up for not being able to give him as much as her other kids.)

He’s good at emotional extortion. 

25 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

Gina says she wasn't sure why initially she was pulled over, adding then that the cop saw her friend had a roadie with her, and that got him wise to investigating things further.

Looking up the details, the OC Register say her BAC level was THREE TIMES the legal limit.

This was no 0.06 whoopsie!

She’s one of these people that is in denial that she has an alcohol problem. 

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9 hours ago, GussieK said:

As someone who passed (NY) on the first try, I'd ordinarily agree, but he's a three-time flunker and needs to try something different maybe.  (Anyway, we did cram a lot on the last week after going to bar review for two months.). 

FYI California bar has cracked down and passing rates have fallen from 60% to down into the 20's.  Shane has picked a bad time to try to pass.  Shoulda done it earlier.  Oops, he did!

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2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

You know....your standard undergrad requirements in the state of California.

Yes, this is exactly why the University of California (individual campuses and the entire multi-campus system) is the top state-supported university in the country.

14 minutes ago, kicksave said:

She’s one of these people that is in denial that she has an alcohol problem. 

But she doesn't have any difficulty telling someone else they have a problem with using alcohol to self medicate.

Edited by la patineuse
Snipping portion of quoted post not relevant to response.
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1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

I'm confused as to why Gina moved. Last season she and her Matt were going through their separation, she had her "casita" and would stay there when Matt was at the house so they wouldn't have to move their kids from place to place. He had a place in LA. Why wouldn't she just stay in that house? Unless Matt wanted that house? But he works and basically lives in LA. Who knows.

Does Gina's husband still work in LA?  I thought he was let go from the investment firm he worked for after his domestic violence arrest, so maybe he did need the house (but it seems like she would want to stay in the house if she has primary custody).  Or maybe they put the house up for sale as part of the divorce agreement.

  • Love 1

Kelly is fake dating that doctor.

He is giving them free cosmetic procedures in exchange for filming the show.

That office meeting was hilarious!

Ok, bring in the flowers.  Point them at the camera.  I forgot the brand, but those boxed roses are all over IG.

Then the jewelry box.  These earrings are from So & So designer.  They are diamonds and rose gold.  Kelly models the earrings.  


Then they were in the car and Shannon was talking about having Skin Tight.  

I literally thought they were driving to get this procedure done.

Then we get a flashback of Shannon getting facial work.

Ooooops!  This is the...Post-Procedure.

Shannon’s face skin looks loose.  She has aged horrible.  I am tired of hearing about her weight issues.  Shannon is big boned. Accept it.

Just look at the older daughter that is her twin.  She is twice the size of her twin sisters in body built.  Twins are petite build like their father. 

No need for the gym scene, either. I guess this is Shannon’s Featured Trainer this season.

None looked refreshed this season.  They all looked like greasy, hairy, drunken blobs.

Snooki.....Season 1 Jersey Shore, sloppy!

Even Kelly. She is usually really cute.

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Gina is responsible for getting behind the wheel BUT the woman hosting the party has some responsibility to not over serve the guests.  She should have either NOT served alcohol or been aware of how much folks were drinking and insisted on an UBER or LYFT.  

Bingo.  I use Uber and Lyft whenever I am going somewhere where even the possibility of imbibing exists.  California is really tough on drunk drivers (as they SHOULD be!) and there's no excuse.  

15 minutes ago, la patineuse said:

Yes, this is exactly why the University of California (individual campuses and the entire multi-campus system) is the top state-supported university in the country.

As a Cal alumni - getting into UC is hard - staying there to graduation is even harder.  Which is why a lot of high school graduates avail themselves of the much cheaper Jr. College system (every county has one - sometimes two or three) and then transfers as a Junior.  Breadth requirements met and the courses were a lot easier and probably more informative with 40 students in a class than the Cal lecture halls with 200.  

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1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

Coto is very inland so it isn't considered (imo) the greatest place to live in the OC.  It is nowhere near the ocean like where Shannon, Heather and Kelly live.

I wouldn't consider the Coto Country Club exclusive.

I think Coto is the kind of place where people who cannot afford to live in Newport or the other areas want the McMansions and can say they live in a gated community.

I too am surprised over the gushing over Coto (proper name Coto de Caza), but I suppose it's possibly due to VG having named her insurance gig after it.

It takes forever to get in or out to go to any place interesting.

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4 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Bingo.  I use Uber and Lyft whenever I am going somewhere where even the possibility of imbibing exists.  California is really tough on drunk drivers (as they SHOULD be!) and there's no excuse.  

As a Cal alumni - getting into UC is hard - staying there to graduation is even harder.  Which is why a lot of high school graduates avail themselves of the much cheaper Jr. College system (every county has one - sometimes two or three) and then transfers as a Junior.  Breadth requirements met and the courses were a lot easier and probably more informative with 40 students in a class than the Cal lecture halls with 200.  

There was a record number of transfer students admitted to UC for fall 2019.  The University has made this a strategic goal, but it is probably also a result of more undergrads going the JC route because of UC's notoriously low admittance rate for freshmen and because of the high cost of attendance for four or five years.  I know some high school students who apply to UC and other top-tier universities look down on going to a JC first, but this is a good option for some students, and UC has matriculation agreements with many community colleges, which helps transfer students get into UC.

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1 hour ago, ladle said:

I'm not convinced that she isn't (just based on the show - I don't follow the cast members on social media).  In the scene, didn't she say in that scene that she's "not political," or something to that effect?  She didn't actually say anything negative about Trump.  That said, she does appear to be pretty socially liberal and has seemingly been active in some LGBT causes (Didn't she do the No H8 campaign on the show?), which would cut away from Trump.

All that said, I don't actually care what her politics are.  That's not why I come to this show.  I just want real estate porn and some sort of unintentional, mild physical comedy involving Vicki getting hit by something or falling off something.  Is that too much to ask?

At this point isn't this why we are ALL here??

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5 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

I too am surprised over the gushing over Coto (proper name Coto de Caza), but I suppose it's possibly due to VG having named her insurance gig after it.

It takes forever to get in or out to go to any place interesting.

I know a couple of people who live in Coto.  One has horses, so having the space to keep the horses on her property make it attractive to her.  My former boss lives in Coto as well, but he and his wife bought their home (basically a tract house) in the '90s, so they've been out there for a long time. 

I guess the area is appealing depending on what is important to different people, but It's too far inland for me; I haven't lived more than 5 miles from the coast except when I went to college.

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1 hour ago, MajorNelson said:

Gina says she wasn't sure why initially she was pulled over, adding then that the cop saw her friend had a roadie with her, and that got him wise to investigating things further.

Looking up the details, the OC Register say her BAC level was THREE TIMES the legal limit.

This was no 0.06 whoopsie!

Her story to Emily was convoluted.

At first it seemed like she was out shopping cause she bought leggings?

Then it was a "mom" event - and there was drinking.

The cop didn't pull her over because of the roadie in the car - she was probably driving erratically.

Though she says it was her friends (the roadie) - I suspect it was hers and this is the first time she's been caught.

I hope this incident scared her straight.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Cherrio said:

Coto is very inland so it isn't considered (imo) the greatest place to live in the OC.  It is nowhere near the ocean like where Shannon, Heather and Kelly live.

I wouldn't consider the Coto Country Club exclusive.

I think Coto is the kind of place where people who cannot afford to live in Newport or the other areas want the McMansions and can say they live in a gated community.

I stand by my suspicion of Tamra having an agreement with some real estate agency.

The way they showed her "house" the views from the outside, the rooms, the foyer, the pool - it was like a commercial. Add in Tamra's comments about the fire pit and having access to the "country club"

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24 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Her story to Emily was convoluted.

At first it seemed like she was out shopping cause she bought leggings?

Then it was a "mom" event - and there was drinking.

The cop didn't pull her over because of the roadie in the car - she was probably driving erratically.

Though she says it was her friends (the roadie) - I suspect it was hers and this is the first time she's been caught.

I hope this incident scared her straight.

I think it was like a tupperware party but with leggings

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Gina's TH look - see how dark the brows are compared to straw broom remnants she stuck on top of her head?

Gina gets real shitty extensions/toppers/wigs.

When she was having lunch with Emily - the camera view was at the back of her head a few times - you could see 2 different colored crown toppers mixed in with what natural hair she has left - it was not pretty - it was season 1 Teddi Mellancamp bad

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1 hour ago, la patineuse said:

I know a couple of people who live in Coto.  One has horses, so having the space to keep the horses on her property make it attractive to her.  My former boss lives in Coto as well, but he and his wife bought their home (basically a tract house) in the '90s, so they've been out there for a long time. 

I guess the area is appealing depending on what is important to different people, but It's too far inland for me; I haven't lived more than 5 miles from the coast except when I went to college.

Yes, that area was originally for horses, so for certain lifestyles that could still be a plus. 

5 Mile limit, good choice!

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Vicky's status put every housewife on notice that no one is safe.  Andy dropped a line last night on WWHL that there may be more than "one" housewife role to fill on BH.  He then backtracked and said he was joking, but something tells me someone is getting the ax on BH.  

I actually really like the new housewife so far.  She looked much prettier without all the makeup, but her attitude in general seemed pretty good.  When I saw that she has a seemingly happy family, I wanted to yell, "get off this show now!"

Ryan is gross.  I don't want to watch politics on the show; however, Ryan posted some pretty rancid comments on social media and I'm team Spencer.  Tamara is not a Trump supporter.  She's made some offhand comments about him on WWHL that made this clear.  I think most of the other OC ladies have always leaned very right.  I suspect Kelly is the other exception.

  • Love 15

Question: (and apologies if it has already been asked) when Casita C$nt Gina was telling Emily her DUI story did it seem like it was her passenger ‘s fault? That she wouldn’t have been tested if the friend hadn’t had an open container? Then it sounded as if she were arrested falsely (maybe I am not understanding her Lawng Island accent) then she was incarcerated with horrible people when she is an innocent lamb? 

Or do I just hate her so I  am putting words in her mouth ?

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Gina says she wasn't sure why initially she was pulled over, adding then that the cop saw her friend had a roadie with her, and that got him wise to investigating things further.

Looking up the details, the OC Register say her BAC level was THREE TIMES the legal limit.

This was no 0.06 whoopsie!

What is a roadie?

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Y’all are so funny!  Never knew they call that a roadie.

So, not only was Gina driving drunk but they were also drinking in the car.

Mom Event my ass!!!!! 

If you do not want wine......you simply say.....No, thank you.  I gotta drive home.

2 people and no designated driver is very irresponsible.

I don’t even know why she is on the show.  Her storyline has been messy from the start!

I didn’t even recognize her. She was given us Erika Jayne last night.

Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, la patineuse said:

There was a record number of transfer students admitted to UC for fall 2019.  The University has made this a strategic goal, but it is probably also a result of more undergrads going the JC route because of UC's notoriously low admittance rate for freshmen and because of the high cost of attendance for four or five years.  I know some high school students who apply to UC and other top-tier universities look down on going to a JC first, but this is a good option for some students, and UC has matriculation agreements with many community colleges, which helps transfer students get into UC.

Absolutely.  And JC only charges a per-unit tuition which is relatively dirt cheap (in fact it used to be FREE).   You get the luxury of becoming acclimated to what is expected of college work, etc. without the incredible pressure a four-year might impose.  And in the end, your degree is coming from UC - the only person who needs to know you did two years at JC is you.  Man, I do have to wonder - when I went to Cal, tuition was the equivalent of $200/semester.  It was the BOOKS that did your budget in.  

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3 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Kelly is fake dating that doctor.

He is giving them free cosmetic procedures in exchange for filming the show.

That office meeting was hilarious!

Ok, bring in the flowers.  Point them at the camera.  I forgot the brand, but those boxed roses are all over IG.

Then the jewelry box.  These earrings are from So & So designer.  They are diamonds and rose gold.  Kelly models the earrings.  


Then they were in the car and Shannon was talking about having Skin Tight.  

I literally thought they were driving to get this procedure done.

Then we get a flashback of Shannon getting facial work.

Ooooops!  This is the...Post-Procedure.

Shannon’s face skin looks loose.  She has aged horrible.  I am tired of hearing about her weight issues.  Shannon is big boned. Accept it.

Just look at the older daughter that is her twin.  She is twice the size of her twin sisters in body built.  Twins are petite build like their father. 

No need for the gym scene, either. I guess this is Shannon’s Featured Trainer this season.

None looked refreshed this season.  They all looked like greasy, hairy, drunken blobs.

Snooki.....Season 1 Jersey Shore, sloppy!

Even Kelly. She is usually really cute.

You’re probably right on target with free or reduced cosmetic work....makes sense. These women will shill for anybody or anything involving cosmetic procedures.

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4 hours ago, nexxie said:

Who else thinks Ryan is on the show because Tamra negotiated to get him a paycheck?

(Maybe her way of making up for not being able to give him as much as her other kids.)

I think it's her way of not having to pay all his bills. 

2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

The nice thing about the flowers the doctor gave to Kelly was that it wasn’t a funeral wreath like Scott sent Tinsley on RHNY.

Yes, but you know Scott definitely had a coupon for the funeral wreath!!

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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Gina's TH look - see how dark the brows are compared to straw broom remnants she stuck on top of her head?

Gina gets real shitty extensions/toppers/wigs.

When she was having lunch with Emily - the camera view was at the back of her head a few times - you could see 2 different colored crown toppers mixed in with what natural hair she has left - it was not pretty - it was season 1 Teddi Mellancamp bad

Did her three year old make these ugly AF earrings? Seriously FUG and cheap. 

I think all RH shows are dead....thanks Andy. I didn’t even finish the last half of the NY reunion and I just deleted the last two as well, I live for those!! 

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40 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

Y’all are so funny!  Never knew they call that a roadie.

So, not only was Gina driving drunk but they were also drinking in the car.

Mom Event my ass!!!!! 

If you do not want wine......you simply say.....No, thank you.  I gotta drive home.

2 people and no designated driver is very irresponsible.

I don’t even know why she is on the show.  Her storyline has been messy from the start!

I didn’t even recognize her. She was given us Erika Jayne last night.

When she said roadie I thought she was talking about some roadie for a rock musician.

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18 hours ago, Irritable said:

Why has the number of icky, creepy men been so high on this franchise? I mean, let's take a look:  Slade Smiley, Tamra's Ryan, Brianna's Ryan, Brooks, Kelly's ex-husband, Kelly's new boyfriend, Emily's husband, Alexis Bellino's ex-husband, Gina's ex-husband (not shown, but we know from the media he's a slime), Jeanna's Keough's husband, David Beador, Jim Edmonds.  Did I miss anyone?  

17 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Let's see....Lauri's criminal son, Shane (Jeana's son), Steve Lodge, Simon, Lou (Tammy's dead ex)...

This is so true!  Who else? Kimberly Bryant's husband who had to move back to Chicago because he assaulted someone, Diko, Colby, Tammy's daughter's BF with the tats and pit bulls was a bit suspect, Doug McLaughlin who spent an entire season vacillating about getting his "balls chopped off", Christian Rovsek (maybe he wouldn't make this list if he could get a boner every once in awhile!), Frank Curtin the stoner, and Colton Keough could be the sweetest kid in the world, but he could also be a disrespectful ass.

Runners up--Duff, both of Quinn's men--the 26 year old and the guy with the strange profile with whom she was "sensual"--and I could never get a bead on Kelly's brother either.  Michael Wolfson Jr.

Honorable mention:  I don't even remember Peggy Tanous's husband, but he is going on the list, because a few years ago they wound up on a reality show with a cat behaviorist, because their daughters were abusing their pet cats (!!!) and I think any father (or mother) who lets the problem go so far needs to be called out as a jerk.  


I know I said it before, but I am doubling down on how appalled I am that this was Emily's reaction to the child kicking the dog repeatedly.  I think she's generally a neglectful parent.  Last season the kid was running around with only a diaper on, and I thought that was inappropriate, but this? There's no excuse.  You don't need to have a dog.  If that were my child, he would be upstairs on a time out that was so long that he might have gone through puberty before I let him out.  I would also not let him around the dog again unattended for a really long time, and I would make a big fucking deal out of it to embarrass the kid.  Every time we brought the dog out, I'd say to the other kids, "we could be around Fluffy all the time, but Shane Jr decided to kick him, which is extremely cruel, so Fluffy has to be protected because you're brother is a baby who doesn't know how to treat animals."  And I'd spank him.  I don't know if Emily can come back from this in my eyes.  I don't want to see the kid either.  Sad domestic situation, but at least Emily isn't living in a condo and driving a Jetta, so we can all breathe a sign of relief, y'all!

I am very nervous for that German Shepard that Gina got as a result of her kids and Matt (her estranged husband) "overruling" her on last season.  Does she know a family is not a democracy and parents have to make decisions, and that her family does not need a dog, let alone a big one, right now?  

Say anything about Eddie, but I don't see him allowing any kids to treat that adorable pitbull mix (I'm blanking on his name--Bronco?) poorly.  

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4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Her story to Emily was convoluted.

At first it seemed like she was out shopping cause she bought leggings?

Then it was a "mom" event - and there was drinking.

The cop didn't pull her over because of the roadie in the car - she was probably driving erratically.

Though she says it was her friends (the roadie) - I suspect it was hers and this is the first time she's been caught.

I hope this incident scared her straight.

I bet Gina was at one of those Lularoe home parties, sold like Tupperware, at home or a get together event somewhere for that company. 🤨😟

It was trending for awhile, but I hope it’s become a thing of the past, because they are known for these bright, busy looking leggings and pajama like clothes.  IMO, the ugliest articles of clothing I’ve ever seen, that for some reason became a thing.  I can’t believe that would be cool in their circle, but this is Gina we are talking about. A woman of questionable taste for sure.

Fancy pants would certainly not approve of it!  I can’t imagine Heather dealing with Gina.

Edited by IKnowRight
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Doesn’t anyone else think it’s funny that a super expensive enclave like Kelly lives in has a huge rat problem?  

There were a couple of rag mag articles that said Vicki was being demoted, and she wasn’t happy about it.  None of the articles gave the reason why.

Kelly’s boyfriend is totally skeevy.  There’s just something so off about him and I think his appearance is nothing more than an advert for his clinic. 

  • Love 4

Politics aside, Ryan did NOT end up resorting to violence and Spencer DID resort to name calling and labeling. So as it was presented, Spencer was the bully. They are both wrong and should treat each other better. I wonder if Tamra asked Spencer to apologize to his brother. It's easy to be kind to those you agree with, the challenge is to be kind to those you disagree with. Hopefully Tamra is teaching her children to be kind to everyone. 

I wonder if Gina went to a bar after her "mom" event. Hope she learned and won't let it happen again. Emily needs Shane to be a better father. Shannon is looking good. No pets for Kelly!

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4 hours ago, la patineuse said:

I know some high school students who apply to UC and other top-tier universities look down on going to a JC first, but this is a good option for some students, and UC has matriculation agreements with many community colleges, which helps transfer students get into UC.

I transferred from a Texas college to a college in California in the 1970s, and the majority of people I met there had gone to junior college for two years before going to the big dog.  I'd never heard of such a thing.  But it was dirt cheap to go to even "real" universities in Texas at the time, and there wasn't this big push for everyone to get a college education, so people who were college-bound were generally prepared for it, and jumped right in.

Now, people are doing the community/junior college thing all over the place.  As usual, California was in the forefront. 

1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

This is so true!  Who else? Kimberly Bryant's husband who had to move back to Chicago because he assaulted someone, Diko, Colby, Tammy's daughter's BF with the tats and pit bulls was a bit suspect, Doug McLaughlin who spent an entire season vacillating about getting his "balls chopped off", Christian Rovsek (maybe he wouldn't make this list if he could get a boner every once in awhile!), Frank Curtin the stoner, and Colton Keough could be the sweetest kid in the world, but he could also be a disrespectful ass.

Runners up--Duff, both of Quinn's men--the 26 year old and the guy with the strange profile with whom she was "sensual"--and I could never get a bead on Kelly's brother either.  Michael Wolfson Jr.

Honorable mention:  I don't even remember Peggy Tanous's husband, but he is going on the list, because a few years ago they wound up on a reality show with a cat behaviorist, because their daughters were abusing their pet cats (!!!) and I think any father (or mother) who lets the problem go so far needs to be called out as a jerk.  


I know I said it before, but I am doubling down on how appalled I am that this was Emily's reaction to the child kicking the dog repeatedly.  I think she's generally a neglectful parent.  Last season the kid was running around with only a diaper on, and I thought that was inappropriate, but this? There's no excuse.  You don't need to have a dog.  If that were my child, he would be upstairs on a time out that was so long that he might have gone through puberty before I let him out.  I would also not let him around the dog again unattended for a really long time, and I would make a big fucking deal out of it to embarrass the kid.  Every time we brought the dog out, I'd say to the other kids, "we could be around Fluffy all the time, but Shane Jr decided to kick him, which is extremely cruel, so Fluffy has to be protected because you're brother is a baby who doesn't know how to treat animals."  And I'd spank him.  I don't know if Emily can come back from this in my eyes.  I don't want to see the kid either.  Sad domestic situation, but at least Emily isn't living in a condo and driving a Jetta, so we can all breathe a sign of relief, y'all!

I am very nervous for that German Shepard that Gina got as a result of her kids and Matt (her estranged husband) "overruling" her on last season.  Does she know a family is not a democracy and parents have to make decisions, and that her family does not need a dog, let alone a big one, right now?  

Say anything about Eddie, but I don't see him allowing any kids to treat that adorable pitbull mix (I'm blanking on his name--Bronco?) poorly.  

Between Emily and Gina - if Bravo were to save one - I would still say keep Emily.

I think something is going on health wise with her - I don't think that over all swelling in the face is weight gain. Can one get gout IN THE FACE?

What grossed me out was when her kid was picking his nose and she used her hand to wipe it and then NOTHING. Bitch - you're at HOME!!!! Don't you have boxes of Kleenex around the house with 3 young kids? She;s right near the kitchen and I'm pretty sure there's a sink in that structure called a house.

It's not like you're out walking in the park and you don't have wipes or tissues in your bag. What kind of hygiene lessons are you giving your children? She just wiped it with her bare hand and continued to play with her phone.

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