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S14.E01: New Friend, New Flames

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I am so glad Vile Vickie is gone as a full-timer. I fast-forwarded through her segments when the other Howives were boycotting filming with her, so I guess I get to fast-forward through Kelly's segments now.  God, she is a piece of work.  So crass, so nasty.  Gina has started hitting the bottle so she is falling apart. Emily...whatever.  I think she needs to dump the dork, because he clearly doesn't want to have anything to do with her.  Tamra looks horrible; whatever she's done has turned her face into a rat-face, pinched and pointy.  Country club?  Does she even know how to golf or play tennis?  I do like Shannon; I am happy she's happy now, but please, honey, calm the hell down. You can be happy and full of life without acting like a giddy teenager.  And who else? New howife?  Lots of kids, but she has a good-looking husband who seems to like being around his kids and that's a plus.  So I'll give her a few episodes before I make up my mind about her. Not on Twitter but reading about the "war" between Tamra and Kelly gives me life!  Pot, meet kettle. One's as bad as the other.  

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5 hours ago, Jel said:

Yorkies too! Adorable little badasses.

5 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

I have a Jack Russell, I don't think they see size at all, tenacious might be an understatement.

I had an Australian terrier that was the same. It’s probably safe to say that the majority of terriers have that trait ❤️

2 hours ago, GussieK said:

I thought she said Peroni--the Italian beer.  I never heard of a roadie in this context.  Is that really a thing?  

A roadie is most certainly a thing.  An illegal thing in most places, but a thing nonetheless. 

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So I just watched. Wow. Awful is generous. That little future serial killer kicking that poor dog over and over. That is one twisted little brat, seems to take after his slimeball dad. I am so glad Emily told us that  DUI is a bad thing, and love that she told us that "as an attorney", because obviously only an attorney would know that kind of complicated legal  shit. Now let the entire viewing audience share with you  sweetie, hubby is not studying for the Bar, he is escaping. Kelly is a nut.If you don't like cats, don't seek them out. She is afraid of cats, but not that creepy doctor? When Shannon is, by far, the most likeable housewife on the show, and Trashy Tammy has the best house, the show is dead. Bury it BRAVO. 

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On 8/6/2019 at 8:37 PM, poeticlicensed said:

Do not get a cat Kelly! Please stop her someone. 

And she wants it to be an outdoor cat.  I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but if you want to get a cat, then you should get a cat and keep it in your house.  I totally get having a barn cat if you are in a rural area with a lot of acreage, but in a regular neighborhood with houses all around? Or in my case, an apartment complex? I don't have a cat because I'm allergic to them and so I don't particularly enjoy having your cat trying to get into my house or climbing on my patio furniture.  

On 8/6/2019 at 8:50 PM, Mindthinkr said:

The new lady Braunwyn seems to have a normal family...well other than having 7 kids. Lucky her too, having a husband who makes the kids breakfast and engages with the kids. 

But her son is John Ralphio.  

On 8/6/2019 at 8:51 PM, SweetieDarling said:

Kelly's boyfriend creeps me out.

I'm concerned about the fact that his office has absolutely nothing on the walls.  Or the desk.  I've never gone into a dr's office and had them have any sort of diploma, certificate, nothing on the walls.  I don't even think he had a pen on his desk, just a hand mirror.  

On 8/6/2019 at 8:53 PM, 65mickey said:

Kelly looks totally different. What the hell did her new Dr. friend friend do to her face? 

I think she had her nose done again.

On 8/6/2019 at 9:00 PM, Straycat80 said:

Shannon waxes on and on about everything natural medicine or some shit like that and then she gets Botox shot in her neck and all that plastic facial surgery. 

Perhaps it's all the botox that has paralyzed her digestive system and that's why she needs an enema when she eats half of a peach?

On 8/7/2019 at 1:59 AM, Lizzing said:

Did Shane decide to cram for the bar exam the week before he was set to take it?  Because if he's more than two months out, he shouldn't have to be studying from sun up to late nights.  First, it isn't effective to study that long daily.  Second, he should know a good amount if he's sat for the exam before. Third, he works in a law office and even if he's not practicing in CA, he should have a good working knowledge of most things and should only be focusing on new developments and the sections he flunked before.  Emily should know the score and realize he's just avoiding her and the kids.  Personally, I'd avoid those kids too, but they aren't mine.

I think that they are already separated and just hiding it.  If he's been studying long hours for a while now, how did she not know what hours the library was open? And they made such a big deal out of the fact that the in laws lived around the corner last year, so why would he go there? Wouldn't he want to come home, spend an hour with the kids, put them to bed, then buckle back down?

On 8/7/2019 at 2:06 AM, Pegasaurus said:

Also, as much as Ryan is a creep, he has a right to his own political views.  Even if his brother thinks they are "wrong".  When his mother started to scold him, he got up and calmly left. Good for him.  Having said that,  Bravo, no politics, please.

He does have a right to his own views, but I don't think he necessarily just calmly got up and left.  He didn't start screaming, but he wasn't open to a single thing Tamra said.  He also told her that Spencer basically needed to expect to be put in his place because he was wrong and he has to learn to deal with it.  If Ryan is entitled to Ryan's views, Spencer is certainly also entitled to Spencer's views.  Ryan clearly said that Spencer hated America.

On 8/7/2019 at 7:36 AM, chlban said:

Really? Name calling justifies physical violence? After the weekend we all just watched? My youngest sister and I have as much in common on our political views as Trump and Obama do. We have managed 9 1/2 years of the two presidential terms thus far without threatening physical violence, but with quite a few disagreements.

Nope, it doesn't.  And not for nothing, but Ryan is saying this shit in the home of his step father who is Mexican.  I have a sibling I can not stand.  If I didn't speak to them again for the rest of my life, I'd be ok with it.  But when we are in the same place at the same time, I am civil and cordial and have never (as an adult), threatened violence.  

On 8/7/2019 at 9:34 AM, KungFuBunny said:

They can't quite get her off - she be clinging on


Please never use that phrase in reference to Vicki again.  I know it's my own fault for being a 12 year old at heart, but . . . please? I'm begging.  

On 8/7/2019 at 10:12 AM, KungFuBunny said:

I can't 100% confirm that Icki has been demoted but here's the pic they kept flashing before commercial breaks


No Vicki holding an Orange. Not even a shot sized glass of OJ like they give you at IHOP

But, we all expect her to try to come breaking through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man at any minute, right? 

On 8/7/2019 at 10:47 AM, Gem 10 said:

Maybe Steve will want his ring back now that he won’t be a t.v. Star.

I doubt Steve paid for it.  So I hope Vicki picked on she likes a lot.  At least she'll get to keep it, it's not like she could repo Brooks's teeth.

On 8/7/2019 at 2:00 PM, kicksave said:

Shannon: Ugh..the forced ridiculous "I'm a party girl now" shit is pathetic. How old are you? Nothing more pathetic than a 50 something year old woman cavorting at bars, getting drunk acting like 22 year olds. I don't know ...she seems kind of manic in her behavior. She seems awfully desperate to convince us and herself that everything is great now and party girl Shannon is back baby! 

So much this.  I can see celebrating that you are in a better place, but you're not pledging a sorority.  She wasn't cute or funny in the episode last night.  She had her hands all over the manager of the Quiet Woman and then was waving her arms in everyone's face all night.  

On 8/7/2019 at 5:02 PM, JennyMominFL said:

I think it was like a tupperware party but with leggings


On 8/7/2019 at 6:17 PM, AttackTurtle said:

Ryan is gross.  I don't want to watch politics on the show; however, Ryan posted some pretty rancid comments on social media and I'm team Spencer.  Tamara is not a Trump supporter.  She's made some offhand comments about him on WWHL that made this clear.  I think most of the other OC ladies have always leaned very right.  I suspect Kelly is the other exception.

Oddly enough, his twitter is completely empty now.  Traditionally the OC is pretty conservative, it has come up in the past.  Laurie at one point said she was Republican because her parents were.  But, I think Trump may have been a bridge to far for some.  

As for Spencer and Ryan, somehow I don't think the situation was as cut and dried and Ryan seems to be portraying it.  Simon doesn't strike me as the most liberal person in the world, (and again, in one of the early reunions, every single ho said they were a republican or declined to comment), so I wouldn't just assume that Spencer is blanketly liberal.  Ryan didn't seem remotely receptive to even hearing what Tamra had to say about wanting to just be able to have them in the same place at the same time, and Ryan has historically always been a dick. 

On 8/7/2019 at 10:01 PM, oakville said:

Did Kelly get Vicki downgraded to friend status ? Vicki accused her of using cocaine. In a previous season she accused Eddie of being Gay. What's wrong with her ?

Well, to hear Vicki tell it, no one brings her casseroles.

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1 hour ago, smores said:

But, we all expect her to try to come breaking through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man at any minute, right? 

Aaaaaaannnndd now I have an image of Vicki coming in like a wrecking ball a la Miley Cyrus, except the ball is a giant orange and the chain is a big stripy straw...

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Gina's nose is looking extra pinched. Maybe she had a nose job too young (courtesy of her "super supportive " parents?). Now it's getting more collapsed every season. The DUI is just dumb.  Glad none of the women are making excuses for that crap. 

Kelly is so over the top. I don't see her with a doctor or any intellectual type bc she is SO obnoxious at times. I know she has the ability to be more tame but she seems to play it up now for the camera. I don't mind her much . Better than Icki or Tam. I like Shannon.  Glad she is doing well. 

Emily is just there. I don't care about her too much and yeah she needs to reign in the kids. Her husband likely checked out. Why do the people who seem to care the least about their kids always want MORE??!! 

Jury is out on the 7- time mother but I'd imagine filming obligations (even the occasional dinner meeting) would not leave much time to care for even the small children? Husband seems so caring and normal. I agree though I'm up to *here* with the women who simply "don't know what [their] husband does for work." Not cute. Even Teresa Giudice could muster a better explanation of what Joe was doing for "work."

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1 hour ago, Kdawg82 said:

I agree though I'm up to *here* with the women who simply "don't know what [their] husband does for work." Not cute. Even Teresa Giudice could muster a better explanation of what Joe was doing for "work."

Yeah, I mean I know what my husband's job is.  He is a manager in a company that makes things (I know what said things are, obviously), and while I couldn't tell you exactly in step by step detail what to do to make each thing, or what the results of the tests to prove the quality of the things are, I've know what he's doing.  I don't fully understand the details of how the machines they use work, or the tests they do on the things they make, etc, but I do not work there.  But I wouldn't say "Oh, I have no idea what he does"  I can explain what they make, the basic process and even troubleshoot some of the problems they have because he's done this for so long I've heard a LOT of phone calls.

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On 8/7/2019 at 8:02 PM, RHJunkie said:

Shannon's confidence was shining through and I'm happy for her. I don't think she or David were healthy for each other, but no matter how fast David has chosen to move on, I think Shannon is winning in life.

Gina's TH look is...no. The blonder hair and dark eyebrows is not a look I like on her. What would a RH franchise be without a DUI/arrest?

Admittedly I usually half watch the shows, or rather multi-task/watch, and use Gina/Emily scenes as reasons to leave the room for a few, but I kept watching all her segments the other day because I couldn't figure out why she looked so completely different to me. Like you said, the hair/brows in the TH bits are a look and were definitely part of it, but did she have work done too?

Even with the flashback scenes I couldn't quite peg what else made her look so different (and not in a good way IMO) but her facial structure seemed different or something too. Maybe?

Edited by onatrek
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3 hours ago, onatrek said:

Admittedly I usually half watch the shows, or rather multi-task/watch, and use Gina/Emily scenes as reasons to leave the room for a few, but I kept watching all her segments the other day because I couldn't figure out why she looked so completely different to me. Like you said, the hair/brows in the TH bits are a look and were definitely part of it, but did she have work done too?

Even with the flashback scenes I couldn't quite peg what else made her look so different (and not in a good way IMO) but her facial structure seemed different or something too. Maybe?

I noticed this too! My initial thought was that she had put on some weight because her face looked fuller to me in her THs but it's possible that she could have had fillers done.

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Congratulations to Tamra for being accepted into a Country Club that anyone can join, even if they don't know any members:

"Coto de Caza Golf & Racquet Club is open to anyone who is invited and sponsored by an established Member. For people who are new to the area, a Membership Committee Member may sponsor a Member candidate who does not know anyone in the Club. The membership office is here to help you through the enrollment process."


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12 hours ago, smores said:

As for Spencer and Ryan, somehow I don't think the situation was as cut and dried and Ryan seems to be portraying it.  Simon doesn't strike me as the most liberal person in the world, (and again, in one of the early reunions, every single ho said they were a republican or declined to comment), so I wouldn't just assume that Spencer is blanketly liberal.  Ryan didn't seem remotely receptive to even hearing what Tamra had to say about wanting to just be able to have them in the same place at the same time, and Ryan has historically always been a dick. 

This is a valid point. Political views aren't always so black and white. It's possible Spencer simply has an issue with this one guy. And Ryan has never been the type to be open to discussion. He's very much a "dig your heels in" kind of guy. I imagine he picks fights for little to no reason at all. 

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12 hours ago, smores said:

Ryan is saying this shit in the home of his step father who is Mexican.  

Not picking up what you're putting down here.  Ryan was talking to Tamra about Ryan's argument with Spencer.  When did Eddie's Mexican heritage come into play?

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On 8/7/2019 at 9:45 PM, KLovestoShop said:

Doesn’t anyone else think it’s funny that a super expensive enclave like Kelly lives in has a huge rat problem?  

There were a couple of rag mag articles that said Vicki was being demoted, and she wasn’t happy about it.  None of the articles gave the reason why.

Kelly’s boyfriend is totally skeevy.  There’s just something so off about him and I think his appearance is nothing more than an advert for his clinic. 

If Vicki didn't leave on her own, that does make me wonder.  Maybe, Andy is trying to lose certain viewers, like me.  With LVP gone, I'll probably not return to RHOBH either.  So, I may end up with only NY.  Oh well, my time can be spent better elsewhere. That's for sure.  Plus, I won't watch an animal being abused.  No way.  THAT really bothers me, especially when not remedied.  And for a parent to ignore that kind of behavior with their child.....omg.  There are no words. 

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I definitely don't think it was Vicki's choice to be demoted. I seem to remember several bittercakes SM posts from her about it. 

I'm torn on the issue. Snarking on Vicki was fun, even if I never really liked her as a person. But the cancer scam participation just sullied everything. And it made it hard to watch the other girls interact with her, knowing they had previously drawn such hard lines in the sand with her. She became boring anyhow. 

I think it's better without her. 

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Vicki for sure didn’t leave on her own. She is a “you’ll pry this orange from my cold, dead hands” type. No way did she intend to leave behind her “OG” status. This woman claims that SHE started the RH franchise when RHOC was really inspired by Jeana Keough and family. 

I can’t stand Tamra and question why Gina and Emily are on this show but I am THRILLED the shrill cancer scammer was knocked down a bunch of pegs. It’s about time, I’ve never been entertained by her, from day 1. Bye, Icky.

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25 minutes ago, langford peel said:

I thought Vicki was thrown off the show because she leaked a story to Radar OnLine that Emily’s family likes to kick their dog.

Nope - she was downgraded because she’s a rabid narcissist and Andy finally had enough.

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Not picking up what you're putting down here.  Ryan was talking to Tamra about Ryan's argument with Spencer.  When did Eddie's Mexican heritage come into play?

When Ryan claimed that he couldn't be racist because of his ties to Mexicans (Eddie) and black people (no clue). 

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Gina's "happy divorce" sure is showing up in her looks.  Isn't she supposedly in her 30s?  She looks every bit as old if not older than Shannon.

Kelly's plastic surgeon BF sure seems thirsty.  And if he's her surgeon, he's going to lose business.

The new woman, Braunwyn (?)'s husband pings my gaydar.

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It is a shame that Bravo and Satan Andy are so disloyal to the women who built these shows.

It shows you what kind of person he is. 

How are Gina and Emily a better fit than Vicki? 

These shows have passed the expiration date some time ago.

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On 8/6/2019 at 9:43 PM, KungFuBunny said:

Tamra seems to move into a new house every season.

Does she have an agreement with some real estate agency to pretend live at an address for the few months of filming so that the owner of the house can sell/showcase the property?

Right?  I liked the house from last season better.

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2 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

When Ryan claimed that he couldn't be racist because of his ties to Mexicans (Eddie) and black people (no clue). 

Yea, I still want to see receipts on those "black family members". WTF was he talking about???

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Thoughts on this episode:

The new lady and her family are a little interesting. She acts and looks like an aging porn star, and it looks like her husband takes care of everyone. They do have a nice family though the breakfast scene made me think that the mom didn't birth all the kids herself, and also that she doesn't spend a ton of time taking care of them.

Yes, the husband is probably gay which is why she keeps trying to have kids and make herself as sexually available as possible to keep him interested. He's the gravy train.

Gina is TOTALLY a hot mess. She looks awful and seems miserable. Great TV though! And Emily with her whiny crybaby husband--> I think Emily and Gina are going to bring the drama just with their messed up lives and trying to play it off like everything is fine. Gina tried to do that last season and it blew up in her face. 

Edited by bravofan27
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10 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

They do have a nice family though the breakfast scene made me think that the mom didn't birth all the kids herself, and also that she doesn't spend a ton of time taking care of them.

She said she had been breast feeding for 18 years so it seems likely that she did have them all herself.

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I still want to see receipts on those "black family members". WTF was he talking about???

I've got a better question (IMO) what the hell does Ryan do for a living/career/means of supporting himself and paying child support? 

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I don’t wish misery on anyone but Gina was awfully arrogant last season about her “wonderful” divorce vs shannon’s Shit show divorce.

guess the shoe is on the other foot now huh?

Edited by bagger
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10 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Not picking up what you're putting down here.  Ryan was talking to Tamra about Ryan's argument with Spencer.  When did Eddie's Mexican heritage come into play?

Ryan said at the beginning of the conversation that he felt that they need to build the wall to keep people out.  My thoughts are that if you are someone who is in favor of building the wall, which Trump has famously said is to keep Mexicans from coming into the country illegally, then maybe you might not want to state that in the house that is owned by your Mexican stepfather?  

I disagree vehemently with some beliefs that my father in law holds, but I don't discuss them with him at all, because I know it would do nothing but cause problems.  I know I won't change his mind, he will never change mine, so out of respect for the fact that he is my husband's father, I don't bring it up and when my FIL starts talking about the topic, if I can find a reason to leave the room without it being obvious, I do.  If not, I just keep quiet.  If I were Ryan (and thank god I'm not!), I would at least keep my damn mouth shut about the wall and keeping Mexicans out if I were around Eddie, since they are subsidizing his life.

10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

If Vicki didn't leave on her own, that does make me wonder.  Maybe, Andy is trying to lose certain viewers, like me.  With LVP gone, I'll probably not return to RHOBH either.  So, I may end up with only NY.  Oh well, my time can be spent better elsewhere. That's for sure.  Plus, I won't watch an animal being abused.  No way.  THAT really bothers me, especially when not remedied.  And for a parent to ignore that kind of behavior with their child.....omg.  There are no words. 

Andy has said before that they will keep a ho until their story has been told.  Vicki really doesn't have much of a story to be told anymore, and I think that's a large part of the reason she was demoted.  The original concept of the show was a peek behind the gates of housewives and how they lived, prior to the economy crashing.  Vicki's no longer married, her kids are grown and gone.  She doesn't have her grandkids near her.  We've done the Vicki is a business woman thing over and over.  We've gone through Vicki gets divorced.  We've done Vicki gets a new man.  We've gone through Vicki is single.  We've gone through Vicki is a cancer scammer.  Vicki is a bitch to other women.  Vicki gets plastic surgery.  Vicki leads the gang.  Vicki is on the outside of the gang.  Vicki loses her parent.  There's really nothing left to tell with Vicki at this point.  

Vicki also doesn't think the show can go on without her, of course.  And I don't think Vicki can fully support herself without the money from the show either.  When she and Donn first divorced, they had to both live in the house because neither one could afford it on their own.  Their divorce papers were released somewhere and she does not have the money you'd think she would for the way she portrays herself, particularly given that she and Donn were a 2 income household for years.  Her business wouldn't have had a ton of overhead in the earlier years being located in her house and he was a reasonably well paid executive.  But their 401ks weren't really all that big and for a woman who stresses that she's a financial planner, you'd expect her to have larger assets.

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12 hours ago, smores said:

Andy has said before that they will keep a ho until their story has been told.  Vicki really doesn't have much of a story to be told anymore, and I think that's a large part of the reason she was demoted.  

This is a good point, but what is Tamra's story to be told?  She's been a Real Estate agent supposedly, married, divorced, married again.  Owns a gym.  Wins body building contest.  Becomes born again.  Now rarely mentions her born again status.  Moved.  Moved again.  Moved again. Ryan is a dick.  He's a dick again.

I just don't know what she has to offer that we haven't seen. 

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Ryan's paying child support from his BRAVO paycheck.  He's either paid directly or Tammy Sue gives him $$$$.  He must live with them ( or sleep on a cot at Cut Fitness!) and he probably just watches Fox news all day.

I agree that the Vickie story has been told.

That new look of Gina's needs to go far away! She looks AWFUL!

Emily.... You really need to catch a clue, honey.

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18 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I think Emily and Gina are going to bring the drama just with their messed up lives and trying to play it off like everything is fine.

That's it!  As long as we can stand the boring or ridiculous reactions, we can look for if the cognitive dissonance ever hits them.

Now having written that, my guess is they will not get a clue. 

And sadly, their drama is whether Shane stays away longer and longer studying and the dog bites a kid.  Maybe Gina has the most "potential"....Gina discovers that living on Matt's spousal support isn't possible like she thought, and when he loses his job she has to downsize.  Maybe her AND the kids back to the Casita.  And then she goes over the edge drinking, naturally.

Another 'drama' point for Gina...will any other ho'wife call her out for losing her accent?

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14 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

It really wouldn't surprise me if they fake live there on days of filming, but they are all sleeping on cots at Cut Fitness

What doesn't make sense to me, is how Tamra & Eddie can afford ANY giant size home in south Orange County. Even if Bravo is paying Tamra (just guessing) a half million per season/annually, after taxes, that leaves:

A huge monthly mortgage payment /utility bills/cable/ gardeners/HOA fees/property taxes/house keepers/pool service/3 expensive vehicles (Eddie, Tamra & Ryan) car insurance on the vehicles. And I'm pretty sure Bravo doesn't include health benefits in the HoWives salary. So add annual health insurance to the list of bills.And Tamra's plastic surgery is out of pocket. That's never covered by insurance. There's also Tamra's clothes, shoes, hair stylists, make up "artists". 

Cut Fitness? Is it bringing in enough money to afford this family's expenses? I doubt it. But pig nose Ryan might be working there folding towels in exchange for room rental and free food.

Edited by chenoa333
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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

This is a good point, but what is Tamra's story to be told?  She's been a Real Estate agent supposedly, married, divorced, married again.  Owns a gym.  Wins body building contest.  Becomes born again.  Now rarely mentions her born again status.  Moved.  Moved again.  Moved again. Ryan is a dick.  He's a dick again.

I just don't know what she has to offer that we haven't seen. 

She has nothing to offer anymore. She knows it too. You can tell she's getting scared she's going to be next to become "a friend of" the show.

Bravo needs to do a casting call for ALL new, young, fresh OC "housewives". Stop letting current housewives trot in their "friends" to be on the show. No thanks to Tamra for bringing Gina and Emily. Bad move Bravo. 

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39 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

What doesn't make sense to me, is how Tamra & Eddie can afford ANY giant size home in south Orange County. Even if Bravo is paying Tamra (just guessing) a half million per season/annually, after taxes, that leaves:

A huge monthly mortgage payment /utility bills/cable/ gardeners/HOA fees/property taxes/house keepers/pool service/3 expensive vehicles (Eddie, Tamra & Ryan) car insurance on the vehicles. And I'm pretty sure Bravo doesn't include health benefits in the HoWives salary. So add annual health insurance to the list of bills.And Tamra's plastic surgery is out of pocket. That's never covered by insurance. There's also Tamra's clothes, shoes, hair stylists, make up "artists". 

Cut Fitness? Is it bringing in enough money to afford this family's expenses? I doubt it. But pig nose Ryan might be working there folding towels in exchange for room rental and free food.

I wonder that too.  Does Tamra get paid for RHO-related appearances?  Maybe they've done well with real estate transactions and plan to sell this one soon after living it in like they did last one?

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14 hours ago, smores said:

Ryan said at the beginning of the conversation that he felt that they need to build the wall to keep people out.  My thoughts are that if you are someone who is in favor of building the wall, which Trump has famously said is to keep Mexicans from coming into the country illegally, then maybe you might not want to state that in the house that is owned by your Mexican stepfather?  

Oh. Mischaracterizations aside, this sounds like stereotyping to me.  I believe a person feels a certain way when they say it; I'm not going to infer it onto their character based on heritage or anything else they didn't choose.  So far we know that Eddie is passionate about turkey burgers and his bicycle (not in that order).  I'm not even sure how the guy feels about his wife, so it's a overreach for me to think I have any idea he feels about something Ryan is saying.

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Kelly only set up the cat thing so she could say she doesn’t like petting pussies. She’s so damn inappropriate, grabbing on that guy and demanding to know if he shaves his balls, but saying the sexual innuendo shit in front of Jolie is gross, and it’s not the first time she’s done it. She’s the new Tamra.

Pretty boring opener. Can’t wait until the Ick finds out that Bronte or whatever her name is has zero desire to ever work. 

Gina and Emily are useless. 

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2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Kelly only set up the cat thing so she could say she doesn’t like petting pussies. She’s so damn inappropriate, grabbing on that guy and demanding to know if he shaves his balls, but saying the sexual innuendo shit in front of Jolie is gross, and it’s not the first time she’s done it. She’s the new Tamra.

Pretty boring opener. Can’t wait until the Ick finds out that Bronte or whatever her name is has zero desire to ever work. 

Gina and Emily are useless. 

As much as I have never been a Vicki fan, I do admire that she has built a business. I would imagine that her head with explode when she learns that she has been replaced by a woman whose claim to fame is that she is a human incubator. Should she be referred to as a SAHI rather than a SATM? 

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On 8/7/2019 at 12:11 AM, Irritable said:

I agree, I do not want to see politics on these shows.  I think the bigger issue with Ryan's views is that when he and his brother disagreed, he apparently threatened to hit him because he doesn't think he should be spoken to "that way".  Didn't Ryan go to jail for domestic assault against the mother of his child? He and his volatile temper can please go away now, thanks.

They argued about the wall.  Ryan said he wanted the wall, and his brother called him a racist.  Ryan then pointed out the reasons why he's not a racist.

I can't stand Rapey Ryan, and I HATE that politics is being discussed on this show, and hence on this board, but I can see why he might want to smack him for "speaking to him that way" since Spencer sounds like a sanctimonious prig.

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48 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

They argued about the wall.  Ryan said he wanted the wall, and his brother called him a racist.  Ryan then pointed out the reasons why he's not a racist.

I can't stand Rapey Ryan, and I HATE that politics is being discussed on this show, and hence on this board, but I can see why he might want to smack him for "speaking to him that way" since Spencer sounds like a sanctimonious prig.

That’s Ryan’s story given in a TH while smirking, Ryan has proven himself to be a horrible human being and a liar and his I can’t be a racist because I know/am related to POC is something only racists say to the extent it’s a shorthand trope to show someone is a racist so I am not buying his version of the story.

Edited by biakbiak
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6 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I wonder that too.  Does Tamra get paid for RHO-related appearances?  Maybe they've done well with real estate transactions and plan to sell this one soon after living it in like they did last one?

I'll bet not. But don't forget, Tamra was a real estate agent for a nanosecond many years ago😁😁

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4 hours ago, Anne Thrax said:

It's like he's already mapping out the excuses he's going to use when he fails the bar exam again.

Are they still together? I don't buy that studying requires moving out. Go to the library, or over to his parents, then come home at night. No way he is spending evert waking hour studying.

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9 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

What doesn't make sense to me, is how Tamra & Eddie can afford ANY giant size home in south Orange County.

Tamara has always lived beyond her means. My guess is she still is, but is probably making good money doing appearances and being on the show for so long. However, the house could be a rental, but my guess is she'd be called out on it-- it's too easy to look up real estate transactions and home ownership. She's killing it though, IMO. She's competitive and a go getter and she's making things work for her.

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3 hours ago, Anne Thrax said:

They argued about the wall.  Ryan said he wanted the wall, and his brother called him a racist.  Ryan then pointed out the reasons why he's not a racist.

I can't stand Rapey Ryan, and I HATE that politics is being discussed on this show, and hence on this board, but I can see why he might want to smack him for "speaking to him that way" since Spencer sounds like a sanctimonious prig.

I totally forgot about that incident with Rapey Ryan and Gretchen. Disgusting on so many levels. And Tamra encouraging her pig nose son Ryan to take advantage of drunk Gretchen. 

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

That’s Ryan’s story given in a TH while smirking, Ryan has proven himself to be a horrible human being and a liar and his I can’t be a racist because I know/am related to POC is something only racists say to the extent it’s a shorthand trope to show someone is a racist so I am not buying his version of the story.

And WTF is Ryan doing a TH for in the first place?  Is he an honorary housewife this season?

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7 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

And WTF is Ryan doing a TH for in the first place?  Is he an honorary housewife this season?

I can't believe I used to feel sorry for trash bag ryan.  His outside matches his inside.  

I definitely felt Vicki's absence.  The show was so boring.  I'm about to look at what the ratings were when Heather was there vs. when she was gone -- that was the best cast to me.

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