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S11.E20: Reunion Part 3

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Is it Penn State or UPenn?  Either way, they are good schools. If Sonja's daughter had wanted to go to Harvard, Yale or Princeton...Old Man Morgan could have built a library or made a sizable donation before all the college bribery scandals.

I would not worry, Quinn will have to work hard at any school she attends. If it is UPenn I stand a chance to run in to Sonja in Philadelphia, I am in the city a lot, how fun would that be?!

In all the screeching, Bethany yelled UPenn

Edited by TV Diva Queen
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18 hours ago, QuinnM said:

She also insta'd when she got filler for the tissue excised for skin cancer on her face.  So she has had that done as well.  Not sure it qualifies as cosmetic but it was the cheek and undereye area.

Bethenny is one of the few that has had great facial surgery.  I think it all looks natural and her lips especially don’t look like a trout.  She looks fabulous for her age.  She just needs a few more pounds to her frame.

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20 minutes ago, divsc said:

So much this. You are so right, you can practically see Luann grasping for a human response... and always missing the mark. Part of me almost feels bad for her, because I actually think she is missing a chip and really isn't capable. She almost seems to have some kind of mindblindness, where it just doesn't register for her to hear the other person and relate or see it from anyone else's perspective or feelings. Her response every. single. time. is to bring it back to herself or some variation of "well I was hurt too." Or "Well I was really suffering."

You can tell why after years and years of this, it drives the other women absolutely batty. You keep thinking, every time, that she will respond with something human or just normal or geez, just ACKNOWLEDGE what the other person is saying... and sometimes she gets so close, you hold your breath.....then she promptly destroys any good will by turning it back to herself and/or victim status. Ramona is going to give herself CTE from all the hits to her own head she does to herself every time Luann speaks! It's so obvious to everyone else what any appropriate response would be, but it goes right over Luann's head.

Every time I watch Luann, it's like she needs a communication/empathy intervention. You almost want someone to teach her basic polite social skills, like here Luann, let's role play. This person says this to you, what would your response be? And Luann would response, and then you would say, let's try this and give another sample response, and then be like, "Now Luann, do you see how that response showed understanding and support? What did yours show? How do you think that would make the other person feel?"

I'm sure she still wouldn't get it, but it's almost like she really really needs to hear a few "better" responses modeled for her and have remedial help in showing what she does instead. I don't think she's a bad or malicious person - I really think she doesn't even know that she does it. But time after time of dealing with a person like that is exhausting - there is no reciprocation of empathy or any real connection.

Sociopaths are not capable of feeling human emotions, although some very intelligent ones do learn to mimic them. Clearly, LuAnn has not learned. As used to her as I am, I was still stunned that she interrupted when Beth and Ramona were talking about their childhoods. Clearly she zoned out because it wasn't  about her. The lawsuit with her kids is a pretty good indicator. Say what you will about the rest of these ladies, I cannot picture it. Even Ramona, no June Cleaver to be sure, seems to sincerely love her child, deeply. I do think Lu is truly incapable of empathy. It is amazing these women stick by her. Yes, she sees them as jealous, but she should be damn glad they even give her the time of day.

Edited by chlban
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18 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Barbara’s first act as on the show was to disinvite Dorinda, try to passive aggressively disinvite Ramona and Tinsley by telling Sonja that she was the only one who should come, insulted Tinsley, kept trying to fan the Dorinda/Lu fight and tried to suck up to B by putting the other women down. It wasn’t like she was putting herself out there in a friendly way to anyone but Lu and B.

They're all awful.

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4 hours ago, divsc said:

So much this. You are so right, you can practically see Luann grasping for a human response... and always missing the mark. Part of me almost feels bad for her, because I actually think she is missing a chip and really isn't capable. She almost seems to have some kind of mindblindness, where it just doesn't register for her to hear the other person and relate or see it from anyone else's perspective or feelings. Her response every. single. time. is to bring it back to herself or some variation of "well I was hurt too." Or "Well I was really suffering."

You can tell why after years and years of this, it drives the other women absolutely batty. You keep thinking, every time, that she will respond with something human or just normal or geez, just ACKNOWLEDGE what the other person is saying... and sometimes she gets so close, you hold your breath.....then she promptly destroys any good will by turning it back to herself and/or victim status. Ramona is going to give herself CTE from all the hits to her own head she does to herself every time Luann speaks! It's so obvious to everyone else what any appropriate response would be, but it goes right over Luann's head.

Every time I watch Luann, it's like she needs a communication/empathy intervention. You almost want someone to teach her basic polite social skills, like here Luann, let's role play. This person says this to you, what would your response be? And Luann would response, and then you would say, let's try this and give another sample response, and then be like, "Now Luann, do you see how that response showed understanding and support? What did yours show? How do you think that would make the other person feel?"

I'm sure she still wouldn't get it, but it's almost like she really really needs to hear a few "better" responses modeled for her and have remedial help in showing what she does instead. I don't think she's a bad or malicious person - I really think she doesn't even know that she does it. But time after time of dealing with a person like that is exhausting - there is no reciprocation of empathy or any real connection.

This describes all the women..tbh..especially bethenny and Ramona 

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I know Luann is all the things mentioned, but for some reason I still like her.  One good thing good about her is she doesn’t start trouble from what I see.  I’ll take her over Dorinda for instance, any day.  Luann sort of backs off when confronted or at least tries to.  Dorinda is a barracuda big mouth.

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4 hours ago, divsc said:

So much this. You are so right, you can practically see Luann grasping for a human response... and always missing the mark. Part of me almost feels bad for her, because I actually think she is missing a chip and really isn't capable. She almost seems to have some kind of mindblindness, where it just doesn't register for her to hear the other person and relate or see it from anyone else's perspective or feelings. Her response every. single. time. is to bring it back to herself or some variation of "well I was hurt too." Or "Well I was really suffering."

A lot of us who are addicts/alcoholics have this problem.  It's called self centeredness.  The only way to stay sober is to help other people, to get out of self, to see your part in stuff.  That's why I don't think Luann takes her sobriety seriously.  Everything is always about her.  Instead of using her platform to do something good, she uses it to feed her own ego, "look at all the people who come to see me every night, I'm selling out shows, look how great I am."  

Don't get me wrong, I think all of the women are pretty self centered; but I think they have the awareness that they are "reality show stars" and "bravolebrities."  If it weren't for the show, no one would know who they are.  Bethenny is pretty self centered too, she has a successful business, but I'm sure she knows that had it not been for Housewives of NYC, she would not be as successful as she is.  Bethenny probably also knows that if she's not on TV doing something, eventually people would forget about her, I don't think she has a solid fan base like Martha Stewart does.  

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5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Bethenny is one of the few that has had great facial surgery.  I think it all looks natural and her lips especially don’t look like a trout.  She looks fabulous for her age.  She just needs a few more pounds to her frame.

It all goes to hell when she smiles though. I did like her light smoky eye this reunion.

Lu has been stunning facially from the beginning, even though she smokes and drinks. Girl’s got incredible genes. 

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7 hours ago, weaver said:

There is nothing shabby about Penn unless you are an East Coast WASP with a pedigree going back to John Quincy Adams, etc.  Then its Yale, Harvard, or Princeton.  If you aren't bright enough, there are some acceptable lower level schools that cater to less academic or party types.  

Not sure where this mindset comes from but Penn is amongst the Ivys you mention, not apart from it. In fact ,Penn bills itself as an Ivy education without the Ivory Tower, but is an Ivy nonetheless. YMMV...

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15 minutes ago, gingerella said:

Not sure where this mindset comes from but Penn is amongst the Ivys you mention, not apart from it. In fact ,Penn bills itself as an Ivy education without the Ivory Tower, but is an Ivy nonetheless. YMMV...

I just asked the husband who said Penn is in the same league as Harvard and Yale.  Our kid went to Penn State.  We are poor, lol.  But she got a great job on Wall Street.

Edited by Gem 10
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Well, whatever to everything.  I still love the New York Housewives as they are the best in the whole franchise, and I hope they all come back very soon, all of them.  I hope Tinsley gets a new boyfriend and a good storyline.  I love them all .. most of them, lol.

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Penn is most definitely in the same league and is as highly thought of as Harvard, Yale, Princeton.  For anyone to thumb their nose up at Sonja's daughter, thinking that she "only" got into Penn, they are sorely mistaken.  If she graduates (I have no doubt that she will), she will be considered the best of the best when she interviews.

Even more to the point that Luann had zero idea about Sonja's daughter because she never asks, or listens.  All the other housewives seemed to know.  Luann is the most narcissistic one of the bunch.

Edited by Sterling
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2 hours ago, chewycandy said:

It all goes to hell when she smiles though.

Bethenny's smile is actually quite chilling and creepy. There is always a mocking look in her eyes when she "smiles"  that creates a gruesome appearance.


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7 hours ago, chlban said:

Sociopaths are not capable of feeling human emotions, although some very intelligent ones do learn to mimic them. Clearly, LuAnn has not learned. As used to her as I am, I was still stunned that she interrupted when Beth and Ramona were talking about their childhoods. Clearly she zoned out because it wasn't  about her. The lawsuit with her kids is a pretty good indicator. Say what you will about the rest of these ladies, I cannot picture it. Even Ramona, no June Cleaver to be sure, seems to sincerely love her child, deeply. I do think Lu is truly incapable of empathy. It is amazing these women stick by her. Yes, she sees them as jealous, but she should be damn glad they even give her the time of day.

You may as well try to teach a robot appropriate emotional responses, it would be an easier job than teaching someone like Luann.  She just doesn't have the ability to think about things from someone else's side.  It's basically a missed stage of development, like when you have a little kid and they bite their friends and you have to teach them not to bite.  They're biting not because they want to hurt people, but because they don't have the tools to express their frustration or anger that their friend took the toy they wanted in another way and they don't grasp that biting hurts the other person.  When a kid is 3, you have to help them make the connection that if you bite your friend it hurts their friend and then their friend is sad. That's part of the way they learn not to bite.  

Luann only knows she does not like to be bitten.  She still doesn't really get, or care, that if she bites someone they will be hurt.  At this point, she can't learn it, all she's really learned is that other people don't bite, it seems to cause more problems than it's worth to bite, so she generally doesn't bite other people.  But if for some reason she does, it's not HER fault she did, the reason you are hurt isn't because Lu bit you.  It's because you took her toy and she had no other choice BUT to bite you.  You took her toy.

3 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

This describes all the women..tbh..especially bethenny and Ramona 

The other women can be self-centered, yes.  Everyone can be.  There is a difference, though, in that when someone says to Bethenny or Ramona that what they said hurt them, they are able to look at it and realize what they said was wrong.  Or even if they still think what they said was true, they do feel badly for saying it in a harsh way and hurting the other person.  Also in some cases, they see/hear something they said and realize it was wrong before anyone points it out.  Ramona regretted her Dennis comment, for example.  Bethenny the comment about Tinsley and a daughter.  

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I think all the women are selfish and self-centered, but Luann just feels a bit off. Even when the others do their typical Bravo housewife non-apology apology... "I'm sorry you felt that way" "I'm sorry if what I said offended you"... - they may not take accountability for their words or actions, but they at least seem to recognize and acknowledge that the other person has feelings that may have been hurt! 

Luann immediately responds what she is irked about in return - even if she has to bring up something from three seasons ago! "Well you called me mean names in the past too and I was really hurt by that." 

It was mind-boggling that she could watch the montage of clips with Barbara - with Barbara defending her, being her warrior, saying that Lu's sobriety was everything to her, going to bat for her, on top of all the real life assistance she seems to have given Luann - and Luann sits their stone face and can't get past the "she can't sing" comment. Bethenny was right, it was completely tone deaf to the situation. When you have Dorinda articulately explaining why this was off, you know it's bad. And Luann can only respond, "And I do the same for her." No, Luann, this is when you say, "I know she did and I am so touched and grateful, she gave me so much support and her personal time, and was a really good friend to me and I'm so appreciative." Not - I did the same for her. No you didn't!! And if anything, you threw Barbara to the wolves to fend for herself "building relationships" instead of helping her integrate into the group. Which, if it was too much for her to take on given what she was going through, fine, but don't pretend you did the same for her.

Wonder what they had hashed out a few days before the reunion that Luann mentioned as an aside.

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As self-involved as Lu is, she really shouldn’t have gone into nursing!

She really began to bother me when she became engaged to Tom the Philanderer and just kept lording it over the rest of the cast.

(“ Nah-Nah- Nah I’m engaged and you losers aren’t!”). 

She’s just a sociopathic bitch... 

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13 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Is it Penn State or UPenn?  Either way, they are good schools. If Sonja's daughter had wanted to go to Harvard, Yale or Princeton...Old Man Morgan could have built a library or made a sizable donation before all the college bribery scandals.

I would not worry, Quinn will have to work hard at any school she attends. If it is UPenn I stand a chance to run in to Sonja in Philadelphia, I am in the city a lot, how fun would that be?!

Penn is University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, an Ivy League school.

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4 hours ago, smores said:

You may as well try to teach a robot appropriate emotional responses, it would be an easier job than teaching someone like Luann.

So you're saying Luann is a first generation Tyrell Corporation replicant that can pass the Turing test. I believe it.

4 hours ago, smores said:

She just doesn't have the ability to think about things from someone else's side.  It's basically a missed stage of development, like when you have a little kid and they bite their friends and you have to teach them not to bite.  They're biting not because they want to hurt people, but because they don't have the tools to express their frustration or anger that their friend took the toy they wanted in another way and they don't grasp that biting hurts the other person.  When a kid is 3, you have to help them make the connection that if you bite your friend it hurts their friend and then their friend is sad. That's part of the way they learn not to bite.  

Luann only knows she does not like to be bitten.  She still doesn't really get, or care, that if she bites someone they will be hurt.  At this point, she can't learn it, all she's really learned is that other people don't bite, it seems to cause more problems than it's worth to bite, so she generally doesn't bite other people.  But if for some reason she does, it's not HER fault she did, the reason you are hurt isn't because Lu bit you.  It's because you took her toy and she had no other choice BUT to bite you.  You took her toy.

Luann is kid 6 of 7. As you said, kids start to learn empathy around 2 or 3. All of Luann's siblings are pretty close in age. I suspect that she was lost in the shuffle, especially if the youngest kid was born during that very important age.

1 hour ago, PradaKitty said:

As self-involved as Lu is, she really shouldn’t have gone into nursing!

For years I've said that the best thing to happen to Luann and the world is that someone introduced her to modeling because she must have been a really shitty nurse.

42 minutes ago, retired watcher said:

Penn is University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, an Ivy League school.

Believe me I know because after my brother graduated from Penn, my parents turned to the rest of us and said that if any of us wanted to go to any Ivy we needed to have full scholarships because they weren't paying for this shit again. And half of my brother's tuition was covered by a scholarship. When I got into Harvard and their financial aid packet included a recommendation that my parents remortgage the house I was like "state school please!"

If Quincy is planning on studying business, Penn is the school to go to because of Wharton. I have an uncle with a Wharton Ph.D; he does fuckall with it because he's a lazy entitled shit, but he keeps getting job offers because the school means something.

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5 hours ago, divsc said:

Can you imagine Lu as a nurse?

Patient: I have a broken arm, collapsed lung, 104 temperature, and I can't breathe.

Lu: I've been on my feet all day, it's really uncomfortable. Can you press the call button and have the desk book a massage for me?

Lu: And can someone get me a cocktail?

Patient: Nurse...I still don't feel well.

Lu: Can you believe it Golden Girls! Dr. Drake just asked me to marry him.

Other nurse: Is that married Dr. Drake?

Lu: I don't know. I can't be expected to remember every detail.

Other nurse: <mutters> Like a wedding ring?

Lu: What was that?

Patient groans in pain.

Lu: Quiet you. I don't know why you can't just be happy for me.

Other nurse: Maybe it's because you wear a sexy nurse costume instead of your scrubs, blow him 3 times everyday, and you're terrible at your job. Luann, your patient!

Patient: softly moans "Help."

Lu: You are so right. It is hard to find good help around here. I'm still waiting on my cocktail and massage. I am a really patient person, but this is ridiculous.

Head nurse: What the hell is going on here? Luann, your patient? Your patient is dead.

Lu: At least she died knowing I'm happy. See you tomorrow ladies

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3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Lu: And can someone get me a cocktail?

Patient: Nurse...I still don't feel well.

Lu: Can you believe it Golden Girls! Dr. Drake just asked me to marry him.

Other nurse: Is that married Dr. Drake?

Lu: I don't know. I can't be expected to remember every detail.

Other nurse: <mutters> Like a wedding ring?

Lu: What was that?

Patient groans in pain.

Lu: Quiet you. I don't know why you can't just be happy for me.

Other nurse: Maybe it's because you wear a sexy nurse costume instead of your scrubs, blow him 3 times everyday, and you're terrible at your job. Luann, your patient!

Patient: softly moans "Help."

Lu: You are so right. It is hard to find good help around here. I'm still waiting on my cocktail and massage. I am a really patient person, but this is ridiculous.

Head nurse: What the hell is going on here? Luann, your patient? Your patient is dead.

Lu: At least she died knowing I'm happy. See you tomorrow ladies

Laughing so hard I’m crying 🤣

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On 7/26/2019 at 2:18 PM, kicksave said:

I think you meant Dorinda referred to Barbara as a turnip in a fruit bowl...anyway...I agree with your assessment of the way Barbara got treated. Ramona, Dorinda, Sonja and even Luann treated her like garbage. Just a bunch of mean spirited beat up old bitches. I thought Tinsley stayed out of the pile on and was decent to her for the most part. Dorinda has turned out to be the most obnoxious person there last night. She's just an awful person. I find it funny now Dorinda, Sonja and Ramona lecture LuAnn on her sobriety, or lack thereof, while all three of these women are borderline alcoholics themselves in denial! 

She's had a lot of work done over a period of time...jaw shaved, chin shaved, eye lift and Botox...maybe fillers too.

Yeah I meant to say Dorinda called Barbara a turnip a fat one at that. Can't understand why anyone likes Dorinda. Can you imagine as a grown woman saying this to someone? The last thing that I want to do is to hurt someone's feelings.  These women revel in saying mean hurtful things. 

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9 hours ago, divsc said:

Can you imagine Lu as a nurse?

Patient: I have a broken arm, collapsed lung, 104 temperature, and I can't breathe.

Lu: I've been on my feet all day, it's really uncomfortable. Can you press the call button and have the desk book a massage for me?

I don't see her in a hospital setting, too many body fluids. She'd be the uppity nurse at the doctor's office that acts as if trying to schedule an appointment for your child's strep throat is just one more thing that's gotten in the way of her flirting with the drug rep. 

"Does he really need to be seen TODAY? harumph!"

She'd probably be good at giving immunizations, since she has no empathy "Oh, come on!  It doesn't hurt that much. Stop crying, or you won't get a sticker"

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18 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Well, whatever to everything.  I still love the New York Housewives as they are the best in the whole franchise, and I hope they all come back very soon, all of them.  I hope Tinsley gets a new boyfriend and a good storyline.  I love them all .. most of them, lol.

I agree. Love this franchise, flaws and all. I don't vare much about Tinsley. I won't be upset if she doesn't return, won't care if she does. Whatever. Now that I am done with RHOBH, this, and OC, are the only ones I still watch and I have a feeling this will be my last season of OC as well. But, I will be waiting to see my NY girls again next year.

Just now, chlban said:

I agree. Love this franchise, flaws and all. I don't care much about Tinsley. I won't be upset if she doesn't return, won't care if she does. Whatever. Now that I am done with RHOBH, this, and OC, are the only ones I still watch and I have a feeling this will be my last season of OC as well. But, I will be waiting to see my NY girls again next year.

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8 minutes ago, chlban said:

I agree. Love this franchise, flaws and all. I don't vare much about Tinsley. I won't be upset if she doesn't return, won't care if she does. Whatever. Now that I am done with RHOBH, this, and OC, are the only ones I still watch and I have a feeling this will be my last season of OC as well. But, I will be waiting to see my NY girls again next year.

Haha .. we all sound the same.  Don’t like BH, but watch .. don’t like OC, but watch.  I only like Kelly and Shannon.  I’m surprised the new girl from Long Island, Gina I think is back and the lawyer.  I fast forward Icky and Tamballs, lol.  But wonder how Eddie is doing with the heart thing.  Yeah, I’ll prob watch.

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20 hours ago, Anne Thrax said:

Good point!

My kid saw her in N.Y.C. and paid $100 but had a meal also.  She said everyone goes crazy when Luann comes on stage.  They don’t care that she can’t sing.  They all scream and sing along with her.  She does make a nice presence in her pretty gowns, and has a pleasing way about herself.  Oh well.

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13 hours ago, retired watcher said:

Penn is University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, an Ivy League school.

I am aware of what UPenn is, I was unclear if (all the women talking over each other) she said Penn State or UPenn.  My point was if the school of choice was UPenn then I would stand a chance to bump in to Sonja in Rittenhouse Sq. in Center City.

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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

while all three of these women are borderline alcoholics themselves in denial

Borderline?  I’d say “full blown”, especially Dorinda.

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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Yeah I meant to say Dorinda called Barbara a turnip a fat one at that. Can't understand why anyone likes Dorinda. Can you imagine as a grown woman saying this to someone? The last thing that I want to do is to hurt someone's feelings.  These women revel in saying mean hurtful things. 

Dorinda is a mean motherfucker.  I'm pretty sure she started to say Barbara was a turd in the punch bowl but changed it to turnip.

Edited by izabella
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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Yeah I meant to say Dorinda called Barbara a turnip a fat one at that. Can't understand why anyone likes Dorinda. Can you imagine as a grown woman saying this to someone? The last thing that I want to do is to hurt someone's feelings.  These women revel in saying mean hurtful things. 

Exactly...the meaner you are, the more nasty the remarks are all the better. Makes me remember why I had to let go of "friendships" with other women...the backstabbing, the snark, the faux caring about you and then the talking about you behind your back when you confided in one of them...yikes! Dorinda has changed a great deal since she first started on this show. She's hard, mean spirited, sarcastic and at times cruel. I liked her a few seasons back but now I find her to be unwatchable and unlikable.

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23 hours ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

Interesting takes on Zlu’s Missing chip!

i wonder how much that played into the demise of her marriage to the no-Count! 

Like Jennifer Aniston said about Brad Pitt.  “He has a sensitivity chip missing”.  About their broken marriage.

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7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Lu: And can someone get me a cocktail?

Patient: Nurse...I still don't feel well.

Lu: Can you believe it Golden Girls! Dr. Drake just asked me to marry him.

Other nurse: Is that married Dr. Drake?

Lu: I don't know. I can't be expected to remember every detail.

Other nurse: <mutters> Like a wedding ring?

Lu: What was that?

Patient groans in pain.

Lu: Quiet you. I don't know why you can't just be happy for me.

Other nurse: Maybe it's because you wear a sexy nurse costume instead of your scrubs, blow him 3 times everyday, and you're terrible at your job. Luann, your patient!

Patient: softly moans "Help."

Lu: You are so right. It is hard to find good help around here. I'm still waiting on my cocktail and massage. I am a really patient person, but this is ridiculous.

Head nurse: What the hell is going on here? Luann, your patient? Your patient is dead.

Lu: At least she died knowing I'm happy. See you tomorrow ladies

Head nurse: Lu, you need to fill out the paperwork.

Lu: Why are you always trying to tear me down? Never mind; I know why. You’re all jealous. 

Head nurse: Lu, you can’t smoke in here!

Lu: I’m an adult. I can do anything I want. 

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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Head nurse: Lu, you need to fill out the paperwork.

Lu: Why are you always trying to tear me down? Never mind; I know why. You’re all jealous. 

Head nurse: Lu, you can’t smoke in here!

Lu: I’m an adult. I can do anything I want. 

"and address me as 'Countess,' my dear."  

I still LOL way back in an earlier season when Lu "schooled" Bethanny on how inappropriate it was for her to introduce her as "LuAnn" to him.  

Ahhh, that Countess, always so entitled and self-important.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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4 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Yeah I meant to say Dorinda called Barbara a turnip a fat one at that. Can't understand why anyone likes Dorinda. Can you imagine as a grown woman saying this to someone? The last thing that I want to do is to hurt someone's feelings.  These women revel in saying mean hurtful things. 

I don’t know if that remark was scripted or what.  It was awful.  What’s wrong with Barbara?  So she’s not  so glamorous like the others .. so what.  She’s an accomplished business woman and that says something.  She didn’t do any worse than the others did to be insulted like that.  If I were Barbara, I would have told Dorinda to go fuck herself, I’m so mad.  I know it’s not lady like but Dorinda has to be taken back a peg.  She’s mad because she wasn’t invited for lobsters.  Screw her.  I would never want her for a friend.  Go have a drink and a snort.

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49 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

"and address me as 'Countess,' my dear."  

I still LOL way back in an earlier season when Lu "schooled" Bethanny on how inappropriate it was for her to introduce her as "LuAnn" to him.  

Ahhh, that Countess, always so entitled and self-important.  

And poor Rosie. She worked for that family how many years? She raised V and N. They adored her, but Rosie still had to call Lu “Mrs. D.”

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On 7/27/2019 at 7:03 AM, divsc said:

So much this. You are so right, you can practically see Luann grasping for a human response... and always missing the mark. Part of me almost feels bad for her, because I actually think she is missing a chip and really isn't capable. She almost seems to have some kind of mindblindness, where it just doesn't register for her to hear the other person and relate or see it from anyone else's perspective or feelings. Her response every. single. time. is to bring it back to herself or some variation of "well I was hurt too." Or "Well I was really suffering."

You can tell why after years and years of this, it drives the other women absolutely batty. You keep thinking, every time, that she will respond with something human or just normal or geez, just ACKNOWLEDGE what the other person is saying... and sometimes she gets so close, you hold your breath.....then she promptly destroys any good will by turning it back to herself and/or victim status. Ramona is going to give herself CTE from all the hits to her own head she does to herself every time Luann speaks! It's so obvious to everyone else what any appropriate response would be, but it goes right over Luann's head.

Every time I watch Luann, it's like she needs a communication/empathy intervention. You almost want someone to teach her basic polite social skills, like here Luann, let's role play. This person says this to you, what would your response be? And Luann would response, and then you would say, let's try this and give another sample response, and then be like, "Now Luann, do you see how that response showed understanding and support? What did yours show? How do you think that would make the other person feel?"

I'm sure she still wouldn't get it, but it's almost like she really really needs to hear a few "better" responses modeled for her and have remedial help in showing what she does instead. I don't think she's a bad or malicious person - I really think she doesn't even know that she does it. But time after time of dealing with a person like that is exhausting - there is no reciprocation of empathy or any real connection.

Such amazing insight, I applaud you!

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New York has always been must watch TV for me.  It's my favorite HW franchise and yet I still haven't watched the third reunion episode.   I read all the posts here and decided I wouldn't be missing anything.   I haven't erased it yet so I could change my mind. 

ETA:.  I erased it without watching.  

Edited by AnnA
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5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Borderline?  I’d say “full blown”, especially Dorinda.

True this. Lu got arrested, plenty of alcoholics never do. Doesn't mean they aren't alcoholics. I would say especially Sonja. She is the definition of a falling down drunk.

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5 minutes ago, chlban said:

True this. Lu got arrested, plenty of alcoholics never do. Doesn't mean they aren't alcoholics. I would say especially Sonja. She is the definition of a falling down drunk.

So true.  My brother-in-law (my sister doesn’t read this) drank EVERY NIGHT, vodka, then, wine, then beer, then went to sleep. Never got obnoxious, never fell down, always went to work.  Still I’d say he was an alcoholic.  He died in his seventies of dementia.

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21 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

As self-involved as Lu is, she really shouldn’t have gone into nursing!

She really began to bother me when she became engaged to Tom the Philanderer and just kept lording it over the rest of the cast.

(“ Nah-Nah- Nah I’m engaged and you losers aren’t!”). 

She’s just a sociopathic bitch... 

Lu probably went into nursing to get her Mrs Dr.  I'm a nurse and know of many who have done that.  They don't care if the Dr is already married.  Then Lu went on to modeling.  Always looking for the next best thing, look how fast she dumped her fiance when she met the Count.

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Sonja got off pretty easily regarding her batshit crazy meltdown about the Morgan letters. Riiiight so it was just because of her daughter and that Sonja is on the board of a Morgan charity for 20 years. Lol, okay! That's definitely it, Sonja!

Andy got sidetracked by asking Dorinda why she brought Sonja to that Morgan estate as if that was a malicious intention. Dorinda had a perfectly nice explanation why she thought it would be a cool site to visit, and they never went back to Sonja acting over the top cray cray. Or maybe everyone is just used to it. I think out of all of them, she shows the most signs of being off her rocker. 

Edited by divsc
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This reunion bored me to tears.  I was especially tired of having to watch B wiggle her ass into the camera.

I like Lu.  I’m not convinced she’s an alcoholic.  After the season she had with Tom, the lightning divorce due to his cheating, and her arrest, I can see why she’d turn to something.  I hope she returns and the ladies give her a break next season.  She’s earned it.  She’s carried this show for 3 seasons.

I don’t like Tinsley......I don’t know why.  

Love this franchise.

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