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S11.E19: Reunion Part 2

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8 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I think B’s smirk was about the 911 call and the freezing and defrosting if the dog so Tinskey’s sister could hold the dog. 

I also think that everyone’s issue with Tins is that she isn’t sharing her story about her life. There’s a story there that they believe she isn’t sharing. They’re all spoiling their guts and Tins has nothing. If this isn’t something a southern debutant does, then she should leave the show. That isn’t how it works...

Good for Tinsley.  They all are acting like a bunch of hags anyway.  I never realized how jealous and mean they are until tonight.  The smirks, yelling and screaming was overboard.

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4 hours ago, Normades said:

It's very common in America to be ordered to abstain from alcohol.  I've seen it done with marijuana charges.  Also, I think the original sentence of probation was a given.  The courts don't have time or space to put someone on a charge like this in jail, white privilege or not.  I know she was charged with battery on a police officer, but in reality she was drunk and got angry/scared and tried to close a door and the cop got hit.  She didn't go after him with fists or a bat.  I do think after violating probation she got some special treatment tho. 

I just don’t get it, but maybe I do.  They  have cracked down on pain killers which many people need, but have done nothing about alcohol.  You could have five drinks, get in a car and kill someone.  Guess there’s too much money to be made with alcohol all around.  Try to get pain pills after 2 weeks of back surgery, and you’re told to take Tylenol.

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16 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

I don't know why Bethenny found that so funny. I'm still grieving my dog, and it's been a few months. He was a beauty, with a big personality. I really felt for Tinsley.

Btw, I've seen fireman rescue cats from trees! 

@Sarah Heart, I know how you feel as I lost my precious girl on May 1st.  I'm so sorry for your loss and hate to know others are going through the same hurt. My heart broke for Tinsley and I thought Beth was a pure, evil asshole.  And to think I felt sad and sorry for her when she lost Cookie. I also don't understand the callousness of all of the other women when Tinsley originally lost Bambi.  People can be so cruel.  I never had children and my dogs ARE my children so a few don't even understand the unbelievable pain we go through. My heart aches for my baby, but hey, I have friends and family that understand and that's all I need. Grief is grief and it hurts no matter what.  Hugs to anyone that has lost a furchild, it's brutal.

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Regarding Lu and whether she will drink when she is done with her sentence and whether she is an alcoholic. I am not an alcoholic by any stretch of the imagination. I like good wine (and admittedly sometimes shitty wine). But 6 months ago I got a DWI. And now I can’t have any alcohol for 3 years while on probation. I don’t clamor for it. I don’t jones for it. I don’t cheat because I will never go to jail to have a glass of wine. But you can bet that the minute I am done I will have a nice glass of Rose. And I mean the minute I am done. So I for one don’t judge her for that. 

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2 minutes ago, Raiderred said:

@Sarah Heart, I know how you feel as I lost my precious girl on May 1st.  I'm so sorry for your loss and hate to know others are going through the same hurt. My heart broke for Tinsley and I thought Beth was a pure, evil asshole.  And to think I felt sad and sorry for her when she lost Cookie. I also don't understand the callousness of all of the other women when Tinsley originally lost Bambi.  People can be so cruel.  I never had children and my dogs ARE my children so a few don't even understand the unbelievable pain we go through. My heart aches for my baby, but hey, I have friends and family that understand and that's all I need. Grief is grief and it hurts no matter what.  Hugs to anyone that has lost a furchild, it's brutal.

Bethenny lost Cookie, but thankfully she has peanut. Tinsley lost Bambi who was her peanut, and she’s not allowed to cry or carry on?

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10 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Good for Tinsley.  They all are acting like a bunch of hags anyway.  I never realized how jealous and mean they are until tonight.  The smirks, yelling and screaming was overboard.

Their mean girl behavior was deplorable all season especially with the on camera remarks about Tinsley  being a “kept” woman and the three on one gang up that Ramona, Sonja and Dorinda engaged in when they blindsided Tinsley in a public place with their scurrilous accusations. They are nothing but bullies and thugs. Horrible, awful women with no boundaries, empathy or impulse control. 

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25 minutes ago, Raiderred said:

@Sarah Heart, I know how you feel as I lost my precious girl on May 1st.  I'm so sorry for your loss and hate to know others are going through the same hurt. My heart broke for Tinsley and I thought Beth was a pure, evil asshole.  And to think I felt sad and sorry for her when she lost Cookie. I also don't understand the callousness of all of the other women when Tinsley originally lost Bambi.  People can be so cruel.  I never had children and my dogs ARE my children so a few don't even understand the unbelievable pain we go through. My heart aches for my baby, but hey, I have friends and family that understand and that's all I need. Grief is grief and it hurts no matter what.  Hugs to anyone that has lost a furchild, it's brutal.

Let me add that when Bethenny’s dog Cookie died, she put it on viral Twitter blast and was crying inconsolably. She’s a wretched alpha girl who is incapable of being sympathetic or kind. This new guy must only be attracted to her for her money and getting laid.

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Changing the subject here for a sec.  Someone up thread mentioned Tinsley with Whitney from “Southern Charm”.  Are they a couple or are their Mothers trying to make a match?  I think thats a great idea.  Anyone here know about that?

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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

I just don’t get it, but maybe I do.  They  have cracked down on pain killers which many people need, but have done nothing about alcohol.  You could have five drinks, get in a car and kill someone.  Guess there’s too much money to be made with alcohol all around.  Try to get pain pills after 2 weeks of back surgery, and you’re told to take Tylenol.

In a way, they have. Bartenders can be held liable if they over serve a patron and that person gets into an accident. I've seen a few news stories where bartenders have been charged with homicide. 

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1 hour ago, lasu said:

I also apparently think "a couple of thoughts" is equal to a long-ass diatribe no one should be bothered to read!  LOL!

Glad I read it, and I mostly agree with you.  I have never been a part of AA, so I can't speak of it.  I am in no position to judge whether or not Lu is a technical alcoholic, but I do believe that a woman in her 50's shouldn't drink to the point of falling, following strangers to hotel rooms (the wrong room at that), injuring law enforcement, subsequently threatening to "kill" said law enforcement...

I have done a lot of drinking in my lifetime.  A lot a lot.  When I was told that I had an illness that would be exacerbated by liquor, I stopped drinking it.  I have no regrets because my health and longevity* mean more to me than that glass of whatever.  That doesn't seem to be the case with Lu.  I believe that the handful of incidents involving Lu that we have been privy to alone would likely qualify her for 'alcoholic' status, and I can't know of things that occurred outside of the camera's eye.  I also believe that she has zero business being involved in this television shitshow.  It will.not.end.well if she continues imo.  She is a nurse.  Would it pay for a Manhattan apartment or a vacation home?  Probably not, but it would be an honest way to make a decent living and live a life of purpose...somewhere else.  She is now addicted to being "on stage", and whatever form that takes, whether RHONY or the Cabafrigginret, girl's gotta have it.  She's dancing around now with an "I beat the system" attitude because for now, she seems to have done so.  We'll all see if there are consequences for her actions and inactions.

*Edit - mostly health.  Learning from my mother's example that longevity ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

This is the first New York reunion that kind of bored me. All the hypocrisy, narcissism and arrogance have become expected, predictable and boring.

But I really appreciated Andy defending Tinsley against Frankel.

All the more reason to fire everyone and get some younger REAL housewives...you know, women who are actually married.

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31 minutes ago, kicksave said:

All the more reason to fire everyone and get some younger REAL housewives...you know, women who are actually married.

Younger folks may want younger cast members, and for me, this group is my wheelhouse.  Perhaps a mix would satisfy everyone, but would probably be hard to mesh together.

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20 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

I don't know why Bethenny found that so funny. I'm still grieving my dog, and it's been a few months. He was a beauty, with a big personality. I really felt for Tinsley.

Btw, I've seen fireman rescue cats from trees! 

I still miss my snuggle bug cat Lennier and it’s been six years (we used to spoon at night) - 

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14 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Younger folks may want younger cast members, and for me, this group is my wheelhouse.  Perhaps a mix would satisfy everyone, but would probably be hard to mesh together.

I feel like these women are part of my big dysfunctional family. A couple of drunk, inappropriate aunts, a neurotic sister, the baby sister I never had, that woman that no one can quite place, but shows up to everything trying to pick up an uncle...I love these women, I can't help it.

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3 hours ago, lasu said:

A couple of thoughts on Lu:

1. Lu cannot be "diagnosed" as an alcoholic.

2. I think she likely was what I think of as a "situational alcoholic," where as other things in her life got out of control, her drinking followed suit.  I think she has always been susceptible to binge drinking, as we have seen with her falling in bushes.  Binge drinking is certainly problematic, but doesn't automatically make one an alcoholic.

3. AA should not be court mandated.  I don't care if you mandate someone has to blow three times a day, but not that they should have to go to AA.  It's not fair for anyone, including the people in want to be in the meetings.  And not all meetings are created equally.  If the court wants to mandate something like this, it should be something the court regulates, and they can't.

4. Being in AA is probably actually reinforcing the idea to Lu that she is NOT an alcoholic.  The most common idea in AA is that one CANNOT take one drink.  It's simply not possible for an alcoholic, which isn't going to match up for the binge drinker like Luanne.  I think there are lots and lots of times she drinks without going overboard, and that is very confusing when you are getting the constant message that an alcoholic simply cannot take a single drink without drinking the barrel.

I think I have been a bad binge drinker like Luanne.  Like her, I also had a tendency to occasionally go out and rock it 'til the cows came home, but mostly I just had a couple of beers or a glass of wine and called it a day.  But after a bad break up, the binges happened with way more frequency, which in and of itself wasn't the worst thing in the world, because I'm a fun, funny drunk.  But my god, the depression and anxiety were too much to handle the next day, on top of that break up.  The only way I could 100% GUARANTEE not to binge, was to not drink at all.  I was too scared of the hangovers coupled with my depression.  Legit scared of myself.

So I went to AA.  I stayed in for over a year, and I got a lot out of it. You're supposed to go to 90 meetings your first 90 days.  I went to 156.  I had a sponsor. I later had a sponsee.  I worked a good and honest program and it was beneficial to me.  But it was also hard, because I didn't fit that "one drink, now the barrel" definition.  I'm also an atheist and so the god/higher power part could be problematic for me (and one of the reasons I have a problem with it being court mandated.)

I did go out with my girlfriends sometimes, even once for a weekend away, which was miserable.  I was fine not drinking, but it's hard to be around a group of drunk asses and not either feel annoyed, or even worse, just plain left out.  I think even someone who has never had ANY issue with alcohol may feel similar in such a situation.

Finally, I walked away from AA because of some cliquey drama (yet another reason for it to not be court mandated) and because I wanted a glass of champagne on my 40th birthday, and AA doesn't leave room for that.  If they had a path for successful moderation, I likely wouldn't have completely left the program.

In all, I think there is no question whatsoever that Luanne was in a place where she had absolutely no business drinking alcohol.  Whether or not she can go back to drinking and moderate successfully is not for me to say.  I've had a few friends over the past 4.5 years hit me up and ask me about leaving AA, and I'm so fucking cautious, because for SOME people, I do think that 1st drink can lead to death.  But for others, I think stepping away from alcohol for a period of time may the "reset" button they need, while others it needs to be lifelong abstinence.   It's not for me to say which category Luanne falls in.

As far as having the mimosas?  Pure stupidity, no question, but I think it says more about her entitlement issues than her alcohol issues.  I don't think it proves she COULDN'T go two years without a drink, as much as it showed she DIDN'T go two years without a drink.  I don't have any issues with cheese, I just like it.  I put it away no problem when I want to drop some weight.  But if I was forced to give it up for two years?  I would obsess over it.  I can't imagine going to get fondue with my friends when I couldn't have cheese.  And honestly?  I wouldn't be surprised at me if there was a point I thought I could get away with it, even if there were big consequences.  Because sometimes I'm a self sabotaging asshole too who makes really stupid choices I live to regret.  Wouldn't make a cheese-aholic, just a dumb ass with poor self control.

I also apparently think "a couple of thoughts" is equal to a long-ass diatribe no one should be bothered to read!  LOL!


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2 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I feel like these women are part of my big dysfunctional family. A couple of drunk, inappropriate aunts, a neurotic sister, the baby sister I never had, that woman that no one can quite place, but shows up to everything trying to pick up an uncle...I love these women, I can't help it.

Ecchh...I loathe them. If they were members of my family I would disown them.

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44 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

I still miss my snuggle bug cat Lennier and it’s been six years (we used to spoon at night) - 

Just last week I asked Tiger Lily (my older cat) if she still missed Mrs Peel (my and her companion cat, who died 6 years ago).  We remember our pets for a long time.

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We lost our beloved dog 5 years ago and I still cry for him time to time....he was 15 when he passed and truly was like another child to me. I grieved for a long time...we got another dog (my avatar) and she’s great...she helped to heal my broken heart. I love all my dogs forever...I know how Tinsley feels...and it’s truly terrible the way these women treated her especially when they have lost their dogs. Tinsley is sweet and kind...too nice for these battleaxes.

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Andy to Ramona- "You said shit about Dennis."

Ramona to everyone-- "I did, I feel terrible. It was awful. I'm so sorry."

Andy to Bethanny-- "What do you think about this?"

At this point, I'm completely waiting for Bethanny to say how hurtful that was to Dennis, that he was kind a considerate, generous man. How painful that was to his daughters.. etc."

What Bethanny says: "Ramona has a problem with me."

Because everything is  about Bethanny. Which I suppose isn't too surprising since she can only stand to be around people who give her full attention, hence her newfound love for Dorinda.

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6 hours ago, divsc said:

I used to enjoy Bethenny's wit and humor, but I find her terrible and just mean lately.

I think that the problem with Bethenny is that when the show started she was the underdog so every time she hit out at someone, she was punching up.  Now not only is she punching down, but she's also swanning around like it's her show that she's letting these other women participate in.  It's not fun to watch someone power tripping like this with no consequences or comeuppance.

Back in the day Bethenny was my favorite and I was so excited when she came back, but now I'd give my left arm to see Andy turn to her and say, "Could you shut the fuck up for five minutes so other people can talk?"

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7 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

She might not be getting up and speaking.

Sonja already confirmed that Luann got up to speak at the meeting they attended in Miami.  Sonja claimed that Luann was entertaining everyone and they enjoyed her telling of her "story".  

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5 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Regarding Lu and whether she will drink when she is done with her sentence and whether she is an alcoholic. I am not an alcoholic by any stretch of the imagination. I like good wine (and admittedly sometimes shitty wine). But 6 months ago I got a DWI. And now I can’t have any alcohol for 3 years while on probation. I don’t clamor for it. I don’t jones for it. I don’t cheat because I will never go to jail to have a glass of wine. But you can bet that the minute I am done I will have a nice glass of Rose. And I mean the minute I am done. So I for one don’t judge her for that. 

Good for you! You should still enjoy a glass of wine. Just don't drive anywhere!

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5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Changing the subject here for a sec.  Someone up thread mentioned Tinsley with Whitney from “Southern Charm”.  Are they a couple or are their Mothers trying to make a match?  I think thats a great idea.  Anyone here know about that?

Just board speculation (and, maybe a bit of wishful thinking!).   🙂

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5 hours ago, lasu said:

So I went to AA.  I stayed in for over a year, and I got a lot out of it. You're supposed to go to 90 meetings your first 90 days.  I went to 156.  I had a sponsor. I later had a sponsee.  I worked a good and honest program and it was beneficial to me.  But it was also hard, because I didn't fit that "one drink, now the barrel" definition.  I'm also an atheist and so the god/higher power part could be problematic for me (and one of the reasons I have a problem with it being court mandated.)

I don't think you have to attend AA necessarily. But you do need to attend some type of therapy each week. AA is usually the best choice because they are all over the place and reliable. But you don't have to do AA-- you can do a similar program or therapy. Maybe there is a cost-- AA is free...

3 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Yikes! you can really see how much cosmetic work she's had in this shot...

Yeah, she looks gross. 

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25 minutes ago, Steph J said:

I think that the problem with Bethenny is that when the show started she was the underdog so every time she hit out at someone, she was punching up.  Now not only is she punching down, but she's also swanning around like it's her show that she's letting these other women participate in.  It's not fun to watch someone power tripping like this with no consequences or comeuppance.

Back in the day Bethenny was my favorite and I was so excited when she came back, but now I'd give my left arm to see Andy turn to her and say, "Could you shut the fuck up for five minutes so other people can talk?"

Yes! very good observation...and so true! Now that she's the most successful "housewife" in this franchise financially and business wise, she's truly in her diva element. She does act as though she is in control of the show and even sits herself right next to Andy. Andy has created a monster.

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On ‎7‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 8:09 PM, Steph J said:

I wonder if Ramona is the kind of person who, once they tell a lie, it's like a switch is flipped in their brain and they genuinely convince themselves that the lie is the truth.

Bethenny, who is constantly dialed up to 10, should not be criticizing anyone else for raising their voice.

It's not a lie if you believe it. - George Costanza

Edited by SoTheresThat
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56 minutes ago, Steph J said:

I think that the problem with Bethenny is that when the show started she was the underdog so every time she hit out at someone, she was punching up.  Now not only is she punching down, but she's also swanning around like it's her show that she's letting these other women participate in.  It's not fun to watch someone power tripping like this with no consequences or comeuppance.

Back in the day Bethenny was my favorite and I was so excited when she came back, but now I'd give my left arm to see Andy turn to her and say, "Could you shut the fuck up for five minutes so other people can talk?"

How many of us would literally stand up and applaud if this ever happens?

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aSomeone up thread (sorry I'm forgetting who) said that Carol dogs Tinsley every chance she gets on social media.  I thought they were close? Can someone fill me in on what happened to make Carol do this? I'd have thought she felt like she was above even talking about any of the housewives after she left the show with her superior attitude.  Why would all the women (even Carol) turn against Tinsley, of all people?! 

Enough of Dorinda!  Her face staring at Tinsley with such burning hate.....  Has she ever admitted she's actually wrong about anything and not gone backwards in the next scene? No accountability at all.  Really ironic to watch her judge Luanne about drinking when I think Dorinda is the absolute worst drunk on the show.  She just hasn't been caught yet.  I can fully see her fighting the police and doing everything Luanne did.  

Lastly I paused my DVR to go do something and I wish I could have saved the scene I paused on.  It was Sonja, Dorinda and Bethany starring at Tinsley-- just their three faces framed in the picture and boy you talk about MEAN.  They Wanted Her Downfall. yikes!

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23 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Except she was on probation where the details are spelled out multiple times and the consequences for a positive tests could land you in jail, it landed her having to take a drug with horrible side effects.

I am not trying to compare my situation with Luanne's alcoholism, but I was trying to show some empathy only because I understand why "she doesn't get it." I too always felt that I knew what was "best" for me... ( How wrong was I, boy!) Also, the tests the hospital had set up for me (after 18 months of waiting) also had the expectations listed clearly, as well as a warning that I would compromised the results if I nibbled on anything, even a couple of grains of rice. My inability to follow important rules has always baffled me.

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I’ll never understand how someone as fortunate and wealthy as Bethenny can be such a shrew.  She is so fucking miserable and cranky.  She is a cunt to EVERYONE.  Poor Brynn.  Ramona was 1000000% correct.  B will die alone (in a pile of money), but alone no less.

She is not a role model, she is not a pioneer, she is not an empowered woman.  

I hate seeing these women scream at each other.  

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The most interesting thing about this whole episode for me was when Andy assumed that Luann had the two mimosas after a cabaret show, and Lu was quick to correct him that the show had nothing to do with her temptation to drink but rather she drank them at 10 am. She said it was at lunch (maybe she meant brunch) but regardless she felt that having two mimosas at 10 am was not a problem. Mostly because she thought she would not be found out. As others have said it makes me wonder how many other times she drank gave herself enough time not to be caught? (Assuming that you can drink a certain amount and not have it show up if you have, say, a 7 hour window in between?). 

Ramona really looked rough. For someone who is trying to promote an "ageless" skincare line, she really needs someone who can give her that dewy look. She may be the oldest of the group, but on the reunion looked much much older. 

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2 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

I’ll never understand how someone as fortunate and wealthy as Bethenny can be such a shrew.  She is so fucking miserable and cranky.  She is a cunt to EVERYONE.  Poor Brynn.  Ramona was 1000000% correct.  B will die alone (in a pile of money), but alone no less.

She is not a role model, she is not a pioneer, she is not an empowered woman.  

I hate seeing these women scream at each other.  

I was thinking the same thing you said,'' Poor Brynn".  Can you imagine as she ages and has to give Bethenny credit for every little thing, has to thank her mother over and over to make Bethenny feel good about herself as a mom? Has to hear all Beth's problems and how AWFUL her daddy is?  😞   Poor Brynn. 

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Was this reunion filmed before or after Andy had his kid?  I only wonder because I would like to think after becoming a father himself he would have softened a bit.  The whole thing with Tins and Bambi is so sad.  If he was such a dick to her about it then I’m not even sure he cares about his dog anymore now that he has a kid.  He was kind of a shit dog owner anyway.

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16 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Sonja should've worn a cheerleader's outfit with all of the rah-rah's she was doing.  She apparently had nothing of value to add to the conversation, so she was left to sit and watch from the sidelines.

Do we have anybody here that works in the veterinary world?  Maybe they could shed some light on the 'freeze the dog' situation.  Think about it though.  If a pet dies and you want to have a service for it but are waiting for people who are out-of-town to get there, what else would you do?   Since they don't embalm pets (I guess they don't), then how else would they keep it from decomposing?   Sure, there is some morbid humor in thinking about freezing the dog, but out of respect for Tinsley, they should've kept their big mouths shut.  It may not be as weird as the ladies made it out to be.   Aren't people put "on ice" in the morgue until they're embalmed?  I don't think what she did warranted them criticizing and mocking her.  Granted, I wouldn't have called 911, but I wouldn't have made fun of Tinsley to her face for doing it.  

Bethenny's running commentary while Tinsley was talking about this was just next level rude and obnoxious.  You didn't see them giving her the side eye when she described being pulled into the other side by Dennis.  Bethenny believes that but thinks that putting a dog on ice is weird?  Okay then. 

I couldn’t make out all of what Tinsly was saying but because I went through euthanasia process  last December I do know that they keep the pet in refrigerated unit and in my case until the empathetic cremation place could drive over the hill into busy city to pick him up and take him back to their location in the woods for creation and burial.  Since they were not charging for pickup I made it clear they could come when it was good for them. It  was maybe 3-4 days. 

Who was she keeping the dog in the frozen state for? Who wanted to see it?  That’s odd.  Since I only have 2 brain cells rattling around in my brain I thought of one of the women from Shahs of Sunset who had her little pooch die on her and she put him in her freezer because she didn’t want to let him go. It was so very creepy, right next to the popsicles.  

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13 hours ago, BluBrd47 said:

This, this and this. Again, let's not pretend LuAnn is filming with people who have a simple glass of wine with dinner. It's gotta suck to sit at a table with Ramona, Slurinda and Bethanny stone cold sober.

I agree, it must be so hard to sit with a group of women who consistently get hammered while telling her she's an alcoholic who can't mange her alcohol the way they can. Alcoholic or not, it must be hard to have alcohol all around you, while you cannot even have a small glass of rosé.

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I really hoped that, in the Tinsley segment, Bethenny would have been taken to task for her shitty Miami comment about Tinsley's lack of a child in the same way Ramona was called on the carpet for her transgressions.  Hell, at least Ramona had the sense to call Bethenny after her Dennis comment aired and apologized.  Bethenny lacks the self-awareness of Ramona. 

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On 7/18/2019 at 6:56 PM, Neurochick said:

Ugh, Bethenny's face.  She looks like she's in her 70's.

I have to confess, I really like Bethenny's appearance. I think she's very attractive/ pretty - she just has too much botox.

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The Tinsley segment was tough. My only favorite part is Tins telling Romona you sleep with your boobs, I sleep with my lashes. You could tell Romona was surprised and had no come back.

I wish all the ladies could stand up to B, but let's face it they like fame too much to risk pissing her off. Tins def could've said calling 911 was ridic in hindsight, almost as bad as filming your dying dog on social media while crying.

Dorinda is a miserable cow, she can be so supportive as a friend. But when the tide turns, and it will she comes with every minuscule sight you've ever done.

Who cares where tons gets money from half the couch got theirs from sleeping well.

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Lord Ramona, STOP just STOP!!!  Ramona tries to avoid telling the truth with an outlandish lie that when she ultimately gets caught doesn’t realize the truth however hurtful would have been better.  Regarding Sonja, I think the reason she didn’t want her there was because she wanted her bday celebration to be all about her and Sonja can suck the energy and attention out of the room.  Yeah, that is fucked up but that’s better than the ludicrous lie about not wanting to be filmed. Classic deflector she brings in the other women when that isn’t the issue.  You intentionally hurt the feelings of your closest friend on the show and that is what makes you a horrible person.   With Dorinda, just say from the jump that I wanted to sit a different table because that table seemed more interesting. Lying about being confused about the table number is just silly and a stupid lie.  Constantly focusing on the most egregious aspect of that was to swear on your daughter’s life is again not the point and a deflection.   Its easier to explain the horrible truth than to defend a lie that no one buys. 

Ramona needs help.  She blames everything on the abuse she received from her father. A good therapist would help he realize that her actions are the same as her father - being verbally abusive to people, making an insincere apology and repeat the behavior.  That’s why apologies from Ramona are worthless. Ramona is her father’s daughter. 

Beth has a lot of nerve bringing in the feminist card with Tins. Full disclosure, as a gay male (Hey Gurl Hey), my broad understanding of feminism (and I am fully open to be educated) is that at its essence feminism is about the right and agency for a woman to choose how she wants to live her life without judgement.  If you want to be in the workforce, great, if you want to be a housewife, great.  Those are your decisions, and no one has the right to judge you.  Tins has a vision of the life she wants and she is being judged because it is more domestically focused as opposed to corporately.  Her choice.  I think its unfair to say she has set back women.

Tins reminds me of Kelly Bennsimone  in the sense that I think they are both emotionally stunted.  They both seem to have a very juvenile mentality like they stopped developing and maturing mentally at an early age.  Tins approach to dealing with the opposite sex and with her mother is very pre-teen/teenager.  There was a discussion on the boards years ago how Kelly always had a reference point of 12 years old (or some other young age) and it was speculated that she had received some sort of trauma around that age that prevented her from developing mentally and socially beyond that.  I wonder if Tins went thru something similar.  It could have been around a young age is when her father’s alcoholism really impacted and affected her and a coping mechanism was to shut down.  Just a thought. 

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On 7/19/2019 at 7:10 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Honestly, she should host the reunions, she is good to keep things moving and likes to dive deep in to subjects.

Her failed talk show would indicate otherwise. She has an uncanny knack for steering every conversation right back to her.

21 hours ago, Jack Terrier said:

Wow!  Dorinda is a master at deflection.  What Sonja and her did at the benefit was disgusting and embarrassing.  But instead of addressing the altercation she somehow does a Jedi mind trick into bringing LouAnne into the conversation and bloop!  The conversation turns to something else and Dorindas atrocious behavior of interrupting a speech and embarrassing the guest of honor goes into the ether.  

Well played Dorinda.  Well played.  She took no responsibility at all for acting like an ass.

21 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I honestly could not believe this. I could not believe that Andy was blaming Ramona for the debacle that was that charity event and then that Dorinda somehow turned it onto Luanne.

Here's my thing - I don't understand how Dorinda (and quite honestly, Bethenny and Sonja) can watch themselves on television, see themselves say vicious and mean things, have complete emotional meltdowns on the show, and then say to themselves, "yup, all is well in my world." 

I mean, while Andy's berating Ramona about how she's "running her mouth," at least she acknowledges when she acts badly. She might do anything about it, but I believe her when she says that she can see herself acting badly.  Meanwhile, Dorinda has never once taken responsibility for any of the below-the-belt comments or drunken actions she has ever taken.

You’re both right on about Dorinda. She has never taken accountability for acting like a fool. She thinks she’s hilarious and a “Greek chorus.” No, you’re just a mean drunk. 

She even posted that clip of her imitating Lu about not sleeping in the fish Room on Instagram, asking her followers to tell her how funny and iconic she was. Now, Lu’s behavior in that moment was admittedly, obnoxious, but her “impression” was equally so. 

Then again, I failed to see the extreme hilarity in Bethenny’s impression of Ramona last year, so perhaps I’m just not the target audience for these types of imitations.

20 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Lots of “ magical thinking” going on here on behalf of Lu. When alcohol causes negative effects in your relationships, your job,and  your finances, chances are you are an alcoholic. 

Most people that are moderate or heavy drinkers have never threatened to kill a police officer....

If Lu cannot abstain from mimosas on Easter, after everything that happened, it seems fairly obvious she has a problem. 

Seriously. The Occam’s Razor analogy exists for a reason. Lu absolutely has an issue with alcohol. She got caught behaving badly and is paying the price. End of story. 

On 7/19/2019 at 5:24 AM, elsie said:

Considering she has such a generally pleasant nature (particularly when compared to the others) Tinsley really gets a ton of crap thrown at her at these reunions.

I know she does wear a lot of makeup and may in fact look better with a lighter touch, but that previously unseen footage of Ramona  shaming her for it while dancing around and proclaiming how much better and younger she (Ramona) looked was just gross.

She really does. I think the difference between Tinsley and the rest of them  (with the exception of maybe Sonja—maybe) is that Tinsley wants people to like her. Therefore she chooses her words and her actions carefully. She won’t go HAM like Bethenny and Dorinda or say casually malicious things like Ramona. It’s not in her nature. This is a GOOD quality to have as a human being, but makes it harder to be a “real housewife” I’d imagine. 

Edited by Duke2801
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15 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Regarding Lu and whether she will drink when she is done with her sentence and whether she is an alcoholic. I am not an alcoholic by any stretch of the imagination. I like good wine (and admittedly sometimes shitty wine). But 6 months ago I got a DWI. And now I can’t have any alcohol for 3 years while on probation. I don’t clamor for it. I don’t jones for it. I don’t cheat because I will never go to jail to have a glass of wine. But you can bet that the minute I am done I will have a nice glass of Rose. And I mean the minute I am done. So I for one don’t judge her for that. 

Luann got arrested because of the Countess in her.  Dorinda got scared shitless as she knew she was next if she didn’t pace herself.  Sonja, just, well falls off chairs and looks to make out with someone, male or female.

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8 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Who was she keeping the dog in the frozen state for? Who wanted to see it?  That’s odd.  

Her sister Dabney. She mentioned that she and Bambi were close and Bambi was kept frozen until Dabney could come and see him and say goodbye. 

2 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Luann got arrested because of the Countess in her.  Dorinda got scared shitless as she knew she was next if she didn’t pace herself.  Sonja, just, well falls off chairs and looks to make out with someone, male or female.

Didn’t Sonja get a DWI a few years ago? I remember her own mug shot making the rounds. 

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