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S21.E01: Season Premiere (Part 1)

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4 hours ago, vb68 said:

I think  Jack could be very interesting, but wish he would keep his distance from Jackson, who seems dumb as a Rock.  He's not good with numbers. You don't say.

Yeah Jackson is already a jerk.  Run far away and be a likable human, Jack.  Because otherwise there will be guilt by association.

4 hours ago, Cutty said:

Best description of Jackson I've seen is that he looks like a lego. 

Thanks.  I'll use that rather than just calling him Mr Block Head which I was going to do.

3 hours ago, toomuchtv said:

Washington township

Washington Township, NJ sounded familiar. 

Now it comes to me.  Most famous for being the hometown of Elliot, the troubled hero of Mr Robot (played by Rami Melek who won an Emmy in the role) and site of some rumored ultra-weird experiment in the past not yet explained in the series.  So I'm thinking now maybe the result of the experiment produces house guests for BB.

Edited by green
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6 hours ago, zorak said:

Was that Dudebro Camp Director Jackson talking to Jason Momoa look alike Jack about winning back to back to back comps starting week one?  LOL.  NO.

6 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I am not down with this Browmance. I need them out soon. Please!

Oh my god, it reminded me WAY too much of that awful Peanut Butter (actually the "Pretty Boys," ugh) alliance that formed with four dudebros on Big Brother Canada Season 7 that just finished in May. Dane wasn't too bad, but there was also talk of winning back-to-back comps every week! And the entire dudebro alliance almost made it to the end!

6 hours ago, vb68 said:

So far nobody seems too odious.

Right off the bat Nicole could so be one of the Rockstar's daughters. She has the potential to be very annoying with all the kid schtick.

I think Jack could be very interesting, but wish he would keep his distance from Jackson, who seems dumb as a Rock.  He's not good with numbers. You don't say.

I'm guessing it's between Jessica and Cliff to get axed.

Oh, just wait.

Yeah, Nicole could get very annoying very fast. I don't mind people expressing childlike glee for certain things or places or people, but grown adults who act like children all the time work my last nerve.

Yeah, Jackson's not "good with numbers." I guess he means, like, counting? Counting to less than 10? Jesus Christ.

I think you may be right regarding Cliff and Jessica.

6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I forgot to time it but I'm gonna make a guess and say that we made it a whole 17 minutes before BB started pimping a bromance. That may be a new record - or a new low, depending on what side of the bromance divide you are. 

But we never see a womance because we all know us women are bitches who all not-so-secretly hate each other. 

Yeah, it took Nicole what, all of 30 seconds before abandoning the females for the men-folk? And I thought her line about being scared of Jackson's retribution if she didn't vote for him to be horseshit. I too got a Christine (shudder) vibe from her, that she saw all the man-flesh on display and decided that's what she was down for. But it's still early, so maybe I'm wrong.

6 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I enjoyed that. The houseguests were way less heinous than they usually are in the first episode. Usually it takes a couple of weeks for me to start liking them. 

Isa/Bella has the potential to be hysterical. "Don't cross me or I'll cut you. No, that's bad. Don't use it. I 'll stab you. No! I won't inflict any physical harm. Just mental." 

I feel bad that someone's going home before the first eviction. I always hate these early boots because they seem extra cruel. However...it was sad and yet hilarious to see the guests go from peppy and happy and clean to soggy, multicoloured and miserable in a few minutes. It was like a scene from a wonderfully bad horror movie.

For the most part, I agree that they were less heinous than seasons past, and I didn't immediately hate half of them on sight. I'm sure there are people out there who find Jackson "attractive," but when he first appeared, all I saw was chin. And kudos to @Cutty! He does look like a Lego!

To be honest, the most attractive male in the house is definitely Tommy. Sorry Jason Mimosa fans, but long hair on men just does not do it for me!

I was a little on the fence regarding Isabella, but that whole bit definitely got me on her side. Let's hope she doesn't change too much!

5 hours ago, The Companion said:

I like most of the cast on first impression. I look forward to finding put how secretly terrible they all are over the next few weeks. 

It was a weird twist to only have two cast members know each other and then because one dated the family member of the other (also, wtf with the opaque reference to a "family member"? Was it your cousin? Aunt? Mom?).

So far, I like: Cliff (although I'm sure he'll be gone soon), Holly, Isabella, Jack (if he can stay out of Jackson's clutches, but I fear it may already be too late), Jessica (hey, at least she tried!), Nick (maybe), Ovi and Tommy.

Still on the fence: Christie (liked her, until she changed her vote for...reasons), Kemi (I detest mean-spirited people who take gleeful pride in being cruel to others for their own pleasure, but she wasn't too bad this ep), Nicole (as long as she does not go overboard with the cutesy little girl act) and Sam (but seriously dude, STOP YELLING!!).

Wait, who?: Analyse, David, Kathryn.

Fuck off: Jackson.

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14 minutes ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

Yeah, it took Nicole what, all of 30 seconds before abandoning the females for the men-folk? And I thought her line about being scared of Jackson's retribution if she didn't vote for him to be horseshit. I too got a Christine (shudder) vibe from her, that she saw all the man-flesh on display and decided that's what she was down for. But it's still early, so maybe I'm wrong.

I didn’t really have a problem with Nicole’s fence-jumping. Not for the reasons Nicole stated, of course - which were an excellent discourse on bovine scatology - but because if she feels vulnerable in the sphere of physical competition, then attempting to build rapport with some of the (apparent) physical comp beasts makes eminently good sense.  

Don’t know why Nicole couldn’t have just come right out and said so in her DR, though.

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12 hours ago, vb68 said:

It's not summer without Big Brother!

So far nobody seems too odious.

Right off the bat Nicole could so be one of the Rockstar's daughters. She has the potential to be very annoying with all the kid schtick.

I think  Jack could be very interesting, but wish he would keep his distance from Jackson, who seems dumb as a Rock.  He's not good with numbers. You don't say.

I was a little surprised anybody volunteered for camp director after Cliff. 

So are Tommy and Christie the only two who know each other?

I was trying to think who Christie reminds me of. I think Kimmi Kappenberg from Survivor.

I'm guessing it's between Jessica and Cliff to get axed.

Oh yeah, here's a reference for the oldsters. I think it was Sam Smith who was getting awfully screechy in the DR. He was sounding like Paul Lynde.  

Christie reminds me of a hippy Bizzy Philips.

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Well, that sucked lol.

Jackson is horrible, but I feel like it could be fun hating him. As long as everyone doesn't remain up his ass and he's actually targeted, that is.

So far I like Cliff, Bella, Kat, Sis, and Jessica. I hope they don't turn awful and/or into do nothing players.

Fucking Nicole. Of course. How did I not see that coming. 

I'm already so tired of Jack's Aquaman shit. Production, it's not cute and it's not funny so please don't keep making him do it.

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So much to say. I think Isabella is my favorite right now. Love her sense of humor and her mom. I didn't mind Jackson until he started complaining about getting director after campaigning hard for it. Jack might be interesting. I think he's more than just a great looking guy. There seems to be some humor there. I find Nicole annoying. She is like a twelve year old in a room full of women. Not just physical appearance but maturity level as well. Tommy is so over the top with his screeching and "hiding" the fact he knows Christie. Too annoying for me. I'm sick of the black girl troupe of being mean and full of attitude. Is that all you can come up with? I love Jessica. She's so confident. But I think she's a goner. I have nothing against Cliff but stop putting older folks in the house. We know they are targets. And I am in my 60s so I'm not being ageist. The rest have not made much of an impression yet. I am so glad there are no returnees. I hope it stays this way. Looking forward to the season.

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Am I the only one who doesn't think Jack is that great looking? Or charismatic? He's big and has great hair and a striking resemblance to you-know-who, but otherwise I'm not finding him that special. At least not as special as everyone on the show and on here is finding him. What is wrong with me? 

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Best DR line of the night???

I'm 29 and in Heat...

Ovi reminds me of Oscar Nunez...


I was kinda rooting for Tommy but he has to tone it down a bit.

I REALLY like Isabella, Kat and David.

I REALLY despise Jess, Nicole, and Jackson.

The rest... meh.

Edited by xKHANx
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I came here expecting every other post to comment on Jack's resemblance to Zach from The Challenge and . . . nothing?  He could be Zach's twin.  He could be Zach with his hair grown out going incognito. I can't stand Zach, but Jack seems like a fun guy (minus the JM obsession).

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1 hour ago, retired watcher said:

So much to say. I think Isabella is my favorite right now. Love her sense of humor and her mom. I didn't mind Jackson until he started complaining about getting director after campaigning hard for it. Jack might be interesting. I think he's more than just a great looking guy. There seems to be some humor there. I find Nicole annoying. She is like a twelve year old in a room full of women. Not just physical appearance but maturity level as well. Tommy is so over the top with his screeching and "hiding" the fact he knows Christie. Too annoying for me. I'm sick of the black girl troupe of being mean and full of attitude. Is that all you can come up with? I love Jessica. She's so confident. But I think she's a goner. I have nothing against Cliff but stop putting older folks in the house. We know they are targets. And I am in my 60s so I'm not being ageist. The rest have not made much of an impression yet. I am so glad there are no returnees. I hope it stays this way. Looking forward to the season.

That's what cracked me up. Jackson says at the end he didn't want to do this and I'm like, "Yes, you did". You campaigned hard for it. So dumb. Of course, no one will say that to him because they don't want to get banished. Too funny!

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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

Am I the only one who doesn't think Jack is that great looking? Or charismatic? He's big and has great hair and a striking resemblance to you-know-who, but otherwise I'm not finding him that special. At least not as special as everyone on the show and on here is finding him. What is wrong with me? 

No, I'm with you. I didn't find him attractive. I did see a still photo of him today with his hair pulled back and he looks much better. 

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Sigh. We have the usual meatheads and bikini models, and the tokens for them to pick off. A majority alliance will form around Jack and Jackson and Allison Grodner will pull every trick out the bag to keep them safe. My prediction: Jack and Jackson, final 2.

That said, I didn't despise anyone right out of the gate, but give me a couple weeks. I do think there are a few HGs who don't fit the usual casting call: Obi, Christie, Isabella, Jessica and Cliff. So naturally they will go out the door 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 

Tommy is probably the least heinous token gay they've had in years so that's something I guess. He still needs to dial it down a notch. 

I'm not sure I buy that Nick is a children's therapist. Probably more like a volunteer.

Also? It was odd they didn't show everyone introducing themselves to each other. That's usually where they set the stage for what lie they're going to tell about themselves - i.e. "I don't want them to know I'm a nurse/policeman/firefighter/teacher/psychiatrist/model because they will see me as a threat!"

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After rewatching the episode,  Sam's voice and speaking manner has a bit of Pee Wee Herman trying to get out .  It's the way he does a little scream at the end.

Nicole really seems like the definition of awkward


I'm not sure I buy that Nick is a children's therapist. Probably more like a volunteer.

I was wondering if a legit therapist would ever let TV camera in with a child, even just filming from the back and down at the feet?  That seemed very questionable from an ethical standpoint.

Edited by vb68
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2 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Am I the only one who doesn't think Jack is that great looking? Or charismatic? He's big and has great hair and a striking resemblance to you-know-who, but otherwise I'm not finding him that special. At least not as special as everyone on the show and on here is finding him. What is wrong with me? 

I'd have to agree. Long hair on men doesn't do much for me, and I have a feeling the Aquaman/Jason Momoa thing is something he plays up. I don't think Production has to urge him to pull that out very often, or at all really.

He does have a nice face and body, but I don't see the charisma that the other Houseguests seem to see. Will have to see a picture of him with his hair pulled back.

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14 hours ago, The Companion said:

It was a weird twist to only have two cast members know each other and then because one dated the family member of the other (also, wtf with the opaque reference to a "family member"? Was it your cousin? Aunt? Mom?).

I think they wanted to surprise us later that the relationship with a family member was same-sex.

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19 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

I think they wanted to surprise us later that the relationship with a family member was same-sex.

She’s already said it was a woman though, and that she was significantly older. I wonder if it was a mom or aunt or someone really close to him? 

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If I wanted to hear knees cracking and creaking, I'd turn off the TV and do my own high kicks, except no, because then I'd hear (myself) screeching and crying right afterward.  But that sound effect is going to get old fast, especially since there is no indication Tommy's joints are starting to bear the brunt of his career.  

I assumed the intro with Nick counseling the kid was a "reenactment" with an actress, not a real patient.  

Nice lines, though--"How you feeling?  good?  it wasn't that long ago you were breaking lamps and throwing chairs!"  If any therapist had ever said that to my kid (who did act out his anxieties when quite young--didn't break lamps or throw chairs though) I would have been really mad.  The kid's made progress and then you remind them of their inappropriate behavior?  Greeeaaat.  Take a few more visits with someone else to get past that one!

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When are Girls going to understand that there is NO SUCH THING as Girl Power in the BB House????

It has been 21 YEARS!!!!!!! Never!!!!!! 🙌🏻

(I just needed to get this out, thank you for listening to me!)

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm already so tired of Jack's Aquaman shit. Production, it's not cute and it's not funny so please don't keep making him do it.

Don’t worry, @peachmangosteen - that kind of Day 1 schtick rarely survives past the first week.  I suspect even Production gets sick of it, as keeping that particular ball rolling would involve something too closely resembling work. 😉

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HG Cheat Sheet (that I need for like 4 weeks!)

First Impression 

I like Tommy, my token hot girl is Analyse and Isabella.

I already dislike and won’t change my mind is Jack, Jackson, Nicole and Sam.

Sam, because I hate when people use the ‘I have kids’ card.  Well, kids are a choice!!! The others....because, they are beyond obnoxious! 


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2 hours ago, toomuchtv said:

She’s already said it was a woman though, and that she was significantly older. I wonder if it was a mom or aunt or someone really close to him? 

Exactly. Maybe it was just a weird editing thing, but it made no sense in context.

ETA: it has just now occurred to me that maybe the designation would identify the person, and maybe they didn't have consent from the ex so they were being cautious.

Edited by The Companion
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2 hours ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

He does have a nice face and body, but I don't see the charisma that the other Houseguests seem to see. Will have to see a picture of him with his hair pulled back.

I guess that's it. Outward appearance alone doesn't make someone attractive and it's only a small part of charisma. They also have to be smart and funny and interesting. Maybe Jack is all those things, but it isn't evident yet. 

Edited by Melina22
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2 hours ago, Jobiska said:

But that sound effect is going to get old fast, especially since there is no indication Tommy's joints are starting to bear the brunt of his career.  

Yikes, yes! The first time they did it it made me queasy. It sounded like his muscles were tearing. Bizarre. 

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That was one of the most boring first episodes of Big Brother I've ever seen.

I've said that I haven't watched every season, but with each new season I hope it'll be something to be interested in, something to follow for three months. That happened last season.

I'll give it a few more chances though. The first episode is always full of 'WOOOO's!' from everybody, which amounts to nothing.

And I have absolutely no opinion on anybody.

So call me SCROOGE?

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34 minutes ago, The Companion said:

Exactly. Maybe it was just a weird editing thing, but it made no sense in context.

ETA: it has just now occurred to me that maybe the designation would identify the person, and maybe they didn't have consent from the ex so they were being cautious.

Good point, I could see that. These people are now being searched all over social media and the internet and the ex may not want to be identified 

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Not many impressions so far, but Jackson is - by far - my least favorite.  Mama's boy redneck shooting a shotgun at nothing while mama pours his chocolate milk.  Cannot stand him.  Of course, he has to get power because he will be a target because of his "looks" and perceived threat.  Because everybody knows it's the nice looking athletic males who get voted off first.  Moron.

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Nice lines, though--"How you feeling?  good?  it wasn't that long ago you were breaking lamps and throwing chairs!"  If any therapist had ever said that to my kid (who did act out his anxieties when quite young--didn't break lamps or throw chairs though) I would have been really mad.  The kid's made progress and then you remind them of their inappropriate behavior?  Greeeaaat.  Take a few more visits with someone else to get past that one!

Yeah, I think at most Nick is some kind of part-time volunteer counselor that doesn't actually have a degree is psychology or is even an accredited therapist. 


She’s already said it was a woman though, and that she was significantly older. I wonder if it was a mom or aunt or someone really close to him? 

It isn't clear (yet) that the older ex-girlfriend she referenced in her intro package is the same ex-girlfriend related to Tommy. It may be, but they haven't specified that yet. There's more than a good chance Christie has more than one ex.

I suppose the fact that she made a point of talking about her recent breakup in the intro package suggests they're one and the same, but on the other hand, that reference may have mainly been included to indicate her sexuality.

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3 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

I think they wanted to surprise us later that the relationship with a family member was same-sex.

Maybe he didn't want to out the family member?  

3 hours ago, Jobiska said:

If I wanted to hear knees cracking and creaking, I'd turn off the TV and do my own high kicks, except no, because then I'd hear (myself) screeching and crying right afterward.  But that sound effect is going to get old fast, especially since there is no indication Tommy's joints are starting to bear the brunt of his career.  

I assumed the intro with Nick counseling the kid was a "reenactment" with an actress, not a real patient.  

Nice lines, though--"How you feeling?  good?  it wasn't that long ago you were breaking lamps and throwing chairs!"  If any therapist had ever said that to my kid (who did act out his anxieties when quite young--didn't break lamps or throw chairs though) I would have been really mad.  The kid's made progress and then you remind them of their inappropriate behavior?  Greeeaaat.  Take a few more visits with someone else to get past that one!

Thank God!  I thought he said breaking limbs, and thought WTF!

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14 hours ago, green said:

Washington Township, NJ sounded familiar. 

Now it comes to me.  Most famous for being the hometown of Elliot, the troubled hero of Mr Robot (played by Rami Melek who won an Emmy in the role) and site of some rumored ultra-weird experiment in the past not yet explained in the series.  So I'm thinking now maybe the result of the experiment produces house guests for BB.

New Jersey geography lesson (if anyone cares, lol).

There are two Washington Townships in NJ. One in North Jersey (Bergen County, closer to NY, Yankees/Mets, Rangers/Islanders, Jets/Giants) and one in South Jersey (Gloucester County, outside of Philly, Phillies, Flyers, Sixers, E-A-G-L-E-S, Eagles!). I'm pretty sure Mr. Robot is N. Jersey, and I know Nick is from S. Jersey. He's a few years younger than a friend of mine, same high school, different years. She knows pretty much everyone in township, so I have to see if she knows him.

This concludes the New Jersey geography lesson from a lifelong Jersey girl (South Jersey, the only one that counts). ;-)

I'm happy the show is back! The shape of Jackson's head fascinates me.

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1 minute ago, lb60 said:

New Jersey geography lesson (if anyone cares, lol).

There are two Washington Townships in NJ. One in North Jersey (Bergen County, closer to NY, Yankees/Mets, Rangers/Islanders, Jets/Giants) and one in South Jersey (Gloucester County, outside of Philly, Phillies, Flyers, Sixers, E-A-G-L-E-S, Eagles!). I'm pretty sure Mr. Robot is N. Jersey, and I know Nick is from S. Jersey. He's a few years younger than a friend of mine, same high school, different years. She knows pretty much everyone in township, so I have to see if she knows him.

This concludes the New Jersey geography lesson from a lifelong Jersey girl (South Jersey, the only one that counts). 😉

I'm happy the show is back! The shape of Jackson's head fascinates me.

OT:  Learn something new every day.  Well I thought the Mr Robot one was the one in the south as in I imagined it in the southern part of the state for some reason based on the show like time to drive all the way down there or something.  Though I didn't know there was one in the north.  But really NJ is NOT that big geographically that they would run out of names for towns and had to start duplicating them.

Now who again is from Washington Township and which one was it?

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1 minute ago, green said:

But really NJ is NOT that big geographically that they would run out of names for towns and had to start duplicating them.

Not necessarily. I'm born, raised and lived in NJ all my life. Until now I never knew there were two Washington Townships. I only knew about the one in the northwest portion of the state.

And I always hear on the news about cities and townships I've never heard of before.

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2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

HG Cheat Sheet (that I need for like 4 weeks!)


Thanks for this. Why do Nick, Sam, and Tommy all look alike? Why do Christie and Kathryn look like twins? And Annalyse and Holly look alike. I am all mixed up. 

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4 hours ago, Jobiska said:

I assumed the intro with Nick counseling the kid was a "reenactment" with an actress, not a real patient.  

Nice lines, though--"How you feeling?  good?  it wasn't that long ago you were breaking lamps and throwing chairs!"  If any therapist had ever said that to my kid (who did act out his anxieties when quite young--didn't break lamps or throw chairs though) I would have been really mad.  The kid's made progress and then you remind them of their inappropriate behavior?  Greeeaaat.  Take a few more visits with someone else to get past that one!

Yup. It was no different from the faux "OMG a Big Brother key inside my menu? Being handed to me by a waiter but you never see his face on camera? In an empty restaurant that only my friends and I are in? No way! I never would have guessed!"

At least they dropped the "I only have thirty minutes to pack my duffel bag!" bit. I'll take all the faux therapy sessions over that. 

I'm assuming that she was Nick's niece or a family friend's kid that stepped up to help out and is now known as the lamp breaking, chair throwing brat in the neighbourhood - assuming any neighbours watch Big Brother. 

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah, I think at most Nick is some kind of part-time volunteer counselor that doesn't actually have a degree is psychology or is even an accredited therapist. 

It isn't clear (yet) that the older ex-girlfriend she referenced in her intro package is the same ex-girlfriend related to Tommy. It may be, but they haven't specified that yet. There's more than a good chance Christie has more than one ex.

I suppose the fact that she made a point of talking about her recent breakup in the intro package suggests they're one and the same, but on the other hand, that reference may have mainly been included to indicate her sexuality.

Christine actually says in the episode she dated a significantly older woman in Tommy's family 

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I actually liked Jackson for the first half of the episode.  He was charming, he was nice, he sounded reasonably intelligent in his DRs.  The only thing I didn't like was his "bruh-mance" with Jack, who comes off as 100% pure oaf.  Who actually leans into the "yeah, I'm Aquaman, that's the ticket" easy hook, I ask you?  Ugh.

But then 'son heard there was a power that might threaten him and he went into major paranoia mode.  I guess if Nicole is Christine, he's her Devon?  And here I was hoping it was Jack who took the early off-ramp back home to his dog.

Really HATE that we got to hear only 6 of the 16 HGs introduce themselves at the Round Table.  (Which is held in the living room most years, but you know what I mean.)  Yes, for a large part it's info that's already be presented in the intro packages…but this is our first chance to see how the HGs present themselves to the rest of the House, and I'd argue that's pretty important.  And not just if there's any "I'm actually a nuclear physicist but that's too threatening, so I'm just going to say I'm a bartender" shenanigans afoot.

Dislike Sam, Nick, Kat, and Kemi.  Cliff's "I'm an alligator, I'm hiding under the radar" shtick probably played well in his audition tape, but come on;  he's roadkill waiting to happen.  And Jessica's intro smelled like Jodi, with all the "no, honest, I'm totally athletic!" self-hype going on. She's probably gone tonight.

Adore Holly, like a few that haven't been mentioned yet, but nothing major.  Interesting that "secret connection" twist involves our two gay HGs (Happy Pride!) but I don't know if that makes up for the barrage of ads for the "100% Showmances!  100% Heterosexual!" crap that is Love Island polluting every ad break.  That's apparently the show that people think this is.  Ugh.

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 I think that the treehouse set they were on for the splatter-reveal of the CD winner was created by the boss of Ted Moseby's that made that phallic pink building with the shrubs at the base. You tell me what you see out of these trees if you take them out of context?


Nahh those rock placements don't make them look phallic at alllll

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I'm new to BB, having only watched the last season of bbcan, which was kind of boring with the bro alliance sweep. So I'm really looking forward to watching this one! I also noticed that other posters here are glad that it's all new players... me too, because I don't know anybody or anything about previous seasons. Lol

As a horse enthusiast myself, I was immediately drawn to Holly but is it possible she's had Botox or something in her face so young? 😞

Analyse is stunning. Wow. Nicole already chaps my hide. Blessings to the poster who shared the face chart - thanks! I found Jessica's "balanced Libra" comment to be a great ice breaker and I'll be watching her social game. I admire that she stepped up for Camp Director and campaigned well...girl is there to play! I loathe under the radar weasels. They seem to always win sadly.

Looking forward to seeing who is evil and also catching up with reading here. Already had some great laughs! Thanks. 😁

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It's been driving me nuts who Holly looks like...finally decided she is a dead ringer for former soap star/model Hunter Tylo (Bold & the Beautiful, anyone?)  

On 6/25/2019 at 10:34 PM, North of Eden said:

Camp motif...nope sorry.  Nothing they ever come up with in the future will hold a candle to the art deco motif used for this year's celebrity edition. That house never looked better or as classy and gorgeous! This camp motif is just crass.

I actually love the camp motif.  If I was going to be trapped in a house for months, I would like to see as much nature brought inside as possible, fake or not.  Love the tree ladder that Mimosa climbed, I thought the boat room was cute, and especially loved the bedroom that looked like the inside of a camper.  Of course the entire place will be trashed and crawling with ants in a few weeks, but I always enjoy the first look when everything is all clean and shiny.

Jackson?  You're not nearly as hot as you think you are.  Hope you enjoy your mamma's watermelon on her living room couch when you get evicted as soon as possible.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

It's been driving me nuts who Holly looks like...finally decided she is a dead ringer for former soap star/model Hunter Tylo (Bold & the Beautiful, anyone?)  

I had Holly pegged as more like a young Rita Wilson:


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GAH, I need to catch up!  Anywho....


Immediately disliked Tommy....damn, take it down a fucking notch and if he bends his leg to his head just one...more...time!

Sam can tone it down as well, he reminds me of the loud DJ that wore a banana seasons past.

I like David, Jessica (first full-figured BB contestant, WOOP-WOOP!), Nicole, Cliff and Isabella (gotta love a chick that threatens to kill you with a straight face)  

Jack Mimosa is a hottie but I'm getting an asshole vibe from him.

Jackson needs to go due to that lamp in his jaw, too distracting.

(ETA:  Read an article about who he put up but because I didn't see it yet I'll put my comments in the Part 2 forum soon)

Edited by Vixenstud
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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

It's been driving me nuts who Holly looks like...finally decided she is a dead ringer for former soap star/model Hunter Tylo (Bold & the Beautiful, anyone?)   

Yes! I haven't watched soaps in over 10 years, but I think there was a Canadian actress that played her daughter that also looked similar to Holly. I see a little Kaitlyn from the bachelorette too (in looks). 😉

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