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S15.E03: Week 3

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As much as I dislike Cam, aka “He who speaks of himself in the third person”, I think Mike did him wrong. 

I agree that Cam was only telling the story to make her aware of something with which prior girlfriends took issue (which doesn’t make sense, but whatever), not to get a pity rose.  And Mike just got his own “pity rose” for his miscarriage story.  

Peter the Pilot is awesome, but the life of a pilot’s wife is filled with lonely days and fearful times.  Pilots need many more years before they can choose their routes, and can often be gone a lot.  Not to mention how they get hit on incessantly.  I have a good friend who was a commercial pilot for years, and the stories he tells.  That being said, Peter’s parents seem to work through this quite well, and he’s my personal crush......I mean favorite. 🙂

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I'm enjoying Hannah more than I thought I would.  I love that she's taking charge and telling the guys to wait when they're interrupting.  I honestly think she's learning a bit about their character by doing that.  With that, I can't understand why Luke is still there (although if she's keeping him around because the producers want him that's fine).

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

I guess I zoned out during Cam's speeches since I didn't hear what his health problems are. All I heard was leg amputation, grandma and he had to "rehome" his dog, a fancy way of saying he gave it away. Or sold it. I have no idea how they all were suppose to mesh together.

It was a weird story - he had something on his leg and the doctors said they would have to AMPUTATE!    but then they didn't.  and his grandma died.  then, at some point later, his leg problem might lead to AMPUTATION!  and he gave his dog away.  but kept his leg.  

My guess at the reality -  some diagnosis, the doctors discussed a procedure, said if it didn't work, things could get worse, and they might even have to amputate his leg.  His leg improved, whatever un-named health problem he had was resolved.  And, oh, two other things happened around the same time that were unrelated.  Not that much of a story, but one you can embellish to sound traumatic and tragic.  

Oh, and a previous girlfriend probably broke up with him after hearing the "I almost had my leg AMPUTATED!"  story one too many times. 

Edited by tinkerbell
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5 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

Please- I just meant it in fun!

Me: Dawgs and War Eagle 👍

Hahahahah. I'm kidding 🙂 I live in Vermont now so I'm happy to hear from ANY SEC people who aren't Bammers!

Edited by phlebas
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4 minutes ago, phlebas said:

I live in Vermont now so I'm happy to hear from ANY SEC people who aren't Bammers!

Gig ‘em, Aggies!

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3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

These guys have a lot of grating voices.  They have vocal fry, valley girl, surfer, and dumb jock. I couldn’t handle any of the conversations. 

Now we know why they all just make out all the time. To stop all the horrible sounds coming out of their mouths. 

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I do not believe for one second that Cam thought telling her that story was going to get him sent home. He thought he was going to get sent home and hoped that telling her that story would save him. If he just wanted her to know about his illness, then WTF was the shit about his grandmother and his dog? That was "Pity me! Don't sent me home! I need to stay here long enough to make an impression and get asked to Paradise!" 

I do think Mike threw him under the bus, I just don't think Mike was wrong about Cam's motives. 

Cam is the guy who earlier that night has something REALLY IMPORTANT to tell her, to the point of interrupting Mike's pity story, and then just said he quit his job to be there. It wasn't until later that he threw his Hail Mary pass. Now, all that could have been edited, but I'm going by what I saw because this is a scripted show and these are all actors at this point. And the show 100% wants us to think Cam is a calculating tool who would use some convoluted story I'm not even convinced is completely true to get what he wants. 

I want to personally thank Mike for getting that jackass off my screen. 

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Cam definitely was seeking a pity rose the way he anxiously had to tell her the first sob story; then when that didn’t work, double-down with all of the other sob stories in a convoluted barrage. But, again, I blame the producers for that. I don’t think anyone would ever think to win someone over with their tragic stories, but the producers definitely brainwash these people into thinking this is creating instant intimacy and is the way to someone’s heart.  I do NOT put Mike in the same category because his sob story was actually RELEVANT to the day’s events—the whole labor bit was difficult for me because I lost my child in the second trimester. I mean, granted, I also like Mike so I might be a bit preferential toward him, but it was insane how Cam kept coming back in every 30 seconds a half dozen times when Mike was telling Hannah about his lost child, so he had every right to be aggravated by Cam.

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I'm not exactly sure what was going on inside Cam's head for revealing that story, but I agree that Mike was sneaky.

If we only go by what we saw, Cam thought he might be going home because of the contents of the story, NOT that he would be going home and therefore he needed to tell her the story. I think Hannah had her mind made up about Cam because she didn't like his past interruption, and when this came up she chose to believe Mike's version, even though Cam never even used the words pity rose on air (and as others have pointed out, Mike is the one who got a pity rose this week).

One other side note about Mike: the way he ran to Hannah and lifted her up in front of the other guys is imo akin to Luke P doing push ups with her on her back. Mike is tall and strong and he knows it and he wants to show it. Luke's was worse, though, because he told Hannah to just stand on his back and look pretty. Ugh. Sometimes when I see women complain about toxic masculinity etc. I say to myself, what are they talking about? What are they seeing I'm not? Then I see displays like this and I cringe. I think I'm extremely lucky to have the friends and family that I have because I don't see this behaviour often (being a dude also makes me not attune to it, I'd guess as well). Anyway, wasn't expecting that diatribe but yeah. These dudes and their displays really bother me.

I'm not sure who is more psycho between Luke and Cam. Luke strikes me as a guy who always gets what he wants and is still very immature (he's only 24, I think). He may just be a dumb Hulk. Ms. Diego called him a puppy when he was following Hannah around. He may also be very calculating; I wouldn't be shocked if the born again thing is a calculated move to make people believe he's a good guy. Cam, though, is a clear calculated psychopath. I mean, I genuinely am unsure if he has the capacity to care about other people. He acts as if humans are tools that he can use to further himself.

I also dislike Hannah's "instructions". If I was a guy on the show and I genuinely wanted to find love, I'd be myself and see what happens. I don't like this idea that Hannah has a checklist of how to act.

I firmly believe Grant is wealthy one way or another. I want to hear his lore before he gets sent home.

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5 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

To be fair, I don't think he thought she would go for it like she did.  I think the plan was to pull it away and hug her.  It didn't work because she went full steam ahead.  I've seen this move before somewhere  (probably one of the many football tv shows or movies I've watched).  It just didn't go like it does in the movies.


Friends, I have mixed feelings about how she handled Cam and Luke.  I kinda felt bad for Cam-- didn't Mike lie about him saying "pity rose?"  And he has been through a lot if he has this chronic illness that requires multiple surgeries, and I do think that's something Hannah should know and can understand why Cam was worried she wouldn't take it well.

And Luke...well..he is who he is.  I didn't like her reprimanding him like a child.  If he's not for you, and I don't blame her if he isn't, SEND HIM HOME!  Don't treat him like your child and tell him to fix his behavior.  Like he's a grown man you just met!  Cut him loose if you don't want him.  The whole Luke/Hannah dynamic is getting weirder to me.  I kinda get it more now after watching one of her interviews (no spoilers) where she stated all the other guys were cast before she was chosen as the bachelorette except Luke, so Luke made her feel like at least one of the guys are truly there for her.  But I don't love that she might just be keeping him around for her ego.

I agree with you on the Cam situation. I think Hannah wanted to get rid of Cam anyway so she created this issue with him for drama. Why would she blindly follow Mike’s word? He was lying about what Cam said, as we saw. And why would she approach him like that after he just opened up about his health issues? In my opinion she was being very cruel to take a real health crisis and accuse him of trying to get a “pity rose” out of it. Yes, Cam should have been sent home. But not because of his sob story, and not because of Mike’s lie. Hannah is not very smart and I don’t think she has much empathy. I agree with a previous post that said she’s talking down to these men like they’re children. If she doesn’t like how they are acting then send them home. This is who they are. Don’t try to change them. It never works. Hannah, you will not “fix” Luke. He’s an obsessed fan. That’s it. It’s not fixable. No man is fixable. Hasn’t her mom ever told her you can’t change people? She’s a dumb little girl. And her constant smiling is off putting. 

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2 hours ago, Sterling said:

As much as I dislike Cam, aka “He who speaks of himself in the third person”, I think Mike did him wrong. 

I agree that Cam was only telling the story to make her aware of something with which prior girlfriends took issue (which doesn’t make sense, but whatever), not to get a pity rose.  And Mike just got his own “pity rose” for his miscarriage story.  

Peter the Pilot is awesome, but the life of a pilot’s wife is filled with lonely days and fearful times.  Pilots need many more years before they can choose their routes, and can often be gone a lot.  Not to mention how they get hit on incessantly.  I have a good friend who was a commercial pilot for years, and the stories he tells.  That being said, Peter’s parents seem to work through this quite well, and he’s my personal crush......I mean favorite. 🙂

My dad was an airline pilot and my mom had it rough. Peter’s parents work it out because flight attendants and pilots can schedule to fly together when they’re married, as my dad did with his second wife. I had a great dad and I love him and miss him dearly, but when I was dating, I would turn down all pilots. They have a lot of temptation and they’re gone half the week. I wouldn’t want one for a husband.

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6 hours ago, leighdear said:

And no matter how sore their abs may be for a couple of days, their actual reproductive system will never go through the trauma of childbirth that a woman's does.  And for a lot longer than a day or so.  

Wussies.   🙂

Which is why I LOATHE the expression, "We're pregnant." Anytime I hear it, I always say, "He was pregnant?  How much weight did he gain and how hard was it for him to push the baby out of his uterus??" Quit being such suck ups women!

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9 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

If she doesn’t like how they are acting then send them home.

If she sends them all home the show is over. lol I think she realizes that they are all "acting" to some extent, that half of them are there to either be Bachelor or get invited to Paradise and she's trying to get them to stop doing that. Good luck to her! 

She has to keep most of them there so I see no problem with her telling them what she wants from them. They can choose to listen if they are actually interested, or not if they just want to get asked to one of the other shows. 

I think it's slightly different with Luke. For some unknown reason she wants him desperately and is trying to get him to be the guy she wants him to be so she can justify keeping him around. I don't think she actually likes him, she lusts after him. I have no idea why. Maybe he has some kind of pheromone that doesn't come across on TV? 

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9 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

If she sends them all home the show is over. lol I think she realizes that they are all "acting" to some extent, that half of them are there to either be Bachelor or get invited to Paradise and she's trying to get them to stop doing that. Good luck to her! 

She has to keep most of them there so I see no problem with her telling them what she wants from them. They can choose to listen if they are actually interested, or not if they just want to get asked to one of the other shows. 

I think it's slightly different with Luke. For some unknown reason she wants him desperately and is trying to get him to be the guy she wants him to be so she can justify keeping him around. I don't think she actually likes him, she lusts after him. I have no idea why. Maybe he has some kind of pheromone that doesn't come across on TV? 

She’s not reprimanding all of them. Just Luke and a couple others. If she doesn’t like Luke’s personality (none of us do), he needs to go. He should be sent home, not told to work harder on his personality. Luke is a giant red flag. There’s nothing she can say to change that. 

It’s one thing to tell a man what you want and another to try and change very obvious flaws just because you think he’s cute. 

Luke is acting worse than Cam but she wasn’t attracted to Cam so he got the villain edit. And he went home because of the same bs Luke is pulling. 

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^ITA  She's not making general statements in front of the group about behavior she doesn't like.  She's taking a grown man to the corner and telling him to fix his behavior.  He's repeatedly shown you who he is.  Idk why she keeps him, unless he's just an ego boost because he appears to be all in.  I also don't know why he's staying after being reprimanded like a child.  If I were Luke, my response would've been "Ok. Cool You don't like me. Bye."  And we ALL know Luke isn't going to change.

Plus there are some "good guys" there like Peter and Connor and others she's probably not getting to know.  She doesn't need to keep those who are acting in a way she doesn't like.

I think she would've reacted differently with Cam if she was attracted to him.

I don't mean to rag on Hannah because I am pleasantly surprised with her this season.  I just didn't love how she handled Cam and Luke this episode.  And I think she's going to continue to frustrate with Luke.

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I do believe that Cam did come on the show with the best of intentions.

But I also believe what I consider best and what Cam considers best probably aren’t the same thing....

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Everything with Luke almost feels like producers more than Hannah, her keeping him around at this point is starting to really make me raise an eyebrow. Everything about Luke should raise a massive red flag, and if she has to either really like something about him that maybe we dont see, or the producers are asking her to keep him around because they need more crazy. I mean, the guy is attractive, but so are the other guys, so why spend all this time on this future stalker when she could be handing out with any of the guys who actually seem decently nice and well adjusted? 

Some of those scenes with Luke went beyond cringy and into creepy, especially when he kept trying to interrupt her talks with the other guys and kept glaring at them. Add some creepy music, and it basically turns into season 2 of You. Thats not something a few talks can really fix, the guy is super entitled and is starting to get aggressive about it, thats a really bad combination!

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31 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

She’s not reprimanding all of them. Just Luke and a couple others. If she doesn’t like Luke’s personality (none of us do), he needs to go. He should be sent home, not told to work harder on his personality.

I said Luke is a special case. She wants desperately for him to be a better person because she is insanely physically attracted to him. She is practically begging him to be who she wants him to be so she can bang him later. If she gets rid of him, she will not get the chance. She is not thinking with her head where Luke is concerned. 

I don't get it at all. I find him borderline repulsive at this point. But she wants him. She doesn't necessarily love him or even like him much but she WANTS him and she's not ready to give that up yet. 

Of course she cut Cam loose because she wasn't attracted to him, and she's hoping to change Luke because she is attracted to him. She's what we call human. Humans are stupid, especially when their hormones are involved. I just hope whatever strange sexual power Luke has over her is broken soon because that boy is a powder keg waiting to explode (and not in the sexy, sticky, sweaty way she is probably hoping for). 

I don't like Cam so I'm glad he's gone. I don't like Luke so I wish he was gone. I'm in this for Peter the Pilot (only way I can remember his name lol) and Tyler The Stoner (I thought he was one of the Connors. Oops). I am going to be biased because of this. It's human nature to favor people you find attractive or like in some way over those you don't. 

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I'm watching this right now - the first group date is wrapping up. I'm astounded by Cam's delusion, thinking of himself as bold and charismatic. And I was suddenly inspired! Cam should hook up with Kelsey Poe!! and share their self-delusions with each other!

Jonathan was so funny, sitting on the sofa with that smug smile while Cam is glowering at him.

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Luke P. is so creepy. He tells Hannah she fits his mold of the perfect woman and he's letting other guys get close relationships with her. I am sure she is thrilled.

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3 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

YES YES YES Mike got the pity rose.  He also has no chemistry with Hannah IMO. 

Yep.  I noticed when they were kissing on the couch that she was sitting straight up and not leaning in to him at all, and not really doing anything to encourage the intensity of the kiss, which is quite different from the kisses of the guys she is into.

1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

I do not believe for one second that Cam thought telling her that story was going to get him sent home. He thought he was going to get sent home and hoped that telling her that story would save him. If he just wanted her to know about his illness, then WTF was the shit about his grandmother and his dog? That was "Pity me! Don't sent me home! I need to stay here long enough to make an impression and get asked to Paradise!" 

This, 1000x.  

1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

I do think Mike threw him under the bus, I just don't think Mike was wrong about Cam's motives. 

I saw something on another site, and I don't remember enough to say if it's correct, but it said that since we didn't actually see Cam tell Mike about the letters he wrote to some of the guys (which Mike told Hannah about), yet it was true, then that increases the chance that what Mike said about Cam and the intentional sad story and the words "pity rose" might also be true.

21 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Unemployed Grant. He is 30. Does he look old?  

Especially when receiving the rose, from the side, he looked sooo Dad-ish.

17 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

And Speaking of eyebrows - Hannah's are too close together, it gives her a weird, almost angry look. 

I think it really depends on how they 'do' her brows.  At the rose ceremony, her brows looked so much darker, closer together, and sinister, and it didn't help that this color red was not her friend (unlike the bright reds that have looked fantastic on her).

22 hours ago, leighdear said:

She is the first female lead to insist on being able to talk to who she wants and when.  That's progress and cuts down on the frustration of watching the "can I steal you" bits.  I HATE those. 

What I hate is when the two people already sitting and talking, end up being the ones who apologize!  They've done nothing wrong by wanting to finish their conversation.

23 hours ago, leighdear said:

Their competing for Hannah and 1st grade soccer.  Very good analogy, actually.  I like it. 

At first I liked it too, until I realized that he was drawing an analogy to a team sport where one person cannot win by himself and teammates must rely on each other, and that is the exact opposite of this franchise.

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9 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

since we didn't actually see Cam tell Mike about the letters he wrote to some of the guys (which Mike told Hannah about),

I want to know more about these goodbye letters. Is this a thing that happens?  "Dear fellas, by the time you read this I will be gone. Think of me with laughter in your hearts and nuggets in your mouth!"

Mike's story about losing the baby left me with questions.  He said it was his fault because he wasn't there for her (his ex) at the time and it's one way he could be a better man. I'm going to need a list of the ways in which he wasn't there for her to make more sense of his statements.

I absolutely loved Luke's reasoning after Hannah told him he was being irritating and she wanted to see that change:  1) I don't feel like I'm acting that way 2), I don't see her seeing me that way, and 3) I'm gonna act like that conversation never happened.  Yep, that ought to work!

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1 minute ago, piewarmer said:

Mike's story about losing the baby left me with questions.  He said it was his fault because he wasn't there for her (his ex) at the time and it's one way he could be a better man. I'm going to need a list of the ways in which he wasn't there for her to make more sense of his statements.

Yeah, sorry to all the Mike fans, but that felt so contrived to me..."look at my humble, personal growth, pro-woman" sentiment that I am expressing to you.

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1 hour ago, rebel2u said:

I'm sorry she sent Jonathan home.  I really liked him.

Painful lack of chemisty... see the (as of right now with no spoiler comments) YouTube deleted scene: Jonathan Fails At His Shot With Hannah - The Bachelorette Deleted Scenes

Ouch. Also I think she also didn't like him physically interrupting Cam when he was speaking with Hannah and Jonathan basically escorted him out. He was doing so to prove a point but made himself look worse in the exchange. So yeah, I wasn't surprised.

I loved that the hits just kept coming for Luke P. Smackdown!! And again. And once more while holding the group date rose! You go Hannah. What can ya do when you want the package but not the neanderthal it's attached to?

Edited by Wandering Snark
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11 hours ago, debbie311 said:

Does anyone know why she went to the hospital?  I was wondering if she was extremely hungover or something.

I assumed she was just dehydrated.

Yes, the parts of Mike's story about Cam were pretty unclear. Maybe we will see that play out, who knows.

NO MORE DEMI. I had enough of her on Colton's season. What was this, a fan villain pick? She's not even doing the stuff that people found so "entertaining" before.

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Did Tyler G actually exist? Love how they act like his abrupt disappearance is normal. I won't miss him. He rarely smiled and when he did smile it was phony and didn't reach his eyes.

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15 hours ago, threebluestars said:

I read an article somewhere stating that Cam has lymphedema. 

Lymphedema is HORRIBLE.  My father had it and did lose his leg, but he had it a great many years and infection set in and that's why he lost his leg.  They probably told Cam that if not taken care of it could lead to amputation and he took that and ran with it.

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16 hours ago, threebluestars said:

I read an article somewhere stating that Cam has lymphedema. 

it is a serious illness, but honestly the way he told it was ridiculous--when I heard grandma and puppy, I tuned out. Im sorry he has such a serious illness but it was so obvious he was looking for attention and pity. I respect that he wants to bring attention to this disease, but it all came across and disingenuous and absurd--but hey, Always be Cam:)

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On 5/28/2019 at 8:25 AM, JudyObscure said:

Yep and her smile always looks like she's just on the edge of that psycho laughter we saw whenever the men were in pain.  I honestly have bad dreams about her face after every show.

Her way with the men is something we've never seen on the show before.  I'm sure the Bachelors and B'ettes have been told to allow the, "Can I steal you?" interruptions because they've always put up with it, even when the conversation (or make out session) was going well.  Yet Hannah is giving instructions about stepping aside and waiting until she calls on them.  Hannah gives lectures to the group about the type of behavior she want to see and individual lessons on improvements the man needs to make and orders to "fix it!" Add in her delight in watching the men in pain and I'm starting to think "designer" isn't her true calling.  She would make a good Head Matron in a British boys school.

Or a prison warden.

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12 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Painful lack of chemisty... see the (as of right now with no spoiler comments) YouTube deleted scene: Jonathan Fails At His Shot With Hannah - The Bachelorette Deleted Scenes

Ouch. Also I think she also didn't like him physically interrupting Cam when he was speaking with Hannah and Jonathan basically escorted him out. He was doing so to prove a point but made himself look worse in the exchange. So yeah, I wasn't surprised.

I loved that the hits just kept coming for Luke P. Smackdown!! And again. And once more while holding the group date rose! You go Hannah. What can ya do when you want the package but not the neanderthal it's attached to?

Yeah, that was painful.

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16 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Cam should hook up with Kelsey Poe!

I was going to post the same thing except I couldn't remember Kelsey's name. Yes, they would make a great couple. The conversations they could have ...

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15 hours ago, piewarmer said:

Mike's story about losing the baby left me with questions.  He said it was his fault because he wasn't there for her (his ex) at the time and it's one way he could be a better man. I'm going to need a list of the ways in which he wasn't there for her to make more sense of his statements.

It was a weirdly disjointed way of telling the story but I don't think he was taking responsibility for the actual losing of the baby. I understood it as, he wasn't there for her the way he should have been during and after the loss and he feels some amount of guilt for that. It was a familiar story for me because when I miscarried, my husband wasn't there for me either (literally and figuratively) and it did massive damage to our marriage. We're still dealing with the fallout but I can completely understand how their relationship may have fallen apart and he's owning up to his part in that.

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Yes!  They could have conversations about how they are "Up here"--using the requisite hand motions --and everyone else is "Down here."  (Hand motions  ™  Kelsey Poe.)

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Here's something that bothers me.  When they say things like, "I left my job for this."  "I left my girlfriend for this", "I lost a baby" with the unspoken continuation, "... you owe me."

Look, I'm sorry you chose to leave your job, but that in no way entitles you to be the selection.  It just makes my skin crawl when people try to use that as leverage.

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I really love Hannah. She's standing up for herself and calling the shots instead of letting her contestants dictate how things are going on her season. This is what I was hoping for when she was eliminated on the Bachelor and strongly stated in the limo that she wanted a man who would fight for her (as opposed to the usual crying about what might have gone wrong). I also am constantly blown away by how good she looks in her clothes this season! I'm tacky myself but I loved her dark red rose ceremony dress with the heavy necklace.

She sent home hot Joey, but hot Devin is still there so ok. I also am hopelessly attracted to Tyler. I almost checked out when he said all he knows about pregnancy is that the woman gets bigger and hungrier (...he was joking, I hope...), but then he gave Hannah that speech about how women should run the world and he sees how strong she is and would be happy just to be her arm candy and I was ready to jump him again.

I also find Grant really attractive for some reason. And I'm only 30 (well, ancient by Bachelor standards) so it's not because he looks middle-aged.

For Hannah, I like her with Connor (he's young but so is she). Peter the Pilot seems like a nice guy but I can't get over the Ben Higgins vibes.

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51 minutes ago, jade.black said:

but then he gave Hannah that speech about how women should run the world and he sees how strong she is and would be happy just to be her arm candy and I was ready to jump him again.

So in other words: "Hannah, you keep working and bringing in the big dough while I work out in the gym all day and get facials and waxed abs. Your money can buy more mirrors so I can better see my reflection from every angle."

No thanks!

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1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

So in other words: "Hannah, you keep working and bringing in the big dough while I work out in the gym all day and get facials and waxed abs. Your money can buy more mirrors so I can better see my reflection from every angle."

No thanks!

Haha it was the way he said it, ok?! I got all caught up! Oh and then he said something sexual about tasting good...? Whatever it was, I was all about it. I don't know, I'm on the Tyler hype train, I don't even care.

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1 hour ago, jade.black said:

Haha it was the way he said it, ok?! I got all caught up! Oh and then he said something sexual about tasting good...? Whatever it was, I was all about it. I don't know, I'm on the Tyler hype train, I don't even care.

Yeah I felt like he was clearly joking with the arm candy line and basically flirting with her. He gave her the compliment that he sees her as confident and a bad ass and then made her laugh with the cheeky, "I'll be happy to be your arm candy". And it worked because she got all giddy and giggly when he said that. I feel like at this point, based on her expressions and reactions when with him, Hannah's not fully sure how to take Tyler.

She's clearly very physically attracted to him because he's hot but I think a small voice in her head probably thinks, "he's too hot, too smooth, so probably a player" And so she's kind of wary with him in the, "he's fun and hot to keep around but not sure if she wants to go all in with him". Will be interesting to see how a 1 on 1 with them goes since, not a spoiler, but I can't see Tyler not getting a 1 on 1. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

So in other words: "Hannah, you keep working and bringing in the big dough while I work out in the gym all day and get facials and waxed abs. Your money can buy more mirrors so I can better see my reflection from every angle."

No thanks!

Why do we think he doesn't have money?  He's from Juniper, FL, which, unless I have the wrong Juniper, is a middle class to super wealthy area.  Medium income is like 200k.  Michael Jordan and Tiger live there.   I've been assuming he had family money.  A former tight end, with an MBA, who is a general contractor and a model, and dances from Juniper screamed trust fund brat who doesn't know what he wants to do to me.

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I loved this episode and couldn't wait to come here and read y'all! 😁

Hannah is the best bachelorette yet and I've been watching since day 1. Of course she's not "perfect", but I can't help but think that this is going to be the most interesting season I've ever watched! (Popping open another can of Pringles as I type.)

Best laugh for me was when Sleepy Tyler had the fake baby tucked upside down into the crook of his arm and Jason whoever said all droll, and I quote, "This one is holding it like a football." Omg I loved that segment partly sadistically, but more for how useful it might be for some of them in their futures. Too idealistic maybe? 😎

Slightly off topic but I agree with the poster above ...Where's MuShu? I miss her ...razor sharp tongue wit. Lol

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On 5/28/2019 at 1:30 PM, saber5055 said:

I guess I zoned out during Cam's speeches since I didn't hear what his health problems are. All I heard was leg amputation, grandma and he had to "rehome" his dog, a fancy way of saying he gave it away. Or sold it. I have no idea how they all were suppose to mesh together.

My guess is that Cam made a deal with the devil that he gets to keep his leg as long as he periodically sacrifices someone he loves. First the grandma, then the dog. Women leave him over this because they're afraid they're going to be next. 

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11 hours ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Where's MuShu? I miss her ...razor sharp tongue wit. Lol

Me too!  I was hoping she would transfer some of that snark she had for Kendall to Hannah and hate-watch with me.

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2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Me too!  I was hoping she would transfer some of that snark she had for Kendall to Hannah and hate-watch with me.

I've been noticing her missing too which is strange because (contrary to your wishes Judy) she seemed to be all in for Hannah on Colton's season. Or at least until I stopped reading her posts, (which sure gave that indication) so unless she's changed her mind I would probably find  another partner in snark. But as they say different strokes for different folks. I personally am loving Hannah as bette and count me as one who had serious doubts about her being ready. She's been a pleasant surprise for me so far.

Seriously though I hope everything is fine with her.

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I can't stand Luke, but I kind of understand why she pulled him aside for the mini come-to-Jesus meeting. 

Hannah's been described as the goofy, quirky contestant from Colton's season.  I did NOT watch it, & had no idea how she'd be as lead.  Even the producers said she might have been a mistake, until she was into filming.  Now they love her. 

She KNOWS the pressure of being a contestant, of being both yourself and being what's apparently attractive to the lead.  You want them to like you, but sometimes don't act as cool & composed as you plan.  It's such a staged, engineered, fake and intense environment where you rarely get a moment to breathe, much less have time to get to know somebody non-superficially.  One reason they have trained therapists on set!

We see the crazy-eyed, delusional, freaky, stalker-in-training Luke.  She's just seen a dude she's hot for that is maybe acting a bit pushy, but probably just fine away from the cameras.  Most guys would take her suggestions & bring out the charm and more appropriate behavior.  She doesn't know yet if Luke will be one of those, thus giving him another chance.

Now I feel dirty defending him.  *shudder* 

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