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On 5/9/2019 at 6:20 AM, politichick said:

Also, you know that Luann slept in every morning after nights galavanting about while Bethenny gets up in the morning to get her child ready for school. Plus, the babysitter may have had her own Halloween party to go to.

Luann sucks. Her new house doesn't seem so great, either. Not enough bedrooms to accommodate the group; a guest room with a stove in it. Quite the comedown. Her daughter Victoria also is looking rough.

I still find Barbara icky.

Ramona is so full of herself. Love that they keep showing her lies and wonder how many more there are to come.

Her daughter has always looked rough to me.  Reminds me of that repellent Jenelle from Teen Mom.  

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Her daughter has always looked rough to me.  Reminds me of that repellent Jenelle from Teen Mom.  

Both her kids have always had a perma-smirk.  Sort of like the Ludini mugshot.

lu mugshot.jpg

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
Add the photo for emphasis.
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On 5/9/2019 at 12:32 PM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I think that the problem was that Bethenny had no idea of when Lu was actually going to perform.  Lu said 11 am but it was already 11:30 by the time Bethenny left. I think it was just coincidental that Beth left right before Lu actually made her way onto the stage. I'm sure that if she knew that Lu was only going to be another 10 minutes, she would have stayed but since Lu didn't do anything to communicate how much longer she would be, I can understand why Beth took off. 

Lu isn't a good enough performer to wait indefinitely.  People have lives to lead and I personally think it is rude to keep people waiting.  Does the staff working these events know that there will be these delays and they may get out (much) later than they originally planned?  Cause as a venue manager that shit doesn't fly with me.  

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18 hours ago, kicksave said:

Bethenny has had a TON of work done on her face and on her boobs. If you see photos or film of her from seven years ago you can see how much she's had done. Her jawline is totally different, her face has been smoothed and lifted a smidge...she either got new breast augmentation or she had a breast lift...they look very different this season. Only a plastic surgeon could give a professional rundown of how much she's had done...I'm just an amateur.

Yes.  Whoever did the work did a fabulous job.  She looks good.  She should give the doctor’s name to Dale.

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4 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Is it horrible that I would pay good money (well, $5, anyway) to get a list of the surgeries and work she's had done and is continuing to get done on a regular basis?  I'm not hating; i think it's fascinating and empowering in a way that a woman with a slightly below average face and a slamming body could turn herself into someone beautiful at 48 years of age.

I'll bite.  I'm not beautiful and have never had my breasts done but I've had my eyes done and get botox and a laser facial every 12 weeks.  I'm tall and thin and work out 10-12 hours a week (runner) but I only work part-time.  

I agree B had work done on her jaws (I don't know what) but I think the result is stunning.  

Most of the women on this franchise are stunning.  I'm always surprised with Dorinda; sometimes she looks stunning and other times she looks MEH.  I've never thought Lu or Ramona were all that and I'd never buy a Ramona beauty product.

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37 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Lu isn't a good enough performer to wait indefinitely.  People have lives to lead and I personally think it is rude to keep people waiting.  Does the staff working these events know that there will be these delays and they may get out (much) later than they originally planned?  Cause as a venue manager that shit doesn't fly with me.  

You’re right.  Who does she think she is?  Madonna?  She’s a croaking cabaret act, for now.  People just go to be curious, not because she can dance and sing.

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On 5/9/2019 at 11:49 AM, JakeyJokes said:

When Ramona tried to tell Sonja and Dorinda that Lucia didn't want Sonja to come, they cut to Lucia telling Ramona that she would love if Sonja could be there! I don't understand why Ramona is so territorial of her friends. If she's worried about Dorinda and Sonja embarrassing her by getting too drunk,

My first thought when I saw this scene, was that Ramona said no because she didn't want to "share" her social climbing/time with Lucia with Sonia/Dorinda, not that they would embarrass her. 

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5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

This may sound odd, but she looks far more feminine in male drag than as herself.  And I don't think I'm phrasing that properly.  More like her natural look is a little more androgynous than her Slash look.

I totally agree

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Lu is just dreadful this season. The only person who seems to get a decent version of Lu is Tinsley (though Tinsley's fully observant of her behaviour). However, outside of that odd season with Carole, it's not Tinsley's 'thing' to insert herself into other people's drama.

I loved seeing Dorinda's genuine reaction of shock when she realized she was standing next to Barbara, lol.

Why is Ramona complaining about someone not showing up to her event when she has either not shown up or has intentionally doubled booked herself and left early from events? Ramona is so audacious. Sonja is absolutely right. Ramona is busy climbing the social ladder and she doesn't want any of the other ladies around her while she does it to take away her 'shine'. Ramona doesn't care about people, she only cares enough to feel like others care about her. She doesn't deserve friends, lol. That event speech, collectively, was just awkward as fuck and all 3 of them were mortifying.

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7 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Is it horrible that I would pay good money (well, $5, anyway) to get a list of the surgeries and work she's had done and is continuing to get done on a regular basis?  I'm not hating; i think it's fascinating and empowering in a way that a woman with a slightly below average face and a slamming body could turn herself into someone beautiful at 48 years of age.  I think that's miraculous.  

Call me crazy, but I think a lot of the stress Bethenny is experiencing is due to keeping up the flawless appearance.  I think that was a large part of the "let the air out of the tires" breakdown that she had last episode.  It ties into what she said last season--that any woman who claims to look good, be thin, tanned, have a career, exercise, have great sex and get great sleep is lying.  

I think Tinsley struggles with something similar.  Even though neither she nor Bethenny is beautiful, every aspect of her appearance has been so cultivated, and I think it is literally a full-time job.  Like, I wouldn't be surprised if she put, on average, eight hours a day into her appearance, between shopping, getting her hair done, Botox, nails, teeth, makeup, clothes, accessories, etc.  She spends so much of her time trying to look perfect that I am not surprised that she is radically disappointed that her life didn't turn out the way it did.

I had my own experience with this.  I was dead set on being "perfect" when I was 19 and 20, and it was time-consuming as fuck.  That was just driving to all my appointments, getting in a workout, going tanning, going to the mall, buying all the shit I needed from various and sundry stores, getting my nails done, going food shopping for low calorie foods, cooking said food, and packaging it up so I could take it everywhere, and making sure my car was perfection. No Botox or surgery, and I was constantly tired, which resulted in a piss-poor attitude and zero patience with people (sound familiar, Bethenny?).  

When I went away to law school when I was 22, I had to give up on a lot of that shit, like getting my nails done, simply because there just was not enough time in the day, and I was up 10 (well-needed) pounds, but my brain was working better, and I was happier, and when I look back at pictures, I actually looked better in the aftermath.  I looked less...stricken.  

Now that I'm in my 30s, I wouldn't have half the energy I used to put into my looks.  If I can drag myself to the salon every three months to have my highlights done, I feel like a success.  I kid, but the standard is different for me now, because I just couldn't do it. I have no idea how women 10 and 15 years my senior are doing all this stuff. It's so much effort, with some returns for sure, but the drawback is that you are constantly exhausted.  And it makes you fucking crazy.  Add perimenoupause into that and...wow.  No wonder they're all at each other's throats!

I voice no objection to a nip, tuck, tweak, or rigorous exercise, but I think it is problematic when it becomes a religion.  I think Sonja, Dorinda, Luann and Ramona are keeping up their appearances, whereas I feel like Bethenny's and Tinsley's appearances are keeping them, if that makes any sense.  Like, I think if Sonja had an accident where she became disfigured and one of her eyes was permanently drooping (or something), she'd deal with it.  It wouldn't be her undoing.  I am not sure whether Bethenny/Tinsley could deal with that, and it's a little sad.  I would want more for them, but they're big girls and they can live their lives.  Far be it for me, whom they'd consider a rube, to weigh in.  

One final thought:  I would totally watch a reality show that documented the work that high-maintenance women put into their appearances.  I think people, men especiallly, might be shocked.  That natural look is very seldom natural!

Another thought is that as a woman who has real breasts that are large, and a face NOT exposed to smoky rooms, excessive tanning, booze, and blow, I am constantly asked "Who did your work?". When the answer is "No one", it is assumed I'm lying. Folks, there was a time when people got credit for not wrecking their looks by living the RHONY lifestyle. And their lifestyle would make them look like hags if they didn't have help. Just the alcohol alone. An old saying was "Until 40 you have the face you were born with....after 40 you have the face you earned". Now it seems a lot of people have the faces they can afford.

Edited by Julyolo
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On 5/9/2019 at 6:43 PM, KungFuBunny said:


Looks like Luann lied - performances start at 12:00 AM

So she went on stage on time but lied to Bethenny about being on at 11:00 PM

There were other performers too and I doubt they would have given Luann an earlier start time.

It says hosted by Sonja Morgan - what exactly did she do other than the photo shoot?

Did you scroll down far enough to see Erika Jane's performance? It was under Manor 849.

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Dorinda and Sonja - just be quiet. 

That was incredibly rude what they did to Ramona during her speech. Just let her get through her spiel! If she messes up, it's on her. And then Dorinda interrupted the main person as well! My goodness!

How is this behavior okay? I know, since Dorinda was married to an intelligent and wealthy man, she obviously knows everything about everything, but come on!

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I  have been fortunate enough to see cabaret acts from sea to shining sea:  West Village, Chicago, St. Louis, Phoenix, San Francisco and everywhere in between.  The one thing they had in common is THEY COULD SING!  Incredible talents who, if they had been given the opportunity, could have been on Broadway.  The Countess is not of that category.  She is a blip, a fad, a passing fancy.  She is going to have a tough tumble when the final curtain falls.

I was so impressed to see Hannah.  She has turned into a stunningly, beautiful young woman.  She has moved from a whiny teen to someone who can playfully tease her mother.  I like her.

Edited by xingu
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I remain convinced that this charity's event was less about the cause than it was a vehicle for RHO filming.  There was no reason for all four women to be standing up there, other than a convenient camera shot, likely predestined to provoke.  Sonja and Dorinda weren't a part of the event in any integral way.

This young woman, Bridie, should think twice three or four times before lowering herself and her cause in this way again.  There simply has to be a better way to publicize your mission.  Yes, she got exposure alright, but I have to believe that many walked away with a less than favorable impression.

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I felt so bad for Bridie having to give her speech after this cacophony of competing coxswain.  

Mispronouncing one's name is the epitome of passive/aggressive behavior.

Edited by xingu
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I can’t wait for all of them to go to Luann’s house in upstate N.Y.   It isn’t a mansion, but I love it.  Windows galore, a beautiful deck on the Hudson and three bedrooms, a boat slip.  What more does she need?  They should rough it and all sleep in the house.  By 12 a.m., they’re all sloshed anyhow and don’t even know where they are.  These bitches can never make- do.  I’ll bet Bethenny would sleep anywhere.  She’s probably game for fun.

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On 5/9/2019 at 2:28 PM, kicksave said:

Some random thoughts....

Tinsley: GROW the EFF UP already! Quit trying to relive the life you lead when you were in your 20's and 30's...move on and find something constructive to do with your Columbia University degree. 

I realize what I'm about to say is not in the realm of possibilities for Tinsley in Tinsley's and Dale's world, but I personally think one of the reasons Tinsley finds herself so miserable is that she has nothing outside of being a socialite and trying to become a wife and mother.

Girl, you need a JOB, maybe even a career. I think she's probably bored. She may be immature, yes, but she doesn't strike me as stupid. A short little appearance in the Big Apple Circus is not going to be satisfying in the end. She needs to find a larger purpose, and because relationships and the possibility of having children don't always work out, I think she'd be better off pursuing something for herself. (dare I say, she could take a page or two from Bethenny in this regard?)

She got through Columbia University, where she was also on the varsity tennis team - that takes a fair amount of dedication and time! So clearly she has it in her, or she did. And now she just sits around in her hotel, shops, and goes to lunch? That sounds like something I'd be happy doing for a year or two, and then I'd get pretty bored.

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I need to have confidence like Luann. Moving forward, whenever I'm having a rough week, I'm going to ask myself, how would Luann approach this? That's going to be my thing for the remainder of the year, maybe the rest of my life. Why? Because I like how Lu keeps her audience waiting like she's Sally motherfucking Bowles, comes out and lip syncs the only two songs in her repertoire, and, and! bitch has choreography to go with it.

I had to look away when Ramona, Sonja, and Dorinda were snipping at each other during the charity event. The secondhand embarrassment was too much. It closely ranked up there with them shitting on the floors and sheets in Colombia. Their actions in Cartagena still piss me off. Accidents happen, but at least clean up after yourself, profusely apologize to the staff, and leave a hefty-ass tip.

I'm sometime-ish on Dorinda. There are times when I think she's cool, but the majority of the time, I can't take her. Especially when she goes in while drunk. I have no doubt that the only person who'd accept and fire back at Dorinda's smoke is Barbara. 

I didn't have an issue with Bethenny bouncing. Luann was too busy being a painted maypole instead of bringing her ass downstairs to perform on time. Bethenny had to relieve her babysitter. Shit, the sitter probably had plans, too.

I have a soft spot for Tinsley. I hope that she gets her mind right and finds purpose in her life. Scott seems like he has fuckboy tendencies. He wasn't obligated to stay with her, but I don't care for this whole ring discussion business when he knew damn well he wasn't serious about proposing. However, it's over, so Tins has to pick herself up and remember who she is.

"The broken heart. You think you will die, but you just keep living, day after day after terrible day.”

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Ramona may have 'hosted' the event but given that she couldn't even remember Bridie's name who was the face and catalyst of the event, Bridie should have been the only person to have spoken at the event. She could have acknowledged the contributions of Dorinda, Sonja and especially Ramona as the host, thank all of the attendees on behalf of all 4 of the organizers and then go into why the event was important which would give her the segue to briefly talk about her personal experience. All of those knuckleheads talking over one another was just horrible and Dorinda seemed to be slightly tipsy in the way she was speaking. Not that sober Dorinda can't also be cringey to watch.

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On 5/10/2019 at 1:06 PM, sashayshante said:

Wait, wat????? Which one? I'll bet it's the one about the guy in the Hamptons that Carrie saw naked

Even crazier, Wiki Networth has listed John (her boyfriend) as her spouse as of 2017...what's that about?

I will look for her baby daddy on IMDB.

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10 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I remain convinced that this charity's event was less about the cause than it was a vehicle for RHO filming

I question the charity's validity & credibility. Who the hell thinks it's a good idea to use RHONY to promote a children's sex abuse-related charity? Better question...does anyone remember the name of the charity? Was there much if any signage? Bravo couldn't have cared less they were embarrassing that young woman and her cause.

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Does anyone know why Ramona doesn't want the ladies to go to her b-day party that they were talking about? The one organizing said she would invite Sonja, and Ramona said no. What's up with that?

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On 5/8/2019 at 9:28 PM, mjstrick said:

Serious question.  Do NY apartments,  or high rise apartments in general, usually have that hotel evacuation sign on the back of the front door?  

Er.....seriously....NO!   ;->  (We DO have peepholes, though!)

Edited by TzuShih
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8 hours ago, candle96 said:

I realize what I'm about to say is not in the realm of possibilities for Tinsley in Tinsley's and Dale's world, but I personally think one of the reasons Tinsley finds herself so miserable is that she has nothing outside of being a socialite and trying to become a wife and mother.

Girl, you need a JOB, maybe even a career. I think she's probably bored. She may be immature, yes, but she doesn't strike me as stupid. A short little appearance in the Big Apple Circus is not going to be satisfying in the end. She needs to find a larger purpose, and because relationships and the possibility of having children don't always work out, I think she'd be better off pursuing something for herself. (dare I say, she could take a page or two from Bethenny in this regard?)

She got through Columbia University, where she was also on the varsity tennis team - that takes a fair amount of dedication and time! So clearly she has it in her, or she did. And now she just sits around in her hotel, shops, and goes to lunch? That sounds like something I'd be happy doing for a year or two, and then I'd get pretty bored.

Why doesn’t just have a baby by herself?  Plenty of people do.  Doesn’t seem like she will get a husband any time soon.

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On 5/10/2019 at 5:38 PM, Gem 10 said:

Yes.  Whoever did the work did a fabulous job.  She looks good.  She should give the doctor’s name to Dale.

She should quit while she’s ahead though...if she has anymore done she’ll look like the woman in the Soundgarden video  for “Blackhole  Sun” whose face melted.

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On 5/10/2019 at 1:11 PM, ghoulina said:

That's the thing. They were not working on her damn hair and makeup that entire time. Half the time she was just sitting there talking to the makeup artists. She was stalling. She wanted to seem important. A star of her power does NOT mingle with the guests prior to the performance. It would ruin her grand entrance. 

I went on the website that another poster provided about the event, and it looked like there were a good 20 acts on the line-up (mostly drag?). The show made it seem like everyone was there just for LuAnn.

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12 hours ago, JakeyJokes said:

I went on the website that another poster provided about the event, and it looked like there were a good 20 acts on the line-up (mostly drag?). The show made it seem like everyone was there just for LuAnn.

I'm pretty sure that's what Luann believes. imo, In her mind, SHE sold out the show, the other acts are just time fillers.

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16 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Why doesn’t just have a baby by herself?  Plenty of people do.  Doesn’t seem like she will get a husband any time soon.

I feel like she wants a husband more than a baby and thinks if she had a baby on her own she would have a harder time finding a husband.

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On 5/11/2019 at 11:05 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Even crazier, Wiki Networth has listed John (her boyfriend) as her spouse as of 2017...what's that about?

Just further evidence that those sites are complete and total bullshit.

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On 5/11/2019 at 1:02 PM, RHJunkie said:

Ramona may have 'hosted' the event but given that she couldn't even remember Bridie's name who was the face and catalyst of the event, Bridie should have been the only person to have spoken at the event. She could have acknowledged the contributions of Dorinda, Sonja and especially Ramona as the host, thank all of the attendees on behalf of all 4 of the organizers and then go into why the event was important which would give her the segue to briefly talk about her personal experience. All of those knuckleheads talking over one another was just horrible and Dorinda seemed to be slightly tipsy in the way she was speaking. Not that sober Dorinda can't also be cringey to watch.

On 5/11/2019 at 2:56 AM, SuprSuprElevated said:

I remain convinced that this charity's event was less about the cause than it was a vehicle for RHO filming.  There was no reason for all four women to be standing up there, other than a convenient camera shot, likely predestined to provoke.  Sonja and Dorinda weren't a part of the event in any integral way.

On 5/11/2019 at 1:31 PM, sashayshante said:

I question the charity's validity & credibility. Who the hell thinks it's a good idea to use RHONY to promote a children's sex abuse-related charity? Better question...does anyone remember the name of the charity? Was there much if any signage? Bravo couldn't have cared less they were embarrassing that young woman and her cause.

This young woman, Bridie, should think twice three or four times before lowering herself and her cause in this way again.  There simply has to be a better way to publicize your mission.  Yes, she got exposure alright, but I have to believe that many walked away with a less than favorable impression.

It was actually a joint event for Safe Horizon and Bridie's charity, NY Loves Kids.

Bridie revealed that the event raised a whopping $275 for NY Loves Kids.

Bridie Farrell (@BridieUSA) Tweeted:
Hey @Andy BRIDIE here 🤣 
@NYLovesKids raised $275 last night.
Help us out! #KidsToo #NYLovesKids


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$275 that’s it.  

I raised $300.00 for Alzheimer’s last year and most of my contacts are poor.  Rich people are cheap. Or maybe just Ramona friends are. 

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2 minutes ago, tribeca said:

$275 that’s it.  

I raised $300.00 for Alzheimer’s last year and most of my contacts are poor.  Rich people are cheap. Or maybe just Ramona friends are. 

Not that they aren’t cheap but it was also a poorly planned event spending too much on location, food and drink given the price of the tickets. You would have thought they would have gotten a good deal since there was a good chance it was going to be shown on tv.

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On 5/11/2019 at 5:38 PM, bravofan27 said:

Does anyone know why Ramona doesn't want the ladies to go to her b-day party that they were talking about? The one organizing said she would invite Sonja, and Ramona said no. What's up with that?

She's a snob. The cast of this show is her "slumming it" friends. She doesn't want them mixing with her UES "ladies who lunch" squad. 

8 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I feel like she wants a husband more than a baby and thinks if she had a baby on her own she would have a harder time finding a husband.

I agree with this. I think her desire to have kids is more about something she can do to please the hypothetical husband. 

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3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

agree with this. I think her desire to have kids is more about something she can do to please the hypothetical husband. 

There are many many women who want children but don’t want to be single parents, it’s really not that unusual.

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3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

She's a snob. The cast of this show is her "slumming it" friends. She doesn't want them mixing with her UES "ladies who lunch" squad. 

I am surprised because in past seasons, Ramona has organized birthday parties for herself, inviting 300 of her closest friends, RHs and ladies who lunch. 

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23 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

There are many many women who want children but don’t want to be single parents, it’s really not that unusual.

For sure.  I don't blame her at all for that.

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5 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

It was actually a joint event for Safe Horizon and Bridie's charity, NY Loves Kids.

Bridie revealed that the event raised a whopping $275 for NY Loves Kids.

Bridie Farrell (@BridieUSA) Tweeted:
Hey @Andy BRIDIE here 🤣 
@NYLovesKids raised $275 last night.
Help us out! #KidsToo #NYLovesKids


That's embarrassing. Good on Bridie for making that information public. They should be ashamed of themselves because they clearly lost sight of what the event was supposed to be about.

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2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I am surprised because in past seasons, Ramona has organized birthday parties for herself, inviting 300 of her closest friends, RHs and ladies who lunch. 

I’m thinking it’s a combination of reasons why Ramona suddenly isn’t as eager to mix her onscreen RH friends with her socialite friends.

Now that Ramona and her social scene are a little older, those women are probably a lot more judgmental and less tolerant of the onscreen antics and shenanigans that Sonja and the gang bring with them. They probably don’t want to be embarrassed or made the butt of any jokes(remember Beth’s wickedly funny comment about Ro’s friends at her birthday luncheon looking like they were from the bar in Star Wars?). And perhaps Ramona has gradually learned that she’s lost out on past great invites due to her involvement with filming the show/hanging with messy cast members and is more sensitive to it now.

At any rate, it does seem interesting to note that suddenly Ramona claims she wants to hang with a younger new crowd. I think that was a ruse she used to make up for the fact that her cache with that fancier old social crowd has dwindled a bit in recent years, especially after her divorce; now she probably collects all the friends she can just to keep herself active and hot on the scene.

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On 5/8/2019 at 9:40 PM, TexasGal said:

And yet some show of self-awareness from Lu.  It may be the best we’ll get.

The funny thing is, she really thinks she’s that talented, lol.

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On 5/9/2019 at 6:10 PM, sasha206 said:

I do too.  It looks so unnatural. I am always surprise to read the comments on this board as if Tins is some gorgeous specimen in the prime of her youth with impeccable taste.  I don't like a majority of the clothes she wears.  I always think she dresses like Forever 21.  People.talk about how Barb looks RHONY.  I think Tinsley looks more RHOC with the yellow hair, pounds of makeup she wears and false eyelashes, and clothing that looks more appropriate for a 21 year old.   She seems likeable enough on screen but I think she probably is much more exhausting in person. I am already so sick of her and Scott.  How serious could you possibly think the relationship is if neither one of you will move?

Not serious at all, especially on his end.  What does Tinsley do all day?  If she’s too rich for a job, she should do something meaningful, like a charity, if she doesn’t already.  What she’s doing with this bunch, I have no idea.  She needs younger friends.  Between Dale and the others, they are making her crazy instead of helping her.  She’s not her own person.

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I think B wanted to go home because it was almost 11:30 and she had to be up early with Bryn?  Not to watch her sleep Luann.  What a bitch she is.  She sounded horrible too.

Babs should dress like Slash every day.  She looked awesome and much better than she usually does!

While Ramona was being Ramona and not inviting everyone to her birthday was rude, Sonja and Dorinda should not have brought those bad feelings into the charity speech.  Keep your anger at bay for just a few seconds!  I felt horrible for Bridie and the event was hosted by Ramona so just suck it up while the cameras are on you, then go back and give her shit because she does deserve it.

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16 hours ago, tribeca said:

$275 that’s it.  

I raised $300.00 for Alzheimer’s last year and most of my contacts are poor.  Rich people are cheap. Or maybe just Ramona friends are. 

I was curious about this so I clicked on the messages under the tweet. Birdie clarified that she meant the $275 was raised on May 8th (she posted on the 9th) so after the show aired - presumably by viewers who donated after seeing the episode. 

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On 5/11/2019 at 3:31 AM, xingu said:

I  have been fortunate enough to see cabaret acts from sea to shining sea:  West Village, Chicago, St. Louis, Phoenix, San Francisco and everywhere in between.  The one thing they had in common is THEY COULD SING!  Incredible talents who, if they had been given the opportunity, could have been on Broadway.  The Countess is not of that category.  She is a blip, a fad, a passing fancy.  She is going to have a tough tumble when the final curtain falls.

I was so impressed to see Hannah.  She has turned into a stunningly, beautiful young woman.  She has moved from a whiny teen to someone who can playfully tease her mother.  I like her.

There have been predictions for years about Lu's eventual collision with reality. Funny thing about that, she's always on to the next thing by the time the last things was to supposed to fade. Hell she's still squeezing life out of  "Money Can't By You Class".  I don't see some harsh reality check cause I truly believe Lu is aware that a part of what makes her a success is the campiness of it all. I do believe she takes extra pride in the fact that, yup, the talent level isn't really on par with official performers and yet she's got a show and performing at venues. I think that's what really feeds her ego to be honest. The fact that she's always able to make something grand (for however long) out of smaller projects/accomplishments. She's her own brand and pretty much has a successful product on her hands.  She's been riding the Countess as a brand wave for how many years now???  

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13 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I’m thinking it’s a combination of reasons why Ramona suddenly isn’t as eager to mix her onscreen RH friends with her socialite friends.

Now that Ramona and her social scene are a little older, those women are probably a lot more judgmental and less tolerant of the onscreen antics and shenanigans that Sonja and the gang bring with them. They probably don’t want to be embarrassed or made the butt of any jokes(remember Beth’s wickedly funny comment about Ro’s friends at her birthday luncheon looking like they were from the bar in Star Wars?). And perhaps Ramona has gradually learned that she’s lost out on past great invites due to her involvement with filming the show/hanging with messy cast members and is more sensitive to it now.

I wonder if it has anything to do with her split from Mario as well? Did she perhaps lose some social standing after the divorce? Is she now more careful than ever not to offend that crowd?

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On 5/10/2019 at 9:17 PM, Reality police said:

Did you scroll down far enough to see Erika Jane's performance? It was under Manor 849.

Thanks Reality Police - I didn't bother looking at past performers until you mentioned it.

This venue touts an OPEN BAR - so the entry ticket covers drinks. They have different "entry times" 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 - the earlier you go the higher the ticket price. These events are about getting naked wasted. It also says the live performances are on the stage beginning at 12:00 AM. There were 2 other performers that night as well other local performance actors working the crowd. Lil Kim was the bigger draw. I highly doubt the venue would change Luann's performance time to accommodate her request. I highly doubt she even asked.

Luann didn't want to see Dorinda at a clam bake because it would "trigger" her BUT performing while night owls are out and about at Drunkapalooza - no problem. Bwahahaha.

PS was I the only who saw John and thought Fat Zorro?

Zorro shaming!

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