Actionmage June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Thanks for the Ann Richards doc recommendation; it sounds cool. I also really enjoyed this week's Game Time! 1 Link to comment
Actionmage June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Question 1: If you shaved Rayna James' hair off and made a wig from it, which TV character(s) would you give it/them to? My answer: My initial thought was Flashback!Cyrus, from Scandal; the thinking that it would have to look more natural than what he is currently possessing. But I'm not sure. Question 2: If Jeff Probst was eaten by sharks, who would you want to replace him- Pat Kiernan or Tom Bergeron? My answer: Bergeron! He co-hosted fx's live morning show- with a relatively foul-mouthed sock puppet- for a few years. ( Breakfast Time, renamed Fox After Breakfast) Idiocy isn't going to throw him much. Question 3: What TV show would you use to cover hotel banging from the next room? My answer: (Where possible) Peg + Cat; a PBS children's show with repetition and singing. Question 4: Who is your favorite Scandal character and what Star Trek race would they be? To answer the question posed about Tholians, I nominate Quinn and Huck, as you need a minimum of two Tholians to do their thing. Also, Quinn and Huck sure do love to work together from what I remember. My actual answer: Mellie, FLOTUS, and she would totally be a Romulan. Politically savvy and hot-blooded! Question 5:If your leg was trapped beneath a boulder and it needed to be amputated, which TV character would you have amputate? [NO Doctors allowed!] My answer: If Hannibal Lector isn't allowed ( his degree is in psychiatry, but I can see your point), then I would like The Headless Horseman from Sleepy Hollow. Upside? His heated blade would cauterize my wound. Question 6: What TV show would benefit the most from having everyone having moose antlers? My answer: Arrow. It's gotten so serious, I think antlers would lighten up the show a bit. The Powers That Be lurve a mystery, have the gang figure out why everyone sprouted moose antlers. I would also have to make sure that the hood goes around the antlers; no cheap sticking through the hood nonsense. Plus ninja fights with moose antlers are super cool! Question 7: What game show would be the most popular on the Moon? My answer: High Rollers! With Alex Trebeck and Ruta Lee, if possible. Link to comment
SVNBob June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 On 12/23/2014 at 4:41 AM, SnideAsides said: Remind me to request a forum for it when season four rolls around. :) Here's your reminder. Season 4 will hit Korean airwaves June 27th (and the internet a day or two later.) According to what I've read, it's going to be an all-star season. Meaning everyone has already been on one of the 3 prior seasons. Reveal spoiler and all 3 previous winners will be appearing. Reveal spoiler Having Jinho and Dongmin on together will be interesting because they're finishing up a season of another series on the same network called Crime Scene. It's like one of those murder mystery parties where everyone plays a role and one person is the murderer. So they've been working against each other for a while now. It would be interesting to see if they become allies in this game, along with Sangmin. Because I imagine that the winners are the most likely to face the Death Matches since they've already won. Link to comment
swimmyfish June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Is it "Tower Records"? Link to comment
Fukui San June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Tara, you're a monster. Link to comment
Tara Ariano June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Neither "Tower Records" nor "Tara, you're a monster" is correct. 1 Link to comment
mylesgordon9 June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 As someone who was in marching band through college, my new favorite segment is Tara Ariano: Band Cop. 2 Link to comment
Sarah D. Bunting June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Welllllllllllll. (jk) 2 Link to comment
Tara Ariano June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 I mean, in this context. In general: absolutely. 2 Link to comment
ApathyMonger June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 On Mr. Robot, Mr. Robot is actually Christian Slater's character. As in that's actually his character's name in the credits: It's silly. The pilot was okay; I might give it a few episodes to improve. Hopefully they'll give Carly Chaikin (Dalia!) something to do in later episodes, but other USA shows don't give me much hope on that front. Link to comment
HaymakerHattie June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 We're Not Candy! Hooray! Link to comment
littlefriendsof June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Is there a Freaks and Geeks episode that is not Canon-worthy? Maybe the pilot? Or the punk rock one, perhaps? And, if so, would that automatically qualify it for the Nonac? 2 Link to comment
Charlie Baker June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 A dramatic series on Ann Richards' life would be awesome. Holland Taylor played her very well in a one woman play she also wrote. Which would also be nice to have preserved on video. 1 Link to comment
bunbury June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 More Th'ants! Link to comment
bunbury June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 I do sort of feel bad about a canon submission received this poorly. I mean, it's not extemporaneous like it would be somewhat for a valued guest. The reactions were so aggressively strong ( I would say they were without precedent ) that I really did wonder if there was some kind of wink and a nod backstory that the listener wasn't wasn't aware of. Like the guy was actually part of the show at the time it aired. Link to comment
bunbury June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 TPTDP - I am guessing 'As bright as a comet...' Link to comment
Tara Ariano June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 There's another thread for guesses. Link to comment
dbacksgirl June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 I'm on my fourth straight episode of Scott & Bailey since I got home. It's amazing, thanks for the recommendation, Stephanie! 2 Link to comment
Primetimer June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 Which shows were ruined the worst by an actor's pregnancy? And does the panel even agree with the premise? Read the story Link to comment
Sarah D. Bunting June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 No backstory. We...just hated it, I'm afraid. It happens. 1 Link to comment
Sarah D. Bunting June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 ...thunbury. Link to comment
mskyle June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 I am going to join the "yes you are a crackpot" pileon, and speaking of "in a coma, in bed," what about Gillian Anderson on the second season of X-Files? Her pregnancy was a major driving force behind the creation of the X-Files mythology! Wait, I'm not sure if I'm arguing that her pregnancy made the show better or worse. But the X-Files would have been a very different show if a) they had recast Scully when Anderson got pregnant or b) Anderson had not gotten pregnant. Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 Personally, the only times I find it distasteful is when the producers try to pass the pregnancy off as a sudden weight gain (like the Frasier and Mad Men examples you cited). The worst case of this, you ask me, was on the sitcom Reba, especially since her "dramatic weight loss" after the actress gave birth was revealed in the same episode that Scarlett Pomers came back to the show after treatment for an eating disorder. Hey, you guys should do a mini about the best examples of producers working pregnancies into their shows. I can think of at least a couple off the top of my head. Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 "Don't come out without a helmet"? Link to comment
bigdamntvgeek June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 First off: the premise of this is definitely absurd - actors are people with families first, and should be able to have kids when they so choose. That said, the pregnancies I immediately thought of that you guys didn't already touch on were How I Met Your Mother and Bones. I forget what season it was that both Alyson Hannigan and Cobie Smulders were pregnant, but I've never seen so many enormous handbags in one place. And Bones definitely accelerated Bones and Booth finally getting together (skipping some of the fun stuff, some might argue) by writing in Emily Deschanel's pregnancy. Link to comment
eteffi June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 Hooray! Glad you like it! Don't you want to be friends with Janet Scott? I'm obsessed with her. Link to comment
David T. Cole June 3, 2015 Author Share June 3, 2015 Nope! Link to comment
Misanthrope June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 HIMYM once did an awesome bit during one of Alyson Hannigan's pregnancies where she ate a lot of something and then suddenly have a big, cartoony belly. Link to comment
TNRLM June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 Of course actors can get pregnant and have kids any time they want. And I have no problem suspending disbelief when a character is suddenly always behind a counter or carrying a large handbag or box (we live in TV words with dragons, zombies, spaceships, vampires and 30 year old high schoolers after all). Or goes on vacation for five episodes or so. My problem is when *characters* get pregnant. My crackpot theory is that all shows with kids (say, under 15) on them should be confined to one channel, which you can easily hide in your channel guide at the touch of a button. Kids are awful on TV. I am not a crackpot. Link to comment
Trini June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 When the lead actress on Prison Break got pregnant, they decided to write her out of the third season by killing her... by beheading. I'm pretty sure the fangirl rage was part of the reason the actress and character showed up alive in season 4. I don't know if it ruined the show, it was already in decline at that point. Link to comment
StatMom June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 I don't know Danielle, but I'm going to go ahead and guess that she was humorously overstating the lengths to which production companies should go to preserve the integrity of show storylines. It can be somewhat distracting sometimes to catch a glimpse of an actress' clearly pregnant form when the character is not, but better that than some dumb storyline to account for it (baby, fat, etc.). I have more annoyance when contractual type issues force writers to veer sharply with the show's direction. Usually when an actor doesn't come back for whatever reason, they end up killing the character off, or they have to come up with some explanation as to why they aren't around anymore (or occasionally, recast the part). Like Downtown Abbey and Matthew. Why don't you tell us how you really feel about Dan, Julian Fellowes? Link to comment
Sarah D. Bunting June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 There was fangirl rage about Callies? Gentle snoring, maybe. In any case, she wasn't really written off because she was pregnant. Link to comment
Actionmage June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 (edited) I was thinking of Grimm. An actress was show-pregnant with a show-baby a season ago. The actress got pregnant in real life late last year and it was written into the show. Her character is having a second show-pregnancy in as many years. The character also had to have someone else explain to her that she was pregnant with the second baby when the actress had visible baby bump. There was another actress who go pregnant in an earlier season, but she was sent off to help an ill relative. Sadly, Grimm has more problems lately than another baby story, but it isn't helping.I think it comes down to the writing. Either they can smartly integrate or work around the pregnancy- I did not know that about Lisa Kudrow and love that story- or they can strain the audience's patience by badly handling the situation. Edited June 3, 2015 by Actionmage Link to comment
Trini June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 On 6/3/2015 at 7:25 PM, Sarah D. Bunting said: There was fangirl rage about Callies? Gentle snoring, maybe. In any case, she wasn't really written off because she was pregnant. Oh, the rage was real. On TWoP and a few other places. And one of the behind-the-scenes promos for that season (half jokingly) addressed it. Link to comment
sinnerforhire June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 I know it's a little early to call, but I hate everything about Juliette's baby/PPD storyline on Nashville. I wouldn't say it's ruined the show for me, but it's ruined the character, and I dread seeing her on screen. I'm desperately hoping she'll put the baby up for adoption next season. Link to comment
AmeliaBedelia June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 On 6/3/2015 at 6:08 PM, StatMom said: I don't know Danielle, but I'm going to go ahead and guess that she was humorously overstating the lengths to which production companies should go to preserve the integrity of show storylines. I agree Link to comment
karibeth June 4, 2015 Share June 4, 2015 Sarah, I want to hear how many Dave Points you had before they were so cruelly stripped from you. Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker June 4, 2015 Share June 4, 2015 Just want to mention how much I love what Wendy Molyneax (Drake) is doing and how much respect I have for Jerry Ferrara for being such a good sport about the whole thing. Pretty sure that the only thing most of those other Entourage douches ever contributed to was the surplus population. #RememberToSpayAndNeuterYourEntourage. Link to comment
EllieH June 4, 2015 Share June 4, 2015 Quote Hey, you guys should do a mini about the best examples of producers working pregnancies into their shows. I can think of at least a couple off the top of my head. I agree! Link to comment
helent June 4, 2015 Share June 4, 2015 (edited) Maybe I'm especially unobservant, but most the shows mentioned in the podcast, I never even notice the pregnancies. I've watched all of 30 Rock several times and never realised that Tina and Jane both had pregnancies during the filming. Are some of those episodes the ones were Jenna has been starring in Mystic Pizza and eating pizza on stage every night?The stuff aimed at Charisma Carpenter by the 'fans' was pretty horrible. It's also definitely the 'best' example of bad incorporation of a pregnancy. Quote Hey, you guys should do a mini about the best examples of producers working pregnancies into their shows. I can think of at least a couple off the top of my head. I nominate It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Edited June 4, 2015 by helent Link to comment
Primetimer June 4, 2015 Share June 4, 2015 Recasting current and future shows with Muppets. Read the story 1 Link to comment
Tara Ariano June 4, 2015 Share June 4, 2015 She hit $30K last night! 2 Link to comment
Portia June 4, 2015 Share June 4, 2015 Matthew Perry's weight fluctuated wildly on Friends due to his substance abuse issues, and I don't recall the writers feeling the need to account for it. Link to comment
April Bloodgate June 4, 2015 Share June 4, 2015 On 6/4/2015 at 8:36 AM, helent said: Maybe I'm especially unobservant, but most the shows mentioned in the podcast, I never even notice the pregnancies. I've watched all of 30 Rock several times and never realised that Tina and Jane both had pregnancies during the filming. Are some of those episodes the ones were Jenna has been starring in Mystic Pizza and eating pizza on stage every night? I also never noticed either actresses' pregnancies on 30 Rock. But I certainly did notice the terrible way they hid Kerry Washington's pregnancy on Scandal. I think Tara mentioned it in some of the recaps, but it was SO bad. Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker June 5, 2015 Share June 5, 2015 On 6/4/2015 at 3:00 PM, Tara Ariano said: She hit $30K last night! I saw that! So excellent (and tragic for Wendy and Jeff) Link to comment
Primetimer June 5, 2015 Share June 5, 2015 Madman Felton wondered about The King Schulman Bible in what's very likely our weirdest Mini to date. Read the story Link to comment
Andrew R Juhl June 5, 2015 Share June 5, 2015 When I heard the premise, I thought maybe it was a play on the "NIV" Bible. I think that's what he was going for, but I gotta say: I'd be at a loss of how to approach it, too. Link to comment
lynny June 5, 2015 Share June 5, 2015 I have no problem with the terrible huge handbags or standing behind plants and couches or wearing gigantic coats. I vastly prefer it to making the character pregnant just because the actress is when there is no useful purpose to the story. Adeline's pregnancy on Grimm is enough to make me throw things at the tv. She was hardly on the show anyway. Just shoot her behind couches for a couple episodes. Link to comment
lynny June 5, 2015 Share June 5, 2015 But for the fact that Sarah and I are both already married to men, (plus Sarah's long-time marriage to Tara), I would have proposed on the spot after hearing that reading. It was a thing of absolute beauty. Link to comment
Fafolguy June 5, 2015 Share June 5, 2015 This has been an...interesting week for the minis. Link to comment
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