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S03.E18: Her

Message added by Lady Calypso

Hi everyone! Just a reminder that anything discussed in interviews and articles about future plot points, such as confirmation on future Rebecca's condition, should be taken to the Spoiler and Speculation thread, not in this episode thread. Keep the discussion about what has happened in this episode. Thanks!

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I thought Toby or somebody mentioned that Kate & Jack were coming together.  Perhaps she was picking Jack up at college or something before coming to see "Her" for the last time.  Toby seemed dejected and others weren't sure he would come, so I think he & Kate break up in the future. Kate is probably obsessed with Jack as she was with her father, with no time for the Tobester.

"Her" may have been on morphine on her death bed and half out of it, which is why Randall, who lives on the other side of the country and is rarely there, felt the need to announce himself.

Edited by deirdra
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I just want to know what state they're in. Not emotional state, but actual geographical state. I'm assuming that older Tess and her parents are still on the East Coast. Am I remembering that Tess works in Newark or am I making that up?  When Randall called Toby, it seemed like he was close by, and he must be to make it so quickly.  Maybe Kevin's huge house is in the NYC area, which makes my Newark memory make sense.  Plus I doubt Nicky would up and move to LA. So I'm assuming all of the Pearsons are East Coasters now?

I think too much. 

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I too had read that Randall picked Tess up in Newark, so Kevin's house must be on the east coast. If the chalk and game are for Rebecca, she must not be near death. Seems more like they are trying to get her hand strength back. Most likely from a stroke. Zoe seems older to me than Kevin (and Sophie) so if Zoe can have a child that age so can Sophie. Could just be that Zoe comes across as more mature. I would rather Zoe knows herself well enough by now and doesn't change her mind about kids for Kevin. I think they handled that relationship well this season. Also, that boy could be Kevin's youngest child and a lot of women have babies in their 40's.

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3 hours ago, CleoCaesar said:

Very cute scene with Kevin and Tess. (“Remember when I came out to you?” “Via text. It was very modern of you.”) Justin Hartley seems very at ease with the kids and it’s adorable. I'm here for him, basically.

Yeah, that was great. I think that even Tess sensed that Kevin isn't the grownup he appears to be. 

3 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

I'm still confused with last season Tess saying I'm not ready to see her (paraphrase). So what is the big gathering?  Was Rebecca not lucid and now she is?  Why wouldn't Tess have visited her?

Yeah, what's up with that? I know people have said it's not dementia, but I was sure that the compulsive note-taking was due to her worry about that. 

I'm still confused. 

The one thing I was glad to see was the Zoe-Kevin resolution. I was sure that he'd use her to help him recover, and then say that he really wanted kids. 

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I like to think that the nurse in the hospital where Rebecca was taken represents viewers everywhere when she told the insufferable Pearson clan that she wasn’t really paying attention to their way too cute description of how maladjusted and self-centered their family was. 

Kate and Toby must not be together anymore because this was the first time Toby saw Kevin’s house. The Big Two would never allow themselves to be separated for so long. 

If they show Kate in the flash forward, would the character not have lost any weight in the twenty year period?  That can’t be healthy. 

Also, poor Miguel. 

Edited by Johnny Dollar
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Enough with the RBG doll. To me it looks like a voodoo doll and is a disrespectful depiction. I know Kate was supposedly giving it to Jack to represent "strength" but it's a stupid toy for a baby. I wondered if NBC was involved in the new RBG film coming out and that's why they keep throwing this in as as a plot point and sure enough, the production company for the film is a wholly owned subsidiary of NBC Universal.

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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, good job on finding that door Beth....on saying stuff that everyone has been saying since the beginning of this story arc. Sell the house, downgrade everything, move to Philly, have Beth form her own business. I mean, Randall still really wins, either way. 

And I think that's what kind of annoys me here. Even though this works for the whole family, and even though Randall still offered to resign, Randall still wins. He didn't have to give up much more than downgrading their home. He didn't make much of a sacrifice himself. Also, will they really have money for Beth to open her own dance studio? Well, if they're selling that stupid building, then maybe, but it's still....a bit annoying. But at least it's done. At least we also got confirmation that the teasing of Randall/Beth's future was all bullshit and a waste of time just to prop the current story. 

Meanwhile, present day Kevin still gets shit on...but I guess he gets his own kid in the future so...yay him? 

4 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Some funny lines in this one...

Jack: "Blockbuster Video's not going anywhere."

Jack: "I used to eat these all the time before I met your mom."
Kevin: "You're really lucky you met her."

Deja: "Not now, doin' a speech." Damn, she's turning into Randall.

Randall: "It was very me."

Maybe Rebecca crashed on purpose to get away from her needy family for one freakin' night..

4 hours ago, mtlchick said:

I didn't cry.  I didn't sob.  But I definitely liked this episode. 

Deja's constant calling out of Randall's speeches had me laughing a few times.  

Corn sandwiches? He couldn't order a pizza?

See you in the fall!

4 hours ago, Eureka said:

I know they were trying to connect the past Rebecca story with the present one with her and Kate but I did not like the idea that the family could not get along without her for one night. That was just ridiculous. I had emergency surgery a few years ago and my family did just fine, without being overly worried. I do wonder if the MRIs she’s talked about are connected to what we just saw which suggests dementia (like others have mentioned).

4 hours ago, CleoCaesar said:

Very cute scene with Kevin and Tess. (“Remember when I came out to you?” “Via text. It was very modern of you.”) Justin Hartley seems very at ease with the kids and it’s adorable. I'm here for him, basically.

Everything else about this episode annoyed the hell out of me, so I figured I might as well lead with the only positive. Kate’s irritating behavior towards Rebecca (nothing new there). Deja’s eyeroll-worthy speech (the actress is fine; the cheesy monologuing is beyond stupid). Same goes for Jack’s idiotic verbal diarrhea to the poor hospital receptionist. And of course Beth acquiescing to Randall and uprooting their comfortable life due to his latest whim.

The Zoe/Kevin breakup was well done, but left me with a “So, uh, why did we spend a season on this relationship?” feeling.

Kind of “meh” on “her” being Rebecca. I still wish the writers had chosen something more daring. Like dear little Annie went rogue in adulthood and ended up in prison. Preferably after shanking Randall (or Deja now, I guess) for delivering another Pearson monologue.

3 hours ago, ams1001 said:

If visiting hours start at 6, what the hell time was it when they got to the hospital? And the kids couldn't take five minutes to get dressed? And sorry, Jack, but if you're not the patient or hospital staff, you are a visitor.

47 minutes ago, happykitteh said:

The way the characters were aged doesn't make sense to me. Randall looked late 50s to early 60s, Beth looked mid to late 40s, and Toby looked early 50s. I agree that Kevin's son looks like he's being played by the same actor who plays young Kevin in the flashbacks.

How did Kevin and Zoe drink that coffee immediately after it was poured from a steaming pot.

The corn sandwiches scene was beyond stupid. Jack couldn't stop for burgers or pizza on the way home from the hospital? Don't they keep luncheon meat or cheese in the house? Or a few cans of soup? Or eggs? Cereal? I always assumed everyone with kids kept these staples around.

The good- Kate finally showed some character growth in admitting their relationship issues stem from her own insecurities and the fact that Rebecca can be a little clueless.

Kevin has s gorgeous house and the child he has always wanted.

Zoe did not let a Pearson bully her into changing her mind about kids. Will be sorry to see that actress go, she was very pretty.

Bad- Stupid dumbfuck St. Jack Pearson could not even take care of his kids for one damn night? Hey asshole, did you ever think that your wife could use the rest to recover from her injuries? Of course not, because in this family the Pearsons always get their way and spouses  better get with the program.  He probably walked into the room, made a speech about how she is the engine in their family, and then told her to make them dinner in the hospital cafeteria.

Of course Randall would never have to give up his dream...he is a Pearson.

So, handing the girls off to a competent babysitter for a couple of hours was not acceptable unless she had several PhDs in psychology and education but uprooting Annie and Tessa from the only home they have known is cool? Also, it seems like they might be going from an affluent area to a not so great location. Will they now live in William’s old apartment building? 

17 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Did anyone else brace themselves for the O.Henry-twist of Randall resigning/Beth putting a nonrefundable down payment on the Philadelphia place?

Just me?

No, I was dreading a Gift of the Magi moment.

Edited by qtpye
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And just like that, Beth and Randall are great!


Barf, I'm going to pretend none of that bullshit happened.

I laughed out loud when Rebecca asked Kate if she and Miguel should move to Atwater Village; fellow Angelenos here will understand: let's just say, Atwater Village is...not where retirees settle.  Kate's plea to look at Santa Monica instead also made me laugh; LA geography is endlessly amusing to me.

I also guffawed at Kid Kevin saying, "Ever since Mom got run over," or whatever that was – too funny.

Adult Tess looks exactly like Kid Tess – it's uncanny.

Corn sandwiches?  A) Not believable in the slightest bit that Jack wouldn't be able to prepare one basic meal for his children; B) Jesus, just order pizza; C) *vomits.

  • Love 22

I don’t think Kate’s alive for a few reasons. One when Randall called Toby in the season 2 finale part of the flash forward  and Toby was Reluctant to go, Randall said “she would want you to be there”(yes the her is Rebecca but the she could be totally different) two when Toby arrived he said he spoke to Jack and “they are on their way” yes they could be Jack and Kate but it could also be Jack and his siblings or Jack and others. And three the missing wedding ring. Granted this could just be a mistake but they’ve made it a point to have Randall still wearing his in the season 2 finale and they showed Beth wearing hers tonight in the flash forward. 

I’m glad that Zoe and Kevin ended it. I liked them but not enough for Zoe to be forced into something she doesn’t want. As someone who doesn’t want kids, it’s not an easy conversation to have and just because Zoe likes being an aunt and loves her nieces it doesn’t mean she has to be a mother. Or that she wants to. I hate the implications that because you don’t want kids, you don’t like them, that’s not true in the slightest. It also doesn’t mean you have some deep rooted tragic reason for not. I mean yes Zoe has her dads backstory but I also liked her valid reasons for being able to travel whenever she wants and being able to do what she wants at any given time. I liked that she stood by her choices.

I mean I was happy Beth and Randall worked it agree. I can agree with others a part of me was worried we were going to get an o Henry twist there where they both gave up their dreams. And yes maybe they are being selfish by uprooting the kids but I think it might be best for the kids. Deeja seems like she’s able to adapt easily, and Annie is young enough that she will as well and like others it might be really  good for Tess to start over.

Ive read a few posts(not all unfortunately) but I feel alone in really disliking Kate in her scene with Rebecca in the NICU. I get Kate is stressed but it just bugged me that Rebecca can’t do anything right in Kate’s eyes. Ever. 

The Nicky thing was a shock. I wonder how that comes to be.  

Ugh. This is us needs to stop ending their seasons in early april because now I have to wait until September. But at least I’m hooked again. They lost me for a little while this season but they’ve pulled back in.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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5 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Thanks to those answering my question as to whose house it was. I re-watched the ending and Toby did say it was Kevin's. I had the same impression as the poster upthread who said Kevin's young son sounded exactly like the actor who plays young Kevin in flashbacks. Upon watching again, I am convinced it is the same kid. I was happy for adult Kevin; he is so good with his nieces and am sure he will be a great dad.

Maybe it's young kevin's brother in real life? Anyway it's adorable to me that Kevin gets a family and a little mini-me! I hope he has more kids and I hope the mom is Sophie.

Edited by Ana88
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I know they said this show will end with season six, but have they ruled out a spin-off? This Is Us: The Next Generation or This is Us: Heaven, where even God is super impressed with Pearson speeches! Can you imagine how insufferable they would be in the afterlife?

When I saw Rebecca bend over to pick up the fruit, I kept thinking of poor Mitch Leery dying in an accident because he tried to salvage his scoop of ice cream (still one of the stupidest character deaths, IMO):

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I think the flash forwards will be interesting  with Kevin.  I'm sure he's still going to see Zoe at family functions.  Will there be regret on his end not pursuing the relationship? Regret on her end her not having children and pursuing the relationship?  ( note to show- please still age him as a hottie-a little grey, some wrinkles).

Agree about the whole gathering, no one seemed particularly frantic. Maybe she had just been moved into Kevin's place?

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Thanks to those answering my question as to whose house it was. I re-watched the ending and Toby did say it was Kevin's. I had the same impression as the poster upthread who said Kevin's young son sounded exactly like the actor who plays young Kevin in flashbacks. Upon watching again, I am convinced it is the same kid. I was happy for adult Kevin; he is so good with his nieces and am sure he will be a great dad.

Yes, that confused me but probably easier to do that with kid running than try to cast a figure far out now. Same with baby Jack, if he's still a baby for a while, you don't want the teen Jack now.

I also feel, as one article put it, Kate's weight will probably stay the same, but if not, you don't want to show her years from now heavy so I knew they probably wouldn't show her. Then it would seem odd to see her slimmer in other flash forwards.

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

The good- Kate finally showed some character growth in admitting their relationship issues stem from her own insecurities and the fact that Rebecca can be a little clueless.

Kevin has s gorgeous house and the child he has always wanted.

Zoe did not let a Pearson bully her into changing her mind about kids. Will be sorry to see that actress go, she was very pretty.

Bad- Stupid dumbfuck St. Jack Pearson could not even take care of his kids for one damn night? Hey asshole, did you ever think that your wife could use the rest to recover from her injuries? Of course not, because in this family the Pearsons always get their way and spouses  better get with the program.  He probably walked into the room, made a speech about how she is the engine in their family, and then told her to make them dinner in the hospital cafeteria.

Of course Randall would never have to give up his dream...he is a Pearson.

So, handing the girls off to a competent babysitter for a couple of hours was not acceptable unless she had several PhDs in psychology and education but uprooting Annie and Tessa from the only home they have known is cool? Also, it seems like they might be going from an affluent area to a not so great location. Will they now live in William’s old apartment building? 

No, I was dreading a Gift of the Magi moment.

I was thinking the Magi moment for a second but thought even on TV if she found a home and put money on it, in 4 hours, lol, that would end the show for me. That would be way too crazy. They need forms and delays and inspections, at least in passing. ; )

I thought if Jack gives ONE more dumb speech on why he's special I'd want to vomit and he did. It's really not funny anymore but I guess they showed how Deja is trying to outdo Randall and shut him down. 😊 He did look proud though.

Maybe Philly will give them more stories but jof course I'm thinking as an older adult, "how much do they owe on their home, if it sells for 400,000, would they be able to find one and have enough left over for a new home and  studio?  Then I realized how tired I was and went to bed, nothing like having a bad tax year to make reality get confused with fantasy.

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Ugh, shitty covers of awesome songs like Friday I'm in Love? Grey's Anatomy already tortured me with that kind of crap for two full seasons so knock it off, This Is Us.

Randall is a moron if he really thought that the girls weren't picking up on what was going on between him and Beth.

Dear parents,

Kids ALWAYS know when you're fighting. It doesn't matter what you do to try to hide it. You're not as smart/clever/sneaky/subtle as you think you are.

Every kid who has had parents who fought even a little bit

I know Rebecca means well, but I can see why she was driving Kate crazy. Rebecca is just trying to be helpful but she needs to step back and let Kate handle things until Kate asks for help or the baby's life is in danger. The situation in the hospital reminded me of the dynamic between Kate and Rebecca every time they had a conversation about food or her weight - Rebecca truly believes she is helping and she is making Kate feel like she's a colossal fuck up.

Oh, Kevin. You can't stay in a relationship with someone because you hope they MIGHT change their name about something huge like having kids. For the record, like Zoe, I love spending time with my nephews and I'm great with kids, always have been. I still don't want to have any of my own.

Although there is some amount of compromise in any relationship, there are big issues that you can't (and shouldn't) compromise on. Kids are one of those. Either you want them or you don't.

Ha, I laughed when Jack made yet another Pearson speech and asked the nurse if she understood what he was saying and she said NO. I just wish she hadn't given in and let them go in (although to be fair, there have been MANY times that I've been to see patients long after visiting hours were over and I didn't have to make any speeches or overwrought analogies).

Speaking of which, Deja is officially a Pearson now with that long drive just to give a speech.

I know families move all the time because of a parent getting a job somewhere else, but it sucks that four people have to uproot their lives so that Randall can have this job he shouldn't have anyway. Changing schools sucks.

The most important part of this episode is that we finally solved the mystery of how many damn bedrooms are in Randall and Beth's house. According to the flyer, it's a four bedroom house. I guess they must have turned one of them into an office which is why Tess and Annie had to bunk up when Randall gave one of their bedrooms to William.


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12 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ugh, shitty covers of awesome songs like Friday I'm in Love? Grey's Anatomy already tortured me with that kind of crap for two full seasons so knock it off, This Is Us.

Randall is a moron if he really thought that the girls weren't picking up on what was going on between him and Beth.

Dear parents,

Kids ALWAYS know when you're fighting. It doesn't matter what you do to try to hide it. You're not as smart/clever/sneaky/subtle as you think you are.

Every kid who has had parents who fought even a little bit

I know Rebecca means well, but I can see why she was driving Kate crazy. Rebecca is just trying to be helpful but she needs to step back and let Kate handle things until Kate asks for help or the baby's life is in danger. The situation in the hospital reminded me of the dynamic between Kate and Rebecca every time they had a conversation about food or her weight - Rebecca truly believes she is helping and she is making Kate feel like she's a colossal fuck up.

Oh, Kevin. You can't stay in a relationship with someone because you hope they MIGHT change their name about something huge like having kids. For the record, like Zoe, I love spending time with my nephews and I'm great with kids, always have been. I still don't want to have any of my own.

Although there is some amount of compromise in any relationship, there are big issues that you can't (and shouldn't) compromise on. Kids are one of those. Either you want them or you don't.

Ha, I laughed when Jack made yet another Pearson speech and asked the nurse if she understood what he was saying and she said NO. I just wish she hadn't given in and let them go in (although to be fair, there have been MANY times that I've been to see patients long after visiting hours were over and I didn't have to make any speeches or overwrought analogies).

Speaking of which, Deja is officially a Pearson now with that long drive just to give a speech.

I know families move all the time because of a parent getting a job somewhere else, but it sucks that four people have to uproot their lives so that Randall can have this job he shouldn't have anyway. Changing schools sucks.

The most important part of this episode is that we finally solved the mystery of how many damn bedrooms are in Randall and Beth's house. According to the flyer, it's a four bedroom house. I guess they must have turned one of them into an office which is why Tess and Annie had to bunk up when Randall gave one of their bedrooms to William.


That says Philly, so the one they are moving into. Of course no price but I guess that is a downsize?  4 beds 3 baths. ??

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15 minutes ago, debraran said:


That says Philly, so the one they are moving into. Of course no price but I guess that is a downsize?  4 beds 3 baths. ??

My son had the same reaction. If it's in Philly proper it's likely an older home where the bedroom tend to be small and the closet space laughable. At least they each get their own room, though.

Everyone is assuming Kevin found a wife..I'm thinking he found a surrogate and is raising the child on his own. 

Loved seeing Nicky! We all seem to be thinking they're together but it could just be a family thing.

Toby said something about having spoken to Jack and "they're on their way" - who is they? If it's 15 years in the future and Kate is gone wouldn't Toby have custody? If it's 20 years Jack could be living on his own, and be coming with a girlfriend or boyfriend.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, gameshowjunkie said:

Toby said something about having spoken to Jack and "they're on their way" - who is they? If it's 15 years in the future and Kate is gone wouldn't Toby have custody? If it's 20 years Jack could be living on his own, and be coming with a girlfriend or boyfriend.

Toby: Kevin's house is huge. Thanks for the call. I got the sidewalk chalk and I just talked to Jack and they're on their way.

People who are already at Kevin's house (and by process of elimination, not part of the "they" that Toby is referring to with Jack): Rebecca, Nikki, Toby, Randall, Beth, Tess, Kevin's kid

Also accounted for: Kevin who is out getting food because apparently PostMates won't deliver to his house in the future.

Unaccounted for and therefore a possibility for who is with Jack: Miguel, Kate, Deja, Annie, Zoe (even if she's not with Kevin, she's still part of the extended family since she is Beth's family so it's possible that she is friendly with Kate/Jack/Kevin)

Based on Tess having a job that isn't an entry level assistant, I assumed that the flash forward was 15-20 years in the future which would put her in her late 20s/early 30s. That would make Jack high school/college age so he could be with a friend/roommate or boyfriend/girlfriend but i'm guessing it's someone we already know who is a Pearson.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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4 minutes ago, gameshowjunkie said:

My son had the same reaction. If it's in Philly proper it's likely an older home where the bedroom tend to be small and the closet space laughable. At least they each get their own room, though.

Everyone is assuming Kevin found a wife..I'm thinking he found a surrogate and is raising the child on his own. 

Loved seeing Nicky! We all seem to be thinking they're together but it could just be a family thing.

Toby said something about having spoken to Jack and "they're on their way" - who is they? If it's 15 years in the future and Kate is gone wouldn't Toby have custody? If it's 20 years Jack could be living on his own, and be coming with a girlfriend or boyfriend.

I hope they show some part of downsizing, lol.  3 baths, I've had 1 and 1 1/2 and we lived but that's nice.

I feel as a writer did that Kate can't be shown in future. Contract or no contract, it locks her in to weight now and I wouldn't want to take away any possibility if she lost weight to have to cover that somehow. We are going at least 10 years or more ahead and that limits any change.

For me Nicky did it for me to love the show again, his scenes with Kevin. The Kate baby scenario didn't have me anxious at all, the Jack thing is repetitive flashbacks of him being "Jack" and Randall and Beth had a lot of air time airing what they kept saying would end okay. I even forgot their earlier interviews. If they kill off Miguel for convenience I wont like it but maybe there will be lots of air time before they catch up to now.

Edited by debraran
  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, good job on finding that door Beth....on saying stuff that everyone has been saying since the beginning of this story arc. Sell the house, downgrade everything, move to Philly, have Beth form her own business. I mean, Randall still really wins, either way. 

And I think that's what kind of annoys me here. Even though this works for the whole family, and even though Randall still offered to resign, Randall still wins. He didn't have to give up much more than downgrading their home. He didn't make much of a sacrifice himself. Also, will they really have money for Beth to open her own dance studio? Well, if they're selling that stupid building, then maybe, but it's still....a bit annoying. But at least it's done. At least we also got confirmation that the teasing of Randall/Beth's future was all bullshit and a waste of time just to prop the current story. 

Meanwhile, present day Kevin still gets shit on...but I guess he gets his own kid in the future so...yay him? 

it was a classic "gift of the maji" where they each sacrificed something--but honestly, since Beth is opening a dance studio she is the big winner because she figured out how to keep her dream intact while Randall is able to avoid the humiliation of quitting--It was a smart conclusion and they both get what they want so I liked it. Interesting that Nicky is with Rebecca--where is Miguel? Why didnt they show us baby Jack?? and where is Miguel??

  • Love 3

And of course Beth acquiescing to Randall and uprooting their comfortable life due to his latest whim.

I dont see it that way--he was ready to resign, but Kate found a solution where she could have her dream and he could keep his----I also thought it was interested that Beth took the Sunday AM class without even knowing if it would work for everyone else. I look at Beth as the big winner here---they really cant afford to stay in that house, Randall may be a one hit wonder and never get reelected again but Beth will have her dream and I think its great!! But I dont see their current life as "comfortable " I see it as crazy and harried and totally unsatisfying--but it had to be Beth who became the bold one to figure this out, otherwise Randall would have seemed the bad guy. well done Beth.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The most important part of this episode is that we finally solved the mystery of how many damn bedrooms are in Randall and Beth's house. According to the flyer, it's a four bedroom house. I guess they must have turned one of them into an office which is why Tess and Annie had to bunk up when Randall gave one of their bedrooms to William.


There was a whole thing in Season One where when Kevin moved in, Beth had to give up her office, until she kicked him to the basement.  So, yes, one bedroom must be an office.   

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Knowing Randall, the shake is for dipping the fries (as Deja mentioned), and the iced tea is for drinking.

I worked at wendys, and fries dipped in a frosty is so good Im finding a wendys today. yum.

7 hours ago, bybrandy said:

But Randalll didn't order a shake.  He ordered whatever Deja was getting herself with an iced tea.  That was my whole point.  He should be getting the shake for the fry dipping.

so she was getting all those things, a burger, fries and a shake to dip them in AND an iced tea. 

  • Love 4

know families move all the time because of a parent getting a job somewhere else, but it sucks that four people have to uproot their lives so that Randall can have this job he shouldn't have anyway. Changing schools sucks.

Randall has a very uncertain future as he has to run every 2-4 years. People seem to think Beth is sacrifing, she just figured out a clever way to have things more her way and lets face it, she doesnt want to work with housewives who are just there to lose weight--she wants her job to be more meaningful and then she can make her schedule her own. I see Beth as the major winner as she figures out a way to start her dream, in her hubbys district which will curry more favor for her and really the kids are the ones who are sacrificing their comfort, friends, fancy school, etc so both Beth and Randall get/keep what they want. But its a great solution, but I do not see Beth giving in at all, she is the biggest winner in all of this. Randall should never have run for office hours from where he lived, but that happened and this is a good solution. Im just wondering where those kids wlll go to school and if this relocation may be problematic for Deja and the others.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The most important part of this episode is that we finally solved the mystery of how many damn bedrooms are in Randall and Beth's house. According to the flyer, it's a four bedroom house. I guess they must have turned one of them into an office which is why Tess and Annie had to bunk up when Randall gave one of their bedrooms to William.

I agree they might have one "bedroom" as an office in the current house forcing people to double up but that flyer isn't for their current house it's for a townhouse in Philly.  Also agree with someone who said the bedrooms are going to be much smaller and storage will be an issue but all I could think when I saw it was the outside inconveniences those types of residences usually have...on street parking and no yard.

I liked this as a season finale, so much wrapped up but just enough questions left and not in a cliffhanger way.  Why is Kevin living on the East Coast and why has Toby never been to his house?  (assumed because of Toby's comment on the house size).  When did Kevin have his son and with who?  And is he married or was it a surrogate or is he divorced with custody?  Is Toby living on the East Coast too and if so why?  Because in a previous episode he was in bed in what we assume to be his house, his poster was above the bed, when Randall called and said they wanted him there, he could have flown since they do have some unusual magical travel times in this show but they seemed to indicate he was living nearby.   Who is the "they" that are coming with Jack?  Is it one of the missing, which ones, who and where are the others?  Especially Miguel (leaning towards he has died on that one)  How did Nicky straighten out and get what looks like a family relationship that's become close?  Looking forward to more of that mostly because I love Griffin Dunne!    I can overlook some of the inconsistencies and making people a little too saintlike because I enjoy watching and do actually want to know the answers to these.  Just hoping since they have an end date and a plan that they do actually wrap things up well and not mess with us.

Also Mandy Moore's makeup at the end was awesome, she didn't look like she was layered in ten pounds of "old people" makeup, they didn't show her for very long but they seemed to have done it right.  But Randall having to add "your son" was heartbreaking.

  • Love 7

What if it's not dementia, alzheimers or a stroke?  Earlier in the season, Rebecca mentioned that she basically takes Advil like it's candy.  What if the car accident caused her chronic pain that got so bad in her old age, that she was confined to a wheelchair, etc, and was opting for assisted suicide?  It would explain the calmness of everyone (this had been discussed and planned) and the games - it was her "going away" party.  It's why Tess was reluctant to see her, because she knew she'd have to watch her die.  She was also probably super drugged up, like she was in the hospital after her accident.  Which is why Randall introduced himself as her son.

Just thinkin' outside the box...

Maybe Kevin decided to adopt and just happened to adopt a kid with similar features?  He would absolutely have Kevin's personality - nature vs. nurture and all that.  I was adopted and people are always surprised because I look so much like my family, and my Dad and I both sing.  It would be a nice, full circle thing, too.

UGH, I'm so tired of shows ending so early now!  I remember when I was a kid, the seasons would go at least through May.  Show seasons ending always seemed to coincide with the school year ending.

Edited by Mrs. DuRona
  • Love 20
5 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Here's a wild theory to the mother of Kevin's future child: Madison, Kate's friend

For sure. Kevin's always been leery (or much worse) around Madison; his asking Randall to run interference between them at Kate's wedding last year was a big hint. Also, Caitlin Thompson -- the actor who plays her -- is married to series creator Dan Fogelman. I think of Kevin as Fogelman's self-acknowledgedly-dreamverse stand-in. The boy from Bethel Park with a beloved obese sister who made his career out West in the TV-film industry, and knows how to work a metaphor. 

Tess works at the Essex County (NJ) Child Services; the office would be in Newark. I'm still not clear on where Tess and Randall were in the flash-forward shown mid-season, as they made their way through the white lobby of some building: Tess excused herself and that's when Randall phoned Toby. Or is that what county office building lobbies in Newark will look like in two decades? 

  • Useful 3
  • Love 6

Corn sandwiches? Come on, writers, Jack would have just picked up fast food or takeout. The kids were acting half their age, like 5-6 year olds rather tweens. Are we going to see that generation of Pearson kids again? Young Kate is looking taller than Teen Kate. Kevin's future son looked like the young Kevin actor, but maybe smaller IIRC? So, possibly a real-life sibling.

Annie was not impressed with the new house, judging by her look at that listing! But Randall and Beth should have considered downsizing months ago, and a move to Philadelphia when he bought the building, let alone ran for city council (I still don't understand how that worked when he lived another state at the time, but I guess it's not a problem now) and Beth lost her job.

Not really a surprise everyone is gathering around Rebecca, but a shock to see Nicky! Miguel is probably dead in the future, but if she ends up moving on with Jack's brother.... So, I hope it's just that they are close as in-laws, because otherwise, I need her to branch out instead of falling for someone else Jack-adjacent yet again.

Heh, the nurse totally let Jack by to visit Rebecca's room just so he'd shut up and go away!

  • Love 11
30 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

know families move all the time because of a parent getting a job somewhere else, but it sucks that four people have to uproot their lives so that Randall can have this job he shouldn't have anyway. Changing schools sucks.

Randall has a very uncertain future as he has to run every 2-4 years. People seem to think Beth is sacrifing, she just figured out a clever way to have things more her way and lets face it, she doesnt want to work with housewives who are just there to lose weight--she wants her job to be more meaningful and then she can make her schedule her own. I see Beth as the major winner as she figures out a way to start her dream, in her hubbys district which will curry more favor for her and really the kids are the ones who are sacrificing their comfort, friends, fancy school, etc so both Beth and Randall get/keep what they want. But its a great solution, but I do not see Beth giving in at all, she is the biggest winner in all of this. Randall should never have run for office hours from where he lived, but that happened and this is a good solution. Im just wondering where those kids wlll go to school and if this relocation may be problematic for Deja and the others.

I am someone that has had to move 4 time in the last 8 years. After we had children in school, we said never again. Moving ranks third behind death and birth as one of the most stressful things in life. Remind me again why Randall had to take the councilman job in Philadelphia as opposed to New York or New Jersey? Oh yeah in order to keep up William’s amazing legacy of failed musician. William was a nice man and I am glad he got sober but Randall has canonized him in his mind to someone who is godlike.

The A.V. club wrote a review that has hit on what has bothered me about this episode. They turned Rebecca into a saint and it strips away the depth of the character. I noticed when she was in the hospital her kids and husband did not really seem all that concerned about her well being. It was more like, wow dad can never take care of us and I hope she does not return scary and brain damaged. The kids are also old enough to at least make peanut/jelly sandwiches themselves. I was a latchkey child and made my own dinner at 10 years old. They are trying to paint the families’ extreme neediness as a good thing and Rebecca is such a good mother these people literally can not go a couple of hours without her. That is not a good mother but an enabler and a doormat. No wonder the Big Three are so spoiled as adults.

Remember when Randall tried to encourage Deja by saying studying will get her an expensive car and a big house? I guess his priorities have changed.

  • Love 17
44 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Also Mandy Moore's makeup at the end was awesome, she didn't look like she was layered in ten pounds of "old people" makeup, they didn't show her for very long but they seemed to have done it right.  But Randall having to add "your son" was heartbreaking.

She looked to me that she aged quite dramatically from the time of little Jack's birth until then -- more than 15 or so years' worth.

44 minutes ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

What if it's not dementia, alzheimers or a stroke?  Earlier in the season, Rebecca mentioned that she basically takes Advil like it's candy.  What if the car accident caused her chronic pain that got so bad in her old age, that she was confined to a wheelchair, etc, and was opting for assisted suicide?  It would explain the calmness of everyone (this had been discussed and planned) and the games - it was her "going away" party.  It's why Tess was reluctant to see her, because she knew she'd have to watch her die.  She was also probably super drugged up, like she was in the hospital after her accident.  Which is why Randall introduced himself as her son.

I had speculated that earlier in a different thread, but I don't think so now.  She could not be giving complete informed consent for assisted suicide in the state she was shown, not knowing her son, and/or being very drugged up.  I guess it's possible she's blind and that's why Randall identified himself, but he wouldn't have needed to add "your son".  She has cognitive impairment. 

  • Love 4

I'm so glad to see Beth and Randall still together, although I hate that Randall gets his way yet again.  When the camera focused on Beth's rings I finally exhaled.

Biggest surprise was seeing Nicky.  I really don't think he and Rebecca are together, he was just there as family.  Glad everyone seemed comfortable between him and the rest of the family.  That was a happy note in the finale.  Where was Miguel?

Also happy to see Kevin has a son and that Jack is apparently ok.  We still don't know who the "they" are that Toby mentioned.  Is it Kate coming with Jack?

Corn sandwich is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

Also not so good?  Jack and Deja speechifying.

5 hours ago, moonorchid said:

I’m glad Randal and Beth worked it out but honestly I’m highly annoyed at the selfishness they are still exhibiting. It should not be taken lightly to literally uproot your kids from everything they’ve known because mom and dad want to follow their dreams. In the end they’ll prob be fine but the way they aren’t even taking their kids into consideration annoys the crap out of me.

Eh, kids have to move all the time for their parents' jobs.  They'll adjust.  It's better than a divorce.

  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, qtpye said:

I noticed when she was in the hospital her kids and husband did not really seem all that concerned about her well being. It was more like, wow dad can never take care of us and I hope she does not return scary and brain damaged. The kids are also old enough to at least make peanut/jelly sandwiches themselves. I was a latchkey child and made my own dinner at 10 years old. They are trying to paint the families’ extreme neediness as a good thing and Rebecca is such a good mother these people literally can not go a couple of hours without her. That is not a good mother but an enabler and a doormat. No wonder the Big Three are so spoiled as adults.

Yeah, if I was Rebecca, it would be a little depressing for me to see that my spouse couldn't even hold things together for one night.  I mean, I get that the kids are worried, but that Jack was unable to manage the worry and concern to the point where he thought it was a good idea to have a pre-dawn hospital visit is ridiculous.  It's like the kids are being left with a teenager, rather than their 30/40-something father.

I did laugh a little at the rowhouse shown in the listing that Beth was reviewing.  I've been in those style homes in Philadelphia.  If it has four bedrooms, those are going to be pretty small with very limited closet space.  I'd also love to know where they found space in that house for three bathrooms.  Even if two of three were half-baths, that's just not happening.    

  • LOL 1
  • Love 13

I lurk here more than I post, but I just had to say that watching last night, I did fine until the end when Randall went in to see Rebecca and told her he was her son.  My mother died last year of dementia and she was somewhat like Rebecca towards the end.  I held it together until I got into my bedroom and then I lost it.  This is the second time this show has gotten me.  The first was with William and the ducks and now this.  I'm preparing myself to cry alot next season.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Emily Thrace said:

I also wouldn't rule out Zoe just because the kid looks white, mixed race kids come in all colors. Especially since Zoe is fairly light skinned herself.

And that's just the kind of thing this show pulls. It was telegraphed that Randall and Beth were divorced/separated yet here we are.

I'm not falling for it being Zoe though because I'm just not. But I don't think Kevin got back with Sophie either. Maybe Kevin adopted the kid and is a single parent.

  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Eh, kids have to move all the time for their parents' jobs.  They'll adjust.  It's better than a divorce.

Totally agree with this.  Randall and Beth divorcing or separating would be much more traumatic for the girls than moving to a new city.  We moved 3 times in 6 years for my husband’s job and my kids were just fine.

 And none of the girls are in high school yet.  We stayed put once our kids were in high school.

The Philly house looked like a row house.  The flyer said fully renovated.  But, yes, smaller than the New Jersey house. A fully finished basement could add a lot of space though.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, JKL845 said:

Zoe seems older to me than Kevin (and Sophie) so if Zoe can have a child that age so can Sophie. Could just be that Zoe comes across as more mature. I would rather Zoe knows herself well enough by now and doesn't change her mind about kids for Kevin. I think they handled that relationship well this season. Also, that boy could be Kevin's youngest child and a lot of women have babies in their 40's.

Zoe is younger than Kevin.

She's younger than Beth who is the same age as Randall/Kevin.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

I know they said this show will end with season six, but have they ruled out a spin-off? This Is Us: The Next Generation or This is Us: Heaven, where even God is super impressed with Pearson speeches! Can you imagine how insufferable they would be in the afterlife?

After about one episode, I think St Peter would “accidentally” open the trap door to hell. 

1 hour ago, qtpye said:

The kids are also old enough to at least make peanut/jelly sandwiches themselves.

This! I think i actually  said out loud "Why not peanut butter and jelly instead of corn?"  Also, kids reactions [mom got run over, brain damage, etc] seemed out of whack with the age of the kids.  Jack sucked at reassuring.  Why didn't he just say, "Mom's brain is fine. But she broke her arm in two places and she's in some pain.  The hospital wants to keep her overnight to give her pain meds and let her rest before sending her home."  Simple.  

Various thoughts:

Loved Kevin/Tess.  Was glad that Zoe didn't give in...some folks don't want children and that's a valid choice.  

Rebecca annoyed me at the hospital Taking notes is fine.  But you're not the mom, let the dr finish a damn sentence and let the actual parents ask questions first.  But then Kate pissed me off when she ran to get the nurse instead of tapping Jack, and getting mad at Rebecca for doing the right thing.  Ummm, Kate - you don't run get the nurse, that's what the alarm is for. Also, you could tap your damn kid and tell your mom to get the nurse. Sigh. 

Future K's house looks cool, and I'm glad he has a son, but PLEASE PLEASE do not let it be with Sophie.  I wasn't wild about them the first go 'round.  Plus I liked how they left things in their last convo.  And frankly, Sophie should run from  the Pearson roller coaster. 

Nicky!!! I love Griffin Dunne. 

  • Love 18
Message added by Lady Calypso

Hi everyone! Just a reminder that anything discussed in interviews and articles about future plot points, such as confirmation on future Rebecca's condition, should be taken to the Spoiler and Speculation thread, not in this episode thread. Keep the discussion about what has happened in this episode. Thanks!

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