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S11.E03: It's a Clam Shame

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Ramona boosted her hostess gift of wine when they left, right?  Cheap tacky thieving loser.   God damn!   I need smelling salts.

Seeing her bow legged skeedadling to their Uber like a not-slick thief in the dusk...what if Victor Hugo imagined Jean Valjean as a pot-bellied, crooked-nosed, bug-eyed skank?  

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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To the poster who might see Luann at the show.   Scream "Jordache" and repeatedly yell for her to sing "Tardy for the Party" !

Heckle the hell out of her.  Star, my ass .........

I have never liked her.  Dorinda may well have problems, but she was right when she told Luann I don't have a mugshot. She should add now her child has never had to sue her either.

Besides, Dorinda and everyone else can apologize a hundred times and it never ends.  Luann did the same thing in Season One to Ramona (about the Count being older) and it never stopped no matter how many times Ramona said she was sorry.

So, Beth is going to take her down?  Can't wait.

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I think Bethenny is in the idealized phase of grief.  She’s focusing on remembering and proclaiming all the good, and glossing over all the messy.  Mourning not just what’s actually lost, but also all the potential happiness she/they could have had.  And I think part of her knows this, because she’s shady on being how much of a hard or conditional “yes” she gave.  It seems like they had a sort of pre-engagement, probably for a number of very good reasons, and now B is simultaneously mourning an alternate future where everything worked out and they lived happily ever after, and acknowledging that it could so easily have become another huge, soul-draining back and forth.  And she’s guiltily feeling relieved in the back of her mind that now everything is out of her hands.  

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12 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Ramona is disgusting. Every season she says something atrocious to another person, and doesn't say sorry. She always says "I apologize" which I don't consider to be the same thing as saying "I'm so sorry, I was wrong." Every year I have more and more contempt for this woman. Barbara is "masculine"? Says the woman who butchered her face and now has a lopsided nose.

I think Mario is still running 🏃 

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

What killed me is that Ramona made that horrendous comment, Sonja and Tinsley flipped out on her, and then SHE was all, "We shouldn't talk about Dennis. We should honor the man." She is so fucking whack-a-doo. 

It does seem a little odd to me. But I'm very hesitant to judge one's grief. I've known so many people who romanticize the dead, who paint the relationship they had with that person in a greater light than the reality. I just don't know that I can judge them for doing this. Maybe, by doing so, they can better cope with all the unresolved issues that will now never be resolved? 

Having never lost the love of my life, I cannot judge the feelings one has about it.  I have seen how others who have lost their partner acted and its honestly all over the place.  Some getting remarried right away and others never even dating again.  I also won't judge them having mixed feelings about the relationship either.  

I agree with others that Lu may have a dual diagnosis going.  She is also an asshole.  If Barbara still has POA, she should sign it over to Lu's daughter or son.  That will be a thankless and frustrating job.  I believe the synopsis that @HunterHunted wrote about the $6million quest.  Lu has nothing and spends like the drunken sailor she fucked in St. Barth

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14 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

That had me laughing  so hard. Beth doing the crazy Ramona walk over omg 😆

 I was shocked that they were packing up lobsters and steak, wtf? Tinsley seemed mortified. 

That’s why Bethenny is #1 Housewife in my book.  I don’t think she even needs a script.  The quips come naturally.

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11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

When talking about the cookies and Pie Ramona referenced Avery liking them as well and she is slightly older than Barbara’s son. Hell I am a lot older than both and sure as hell would not turn down a fresh chocolate chip cookie from Tate’s, I don’t even turn down the mass marketed ones you can get at Costco.



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14 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I usually like/don't mind Luann, but I think she and her holier than thou attitude this season is going to really annoy me, if she continues in the same way as she was acting tonight.  I get it, Ramona and Sonja were totally rude and classless to take a "to go" bag with them from Barbara's, but Luann getting all uppity and "Countess-y" with her "WE don't just take food from a party" thing was also pretty classless.  Barbara didn't seem to mind, so why should Luann?  It wasn't Luann's house, or even a party in Luann's honor, so she really had no reason to voice her opinion.

Luann, in her new sobriety, should also have continued with her program to learn some humility.  Maybe that part of the rehab program came AFTER her 20-24 day rehab refresher stint?  If there is one thing that grates on my nerves is someone who is so full of themselves after they've overcome an addiction (and, Luann's sobriety is still waaaay too fresh for her to be preaching about anyone else - especially when she and Dorinda both were the first ones to belly up to the bar not too long ago.)  I get that it's a wonderful thing for the person overcoming their addiction and I commend them, but Luann is just so friggin' smug about it.

Also, I'm a bit confused about the whole Bethenny-Dennis engagement thing.  Wasn't he still married to his first wife when he passed away?  I thought that was why his wife planned the funeral and not Bethenny or his kids.  

Ramona was also being pretty bad tonight, even for Ramona.  The comment she made about Dennis was beneath contempt.  Tinsley and Dorinda caught that right away, and they knew they needed to shut that down FAST.  They both glanced at the camera guy and were very aware that this was something that will definitely come back, especially at the Reunion.  

Yep.  The Countess is getting insufferable.  She had better get off her high horse as she just might be in the clinker again.

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15 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

I do love all the charity work B has done.  She has truly made a difference and its commendable. Maybe she can just do that full time and leave this show (just saying)?

Not going to knock her charity work but it doesn't jib with all the snarkiness and petty behavior she displays in her everyday life...perhaps she's over compensating? Best shot was Bethenny's Gucci leather backpack flung across her back while she was in a shelter in NC. 

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Without a doubt the best part of this episode was the preview for next weeks episode where Tinsley gasped in horror at her mother, 'these are Topper's wife's shoe company,' only to get a supremely smug 'I know that,' as a response.

Forget Barbara I want Tinsley's mum as a new housewife just for the way she delivered that comment alone.

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15 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

So, now Dennis proposed with the Hope Diamond.....?????

That thing is huge! 


There was a scene last season where Bethenny was talking about her relationship with Dennis and said something to the effect that she didn't think he was "the one"...maybe that's why she kept her "engagement" such a secret. 

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Usually when Bravo shows a clip, they follow up with the details later on.

There was a scene with Tinsley squeeing over Bambi's new sweater, Dorinda in her kitchen throwing salt over her shoulders, Sonja looking at the party venue.

I was waiting to see who showed up to meet Tinsley - thought it would be Scott with flowers so we could get this


Or who would show up to Dorinda's for lunch, instead the next time we see her is at Sarabeth's waiting for Barbara.

I just thought it was weird because if the Bravo cameras showed up at a place to film - to only show that little piece and nothing else was a big let down for me - like pulling the fart out of my ass

Whelp at least the Sonja part at the venue made sense

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13 hours ago, Jets4274 said:

Am I the only one who notices that Dorinda has an issue with crumbs being on her mouth when she eats?  I initially thought it only happened when she drank but once again, as she was eating with Barbara, she had food stuck on her lip.  Not a good look.

She probably had a few before she met Barbara.  Maybe on the way.  Usually,  a woman checks her makeup in the mirror before meeting someone.  Guess she doesn’t.

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Those little clips may have just been to reiterate that everyone’s back in NYC.  That, and maybe those film days didn’t yield anything juicy or scandalous.  (I wish the editors would realize that we like seeing the cast just hang out and have fun!  Not everything has to be high drama!)

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Lu seems to be more insufferable and smug than she's ever been before: more than "address me as Mrs. DeLesseps in front of the driver", more than "How dare Carol schtupp the help", and even more than those hilariously cringe-inducing attempts at charity work in the first couple of seasons.  Or maybe she's the same level, but not balanced out with any humor.  She can be funny (intentional or not), and it just isn't coming thru this season yet.  And I'm also thinking she doesn't want unpredictable Ramona or drunk Dorinda coming around her for fear that either one of them will bring up the real nature of Lu's kids' lawsuit against her.

I didn't really care if the blondes took food to Dorinda; Barbara said it was fine and she said last week she over-ordered food for the party.  I also don't really care if Bethenny is out dating a gaggle of men after Dennis' death, but wearing that ring and calling attention to it just smacks of Gretchen wearing Jeff's ring for attention in the limo to wedding dress shop with Tamra.  NO ONE EVER should aspire to be Gretchen.  

It was shocking that Sonja was in a real, legit magazine.  Anyone see it?  Was she just a model for that guy's handbag line, or was it for something else?

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1 hour ago, Midnight Cheese said:

Ramona pretends she’s sorry:


I wish one of Dennis’s kids would beat the shit out of her.  No jury would convict.

omg that throwaway comment by her was AWFUL. And it's not just that it can impact BF - it impacts his family. She's a nasty piece of work. At her age she should know how to behave, and to keep such flippant but hurtful comments to herself.

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12 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Wtf boat is Luann talking about taking everywhere in the winter? That little not at all winterized dinghy she has at the Sag Harbor house?

No, the yacht she’s going to buy because she’s so talented and packing them in at the cabaret.  Maybe next, it will be Madison Square Garden.

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14 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Regardless of whether you like Bethenny, the criticism of her mourning Dennis seems a little extreme.  She’s acknowledged that their relationship was all over the place, but he also seemed to be a true constant in her life the last few years.  There were reports of an engagement at the time of his death and her ex referred to Dennis as her fiancé in Court.  I liked their relationship as he seemed to really let Bethenny be Bethenny.

Oh my God, when I first read this, I thought it said that "the reports of Dennis's death have been exaggerated," which is an offshoot of my favorite Mark Twain quote, so that was cute (the laugh I got, not the death).

I find much about Bethenny likable, and I find much about her unlikable.  She is an extremely polarizing person.  I was re-watching season 3 of Billions, and the episode was about "venture philanthropy."  I never got to find out exactly what it was, because I did fall asleep during the epi, but I think it was a way for people to make money off of charity or "giving."  I am just going to be the cynic who says it:  I think Bethenny is benefiting financially from these charitable endeavors, whether it is from tax deductions or raising her brands' profiles, thus benefiting indirectly.  If Bethenny was just a giver (I guess that is similar to a "well-wisher" TM Aviva) and she saw the light that this is what life was about, why would she still be on a reality show where rich women argue and gossip?  What is she making per season, one million pretax?  So she is walking away with $576,000?  Is it really worth it for someone so enlightened and already filthy rich?

I'm not saying what Bethenny is doing isn't good; I'm just looking at it with a skeptical eye.  I am skeptical of everything.  You show me that gift horse, I will look it in its mouth, damnit.  

Luann, you have officially done a 360 and are back to being the COuntess (had to make sure the "o" was there).  Remember season two when they were at a gala and people were talking, so The Countess got up from her table, took the mic, admonished people to stop talking, and then went back to her own table to resume talking?  Yeah, that's our girl telling guests at another person's party that they had an obligation to stay for a sit-down dinner, when the guests in question had already cleared with the host they were leaving, and then telling them in no uncertain terms that they were not taking food to go, when the host has already given the green light.  Not, "oh, Sonja, do you think that's a great idea?"  But a flat-out refusal, as in, "no, they're not taking food."  I wonder what her reaction would be now if Ramona accused Luann of having married "an older man."  

Bethenny, why are you cozying up to Tinsley now?  I thought...she doesn't have a job and only cares about false eyelashes.  It can't be that you are recruiting for your team by chance, could it?  Cause your team kind of sucks right now.  Just saying.

I was so relieved when the blondes left the party and just let loose at Ramona's.  That clam bake had a very stiff, even ominous, air about it.  Until Lu, Beth and Barb got wacky and jumped in the pool fully clothed, and then I died laughing!  Oh, wait, no I didn't; I thought it was a desperate bid to look fun and relatable, which is something that flopped on the S3 RHOD finale, and it failed now.  You can't manufacture fun.  You guys don't really like each other.

I think Dorinda has been very well-behaved this season so far, and I have nothing negative to say (yet).  She was much more gracious to Barb at the lunch than I would have been, and she was perfectly pleasant and sober at Sonja's.  My shadenfreude was palpable when Luann was pretending to be having such a grand old time with Sonja and the girls on that couch until she caught sight of Bethenny hanging with Dorinda, and Her face fell. Ha!

Luann's house in Ulster, NY (Ulster, really?  Ulster?  No offense to anyone from Ulster, but this is not chic upstate; this is upstate-upstate.  Why didn't she just buy a home in Utica and call it a day?) looked gauche.  Nice spiral staircase.  The 70s called and want their house back.  The NYC apartment looked low-grade too, but she is just such a *fabulous* cabaret singer, she needs the NYC pad! Ugh, get off my screen.

If I were the judge, I would put her back in jail for that tag line alone.  What utter disrespect for the justice system and the police officer whom you injured in the line of duty.  What a galling mess of a woman.  Go back to fucking a pirate behind your devoted boyfriend's back and lying about it. 

Sorry if I sound mad.  I am just so mad at Luann.  She broke my reality TV heart.  

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3 hours ago, politichick said:

I agree. It might actually be rather condescending to carry a cheapo bag for this occasion. The people know she's loaded, that's why she's able to give them gift cards. They probably could give zero fucks about the brand of her backpack.

I don't care if there's a camera crew, either. It occurred while she's filming for the show. Other groups learn of her philanthropy when someone sees it on TV and perhaps have a new source of giving

Exactly. And Bravo is going to want to show this for the series. No way they wouldn't. Any awareness that's raised is great, IMO. 

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44 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Usually when Bravo shows a clip, they follow up with the details later on.

There was a scene with Tinsley squeeing over Bambi's new sweater, Dorinda in her kitchen throwing salt over her shoulders, Sonja looking at the party venue.

I was waiting to see who showed up to meet Tinsley - thought it would be Scott with flowers so we could get this


Or who would show up to Dorinda's for lunch, instead the next time we see her is at Sarabeth's waiting for Barbara.

I just thought it was weird because if the Bravo cameras showed up at a place to film - to only show that little piece and nothing else was a big let down for me - like pulling the fart out of my ass

Whelp at least the Sonja part at the venue made sense

They've been doing this on all the franchises lately. They tend to start the episode out light - just a quick glimpse into the daily life of the housewife. These short scenes are generally centered around family and the home. I kind of like them. 

35 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

I didn't really care if the blondes took food to Dorinda; Barbara said it was fine and she said last week she over-ordered food for the party. 

Except they weren't just taking food for Dorinda. They were making to-go plates for themselves, instead of eating there like polite guests. Dorinda was quite enjoying her alone time; they could have stayed longer. 

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I am so confused right now. I haven't had a chance to watch the episode yet, but what did Ramona say about Dennis that shocked everyone? I thought all she said was that he stupid for being  on drugs. And wasn't he? Didn't he die from an overdose? I thoght in the past Bethenny said he had an issue with using. I am hoping to watch the episode tomorrow to get caught up

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1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

To the poster who might see Luann at the show.   Scream "Jordache" and repeatedly yell for her to sing "Tardy for the Party" !

Heckle the hell out of her.  Star, my ass .........

I have never liked her.  Dorinda may well have problems, but she was right when she told Luann I don't have a mugshot. She should add now her child has never had to sue her either.

Besides, Dorinda and everyone else can apologize a hundred times and it never ends.  Luann did the same thing in Season One to Ramona (about the Count being older) and it never stopped no matter how many times Ramona said she was sorry.

So, Beth is going to take her down?  Can't wait.

1 hour ago, kicksave said:

Yes! She was totally manic last night. Where did she get the $$$ to buy that estate in upstate NY???

She probably slept with the Real Estate guy.

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Either that or people's diagnosis of bi-polar is correct and she's NOT medicating. My step-dad is bi-polar. And when he would stop taking his meds for a long time, he became so manic! Twice his mania got so bad he actually became psychotic; and once we had to hospitalize him. If she needs mood stablizers, the absence of medication could make her act just as zany as taking meds would make other people. 

Agree. All I saw is a black bag. I am not a label person; I certainly don't own any luxury items of any sort. So I rarely notice. I'm sure most of the people she was helping aren't really aware either. 

It is subtle, but it’s there: two huge, interlocking Gs. I think they are stitched in.  Black thread on black leather. They are visible when she leans down to the left to hug the elderly woman.

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17 hours ago, TexasGal said:

 As crazy as Sonja is, at least she owns the fact that she’s effing gonna take lobster!!!

I hoped that once Sonja sold her home she would be able to pay down her debt and stop acting like a grifter. I guess old habits die hard. 

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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

Yep.  The Countess is getting insufferable.  She had better get off her high horse as she just might be in the clinker again.

Oh, that is a given.   It's "Life After Lockup" for her.

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5 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Ramona took a page from Kramer's playbook.


OMG .. Just spit my coffee all over myself.  Barb and Kramer got them from the same place, the Hamptons.  Too funny.

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12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Sonja had mentioned that she told Lu that she should get together with Dennis to help her with her finances - because he's smart about that stuff. Ramona said something about him NOT being smart because he was on drugs/died from using drugs. 

Yes, that's how he died. That doesn't make him stupid. Plenty of people from all walks of life find themselves in the throws of addiction. Dennis was taking opiates, no? A lot of addicts start out being prescribed something for an authentic pain issues....and it all snowballs from there. How insulting to a dead man to malign him for how his life tragically ended. 

Yes, people from all walks of life can be addicts. But I also thought they didn't do an autospy so they don't really know if he died from an oxy overdose. From the way Bethenny talked last year I was under the impression it was more than that, but that is just how I interpereted it.

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14 hours ago, biakbiak said:

And according to Sonja as long as they are prescribed by a doctor you can’t be an addict who abused them.

According to Sonja, she was sober for season 9 because she only drank when the cameras went dark. That passes for sober as much as Joe Giudice's Green Card made him a citizen. 

I would love to see Sonja and Scheana's Sell-ebrity Sobriety Senter. Folks would be dying left and right if you followed the advice of these two imbeciles.

10 hours ago, rhys said:

During the clambake, it looked like Beth wore the Hope diamond in her left ring finger then later on her right ring finger. Did anyone else notice this?

I noticed it too.

I thought it was a little unusual that Barbara had whole lobsters on the table. I can understand having a couple of whole ones for show and then just a big bowl full of tails and claws. Most people don't eat the tomalley and a lot people stay away from the head and thorax.

Maybe it's because I'm a bit if a foodie, but you take those lobster shells, that clam liquor, and...

8 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Yep.  The Countess is getting insufferable.  She had better get off her high horse as she just might be in the clinker again.

Luann had been out of rehab for about 2 months when they were filming this. Now remember her from last season when she was two months out of rehab. It was towards the end of the season, but she wasn't nearly this obnoxious. Luann is more condescending, sanctimonious, and imperious than ever. I don't know exactly what explains the difference. Although it might have been that her criminal case was still outstanding in season 10. Humility Luann. Humility.

Edited by HunterHunted
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6 minutes ago, BravoAddict72 said:

Yes, people from all walks of life can be addicts. But I also thought they didn't do an autospy so they don't really know if he died from an oxy overdose. From the way Bethenny talked last year I was under the impression it was more than that, but that is just how I interpereted it.

So he both would and he wouldn’t be stupid for “being on drugs?”  And that turns on speculation about an autopsy?  Well, okay.

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16 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

I have done that before.  It is not being pretentious.  It is all we have at that time. 

It wasn’t flashy. You just know the brand. 

She is a wealthy woman usually carrying around her $20,000 Birkin.

We should focus on the charity. She is doing good on that department!

I'm not into fashion and had no idea what the brand was. I doubt most of the people in the shelters did either.  

I don't know why Barbara is now Luanne's keeper. Its weird. She's being handled with kid gloves, but wants to be the judge jury and executioner to everyone else. I liked the old humbled Lu. Now she's gone full circle from cool Lu to Countess Luanne from the early seasons (pre divorce from the Count). I think the big issue between Luanne and Dorinda is NOT the Jovani thing but Lu just wants to beat Dorinda to death over it and Dorinda isn't having it.

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5 minutes ago, Midnight Cheese said:

So he both would and he wouldn’t be stupid for “being on drugs?”  And that turns on speculation about an autopsy?  Well, okay.

I just read a story that says they didn't do an autospy for religious reasons so I don't know how they know for sure he overdosed on oxy. I didn't say he was stupid. It's not for me to judge.  I am sure he had to be smart to be as successful as he was. One of my friends just lost her son to his battle with heroin. Was he stupid? No. Does everyone wish he had decided not to take that first hit that got him addicted for years? Yes.

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8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

And according to Sonja as long as they are prescribed by a doctor you can’t be an addict who abused them.

Unfortunately many people view prescribed medication and street drugs are different and if a doctor prescribes it, you can not be an addict.  When someone has been injured, has surgery or have chronic pain they take pain medication.  It is so easy for a patient to misuse the medication.  They may take another pill here and there when they are having a bad pain day.  This can easily escalate to a full blown addiction.  Also, these medications can cause someone to overdose accidently because the side effects make them groggy and they lose track of how many pills they have taken.  These pills are as deadly as street drugs.

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I think Luanne with the boat was her saying that all her homes are on water. Her city apartment is in the Hudson as is her upstate home. I think she was kidding when she way saying she can just take a boat to her homes. Much like me and my mother last week. She lives on A1A in Boca Raton and she and I were in Key West for a few days we were telling people she lives a little ways up the road. Like 150 miles up the road...

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18 hours ago, bosawks said:

“Today’s mission” in the language of the non-501 (c) charitable endeavors.

Excuse me while my cynicism is showing, at least she’s doing something I guess.

Yeah I get that and obviously she and anyone else who make considerable charitable donations get a tax write off from it, but at least they are doing the good thing too.  Many people with B's wealth and much more choose not to do anything so it's still a good deed.

18 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I appreciate the charity work Bethenny has done.  Many people who have more money than she, don't do a thing.  So I can't hate her for what she's doing, even if she makes it about her, she's doing something.

Exactly how I feel as well.

17 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I commend Bethenny for all the charity and humanitarian work she has/is doing, too, but I just wish that maybe she would leave the high-end designer purses home.  She was wearing a Gucci black leather backpack purse that cost over $2,200.00.  Just seems pretentious to me to visit people who have lost everything while wearing an expensive purse like that.

Oh my god I didn't even notice that.  Very pretentious but look she's a rich chick.  I don't think she thinks anything of wearing a bag like that, it's a drop in the bucket.  Also I am pretty sure everyone there was to preoccupied to notice.

Edited by mostlylurking
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24 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I'm gonna kill you all. I will kill you with my singing voice !


You mean my “talking” thru a song, not singing, lol.  This no talent person could go on forever as long as she is a N.Y. Housewife.  She can thank Andy Cohen for her sudden profitable career.

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Yep, Sonja was being a a bit odd about Dennis's addiction. He would have had to have gotten the script originally for some legit reason (surgery, pain, etc). Then got hooked. She should have known that unless she was just trying to play dumb.

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7 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

Unfortunately many people view prescribed medication and street drugs are different and if a doctor prescribes it, you can not be an addict.  When someone has been injured, has surgery or have chronic pain they take pain medication.  It is so easy for a patient to misuse the medication.  They may take another pill here and there when they are having a bad pain day.  This can easily escalate to a full blown addiction.  Also, these medications can cause someone to overdose accidently because the side effects make them groggy and they lose track of how many pills they have taken.  These pills are as deadly as street drugs.

Correct.  Two weeks after a spinal surgery and two hip replacements, no more oxy was prescribed for me.  It was Tylenol or Motrin.  Where these people are getting this shit is beyond me.  These people with money get everything.  Sleeping pills, Xanax, pain meds, you name it.  And they brag about it too.  “Oh, I think l will take a Xanax.”  WTF?

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This is the dullest start to the season ever. Why is this nobody desperate hanger-on Barbara the focus so far? I hate how she butted her fug mug in to grab even more camera time when Bethenny and Dorinda were having a rare genuine conversation.

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