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S17.E01: Premiere

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59 minutes ago, Ashforth said:

Christian was only 21 years old when he won PR about twelve years ago, He's has lots of time to mature and gain confidence instead of bravado, and it shows. Plus, he is indeed (indeed! LOL) a successful working designer and I think that brings value to his critiques and suggestions that a teacher or fashion editor can't provide.

THANK YOU. Christian was 21 and his season was in 2007! He was a bit brash back then, though I found him hilarious I can see how some wouldn't. And he could certainly back it up, with bushels of talent, ambition and drive.  In the intervening years between his PR win and now, he's worked his butt off and become very successful. I loved him from the minute he stepped into the workroom all those years ago and I'm as proud of his success as if I was his mother.  I was surprised (if pleased) to see that he'd be mentoring, I wonder when that boy sleeps? Like he doesn't have enough to do! 

I think Miss Cavanaugh is a spoiled little girl whose parents gave her her start in her business. She was way too invested in letting us all know how high her standards were, how classy she is, and how professional. Feh. Did she ever crack a smile? She came across as supercilious and snotty, with a sour expression and a haughty air. Good riddance. I'll take weepy, good hearted Frankie any day. I just hope she can find her feet. She seems like a nice woman and god knows she could use a break. 

I'm interested in seeing what the banker by day designer by night does. And Sonia, the woman who did the fabulous dramatic palazzo pants. Glad to see such a diverse crowd. 

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Watched from S1, loved me some Jay McCarroll and Kara Saun. Stayed with it for about 5 or 6 seasons. Lifetime sucked the life out of it but I am optimistic it will be better back on Bravo. I don't need mean contestants or characters so bizarre they hang around way too long. This feels good. I like contestants helping each other I like positive relationships. I'm in. Christian is insightful and Karlie isn't annoying.

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13 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Okay I'm EXTREMELY late and corny posting this, but Kavanaugh is too good for posting iPhone pictures on social media?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

Cavenaugh?  More like HELL TO THE NAW

Oh she was way too superior to post a photo of an outfit made with only $250 worth of fabric. Quelle horreur!

I'm hoping that the return to Bravo and what seem so far to be higher production values signal the end (or at least the reduction) of the dreaded "unconventional materials" challenges. Except for Austin Scarlett's amazing cornhusk dress in Season One, I have never liked them, and the past few dismal Lifetime seasons, it seemed that every other episode they dragged the designers to one location or another to pick through garbage for materials.

Edited by Ashforth
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5 minutes ago, Ashforth said:

I'm hoping that the return to Bravo and what seem so far to be higher production values signal the end (or at least the reduction) of the dreaded "unconventional materials" challenges. Except for Austin Scarlett's amazing cornhusk dress in Season One, I have never liked them, and the past few dismal Lifetime seasons, it seemed that every other episode they dragged the designers to one location or another to pick through garbage for materials.

If not for this season of All Stars I'd agree with you. I was really impressed with the PRAS Unconventional Materials winner:


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I’m getting so tired of the catch word, Empowering.  It’s becoming so overused that the original meaning is getting lost. 

Is this season going to be a team event with each judge having their own group of designers?   I certainly hope not. 

Frankie can go soon if this crying continues.   It’s annoying. 

Edited by KLovestoShop
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53 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

LOL I love the unconventional materials AND the avant garde challenges, but I understand them not being everyone's cup of tea.  Christian Siriano definitely had great success with the avant garde challenge in his season.

I definitely prefer the avant garde over the unconventional materials, but what baffles me is how many of the designers every season don't have a clear understanding of what avant garde is! (They're designers. They should know). So my only criticism of the avant garde challenge is while I get all excited when that challenge comes along, there's mostly disappointment when watching its runway show. Mentally I'm saying of almost every outfit "That's not avant garde". 

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11 hours ago, Tikichick said:

Hester redeemed herself with me slightly by showing kindness and concern when Frankie melted down after her model's torso was so much longer than she expected.  It really is unconscionable that they were only supplied bust and hip measurements on the model cards.  If she wants to remain Hester is going to have to bring it on the runway, because all of the affectations of her personal dress -- especially including what she seems to think makes her stand out in a good way -- the juxtaposition of PLZ DIE, DEAD, and F OFF, etc. messages on her clown hats and clothing don't convey intelligence or artistic sensibilities in any way to me -- quite the opposite in fact.    

I'd read nothing at all about the new designers, so as their pre-made looks came out in the very beginning, I did a quick-judge impression and the only one that I felt was "hell NAW" was that idiotic blue tulle puff thing. When they cut to Hester whatever I sighed... "figures." The affectations were just painful. Those hats and stupid sayings are pathetic. But she did seem genuine when she hugged Frankie, so I will cut her slack for one episode.

The new workroom looks freaking GORGEOUS, especially when compared to the harsh florescent lighting and grammar school linoleum square tile floors of PRAS. And I can't believe that the Maybelline make-up studio and Tresemme hair salon actually seem posh in comparison. Did they mention the brand of the accessories wall?

I teared up a little at the designer's reaction to his trans model; he was so thrilled and moved! Now I just hope it's not highlighted too much in the future - she's just another one of the beauty herd.

I'm good with the new male judge. He had a few snarky lines that had just a soupcon of Michael Kors, which I'm all in for. (Why can I only think of MK's name spoken with Heidi Klum's accent?

Was one of the male designers listed as a "corsetier"? Bwah! I learn something new every day. I like how they gave that little background info in the TH chyrons beyond just age/location.

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3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

The four, that's right four times we saw Frankie cry needs to be the last and only.

 Don't have time for that.

Thank you, I don’t have the time or the stomach for that. Everyone has some sort of shit going on. If you can’t pull yourself together enough to not fall to your knees when you are staying in the competition, please leave. 

I’m hoping for a Swatch sighting next week 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Was one of the male designers listed as a "corsetier"? Bwah! I learn something new every day. I like how they gave that little background info in the TH chyrons beyond just age/location.

Garo Sparo! He designed a wedding dress for one of my friends, and also does a lot of costumes for drag queens. I'm really interested to see what he does on this show.

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8 hours ago, Snewtsie said:

I would love to know your cat's IG so I can follow him!  😄

Me too!   That was a great comment, and  you have a sense of humor.   And my cat is Naked.....funniest thing I read in a while.   Cavanaugh was a pain in the you know where from moment one.  Won't miss her snotty little attitude.      Please comment frequently --- you are very real

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Karlie Kloss was refreshing, so was the purple magazine editor.   The Brandon guy with the 3-D glasses?  Been there, done that.

Kovid is annoying as fuck.   So is Hester Sunshine.   And Frankie.    I know there are many contestants right now but I felt it wasn't right to focus only on the loudmouths and drama queens while relegating many of the more reserved and serious designers to the nameless/faceless zone.

I don't miss Heidi.   I don't miss Tim.

I still miss Michael Kors. 

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4 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Christian Siriano definitely had great success with the avant garde challenge in his season.

I would argue that he’s the only one who has had success in an avant-garde challenge. Can anyone name one other memorable outfit from this challenge?!? No, really, is there one? Post below if there is- I gotta see it! 

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On 3/14/2019 at 9:30 PM, NYGirl said:

OMG I don't think I can take another minute of Frankie...the crying..the not being able to sew..the questionable taste of the outfit... I'm not gonna make it through this season

I don’t think she’s going to be around all that long. In the post episode clip of what’s coming up this season, she didn’t seem to be in it at all. 

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16 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

I would argue that he’s the only one who has had success in an avant-garde challenge. Can anyone name one other memorable outfit from this challenge?!? No, really, is there one? Post below if there is- I gotta see it! 

I would argue that avant garde dress was mostly Chris March (he put a similar dress down the runway later that season). Christian probably constructed most of it, though. He was a whiz at the sewing machine. Thanks to Bravo for re-airing the old episodes!

Edited by Sew Sumi
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If looks could kill: that look Cavanaugh gave to Frankie when Frankie kneels down on the runway, after learning that she’s staying.

I had a college roommate like Cavanaugh - glad she was the first one to go.

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1 hour ago, apollonia666 said:

Garo Sparo! He designed a wedding dress for one of my friends, and also does a lot of costumes for drag queens. I'm really interested to see what he does on this show.

Well, that’s very cool!

Is he the corsetier? His pants had a corset and were very sexy; would have looked great on many bodies.  I’m 62 and some things don’t need to be seen in public anymore, sighs.  So, I don’t do crop tops anymore, but I could envision those corset pants with a tight tank and a cropped short jacket on me! Ha Ha! 

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15 hours ago, terrymct said:

Not when Frankie was talking at length how she focuses on plus sized and/or curvy women.  She should have been in her element.  Oh, and acting like a 6 ft tall model is unheard of, that's ridiculous.

I know, right?

I believe Karlie is 6' or 6'1".

Edited by Surrealist
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I am excited! Project Runway means so much to me. Love it!

My top 3: 1. Sonia (winner) with the white pants and big billowing sleeves. Gorgeous. 2. Garo Sparo with the butterfly top. Super cool. 3. Renee with the stunning suit. Refined and lovely.

My bottom 3: 1. Venny with the fringe on the sides. What the heck? Awful. 2. Bishne with the peplum placed too high. His design looks like 8th grade Home Ec. Awful. 3. Hester (out). Just get out. Awful.

Somehow, Frankie and Cavanaugh would have been safe on my list. Frankie's was horrible but at least it was interesting. Cavanaugh's was nothing much.

Edited by GoldaVining
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I liked that they did a runway show at the beginning of the episode so we could get a sense of each designer's aesthetic (gawd, I am already dreading another season of designers mispronouncing the word "aesthetic"), but about halfway through I was like JFC HOW MANY DESIGNERS ARE THERE THIS SEASON?!

Sadly, I didn't see a single thing in the initial runway that made me think, "Ooh, I definitely want to see more from that designer!"

On a shallow note, I love seeing Christian and Karlie stand next to each other (I also love seeing Patrick and Esme stand next to each other on the Great British Sewing Bee for the same reason).

A note for the producers: if you're going to conduct the talking head interviews in front of a white background, white chyrons are a stupid choice, especially when you only show some of these for one second before switching to workroom footage with a voiceover. Either change the color of the background or change the color of the font. All I know is that Renee is a luxury...something.


Same goes for the runway show: white chyron + white background = you do not want me to read whatever is underneath Renee's name.


One thing I noticed immediately is that there are several older designers, which I think will be an interesting change from the usual cohort which typically has 1-2 older designers. The show has definitely begun to skew younger especially in more recent seasons. In S14, ten of the sixteen contestants were under 30 and the oldest contestant was 37. In S16, Amy was the only designer over 40.

I also liked that we have more than one contestant this season who has a full time non-fashion job. I love that Sebastian said that there's nothing wrong with his housekeeping job but if he wins, he is quitting. And Venny works in accounting! I am always of the opinion that I want the winner to be the most deserving, not the one who is in the most debt and needs the money to keep from becoming homeless (I still remember Gretchen complaining that she HAD to win because she needed the money), but I love the idea that if Venny or Sebastian wins, they can focus on fashion full time.

I did not understand what Renee said: "Being a mother of nine children, I can definitely relate to Brandon being so inspired by his mom." So you relate to a son admiring his mom because you are an inspiration to your kids? That sounds kind of obnoxious and presumptuous.

Frankie, oh, girl. The only thing I can say about your shitty (now ex) boyfriend is that no matter how far along you are into your relationship (even if it's nine years), at least you found out now instead of even further down the road. I also love her because she took her shoes off before getting in the tub. The germaphobe in me appreciates that.

At certain angles, Lela looks so much like the actress who plays Shannon on Kim's Convenience. I liked the silky looking skirt she made (although it was very simple), but I didn't get the long red top. I appreciate that she tries to be as eco-friendly/sustainable as possible because fashion is such a wasteful industry.

I figured Nadine was in the middle of the pack because we didn't see enough of her during this episode for her to be in the top or the bottom. I was not crazy about her white outfit with black lace. I especially did not like the crotch on what could only be described as 80s bike shorts.

I assumed that Renee fell into the same middle ground category based solely upon the fact that we barely saw her, so I was surprised that she was in the top. I thought the part of the skirt that the model took off and then used as a wrap was unnecessary, but I get wanting a wow moment on the runway (and reveals are clearly the way to win over Brandon). I loved the close ups later so we could see how well it was made. What I really liked about what she made is that it looked like it could be worn by women of different ages and sizes.

Rakan's shiny jumpsuit looked like something made for a fashion shoot but not real life because let's be real - it would wrinkle like hell if you sat down for even ten seconds. I hated the red shoes he put on his model.

Jamall's outfit was boring. A tank top with a hood and striped pants? Is there a reason his model wasn't wearing a bra?

Bishme's outfit was so unflattering. Normally an empire waist is flattering to most body types, but he put it too low. Two inches higher and it would be an empire waist. Two inches lower and it would be a peplum. But where he put it made his poor model look wide. I also hated the shiny pants on their own, but they didn't go with the top.

Garo's model has such a tiny waist that when she appeared in silhouette before hitting the runway, I thought her shadow was distorted. Nope, she's really that tiny! I didn't like the little flaps on the side of the striped top. I wish I could say more about the rest of the outfit, but we barely saw the corset or the pants. So how many weeks before he judges tell the master corsetier he can't do a corset every week?

Tessa's outfit looked really plain in the front so the big white criss cross straps in the back were a surprise. As simple as the design was, it was constructed really well. I liked that it was clear how it related to the original photo. I agreed with the judges when they said it looked luxe and expensive.

Sonia's black and white outfit looked comfy.

Sebastian's tiny striped top had too many straps. I also didn't like that he tied the bottom of the pants. It just looked like too much effort to put on.

Frankie's blue bathing suit was a mess. My main complaint was that it didn't fit the model well. I am pretty sure that the comp cards only have the models' basic measurements (height, weight, bust, waist, hips) so there's no way she could have known that she would be five inches short in the crotch measurement. What I appreciate is that even though she knew she was fucked, she didn't give up. She kept working and made something to put on her model. As much as I didn't like the final outfit, at least she (1) made an effort to work with what she had and (2) had some design elements (as opposed to the other designer in the bottom, Cavanagh, who made the simplest possible tank top and skirt and abandoned her jacket after she screwed it up).

Hester's blue cocktail dress was not as weird as I thought it would be. It was different enough to keep the judges interested without being too weird.

I liked Venny's interpretation of his picture as happy (because of the balloons, not the model) but why did he think that feathers = happy? I'm glad Christian told him that feathers + leather + black + white might be too much. Unfortunately, Venny interpreted that as only no feathers on the jacket. The feathers going down the side of the skirt reminded me of a car wash. He lucked out because he got a good model who walked well on the runway. I liked the jacket.

Afa was super nice to show Frankie how to sew an invisible zipper. Ha, I loved that he admitted he got carried away with the train on his dress.

I liked that Kovid was friendly, positive, and supportive when Hester was freaking out. That's the kind of person I like having in the workroom. And his genuine reaction to finding out that his model is transgender was so sweet. I'm glad Christian told him he didn't need so any elements because I didn't think that a structured jacket and a flowy goddess dress would go together. I wish I had liked his dress more but it was too plain.

Cavanagh was already working my last nerve shortly after she appeared on my screen so I was not sorry to see her go. My only regret is that she wasn't around for a one day challenge with a $100 budget. She probably would have DIED. Ha, apparently the editors don't like her either. I loved that they contrasted her talking about how $250 is not enough to buy good fabric with Frankie saying that she's never had that much money to buy fabric for just one outfit. My opinion of her did not improve when she was bitching about her model being "broad" or when she said that she never posts pictures taken on an iphone. That's what peasants do! While sleeping on twin beds!

I get what she was saying about doing things for yourself in business but to be honest, it sounded like sour grapes because she was jealous that several designers ran over to help Frankie during last looks and no one offered to help her. Afa summed up why very succinctly though - Frankie was warm to everyone and Cavanagh...was not. You catch more flies with honey, bitch. Her outfit was the definition of basic: a cropped black tank top and a plain black skirt slit up to the crotch. BORING. When Brandon asked how much money she spent on her fabric, she said that she ended up not using the tweed because she "underestimated the time," conveniently leaving out the fact that she totally fucked up the jacket. She didn't even know how she managed to mess it up so much when she tried to put it on her model.

Hester Sunshine's Rainbow Brite aesthetic is not my favorite, but part of me likes that at least I know I won't get a black dress from her every week (I remember some seasons when I was like USE SOME COLOR FFS!). I also liked that she was pretty calm and logical. She said she knows that she can get fixate on things but she just needs adapt and later she said she knew that she made the classic PR mistake (buying fabric she's never used before). She seems to have a good amount of self-awareness (especially when she told Kovid that she freaked out earlier and she was having a hard time bouncing back).

I knew Hester wasn't going to be eliminated pretty early in the episode because she was wearing three different outfits in her talking head interviews. And she won some points when she saw Frankie crying and went to check on her. I also saw Hester helping Frankie with something the morning of the runway show. I totally cracked up when she took her model outside for her photo and then she told the cameraman that he was in her light. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, man.

Bonus: thanks to Cavanagh being eliminated the first week, we won't have to see nine million iterations/misspellings of her name all season!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I miss Tim Gunn more than Heidi and wasn't going to watch it out of solidarity with him, but since my dvr recorded it....

I think Karli Kloss did a good job. Not as wooden as many model hosts and didn't try to hard (here's looking at you Ashley Graham). To me she always looked like she is related to Marcia Brady.

None of the designers stood out as a clear leader, although I did love the Grecian gown the best. Of the two bottom looks, I thought the bathing suit would be safe, even as poorly constructed as it was, because it had some attempt at fashion. The other was poorly constructed and boring, fashionwise.

What was Christian Siriano's catch phrase during his season of PR? I cannot remember.

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I missed part of the episode. What did Frankie’s ex-boyfriend do to her?

Overall, I liked the episode. Agree with all who were happy to see a two-day challenge and hope that continues. Having Nina and Christian on the show made it still feel like Project Runway to me, despite the absence of Tim and Heidi. While I love Tim, I do feel like his ability to give practical, helpful advice really diminished in the last several seasons. Christian seems like a good mentor so far.

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9 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I missed part of the episode. What did Frankie’s ex-boyfriend do to her?

From what I recall she quit her job and prepared to move to Chicago to live with him, and then he dumped her. She had to couch surf for awhile.

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22 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I recall Christian being a lot more bitchy, but he was super nice and supportive of the designers. 

It's the difference between being a 21-year-old hot shot in a competition where he knows he's better than everyone else. and a first-time mentor, trying to fill the giant shoes of Tim Gunn while being true to himself.  

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I wasn't familiar with Karlie until now, but I'm really enjoying her. She was referring and funny on Watch What Happens.

Christian is always entertaining. As someone mentioned, it's a kick seeing the two of them standing side by side.

The hosts are much better than Project Runway All Stars.

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16 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

LOL I love the unconventional materials AND the avant garde challenges, but I understand them not being everyone's cup of tea.  Christian Siriano definitely had great success with the avant garde challenge in his season.

Did he make the dress out of Reece's cup wrappers? I did not like him on the show but I thought that dress was genius! I do like him on this show. He is caring and thoughtful. 

@Ilovepie, is this it? It was my favorite. 


Edited by Reality police
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5 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

What was Christian Siriano's catch phrase during his season of PR? I cannot remember.

He was fond of labelling things "a hot tranny mess" and somehow I doubt we will hear that this season.

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5 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

What was Christian Siriano's catch phrase during his season of PR? I cannot remember.

I'm not sure if the phrase you are referring to was one he coined incorporating a transgender slur but that people found funny and worthy of repeating anyway.   

From the Urban Dictionary:

hot tranny mess

noun. "Hot tranny mess" was coined in 2008 by Christian Siriano, an American fashion designer and the winner of the fourth season of American reality show Project Runway. His remark incensed the transgendered community. He soon apologized for the remark. 

The term is now used to describe generically anyone (regardless of sexual identity) who is any of these: a fashion nightmare, a bad dancer, sloppy drunk, has atrocious manners, tells hilarious off-color jokes, is very funny, is flamboyant, or whose life is in shambles or an endless comedy of errors.

Who is that hot tranny mess getting thrown out of the bar?

Oh, my God! That's too funny! You crack my ass up, you hot tranny mess!

6 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

He was fond of labelling things "a hot tranny mess" and somehow I doubt we will hear that this season.

I am always amused when two similar thoughts are posted only moments apart, especially in response to something posted hours earlier.

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I'm still watching some of the 2008 season rerun, and I'm reminded how much I do not want to see contestants crying!!

Until I googled her, I had no idea Karlie Kloss was married to Jared Kushner's brother.  Apparently, her husband Joshua is a staunch Democrat.

How interesting!

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7 minutes ago, answerphone said:

Until I googled her, I had no idea Karlie Kloss was married to Jared Kushner's brother.  Apparently, her husband Joshua is a staunch Democrat.

That was the reason a couple of us made a sideways reference to that on her "personal thread" here. I also did some further googling and apparently she has no intention of getting chummy with her brother-in-law and his wife.

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On 3/15/2019 at 7:49 AM, politichick said:

And, while this may not be a popular opinion, I think that it's fine to have a selection of challenges with different size models, but would like to see more with not stick figures, but not models like the one Frankie and the heinous Cavanaugh had. Do the designers with the slimmer models have an unfair advantage? Why not have challenges with either all slim or all plus so that everyone's starting off in the same place?

I think it could work either way.  It's just a fact that clothes show better on tall skinny models with a good walk, so if someone has a model who isn't that, I would see that as a disadvantage.  But do the judges take that into account and maybe give them a slight break because of it?  Frankie's bathing suit was a mess and literally (heh) coming apart during the judging (oops!  let me tuck that back in there--one of the many people stitching my garment didn't do a very good job), but in my mind, it wouldn't have looked quite so awful on a model with a different rear-view look.

I agree with you that it would be better to have everyone on a relatively level playing field when it comes to their models.  But if you have an all-fat-girl runway, you're going to get serious heat, so that's out of the question.  But I do think that other factors may come into play if some designers have a model who doesn't resemble a coat hanger when the others do, and those other factors shouldn't be there, whether they work to their advantage or against it.  


On 3/15/2019 at 11:53 AM, roctavia said:

the fact that models don’t wear undergarments

My captions aren't working, but I think I heard one designer ask if his model was wearing some certain type of bra, and she said she was and he seemed glad.


On 3/15/2019 at 1:25 PM, Lovecat said:

Hester Sunshine (if that is indeed her real name) can go any second now; her outfits make my eyes hurt and she is far too twee for words.  

From her bio on the Bravo website: "Unfortunately, she was kicked out of Parsons during her junior year" and "While she has been a fashion outsider most of her career, after being kicked out of Parsons and struggling with industry acceptance, Hester is now on the path to finding her place in the fashion world."


7 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

A note for the producers: if you're going to conduct the talking head interviews in front of a white background, white chyrons are a stupid choice, especially when you only show some of these for one second before switching to workroom footage with a voiceover. Either change the color of the background or change the color of the font. All I know is that Renee is a luxury...something.

It took me forever to noodle out that Cavanagh's chyron ended with "store owner."  Since the show was working overtime at portraying her as a spoiled brat coasting on her parents' money, I would think "store owner" would have been super visible instead of blending in with the background.



Bonus: thanks to Cavanagh being eliminated the first week, we won't have to see nine million iterations/misspellings of her name all season!

I will always appreciate posters who have the right priorities.

Maybe you'll enjoy this, from Garo's bio on the Bravo site:  "Garo’s fashions can be found in numerous brick and mortar boutiques and celebrities around the world, including Madonna and Daphne Guinness, the former muse of Alexander McQueen who became his exclusive client after McQueen’s passing." 

He'd probably prefer that celebrities wear his clothes instead of apparently eat them, but sometimes any association with a celebrity is good enough.

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4 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

My captions aren't working, but I think I heard one designer ask if his model was wearing some certain type of bra, and she said she was and he seemed glad.

He said something like "I forgot to ask you if you were going to wear a bra" and she said "it's ok, I'm wearing pasties." I guess that dealt with the issues of her nipples showing. I can't even remember which designer it was!

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Where was Road to the Runway?!? I used to love all that preliminary stuff. Big mis-step Show.

I thought Kovid was adorable & funny. His backstory of being roused out of his home in India was heart breaking. There's a lot of strength in his happy spirit. The moment when he met Mimi was truly special. I cheered right along with him in my living room as she walked the runway. ***snap-snap-snap!*** Yasss, werk!!! You could cut glass on those cheekbones. 

Afa (the Polynesian gentleman) is officially my favorite personality. His side-eyes & commentary gave me Life! He was helpful to the other contestants & his gown was lovely & flattering, even if he got a bit carried away w/ the train.

I'm all the way here for the model w/ the short & sassy blonde hair. She was giving me Linda Evangelista realness. I'm kind of obsessed with her face & she worked Renee's (?) modest outfit beautifully.

I was also super impressed w/ Frankie's model's confidence & professionalism. She's so called "plus sized" in a size zero industry, had to listen to complaints about her body & had to walk around for hours w/ her ass cheeks out in that hideous body suit. She didn't blink. She even tried to soothe Frankie.

As for Frankie: 'I don't care if you cry & cut, but you better cry & cut!' (#Zulema)

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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

He said something like "I forgot to ask you if you were going to wear a bra" and she said "it's ok, I'm wearing pasties." I guess that dealt with the issues of her nipples showing. I can't even remember which designer it was!

Thank you.  Because I heard "feces." 

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18 hours ago, AntAnn said:

Well, that’s very cool!

Is he the corsetier? His pants had a corset and were very sexy; would have looked great on many bodies.  

Yep, and my friend's wedding dress was very much a corset on top of a cloud of pink tulle:


I’m 62 and some things don’t need to be seen in public anymore, sighs.  So, I don’t do crop tops anymore, but I could envision those corset pants with a tight tank and a cropped short jacket on me! Ha Ha! 

I LOVE THIS. Please do it!

Anyway, Garo is reportedly a lovely guy so I'm hoping he does well.

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57 minutes ago, Reality police said:

It is Christian's from the challenge at the Hershey's store. It is made of the black paper cups that Reece's cups come in. It's amazing. 

It is fantastic, but that sounds like an unconventional materials challenge, not avant-garde......

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On 3/15/2019 at 6:28 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

I definitely prefer the avant garde over the unconventional materials, but what baffles me is how many of the designers every season don't have a clear understanding of what avant garde is!

Well, the first thing that probably confuses them is that Lifetime/Weinstein usually gave them one freaking day to make something that usually takes months, so the judges could snark about how not-avant-garde their outfit is.

22 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I would argue that he’s the only one who has had success in an avant-garde challenge. Can anyone name one other memorable outfit from this challenge?!? No, really, is there one?

I personally didn't see what was so special about it, but a lot of people really raved about Jeffrey Sebelia's yellow plaid avant-garde dress.

21 hours ago, nb360 said:

If looks could kill: that look Cavanaugh gave to Frankie when Frankie kneels down on the runway, after learning that she’s staying.

I honestly don't blame her for that.  She's the one who's being aufed, and therefore really the only one who has a right to cry on the runway, but Frankie makes it all about herself.  Maybe Frankie is Ricky's sister or cousin...

8 hours ago, meep.meep said:

He was fond of labelling things "a hot tranny mess" and somehow I doubt we will hear that this season.

Bravo recently re-ran season 4 and that phrase was totally edited.  I was listening for it but knew it wouldn't be there.

5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But if you have an all-fat-girl runway, you're going to get serious heat, so that's out of the question.

Perhaps that might not be the nicest way to describe models who aren't a size zero?

Are they going to rotate the plus-sized models randomly like they did last season?

5 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Where was Road to the Runway?!? I used to love all that preliminary stuff. Big mis-step Show.

Road to the Runway would have been a really good idea to introduce us to the new and improved PR, and would have saved the time used on the introductory runway show.  

I noticed at the end of one of the workdays, it was Christian who called time, which seemingly meant that he stayed with them right up to the bitter end.  I'm sure he won't be able to do that every time, but it felt like a kind gesture.

Edited by meowmommy
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On ‎3‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 8:24 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

LOL I love the unconventional materials AND the avant garde challenges, but I understand them not being everyone's cup of tea.  Christian Siriano definitely had great success with the avant garde challenge in his season.

I like both too. just not too close together in the series.  Needs a break in between, IMO.   The previews I saw at the first show gave me some hope of interesting and different challenges.    The group so far seems to be rooting for each other.  Hope it keeps up.  It is a pleasure to watch with no big fights or feuds.   I can undestand the "need" for drama now and then, but not being mean or hateful.        As stated by others, I wish they would slow down the runway camera shots, as I am there FOR THE CLOTHES, PEOPLE.  With so many contestants, it is hard to even see the designs before they can get  sent home.  All in all, I liked the show and is an improvement in many ways.  We shall see

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