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S09.E15: Hotheads and Hookahs

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Danielle was Kim Richards and Margaret was Rinna tonight. Marty, Danielle's mouthpiece (i.e. Brandi Glanville), continued his vile verbal attacks on Margaret to her husband and to her face.

What kind of bottom-feeder insults a woman's appearance? What subhuman scum continues those insults to her husband's face and doesn't expect a black eye? And, pray tell, what psycho says it to the woman's face and doubles down. "Yeah, and I'm going to keep saying it." --> You have NOTHING better to do than insult a woman's appearance every chance you get?! 

It's a shame Marty and Danielle got divorced. They were a perfect match. 

No one ever insulted Danielle's appearance. They insulted her character - with just cause. To continue making disgusting remarks about Marge was to do what Kim Richards did in Amsterdam - push and push and push until someone snaps. Well, you got what you asked for. Being pushed in the pool was a kind compromise, IMO. If I were Marge, I'd have let Joe take Marty's head to the pavement. Because someone needs to knock a modicum of sense into him. Someone must have - he's divorcing Danielle.

Tre of all people should be able to recognize this. I never expected Tre to stay calm and rational when she was taking massive amounts of shit from Caro, Jaq, and her SIL and cousins. I hate a pile-on and always felt she had a perfect right to get pissed off and defend herself. Jaq and Caro went after her husband, her kids, her livelihood, her appearance, her character - everything. She was strong enough to take it on her own and defend herself. Why can't she see the similarities and extend that courtesy to Marge? It just doesn't make sense. 

What in fresh hell has happened that I now like Jackie?! I burst out laughing when she just called Tre right out on the blind loyalty and how she's a poor judge of character. Dolores, Mel, Marge, and Jackie are ALL saying the same thing. How is Tre blind to what Danielle is doing??

Looking forward to the reunion. I hope Marge makes Tre apologize for leaving her high and dry - that's not the loyal Tre I've defended all these years. Staub is such a parasite.

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Teresa ain't going anywhere.  The ratings are up, so BRAVO's not going to shake up the cast.  And next season should be big with Joe's release and deportation.

Among the OG's, Teresa probably isn't that difficult to deal with behind the scenes - unlike Lisa Vander Pump who refuses to film with other cast members.  Or Vicki who has made some very damaging accusations against cast members.

Margaret so far has gotten off the hook.  The show has never delved into her financial problems.  That why her house is always in shambles - they were in foreclosure.  And she has been embroiled in lawsuits with accusations she ripped off her Macbeth brand.

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20 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

What kind of bottom-feeder insults a woman's appearance? What subhuman scum continues those insults to her husband's face and doesn't expect a black eye?

Picture if you will, what Joe GORGA's reaction would have been had this creep made similar attacks on Melissa?  Say what you will, Joe would have sent the dickhead home in a shoebox for insulting his wife.  

Hey - anyone think Danielle the Douchebag went all over the webz last night and this a.m.  looking to bask in all the sympathy she believed would be coming her way after the finale?  I imagine she got quite a shock, especially if she came HERE (cuz we all know - this is the place to BE!).

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12 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

I know a woman who’s in her eighties who did the Ancestry DNA thing and found out she had half-sisters. Her dad had taken off when she was very young and she and her mom never saw him again. 75 years later she does the test and finds a sister. When you do the DNA testing I think there’s an option to have them tell you if there’s a familial match - if the other person has okayed that as well - and that’s just what happened. She took the test and Ancestry told her they’d found a match. She has since met that sister and learned of another who had passed away.

So Melissa’s scenario isn’t impossible. Longshot, yes, but possible for sure.

No other thoughts about the ep, which I thought very boring. I will say that Jennifer’s party outfit was amazingly cheap and tacky looking considering it was “custom made”.

I wonder if the house designer also designs fashions.

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56 minutes ago, Reality police said:

It's in the middle of this. 

Check out Danielle's hair and makeup. Wow. 

Danielle telling Teresa Jackie should attach herself to you must have done wonders for Teresa’s ego. And it just confirmed to me that Danielle is using Teresa to stay on the show. Danielle knows that Bravo considers Teresa the star and that she will have a place on the show as long as she gets in good with Teresa.

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15 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Bill is growing on me.  

That makes one of us...I think he's a tool. His comment about how the man works and provides and the woman's job is to discipline the kids was so bad and wreaked of misogyny, I can't even believe I heard that coming out of a man's mouth in 2019. No dumbass...you are both parents. You both parent equally. You don't just sit there and critique your wife's parenting pitfalls and throw up your hands and say "Sorry, this your department...I'm out!" Really? Wow...they both are shitty parents. They don't parent at all. These kids have no parental guidance whatsoever. He's never home and when he is home he retreats to his office. Jennifer is pathetic. Her youngest daughter uses the promise of good behavior in exchange for more material possessions. The other kids do this as well but the youngest daughter is particularly brazen and brash in her demands. Extortion by a child is never a good thing...and Jennifer's response to any kind of commentary on her poor parenting is "so sue me!" And yes, the kids behavior in the restaurant made me cringe...all I can say is in a few short years this home will be a nightmare situation. Five teenagers with no boundaries, no parenting, no rules, no manners...OMG! A strong male role model who is balanced and fair in disciplining and spends quality time with his children is much needed in this home. A mother who draws the line and doesn't give into bribery and extortion and isn't afraid to say NO is needed in this home..STAT! Sorry...I have no respect for Bill. For a man who is well educated and has a career that is successful, he is ignorant and unplugged. Mark my words, his lack of insight into his poor parenting will come back to bite him in the ass when these kids are adolescents. Jennifer is a vacuous spendthrift that needs parental coaching and she should continue to make the argument that Bill needs to be more involved in every way with his kids. 

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34 minutes ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Danielle telling Teresa Jackie should attach herself to you must have done wonders for Teresa’s ego. And it just confirmed to me that Danielle is using Teresa to stay on the show. Danielle knows that Bravo considers Teresa the star and that she will have a place on the show as long as she gets in good with Teresa.

Well, then I'm out.  If Danielle is back next season, I'm not watching.  I'll just come here and read the good stuff.  Because I tell you, reading the comments from my compatriots here is usually better than watching the episode.   Of course, I won't "delete" until I get the 4-1-1 on the Marge's exploits.  

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13 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I kind of block out Jackie sometimes but has she ever said her sister’s name? It seemed so weird how she told her mom “I reached out to my sister,” it was completely unnatural. 

I figured it was for privacy reasons. I believe the actual call to her sister was one-sided as well. Normally Bravo has them put every damn call on speaker. But we could only hear Jackie's side. 

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1 hour ago, kicksave said:

That makes one of us...I think he's a tool. His comment about how the man works and provides and the woman's job is to discipline the kids was so bad and wreaked of misogyny, I can't even believe I heard that coming out of a man's mouth in 2019. No dumbass...you are both parents. You both parent equally. You don't just sit there and critique your wife's parenting pitfalls and throw up your hands and say "Sorry, this your department...I'm out!" Really? Wow...they both are shitty parents. They don't parent at all. These kids have no parental guidance whatsoever. He's never home and when he is home he retreats to his office. Jennifer is pathetic. Her youngest daughter uses the promise of good behavior in exchange for more material possessions. The other kids do this as well but the youngest daughter is particularly brazen and brash in her demands. Extortion by a child is never a good thing...and Jennifer's response to any kind of commentary on her poor parenting is "so sue me!" And yes, the kids behavior in the restaurant made me cringe...all I can say is in a few short years this home will be a nightmare situation. Five teenagers with no boundaries, no parenting, no rules, no manners...OMG! A strong male role model who is balanced and fair in disciplining and spends quality time with his children is much needed in this home. A mother who draws the line and doesn't give into bribery and extortion and isn't afraid to say NO is needed in this home..STAT! Sorry...I have no respect for Bill. For a man who is well educated and has a career that is successful, he is ignorant and unplugged. Mark my words, his lack of insight into his poor parenting will come back to bite him in the ass when these kids are adolescents. Jennifer is a vacuous spendthrift that needs parental coaching and she should continue to make the argument that Bill needs to be more involved in every way with his kids. 

Amen! Bill is just as much to blame as Jennifer. He not only avoids his family as much as possible, but he lets her spending/spoiling go unchecked. If he's so old-fashioned in his gender roles, why doesn't he have complete control of the checkbook? He's just as much of a mess as she is; and I think he likes to hide behind his "I work all the time", so she can take the full blame for how awful those kids are. 

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58 minutes ago, Reality police said:

Found a better clip. Includes the best line of the night.http://www.bravotv.com/video/share/3907012

Teresa is so malleable it's almost shocking. She is so easily manipulated by a sociopath like Danielle. She just repeated verbatim the entire pep talk that Danielle gave her! LOL! Danielle looks like she's had a ton of Botox, some more fillers and an eye lift. She's a horror show. Marty just seems to be off a little...I can't put my finger on it. But maybe he has an alcohol issue? He always seems a little drunk.

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I thought that was a very weak finale, but...

Joe Gorga was kind of the culprit here.  He kept running game between Joe B and Marty until tihings came to a head.  Not everyone has to be best friends.  I guess Joe Gorga just needs the money from this franchise and knows which side his bread is buttered when he keeps on insisting (and insisting) that the two guys make it right at Jennifer's anniversary party (weirdo).

In my world, you don't push a guy into a pool.  It's assault.  His phone and watch got ruined.  It's bullshit.  It's uber disrespectful to the hosts.  Marge is a fucking con woman if she is going to complain about the way Jen treated her friend in Oklahoma if this is how she acts at Jennifer's anniversary.

I don't think Marge is the devil--I loved her last year--but I do think it is the Marge Way or the Highway, and how awkward is it to ask your ex-stepson to sit down to a meal with the carpentener for whom he left your father when stated purpose of said meal is to ask ex-stepson to have better relations with your ex? You follow?  Me neither.

Jackie?  Jackie who?  Let me take a wild guess and say that she is going to put all of her cards out on the table at the reunion in order to get another bite at the apple.  Girl friend has had less screen time than Danielle, and I found myself wondering on multiple occacssions last night...who is this, again?

I love how Melisss and Joe are having the "values" conversation vis a vis Antonia when Antonia is 13 years old...isn't this a convo you should have had when Antonia was 13 weeks in the womb?  

Jennifer's kids always seem like they are the problem, but I watched really closely last night, and I realized that at least three of her kids are fine.  There are like two brats, Olivia being the main one.  The rest of them seem no worse or actually better than Melissa's kids, and I think the fact that there are just so many of them makes us think, as viewers, "they are monsters," when most of them seem to be ok.  Unkempt, but ok (and asking why they are unkempt when their parents apparently have more money than God is a different question for a different day).  But I don't think they are such horrible kids as much as I think that Jen uses the fact that Dr Evil isn't around much as an excuse not to discipline them, which makes no sense to me.  

I posted last week that I think that Danielle is very damaged, but they handed her what she was looking for on a silver platter by pushing Marty into the pool.  Danielle wasn't even around.  

I theoretically agree with Teresa (yes, I did just bless myself with Holy Water) as far as bringing Danielle around.  I know that if I was attending an event and I didn't want to acknowledge someone, I would have sent out an email or a group text describing what my parameters were (and I may well even include the offensive person in the email/text), and my boundaries are not to be breached.  But all the bitches circling the wagons on Teresa at the party and not before, to voice their concerns about Danielle is too much.  "Take a stroll," as my buddy Jeff from Princesses:  Long Island would say.  

Also, in season one, Teresa got very angry with Danielle when Danielle criticized Teresa's husband for calling the dance instructor "gay."  It was not just a Caroline/Dina whispering on the down low thing.  Whether Teresa would have gotten that wound up at Danielle for telling Joe "there'll be no more talk of that," and "I'm not your wife," is anybody's guess, but I'm gonna stop Teresa with the revisionist history that she and Danielle only had a a falling out because of big, bad Caroline.

They're all thirsty and grasping for this pay check and it shows.  

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35 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I figured it was for privacy reasons. I believe the actual call to her sister was one-sided as well. Normally Bravo has them put every damn call on speaker. But we could only hear Jackie's side. 

Yeah, that was probably because they didn't have a signed release from the sister.  If one isn't talking to someone for 15 years, that's a pretty big deal.

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13 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

n my world, you don't push a guy into a pool.  It's assault.  His phone and watch got ruined.  It's bullshit.  It's uber disrespectful to the hosts.  Marge is a fucking con woman if she is going to complain about the way Jen treated her friend in Oklahoma if this is how she acts at Jennifer's anniversary.

I think the difference is, Marty being pushed into the pool wasn't DIRECTLY disrespectful to the hosts. They weren't even out there while it happened. Jennifer's behavior in OK was DIRECTLY disrespectful to Margaret's friend. She was constantly complaining about her home and made fun of the music at the party she had set up for them. It was much more personal. Jennifer and Bill barely know Marty. 

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17 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Bill is growing on me.  

17 hours ago, mwell345 said:

Me too, much to my surprise.  

As far as their kids, that’s a different story.  No way kids that age should be behaving that badly in a public place.  They are not toddlers.  They should know better.  Someone dropped the ball with those kids.

Not to mention “take me to Target and buy me two things and I’ll finish all my soup”

Much like the official 💯th Housewife, I liked the husband much more than his wife. I'm cool with Bill, but I can't stand Jennifer. However, Peggy and Diko's kids were nice and well behaved; Jennifer and Bill's kids are spoiled ill-mannered howlers. It's also clear that they never go out with those kids because you let the kids sit in a row like that where the can keep ramping each other up. You alternate: parent, 2 kids, parent, 3 kids and you keep your oldest or most calm kid on the outside because they'll help keep the other kids in line.

And because it needs to be said, Jennifer's dress was hideous.

17 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I don’t think the designer of Jennifer’s House is doing herself any favors admitting to that.

The first time this garish house hasn't looked awful was at this party where they finally treated it like the convention center/event space that it actually is.

15 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I'm perplexed that Marty thinks Danielle is some kind of a beauty queen. LoL. It seems like her looks are the only thing he really liked about her. Danielle is not an ugly woman, but she is far from beautiful either. In fact, she is always reminded me a bit of the Grinch.

I'm convinced that his first wet dream or first crush was on a cartoon villain. Could be Natasha Fatale, the Grinch, or Cruella de Vil.

17 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

"Your husband's in the pool."  Best quote ever.

It really was.

Toxidity?!?! For fucks sake. Now I know why Teresa and Danielle get along so well. Neither is remotely fluent in English, but they both speak self-absorbed moron.

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I can't decide who I dislike more: Teresa or Danielle.  D is definitely manipulating T (which is not too hard considering she has the IQ of a fruit fly).

I wonder/hope this is part of a long con and Danielle has some twisted plan to take Teresa down.  But no, I'm sure she just really needs the Bravo paycheck.  They both do.

Marge definitely wins the night- hell, the whole season.  Sad that she got a facelift, though, I thought she looked fine to begin with.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Marty got off easy, he should have went into that pool with a broken jaw.

I agree. All circumstances being equal and Joe was my husband and I’m Margaret, my husband would have been in the water with Marty, and it wouldn’t be pretty. There are certain things that you don’t do , and one is disparage a wife to her husband. Marty got off easy. As much as I hate Daniela, I hope she takes him to the cleaners. Useless piece of shit. 

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So Margaret is the "toxinity" in the group, huh Danielle?

9 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

If Jennifer wants Bill home more, maybe she should downsize and spend less money. Sure, plastic surgeons make bank, but that tacky mausoleum has to cost a bloody fortune in upkeep...not to mention all the crap she is constantly buying for her litter of miscreants. Stay at Home women with lavish lifestyles crack me up when they complain their husbands are never around. How else is all that “designer” shit and tequila supposed to get paid for?  Maybe Dr.Bill could cut out a couple rhinoplasties and a few liposuctionsa week if you he  house had “only” five bathrooms and a movie theatre OR a basketball court.

But why the assumption that Jennifer demands the conspicuous consumption and Bill simply tucks his tale and does as instructed?  It's likely they are in agreement about their lifestyle, combined with the fact that Bill is a workaholic - most surgeons are.  The only surgeons I've ever known who don't work insane hours belong to very large practices.  Bill seems to work alone, as most plastic surgeons I've ever known do.

Personally, I would prefer a simpler life, as I always thought with Heather Dubrow and her ridiculous castle.  But that's me.

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Ewww, Mrs. Dr. Turkish Princess's custom made shmatah and the jewelry, did she ask for a prom dress? Just not a fan.  Dr. Turkish Sugeon laying it on thick for the HW's  being all lovey dovey, I am not buying it.

Danielle's dress was a nip slip waiting to happen.

I thought Tre had Danielle's back but when the girls were telling her how they didn't want her around all Tre did was walk away.

The interior designer did herself no favors admitting that she was responsible for selecting and placing all that horrible French whore house style furniture.

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12 hours ago, HadleyFields said:

Thank you, Dance4Life! I'm sure you're right.  I was surprised at the 97% Italian result, too!  

Melissa is a shady bitch.  Her comments about how Teresa has never been a good judge of character and how she'll be celebrating 15 years of happily wedded bliss next year were direct hits at Joe Guidice and their marriage. I think she'll be thrilled if Teresa gets divorced. I can just see her salivating at the irony of it.  

Sorry, but the way Juicy and Tre have treated Melissa and talked about her and Joe Go's marriage, Mel can shade them all she wants. Still she wasn't shading them.

My heart grew 4 sizes with love for Marge.

Edited by Giselle
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8 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I wouldn't put to much stock in being there since season 1 will keep you around or that there is a "star" that cant be let go.... cause rumor is running rampant that Vicki the OG from OC is being demoted from full time housewife to "friend" and if it can happen to her it can and should happen to any of these ladies ....and to be honest it needs to happen... this is honestly not the T show she bores me shes dumb has a box of hair and needs to go id say she has another good season in her before the vultures start circling

It happened to Jill, it may be happening to Vicki. It can happen to Teresa and when it does she's screwed. Her kids are older, Joe's leaving will be nothing new because he's been gone 3 years already.

Teresa brought nothing to the table for me this season. Not one thing. Boring as watching lizard shit dry in the sun.

I was watching for Marge and Melissa and Joe Go. (running and hiding). I enjoyed watching Jackie and Delores.

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5 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The first time this garish house hasn't looked awful was at this party where they finally treated it like the convention center/event space that it actually is.

It didn't look awful, but I still didn't like it either, lol. The white and marble effect throughout the home is just so sterile and I agree that the space does seem more fitted as an event venue than a home because of how 'blank' it all looks but I wouldn't even pay to host an event in a space like that if I couldn't afford to transform it or if the space didn't have some character to work with. They had the perfect canvas to transform the home into a whole new space with textures, designs and lighting (kind of like how Marge transformed her room for her party last season)...it could be done but I just think Jennifer's tastes are focused more on what 'looks' expensive and not about how a space should evoke comfort, creativity, etc.

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8 hours ago, twilightzone said:

Teresa ain't going anywhere.  The ratings are up, so BRAVO's not going to shake up the cast.  And next season should be big with Joe's release and deportation.

Among the OG's, Teresa probably isn't that difficult to deal with behind the scenes - unlike Lisa Vander Pump who refuses to film with other cast members.  Or Vicki who has made some very damaging accusations against cast members.

Margaret so far has gotten off the hook.  The show has never delved into her financial problems.  That why her house is always in shambles - they were in foreclosure.  And she has been embroiled in lawsuits with accusations she ripped off her Macbeth brand.

i've thought from the being that her 'charity' was going to be a sham.  is she getting any money for this?  i don't trust her.  

21 hours ago, ninjago said:

He acts like she is Gigi Hadid or something, "Obviously you're jealous because she's a world-class knock out..."  No one would look at Margaret if they walked into a room together because everyone would be gaping at Danielle's bizarre face.  She looks like Jafar.  She has a terrifying face and, yes, a nose straight out of Whoville.  

Yes yes yes i always thought she was homely !!!!

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Strange body language and tone between Tre and Danielle at the Red party when mentioning the bathrooms. Danielle seemed to snarkily mention she had only seen one bathroom "and there's what?- 16 of them?" And Tre reacting wryly, straight-lipped, "yeah, it's nice." And they move on to talking drama. Neither one has any loyalty to Jennifer so her jumping up their asses, I feel like they're rolling eyes at her behind her back. She wants to fit in with the cool kids but is failing. 

Also digging at the bathrooms, JoGo saying to Jennifer after the pool incident with a soaking wet Marty and ONE towel: "go get some more towels." It's like jeeze people! Jennifer comes up with *A* towel for a soaked grown man and they have 16 bathrooms?! I bet you plumbing isn't even turned on nevermind outfitted with linens in about 13 of the bathrooms. 

Yes Jennifer's dress was tacky and horrible looking. She should've gone with off the rack Neiman Marcus. It looked like my grandma sewed some red satin sheets together. The necklace was outdated looking. Unless the 80s/early 90s "glam" tiered look is coming back & brother Jennifer has intel in the jewelry industry as far as trends that we don't know about...yeesh😬

I don't like that Tre keeps mentioning how Marge should act since "she doesn't even drink." That's so shitty on behalf of all composed drinkers as well as all sober people with heightened albeit LEGITIMATE emotions. I'm team Marge all the way and glad others are as well. She's allowed to feel her feelings and if she says something that offends someone - well ALL these bitches are guilty of that- even Teresa. I'll never understand any of their relationships with Danielle, including Marge's when she was cool with her. I don't abide by all Marge's life choices but who amongst us is without fault? If she gets along w/ her ex and his son then they've got something rare..good for them. I like Joe Benigno and he seems down to earth and a good match to Marge. 

As a SAHmom of three, I'll say the discipline largely falls on me. I give hubby grief if he doesn't back me on an issue but I allow him to give in a little more to the kids bc he misses them all week. That said, we kind of know our lane and it's a little good cop, bad cop. But both parents need to discipline and frankly I have my own system & routine with the kids so could never take the hands off approach that Jennifer seems to. At the hibachi dinner, I didn't like Bill reprimanding Jennifer "See? That's spoiling!" He should've directed his reaction to the child and said "honey no...you eat or get something taken away. Mom and I don't do negotiations like this. It ends now. " She'd undoubtedly melt down but that's when you get up out of there with her and ask other parent to bring dinner back to you. Sit in car or uber home with the brat.

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Jennifer & Fam are so the First Season Giudice’s.

Jennifer spend, spend, spend!  Wild kids. Pretending to live extravagantly. 

She is so tacky and not even a good looking woman.  She looks a hot mess like the front rooms of her house. She also goes crazy when drunk like Teresa.

Bill is a working man.  Allows Jennifer to mother the kids.

Y’all have to remember Jennifer has a Staff taking care of the house.

All she literally has to do is take care of the kids. 

Teresa was like this, too. She had paid help (we never saw) and her mother in law helped a lot.  Some even said she lived with the Guidices.

Joe was similar to Bill. Worked away and allow Teresa to mother the girls.

We will see how Jennifer will play out!  I get a feeling there is something going on between those two. Something dark.

Jennifer instigates the shit out of Bill. Always flaunting spending lots of money on crap in front of him.  

I would not doubt if Jennifer tells the little girl to ask for stuff in front of her father.......just so Jennifer can say....You are never home and it is hard to mother all alone.

Maybe it is just my feeling but I think there is an ‘unspoken open relationship’ between them.

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8 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

In my world, you don't push a guy into a pool.  It's assault.  

Not in my world, either. After that, Margaret & Company are no more deserving of considering themselves better than the others regardless of what was said by Marty. They have functioning legs and could have used them to walk away, like reasonable adults would. Getting physical puts them in the same gutter, so instead of only Marty looking like the asshole, now they do too. Unless of course this was all staged.......

10 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Jackie won't be back next year. That is a rumor that is not confirmed.

Her two stories to set her apart fell apart. Dolores pulled the rug out from her anorexia story line and  her sister story line provided no real context and was a dud.  Plus Melissa already had a sister story. When she came after Theresa from the get-go, without having had any personal provocation or unpleasantness between the two of them, it made her look super thirsty.

10 hours ago, twilightzone said:

Margaret so far has gotten off the hook.  The show has never delved into her financial problems.  That why her house is always in shambles - they were in foreclosure.  And she has been embroiled in lawsuits with accusations she ripped off her Macbeth brand.

From things I've read there are probably a lot of people among the various franchises who are walking a tightrope when it comes to their Bravo notoriety not exactly jiving with what is happening in their off screen life.  I have a feeling she will get some more negative attention next season.  It wouldn't be the first time someone with a favorable portrayal finds themselves in a season where their flaws are suddenly receiving a lot more focus.  

10 hours ago, kicksave said:

His comment about how the man works and provides and the woman's job is to discipline the kids was so bad and wreaked of misogyny, I can't even believe I heard that coming out of a man's mouth in 2019.

I personally don't like it but I won't say it is wrong either. I actually know people like this and as long as it is something mutually agreed upon by each spouse it can work and from what I've seen the kids in such unions can grow up fine too. It depends a lot on the culture in which someone has been raised. 

Edited by ichbin
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1 hour ago, ichbin said:

I personally don't like it but I won't say it is wrong either. I actually know people like this and as long as it is something mutually agreed upon by each spouse it can work and from what I've seen the kids in such unions can grow up fine too. It depends a lot on the culture in which someone has been raised. 

Right! I am not understanding why people are offended by Bill’s comment. 

Some families are like this and it is not their choice.  Using the military as an example where deployments can be as long as a year and the family cannot come with them.  Say a Navy Sailor deployed  at sea. There are tons of traveling jobs.

I know a lady married to a doctor.  She stays home with the kids during the week and then travels all weekend for work while husband watches kids. She works as a spokesperson for a famous brand. She travels Thursday night and comes home Sunday night.

The problem here is Jennifer.  She had the 5 kids....so, WTF??? Take care of your kids! 

I know they are Bill’s kids, too, but when Jennifer figured out her SAHM lifestyle was getting out of control....then go tie the tubes!

I am sure Bill acted like this the entire time and she kept having kids.

Jennifer’s true anger is that now she is stuck at home with 5 kids.

I do not think we have ever seen a housewife like her.

 Teresa never complained. She truly loves spending time with her daughters and working her Bravo opportunities.

Caroline loved motherhood as well.....as Albert worked long hours.

Jennifer feels the kids sucked her life away. And, is now lashing out at Bill.

You can tell....because look at how much fun she had this season.  She dropped those kids like hot potatoes to travel and film.

Jennifer needs to balance the SAHM thing with her own hobbies, etc.

Frankly, Jennifer comes off as immature.

We will see what she says at the Reunion.

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On 2/13/2019 at 6:57 PM, Bronzedog said:

"Your husband's in the pool."  Best quote ever.

LMAO!  Man, I knew there was a reason I loved Joe and Margaret.  Serves that jackass, Marty, right for being a dick and acting like he didn't do anything wrong.  I'm shocked that he and Danielle are now divorced, because they seem perfect for each other.  

Speaking of Danielle, she was giving a masterclass in how to gaslight someone.  Theresa's already dimwitted, so she doesn't stand a chance.    Danielle is a freaking sociopath and it legit worries me that one of these days she's gonna murder people from the show.

How embarrassing that Jennifer doesn't have a hibachi room in her gigantic house.  Doesn't she know that's the new hip thing?  Also, for a custom made dress, it was not fitted properly.  

That flashback to season 1 just showed how gorgeous Theresa was.  Too bad she's gone and fucked around with her face so much.  

Edited by luckyroll3
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  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

LMAO!  Man, I knew there was a reason I loved Joe and Margaret.  Serves that jackass, Marty, right for being a dick and acting like he didn't do anything wrong.  I'm shocked that he and Danielle are now divorced, because they seem perfect for each other.  

Speaking of Danielle, she was giving a masterclass in how to gaslight someone.  Theresa's already dimwitted, so she doesn't stand a chance.    Danielle is a freaking sociopath and it legit worries me that one of these days she's gonna murder people from the show.

How embarrassing that Jennifer doesn't have a hibachi room in her gigantic house.  Doesn't she know that's the new hip thing?  Also, for a custom made dress, it was not fitted properly.  

I want a hibachi grill in my house! Hibachi is fun.

Heather has a caviar table.  In the middle there is a long skinny sink for ice and caviar.

I want to use it as an oyster & shrimp cocktail bar!

  • Love 2

Danielle's one if those people that when you see them coming or you have been around them for a short while you see the darkness. She tells you who she is by her actions and words. Her nature exposes the her lies regardless of what she proclaims.

She's proved she has never changed from that monster in Las Vegas that held someone hostage. 

I hate Teresa but watching Danielle get into her head last night was unsettling.

This isn't fun to watch Bravo.I

I hope Danielle is gone.

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, ichbin said:

Not in my world, either. After that, Margaret & Company are no more deserving of considering themselves better than the others regardless of what was said by Marty. They have functioning legs and could have used them to walk away, like reasonable adults would. Getting physical puts them in the same gutter, so instead of only Marty looking like the asshole, now they do too. Unless of course this was all staged.......

Her two stories to set her apart fell apart. Dolores pulled the rug out from her anorexia story line and  her sister story line provided no real context and was a dud.  Plus Melissa already had a sister story. When she came after Theresa from the get-go, without having had any personal provocation or unpleasantness between the two of them, it made her look super thirsty.

From things I've read there are probably a lot of people among the various franchises who are walking a tightrope when it comes to their Bravo notoriety not exactly jiving with what is happening in their off screen life.  I have a feeling she will get some more negative attention next season.  It wouldn't be the first time someone with a favorable portrayal finds themselves in a season where their flaws are suddenly receiving a lot more focus.  

I personally don't like it but I won't say it is wrong either. I actually know people like this and as long as it is something mutually agreed upon by each spouse it can work and from what I've seen the kids in such unions can grow up fine too. It depends a lot on the culture in which someone has been raised. 

This 2019 not 1819...for a man to partake in creating a family and then abandon the raising of them (as in the discipline, setting forth rules and consequences of poor behavior and /or breaking rules)  seems archaic and wrong to me. In Jennifer and her husband's case, they probably never mutually agreed on how they would raise their kids...they probably never even had a discussion at all about how they would parent them. If a man surrenders all parenting decisions and the disciplining of the children to the wife then he has no right whatsoever to critique her or complain  when they have problems later on with , such as getting into trouble at school or with the law...he has no right to blame it on her since he relinquished his parental responsibilities of discipline and rules to her. His passivity, lack of interest in his kids is weird and disturbing. He should think about his priorities and spend more time with his family instead hanging out with his guy friends and just throwing money at his wife who then throws money at her kids in order to buy good behavior from them...which never happens. 

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