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S09.E01: Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy

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11 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

it was John reeked of her trying to cover her ass. In no way would that guy have brought that dog out on his own and started talking shit without running it by Lisa first I’m sorry Lisa put him up to it to keep her hands clean ... I didn’t say it it was my employee.... 

It's a total Kandi move. She always had her mother and her minions saying stuff about Porsha/Phaedra on camera so she could get her point across with deniability.

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12 hours ago, Pickles said:

Lisa Rinna looks skinnier than ever. I suppose her daughters will be fixtures on the show. Ugh.  Kyle looks different. 

So different. I can't figure out what it was. When she spoke about her eye twitching I hoped she was going to cop to work on her face.

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8 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Was it one of Kyle's daughters who took a picture while he was asleep at the pool party?  I thought it was a really rude and mean thing to do.  Ken is elderly and a guest in Kyle's home.  He was probably bored out of his mind and fell asleep.  Why did Kyle and company encourage the young woman to post the photo online?  A classy hostess/decent mother would put a stop to it and tell her daughter(?) that it is a mean and nasty thing to do and to delete the photo immediately.  Did Kyle do this? No, she laughed, showed the others and encouraged her daughter to post it.  What a way to treat a good friend. 

I wonder if this is what leads to the falling out with Lisa and Ken and not puppy-gate? Probably not, but they did show that scene pretty prominently last night and in the fight at the VDP house at the beginning of the show Ken seems even angrier then Lisa. They showed Kyle laughing about the photo and then tacitly okaying the posting of it as Lisa didn't follow her daughter on IG or follow anyone really. As she said it the shot widened and you could see Lisa in the background...dun, dun, dun style. 

It could be that scene was simply shown to demonstrate that Kyle is a bad friend to Lisa - but maybe? Or perhaps it becomes part and parcel of the larger story of who is going to the press, posting things, etc. 

I've seen comments about how it seems everyone is gunning for LVP this season, but based on last nights editing and production, I think the person being taken down this year is Kyle. At least as far as the show's storyline is going to go. She was the one to be shown as easily offended last night (though I do think Lisa did set her up), she was the one shown laughing about the photo, she was the one stomping out, etc. Lisa was shown grieving for her brother, dealing politely with Dorit, loving dogs, basically being the grand dame to anyone and everyone. Those are storyline set-ups and it's not looking good for Kyle.

The funny thing is I've always disliked Kyle, going back to the beginning, but I'm finding I'm on her side so far. Lisa bringing up the TomTom opening and how Kyle didn't attend was her classic way to wrong-foot Kyle out of the gate. It was a Daily Mail event, not the grand opening, and it seemed pretty clear that Lisa had downplayed and perhaps hadn't even invited Kyle and yet on camera she's beefing up the story as a an example of how Kyle doesn't support her. Kyle was of course upset and probably felt gaslighted and this on top of how Lisa seemed to be brushing off Dorit's offense (which, according to everything we know about Lisa, should have been the thing that made Lisa cut Dorit off) as a simple mistake. Kyle rightly felt that this was unjust in many ways, thus the stomping out. 

Do I think Kyle is self-centered and self-involved? Yes, but I have never seen her friendship with Lisa as a show friendship. I think Kyle has always seen them as the only "real" friends on the show, but I'm not sure Lisa would agree. As long as someone is of use, even if it's for amusement or show purposes, Lisa keeps you around, but if she becomes done with you, she's done and she'll shed nary a tear about it. 

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6 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

It was a Daily Mail event, not the grand opening

Are you sure she was referencing the Daily Mail event?  I thought she was referencing the actual opening, the one that Krazy Kristen got to attend.  It followed soon after as far as I know.  

And I think LVP was damned if she did and damned if she didn't with Kyle's non-attendance at the event.  If Lisa didn't mention that Kyle didn't attend the event, Kyle would immediately launch into "you're a bad friend who didn't even care that I wasn't at your opening and didn't even care why I didn't come."  

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2 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Are you sure she was referencing the Daily Mail event?  I thought she was referencing the actual opening, the one that Krazy Kristen got to attend.  It followed soon after as far as I know.  

Pretty sure that Kyle mentioned it being the DM event several times and how she wasn't invited because it was the DM event. 

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9 hours ago, Smacky55 said:

Dorit is a little shit. I can’t stand her outfits which make her look like she’s trying too hard. I think she thinks she looks cute and casual when she really looks way overdone. 

And what was with that visor she was wearing at the pool party? She looked as if she should have been dealing poker at some seedy, underground bar. 

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13 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

Pretty sure that Kyle mentioned it being the DM event several times and how she wasn't invited because it was the DM event. 

She did. She said, "It wasn't even HER party!" I'm sure the dates would be easy to verify as well, since Kyle referenced having just flown back from somewhere. 

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During the lunch meeting, you could see the little hamster wheels going around in Dorit’s mind ,after Lisa rightly reprimanded her, trying to figure out how to play this. It started with her incorrectly stating Lisa said Teddi was talking about her. I am calling it - Dorit leaked the story to Radar Online herself, and blamed Lisa to take the heat off of her. The story was coming out anyway, now she can claim to be a victim of Lisa instead of taking ownership of what she did.

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I’m just going to put this out there. To me PK has always had a bit of an effeminate quality. Last night we learned he shaves his hands and arms. We know he isn’t into dressing proper (who wears a blue tee to a classy dinner where the others men are in jackets?). Did you see how manicured and smooth his hands seemed? RuPaul would be jealous. I think he’s a closet queen and probably has a better female wardrobe than what he wears for his everyday man life. 

Either Dorit has sold/fenced the purses to support them (they want the insurance money too) or they are hidden from the creditors. Both have been suggested before, but these two bring a new kind of shade to the sunshine that is Beverly Hills. 

I won’t even get started on the dog issue. Or the goat yoga. Y’all have covered that ground without stepping in any poop. 

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19 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

She did. She said, "It wasn't even HER party!" I'm sure the dates would be easy to verify as well, since Kyle referenced having just flown back from somewhere. 

Thank you both for the clarification.  I'll have to go back and re-watch.  

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12 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

Let's face it, her connection to Charlie is Denise's real claim to fame.

 Honestly I wasn't even thinking of him when I heard she joined the cast.  Maybe because I've been around long enough to know of her before him.  It was a short time in her life.

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While they can annoy me, I really do love LVDP, Kyle, and their friendship.

Having said that - and even though we haven't heard both sides of the story yet - if you go and read both Kyle and Teddi's blogs that were put up ... they do seem VERY convincing.  I believe what they wrote.  I believe the texts that are provided.  And I think LVDP has a lotttttt of explaining to do.  :/

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12 minutes ago, Dixie Sugarbaker said:

During the lunch meeting, you could see the little hamster wheels going around in Dorit’s mind ,after Lisa rightly reprimanded her, trying to figure out how to play this. It started with her incorrectly stating Lisa said Teddi was talking about her. I am calling it - Dorit leaked the story to Radar Online herself, and blamed Lisa to take the heat off of her. The story was coming out anyway, now she can claim to be a victim of Lisa instead of taking ownership of what she did.

We call that "getting ahead of the narrative."  I seem to recall saying this about someone else on one of these franchises, who has a habit of doing the same thing.  In fact, I think it was Dorito in that instance as well.  (Mea culpa - I'm not a spring chicken and my memory ain't what it used to be).

4 minutes ago, filmfan2480 said:

While they can annoy me, I really do love LVDP, Kyle, and their friendship.

Having said that - and even though we haven't heard both sides of the story yet - if you go and read both Kyle and Teddi's blogs that were put up ... they do seem VERY convincing.  I believe what they wrote.  I believe the texts that are provided.  And I think LVDP has a lotttttt of explaining to do.  😕

Okay, so what did Lisa supposedly say?  

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Kyles blog


When John Sessa from Vanderpump Dogs asked me if I recognized the dog, I had no clue whose dog that was. It was clear to me they wanted me to know the story about Dorit and the dog. Lisa was saying, “We aren’t going to talk about it,” but they brought the dog out for a reason. I watched as they did this song and dance about the dog and “not wanting to talk about it.” Meanwhile, I was told the entire story. It seemed odd that both Teddi and I had been given this information knowing full well that it should be a private matter. Obviously having this story put out there would only hurt Dorit. But why? Dorit and Lisa are such close friends. It didn’t sit well with me, and I felt I wasn’t getting an accurate story.

Teddi's blog


oh the shade SHADE of it all Lisa is a two faced sneak... and this is excatly what i said in my post before

John Sessa was the other John there that day. You probably recognized him. He has been Lisa’s right hand at Vanderpump Dogs from the get-go. And as Lisa says, HE WORKS FOR THEM. So not only is it weird that, if Lisa didn’t want it brought up at all, knowing we were filming that day, he would bring the dog out, but there’s easily a moment when he’s grabbing Lucy Lucy off the ground that it’s just him and Vanderpump and she could have told him "Absolutely not." This leads to their even stranger interaction when we start to talk about what happened with the dog and Lisa tells him to stop. He seemed confused, right?

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Different strokes for different folks but I don't like Teddi's new home (though I don't remember what her old home looked like). It looks like someone threw furniture in a warehouse and called it home except that space has zero character or features of a converted style home. That said, I'm not living there so my opinion means little....glad they're in love with their home. 

Always feel for anyone who has to grieve for the loss of a loved one but seeing LVP's demeanor of going back and forth between 'that's life' and 'this is hard' made me realize the full scope of how uncomfortable she is with her emotions. She fights them so hard then when she loses the battle, her emotions read as awkward and at times, contrived yet I feel confident in thinking that she's not exaggerating her grief over her brother which makes me see her past emotional breakdowns on the show as being genuine reactions - but to be clear, I'm not equating her crying to her being 'right' about any given situation where her reaction is uncharacteristically emotional.

Kyle looks quite different to me...can it be purely the new shorter do? Whenever Kyle talks about getting closer to someone on the cast, it seems to always be the catalyst for a Kyle/LVP fight, lol. I'm tired of every other season being about a fight between these two and obviously, this season will be no different, lol.

LVP unfairly was trying to drag Kyle for not showing up to the party when she apparently already knew about Kyle's travel situation but LVP seemed to smarten up pretty quickly when Kyle more or less reminded her of the support she's given since her brother passed. LVP throws digs so I don't think grieving is the reason she did it, but I do think that she genuinely felt bad for accusing Kyle of not being supportive of her the moment she realized just how untrue that was. Generally speaking, I don't think Kyle is as good a friend to LVP as she thinks BUT the same goes for LVP. They're a pretty dysfunctional friendship. They seem to genuinely enjoy each other when things are good but it seems like things are more often bad between them so I don't understand why they both keep going back to one another.

Also, Kyle it isn't cool that you co-sign her kid posting a picture of an old man sleeping with his mouth open while in their home. There is no way that was intended to be flattering to Ken but Kyle's reaction was telling 'yeah go ahead, she doesn't follow you'. It just seemed kinda sneaky. But I guess I don't have faith that anything between Kyle and LVP can just simply be a misunderstanding. They shade each other too much to keep up with.

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No doubt Vanderpump Dogs clearly informed Dorit about the strict return policy and penalty for not returning the dog to them. My only question is why Dorit chose to break the return agreement. Was she afraid LVP would be angry for returning the puppy? Obviously Lisa would find out eventually. Perhaps Vanderpump Dogs did a poor job vetting Dorit’s family as a potential forever home for a puppy. Dorit doesn’t even do much hands on care for her own kids- why in the world would they even think about getting a dog in the first place? I hope they were forced to pay the $5K penalty. 

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12 hours ago, nexxie said:

LVP’s employee was talking, not Teddi - that was shit stirring for a storyline.

The one I feel bad for in all of this is Lucy. Lucy now has the reputation of being a biter and not good with small children. This reputation coming from John who kept bringing the subject up and Dorit telling Erika that the dog bit both of her children multiple times and Parboiled Egg posting his Instagram photo.

I also think even though LVP kept saying I don't want to talk about this - she discussed this with John off camera so that he would be the one to bring it up. I believe John would do whatever LVP says to do and if she truly didn't want the subject brought up he would have been well versed beforehand not to say boo. John is the one who made it a point to pick up Lucy, to say to Kyle do you recognize Lucy, sending signals to Teddi, brought the ladies to the back to show how they quarantine and observe the dogs for a specific amount of time.

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12 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I’m not going to snark on Denise, she does have a good heart, she also adopted a little girl who has severe disabilities. She had her own reality show back in the day which I watched and she took care of her father too. 

I used to watch her Reality show too. She might have more animals than LVP. Do you remember the episode with the pigs?

I also think she has a good heart. She did her best to try to have Charlie maintain a relationship with their daughters. I also know she tried for a time to take care of the twin boys of Brooke/Charlie but couldn't handle them and rumor is they were hurting her girls. Sadly, Charlie's parents and Brookes parents couldn't care for them and now the twins are institutionalized and wards of the state.

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1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:



I’m a lawyer and I can tell you that this case looked messy as hell and not good for Mauricio, who I generally like.

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2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Charlie Sheen is a pig who has at one time or another, abandoned all of his children.  He has threatened multiple times to throw Denise and her children out of their home.  It's rumored that Eloise is another child that Charlie spawned and abandoned.  Denise took in Charlie's twins when they were clearly disturbed and even attempted to get them into counseling - not backed up by either parent.

Whatever money Denise gets from Charlie - which he is legally required to provide for the children he had in the marriage - it is not nearly enough to put up with his abuse.  And having a decades long prolific sexual partners, I truly doubt Charlie was tricked into having two children with Denise so she could steal his money.  

Denise Richards has also done piggish things.

Denise knew exactly who she married and then went ahead and had kids with Charlie.

Charlie Sheen was Hollywood’s bad boy.  He dated only high profile porn stars and was Heidi Fleiss best customer. His $50,000 check basically got her convicted. 

When Denise got with him everyone told her to stay away from Charlie and she did not.  Rumor was that she was an escort.

(Camille was also an escort and how she got with Kelsey)

Charlie has always been Charlie. His bisexuality, hard drugs, love for hookers....nobody is surprised how it all ended for him. Instead of a drug overdose death he ended up HIV+. 

It was gross how on the episode the women kept bringing him up when they know he is a nasty pig. 

People glorify Charlie because of his family and money.

Didn’t Charlie Sheen live in the same gated community as LVP and Adrienne? (First season) 

Let’s not forget the whole Heather Locklear,  Richie Sambora, Denise......debacle! 

Denise is also a pro marijuana Mommy.  She does seem like a good mom but what woman would choose Charlie with his history.  Not love!  She divorced him while pregnant with #2.

A lot of her dirty laundry is out there! 

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40 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

ohn Sessa was the other John there that day. You probably recognized him. He has been Lisa’s right hand at Vanderpump Dogs from the get-go. And as Lisa says, HE WORKS FOR THEM. So not only is it weird that, if Lisa didn’t want it brought up at all, knowing we were filming that day, he would bring the dog out, but there’s easily a moment when he’s grabbing Lucy Lucy off the ground that it’s just him and Vanderpump and she could have told him "Absolutely not." This leads to their even stranger interaction when we start to talk about what happened with the dog and Lisa tells him to stop. He seemed confused, right?


Tis guy was pissy from the git go. It is entirely possible, that on his own, he decided he wanted to do this in front of the camera.  Teddy says LVP could have said, "absolutely not" , dont bring that dog out and yet, he wanted to do it anyway. I think he was having a fit about it. Not Lisa. He wanted to publically embarass Dorit for offending HIM.

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2 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:


I’m a lawyer and I can tell you that this case looked messy as hell and not good for Mauricio, who I generally like.

I wonder if this was that fantastic home that LVP and Ken came to see at the beginning of last season with Mauricio and Kyle.  I remember I was getting serious Real Estate Porn envy from that one.   In fact, didn't they throw one of the season's parties there or was that somewhere else?  (Damn but I have to get me some ginko baloba).  

And yeah, this really didn't look good for Mauricio OR The Agency.  Especially with the seller alleging higher offers came in but Mauricio submitted the one where he would be partners with the buyer, who turned out to be an embezzler.  And then selling for TWICE the amount?  I should think this kind of "news" about your company can really ruin your reputation - and now I'm wondering if some of the give-and-take between the Brits and sellers this season on MDL-LA may have to do with news of this lawsuit getting out.  I was getting the impression they were struggling to get listings (emphasis on "the impression") and that the sellers were often very wary about them.

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Not to defend Dorit, and she was totally wrong in this matter however, the rescue has an obligation to place the dog in the right type of home. That dog should not have been placed in a home with small children.  I could read the dog's temperament was not suited for pre-school aged children from a few minutes of observing. Just saying.

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Well.....this episode made me think back a bit to see just where I am in my preferences.  I don't like to work that hard for my reality tv viewing.  Long ago, I liked Lisa V. and Kyle.  Later, grew to dislike Kyle. Have not liked her for awhile. Think she's sneaky, lying, jealous, but, puts on a good front.  Lisa just turned me off associating with those characters who run her businesses.....omg..disgusting, but, I've decided to side with Lisa V. at this point. She made it clear what happened with the Dorit dog thing.  So, now we have to endure a mutilation of that?  I realize much of this banter is contrived BS for the show's storyline, but, I do think that some of this is real and that something has destroyed some relationships. I suppose that I shouldn't do too much outside reading, but, it helps me see just how low these ladies will go.  Man, it must be a witch to be enslaved to Beverly Hills. lol

Remind me what Teddy's husband does? 

I do like Denise Richards. I have respect for her for the way she's survived her break from Charlie.  Man, she's lucky to have make a life for herself and the kids. Have you checked out her new HUSBAND???? OMG...Can't post it here, but ,check him out.  I'll be watching for his appearance! HOT for sure.  Mauricio who?

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7 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Remind me what Teddy's husband does? 

I do like Denise Richards. I have respect for her for the way she's survived her break from Charlie.  Man, she's lucky to have make a life for herself and the kids. Have you checked out her new HUSBAND???? OMG...Can't post it here, but ,check him out.  I'll be watching for his appearance! HOT for sure.  Mauricio who?

Teddi's husband works in home security.

Denise's husband made his first appearance (as a boyfriend) in this episode.

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39 minutes ago, missyb said:

Tis guy was pissy from the git go. It is entirely possible, that on his own, he decided he wanted to do this in front of the camera.  Teddy says LVP could have said, "absolutely not" , dont bring that dog out and yet, he wanted to do it anyway. I think he was having a fit about it. Not Lisa. He wanted to publically embarass Dorit for offending HIM.

What? At no point if LISA didn't want it brought up would it have been brought up (when you are the owner and you tell an employee to stop and they don't you remove them from the situation and if they refuse you fire them you don't just let them continue on with what they want to do)...she didn't remove him or even try to stop him from bringing the dog out and pushing it towards Kyle.....The moment he said does the dog look familiar all she had to do was say could you please go in back and remove him from the situation but she just let him continue to talk about it with the faintest oh no please stop... She knew what he was going to do and didn't attempt to shut it down at all really..... This was all planed why wait till filming?why knowing this was ON CAMERA and could fuck with her allow it to be said or not try to shut him up? Why not try to remove him from the situation? Why just let him continue to blab on and on about one of her "best" Friends? It was gossip she wanted out but wanted to seem like she had nothing to do with .......Its her business if she didn't want him spilling shit he wouldn't have it looked like he was coached to say what he said .....yes i feel horrible that she lost her brother but she cant hide behind that to justify that she is the one that let this "gossip" get out its on her ALL her ....

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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3 minutes ago, Josette said:

Teddi's husband works in home security.

Denise's husband made his first appearance (as a boyfriend) in this episode.

OH no, I must have missed that part.  I had company and missed a little. Man,....I'll have to rewatch it.  Not good. 

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 Does LVPD only adopt dogs to rich people? I'm not criticizing, just asking.

I'm completely baffled as to HOW burglars can get in/out of these ($10 million+) BH estates without getting caught. These wealthy communities all have 24 hour security gate guards, security patrols security cameras etc. 

And how anyone can get numerous designer handbags, of all sizes, out of the mansions without looking suspicious doesn't make sense. 

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So for all those who say they love dogs, I missed the ep last night because I was watching Westminster.

But I digress.  

I have been looking forward to the return of BH for weeks now.  From what you all are saying, I have wasted my time on this.  I will watch the two eps next Tuesday (back to back), but it sounds like I'll be bailing on this, the final franchise I could stomach.  It's a shame.

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42 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

The one I feel bad for in all of this is Lucy. Lucy now has the reputation of being a biter and not good with small children. This reputation coming from John who kept bringing the subject up and Dorit telling Erika that the dog bit both of her children multiple times and Parboiled Egg posting his Instagram photo.

I also think even though LVP kept saying I don't want to talk about this - she discussed this with John off camera so that he would be the one to bring it up. I believe John would do whatever LVP says to do and if she truly didn't want the subject brought up he would have been well versed beforehand not to say boo. John is the one who made it a point to pick up Lucy, to say to Kyle do you recognize Lucy, sending signals to Teddi, brought the ladies to the back to show how they quarantine and observe the dogs for a specific amount of time.

Dogs bite!  Not good with children.  It is not a bad reputation.  It is something that needs to be known so they can find proper placement for Lucy. 

Dogs also have fear and trust issues. Biting is how they protect themselves. Especially, gross people like PK.

All Dorit had to do is call LVP and return the dog. No judgement.  

LVP is judging her now because she rehome the dog putting other children and people at risk.

Can you imagine if rehomed Lucy hurt a little kid?? Dorit is stupid.

It all all goes back to LVP and LVPD.

You bring a dog home and watch how they interact with the family, learn the dog’ behavior, personality, etc. Likes, dislikes.

Dorit and PK have no understanding of dog ownership responsibilities.

I adopted a biter not good with kids dog.

When I got him the only thing I noticed was that he didn’t like being touched from behind.  If I did (and, only 2 times) I got a warning growl.

This is where the biting came from. A little kid short like a dog grabbing his tail, etc.  Then yes, dog will snap right in front of their face and very dangerous.  

Dorit should be supervising.

Dogs need to be approached from the front.

 I notice people do that hand in front of the face gesture when approaching someone’s dog for this very reason.

That dog was tiny!  How did it bite PK’s nose? Rough playing provoking Lucy, I am sure.

Lucy was smart to get away from those two.  Just sad the kids were innocent victims. 

My dog after 1 month allow me to touch his butt. Instead of belly rubs, he presses his butt into my vagina area and makes me rub his butt.....for a long time.  Hahahahah!

I think it was a trust issue.  

I love my biter not good with kids baby! 

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7 minutes ago, b2H said:

So for all those who say they love dogs, I missed the ep last night because I was watching Westminster.

But I digress.  

I have been looking forward to the return of BH for weeks now.  From what you all are saying, I have wasted my time on this.  I will watch the two eps next Tuesday (back to back), but it sounds like I'll be bailing on this, the final franchise I could stomach.  It's a shame.

It wasn't all that bad, imo.  I missed a little of it.  If you don't watch it all, I'd catch the first 5 minutes for sure. 

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Anybody whose had a puppy should know that puppies do this (nipping) when the play!  Its not in anger..its playing.  They don't know better yet.  I just got a 8 week Beagle pup, and the scabs to prove. Most will grow out of it. 

Besides that... If I was the pup I'd bite Pk too!  What was he doing with his face so close that the pup could bite?  

Dorit should have taken the pup back to Lisa.. 

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While I'm sorry she lost her brother I hope LVP is gone next season. 

I am so tired of her and the damn dogs. Now we've got second boring sycophant "glam squad" with John and John. I hope we don't see them again, I do think they were the ones leaking the story but LVP won't throw them under the bus. She also let's others do her dirty work.

I do believe she kept it going, and keeps most things going, by couching her words as she has always done to provide plausible deniability depending on the conversation she's having and person she's with. It reminds me of a line in the British  version of House of Cards "You might think that but I couldn't possibly say." I think that and her attitude are the crux of housewives having had enough of her. Also she's just like the Dorito puppy you never know when she's going to nip or bite, especially when she's wagging her tail as she does it, and she has a history of it. Bye!

I believe the dog nipped at the kids then bit PK. I don't blame them for getting rid of the dog, I'd get rid of the dog too as it is a liability and I'd never trust it around kids nor adults.  I'd never in the first place sign a contract like that with a penalty of any kind, but if a non penalty one said I had to bring the dog back I would as it's the easiest road to take and PK and Doritos didn't think it through. They didn't want to cause a rift but their wrong choice caused a rift. I've come to dislike Doritos (you're funny autocorrect!) and PK more and more each season.

From the sit down lunch it also sounds like Lisa was aware the dog was re-homed the day after it happened. Lisa didn't dispute it. Why then didn't LVP direct them then to return the dog as per the contract or get in touch with the new owners and say bring it back to us if it continues to bite or there are other issues. Lisa dropped the ball too.

I don't blame Kyle for going off on LVP for trying to make her look bad. LVP took that instant on camera to make it sound like Kyle refused an invitation to Tom Tom yet Kyle said she was never invited in the first place. She isn't going to play LVP's game any more she's tired of it as many of us are.  

I love Kyle's new house (I hate all the grey walls). I loved her old one more. The new one just isn't as cozy. Yolanda's Malibu home will always, always be my favorite. I've always liked Lisa Rinna's home too, I noticed that she painted her kitchen cabinets white this year.

I loved the charcuterie table. I also liked that it was a backyard cookout with burgers and hotdogs. It's a nice counterpoint to the fancy dinners.

Goat yoga... no.  I'd rather go to a petting zoo after yoga class. You can't concentrate on the benefits of either when mixed together.

Denise Richards looks like Peter Gallagher. Same eyes and trout mouth. I hope I like her. Taking in someone else's children to raise does say something about who she is.

Kyle should gave told her daughter to delete the post of Ken napping.

I'll give a little kid a pass for peeing in the pool.  I'd bet it's the first time it's happened like that and now it's a teaching moment. Cruz had to go right then and there was probably more afraid of peeing his pants because mommy and daddy had taught him not to. He chose a solution that solved his dilemma.

What the heck did Mauricio think Kyle was making in the kitchen when she was beating eggs? I couldn't understand him.

Edited by Giselle
Peanut butter on my toast.
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29 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

What? At no point if LISA didn't want it brought up would it have been brought up (when you are the owner and you tell an employee to stop and they don't you remove them from the situation and if they refuse you fire them you don't just let them continue on with what they want to do)...she didn't remove him or even try to stop him from bringing the dog out and pushing it towards Kyle.....The moment he said does the dog look familiar all she had to do was say could you please go in back and remove him from the situation but she just let him continue to talk about it with the faintest oh no please stop... She knew what he was going to do and didn't attempt to shut it down at all really..... This was all planed why wait till filming?why knowing this was ON CAMERA and could fuck with her allow it to be said or not try to shut him up? Why not try to remove him from the situation? Why just let him continue to blab on and on about one of her "best" Friends? It was gossip she wanted out but wanted to seem like she had nothing to do with .......Its her business if she didn't want him spilling shit he wouldn't have it looked like he was coached to say what he said .....yes i feel horrible that she lost her brother but she cant hide behind that to justify that she is the one that let this "gossip" get out its on her ALL her ....

That's LVP's M.O. for you: let others do the the dirty work.   *cough*Yolanda has Munchausen's*cough*

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3 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I'll give a little kid a pass for peeing in the pool.  I'd bet it's the first time it's happened like that and now it's a teaching moment. Cruz had to go right then and there was probably more afraid of peeing his pants because mommy and daddy had taught him not to. He chose a solution that solved his dilemma.

FYI, according to Teddi's blog, he peed on the lawn and not in the pool. 

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10 hours ago, smores said:

The break in at Dorit's house was real, it was a thing on Million Dollar Listing LA this season.  They had their house on the market with 2 of the brokers, PK was a dick to the agent of the person who was making an offer, so it didn't sell.  Then it was robbed a week later.  They took it off the market due to the robbery and they later caught the people who did it, it turned out that they were basically using open houses to case their next job.  Pose as a buyer, come tour the property and see if the house is full of good stuff, then come back and steal.  

The whole thing is BULLSHIT (as Kyle would say), as they don't own the house!  The selling of the house is BULLSHIT, the "canceling" of the sale, the break-in, all of it is LIES.

I have decided I hate LVP, Kyle and Dorit.  All of them.  

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3 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

FYI, according to Teddi's blog, he peed on the lawn and not in the pool. 

He still gets a pass.

My cousin has grandkids. The youngest two are just out of pull ups. The little boy dropped his pants in the back yard to pee. His same age cousin decides that she too had to pee. She started to do it exactly like he did and her dad had to catch her and tell her she couldn't do it that way she has to squat. He also let let them know it is ok in an emergency but that it's best to not wait till the last minute. 

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22 minutes ago, Giselle said:

While I'm sorry she lost her brother I hope LVP is gone next season. 

I am so tired of her and the damn dogs. Now we've got second boring sycophant "glam squad" with John and John. I hope we don't see them again, I do think they were the ones leaking the story but LVP won't throw them under the bus.

I do believe she kept it going, and keeps most things going, by couching her words as she has always done to provide plausible deniability depending on the conversation she's having and person she's with. It reminds me of a line in the British  version of House of Cards "You might think that but I couldn't possibly say." I think that and her attitude are the crux of housewives having had enough of her. She's just like the Dorito puppy you never know when she's going to nip or bite, especially when she's wagging her tail as she does it, and she has a history of it. Bye!

I believe the dog nipped at the kids then bit PK. I don't blame them for getting rid of the dog, I'd get rid of the dog too as it is a liability and I'd never trust it around young kids.  I'd never in the first place sign a contract like that with a penalty of any kind, but if a non penalty one said I had to bring the dog back I would it's the easiest road to take and PK and Doritos didn't think it through. They didn't want to cause a rift but their wrong choice caused a rift. I've come to dislike Doritos (you're funny autocorrect!) and PK more and more each season.

From the sit down lunch it also sounds like Lisa was aware the dog was re-homed the day after it happened. Lisa didn't dispute it. Why then didn't LVP direct them then to return the dog as per the contract or get in touch with the new owners and say bring it back to us if it continues to bite or there are other issues. Lisa dropped the ball too.

I don't blame Kyle for going off on LVP for trying to make her look bad. LVP took that instant on camera to make it sound like Kyle refused an invitation to Tom Tom yet Kyle said was never invited in the first place. She isn't going to play LVP's game any more she's tired of it as many of us are.  

I love Kyle's new house (I hate all the grey walls). I loved her old one more. The new one just isn't as cozy. Yolanda's Malibu home will always, always be my favorite. I've always liked Lisa Rinna's home too, I noticed that she painted her kitchen cabinets white this year.

I loved the charcuterie table. I also liked that it was a backyard cookout with burgers and hotdogs.its a nice counterpoint to the fancy dinners.

Goat yoga... no.  I'd rather go to a petting zoo after yoga class. You can't concentrate on the benefits of either when mixed together.

Denise Richards looks like Peter Gallagher. Same eyes and trout mouth. I hope I like her. Taking in someone else's children to raise does say something about who she is.

Kyle should gave told her daughter to delete the post of Ken napping.

I'll give a little kid a pass for peeing in the pool.  I'd bet it's the first time it's happened like that and now it's a teaching moment. Cruz had to go right then and there was probably more afraid of peeing his pants because mommy and daddy had taught him not to. He chose a solution that solved his dilemma.

What the heck did Mauricio think Kyle was making in the kitchen when she was beating eggs? I couldn't understand him.

Egads! I can see it now...LVP decides to open a second Vanderpets Store and she'll call it JohnJohn. Uniforms are all pink - with all employees sporting pink lip gloss a la Mikey.

Publicly LVP can hint all she wants that shes unhappy and wants to leave the RH franchise but I don't see it happening as all of her businesses rely on the publicity the shows bring.

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